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-4th colony to be founded -founded by Lord Baltimore in 1634 as a proprietary colony and a haven for catholics -employed headright system -large number of protestants arriving led to fear of no religious freedom for catholics which led to maryland act of toleration

Congressional Reconstruction

-5 military districts -states had to ratify 14th, make new gov't/constitution

Neutrality Acts of 1937

-Belligerents could only purchase non-military goods from US -Banned US citizens from travelling on belligerent ships -Cash-and-carry policy: B's who purchased from US had to pay in cash and send their own ships to collect

Teapot Dome Scandal

-Biggest scandal of 1920s, during Warren Harding's administration -Public Oil lands were leased to the private sector. -Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall was found guilty of bribery, sent to prison

General William Howe

-British General, incompetent -allowed Washington and his troops to escape at the battle of long island

German Aggressions

-Broke Treaty of Versailles by arming and invading Rhineland. -Sudetenland, rest of Czechoslovakia, half of Poland

Civilian Conservation Corps (1933)

-CCC provided employment for young men in the areas of forestry, flood control, soil conservation -relief

African Americans troops in the civil war

-Called contraband -Paid a lower salary than white soldiers for most of the war -Fought in the front lines & served as workers in the back of battles

Federal Jobs in 1st New Deal

-Civilian Conservation Corps -TN Valley Authority--built dams to improve agriculture in impoverished TN River Valley -Public Works Administration

Panama Canal

-Colombia had Panama & didn't want to follow the Hay-Heran Treaty, which would give the US access to build a canal in Panama -Hay backed Panama's independence -Panamanian Revolution - successful - Hay-Bunau -Varilla Treaty, which gvae US access to build a canal there -LARGE project - many died from yellow fever during it

Eisenhower Domestic policy

-Conservative economic goals--balanced budget, laissez faire, etc -approved SS improvement -Huge public works--St. Lawrence Seaway (Great Lakes-Atlantic canal) & National Interstate & Defense Highways -gradual civil rights process

3 Reasons for End of New Deal

-Courts constantly challenged ND legislation -growing Congressional opposition -"Roosevelt Recession" of 1937 proved that ND wasn't completely successful

Ulysses S. Grant scandals

-Credit Mobilier (1872): railroad companies & construction owned by same ppl. Inflated prices for kickbacks and bribes to Congressmen involved -Salary Grab (1873) Congress gave itself a pay raise (grant signed just before his next inauguration) -Whiskey Ring (1875) Federal whiskey taxes gave distillers and politicians extra $$$

Business during Bush II

-Dot-com burst--economic downturn in 2001 -Enron & WorldCom scandals--American distrust of big business

1920s immigration reform

-Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 capped number of total immigrants allowed and set quotas for immigrants from each country. -Immigration Act of 1924 banned E Asian immigrants and lowered quote for European nations

Eisenhower's Cold War at home

-Expanded Truman's loyalty programs to roots out State employees -Denied Julius & Ethel Rosenberg clemency; they were executed after being convicted of giving atomic secrets to USSR

Importance of New Deal

-Expansion of Federal power & deficit spending -Changed historical precedent of not providing Aid during times of trouble -New opportunities for women, children, elderly, sick -Created Bureaucracy of powerful federal agencies -Support of Arts & recration

Pacific Railway Act of 1862

-Fed gov't gave railroads (transcontinental railroad) a lot of land

ferdinand and isabelle

-Ferdinand of Argon and Isabelle of Castille ascended to spanish throne in the late 15th century -expulsion of Moors from Granada in 1492, new spirit of spanish nationalism developed and encouraged exploration -they financed voyage of columbus -ferdinand and isabelle in spain encouraged exploration

Zimmerman Note

-GB intercepted telegram from german foreign minister Arthur Zimmerman to the govt of mexico that encouraged an alliance btwn the two countries -germany pledged support to mexico in regaining control of texas, new mexico and arizona if the US joined the allies -this zimmerman note was published in newspapers in 1917 and further incited US towards war w germany

Intolerable Acts

-GB reaction to boston tea party; 1774 -British attempting to punish Mass. colony for its flagrant actions vs brit policy -acts provided for the closing of the boston harbor, suspension of town meetings in massachusetts, suspension of the charter of mass., quartering of soldiers in colonial homes, trials of british officials who broke the law to take place in england, placement of general Thomas Gage in mass. to enforce the laws -AKA coercive acts -quebec act=guaranteed french in canada religious freedom and the ability to retain their customs; irritated colonists

Clinton sex scandals

-Gennifer Flowers--during campaign -"Troopergate"--allegedly used AR National Guard to pick up women -Paula Jones--former Sec of State of AR filed sexual harassment lawsuit, $850,000 settlement -Monica Lewinsky--20-something White House intern. Impeached for obstruction of justice, perjury


-Genoan who petitioned portugal, spain, france and england and was ultimately financed by ferdinand and isabelle (spain) to find a trade route to the far east -discovered new world

Effects of Watergate

-Increased American distrust of politicians -media more aggressive , like Woodward & Bernstein -National Bar Association strengthens code of conduct, as many involved were lawyers -Ford's pardon of Nixon cost him a lot of Credibility

War of Independence other

-John Paul Jones proved effective vs british on seas -marquis de lafayette (french nobleman sympathetic to american cause) and Baron Von Steuben of prussia gave help to colonies -turning pt of war was Second Battle of Saratoga (1777), american victory encouraged french to give aid to colonies -french declared war against british 1778, spain 1779 -General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktwon in 1781, realized gb defeat was possible -1782 GB sought peace w americans

Jefferson Administration (1801-1809)

-Madison was sety of state -albert Gallatin was sety of treasury -replaced many fed office holders w republicans -allowed alien and sedition acts to expire, reduced number of years necessary for naturalization, retired public debt, cut executive offices, reduced the reg army and the navy and improved state militias -ignored adams' midnight appointments to fed court resulting in the supreme court case marbury v madison in 1803 -lousiana purchase -


-Mayas of Yucatan peninsula and central america had developed hundreds of yr. b4 Europe arrival and was already in decay; they used written language, higher mathematics, more accurate calendar than europe one

Problems with WWI demobilization

-Men confused about place in society "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paris?" -Women's jobs taken back by men (divorces up) -Recession of 1920-1


-Monterey, CA=1967 immense gathering of music lovers -Woodstock, NY=1969 immense gathering of music lovers -outdoor concerts rockstars played -drugs and nudity prevalent -chaos

Vietnam Combat

-N knew jungle better and attacked in quick unpredictable bursts -US unable to find enemy or distinguish friend from foe--frustration among troops -desertions, AWOLs, drugs readily-available and used by US troops -US had far superior force, but had limited task against N Vietnamese who were willing to die for cause

African Slavery

-NA died from disease -passed between generations for first time

reasons for neutrality: WWII

-Nye Report -LoN was a failure b/c it didn't end J agressions in Asia -Smoot-Hawley Tariff decreased international trade w/ US -FDR prohibited banks from lending to already-defaulting nations -US, GB, F agreed to stay out of Spanish Civil War

Black Panthers

-Oakland, CA -most contradictory of all organizations of the 1960s -Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver all strong personalities ready to put their lives on the line and carried unconcealed weapons -demanded socialist america that would protect all its citizens from violence and poverty -they would protect their community and provide free breakfasts for black children so that they could go to school and learn -some of black panthers were also selling heroin or were involved with other serious crime

Dust Bowl of the 1930's

-Over-farming + nature changed soil - dust in the western prairies (Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma==> many Oklahomans moved to California). Part of Steinbeck's the Grapes of Wrath. -Dorothea Lange took pictures of it

Nueces River

-Polk tried to buy california from mexico asap but mexicans refused to sell or recognize american claims to the rio grande river as the border of texas -mexico considered nueces river the proper border

prince henry the navigator

-Prince Henry the Navigator (son of portugese rulers) opened a school for navigation and geography in 1416, financed expeditions and encouraged exploration

Reasons for 21st Amendment

-Prohibition created organized crime empires -homemade alcohol dangerous -made millions of Americans (inc. gov't officials) into criminals

Nuremberg & Tokyo Trials

-Prompted by immigration restriction, America wouldn't help the Jews during the Holocaust. -Nuremberg trials charged Nazis for war crimes. Justice Jackson was a chief prosecutor -Tokyo trials=same thing but for Japan

Types of Colonies

-Proprietary=owned by a person or group who appointed the governor for the colony -Royal=controlled by the crown, with governor appointed by the crown -Self-Governing=chose their own governors but still functioned under rule of the king

disputed election of 1824

-Quincy Adams (monroe's sety of state) assumed he would be leading candidate for republican nom in 1824, but faced competition w Henry Clay, Crawford (monroe's sety of treasury), Andrew Jackson -Jackson won popular vote and electoral vote, but Quincy Adams won election

Democrats in Gilded Age

-S, white supremacy -supported social programs--got the support of immigrants and poor

President Hoover's response to the Great Depression

-Somewhat of a response: works projects, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to bail out things -Still blamed for the Depression -Smoot-Hawley Tariff to help farmers - ended up being a very high tariff that led to a decrease in foreign trade - depressed economy globally

Berlin Airlift

-Soviets cut off all access routes btwn Berlin and West Berlin (occupation zones) in 1948 -US established the berlin airlift where food fuel and supplies were flown into the western sector of the city -russia reopened access routes in 1949 -western allies established the federal republic of germany or west germany as it came to be known -east germany established by soviets

Ronald Reagan

-Star Wars increased military spending -Soviet Union fell apart -Berlin Wall torn down in1987 -"Reagonomics" (trickle down) -Washington outsider -Iran-Contra Affair (selling arms for hostages/Nicaraguan anti-communist rebels getting the $$$) -Fired 10,000+ workers from PATCO (air traffic control) during a strike - setback for labor unions

Causes of WWI

-The sinking of the Lusitania near Ireland -The Zimmerman Telegram (Mexican-German alliance), promising more unrestricted submarine warfare

Gilded Age Inventions

-Thomas Edison's incandescent light bulb -Henry Bessemer's Process (iron could be produced quicker) -Transcontinental Railroad -Brooklyn Bridge -Public health (sanitation, sewers, etc.) -Alexander Graham Bell's telephone

American Renaissance

-Thoreau -Emerson -Walt Whitman -Melville -Hawthorne transcendentalism

Causes of Spanish-American War of 1898

-To rid Spain from the West -Nationalism -Yellow Journalism (Pulitzer & Randolph) -The USS Maine sinking (may have been on its own) -The De Lome Letter: A Spanish diplomat criticizing President McKinley

5 Causes for US Involvement in WWI

-Unrestricted sub warfare--Luisitania -Yellow Journalism--exageration -Cultural ties -Russian Revolution--Russia pulls out -France will fall and perhaps Britain -Zimmerman note

John C Calhoun

-VP to jackson one term -wrote south carolina exposition and protest


-War Food Administration=established to handle food supply for troops and civilians -War Manpower Commission=established w the Office of Scientific Research and Development -Office of Price Administration=agency established to control prices -office of war mobilization=established to monitor the industrial production of the nation


-William Penn (quaker) founded as a place for quakers to practice faith freely and practice pacifism -1681 Penn received land grant from king as settlement for money the crown owed his father -liberal land policies, high tolerance for differences among people -friendly relationship with indians -Philadelphia leading urban center

William Penn

-William Penn (quaker) founded pennsylvania as a place for quakers to practice faith freely and practice pacifism -1681 Penn received land grant from king as settlement for money the crown owed his father

1990s Anti-gov't attacks

-World Trade Center bombing--Muslim radicals -Waco Cult--officials tried to raid Branch Davidian compound looking for weapons. Cross-fire. 6 dead. 51 day siege followed by botched raid, resulting in a fire and 82 deaths (inc. 12 kids) -OK City bombing--2 Americans w/ extremist militia links detonate truck bomb in federal building, killing 168 -Unabomber--brilliant Harvard-degree mathematician caught after 18 yr record of sending mail bombs to fight the spread of technology -Centennial Olympic Park bombing--Atlanta during summer Olympics. American right wing-extremists

Zoot Suit Riots & Braceros

-Zoot suit=clothing for young Mexicans in LA. Anti-Mexican sentiment towards these zoot suit wearers existed, believing that the clothing was NOT patriotic. Led to a race riot + the police looking the other way -Mexican Americans served in the military -Bracero Program=temporary labor for Mexicans who wanted to work in the US during WW2 in agricultural jobs (until 1964)

Security and Exchange Act (1934)

-act created the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) to police the activities of the stock market -reform

Election of 1800

-adams lost -republican Thomas Jefferson won, federalist Aaron Burr was VP -labeled by some as the revolution of 1800, marked peaceful transition of govt from the federalist party to the republican party

Articles of Confederation

-adopted 1781 -suspicious of govt in which great deal of power was centralized, states approved the articles of confederation -confederate form of govt.; congress permitted only to exercise powers that had specifically been delegated to it by articles -weaknesses that hampered efficient operation of the govt -no provisions for an executive branch, lacked ability to enforce the laws that congress passed -no judicial branch to interpret the law, made each state the ultimate interpreter -congress had no power to collect taxes, raise a military, coin money or regulate interstate commerce -unicameral legislature (one house) with each state having only one vote; 9 out of 13 votes necessary to pass legislation, unanimous vote required to amend articles inefficent -land ordinance and northwest ordinance

Bill of Rights

-adopted 1791 -constituted the first 10 amendments to the constitution -protected basic human rights, freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly -the right to bear arms -the right of citizens to trial by jury and just punishment -Amendment X: provided for protection of state's rights (any power not specifically delegated to the congress or specifically denied to the states by the constitution was reserved to the states) this reserved power clause served to reassure the states

Native Peoples of the americas on the eve of european contact

-advanced civilizations w great cities, religious centers, irrigation systems, road networks, and commerce

