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A domestic version of the peace corps that provided help to poor communities in the United States in 1960's


A healthcare program for people over 65

New Deal

A plan by President Franklin Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reform to the country after the great depression

Mississippi freedom Democratic Party

A political party created in 1964 during the civil rights movement with the purpose of winning seats at the 1964 democratic national convention

Freedom summer

A volunteer project in which college students spent their summer vacation in Mississippi registering African-Americans to vote

Freedom riders

Activists who challenged segregation in bus terminals in the south in 1961

Barry Goldwater

An American senator for Arizona

Head Start

An education program for the preschool children of low income parents

What did Nikita Khrushchev order the construction of to prevent Germans from escaping to freedom in West Berlin?

Berlin wall

What was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California?

Black panther party

When Martin Luther King turned his civil right's efforts to this city, he lost the support of some white northerners.


What type of segregation did many African Americans face in the northern United States?

De facto segregation

What is segregation by law known as?

De jure segregation

The US-backed Bay of Pigs invasion was launched overthrow what Cuban dictator?

Fidel Castro

What was Kennedy strategy called that involved strengthening conventional U.S forces so the nation would have other options than nuclear weapons in times of crisis?

Flexible response program

Who delivered his "I am a Berliner" speech near the Berlin wall to show continued American support for the people of West Berlin?

J.F Kennedy

Robert Kennedy

John Kennedy's brother, persuaded judge to let king go

What report identified poverty and discrimination as the cause of urban riots?

Kerner Commission

The alliance for progress offered billions of dollars in aid to build schools, hospitals, roads, housing, and power plants in what location?

Latin America

who chose his surname to represent the loss of his original, African identity?

Malcolm x

What did James Meredith call his march from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi - in which he sought to encourage African Americans to register to vote?

March against fear

Who was shot and killed in Memphis in 1968 as he stood on the balcony of his motel?

Martin Luther King Junior

Who did the Southern Christian leadership conference elect as its first leader ?

Martin Luther king jr

In Virginia, officials at all levels pledged to block integration as part of what movement ?

Massive resistance

The 1955 arrest of Rosa Parks lead to a boycott of what?

Montgomery bus boycott

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban missile crisis?

Nikita Khrushchev

What was the program called that began during the Kennedy administration and trained and sent volunteers to Africa Asia and Latin America?

Peace corps

Johnson doctrine

President Johnson's philosophy that revolutions in Latin America were not just local concerns when "the object is the establishment of a communist dictatorship"

Job corps

Program under president Johnson that offered work-training-programs for unemployed youth

Selema March

Protest march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama for voting rights that turned violent on the Edmund Pettis bridge

Truth-in-Lending Act

Required lenders to inform consumers of actual cost of credit transactions

Who did John F Kennedy defeat in the 1960 presidential election?

Richard Nixon

New frontier

The nickname given to President Kennedy's plan for changing the nation

Great Society

The term for the domestic programs of the Johnson administration

Soon after Charles Hamilton Houston began an NAACP effort to attack the concept of "separate but equal" through the courts, he was joined by which one of his former students ?

Thurgood Marshall

In the early 1960s Soviet government officials were concerned about the nuclear missiles that the United States had placed where?


Rosa Parks

Was arrested because of her refusal to give up her seat to a white person

Lyndon Johnson

Was kennedys Vice President but later became president after his shocking death opposite of Kennedy but had a lot of pervious experiences to help him be a good president


a U.S Navy spy ship

What did the brown ruling declare?

all schools were to be desegregated and integrated with both black and white students

Fannie Lou Hamer

an MFDP leader that presented her groups case in the conventions credentials committee to decide which delegates should represent Mississippi

24th amendment

banned states from taxing citizens to vote

Critics of Stokely Carmicheal believed what movement was a call to violent action?

black power

Voting rights act of 1965

civil rights law that banned literacy tests and other practices that discouraged blacks from voting

Voter education project

project to register southern African Americans to vote

student nonviolent coordinating committee

sit-in leaders group to conduct other nonviolent protests

The Cuban missile crisis began when the United States learned that the Soviet Union was installing what in Cuba?

surface to air missiles

Members of what were called black Muslims?

the nation of islam that used the ideas of black power

Highway beautification act

this law limited advertising along main highways and provided federal funds for landscaping and roadside rest areas

poll tax

was a taxing on citizens in order to vote so african americans were not able to but was banned by the 24th amendment

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