US History Midterm Chapter 1 - 6

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Factories in the U.S. first popped up where? Where did they move to?

Factories first popped in the North East but later moved to the Midwest.

A politician who is a strong supporter of war is called a...


As time passed, more and more factory owners turned to what people to work in them?


The most successful slave rebellion was whom's?

Nat Turner's.

What person believed that one should be able to practice whichever religion they desired, and that the Native Americans should be paid for the land that the English were taking away? (Note: this bro was lightyears ahead.)

Nathaniel Bacon.

The first successful Spanish settlement in the present-day U.S. was in the state of...

New Mexico.

Also, unlike the Spanish in the Americas...

No mestizo populations arose in the English colonies.

The first Spaniard to arrive in the present-day US landed in Florida. What was his name?

Juan Ponce de Leon

In the Marbury v Madison ruling of 1803, the Supreme Court gave itself the right of (to)...

Judicial review.

Which Wampanoag chief led an alliance of tribes in successful attacks against the English settlements?

King Philip (AKA: Metacom).

The incident in Benghazi took place in...


The concept that Americans were predestined by God to create a country from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean is called...

Manifest destiny.

Unlike the Spanish, English settlements were founded by...


New Spain included parts of what present-day countries?

Mexico and Guatemala.

The Missouri Compromise allowed which state to be admitted as a slave state?


The triangular trade took place between which three continents?

North America, Africa, and Europe.

The first post-secondary coeducational institution was...

Oberlin College.

The Indian Removal Act forced thousands of Native Americans to move to what is today called what?


This was the primary slaves created resistance to slavery. What did they do?

They formed families.

Who wrote that blacks were inherently inferior to whites?

Thomas Jefferson.

By 1800, how much of the world's cotton came from the American South?

Three fourths of the world's cotton.

The Columbian Exchange involved things like what from the Americans and things like what from Europe and Africa?

Tobacco from the Americas and livestock from Europe and Africa.

When the first Europeans arrived in what is now the United States, native North Americans had...

Trade networks.

Hudson's trading posts involved the trade of what to whom?

Trade of furs to the Iroquois.

Elizabeth Cady Staton was known as a strong leader especially known for her involvement in a woman's right to...


The Monroe Doctrine warned European Powers to stay out of the affairs of what hemisphere?

Western Hemisphere.

The most radical white abolitionist in the anti-slavery movement was....

William Lloyd Garrison.

Native women could own what and could not own what else?

Women could own tools but could not own land.

Which of the following statements about the Navigation Acts is true?

b. tobacco and sugar could only be traded with England

Before the Market Revolution it was __________ to move something to England than it was to move it across it across land by 30 miles.


Mexican President santa Anna led Mexican troops to the ciry of San Antonio, Texas, and fegeated rebel Texans in the Batlle of...

the Alamo.

Which Amendment was passed in 1804 to try to insure that another tie for President would never occur again?

12th Amendment.

The first English settlement took place in what year?


A cash crop is one that is...

Grown to sell for profit.

The colonies exported what to England in exchange for what else?

Exported raw materials in exchange for manufactured goods.

A series of economic booms and busts is called...

A business cycle.

What type of business could fail without ruining the owners of the business?

A corporation.

What happened in 1837 that stopped much of industrial America in its tracks?

A depression.

Sojourner Truth was...

A former slave, an outspoken abolitionist, and an African-American.

Jefferson's idea of government included all of the following except: A. Increase the size of government. B. Decrease the size of the military. C. Lower taxes. D. Enable an agrarian utopia.

A. Increase the size of the government.

Because of their victory in the French and Indian War, the British claimed...

All of former French Canada

What empire included the beautiful city of Tenochtitlan?


People moved west for all of the following reasons except: A. For land. B. To confront Native Americans. C. To get a new start following the Panic of 1837. D. To find new markets for new products.

B. To confront Native Americans.

When the first Europeans arrived in the current US, it is estimated that there were between how many native North Americans?

Between 2 and 10 million.

This man led his people across the US from the east and settled near Salt Lake City, Utah. His name was...

Brigham Young.

How did the first Americans make it to the Americas?

By slowly making their way along the coast of present-day Alaska.

The Market Revolution had work days set by the...


