US History chapter 12

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The first great practitioner of evangelical Calvinism was A) Timothy Dwight. B) Lyman Beecher. C) Nathaniel Taylor. D) John Wesley. E) Cotton Mather.


What religion advocated sexual equality, communal ownership, and strict celibacy? A) Mormon B) Shaker C) Protestant D) Mennonite E) Quaker


________ believed herself to be the female incarnation of Christ. A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton B) Frances Wright C) Mother Ann Lee D) Mary Baker Eddy E) Sojourner Truth


Most of the converts of northern revivalism were A) fervent churchgoers. B) theology students dismayed by orthodox theology. C) citizens looking for a way to withdraw from a sinful world. D) middle-class citizens active in their communities. E) anti-papists.


Most of those who became evangelical Protestants during the Second Great Awakening had previously been A) Catholics. B) freethinkers. C) Unitarians. D) indifferent to religion. E) atheists.


On the frontier, camp meetings A) served only religious purposes. B) were primarily social events. C) had little long-range impact. D) played an important social and religious role. E) often became violent.


The changes in the reform movement in the mid-1830s demonstrated A) the waning of the reform impulse. B) the failure of the movement. C) a lessening of intensity and interest. D) a new mood of impatience and perfectionism. E) changes brought to bear by the federal government.


The most influential spokesman for the common school movement was A) John Harward. B) Lyman Beecher. C) Henry James. D) Horace Mann. E) Terrance Knox.


Transcendentalism was the American version of A) anarchism. B) socialism. C) utopianism. D) romanticism. E) agrarianism.


Utopian communities established in early 19th century America included each of the following EXCEPT A) Brook Farm. B) Oneida. C) Fourierist "phalanxes." D) Heaven's Gate. E) New Harmony.


Which of the following individuals was NOT an important religious leader in America during the 1820s and 1830s? A) Timothy Dwight B) Charles Finney C) Lyman Beecher D) Herman Melville E) Nathaniel Taylor


Which of the following was NOT a major change in family life during the nineteenth century? A) Relationships between parents and children became more intimate. B) The "cult of domesticity" gained ground. C) Mothers assumed a more central role in child-rearing. D) More and more women were forced to work outside the home. E) Marriages based on romantic love became popular.


Which one of the following individuals was NOT a major figure in the nineteenth- century reform movements? A) Dorothea Dix B) Horace Mann C) William Lloyd Garrison D) Alexis de Tocqueville E) Lyman Beecher


In 1821, the American Colonization Society established which colony as a refuge for former slaves returned to Africa? A) Zambia B) Senegal C) Chad D) Namibia E) Liberia


In theory, prisons and asylums A) were based on the "out of sight, out of mind" principle. B) were designed for punishment. C) were simply to confine the disorderly. D) should focus on "breaking down the ego." E) were to substitute for the family.


The Second Great Awakening began A) in the Congregationalist churches of New England. B) along the Ohio River. C) among dissenters in the cities. D) as a result of the activities of English missionaries. E) on the southern frontier.


The actions of the American Colonization Society indicated A) its realization of the economic realities of slavery. B) the power of racial prejudice. C) its desire to help freed slaves return to what it thought was the right cultural environment. D) its fears of race wars in the South. E) all of the above


The prominent American literary figure who cast doubt on the reform impulse and denied the perfectibility of society was A) Sylvester Graham. B) Nicholas Biddle. C) Upton Sinclair. D) Edgar Allen Poe. E) Nathaniel Hawthorne.


The religious group shown above was one of the several new faith-based communal societies that emerged in the 1830s from which of the following? A) Protestant Reformation B) First Great Awakening C) Catholic Inquisition D) Popular Sovereignty E) Second Great Awakening


t/f Abolitionism was primarily an activity of social reformers; merchants and businessmen had little to do with the effort to abolish slavery.


t/f Although Americans praised the need for education in the nineteenth century, public schools really did not have their beginning until the twentieth century.


t/f Because of primitive, rough conditions on the frontier, revivals were rarely held there.


t/f By 1900, the typical American family had changed very little from its 1820


t/f Like the northern wing of the evangelical movement, the southern wing also inspired a broad social reform movement.


t/f The reformed prisons and asylums of the nineteenth century failed because they were too effective at reforming deviants and releasing them into the community.