Lone Star Republic

-after Tejanos Revolution against Spain in 1821, Mexico invited US citizens (tejanos) into the state of texas but tejanos violated mexican anti-slavery laws and created further tensions by refusing to assimilate -texas AKA the lone star republic declared independence in 1836 and despite setback at Alamo, won independence from Mexico

Hamilton's financial program

-aim was to re establish the credit of the US -based on idea of funding and assumption, development of trade and commerce, establishment of national bank -US govt was to pay off foreign debt and domestic debt through an exchange of old bonds for new ones, which were to be redeemed at a future date (funding) -US govt was to assume debt that states owed to foreign nations -$ to be raised for the govt through excise taxes (added taxes on goods and services) and tariffs (taxes on imports) -BUS established -enacted by congress in 1791

Massachusetts Bay Colony

-aka Bible Commonwealth -founded by Puritans who desired to reform church of england -1630 royal charter -puritans could determine headquarters of mas. bay co (had them in the new world) -first governor was john winthrop, established a theocracy -only freeman who belonged to puritan congregation could vote in colonial matters -visible saints=only people allowed membership to the church -hard working -salem witch trials

Triple Entente

-allies -england, france, russia

Neutrality Act of 1939 and surrounding controversy

-allowed sale of arms (cash-and-carry) Controversy: -many wanted distinction between aggressors and victims -liked repeal of arms embargo b/c embargo helped well-armed G -Isolationists thought big business would encourage entry into war to boost profits


-andes mountains of s. america cradle of civilization; Incas; pyramidal society mirrored the feudal society of europe; vast empire stretching from columbia to bolivia and chile was held together by extensive road system

Comstock Law

-anthony comstock was the most well known crusader vs gambling, prostitution, obscenity -comstock law 1873=made it illegal to send material deemed obscene including information about birth control through the mail


-anti-immigrant sentiment

John Quincy Adams

-antislavery, opposed unlimited expansion to the west, supported govt aid to build industry and transportation

Daniel Webster

-antislavery, opposed unlimited expansion to the west, supported govt aid to build industry and transportation -webster hayne debate

Lexington and Concord

-april 17, 1775 beginning of the war -paul revere and william dawes alerted everyone british were coming -British attacked Lexington and Concord -colonists used surprising guerrilla warfare

Africa and Slave Trade

-arab and african traders participated in slave trade many years prior to new world -africans first bought by the portugese to search for gold in the areas under exploration -as sugar industry developed, portugese began to import slave to work on the sugar plantations of brazil spanish dutch french and british adopted portugese plantation system -english settlers in n america became involved in slave trade in the mid 1600s as a result of the raising of tobacco a labor intensive crop -rice indigo and cotton slave crops

Arts during 30s

-artists/photographers paid by WPA to document Depression -movies--upbeat musicals and comedies -books about depression--Steinbeck's Grapes

John Wilkes Booth

-assassinated Lincoln on april 14 1865

Ben Franklin

-at constitutional convention

Lost Colony

-attempt made at colonization in 1585 -Sir Walter Raleigh -settlement seemingly disappeared around 1591

The Federalist Papers

-authors Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay -published first in newspapers and then in 2 volume book called The Federalist, they outlined their reasons for believing that the constitution should be ratified

Battles of Bull Run

-battles of bull run, seven days and chancellorsville all confederate victories -battles of wilderness and Appomattox were union victories -battle of Antietam in 1862, mcclellan defeated Lee -furthest confederacy got into north was gettysburg, penn -vicksburg fell to grant in july 4

Herbert Hoover

-beat Catholic Democratic opponent by suggesting that he was a servant to the Pope -said America was closer than ever to triumph over poverty

Navigation Acts

-beginning in 1651 -acts restricting colonial trade -colonists forbidden to export sugar and tobacco to any country other than england and all goods had to be shipped on GB ships

josiah strong

-believed in the superiority of anglo saxons -implicit belief that nonwhite peoples were incapable of governing themselves

Booker T Washington

-black, seen more of an accommodationist -argued that rather than challenge the status quo, blacks should seek to improve their individual lot through hard work and job training

uncle tom's cabin

-book by Harriet Beecher Stowe -made people sympathetic to the plight of slaves and runaway slaves

Salutary Neglect

-british policy of the 17th century in which the british were lax in the enforcement of laws in the colonies, thereby allowing the colonies to develop without much interference from the british govt -after french and indian war this policy changed to one of involvement leading to the american revolution

Treaty of Paris (1783)

-british recognition of US as free and independent -established the boundaries of the US; mississippi river became the western boundary and north florida the southern boundary -allowed british to retain control of Canada; Florida (had been under GB control) was given to spain -required that colonists return the property of loyalists and permitted the british to collect debt owed to them by the US -allowed the americans to share the fisheries in Newfoundland -ended revolutionary war -not all provisions of treaty were fully carried out, led to war of 1812 btwn english and US

Clinton's Foreign Policy goals

-build coalition to intervene when needed -reduce trade restrictions -wanted to be umpire in UN -wanted to use US military might for altrusitic, not economic purposes

Transportation Revolution

-building of roads, steamboats, canals -national road -jobs grew exponentially -created market revolution, artisans -cotton mills

Compromise of 1850

-california trying to apply as a free state to union, would tip the balance in 1849 of free and slave states in senate -henry clay proposed a compromise to Daniel Webster: calfornia would be admitted as free state, slavery would remain in washington DC but the slave trade (Selling of slaves) would be prohibited, territories of new mexico and utah would have no restrictions on slavery, but slavery questions would be decided later, new strengthened Fugitive slave law would be enforced -eventually passed by stephen douglas split into separate parts

Gag Rule

-campaigns to abolish slavery in Washington, DC -southern congressmen were opposed to this -afraid that petitions would dominate the debate, democrats passed a motion in the house of representatives to 'table' (ignore) them at the beginning of each session -gag rule lasted 1836-44


-captial of confederacy in VA -captured by union


-catalyst was crusades


-central plateau of mexico Aztecs; a people who had moved from the north to conquer the peoples of central mexico and build a strong centralized empire; capital city was tenochtitlan (site of mexico city)

Triple Alliance

-central powers -Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy


-challenged rationalism -Gained knowledge through intuition and senses, not reason -unity of man and nature -rejected materialism


-challenged rationalism -renew connection to God by making it more personal

Roe v. Wade

-chief justice warren burger -1973 -legalized abortion in early pregnancy -pro choice v pro life -pro choice won

the american system

-clay -industrial north would become the manfacturing center for US, while south and west would raise the raw materials and food supply of the country -to accomplish=improve transportation, set up national banking system, levy protective tariffs -led to tariff of 1816, national road constructed from maryland to illinois, 1825 erie canal completed -1816 congress chartered 2nd BUS (issued paper money that could be used everywhere)

Power of the Purse

-colonies enjoyed -governors paid by colonists (town meeting living example of direct democracy)

actual representation

-colonists desired -idea that colonists entitled to a member of Parliament from the colonies to represent colonial interests

Joint Stock Company

-company that developed in the early 1600s in england wherein a group of an investors pooled their money to finance exploration of the new world -investor would receive a portion of the profits resulting from the exploration based on the number of shares of stock he or she had

Treaty of Greenville

-conflict btwn US and miami confederacy (native americans in ohio) -battle of fallen timbers 1794, US crushed miami confederacy -Treaty of Greenville signed in 1795 the miami confederacy gave up claims to the ohio country (lands rich in fur)

Scopes Trial

-conservative fundamentalist protestants led by William Jennings Bryan pushed for the elimination of evolution from high school biology curricula; american civil liberties union was eager to challenge law (passed in tenn. 1925) found biology teacher John Scopes -national attention -clarence darrow and scopes found guilty


-constantly calling for lincoln to free slaves. dividing democrats

GROWTH in the South

-cotton gin (invented by Eli Whitney in 1793) separated the seeds from cotton fiber at 50x the manual rate; using cotton gin on the difficult short staple inland cotton enabled the slave south to grow from 6 to 15 states by 1860; cotton production soared -by 1840, US producing 60% of world's cotton

Anti Imperialist League

-critics of US imperialism used the term 'dollar diplomacy' to imply that business interests drove US foreign policy -Mark Twain and Carl Schurz were anti imperialists -this league pointed out the racist assumptions in the belief that native peoples could not govern themselves -league argued that US policy should not function to protect the investments of the wealthy

King George III

-crowned in 1760 -desired greater control over colonies, felt that colonies should shoulder some of monetary burden from french and indian war

Wilmot Proviso

-david wilmot -amendment to war appropriations bill that stated that there should be 'no slavery or involuntary servitude in any territory acquired from Mexico' -failed in Senate

Reasons for British involvement in new world

-defeat of spanish armada (by the british, marked decline of spanish world power, english domination of seas, nationalism) -growth in GB population -because of enclosing land for sheep grazing, many farmers became tenants, wanted their own land in new world -economic depression in the wool industry in england in the 1550s -english battle with irish ended -primogeniture (only 1st born son could inherit family land and wealth) led men to seek fortunes in new world -GB seeking markets for goods and resources -protestant reformation and henry VIII's break w catholic church led to religious conflict and led people to go to new world for religious freedom -joint stock companies provided financial support for going to new world (investors pooled money for a share of profits if settlement was achieved)


-defended constitution as a document that was designed to prevent a tyranny of power -the federalist papers

Stephen Douglas

-democratic senator arranged for separate votes on each aspect of the compromise of 1850 and got it through and passed

Age of Exploration

-desire for all-water route to the Far East led to the age of exploration and the ultimate discovery of the new world -spain and portugal were leaders in the age of exploration (access to atlantic, strong national govt) -english entered when elizabeth I became queen in 1588 -Jamestown founded in 1607 was first permanent english settlement in n america (english exploration) -french joined late, first french settlement of quebec established in 1608

No Irish Need Apply (NINA)

-discrimination rife against the irish as they poured into cities for work, escaping anti-catholic persecution and the potato famine of 1845 -they found work as maids seamstresses or laborers

Peter Stuyvesant

-dutch govt. sent in military under command of Stuyvesant to New York, and he successfully secured the colony for the dutch until 1664 when Charles II gave a land grant to his brother there the Duke of York and sent a GB squadron to secure the grant. stuyvesant surrendered to british

Knights of Labor

-early industrial union -open to men and women of all races and skill levels -advocated arbitration -grew under Terence Powderly's leadership in the 1880s but declined by the century's end

Compromise of 1877

-election of 1876, neither republican candidate Hayes nor democratic candidate Tilden had enough electoral votes, democrats got popular vote but agreed to let hayes occupy the white house if republicans in turn agreed to withdraw federal troops from the south -hayes tilden compromise ended reconstruction

interchangeable parts

-eli whitney -machine made or standardized parts that could be put together to make a product used in mass production

Neutrality Act of 1935

-embargo on selling arms to belligerents -asked Americans to refrain from travelling on belligerent ships -prohibited American merchants ships from entering war zones -no banking loans to belligerents

Land Ordinance

-enacted 1785 under AoC -area of the northwest territory was divided into townships that were 6 miles square and further subdivided into 36 one acre tracts and one section for public school

Northwest Ordinance

-enacted 1787 under AoC -set guidelines for future states -no less than 3 nor more than 5 states were to be formed in NW territory -when 1 of the territories had 60000 inhabitants it could become a state in the union equal to the other existing states and the inhabitants of that new state were to enjoy all the same rights and priveleges of this who lived in the original states -religion was to be practiced freely without interference from the govt -indians were to be treated w the 'utmost good faith' -slavery was prohibited in these new states thus stemming the spread of slavery into this new territory

Treaty of Paris (1763)

-ended french and indian war (1754-1763) -treaty gave england india and all of lands in n america east of the mississippi river -french threat to english colonies in n america removed -spain (ally of france) stripped of florida (went to GB) but it was eventually given new orleans the louisiana including mississippi river

New England Confederation

-english fought pequot (who attacked them first) and eliminated the tribe--led to this -1643 -purpose to establish a colonial defense against the native americans, dutch, french -first attempt at intercolonial cooperation

George Whitefield

-english preacher -great awakening -emotional theatrics preacher -traveled throughout colonies preaching a message of religious revival

Bank of the U.S.

