US History Exam

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Major issues of World War 2

Holocaust- murder of 6 million jews the development of conventional and atomic weapons (Higgins Boat; D-Day Invasion of Normandy) Atomic weapons began in 1939 with the manhattan project

Berlin Airlift

Humanitarian aid was airlifted to west Berlin after Stalin Blockade the city

Domino Effect

If one country fell to communism than the next will fall also and so on Created more friction with U.S. and soviet union

Who was the main workforce that built the railroad?


Which civic action demonstrates the most fundamental responsibility of citizens in a democracy?

Voting in a presidential election

Who invented the telephone during this time period?

Alexander Graham Bell

Invasion of Normandy

June 6, 1944 Allied invasion of Northern France to repel the occupation of the German Army

New Deal

- Expansion of the federal government -Relief, Reform, Recovery


- federal deposit insurance corporation- government insurance of deposit accounts at member banks up to $250,000 per account

causes of economic growth

-Stock Market creates quick wealth - Warren Harding's "return to normalcy" and "America First" campaign encouraged industrialized and a strong economy, independent of foreign influence - Reduced Taxes - increased production efficiencies; assembly line

Causes of the great depression

-Tariffs on World Trade -Stock Market Crash -Bank Failures -The momentary of the federal reserve system

Depression (1929-1941)

-crash of stock market - great depression - dust bowl

The Homestead Act encouraged many to move west with the promise of how much land? How long did you have to stay?

160 Acers and 5 years

During this time period the need for a graduated income tax arose. What amendment to the constitution allowed for this to become law?

16th amendment

Senators before this were appointed by the states. What amendment gave the people more power of representation by direct election of senators?

17th amendment

What year was the transcontinental railroad completed?


Korean War

1951-1953 North was supported by China(Invaded south) South supported by U.S. Statement eventually occurred and treaty set up communist (NK) and (SK) gained sovereignty

Harlem Renaissance

African american literature, art, music, dance, and social commentary began to flourish in Harlem, a section of New York City. More than a literacy movement, the Harlem Renaissance exalted the unique culture of african americans and redefined African Americans expression

Who were the Tuskegee Airman?

African American fighter pilot squadron that fought in WW2. They never lost a bomber

Liberation of Concentration Camps

American, British and soviet forces liberated camps from nazi forces. Liberation confronted unspeakable conditions in the nazi cops, where piles of corpses lay unburied. Only after liberation of these camp was the full scope off the nazi horrors exposed to the world

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

An investment committee to inquire into subversive activities in the U.S. most notably was responsible for the "blacklisting" of many hollywood actors

Battle of Midway

Battle in Pacific (turning point in war) After battle Japans shipbuilding and pilot trading programs were unable to keep pace in replacing their losses, while U.S. steading increased output in both areas


Berlin wall was built to halt flow of resources from the east to west symbol of Cold War, torn down in 1989

Tammy Hall in Ney York City was run by this man?

Boss Tweed

Indian policies usually were a system of removal to a reservation system, the Dawes Act and the destruction of what animal that was key to plains culture?


Social Darwinism

Cause- A desire to maintain the economic and social divisions in society and justify nativist and racial policies Effect- Increased the popularity of the eugenics movement


Cause- An attempt to better society and the human race Effect- Discrimination and persecution towards target groups and individuals (such as hitlers actions in the holocaust)


Cause- Immigrants sought a better life in the United States, escape poverty, religious discrimination, ect. Effect- Increases population; cities over-crowded; labor force for factories, ect


Cause- Increase in immigration; natives worried the immigrants would take jobs especially in response to declining economic growth following the end of world war 1 Effect- Discrimination, heightened racial tensions, Ku Klux Klan flourished

Race Relations

Cause- Increase of immigration (especially asian immigrants) Effect- Discrimination, resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan


Cause- The belief that alcohol was leading to the decline of society, alcohol was blamed for many of society's ills, among them were severe health problems, destruction and crime. Effect- Passage of the 18th amendment, increase in organized crime