a religious revival that started in kentucky in 1801, in which highly emotional camp meetings became a regular feature of religious life in the south and lower midwest

second great awakening

held in new york in 1848, it was the first gathering of feminists who initiated a nationwide campaign for women's rights

seneca falls convention

the belief that one could communicate with the dead


Lyman Beecher was most closely associated with which one of the followingreform movements?


the most successful of early-nineteenth century reform crusades that calledfor the abstinence from the consumption of alcohol, which many Americans regarded as a socialevil

temperance movement

the values of industry, punctuality, sobriety, and frugality through whichmany Americans gained a moral indoctrination that helped produce citizens with personalitiesand beliefs adapted to the needs of an industrializing society

the "protestant ethic"

the most important function of the school in 1850 was seen as

moral indoctrination

The belief that one could communicate with the dead was called A) transcendentalism. B) spiritualism. C) evangelicalism. D) utopian socialism. E) Unitarianism.


As a reform effort, the temperance movement A) was only moderately successful. B) was directed at a serious social problem. C) had little impact outside religious circles. D) emphasized religion more than social concerns. E) was enormously popular.


Henry David Thoreau pushed the idea of ________ to its logical conclusion in his sojourn at Walden Pond between 1845 and 1847. A) "self-culture" B) utopianism C) abolitionism D) socialism E) agrarianism


In his sermons, Charles G. Finney appealed mainly to A) emotion. B) doctrine. C) reason. D) theological issues. E) economic issues.


In practice, working-class families viewed the new public schools A) as depriving them of needed wage earners. B) as essential to the improvement of their economic situation. C) indifferently. D) as an indication of the helpful concern of the upper classes. E) as a welcome learning opportunity for themselves and their children.


Lyman Beecher was most closely associated with which one of the following reform movements? A) temperance B) abolition C) mental asylum reform D) prison reform E) public school reform


The "proper" sphere for middle-class white women in the nineteenth century was A) home and family. B) education. C) family and career. D) labor outside the home. E) business or art schools.


The chief example of the tie between revivalism and abolitionism was the career of A) Theodore Weld. B) Charles G. Finney. C) Lyman Beecher. D) Lewis Tappan. E) Elizabeth Cady Stanton.


The founder of the radical anti-slavery movement was A) William Lloyd Garrison. B) William Whipper. C) Frederick Douglass. D) Harriet Beecher Stowe. E) Harriet Tubman.


The leader of the movement to reform asylums and prisons was A) Dorothea Dix. B) Elizabeth Cady Stanton. C) Henry C. Wright. D) Frederick Douglass. E) Mary McLeod-Bethune.


The reform movement in New England began as A) an effort to defend Calvinism against Enlightenment ideas. B) an attempt to maintain the status quo in religion. C) a result of the actions of social radicals in religion. D) an outgrowth of deism. E) a rejection of Catholicism.


The stand of ________ on women's rights led to an open break in the abolitionist movement in the 1840s. A) William Lloyd Garrison B) Ralph Waldo Emerson C) Henry Thoreau D) Charles G. Finney E) Timothy Dwight


The utopian socialist community at New Harmony, Indiana, was founded by A) Robert Owen. B) Charles Fourier. C) the Shakers. D) Karl Marx. E) Ralph Waldo Emerson.


________ became one of the most significant leaders of the women's rights movement. A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton B) Angela Grimke C) Dorothea Dix D) Harriet Beecher Stowe E) Louisa May Alcott


Each of the following was a result of the temperance campaign of the 1830s EXCEPT A) thousands of local temperance organizations were set up. B) large numbers of confirmed drunkards were cured. C) temperance became a mark of respectability. D) per capita consumption of hard liquor declined by over 50 percent. E) the drinking habits of middle class American males were significantly altered.


an abolitionist organization founded in 1833 by william lloyd garrison and other like-minded anti-slavery northerners

american anti-slavery society

a benevolent organization founded in 1817 whose members believed thatrepatriation of former slaves to Africa could mitigate southern fears of a race war if slaves weresimply released from bondage and stayed in America

american colonization society

Abolitionism received its greatest support in the A) border states. B) small to medium-sized towns of the upper North. C) large cities. D) frontier territories. E) northern state legislatures.


Abolitionism served as a catalyst for the ________ movement. A) temperance B) women's rights C) utopian socialist D) transcendentalist E) prison reform


An important consequence of the abolitionist movement was A) the American Colonization Society. B) the development of the women's rights movement. C) the birth of socialism in America. D) the death of slavery. E) the end of the states' rights movement.