-established by Hamilton's financial program -BUS was to issue bank notes and serve the govt as its bank -owned by private investors -presumed investors would want the bank an the us govt to succeed to make a profit on their investment -jefferson was not a supporter, he was a strict constructionist of the constitution (believed constitution must be interpreted word by word) and thought that no where in the constitution gave govt power to establish BUS -hamilton was a loose constructionist (person who believed that there was flexibility within the constitution) -hamilton argued implied powers clause gave the govt right to establish BUS bc of the powers delegated to congress that allowed them to regulate trade and collect taxes -to appease Jefferson, Hamilton allowed the nation's capital to be on the Potomac River -supreme court upheld the constitutionality of the bank in the case of Mcculloch v Maryland in 1819 (when the state of maryland imposed a tax on the BUS in an attempt to destroy it, Chief Justice John Marshall validated bank)

Electoral College

-established by constitution -president and VP to be elected by the electoral college instead of popular vote

War Production Board

-established on home front -established to convert the country's production from peacetime to wartime

Vasco De Gama

-explored for Portugal 1497-99, 1502-03, 1524 -reached india around africa

Bartholomeu Diaz

-explored for Portugal in 1488 -explored southern tip of africa

Giovanni Cabot

-explored for england -1497 -explored northern coast of north america

Giovanni de Verrazano

-explored for france -1508, 1524, 1527-28 -explored the eastern part of present day US

Jacques Cartier

-explored for france -1534, 1535-36, 1541-42 -explored the st. lawerence river

robert de La Salle

-explored for france -1669, 1679-80, 1682-83 -traveled down mississippi river

Francisco Coronado

-explored for spain -1539-42 -explored arizona and new mexico, discovered the grand canyon of the colorado river

Hernando de Soto

-explored for spain -1541 -discovered the mississippi river

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

-explored for spain -1542 -explored the california coast

Christopher Columbus

-explored for spain 1492-93, 1493-96, 1498-1500, 1502-04 -reached the americas

Juan Ponce de Leon

-explored for spain 1508, 1513 -explored florida

Vasco Balboa

-explored for spain 1513-14 -discovered pacific ocean and claimed all the lands that touched it for spain

Francisco Pizarro

-explored for spain 1513-14, 1524, 1526-28, 1530-35 -conquered the incas of peru

Ferdinand Magellan

-explored for spain 1519-1522 -first to circumnavigate globe

Hernan Cortes

-explored for spain 1519-21 -conquered mexico

United Auto Workers

-famous sit down strike took place at GM plant in flint michigan in the winter of 1936-7 -resulted in GM recognizing the UNITED AUTO WORKERS as the bargaining unit for its 400000 workers

James Madison

-father of the constitution -kept journals of Constitutional Convention -virginia plan -federalist

National Road

-federal -1811 in maryland and was completed in illinois in 1838

Leif Ericsson

-first contact europeans had w this new world occurred with the voyages of the norse -went to newfoundland around the 1000s

Second Great Awakening

-following of Charles Grandison Finney -1820s NY came to be called 'burned over' district -finney led weeks long tent meetings converting thousands to prepare for the coming of christ -historians have connected growth of social reform w this 2nd ga

Jonathan Edwards

-foremost american theologian of 1730-40s -great awakening, preaching fire and brimstone -wrote Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

James Oglethorpe

-founded Georgia; interested in prison reform, sought to create refuge for imprisoned debtors

American Federation of Labor

-founded by Samuel Gompers in 1886 -coalition of craft unions -each craft union attempted to organize skilled workers in a particular field -AFL encouraged strikes and was largely successful in winning improvements for its workers

American Anti-Slavery Society

-founded by Tappan brothers and william lloyd garrison -supporters of immediate abolition 1833

Rhode Island

-founded by roger williams -enacted simple Manhood Suffrage with no property qualifications until years after founding -1644 charter from parliament -known for freedom of opp., separation of church and state -became leading importers of african slaves to colonies


-founded in 1608 by a group of separatist puritans (who originally left england for holland but left holland for fear of their children becoming dutch) -came w families and strong religious beliefs aboard the Mayflower ship -signed while on the ship the mayflower compact -John Carver was elected first governor -after carver's death, William Bradford became governor and served until 1657 -colonists friendly w Wampanoag indians through the help of Squanto


-founded in 1733, last english colony to be founded -founded by james oglethorpe interested in prison reform, sought to create refuge for imprisoned debtors -propriety charter -established also as a defensive buffer against both spanish in florida and french in louisiana -savannah grew as urban center in south -provided religious toleration to all christians except for catholics


-founded plymouth colony -puritans -religious

four pillars

-four pillars of posterity -jefferson supported the growth them -manufacturing, commerce, navigation and agriculture

Republicans in the Gilded Age

-free-market, small gov't -temperance, immigration restriction, Protestant -N and W

Wampanoag Indians

-friendly w plymouth colony -squanto -Massasoit (cheiftan) signed a treaty of friendship with the plymouth puritans in 1621

Kaiser Wilhelm II

-german -announced that any ships carrying goods to GB would be sunk -

Gold Rush

-gold discovered at sutter's mill in california in jan 1848 and by 1849 the settlers had written a free state constitution


-granted by royal decree in 1663 and named for charles I, proprietary colony for the purpose of supplying food to the sugar plantations in barbados and silk, wine and olive oil to england (climate turned out to be unsuitable for these goods) -Charleston/Charles Town founded in 1670 became leading port city of south -rice and indigo were cash crops -1669 carolina adopted barbados slave codes -need for labor/african slavery

great american desert

-great plains in 1820 -home to many native americans


-grew out of jamestown settlement, was proprietary colony until 1624 when it became a royal colony -warm climate and fertile soil, became leading producer of tobacco in the colonies -turned virignia into one crop economy -headright system (developed to encourage people to come to virginia; 50 acres of land given to any person who paid for the passage of another to virginia) -indentured servants -need for labor/african slavery

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

-heir to the Austrian Empire -june 1914, killed w his wife in sarajevo bosnia by Gavrila Princip (a member of a serbian nationalist society known as Black Hand) -led to austria hungary declaring war on serbia, russia (ally of serbia) declaring war on AH and germany declaring war on france, russia's ally. GB ally of france, declared war on germany -beginning of WWI

Constitutional Convention

-held 1787 -as a result of shays rebellion -met in philly (12/13 states repped except RI) to revise AoC -instead of revising AoC, convention created new constitution (secretly) -established federal system of govt in which there would be a division of powers btwn the states and the central govt -separation of powers within the central govt, executive branch (to enforce laws), a legislative branch (to write laws) and a judicial branch (to interpret laws) -system of checks and balances -amending process was included as was a necessary and proper clause (elastic clause) which allowed congress additional powers based on the delegated powers specifically granted it by the constitution -the great compromise -three fifths compromise -commerce and slave trade compromise other provisions: president and VP were to be elected by the Electoral College instead of by popular vote for four year terms (attempt to prevent mobocracy or rule by the masses); was to take effect upon ratification (approval by 9/13 states)

American Plan

-henry clay's plan, adams agreed -provide govt aid for internal improvements like roads and canals, supported by tariffs

Andrew Jackson

-hero of battle of new orleans, indian fighter, duelist and owner of hundreds of slaves -president two terms

frederick jackson turner

-historian w a thesis thesis held that the existence of an unsettled frontier had profoundly and positively shaped the character of americans; encourage americans to be innovative, individualistic, allowed for high degree of social mobility -provided safety valve -frontier was all settled by 1890

Bush II domestic policy

-huge tax cuts -No Child Left Behind

In his 2001 "War on Terror" speech to Congress, George W. Bush demanded the Taliban do all of the following

-immediately close all terrorist camps -release all foreign prisoners -transfer all terrorists on Afghani soil to the United States -give U.S. troops access to terror camps to ensure compliance (NOTHING to do with handing over Saddam Hussein)

Reconstruction Act of 1867

-implemented by radical republicans -presumed that southern states (Except TN) were w out legal state govts; 10 former confederate states were divided into five military districts each headed by a federal military commander; to be eligible for readmission into the union, southern states had to call new constitutional conventions, ratify the 14th amendment and guarantee black men the right to vote

James K. Polk

-in Election of 1844 Clay ran anti Texas campaign against the democrat James K. Polk whose expansionist slogans were '54 40 or fight' to annex the oregon territory and 'texas is alone but not deserted'. polk won.

Great Compromise

-in constitution -based on New Jersey Plan proposed by william Patterson and the Virginia plan proposed by James Madison, provided for bicameral legislature (two houses) consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives -number of reps in the house was to be determined by population and these reps were to be elected by the people every 2 years -senate composed of two reps from each state elected every 6 years by the state legislature -one third of the senate was to be elected every two years -direct election of senators did not take place until the 17th ammendment was added to constitution in 1913

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

-in constitution -convention determined that congress should have power to regulate foreign trade -congress was forbidden to interfere w the slave trade for 20 years or to place taxes on exports (provision favored by south) -congress permitted to place import tax of $10 on each slave brought into the country

Three-Fifths Compromise

-in constitution -northern states wanted exclusion of slaves from pop. count for purposes of representation but not taxation -southern states wanted inclusion of slaves in the population count for purposes of representation but not taxation -Compromise reached that provided that every five slaves were to be counted as three white men, each slave counted as 3/5 of a person for purposes of representation and taxation

st. augustine

-in modern day florida -settled by the spanish in 1565 and became the oldest permanent european settlement in the land that is today the US

Napoleon Bonaparte

-in power in France -convention of 1800 w US (peace was gotten): franco-american alliance dissolved, US agreed to pay for the damages to US shipping (cost Adams presidency considered sellout by federalists)

First Continental Congress

-in response to intolerable acts -1774 in philly -called to determine an appropriate response by the colonies to the actions of GB -decided on complete stoppage of trade w england, boycott of gb goods -agreed to meet again the following year

Abraham lincoln

-inaugural addres=1861, attempted to convince south that secession was illegal and impossible; believed in theory of perpetual union (continental congress predated the constitution and no state could break the union 'contract' by itself); defend the union

Rosie the Riveter

-influx during war of women in the workforce

Cyrus McCormick

-invented mechanical reaper (1830s) --expansion of agricultural production

John Deere

-invented steel plow (1837) -expansion of agricultural production

Samuel FB Morse

-invented telegraph (1844)

Elias Howe

-invented the sewing machine (1846) and perfected by Singer -expansion of garment industry

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

-investigated many facets of american society notably the entertainment industry -group of entertainment people known as Hollywood Ten refused to cooperate and were jailed for contempt 1947 -caused hollywood to avoid controversy and executives maintained a blacklist of supposed 'subversives' who were not to be hired -red scare/fear of communism driven

Shuttle Diplomacy

-israel engaged in 2 major wars six day war 1967 and yom kippur war 1973 -kissinger helped dampen the tensions through shuttle diplomacy (traveling back and forth among the combatants) but not before the US support of israel prompted an arab oil embargo (energy crises of 70s had roots here)

Writs of Assistance

-issued by GB govt. in 1769 -allowed customs officials to search colonial homes without explanation

Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793

-issued by washington in rxn to the french rev -declared US favored neither GB or France in conflict

Bank War

-jackson attacked 2nd BUS -chartered for 30 yrs the 2nd BUS kept the currency stable and issued loans to entrepreneurs -1832 Bank president Biddle along w Senators Clay and Webster supported an early re charter of the bank to undercut jackson's opposition to it in 1832 election -charter renewal passed the congress but jackson vetoed the bank bill claiming it was economic monopoly and an unconstitutional aggrandizement of federal power -jackson's veto escalated the bank war

embargo act of 1807

-jefferson -1807 USS Chesapeake was attacked by GB and US response was the embargo act which forbade all foreign vessels from entering american ports and prohibited american vessels from shipping cargo to foreign ports; met w opposition form people of US cause of its detrimental effects on trade and commerce

Headright System

-land policy developed in the 1600s in virginia and maryland designed to encourage settlement in the new world -promised 50 acres of land to any person who paid the passage of someone else to the new world -indentured servants brought to new world under this system

Samuel Adams

-led group of protesters who dumped a shipment of tea into boston harbor

Effects of Vietnam

-led to decades of anger toward gov;t -shattered confidence in superiority of American ideals.

Results of Exploration

-led to economic change in europe, beginning of capitalism and development of mercantilism (economic system in which the colony exists for the good of the mother country by providing raw materials for the mother country and a market for its products) -new products introduced to european markets -native pop. introduced to european goods -introduction of african slavery to new world

unicameral legislature

-legislature composed of only one house


-made up of 3 counties and founded by swedes -under control of governor of pennsylvania under the american rev -named for lord de la warr -given right to establish own assembly in 1703

Sussex Pledge

-march 1916, germans attacked the Sussex (french passenger ship w americans on board) -after this, germany agreed to the Sussex Pledge which provided that no more attacks would take place on unarmed vessels but only if the US would persuade GB to lift the blockade along the german coast

Boston Massacre

-march 5, 1770 GB troops fired on group of colonists who had been harassing them, ended in death of Crispus Attucks and two others, two wounded died later -british captain thomas preston and his soldiers were placed on trial for this event -john adams and josiah quincey defended the british and they were acquitted

John Rolfe

-married to pocahontas -perfected raising of tobacco 1612 -VA, jamestown

Roger Williams

-minister banished from mass. bay colony for his support of a complete break from the church of england and no compensation for indians land (he disagreed w this) -founded Rhode Island

Industrial Workers of the World

-most radical labor union -under the banner 'one big union' -combined socialist and anarchist ideas but failed to attract a mass following -members known as Wobblies

Henry Ford

-most responsible for bringing automobile to masses -model T

Black Belt

-named after dark fertile soil in lower south contributed to huge amount of cotton production -slaveholders/planters -slave sold from upper south of virginia and maryland to lower south of alabama and mississippi and louisiana

Iran Hostage Crisis

-new fundamentalist shiite muslim Khomeni govt in iran (1979) blamed the US for selling arms to the deposed shah -52 american embassy workers taken hostage by angry students w support of the Khomeni govt -they spent 444 days in captivity and were only released on the day ronald reagan was inaugurated in 1980

Erie Canal

-new york state -1817-25 -stretched from albany to buffalo via the hudson river

Native American Tribes of N. America

-nomadic people -tribes had established govts, many cases democratic -women had large role not just as homemakers but politically -tobacco and corn big to them, new to europeans -medicines and animal products from plants -many had written languages and crafted tools and weapons -lack of unity -although Iroquois Confederation was a confederacy, native americans never formed a viable united force to combat europeans or americans

Warren G Harding

-normalcy -cut taxes, federal budget -scandals involving close advisors

Vladimir Lenin

-nov 1917 russian bolsheviks under leadership of lenin overthrew the czar

Shays's Rebellion

-occurs 1786 -Daniel Shays led 1200 armed followers in an attack on the federal arsenal at Springfield, Mass. -shays and other farmers demanded cheap paper money, reduced taxes, and suspension of mortgage foreclosures -directed vs mass govt which had used tax revenues to pay off debts from the revolutionary war -rebellion crushed by mass. militia -led to meeting to discuss AoC --->consitutional convention

North Carolina

-officially separated from south carolina in 1712 -independent spirit/less aristocratic/less need for slave labor/smaller farms

