U.S. History chapter 4-9. Unit quiz 2

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Hamilton's interpretation of the constitution was termed _____.

"loose construction"

What was the XYZ Affair?

A U.S. commission sent to France to negotiate peace was met with demands for a bribe.

Which of the following is a basic assumption of the American Enlightenment?

A benevolent God gave human beings the power of reason to enable them to comprehend the orderly workings of creation.

Which statement best explains why slavery remained in the Constitution?

A fight over slavery could threaten unity between the northern and southern states.

How was slavery abolished in Massachusetts?

A judge ruled that it was unconstitutional.

Who was appointed as the secretary of the Department of Treasury by Washington in 1789?

Alexander Hamilton

Who was responsible for the creation of three major reports- on public credit, banking, and manufacturers- during the 1790's?

Alexander Hamilton

Who was the leader of the "High Federalists"?

Alexander Hamilton

By the statement 'We are all republicans; we are all federalists', Jefferson meant that _________.

Americans were committed to a federal Union based on republican ideals.

The Proclamation of 1763 declared that colonists could not settle west of a line drawn north to south along the __________.

Appalachian Mountains

Who was the African American who gained famed as an astronomer and mathematician in the late eighteenth century?

Benjamin Banneker

On March 5, 1770, a crowd of colonists began taunting and throwing snowballs at British soldiers guarding a customs house, which resulted in the __________.

Boston Massacre

During the 1790's, the United States was forced to become involved in the war in Europe because ______.

Britain had violated American neutrality.

Which of the following was a change effected by the Peace of Paris of 1763?

Britain received title to Canada, Spanish Florida, and the land east of the Mississippi.

What caused the Whiskey Rebellion?

Farmers were protesting some federal taxes as being unfair.

What does the term 'Midnight Judges' refer to?

Federalists who were hastily appointed by Adams in his final days as president.

The two formal political organizations born during President Washington's second term were the _____ and the _______.

Federalists, Republicans

The XYZ Affair strained America's relationship with __________.


What conspiracy did Washington see behind the Whiskey Rebellion?

He believed the Republicans had dispatched French agents to Pennsylvania to undermine the Federal Government.

Why did King Louis XVI of France call together a meeting of the Estates General?

He was desperate for revenue.

Who was nominated as the secretary of the Department of War by Washington in 1789?

Henry Knox

Why was the tariff of 1789 considered to be controversial?

It discriminated against southern farmers in favor of northern merchants.

What is the significance of the Judiciary Act of 1789?

It established a federal court system

How did the advent of evangelicalism affect American society?

It gave rise to the formation of many competing churches.

How did the war in Europe impact domestic politics during the 1790's?

It led different foreign policy approaches to polarize domestic policies.

In the long term, what was the significance of the election of 1800?

It showed that political dissent did not always lead to political extremism.

Which of the following actions was taken by the British Parliament to ensure that its retreat from the Sugar Act would not be interpreted as weakness?

It simultaneously passed the Declaratory Act.

How did the passage of the Prohibitory Act influence the American Revolution?

It transformed colonial moderates into angry rebels.

What was the purpose of the Great Wagon Road?

It was a route used by farmers in the back country to get their goods to market

Why do the authors call the Naturalization Law the most flagrantly political of the four bills under the Alien and Sedition Acts?

It was designed to limit Republicans in the electorate.

In the election of 1796, the candidate chosen by the Federalists to stand against Thomas Jefferson was ______.

John Adams

Who headed the committee that was responsible for drawing up a plan for confederation?

John Dickinson

What influential seventeenth-century English philosopher was, according to the text, most frequently cited by Americans?

John Locke

The Virginia Plan favored ___________.

More populous states.

What was the main reason that Jay's Treaty was considered a political humiliation?

Most of the concessions sought were rejected.

In the summer of 1776, the Continental Army, led by George Washington, was unable to prevent the British from capturing what city?

New York

German settlement in the colonies was especially heavy in ___________.


The uprising in 1763 among western Indians who had been French allies and hated the British was known as ________.

Pontiac's Rebellion

The hostilities between the French and the United States, in which French privateers seized American ships in 1797, came to be known as the _________.


Who among the following was a former slave who founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church?

Richard Allen

Parliament had imposed many taxes on colonial trade, but what was the first direct tax that Britain placed on the colonists?

Sugar Act

The body organized by the Judiciary Act of 1789 and first headed by John Adams was the ___________.

Supreme Court

How was the role of women defined in the new republic?

Survival of the republic depended on mothers to instill republican values in their children and families.

Ratification of the Twelfth Amendment ensured __________.

That candidates of the same party could not tie for president.