Historians have evaluated abolitionism as A) successfully turning most Americans against slavery. B) having little effect on the South. C) successfully bringing slavery to the forefront of the American consciousness. D) winning powerful supporters throughout the country. E) a peaceful solution to the problem of slavery.


In the final analysis, prisons and asylums A) provided effective remedies for the problem of deviants. B) won widespread popular support. C) did not achieve the aims of their founders. D) completely lacked government support. E) were nurturing retreats of redemption.


Public education was most highly developed in states like ________ where towns were required to support elementary schools. A) New York. B) South Carolina. C) Massachusetts. D) Kentucky. E) Ohio.


The Second Great Awakening did NOT inspire A) the establishment of missionary societies. B) the publication of religious tracts. C) withdrawal from the secular world. D) the founding of moral reform societies. E) aid for the redemption of "abandoned women."


The approach viewed by many American religious leaders as the best way to extend religious values was called A) orthodoxy. B) secularism. C) revivalism. D) spiritualism. E) "spreading the Gospel."


The colonization movement failed as a solution to eliminate slavery mainly because A) African countries did not want the freed slaves. B) freed slaves did not wish to return to Africa. C) few slaves were actually freed for the purpose of colonization. D) government intervention hampered its efforts. E) insufficient numbers of passenger ships existed.


The most important function of the school in 1850 was seen as A) intellectual training. B) vocational training. C) moral indoctrination. D) child care. E) physical conditioning.


The neighborly way of dealing with deviants broke down A) as their numbers increased dramatically. B) because of a growing lack of concern. C) as urbanization made communities less cohesive. D) as state law mandated state care. E) as polite refusal turned increasingly violent.


The sociological basis for the "Cult of True Womanhood" was A) the growing urban population of the nation. B) the accepted use of child labor. C) a growing division of labor between men and women. D) the increasing acceptance of careers for women. E) the staggering number of women dying during childbirth.


Which of the following groups denied the doctrine of the Trinity and the idea of an all- powerful, mysterious God? A) Presbyterians B) Congregationalists C) Unitarians D) Methodists E) Mormons


Which of the following individuals is incorrectly matched with his or her reform movement? A) Lyman Beecher? Temperance B) Horace Mann? Public Schools C) Dorothea Dix? Abolition D) Elizabeth Cady Stanton? Women's Rights E) All of the above are correctly matched.


Which one of the following was NOT a prominent reform cause of the Antebellum era? A) abolition B) temperance C) removal of Native Americans D) public schools E) "proper" behavior


a belief that a woman's place was in the home and on a pedestal and thatwomen were a model of piety and virtue who exerted a wholesome moral and religiousinfluenced over men

cult of domesticity

All of the following statements concerning the drawings that appear above are correct EXCEPT: A) Drawings were part of a national campaign by the American Anti-Slavery Society to sway northern public opinion against slavery. B) Southerners cited pamphlets such as the tract in which these drawings appeared as evidence of a national conspiracy to destroy slavery in the south and would use that as justification for secession in 1861. C) In 1847, although most northerners did not support slavery, most did not support the idea of emancipation. D) The actions shown in the drawings were actually rare on southern plantations and forbidden by law in many southern states. E) Drawings such as those shown would be useful to abolitionists in fighting the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and turning large portions of the northern public against slavery.


As a result of changes in the middle-class family, nineteenth-century children A) left home sooner. B) became more available for labor. C) received more physical punishment than earlier generations. D) increasingly became viewed as individuals. E) were often offered up for adoption.


In the large cities of the North, abolitionism A) was wholeheartedly supported. B) received little attention. C) garnered thousands of supporters. D) was often violently opposed. E) was a foregone conclusion.


the chief example of the tie between revivalism and abolitionism was the career of

theodore weld

a literacy and philosophical movement that posited a person could movebeyond material reality and ordinary understanding, attaining through a higher form of reason aoneness with the universe and the spiritual forces behind it


t/f An important social change in the early nineteenth-century United States was the growing popularity of the idea of marrying for love.


t/f Most of the early converts in the Second Great Awakening were from the middle class.


t/f One benefit of the new domestic ideology for women in the first half of the nineteenth century was more leisure time to devote to reading and developing friendships with other women.


t/f The Shakers were one of the most successful and long-lived of the utopian movements.


a system of thought in which a community based itself on common and equal ownership of property


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