American Liberty League

-opposed new deal -made up of mostly conservative businessmen

Muller v Oregon

-oregon law limiting women to 10 hr work day challenged by employers -Supreme Court upheld the law in Muller v Oregon, thus setting precedent of supreme court using its power for social reform

Abraham Lincoln's 10 percent plan

-part of reconstruction -Lincoln wanted to bring the union back together quickly and easily -designed to let states reenter the union if 10 percent of the states voters swore allegiance to the US -lincoln intended to pardon all but the most high ranking confederate officers -radical repubs disagreed

Alien and Sedition Acts

-passed by congress in 1798 to weaken the democratic-republicans and their vocal opposition to adams/federalists INCLUDED -Naturalization act=required that a person must be in the US for 14 years before they could be a citizen; most immigrants were demo-repubs this would reduce their ranks -Alien act=gave the president power to deport foreigners deemed dangerous to the peace and safety of the US -Sedition act=provided for fines or imprisonment for anyone who used language that stirred discontent or rebellion in the govt. -response to these acts was VA and KY resolutions by demo repubs

McCarren Internal Security Act

-passed over truman's veto by congressional republicans who didn't think truman's loyalty program went far enough -1950 -made it a crime to plan for the replacement of the US govt. with a dictatorship

Anti Federalists

-patrick henry and sam adams were some -felt that constitution compromised goals of the american revolution and gave too much power to central govt -pointed out lack of bill of rights -objected to secrecy of creation -


-perestroika (economic reform)--improved living standards and allowed private ownership of businesses -glasnost (social reform)--released thousands of political prisoners & lifted restrictions of speech & press

Robert Fulton

-perfected the steamboat in 1807 -provided more rapid transportation on rivers and lakes

Wheeler-Howard Indian Reorganization Act

-policy of "cultural relativism"--people should accept all cultures; no one culture is superior. -encouraged to keep their culture, given more land 30s

Kansas-Nebraska Act

-popular sovereignty in KS and NB territories -violated Missouri Compromise, which had already banned slavery N of 36.30

bleeding kansas

-popular sovereignty in kansas produced a mini civil war there -border ruffians pro slavery brought in residents from missouri and fake voted -most anti slavery kansas settlers boycotted election -violence -john brown pottawatomie creek -kansas eventually admitted as free state in 1861


-practice of granting the firstborn son the right to all the inheritance of the parent's estate, rather than subdividing it and giving portions to all offspring

Indentured Servitude

-practice used in colonial america in which a person entered into a contract for a specific period of time w another in exchange for the payment of his/her passage to the new world -servant sometimes promised some land after the time of servitude was fulfilled

monroe doctrine

-president monroe presented the US's policy concerning interference in the americas STATED THAT -americas were closed to further colonization -US would not interfere w already existing colonies in the americas -US would not interfere in european affairs vice versa -actions taken by the europeans to colonize western hemisphere or any attempt to interfere w newly independent nations would be considered by the US to be dangerous to the people of the US doctrine disturbed European nations who didn't react for fear of GB support of it

jefferson Davis

-president of confederacy

Mikhail Gorbachev

-prime minister of soviet union during reagan era -introduced perestroika and glasnost

Robert LaFollette

-progressive who was elected governor on the republican ticket in 1900; started campaign to reform state govt in wisconsin -direct primary=allowed people instead of parties to decide who the candidates would be for general elections -initiative=allowed citizens to introduce legislation by gaining a certain number of signatures -referendum=allowed citizens to enact pieces of legislation directly through voting on ballot questions -recall=see flashcard

Jack Kerouac

-prominent beat -author of ON THE ROAD -possibly most important beat text

Allen Ginsberg

-prominent beat -poet -author of 'howl' (a long poem attacking contemporary american society and was confiscated by police for obscenity)

Carter's main goals in foreign policy

-promote human rights, not fight Comm -decrease US involvement abroad--actually increased it & boosted arms spending

henry clay

-proposed american system

Albany Plan of Union

-proposed by Franklin -defensive union for colonies -plan was to allow colonists to raise money from taxes for their defense and to deal with the indian problem and settlement of western lands -rejected by many colonies, but nonetheless a step toward colonial unity

Queen Liliuokalani

-queen of hawaii -US business became interested in hawaii and its sugar crop in the middle of 19th cent and US businessmen played an increasingly important economic and political role on the islands and in 1887 pressured the king to give the planters special privileges including sole voting rights -queen challenged the growing power of the planters -planters rebelled and US military intervened on their behalf 1893 -1898 hawaii annexed by US

Andrew Carnegie

-rags to riches, scottish immigrant -control of steel industry -vertical integration -philanthropy


-ratified 1788 -doctrine supported minority rights -june 21, 1788 nine states ratified constitution -ratification contingent on the addition of a bill of rights to protect individual liberties and states rights

Interstate Commerce Act

-reasonable prices for RRs -prohibited discrimination about small business -ICC--federal agency for monitoring RR prices

American Romanticism

-return to nature -celebration of artists -goodness of mankind, individual freedoms -patriotism

Declaration of Independence

-rights of man -consent of governed -grievances

Manhattan Project

-secret US govt project==atomic bomb -truman authorized the use of it in the war

Triangular Trade

-selling of slaves became part of system called triangular trade -molasses and sugar imported from west indies to the northern colonies where they were processed into rum, rum sold in west africa to slave traders in return for slaves -slaves transported to west indies where they were sold in exchange for molasses and sugar for the colonies -RI became largest trader of slaves in the colonies

French and Indian War

-seven years war -george washington -ben franklin albany union plan -GB sent major Braddock who w Washington attempted to stop French threat -defeated at fort duquesne the british won the war after william pitt was appointed govt. minister by king george in 1757; pitt fully committed GB to the war; strategy aimed at canada -1763 treaty of paris signed ending war Significant Results of War= french threat gone, colonists eager to settle land across the appalachian mountains, but this led to problems w indians; indians (pontiac) led an attack vs british by eventually defeated; GB issues Proclamation of 1763 to prohibit colonists from settling land beyond the appalachain mountains and required those settlers already there to leave, colonists defied this -colonists found they shared many common interests and goals -proved it was possible to defeat british -british treasury depleted and england looked to colonies to share burden for the protection it provided but colonies disagreed -military experience gained by colonists

Mayflower Compact

-signed aboard the mayflower by colonists -not constitution but an agreement for cooperation among the participants

Middle Passage

-slave ships journey across the atlantic ocean was called this, was cruel and harsh for slaves, on slave ships (slavers) -

Nikita Khrushchev

-soviet leader after stalin -adopted a policy called 'peaceful coexistence' btwn the east and west -held a geneva summit


-spain -were soldiers and explorers who conquered the aztecs, incas and mayans btwn the 15th and 19th centuries -they tortured native populations, stole gold, infected them w smallpox -encomienda=allowed colonists to exploit native population for labor, provided there was an attempt to convert the native pop. to christianity -brought diesase, cattle, swine, horses and sugarcane -mingling of spanish w native pop resulted in new race known as Mestizos

Gilded Age

-standard of living in US rose, but poverty still was big -name implies thin gold veneer covering a cheap base -US changing from agricultural nation to an urban one -new inventions changed way americans lived their lives

kansas-nebraska act

-stephen douglas introduced bill to organize territory called kansas and nebraska -he based principle of admission of states in the territory on popular sovereignty -bill stated that all questions pertaining to slavery in the territories are to be left to the people residing therein -southern senators compelled douglas to include a repeal of the missouri compromise in his bill so that they could have a chance to expand slavery -signed by president pierce

Temperance Movement

-succeeded in preventing the manufacturing of spirits in maine in 1851


-supporters of GB -Not sympathetic to french in french rev

Reasons for Mormon persecution

-suspicion of successful recruiting -polygamy -missionary work -feared they would oppose slavery

Roosevelt's Square Deal

-teddy roosevelt called his agenda the square deal=a belief in equal opportunity and adherence to the spirit of the law


-teddy roosevelt known as the Trustbuster for using the sherman antitrust act against trusts -targeted corrupt trusts such as Northern securities co. (railroad co) -pushed for passage of hepburn act (1906-strengthened the ICC)

Roosevelt Corollary

-teddy roosevelt wanted more active role for US in latin america -amendment to monroe doctrine that set forth that the US would not only see european intervention in Latin America as a threat but it would intervene if US investments were threatened


-teddy roosevelt's desire to protect the environment -tripled amount of land set aside or national forests, created the national conservation committee and publicized the conservationist case


-those in opposition to jacksonian democrats -after jackson's veto of the bank, Webster and Clay began calling themselves "whigs" (recalling the revolutionary opposition to king george III) -"king andrew" defeated clay in the 1832 election

7 Causes of 1929 Crash

-too much stock purchased on margin -lots of good purchased on credit -unequal distribution of wealth -weak banking system -US economy not diversified (as auto and construction declined, there was nothing to take over) -Crop surpluses = low prices -Depressed foreign trade b/c of weak European economy & high tariff

John Smith

-took command of Jamestown colony -saved colony, strict rules

war of 1812

-under a madison presidency -1812 Napoleon tricked madison into believing that france would end its harassment of america at sea when he agreed to the provisions of macon's bill no 2 -War Hawks (reps to congress, saw war w england as a way to conquer canada) -westerners unhappy w indian situation who they saw as working w GB -anti GB feeling increased w impressment of US seamen who were removed from american ships and forced to serve on GB ships after war declared: American victory at Fort McHenry in baltimore harbor inspired Francis Scott Key to write the star spangled banner which became the national anthem -new england opposed the war, led to hartford convention RESULTS=opened the way for new relationship btwn GB and US; rush bagot agreement; embargo led to development of US industries; absence of GB and spain left US free to expand; aka war of 2nd independence (new spirit of nationalism developed)

Calvin Coolidge

-vp to harding -won election of 1924 -conservative, laissez faire, pro business

University of California v Bakke

-warren burger -1978 granted the use of affirmative action as long as no quotas were involved

Election of 1796

-washington set precedent for two term presidency and retired -hamilton influenced election to ensure that jefferson was not elected John Adams was elected, w Jefferson as VP (federalist and democratic-republican)

Pinckney's Treaty

-when Jay's treaty signed, spanish feared that GB and US were planning an alliance -they negotiated this treaty giving up land east of the mississippi river and north of florida w the 31st parallel as the northern boundary of florida, mississippi river opened up to american traders


-william lloyd garrison was the leader -would not run candidates under the slave-supporting Constitution -abolitionist party

Free Soil Party

-wilmot proviso -David Wilmot -free soil position=there should be no extension of slavery to the west -party formed (1848-1854) -party had those who believed blacks unequal to whites and also Frederick douglas like abolitionists

Eisenhower Doctrine

-worried about expanding russian influence in the middle east, Eisenhower announced in 1957 that the US would send armed forces to any nation there that asked for help against communist threats -applied successfully in lebanon in 1958

South Carolina Exposition and Protest

-written by Calhoun -wrote against tariff of 1828 -tariffs rates so high that southerners called it "tariff of abominations" -stated that since the states had made a compact, the states could dissolve it, or make 'null and void' any federal law that was contrary to their interests -argued that tariff of abominations favored the north and threatened south carolina by forcing it to pay high prices for imports -following this compact theory, SC could declare the tariff unconstitutional and not collect it

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

-written in rxn to Alien and Sedition Acts -authors=Jefferson and James Madison -published 1798-99 -stated that constitution was a compact (contract) btwn the states and the central govt and when the govt violates the contract, the states have the right to judge the constitutionality of the laws being passed -kentucky resolution said the state was able to declare a law null and void and unenforceable -this doctrine of nullification became a basic principle used by the southern states in justifying their secession from the union in 1860

Coercive/Intolerable Acts

1. Closed Boston Harbor 2. Suspended MA gov't 3. quartered British soldiers in homes 4. Gave Ohio Valley to Canadians


12 yrs in Senate (inc. 6 as majority leader) -good at twisting arms to push legislation through -passed more legislation than any President since FDR -was able to push through New Frontier stuff that JFK hadn't been able to

Election of 1948

"only Republican folly could save Truman..." -Republicans made unpopular by Congress refusing Truman's domestic policies and overriding his Taft-Hartley veto -Truman still had organized labor, minority, farmer support -Even after Dixiecrats and Progressives split from Democratic Party, Truman's 30,000 mi "whistle-stop" campaign led his victory and D's in both houses of Congress

Elvis Presley

"the King of Rock n' Roll" appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in 1955. He recorded at Sun Records. Honorably served in the Army when he was drafted. Home in a former church (Graceland) located in Memphis, Tennessee.

Calvin Coolidge

"the business of America is business" -efficient -not friendly to farmers -hands-off

The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

(1779) government control over religious beliefs or worship was tyrannical

Judiciary Act

(1789) Established federal court system

What did the Erie Canal lead to

(1830s+1840s) Westward Migration

Ostend Manifesto

(1854) Plan to add Cuba as a slave state (it was dropped)

Bull Run/Manassas Junction

(1861) First major battle, where Stonewall Jackson got his Nickname. The South won.


(1862) Bloodiest day ever in American History. Nobody won, but the Union issued the Emancipation Proclamation, as though this battle were a victory.

Siege of Vicksburg

(1863) The Union won and divided the South in half by controlling the Mississippi River.

Presidential v. Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction

(1865-1877) Presidential=lenient (Johnson didn't want to punish the South). Radical (congressional)=harsher and involved using the military to enforce laws

Knights of Labor

(1869) -Industrial union by Terence Powderly -End to child labor, work day, feminism -Inclusive -Strikes (frequently)

Slaughterhouse Cases

(1873) (14th amendment) A large corporation put Louisianan butchers out of work, whom believed that their 14th amendment rights had been violated (they lost this fight).