Red Scare

Cause- The red scare was a reaction not only to the communist revolution in Russia but to the influx of immigrants into the United States in the years leading up to WW1 Effect- Deportation of many communists and socialist

Changing role of women

Causes- Due to industrialization, many women changed from homebound producers to wage earning consumers, and women gained the right to vote. Effect- Worked outside of the home; gained a voice in politics; the "flapper" style reflected the increase independence of women

The Spanish-American war contributed to the emergence of the United States into a position of world power by---

Confirming U.S. military superiority over a European colonial power

Glenn Curtiss

Considered "The father of naval aviation", he was pointer in aviation

Although the women of america are one step nearer to Nylon Stockings as a result of new ceiling price schedules... the prospect of "Nylons For Christmas" except for favored few, is not good, hosiery manufacturers said yesterday --- "Outlook is gloomy for Christmas nylon" NYT November 10, 1945 This expert suggests that U.S. consumers were affected by---

Continued supply shortages after WW2

Which pull factor contributed to the great migration of African Americans from the South to the North during the 1920s?

Economic opportunities in industrialized cities

Marshall Plan

Economic program to contain communism in which the U.S. gave economic aid to Europe and generated increased trade between U.S. and european nations

Clarence Darrow

Defense attorney i the Scopes "Monkey" Trial who debated the issue of evolution in Tennessee

Iron Curtain

Divided Europe Between Communist and Democratic Nations

Charles Lindbergh

First solo flight across the Atlantic ocean

Henry Ford

Founder of Ford Motors, innovated the auto industry with the assembly line and invented the model T and model A cars, with an affordable price

What role did Dwight Eisenhower play in WW2 and what position did he hold after the war?

He was the commander of the army during D-Day and later became president of the united States

19th--- What did the give rights to? What ability was given to them?

Gave women the right to vote

Who got the blame at the Treaty of Versailles for WW1 which indirectly caused WW2?


Themes about the right of the poor were reflected in the photography of Dorothea Lange and in literature such as in the works of John Steinbeck's---

Grapes of Wrath

What is Laissez- Fair?

Hands off, or let the people do

The roading twenties were characterized by---

Installment plans, prohibition, and flappers

Which of the following was a major contribution of the Harlem Renaissance to U.S. culture?

It established jazz as a prominent musical form

Why is 1929 a turning point in american history?

It is the year the stock market crashed which led to the beginning of the great depression

Vietnam War

Like Korean war north wis china and south wanted to remain free

This allowed for the fulfillment of the thought of this idea that meant the United States should stretch from ocean to ocean.

Manifest Destiny

Selected events in the history of Ford Motor Company 1908- Ford begins manufacturing the model T 1913- Ford introduces the first moving automobile assembly line 1914- The Ford Motor Company doubles worker pay up to $5 a day and cuts the length of a shift from 9 to 8 1921- Ford Motor Company accounts for 55% of the automotive industry total production How did the event on this time line affect U.S. Businesses?

Mass-Manufacturing techniques were adopted to maximize production

M.A.I.N Causes of WW1

Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

Alvin York

Most decorated american soldier in WW1. Received the medal of honor for leading attack on German machine gun nest, taking 32 machine guns, killing 28 German soldiers and capturing 132 others


North Atlantic Treaty Organization U.S. , Canada, and European countries pledged loyalty to each other in case of attack by soviet union Responsible for Berlin Union

JD Rockefeller made his fortune in this industry?


Anti-War Movement

Peace movement of the 1960s advocating withdraw of US troops from Vietnam Doves Advocates of war (hawks)

Summarize Wilson's 14 Points

Peace plan put forth by president Wilson to end ww1.Wanted to start the League of Nations

What is one ongoing result of the New Deal?

People can rely more on the feral government during times of economic distress

William Jenning Bryan

Prosecuting attorney in the Scopes "Monkey" Trial, Leader in populist movement

Marcus Garvey

Publisher, Journalist, and black nationalist; founder of the universal negro improvement association and african american communities league

What was passed by the U.S. government after the book by Upton Sinclair was published?

Pure Food and Drug Act

Truman Doctrine

Set forth by president Harry Truman to support Greece and Turkey with military and economic aid.

