US History MT 15

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What two national leaders were killed in 1968?

Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.

Nation of Islam (NOI)

Group headed by Elijah Muhammed

American Indian Movement (AIM)

Group that fought for greater reform for Native Americans

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

1990 law banning discrimination against persons with disabilities

In what ways did World War II help set the stage for the modern civil rights movement?

1. Black citizens found jobs in a shortage of white men 2. civiles rights organizations were created during the war, 3. black soldiers fought for America so they felt prepared to fight for their rights

How many people attended the March on Washington and what was their goal?

250,000 people marched and their goal was to encourage the Civil Rights Bill to pass.

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Act that banned discrimination in housing

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Act that struck down state laws intended to keep blacks from voting.

Malcolm X

African American civil rights leader

Thrugood Marshall

African American lawyer who led the legal challenge against segregation.

James Meredith

African American who won enrollment to the all-white University of Mississippi

Black Panthers

African-American group founded to combat police brutality

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Amendment to the US constitution that would prohibit discrimination against women

What is the National Urban League?

An organization that helps African Americans with social and economic development (homes, jobs, etc.)

What helped launch the women's movement?

Anti war movements and the civil rights movements

Freedom Summer

Name of project to win voting rights for Southern blacks

Who helped found the NOW organization?

Betty Frieden

Where were African Americans targeted for racial discrimination

Buses and schools.

What were some goals that were achieved and remained in the civil rights movement.

Challenge: changing attitudes towards African Americans Achieved: Banning segregation

What organizations that fought to promote the cause of Hispanic Americans?

Chicanos and UFWOC

Freedom riders

Civil rights activist who tried to end segregation on national buses

Southern Chrisitian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Civil rights organization

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Civil rights organization formed by students

What was the main occupation of women in the 1950's and 1960's?

Clerical work (secretaries)

Kerner Commision

Commission that reported on race relations in America

L. Douglas Wilder

Nation's first elected African American governor

What's the difference between de facto segregation and de jure segregation?

De facto is segregation by culture and expectation, while de jure is segregation by laws and government.

What were some of the problems African Americans in the North faced?

De facto segregation, decaying slums, poor schools, unemployment, and violence

Phyllis Schlafly

Equal Rights Amendment opponent

What was the outcome of the demonstrations in Birmingham?

Government officials agreed to desegregate Birmingham.

What did President Johnson do to respond to the demands of Native Americans in 1968? What was their response?

He created the National Council on Indian Opportunity. Some NA's thought change was coming too slowly and fought back.

How did the teachings of Elijah Muhammad affect Malcolm X?

He influenced Malcolm X to think that whites were at fault for African American misery.

What action did President Franklin take in response to protests against Jim Crow laws?

He outlawed racial discrimination in the government and war-related industries.

How did the early views of Malcom X differ from his later ideas?

His early views were centered on violence and fighting caucasians. His later views were about peace and protesting through voting.

La Raza Unida

Hispanic American political party

What are some of the victories and concerns of students?

It was deemed unconstitutional to restrict free speech on campus, but students are still fighting for their rights during off-campus activities.

Who did Martin Luther draw his ideas from?

Jesus (loving your enemies), Henry David Thoreau (civil disobedience), A. Philip Randolph (how to organize big demonstrations), Gandhi (how to resist oppression without violence).

Gloria Steinem

Journalist who tried to help women gain political power

Besides racial minorities and women, which groups had worked to secure the protection of their rights?...

LGBT, Immigrants, and Disabled people

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Law that outlawed racial discrimination

Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales

Leader in the Chicano movement who founded the Crusade for Justice, which promoted Mexican American nationalism.

Stokely Carmichael

Leader of Black Power movement

César Chávez

Leader of the farm workers movement

What name was given to the nine students who were the first African Americans to attend Little Rock's Central High School?

Little Rock Nine

What states did civil rights workers try to register blacks to vote?

Mississippi and Alabama

Black Power

Movement that stressed black pride

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Organization that worked for women's rights

Name two things the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did.

Outlawed discrimination because of gender, race, or nationality. Gave the government more power to push for desegregation in schools.

What are political and economic issues in which women have not yet achieved equally?

P- less women are in the job force and higher positions than men E- women still get paid less than men

Who opposed the Eqaul Rights Amendment and why?

Phyllis Schlafly because he thought it would cause women to get drafted into the military and that the men would lose their responsibility.

What were two problems that Native Americans faced?

Poverty in cities and assimilation

How did showing the violence in the march from Selma to Montgomery do for the city?

Pressured the city officials to desegregate the city after the violence was shown to the community and more people joined the resistance.

Affirmative action

Program aimed at hiring or including minorities

Fannie Lou Hamer

Prominent voting rights activist


Protest tactic of occupying seats and refusing to move

Who makes up the Hispanic American community?

Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Columbians

de facto segregation

Segregation by custom or practice

De jure segregation

Segregation by law

How did the government try to help freedom riders?

Sent federal troops to protect them and banned segregation in travel facilities

Pay equity

Situation in which women and men receive equal pay for the equal work

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

Supreme Court case in which segregated schools were ruled unconstitutional

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States; the first African American President


The belief that women should be equal to men in all areas

How did the Feminine Mystique advance the women's movement?

The book helped unite women through their feeling of discontent and helped the women's rights movements kickstart again.

What did the Supreme Court rule about separate schools in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?

The seperate schools were unconstitutional

In what ways are Native Americans still struggling in spite of civil rights reforms?

They are unable tog et federal recognition, which is a loss of time, money, and protection

What did SNCC accomplish, and how?

They desegregated lunch counters in 48 cities and 11 states by doing sit-ins.

What was a success and failure of the women's movements?

They got more child care facilites, but ERA failed.

What are some of the victories and concerns of Asian Americans?

They have low rates for divorce, dropouts, and crime. Some groups struggle with poverty and low education levels.

How did the Eisenhower administration fail to solve problems of Native Americans during the 1950s?

They tried to make Native Americans assimilate, which caused them to become poor, discriminated, and angry.

What incidents of violence occurred against freedom riders in Alabama?

They were beaten and bombed

United Farm Workers Organizing Committee

Union that fought for farm workers rights

What ideas did the Black Panthers encourage?

Violence against whites people and police officers.

Stonewall Riots

Violent demonstrations by the LGBT community against police raid at the Stonewall Inn; considered the beginning of the LGBT rights movement

Rosa Parks

Woman who helped start Montgomery bus boycott

How did workplace experiences help advance the women's movement?

Women were often underpaid compared to men, even whittle they were doing the same job. They were discriminated against in the workplace so they fought for an equal work environment.

Betty Friedan

author of The Feminine Mystique

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