American Federation of Labor

(1886) -Craft union (more specialized) -Samuel Gompers was the leader -Only strike when needed -Collective bargaining (meeting w/ employers to compromise on contracts)

Haymarket Affair

(1886) A Chicago bomb went off during a rally, and people died. Unions took the blame and gained a negative connotation, similar to anarchism and socialism. Increase in nativism, and KOL enrollment took a dip.

Ho Chi Minh

(1890-1969) Vietnamese leader who is responsible for ousting first the French, then the United States from his country. Supported by both communist China and the Soviet Union, he guided Vietnam through decades long warfare to emerge as a communist nation.

Homestead Strike

(1892) -Carnegie's steel plant unionized, and the company threatened to replace them -Violence occurred, and the strikers were tried for treason

Pullman Strike

(1894) -After wages went down, the American Railway Union & Eugene Debs stopped trains with Pullman Cars on them -Violence & property damage ensued, along with disrupting the mail -Debs went to prison, and Grover Cleveland, siding with big business, got a court order to end the strike

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

(1905) -Socialist Eugene V. Debs -Most radical -Immigrants

Insular Cases

(1905) -Supreme Court decisions that didn't grant full rights to certain territories (Alaska & Hawaii vs. Philippines, for example)

Hepburn Act

(1906) allowed ICC to regulate INTERSTATE shipping prices of railroads [pro farmer]

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

(1911-Taft): NYC fire that killed many b/c locked exits, led to stricter building and fire codes.

Underwood Tariff

(1913): Decreased tariffs to low levels.

Jones Act

(1917) allowed Puerto Rican voting/electing power (Citizenship)

Espionage & Sedition Act

(1917-1918) Espionage Act: Prison for disrupting military/draft Sedition Act:Against leftists who were anti-war - illegal to speak out negatively against gov't

Schenck v. US

(1919) -A socialist, Schenck criticized the draft & was arrested. -Free speech was not protected b/c it created a danger - like shouting fire in a crowded theater

Volstead Act

(1919): To enforce prohibition. -People ignored it through speakeasies, the bathtub gin (homemade alcohol/1920s), bootlegging (Al Capone), and going to Canada to get Alcohol


(1933) -Fair practices/competition -IF a business followed the codes, they were supposed to place a blue eagle in the window for everyone to see (patriotism) -More UNIONIZATION

Schechter Poultry Corp v. US

(1935) -Congress creates laws, not the president -NIRA was removed

US v. Butler

(1936) AAA violated federalism - destroyed by Supreme Court

Selective Service Act

(1940): First ever American peacetime draft

Lend-Lease Act

(1941) -The US could sell unlimited arms to the Allies, breaching neutrality -Done on credit

Executive Order 9066

(1942) FDR's order to place all Japanese Americans in Internment Camps

Tehran Conference

(1943) -Allies planned how to defeat the Nazis


(1944) Largest battle/turning point. Second front (Normandy) in Europe, liberation of France, Eisenhower was the Allied commander


(1945) -Allies discussed future of Germany after it surrendered

Yalta Conference

(1945) Start of the Cold War!! -1945 strategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin -Russia gets Eastern Europe, fake "Free elections" -Soviets entered war against Japan, Germany divided into zones -Conference in Soviet Union

Jackson Pollock

(1950s) non-conformist artist

Free Speech Movement

(1964) protested on behalf of (college) students' rights- dress codes, faculty, regulations

Roe v. Wade

(1973, Nixon) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

Jimmy Carter

(1977-1981), Created the Department of Energy and the Depatment of Education. He was criticized for his return of the Panama Canal Zone, and because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he enacted an embargo on grain shipments to USSR and boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and his last year in office was marked by the takeover of the American embassy in Iran, fuel shortages, and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, which caused him to lose to Ronald Regan in the next election. 1974 became the 39th President, with Vice President Walter Mondale. He secured energy programs, set the framework for Egypt-Israel treaty, and sought to base foreign policy on human rights.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(Eleanor Roosevelt + UN) People are born free + equal, outlaws slavery + torture, promotes public trials

Whig Party

(Henry Clay was one) a political party formed in opposition to the Democratic Party, against Texas b/c it would add power to the Democratic Party

Cuban Missile Crisis

(JFK) , , an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. When the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later, on condition that US doesn't invade Cuba and removed american missile bases in turkey

Rosa Parks

(LBJ) , United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement NAACP member who initiated the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 when she was arrested for violating Jim Crow rules on a bus; her action and the long boycott that followed became an icon of the quest for civil rights and focused national attention on boycott leader Martin Luther King, Jr.


-1606 Virginia Company of London (joint stock co) received charter from james I to settle in the new world -charter guaranteed settlers the same rights in the new world as they had in england -most of settlers single young men seeking gold -faced diesase malnutrition, starvation, attacks from native americans -john smith took command and forced men to work for food -hostility btwn indians and settlers was diminished by efforts of Pocohantas the daughter of Powhatan who saved john smith from death, eventually married john rolfe

Anglo-Powhatan Wars

-1622 first war (powhatans lost to english) -1644 second war (powhatan tribe lost their lands to the settlers) -indians segregated from the white population of the colony -1685 powhatan tribe was virtually extinct due to disease and their inability to unite against the settlers

New York

-1623-24 Dutch West India Co. created the first dutch permanent settlement in New Netherlands w the purchase of manhattan island from the indians -patroonships -peter stuyvesant secured colony for dutch but later surrendered it to the british in 1664 to the Duke of York -remained under influence of large landowners, sizeable aristocratic class -cosmopolitan many immigrants entered new world here

Maryland Act of Toleration

-1649 -maryland offered religious toleration to all christians but declared that the death penalty would be used as punishment for any person who denied the divinity of jesus (denying religious freedom to jews etc) -was eventually repealed

Barbados Slave Codes

-1661 -adopted by carolina -originally passed by GB to control slaves on the west indian plantations in barbados, these harsh rules placed the slave completely under the control of the master -codes became basis of the type of chattel slavery that developed in the colonies

Great Awakening

-1730s and 1740s -religious revival -began in massachucetts -jonathan edwards stirred congregations with his preachings, fire and brimstone sermons -english preacher George whitefield -diminished role of clergy who split into two groups: old lights (clergy who supported existing traditions), new lights (defended the great awaking) -led to development of new religions, creating greater competition among the churches for worshippers -led to the establishment of new light universities, such as princeton, brown, rutgers, dartmouth -brought american theology to europe through the teachings of edwards

Benjamin Franklin

-1754 -proposed albany union plan designed as a defensive union for the colonies

George Washington inaugurated as 1st President of the US


French Revolution

-1789 w the storming of bastille -france declared war on austria 1792 and reign of terror -split btwn federalists and anti federalists -during this time GB ignored US neutrality and seized US vessels and impressment of US seamen and incited native americans

John Jay

-1794 washington sent him to london to negotiate peace w england -chief justice of supreme court -Jay's treaty=GB promised to withdraw its forces from US soil and to pay damages for the seizure of American ships; US promised to pay all debts still owed to GB merchants from the rev; but there was no agreement on the issues of impressment and freedom of the seas (main issues); treaty was unpopular in US but kept US out of war

XYZ Affair

-1797 american attempt under Adams to get peace w france, and talleyrand demanded 250000 upon arrival for the right to speak w him -angered US and people called for war w france -led congress established navy department and US marine corps and authorized the raising of an army of 10000 men

Panic of 1837

-1833 Jackson began to take federal deposits out of the Bank and placed them in "pet" state banks -without the stable 2nd BUS, interest rates soared and worthless paper notes were everywhere -Jackson issued specie circular (to curb inflation; required all western lands be paid for w precious metal but hard currency could not cover the overheated market of the west) -lack of sound money combined w inflation and international crisis produced a five year depression called the panic of 1837

Liberty Party

-1840 group of political abolitionists split the american anti-slavery society, forming the liberty party, because they wanted to run James G Birney for president -abolitionist party

Convention in Seneca Falls

-1848 Elizabeth Cady Stanton -organized in NY to address women's rights and suffrage

abraham lincoln

-1860 became candidate for republican party -free soil position -wins presidency

Proclamation of 1763

British wanted to avoid conflict with NA colonists couldn't go West of Appalachians stationed soldiers in colonies

John Cabot

British--Canada -early Br/Fr explorer

Jeb Bush

Brother of Bush- governor of FL during election controversy- appointed Katherine Harris who validated the Bush vote

Persian Gulf War

Bush I Operation Desert Storm -Saddam invade oil-rich Kuwait -Bush feared he would take Saudi Arabia, too -Built coalition & got UN to condemn Iraq's actions -US-led UN coalition forces bombed Iraqi army & facilities into oblivion -Ground assault--despite Iraq having world's 4th largest army, they were defeated in 4 days, shell-shocked & demoralized *Freed Kuwait, but left Saddam in power in Iraq

War on Terror

Bush II -Al Qaeda linked to series of attacks on US (9/11, Olympic Park, etc.) -resented US forces in Middle East & US support of Israel -Targeted terrorist groups & nations that harbored them

Clarence Thomas

Bush appointed black judge Clarence Thomas to Supreme court justice -Anita Hill (black law professor who had been his employee) accused him of sexual harassment This man was an African American jurist, and a strict critic of affirmative action. He was nominated by George H. W. Bush to be on the Supreme Court in 1991, and shortly after was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. Hearings were reopened, and he became the second African American to hold a seat in the Supreme Court.

Samuel Alito

Bush appointed him to the Supreme Court, which increased conservative majorities in the federal courts conservative appointed to the Supreme Court in 2006

Election of 2000

Bush v. Gore; Bush won although Gore won popular vote; controversy over the final vote count in Florida; settled by Supreme Court decision in favor of Bush Closest election in US history in which George W. Bush eventually defeated Al Gore despite winning fewer popular votes after the Supreme Court stopped recounts in Florida.

Dick Cheney

Bush's Vice President and a Wyoming representative who was attacked numerous times for his considerable power given to him by the President and his policy-making. Secretary of Defense under G.H.W. Bush, was G.W. Bush's Vice President, criticized for the considerable power given to him by the G.W. Bush and his policy-making.

Axis of Evil

Bush's quote regarding Iran, Iraq (We invaded), and North Korea b/c of terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Horizontal Integration

Buying similar companies/merging with them (system of consolidating many firms in the SAME business)

The Committee to Re-Elect the President

CREP -scandal began as scheme to create the biggest win possible in the 1972 election for Nixon -watergate


CREP bugged offices of democratic party campaign headquarters in the Watergate Hotel and office building in washington DC in june of 1972 -john mitchell, nixon in on it -coverup and scandal by nixon administration

Pullman Strike

Chicago. Pullman RR Coach company cut wages, left food and rent the same. Eugene V Debs organized boycott of coaches. Trains carrying mail stopped, Fed intervened

Haymarket Riot

Chicago. Someone threw bomb @ police, who opened fire

Retreat of the Nez Perce

Chief Joseph won White Bird Canyon, then led people on 1500 mi retreat, after which he was forced to surrender

When President Bill Clinton was tried by the Senate in 1999, it was necessary that

Chief Justice William Rehnquist preside over the impeachment trial.

Warren Burger

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1969 to 1986, he was responsisble for bringing the Court somewhat back to the right after the Earl Warren years. He presided over major cases involving abortion, affirmative action, the death penalty, and school desegregation Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1969-1986; although considered more conservative in leadership than Earl Warren, his court upheld school busing, a woman's right to an abortion, and ordered Nixon to surrender the Watergate tapes. furman v georgia (1972-death penalty unconstitutional)

John Roberts, Jr.

Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court appointed by Bush 2005, conservative

William Rehnquist

Chief Justice under Reagan -conservative who led the court in limiting access to abortion and remedying civil rights violations

chief joseph

Chief of Nez Perce indians, peaceful relations w settlers until gold discovered on their land in 1860; faced w forcible removal, Joseph and the nez peace prepared to leave peacefully for the reservation -US troops misinformed about joe's intentions and attacked him and nez perce

Korean War: Comm comeback

Chinese didn't want hostile forces so close to thier border, so they pushed back to 38th -Cease-fire in 1953 -No peace treaty ever signed

Iron Curtain

Churchill coined phrase -referenced an iron curtain dividing a free and democratic west from an east under totalitarian rule

Eugene 'Bull' Conner

Commissioner of Public Safety for Birmingham -used fire hoses and attack dogs to disperse demonstrating students police commissioner who personally supervised a brutal effort to break up the peaceful marches, arrest of hundreds of demonstrators and using attack dogs, tear gas, electric cattle prods, and fire hoses in full view of television cameras Racist police commissioner of Birmingham AL. Arrested King and child protesters.

Conservative, Liberal, Radical response to Depression

Conservative--laissez-faire Liberal--aid the needy Radical--Communism/socialism

Hurricane Katrina

Considered to be the one crisis of the Bush administrations second term and in is inefficiency to deal with the crisis. It destroyed 80% of New Orleans and more than 1300 people died, while the damages were $150 billion. (2005) The costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the U. S., killing nearly 2,000 Americans. The storm ravaged the Gulf Coast, especially in the city of New Orleans, in late Aug. of 2005. In New Orleans, high winds and rain caused the city's levees to break, leading to catastrophic flooding, particularly centered on the city's most impoverished wards. A tardy and feeble response by local and federal authorities exacerbated the damage and led to widespread criticism of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

New York Times Co. V US

Court ruled that a court order instituting a "prior restraint" on news stories based on the Pentagon Papers was unconstitutional Censorship cases ("prior restraint") - Speech that addresses matters of public concern may not be censored. Made it possible for the New York Times to publish the classified "Pentagon Papers".