Monopoly which came to popularity in the Gilded Age. The progressive era was an age of reform and the act passed above wanted to blow trusts up

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

They also supported the monetary policy of free coinage of this metal? It would provide more access to money, inflate, prices and result in higher prices for agricultural products. This was really supported by farmers.



Sputnik Launch Ignites U.S. ---Soviet Space Race A sense of urgency grows to complete with the soviet union funding towards education in mathematics and science increased

Silent Majority

Term Coined by Nixon to represent the large number of Americans that were not joining in the protest movements or seeking out against Vietnam war

What book did Upton Sinclair write that exposed the conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry?

The Jungle

The Twenty- second amendment was passed in response to which event?

The election of for to a fourth presidential term


The power or right of citizens to introduce a new legislative measure


The procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote; with the right to employ this procedure, the people can hold their elected leaders accountable for their actions

Founded in 1913 as the congressional unit for women suffrage, the national woman party was instrumental in raising public awareness of the women suffrage campaign... the NWP effectively commanded the attention of politicians and the public through its aggressive agitation relentless lobbying, clever publicity stunts, and creative examples of civil disobedience and nonviolent confrontation. --- Library of Congress The political activism of the group described in the expert in the expert contribution directly to---

The ratification of the 19th amendment


The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statue to direct popular vote; allows people to have more influence on the decision making process

What did the navajo code talkers do for the war effort in WW2?

They developed a code of communication during WW2 that was not broken

Who is credited with inventing the lightbulb in the United States?

Thomas Edison

Bataan Death March

Took place in Philippines in 1942 after Japan took over the islands american and filipino prisoners of war were forcibly marched 60 miles through the jungle resulting in many fatalities

Type of warfare that resulted in the statement on the western front

Trench Warfare

What was the Scopes Monkey Trial?

Trial on the issues of evolution and whether it should be taught in school

If a bank has an FDIC insurance sticker what does it means for your money?

Your account are insured up to $250,000

What brought U.S. into WW1 - Unrestricted boat warfare - Sussex Pledge - Lusitania Sunk - This telegram that was sent to Mexico

Zimmerman Telegraph

Cuban Missel Crisis

brinkmanship between 2 superpowers U.S. discovered soviet placing misses in Cuba. John F. Kennedy decided by blockade that to invade closest to total nuclear war


change in US military policy in Vietnam by president Nixon. US started to be drawn down and move to advisory role

The progressive era is defined as a historical era because the time period is characterized by the---

changing ideas about the functions of the U.S. government

What is free enterprise?

economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control. System that is in place in the United States.

What significant event did Charles Lindbergh achieve?

first transatlantic flight

Tet Offensive

full- scale offensive by regular north vietnamese army and irregular forces to attack the command and control centers of the south, U.S., and other allies. Intent was to create general uprising and overthrow Saigon Government


in response to increase of Us military presence in Southeast Asia, Draft was reinstated during the war


increase of forces by president Lyndon B. Johnson

What is Entrepreneur?

someone who starts a business

U.S. Military advancement through pacific islands

known as "Island Hopping" goal was to attain a position close enough to maintain Japan to conduct an attack

Fall of Saigon

movement at the end of vietnams war. Us ordered out of country, North Vietnam army marched to Saigon and took over country

18th --- What did this amendment do?

prohibition of manufacturing and consumption of alcohol

Nineteenth century nativist organization advocated---

promoting an ethnically homogenous society through restrictions on immigration

Role of media

provided real time coverage of the war. Contributed to changing public opinions about war

26th amendment

reduced the voting age from 21 to 18 in response


the U.S. astronauts land on the moon


the fear of communism (2nd Red Scare) increased in the 1950s Gained from the name from opposition from the senator who said he knew communists working in state department

Which of these contributed to the ratification of the 18th amendment?

the growing political influence of women

What's significant about president Truman dropping the atomic bomb on Japan to help end WW2?

we are the only country to have used the weapon. It brought a quicker end to the war, but it resulted in many civilian casualties. It may have been used to intimidate the U.S.S.R.

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