Which of the following is true for the American interpretation of the British political system, expressed through the medium of the colonial assemblies

The Americans insisted on the separation of executive and legislative authority.

Why was Jefferson's proposal (to award France special commercial favors if the British impressed American sailors) unworkable?

The British, who had the largest navy in the world, would not be threatened by the United States.

What was the main bone of contention regarding the constitutionality of a national bank?

The Constitution did not authorize the charter of federal financial institution.

On what basis did James Madison argue against the Bank of the United States?

The Constitution did not specify whether the federal government could charter financial corporations.

The Alien and Sedition Acts were aimed primarily at _______.

The Jefferson Republicans and their allegedly pro-French activities and ideas.

The Jeffersonians and the Federalists differed on which major issue?

The Jeffersonians envisaged an agrarian economy, while the Federalists envisaged an urban commercial economy.

Which of the following is true about the Loyalists?

The Loyalists suspected that Patriot demands for freedom were self-serving, even hypocritical.

Under the Treaty of Greenville, the Native Americans fabe up claims to much of _______.

The Northwest Territory

Which of the following is true about the meeting of the First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774?

The delegates created the "Association" dedicated to halting commerce with Britain until Parliament repealed the Intolerable Acts?

What two assumptions were held by the writers of various state constitutions after the American Revolution?

The documents needed to be in writing and address natural rights.

How was the election of 1800 resolved?

The election was decided in the House of Representatives.

What was most unexpected about the election of 1800?

The outcome had to be resolved by congress.

Which of the following is true about colonial America in the 1760's?

The population grew during this period.

Which of these statement best describes the terms of the peace treaty ending the Revolutionary War?

The terms were better than most Americans could have hoped.

Which of the following was a positive outcome of the Seven Years' War?

The war gave colonist in America a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Articles of Confederation were limited in which of the following ways?

There was no executive branch and no veto over legislation.

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions have in common?

They maintained that states had the right to determine the constitutionality of federal law.

Why did America recognize fail to recognize the advantages of political dissent?

They saw it as a sign of disloyalty and disintegration.

Which treaty gave the Americans important fishing rights in the North Atlantic and also marked the conclusion of the colonial rebellion?

Treaty of Paris of 1783

In the Whiskey Rebellion, __________.

Washington and other political leaders viewed the uprising as a serious challenge.

The Treaty of San Lorenzo resulted in ___________.

a secure southern boundary on the 31st parallel.

In Jay's Treaty, the British agreed to ________.

abandon their frontier posts in U.S. territory

According to Hamilton, in a republican society, the gravest threat to political stability is ___________.


After the Boston Massacre, Parliament dropped all the Townshend duties except for the one on tea? Why was the tea tax retained?

as a reminder of the principles of the Declaratory Act?

In his Farewell Address, President Washington suggested that the United States should _________.

avoid forming permanent alliances with foreign nations.

In the Treaty of San Lorenzo. Spain gave extraordinary concessions to the United States because Spanish officials _________.

believed that Britain and the United States had formed an alliance to strip Spain of its North American possessions.

How did Hamilton and his legislative supporters win approval of assumption of state debt?

by giving in on the location of the federal capital.

One immediate innovation not mentioned in the Constitution was developed by George Washington's administration was the _________.


The Allen and Sedition Acts dealt with ________.

citizenship requirements.

The British reacted to the Boston Tea Party by __________.

closing the port of Boston until damage were paid and order restored.

The American colonies experienced a consumer revolution when ____________.

colonists increased their demand for English exports.

To which of these would Jefferson have given priority to counter Hamilton's support for commerce?

commercial agriculture

What contributed most to the uneasy status of America's neutrality in the 1790s?

conflict between France and Britain.

Daniel Shays led _________.

debtor farmers in an uprising that forcibly stopped court foreclosure proceedings.

In 1774, farmers in western Pennsylvania protested a federal excise tax, passed by the Congress, in 1791, on _________.

distilled whiskey

Alexander Hamilton's financial plans included ________.

economic incentives to stimulate the growth of industry.

The Bank of the United States was _________.

established by Hamilton to create a stable economy and bitterly opposed by states' rights advocates.

The Loyalists differed most from rebels in _________.

fearing the anarchy they thought would come with independence.

The conflict in the Constitutional Convention began between large and small states _________.

forced the adoption of a compromise that required a bicameral legislature with two different bases of representation.

George Washington's Farewell Address dealt with the foreign policy issue of ________.

foreign alliances

Hamilton's first financial policies were intended to __________.

fund the national debt and to have the federal government assume the debts owed by the states.

The assumption portion of Hamilton's recommendations in his Report on the Public Credit was criticized because it _______.

helped states that had been less fiscally responsible.