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Created by Calhoun to give supplies to NAs Corruption--most goods sold to whites for profit

'Axis of Evil'

Created in 2002 by George W. Bush to show the "bad guys" which include: Iran, Iraq, and N. Korea

Operation Overlord

D-Day. 3 million storm beaches of Normandy

Black Thursday, Black Tuesday

DJIA dropped 36% in 1 week

Battle of New Orleans

Decisive American victory fought after official end of War of 1812

Pentagon papers

Defense Dpt. Documents leaked to NYT during Nixon Administration -outlined secret decision process on Vietnam by LBJ admin -lied about motives for involvement, etc.

Border states during the civil war

Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, & West Virginia

Parties in Jacksonian Era

Democrats--Jackson, common man, S and W National Republicans--JQA & Clay, strong Fed Not clearly defined b/c leader JQA not partisan Ended after JQA lost to Jackson Whigs--liked nationalism, opposed Jackson

American Indian Movement

Dennis Banks a Chippewa and Russell Means a Sioux led the American Indian Movement to obtain equal rights for Native Americans; led a protest at historic site of the wounded knee massacre (1889) in 1973

William Faulkner

Described complexities of life in the South; first to succeed with the modern technique of multiple points of view; famous works include The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom.

Conspicuous consumption

Described the upper classes during the 1890s -Use things that you buy to build status -Termed by Thorstein Veblen

Desert Storm

Desert Storm was the name given to the operation to liberate Kuwait. The operation was a success, Kuwait was liberated and Iraq defeated. 1991 bush I

Theme of Reconstruction Era

Division: N-S, Republican-Democrat, President-Congress

Prison/Mental Hospital Reform

Dorthea Dix--ended physical abuse, separated men and women, abolished imprisoning debtors

End of Depression of 1890s

Economy rebounded b/c of Alaskan Gold Rush and bad farming in Inida and Europe, ending Populist movement

The Beatles

Ed Sullivan show started Beatlemania in US -Later LSD, etc--Revolver, Sgt. Pepper -broke up in January 1970 -followed to US by Rolling Stones

Fair Employment Practices Commission

Enacted by executive order 8802 on June 25, 1941 to prohibit discrimination in the armed forces. companies with government contracts not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. It was intended to help African Americans and other minorities obtain jobs in the homefront industry during World War II.

21st Amendment

Ended prohibition After WWI


England captures new york city from the dutch

Environmental Concerns during Nixon Admin

Environmentalism emerged in 60s -Created EPA, NOAA -Clean Air Act of 1970

The Art of Loving

Eric Fromm (Psychoanalyst)

An important achievement of George Washington's first term of office, 1789-1793, was the

Establishment of a cabinet to act as advisers.

New Deal

FDR -program based on using govt money to generate money -programs within it were designed to bring immediate relief to the hungry and unemployed to assist in the recovery of businesses and individuals and to reform the areas that had contributed to the depression

Atlantic Charter

FDR and Churchill met to plan visions on future. -US/GB don't gain territory from war -UN

Emergency Relief Appropriations Act

FDR decided that recovery wasn't gonna happen w/ a balanced budget. Congress allowed $5 billion of deficit spending

Black Cabinet

FDR formed a black cabinet of advisers and in 1941 issued an executive order banning discrimination in govt jobs; blacks switched over to democrat party

*Election of 1936

FDR won by a landslide, Democrats both in Congress. *Democratic Coalition--urban, poor, unemployed, farmers, progressives, Catholics, *AAs -AAs were traditionally Republican

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women

court packing scheme

FDR's attempt in 1936 to push a judicial reform bill through congress that would allow him to appoint six new supreme court justices sympathetic to his new deal

Bank Holiday

FDR's first action as president in 1932 was to declare a bank holiday to examine bank practices before reopening banks

Farm Security Administration (1937)

FSA provided low interest long term loans to tenant farmers to help them buy their homes -recovery

Jim Thorpe

Famous NA who attended Carlisle, a boarding school (Dawes Act) & became an Olympian.

16th Amendment

Federal Income Tax (graduated)


First attack in US since War of 1812 -3,000 killed -Al Qaeda -Renewed nationalism & unity in Americans

Sherman's March

First example of TOTAL WAR

Sandra Day O'Conner

First female justice of US supreme court appointed by Reagan

Edith Wharton

First great female writer of the modern era; her 1920 book The Age of Innocence details the vanishing world of "old money" New York society.

Democrats and Whigs

Following Missouri Compromise, Democrats supported states rights, Whigs supported strong Federal gov't

James Oglethorpe

Founder of Georgia, buffer between Spain and England, ppl went to Georgia to have debts forgiven

Geneva Accords

France and GB along w Vietnam and their allies, soviet union and china agreed to divide the country into north (communist) and south (pro-west) -there were to be elections in 1956 to decide whether it should be reunited -US attended the conference in geneva, switzerland but didn't sign the geneva accords of 1954

Hitler's Path

France-V GB-turned back after bombing for a year Soviet Union-demolished in harsh winter, pushed West by Red Army--biggest mistake?

Mario Savio

Free speech activist in Berkeley and other places during 1960's. Berkeley Free Speech Movement activist and raised awareness for free speech, the just simply the right to protest simply everything in society

Emancipation Proclamation

Freed slaves behind enemy lines (not really). Didn't free slaves in MD, KY, etc. to keep them in Union.

Emancipation Proclamation

Freed slaves in rebelling states (so basically 0 slaves), changed war message from preserving union to freeing the slaves, and kept Britain out of the war


French and Indian War begins

XYZ Affair

French privateers seized American ships Unnamed French delegates asked for money

Robert la Salle

French. Explored length of Mississippi river

Labor issues after WWI

Frequent strikes. Lost support of Fed b/c so disruptive. Undermined by gov't and "corporate welfare"

Declaratory Act

GB 1766 reasserted their right to legislate for the colonies in all cases whatsoever, passed after repeal of stamp act

Munich Pact

GB and F gave Hitler Sudetenland (G-speaking Czechoslovakia) and he agrees to demand no further territory

From 1820-1997, largest ethnicity immigration to US


WWII Pacific

Gen MacArthur led island-hopping. Guadalcanal was first J defeat in 4 yrs. Costly Vs @ Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Gen. Andrew Jackson executed British soldiers in FL he thought were enemies. JQA (Sec. of State) negotiated purchase of FL to prevent trouble

How did the civil war end

General Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Generous terms of surrender, as so many lives had been lost on both sides (600,000).

Newt Gingrich

Gingrich was the Republican speaker in the House. He pushed for more conservative legislation during Clinton's presidency. After the disagreement in the federal government over the budget between Republican leaders and the president, Public opinion turned quickly and powerfully against the Republican leadership and against much of its agenda. This controversial Republican Speaker of the House, quickly became one of the most unpopular political leaders in the nation, while President Clinton slowly improved his standing in the polls.


God not involved in day-to-day life

Early Abolition Movement

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin By 1850, slave uprisings were common

Eisenhower Doctrine

Helping to destroy communist threats in the Middle East. Issued after the Suez Crisis (Egypt)

Compromise of 1833

Henry Clay sponsored a substitute tariff that provided for gradual reduction in the rates of the tariff of abominations and 1832; south carolina accepted this and backed off ending the nullification crisis

Alger Hiss Case

High-ranking State Department official part of Comm spy ring--stole files -too long ago for espionage, so nailed 5 yrs for perjury

The Impending Crisis of the South

Hinton Rowan Helper (southerner) criticized slavery for not being efficient; the South banned this book

What led to the progressives' abandonment of President Taft?

His selection of Ballinger as head of the Department of the Interior (Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy)

Frederick Jackson Turner

Historian who wrote about the role of the Western frontier in shaping American character

conflict historiography

Historiography is the study of how history is written. Historians of the 1950s--consensus historians--in general argued that America was the world's great democracy that only did good in the world and had no conflicts at home. Largely due to the efforts of the civil Rights and Antiwar Movements, the issues and facts about slavery, racial and gender discrimination, riots, radicals, etc. have been important parts of U.S. history curriculum in schools since the late 1960s and early 1970s. Similarly, while consensus historians of the 1950s emphasized compromise as the key characteristic of change in American history, conflict historians believe that change occurs trough conflict between opposing forces.

Poland: WWII

Hitler and Stalin agree to split it. GB and F agree to defend it if its attacked. In reality, they declare war on G, but don't defend Poland.

National Liberation Front

Ho Chi Minh wanted to unite Vietnam under Northern rule and aided what group of communist rebels trying to overthrow Diem in the south. Official title of the Viet Cong. Created in 1960, they lead an uprising against Diem's repressive regime in the South.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Hoover. Protected American agriculture, but other countries responded w/ their own tariffs, killing foreign trade

Cold War: Germany

Hoping to regain all of G, Truman suggested F, GB & US merge zones -Stalin felt threatened and blockaded W Berlin forcing year-long airlift -Stalin gave up & West Germany was formed

Education reform

Horace Mann--his work as Sec. of MA Board of Ed. set example for nation

New Democrats

Ideologically centrist faction within the Democratic Party that emerged after the victory of Republican George H. W. Bush in the 1988 presidential election. They are identified with more pragmatic and centrist social/cultural/pluralist positions and neoliberal fiscal values Consisted of mainly urban dwellers, labor union members, low income families, white southerners, and blacks.

Dien Bien Phu

In 1954, Vietminh rebels besieged a French garrison at Dien Bien Phu, deep in the interior of northern Vietnam. In May, after the United States refused to intervene, Dien Bien Phu fell to the communists. A town of northwest Vietnam near the Laos border. The French military base here fell to Vietminh troops on May 7, 1954, after a 56-day siege, leading to the end of France's involvement in Indochina.

Geraldine Ferraro

In 1984 she was the first woman to appear on a major-party presidential ticket. She was a congresswoman running for Vice President with Walter Modale. 1st Female Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate

Soviet Satellite Nations

In politics, a nation that is dominated politically by another. The Warsaw Pact nations, other than the former Soviet Union itself, were commonly called satellites of the Soviet Union. Stalin forcing communist governments into other Eastern European nations

Problems in 1920s

In reality, 50% were below poverty line before Depression. Farming--no longer demand to feed Allies.

American response to Hitler

In the midst of Depression. Anti-immigration, KKK, xenophobia were strong

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Interracial -educated AAs about voting rights -Freedom Rides--buses in South -Mississippi Freedom Summer--get all-white Democratic party to recognize MFDP @ convention -Turned radical ("Black Power") in mid-60s

Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

Issued before end of war: -Pardoned almost all Confederates who swore loyalty -Ten Percent Plan--once 10% of voters in Confederate state took oath and set up abolition gov't, that state could re-elect Congressmen -no need to rejoin Union, as it was never legal for them to secede

Berlin Crisis

JFK called meeting w/ Khrushchev, who said he couldn't control spread of Comm, refused to stop nuclear testing, threatened to drive the West out of Berlin, or worse, threatened to leave E Germany, leaving W Berlin to the new gov't's mercy. Constructed Berlin Wall and withdrew ultimatum.

Apollo Project

JFK's goal to place man on moon by 1970


JFK's life--perfectly happy American family

Alliance for Progress

JFK's project to improve US relations w/ Latin America through aid to support economies and political stabilization

Election of 1828: Jackson

Jackson soundly defeated JQA AJ benefited from mass suffrage

Coxey's Army

Jacob Coxey organized a group, Coxey's Army to march to Washington DC in 1894 to protest president cleveland's seeming insensitivity to depression of 1893

Election of 1800: Jefferson v. Adam

Jefferson (DR) vs. Adam (F) Went to House of Representatives Aaron Burr, Jefferson's running mate argued he won. Hamilton and other Federalists helped Jefferson win b/c he was less dangerous than Burr

Voting Rights Act

LBJ permitted Federal gov't to register voters in areas where <50% of eligible were registered. Outlawed poll taxes & literacy tests

Civil Rights Act of 1964

LBJ prohibited racial & sexual discrimination by employers, unions, voter registrars, public housing

Election of '64

LBJ beats Goldwater (R) by largest margin ever

Economic Opportunity Act

LBJ's "War on Poverty". Provided funding for education & job training. -Head Start -VISTA--domestic Peace Corps

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was, in part, a response to the

Labor unrest that produced a nationwide strike wave.

Japan: WWII

Lacked resources, but saw that China had plenty. Seized Manchuria, dropped out of LoN

Plight of late 1800s Farmers

Large farms created more food than needed. Natural disasters

1960s political activism

Large numbers of Baby Boomers could make a difference -Students for a Democratic Society--Vietnam, CvR -Free speech movement--college campuses -Women's liberation--The Feminine Mystique, CvR Act of '64, National Organization for Women

A. Philip Randolph

Leader of the most prominent black union

John Humphrey Noyes

Leader of the religious Oneida community in New York State -Utopia -Second Great Awakening

Bonus Army

Led by Walter Waters, thousands of veterans marched on Washington, demanding that Congress expedite the retirement money they were promised to receive in 1945. Congress did not pass bill and vets were driven out by force.


Lee thought victory in N would cause Union to concede, or he at least wanted to steal food from Northern farms

Court Packing Scheme

Legislative initiative proposed by FDR to add 6 more justice to the Supreme Court (to balance out the existing justices over 70.5 years of age) -Never happened


Leif Ericson--Labrador and Nova Scotia

'a house divided against itself cannot stand'

Lincoln stated that a house divided against itself cannot stand of the country during lincoln douglas debates

Election of 1864

Lincoln won surprise victory after Sherman's victory in Atlanta

Edward Bellamy

Looking Backward 2000-1887 -Socialist look at the future (reform movements are good)

Hernando de Soto

Mississippi River

Frank Norris

Muckraker during the Progressive Era; wrote "The Octopus" (1901) that described the power of the railroads over Western farmers

Pontiac's Rebellion

NA attacked Detroit British shut them down

National Labor Relations Act (1935)

NLRA was passed after the NIRA was declared unconstitutional; recognized the right of labor to organize and bargain collectively and had power to force unions and employers to engage in collective bargaining


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, founded in 1909 to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism and to gain civil rights for African Americans, got Supreme Court to declare grandfather clause unconstitutional founded by Dubois


Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest of the present- day united States.