By the late 1500s, the Spanish were no longer strictly looking for gold as they moved north and northwest from New Spain. They also hoped to do what?

Convert natives to Catholicism.

Which of the following groups were landowners in 1400s Europe? A. Peasants. B. Merchants. C. Clergy. D. Aristocracy. E. Monarchs.

D. Aristocracy and E. Monarchs.

The Northern colonies attracted immigrants from all of the following except: A. Netherlands. B. Germany. C. Scandinavia. D. Northern Africa.

D. Northern Africa.

All of the following statements are true about the Quakers except: A. They held church services without any formal minister. B. They refused to defer to persons of rank. C. They dressed plainly or casually.

D. They opposed war but would serve in the military if needed.

The most devastating impact the Spanish had on Native Americans was (were) what things that they brought with them?


The first place in the Americas that Columbus landed was in present-day...

Dominican Republic.

From the Benghazi investigations, it was found that Hillary Clinton had done something that was not proper. It had to do with what way of communication?


The movement that embraced obtaining truth throught experimentation and reason was called the...


The most notable African-American abolitionist was...

Frederick Douglas.

In the early years of the French and Indian war, the...

French defeated the English and the colonists.

Slavery in America lasted from when to when?

From 1619 to 1865.

According to John Greene, all historians speak and write...

From a certain point of view (pow).

The last of the original thirteen colonies to be established was...


Who played the most important role in allowing American capitalism to grow?


Another movement in colonial America hoped to inject life into the decline of strict Puritanism. It was the...

Great Awakening.

In the early years of the English settlements, the hardest work was typically done by who?

Indentured servants.

The embargo on Great Britain did what to American farmers but helped spur what production in the U.S. ?

It hurt American farmers but helped spur industrial production.

Who followed Thomas Jefferson as U.S. President?

James Madison.

This U.S. President is best remembered for his involvement of annexing Texas and war with Mexico. Who are we talking about?

James Polk.

The first English settlement was where?


How much of the total population did slaves make up in the South?

One third.

What other name did the Puritans go by?


The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) divided up the Western Hemisphere between...

Portugal and Spain.

Which European country was the first to open trade with the West African region?


The first English settlement would not have survived without the aid of what people?


William Penn founded Pennsylvania and, like most of the people who originally settled there, was a...


Long-term growth in the U.S. economy was due primarily to the...


The person most often identified as being one of the first transcendentalists is...

Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The split between the Catholic Church and Protestant faiths happened during the...


West African slaves were brought to the Americas to...

Replace the natives that died from disease.

A typical Southern plantation would be found near a...


Prices during the Market Revolution were...

Set by competition.

The commodity transported on ships during the middle passage was...


What Texan travelled to Mexico City to meet with then President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna about having more local power in Texas?

Stephen F Austin.

Slaves were not...

Taught to read and write.

The most important form of communication during the Market Revolution was the...


A secondary reason for the War of 1812 was...

The American desire for Canada.

In 1964, the British invaded the U.S. with what?

The Beatles. (Black Beatles - Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane)

A true tale describes the Spanish cruelty inflicted on the Native Americans. What is it called?

The Black Legend.

The most important means of transportation in the early years of the Market Revolution was...

The Canal (surprise).

The Market Revolution took place in the U.S. before what?

The Civil War.

Current-day New York city was founded by the...

The Dutch.

Englishman Henry Hudson established trading posts in the name of whom?

The Dutch.

The contiguous 48 states of the U.S. was finalized in 1853 with what?

The Gadsden Purchase.

The Erie Canal connected which bodies of water?

The Hudson River and the Great Lakes.

The Tariff of 1816 was passed to protect production where?

The North.

The Indian leader defeated in the Battle of Tippecanoe was...

The Prophet.

This section of the country was in favor of the War of 1812. What section was it?

The South and the West.

By the early 1800s, who were becoming more agricultural and who were becoming more industrial?

The South was becoming more agricultural and the North was becoming more industrial.

Who paid the governor of a colonial state his salary?

The colonial assembly.

John Greene considers which invention as the most important during the Market Revolution?

The factory (pero a quien le importa lo que dice John Greene).

The Northern colonies differed from the Southern colonies in that the north did what with slavery?

The north banned slavery.

What is meant by a "favorable balance of trade" ?

The value of a country's exports is greater than the value of its imports.

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