Which of the following partly explains why the delegates at the Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington the commander of the newly formed Continental Army?

his military experience

In the late 1700s, for the most Americans, most republicanism was seen as a(n) _________.


Which of the following preserved the power of the Indians living in the "middle ground" with respect to the English and French colonists?

imperial competition between England and France.

Powers not explicitly listed in the Constitution but which are necessary for the government to do its job are known as ________ powers.


Where did antislavery societies most flourish?

in states with no economic incentive for slavery

Why were the articles that made up The Federalist written?

in support of the Constitution.

After 1690, most of the hostilities that involved American colonists ___________.

initially began in Europe.

What factor was most important in the survival of slavery in southern states after 1790?

invention of the cotton gin

In which of these senses did the Great Awakening feed into the later American Revolution?

its unfolding as a "national" event.

After the American Revolution, many state capitals were relocated to the ________.

middle parts of the states.

Alexander Hamilton introduced the doctrine of implied powers when he defended the ________.

national bank.

Which best describes the political climate in pre-Constitution America?

optimistic and intellectually engaged

After the Revolution, women found it somewhat easier to _________.

petition for divorce

Landless states like Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey protested the claims that other states had to western lands by __________.

refusing to ratify the Articles of Confederation.

How were the German and Scots-Irish immigrant communities similar?

religious instiiutions were the dominant forces in these communities

The White Pines Acts were instituted in order to _________.

reserve the best trees for the Royal Navy

Jefferson's preferred course of action in dealing with the warring European nations in the 1790s was to ___________.

reward countries that respected America's sovereignty and neutrality with commercial advantages.

Republicans were advocates of _______.

standing up for American rights against Britain.

Which of these was given the responsibility of ratifying the Constitution?

state conventions

The Antifederalists supported ___________.

states' rights

The structure of the Articles of Confederation emphasized ___________.

states' rights.

Initial response to the Land Ordinance of 1785 was disappointing because ____________.

surveying the lands took longer than anticipated and few people had the money to purchase land.

Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress lacked the ability to _______.


The Northwest Ordinance stated that the __________.

territories could petition to become states when they had a population of 60,000.

What caused the mob that was put down in the Boston Massacre to take to the streets in violent protest?

the British increased the number of British troops in Boston.

Which of the following restricted American Trade by requiring that certain goods, including tobacco, first be landed in British ports?

the Navigation Acts

Which of the following was a consequence of the Spanish concern over French expansion in the Southeast of America?

the Spanish settlement of Florida

Which of the following was the first permanent European settlement in the area that became the United States?

the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine

Which of the following events finally earned the Americans official support from France?

the colonists' victory at Saratoga in 1778.

The Scots-Irish eventually became concentrated especially in ______________.

the frontier area

Among the important changes brought about by the American Revolution was __________.

the increasing separation of church and state.

Native Americans' cultural independence was directly undermined by _________.

the increasing trade in manufactured goods.

The most important idea contributing to state constitutions was ________.

the notion of natural rights.

Which of the following was a compromise reached during the Philadelphia Convention?

the three-fifths formula for representation.

What caused the failure of the southern strategy that British leaders devised in 1779 as a last chance of winning the war?

the war became confused by partisan divisions.

Alexander Hamilton saw agricultural development and factories as ________.

the way to fend off dependency on foreign trade.

How did Hamilton use Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution to his advantage?

to add support to his plan for a national bank.

Why did Hamilton urge the creation of a national bank?

to ensure the financial stability.

Why did George Washington and his fellow military officers form the Society of the Cincinnati?

to maintain old friendships made during the war.

Why did the French decide to seize the Ohio Valley?

to preempt its annexation by the more populated British colonies.

Why was the Twelfth Amendment added to the Constitution?

to rectify problems in the manner of electing presidents and vice presidents.

Which of the following rights was omitted in the declaration of rights in state constitutions after the Revolution.

trial by jury

The Treaty of Greenville ________.

was an agreement with Miami Indians that ceded much of Ohio to the United States.

The early years of the French Revolution __________.

were viewed more sympathetically by the Jefferson Republicans than by the Federalists.

Changing voting patterns in the early republic were due primarily to __________.

westward migration

The primary argument between Hamilton and Jefferson concerning the Bank of the United States was _________.

whether or not the Constitution gave the federal government the power to establish a national bank.

The essential disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proposed Bank of the United States was _________.

whether the Constitution granted the federal government the power to establish such a bank.

Jay's Treaty included _________.

withdrawal of British troops from forts they still maintained on American Territory.

As president, George Washington _______.

worked against those who supported states' rights over federal power.

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