Gerald Ford

Not popular bc he pardoned Nixon (he was his VP) -First non-elected President!!!

British Weaknesses in Revolution

Not prepared for long-term war across Atlantic underestimated Colonist resolve


Obscure WS Senator Joseph McCarthy -fired off charges of Comm w/o evidence -people listened b/c they were afraid -Eventually taken down by Eisenhower after he went after the Army

Cold War: Japan

Occupied by US -US helped boost industry to avoid J succumbing to Comm

John Lewis

One of the "Big Six" leaders of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, John Lewis has continued to fight for people's rights since joining Congress in 1987.

Bush II: Afghanistan

Operation enduring Freedom -Took out Taliban gov't w/ help from Northern Alliance (anti-Taliban rebels) -bin Laden & friends escaped

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation where U.S. troops invaded Iraq and Saddam's forces collapsed almost immediately. Baghdad fell, and Saddam and other Iraqi leaders went into hiding. In the months that followed Saddam and many of his supporters were captured coalition of forces included australia, poland, britian (prime minister tony blair supported)

Public Works Administration (1933)

PWA established under NIRA; distributed over 3 billion in work relief programs for roads and public buildings -relief

National Security Act

Passed in 1947 in response to perceived threats from the Soviet Union after WWII. It established the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Council.

Immigration Reform and Control Act

Passed in 1986, it was an update of the 1965 Immigration Act and outlawed the hiring of undocumented immigrants, but offered legal status to aliens who had lived in the U.S. for five years. Debates over immigration policy persisted, however, as did efforts to tighten U.S. border controls.

Growing Up Absurd

Paul Goodman (Problems of youth in an organized society)

Monroe Presidency

Peace and prosperity

Hamid Karzai

President of Afghanistan, helped overthrow Taliban, sought international aid for Afghanistan. President of Afghanistan, helped overthrow Taliban, sought international aid for Afghanistan, supported by US This man was elected president of Afghanistan in the country's 1st nationwide democratic election in 2004

18th Amendment

Prohibition of alcohol; repealed by 21st amendment

18th Amendment

Prohibition. Pressure from Temperance movements (WCTM). Rural support, immigrant and working class opposition. Became necessity at start of WWI

Eugene V. Debs and Robert M. La Follette were similar in that both

Ran for pres. on 3rd party tickets


Reagan proposed cutting taxes on income and capital gains -supply side theory of economics=would encourage rich to invest their money in new production, create jobs and increase revenue and balance the budget;;trickle down theory failed and increased debt

Iran-Contra Affair

Regan -Despite Regan being firm on not negotiating w/ terrorists & denouncing Iran as terrorist nation: -US gov't secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages + the money from the weapons to Contras in Nicaragua, who were trying to overthrow Socialist Sandinista gov't -Regan walked away clean & obscure Marine office Oliver North took the blame

Election of 1876

Republican Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. In a disputed election, a compromise was made that gave the Republicans the president (hayes) and removed the Union troops from the South (which the Democrats wanted), ultimately ending Reconstruction.


Republican reformers who sometimes favored democratic presidential candidates ==> led to the election of Democrat Grover Cleveland

Richard Nixon

Republican who won election of 1968 ran w spiro agnew and promised peace w honor

Kenneth Starr

Requested that his Whitewater investigation be expanded to include the Monica Lewinsky case. Succeeded. Prosecutor against Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal; led to the impeachment of Clinton

McCarran Act of 1950

Required Communist organizations to register with the United States Attorney General and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate promoting the establishment of a "totalitarian dictatorship," either fascist or communist.

Which was a self governing colony?

Rhode Island & Connecticut

New Federalism

Richard Nixon programs goal to reduce size of federal govt -these provided block grants to states, allowing them to decide how much money was to be spent -stagflatoin -organized OPEC

'evil empire'

Ronald Reagan's description of Soviet Union because of his fierce anti-communist views and the USSR's history of violation of human rights and aggression. -after new prime minister Mikhail Gorbachev came onto scene, Reagan became to backtrack from this idea

Big Stick Diplomacy

Roosevelt's Speak softly & carry a big stick - go about business as usual, but when there was a good opportunity or something troublesome occurred, the US would intervene militarily. -Applies most to actions in PANAMA -Great White Fleet traveled the world to show American strength

Boston Tea Party

Samuel Adams led group of protesters who dumped a shipment of tea into boston harbor in response to Tea Act -resulted in passage of the Intolerable Acts in 1774 -a defiant act of the colonies vs the british govt and its tea trade agreement w east india, which was causing colonial tea merchants to go bankrupt, protesters dumped an entire shipment of tea into the boston harbor

De facto

Segregation IN REALITY/NOT BY LAW ex: housing discrimination/segregation

WWII Draft

Selective Service Act of 1917 gave FDR to call for peacetime draft in 1940

treaty of tordesillas

1494 signed between portugal and spain, basically dividing the world btwn them a line drawn n to s btwn the 46 and 47 meridian marked the diving line btwn portugese and spanish exploration -spanish explored west of line, portugese east -

Virginia House of Burgesses

1619 -purpose to run VA's govt -comprised of burgesses (reps to the House) who were elected by male landholders to represent the interests of the colonists


1662 royal colony when small colonies merged along the ct river (hartford colony-thomas hooker, boston puritan; new haven c-mass. bay puritans discontented) -fundamnetal orders of ct -blue laws (laws that dictated how people should behave)

New Jersey

1664 Duke of York granted land to two noble proprietors -named after isle of jersey in english channel -settled by large # of new englanders seeking suitable land, quakers seeking refuge -west new jersey sold by one of proprietor to quakers in 1674 -east new jersey eventually acquired by quakers -crown combined east and west in 1702 and established new jersey as a royal colony

Metacom/King Philip

1675 -indians attempt to unify under massosoits son Metacom AKA king philip -metacom organized attacks against new england co. and was eventually defeated

Bacon's Rebellion

1676 group of freedman led by nathaniel bacon in VA (many former indentured servants) protested the indian policies of longtime virginia gov. William Berkeley (thought he was too lenient and his policies hurt the lives of freedman and disrupted fur trade) ended when bacon died from illness -helped turn the tide toward large scale slavery in virginia (not indentured servants)

Nathaniel Bacon

1676 led rebellion

pope's rebellion

1680 occurred when a pueblo indian leader named Pope convinced other tribal leaders to end spanish missionaries' efforts to suppress the pueblos' native religion

Dominion of New England

1686 british crown coerced colonies into forming dominion of new england -led by sir edmund andros, the dominion restricted town meetings, controlled the courts, press and schools and revoked land titles -taxed colonies without consent of their elected assemblies and enforced the navigation acts -later undercut by salutary neglect of the british

Salem Witch Trials

1692 -took place in Salem, Mass -adolescent girls accused older woman of being witchs, new england was very superstitious -in mass, a person found guilty of being a witch was subjected to death -20 women and men killed in all

Molasses Act

1733 -placed tax on molasses

Peter Zenger

1734 -publisher of a newspaper that criticized the royal governor of new york was arrested for seditious libel (making a false accusation) -1735 colonial jury found him not guilty despite the royal judges opposing opinions -great victory for freedom of the press

George Washington

1754 -sent by VA governor to evaluate french strength in the ohio valley -washington and his men shot french leader and retreated to fort necessity; french captured washington and his men who were later released, then english retaliated

Seven Year's War

1756 errupted btwn france and england and their allies, known as french and indian war in the colonies -resulted in french removal in canada, further expanding GB domination over n america

Sugar Act

1764 -passed under british minister Lord Grenville -placed a tax on sugar, molasses, textiles, coffee, iron, and other goods imported to the colonies -time during which GB began to enforce laws, ending colonial smuggling

Stamp Act Congress

1765 met in NYC to determine a response to GB actions (27 delegates from 9 colonies) -enacted nonimportation agreement (colonial boycott of GB goods) -formed sons and daughters of liberty

Townshend Acts

1766 series of acts passed by parliament at the request of Lord Townshend -placed duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea -townshend thought that external duties placed on imported goods (essentially hidden costs) would be acceptable to colonists -colonists were enraged and refused to pay, and began to boycott GB goods -repealed in 1770 on all items except tea -led to colonist formation of Committees of Correspondence to spread propaganda and disseminate information

Tea Act

1773 -agreement btwn british crown and east india co. that allowed the latter to sell tea directly to colonies -price of tea reduced, colonial tea merchants faced w bankruptcy bc they couldn't compete w lower prices -led to boston tea party

Battle of Bunker (breed's) Hill

1775 over 1000 GB soldiers killed colonists sent olive branch petition to king george asking him for peace, he denied it

Thomas Paine

1776 published Common Sense (pamphlet) in which he argued that colonies were destined to be independent

Judiciary Act

1789 passed -organized federal court system

Year Cotton Gin was invented


Whiskey Rebellion

1794 occurred when penn. farmers were unhappy w the excise taxes placed on whiskey refused to pay the tax -washington sent federal troops to crush rebellion -demonstrated strength of govt

Washington's Farewell address

1796 -urged US to remain neutral and to be friendly to all nations and to take advantage of geographical distance from europe

Marbury v Madison

1803 adams tried to fill fed courts w federalists shortly before jefferson was inaugurated -adam's sety of state Marshall was to have delivered the appointments but he failed to do so -jefferson's sety of state Madison refused to do so -one of the judges that was to be appointed sued madison -marshall ruled that a portion of the judiciary act of 1989 was unconstitutional -marshall established power of judicial review (allowed supreme court to declare acts of congress and the president unconstitutional)

louisiana purchase

1803 napoleon agreed to sell large expanse of land known as louisiana territory to US (seeking to expand his empire in europe) jefferson understood that no provision in the constitution allowed for land purchases by the govt -power to purchases land was implied, elastic clause -jefferson received much criticism -once purchased, jefferson sent lewis and clark to explore land -territory of US doubled in size and control of mississippi river vital to western development belonged to the US

fletcher v peck

1810 -marshall -case involved contract btwn state and individuals concerning a land grant; contract was upheld and this was the first time the court declared a state law unconstitutional, stating that a state can't pass laws that violate the federal constitution

hartford convention

1814 -new england states met and proposed a number of amendments to the constitution that attempted to diminish the power of other sections of the country -war 1812 over by this time and convention provoked hostile rxn from rest of country and the virtual death of the federalist party

treaty of ghent

1814 -ended war of 1812 -Mr madisons war -signed btwn US and GB -quo ante bellum=territory that GB and the US was to return to the way it was before the war

rush-bagot agreement

1818 US commercial treaty w GB involved fortification of great lakes, northern boundary of lousiana set and US and GB agreed to occupy the oregon territory jointly for 10 years

dartmouth college v woodward

1819 -marshall -dartmouth college sued when the state of NH attempted to alter charter granted to it by royal authority -the state contended that no contract existed as defined by the constitution -supreme court ruled in favor of dartmouth -established idea that states cannot interfere w contracts between states and corporations

adams-onis agreement

1819 florida territory purchased by US from GB and spain

missouri compromise

1819 the issue of slavery became a national debate when missouri applied for admission into the union as a slave state; admission would effect balance of power in senate btwn n and s; maine applied for admission as a free state, compromise was reached under leadership of Henry Clay; maine entered union as free state, missouri as a slave state preserving balance in congress -slavery forbidden north of the 36 30 north latitude line except for the southern boundary of missouri -preserved union

gibbons vs ogden

1824 -marshall -involved a contract for a ferry service on the hudson river -court established fed gov's power to regulate interstate commerce; intrastate commerce (commerce within the state) remained under control of states

Indian Removal Act

1830 -Jackson supported, claiming he wanted to preserve their culture -worcester v georgia (cherokee brought case to supreme court in 1832; marshall ruled that cherokees were an independent nation over which the laws of georgia had no power and that the fed govt should protect the land from georgia bc it was a domestic dependent nation; president challenged marshall to 'enforce' his ruling) -georgia removed the cherokees in 1838 w federal troops in violation of worcester v georgia -began w choctaws in 1831, indians forced to trek miles burying dead along the Trail of Tears

Nullification Proclamation

1833 Jackson called Ordinance of Nullification secession and treason

Samuel F. B. Morse

1844 invented telegraph -morse code=series of long and short electric impulses used by western union (1870) to send millions of messages over wires

Young Men's Christian Association

1851 reflected the concern both for physical fitness and moral uplift YMCA

john fremont

1856 republicans ran their first candidate fremont -'the pathfinder' an explorer of california for president

dred scott case

1857 Taney tried to resolve all conflicts over slavery; -scott was slave in missouri and had traveled w his master as a free man in the states of illinois and michigan; sued for his freedom in missouri since he had been free during his sojourn -taney ruled that scott was not a citizen and therefore couldn't sue, his sojourn didn't make him free, and congress couldnt prohibit slavery in the territories -made missouri comp unconstitutional

harper's ferry

1859 john brown led group of black and whites to foment an uprising of slaves by taking over the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry VA -robert lee and j stuart troops overpowered Brown -later discovered that group of New england abolitionists financed brown

comstock lode

1859 gold discovered at pikes peak colorado 1859 gold discovered at comstock lode in nevada -mining big deal, led to stateship of nevada


1865-67 presidential attempt 1867-77 congressional attempt

14th Amendment

1866 made all persons born or naturalized in the US citizens of the country -states guarantee all people equal protection under the law -stipulated that a state would lose a percentage of its congressional seats if it denied male citizens the vote (aimed at black suffrage, but didn't explicitly say it)

Credit Mobilier Scandal

1867 stockholders in the Union Pacific railroad set up construction co. to lay track at inflated costs; stockholders would gain the windfall profits for themselves; they offered stock to members of congress to keep them quiet

When was the transcontinental railroad completed

1869, after the civil war

Golden Spike

1869: Part of Transcontinental Railroad in Utah.

Little Big Horn

1876 - Sioux destroyed Custer's Command, who had been searching for gold in Montana. All US troops died, giving NAs a boost in morale.

Great Railroad Strike

1877 began when workers went on strike in West Virginia to protest a wage cut strike spread from NY to san fran virtually halting rail traffic in the US President Hayes called in military troops to put down what is the closest the US has come to a general strike (a cessation of work by the majority of workers in every industry)

Railroad Time

1883 railroad cos lobbied govt to create standard time zones to end confusion of time being slightly diff from town to town -creation of standard railroad time demonstrated immense power of railroad cos

Pendleton Act

1883 was passed to create a civil service based on merit rather than patronage

Haymarket Riot

1886 began as a peaceful demonstration for the eight hour day -someone threw a bomb into chicago's haymarket square and police fired into crowd -7 police officers and 4 others killed -eight anarchists were tried with little evidence and four were executed -incident turned many people away from labor movement and crippled knights of labor

Wabash decision

1886 supreme court ruled that states could not set rates on commerce between states, damaging decision to granger movement -fed gov set up ICC (Nation's first independent regulatory agency in 1887)

Hull House

1889 settlement house in chicago organized by jane addams

Progressive Era

1890-1920: more gov't+reforms

Ellis Island

1892 ellis island opened as an immigrant admitting station

Homestead Strike

1892 strike against the Carnegie Steel Company was broken up by private Pinkerton guards (labor spies); gun battle at Homestead plant in penn. left 10 dead; Carnegie plant reopened after the national guard was sent in; strike was a complete defeat for the carnegie workers -in its wake, the entire steel industry rid itself of union activity by 1900

Pullman Strike

1894 -pullman palace car co. built luxurious sleeper cars for railroads -pullman, chicago was a community were the workers lived -pullman announced wage cut -Debs organized a nationwide sympathy strike of workers who handled Pullman cars -federal govt issued an injunction against the strike because it claimed the mail was stopped -president cleveland sent in troops to break up strike

Jose Marti

1895 raised cry of independence for cuba from spain


18th amendment banned the manufacture, sale or transportation of alcoholic beverages in 1920 volstead act covered specifics of it, enforced it -very difficult to enforce -21st amendment repealed it -bootleggers and speakeasies

Joan Baez

19 yr old symbol of Folk Revival with best selling albums and other similar artists=peter, paul and mary, the kingston trio and later bob dylan

Boxer Rebellion

1900 US gained clout in China by helping to suppress the anti-western Boxer Rebellion

Foraker Act

1900 denied US citizenship to Puerto Ricans, allowed US to appoint Puerto Rico's governor and members of the upper house of legislature

Theodore Roosevelt

1901-1909: after President McKinley's assasination, Roosevelt (republican) was a fiscal democrat, attacking trusts and siding with labor.(Anthracite Coal Strike), conservationist, and National Park Service is named after him

Ida Tarbell

1904 wrote book THE HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY -muckraker who exposed rockefeller's tactics

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA.

Gentlemen's Agreement

1907, restricted immigration from Japan

Federal Reserve Act

1913 Wilson's most significant domestic initiative -meant to address 4 weaknesses in the american banking system (lack of flexible currency, lack of stability in times of crisis, lack of central control over banking practices, and concentration of financial power in NYC) -created Federal Reserve Bank (able to regulate money supply through series of financial mechanisms) -created 12 districts each w a bank branch

Underwood Tariff

1913 Woodrow Wilson lower tariff

Woodrow Wilson

1913-1921: Democrat who didn't care much about civil rights, watching the racist Birth of a Nation movie in the White House.

Federal Trade Commission

1914 Wilson created to investigate dishonest business practices; had power to order companies to halt such practices

Clayton Antitrust Act

1914 attempted to provide the govt w a tool to challenge monopolistic practices and was stronger than the sherman antitrust act; welcomed by organized labor bc it specifically stated that it shall not be used to forbid the existence and operation of labor organizations (as the sherman antitrust did)

Lusitania (ship)

1915 German submarine sank the british liner the Lusitania, which germans believed was carrying contraband goods -more than 100 americans died in attack

Espionage and Sedition Acts

1917 and 1918 the acts were passed -fined or jailed people who interfered w the draft or w the sale of govt bonds; provided for the punishment of people who were disloyal or spoke out against the war effort led to schenck v us

Fourteen Points

1918 before WWI ended, Wilson announced his vision for peace w his Fourteen Points wilson proposed: end of secret alliances, freedom of the seas, establishment of equality in trade, arms reduction, self determination for nations, the return of alsace lorraine to france, establishment of league of nations -wilson,italy, france and GB had peace conference where they only would accept a few of the 14 pts including Article X

Red Summer

1919--race riots in 24 US cities

Feminism during Nixon Admin

1920s movement revived over workplace discrimination -Equal Rights Amendment--banned discrimination based on sex, but not ratified by enough states -Roe v. Wade--legalized abortion

Washington Naval Conference

1921 US called this conference of major powers w interests in asia (excluding communist russia) -US, GB, Japan france and italy agreed to scrap a percentage of their existing battleships, cruisers, and aircraft carriers

Emergency Quota Act

1921 act set quotas for different nationalities based on number of people from that nationality that had lived in the US in 1890, thus discriminating against new immigrant groups

Washington Conference

1921 conference held to deal w problems in far east; treaties signed to protect territorial integrity of China and to respect each nation's possessions in the far east -five power pact=signed by US, GB, japan, France, Italy attempted to limit size of fleets and new shipbuilding for military purposes

Washington Naval Conference

1921--Britain, France, Italy, Japan & US agree to limit size of navy

Teapot Dome Scandal

1921-23 Harding administration; involved bribery and transfer of rights to precious oil reserves at teapot dome, wyoming

fordney-mccumber tariff

1922 raised tariff rates (US fearing flood of goods from revived post war europe) -isolationist

Dawes Plan

1924 US plan to provide loans to germany so it could stabilize its currency and continue its reparations payments which in turn would enable england and france to pay off its loans to america

National Origins Act

1924 net result of act was dramatic decrease in european immigration from 1921 until 1965 when the immigration act ended the national origins quota system

Scopes Monkey Trial

1925: TN teacher John Thomas Scopes arrested for teaching evolution, violation TN law. Prosecutor William Jennings Bryan. Convicted, but let off by higher court w/ $100 fine. -Clash between old/new, secular/religious, rural/urban -Secularism won on the national level: Newspapers made WJB look silly and the fundamentalists old-fashioned

Kellogg Briand Pact

1928 signed by US, GB, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY and many other countries -outlawed war (little more than statement of intent w no powers of enforcement)

Kellogg-Briand Pact

1928--62 nations agreed to not go to war with each other (still allowed "defensive wars)

Scottsboro Boys

1931-35 8 black boys were convicted of rape in alabama on flimsy evidence; communist party supplied lawyers during the appeal stage but several of the defendants served lengthy prison sentences

Stimson Doctrine

1932 after japan seized manchuria from china, League of nations condemned action -US condemned japans actions and imposed sanctions against japanese that were ignored by other countries

Bonus Army

1932 group of WWI veterans marched on washington seeking past pay owed to them by the govt

Adolf Hitler

1933 appointed chancellor of germany by von hindenburg; representing the ideas of the Nazi Party (nationalist socialist german workers party), hitler arrested his opponents and enlarged the german army

Munich Pact

1938 signed by GB, France, Italy, Germany gave Sudetenland to germany in exchange for a promise of no further acts of aggression -germany invaded czechoslovakia in 1939

Smith Act

1940 act which made it illegal to speak of or advocate overthrowing the U.S. government. Was used by Truman 11 times to prosecute suspected Communists

Atlantic Charter

1941 US and GB war aims basically, agreed to the following: neither the US nor GB was seeking to gain new territory as result of the war; there should be no territorial changes without the agreement of the people being governed; people have the right to choose their own form of govt; nazi tyranny must be destroyed; freedom of the seas must be preserved; there was a need for greater disarmament

Lend-Lease Act

1941 made US arsenal of democracy -president given power to lend, lease or exchange war materials w nations whose struggle against aggression was seen as vital to the security of the US

A. Phillip Randolph

1941 head of brotherhood of sleeping car porters threatened to march on washington to demand equal opportunity for blacks in war jobs and in the armed forces -FDR issued executive order in response prohibiting the discrimination based on race -established Fair Employment Practices Commission and NAACP and CORE increased membership

Revenue Act

1942 increased income tax by 1944, standard payroll deduction had been established

Smith Connolly Act

1943 authorized govt to seize any plant or mine that was idled by a strike that would affect the war effort and expired in 1947

Tehran Conference

1943 took place in tehran, iran -soviet premier Stalin, US president FDR, GB prime minister Winston Churchill -stalin agreed to bring USSR into the war against japan once germany was defeated -gb and us agreed to open second front in france thus forcing nazis to divide their army

G.I. Bill

1944 provided low interest loans to would-be homeowners

Korematsu V. The United States

1944 supreme court upheld the government's right to do such things to the japanese americans because of the extraordinary times (legalized japanese internment)

Yalta Conference

1945 took place at yalta (crimea) -allies agreed on establishment of UN and complete de-nazification of germany and the creation of 4 occupation zones (US, GB, FRANCE, USSR) within germany -east europe region it was agreed free general elections held

Potsdam Conference

1945 took place in potsdam germany -Truman, Clement Atlee (GB) and Stalin -eastern europe touchy subject


1945 US dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima leading to leveling of city and many civilian casualties

Taft-Hartley Act

1947 -anti union; sent workers in essential industries back to work and required union leaders to sign a noncommunist oath

When was NATO formed?


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

1949 representatives of 12 western nations signed the north atlantic pact; mutual defense agreement; if one nation attacked, others will come to its aid -US, GB, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Italy, Portugal; 1952 greece and turkey and west germany 1955 -NATO established to counter act soviet expansionism in europe

Korean War

1950-53 North Korea attacked South Korea in 1950, United Nations forces led by US went to war -originally n korea aided by china had advantage but general macarthur had a success at Inchon -in 1953 near village of panmunjoun armistice agreement was signed that brought temporary halt to fighting and no formal peace treaty has ever been signed -south korea remained not communist

Jasper Johns

1950s - American painter, Pop Art, Abstract Expressionists, Beer Cans American Flag

Joseph McCarthy

1950s; Wisconsin senator claimed to have list of communists in American government, but no credible evidence; took advantage of fears of communism post WWII to become incredibly influential; "McCarthyism" was the fearful accusation of any dissenters of being communists

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulses to achieve true independence and equality Black Muslim leader who said Blacks needed to have separate society from whites, but later changed his views. He was assassinated in 1965.

C. Wright Mills

1956 author of THE POWER ELITE -examined methods used by 'ruling class' to dominate society -new left of 1960s text

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

1957 group founded by Martin Luther King Jr. to fight against segregation using nonviolent means Headed by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., a coalition of churches and Christians organizations who met to discuss civil rights.

John Kenneth Galbraith

1958 author of THE AFFLUENT SOCIETY -saw danger in affluence in the private realm at the expense of the public realm

Fidel Castro

1959 Fidel Castro led successful revolution against the govt of cuba headed by General Batista -undemocratic, nationalizing industries, aligning w USSR and Communist china

Civil Rights Acts

1960 & 1964, Passed by Congress, it set up a permanent Civil Rights Commission to investigate violations of civil rights and authorized federal injunctions to protect voting rights. -1964 civil rights act LBJ -1968 civil rights act against housing discrimination

Paul Goodman

1960 author of GROWING UP ABSURD -critiqued the expected roles for young people

Cesar Chavez

1960s formed National Farm Workers Association to help Mex-Ams and other migrant workers -Later United Farm Workers

Freedom Rides

1961 a series of political protests against segregation by Blacks and Whites who rode buses together through the American South in 1961 -john lewis, james farmer 1961 event organized by CORE and SNCC in which an interracial group of civil rights activists tested southern states' compliance to the Supreme Court ban of segregation on interstate buses

Alliance for Progress

1961 JFK hoped to stem communist expansion in latin america by providing funds for economic development -funds would come from public and private sources in the US, Japan, W Europe, and some Latin american nations for improvements in schools, transportatoin, housing and public health

Peace Corps

1961; JFK -designed to send american civilian volunteers to developing nations -volunteers would aid citizens in africa, asia and latin america in such fields as education, health, technology, and agriculture

Baker v Carr

1962; JFK -a historic split decision affecting reapportionment of legislative districts, the supreme court held that federal courts would now have jurisdiction over (power to decide on) cases in which state apportionment formulas were being challenged; such challenges sought to ensure that legislative district representation would be based fairly on population rather than political concerns

Port Huron Statement

1962; adopted by 60 students determined not to be a "silent generation," it was a broad critique of American society and called for more genuine human relationships; proclaimed a "new left" and formed the "Students for a Democratic Society" envisioning a nonviolent youth movement transforming the US into a "participatory democracy" as an end to materialism, militarism, and racism; demonstrated the feelings of a disillusioned generation (JFK's death, police brutality) that made them work for change in the second half of the 20th century

Birmingham Desegregation Demonstrations

1963, mlk force govern take down " whites only " sign ---Eugene "Bull" Connor attacked students and arrested king and showed on Tv. MLK wrote "Letter from Birmingham Jail" justified nonviolent demonstrtaions

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

1963; JFK US and USSR agreed to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, in space and underwater -over 100 other nations signed the treaty too but only nuclear powers who didn't at the time were france and communist china

Freedom Summer

1964 SNCC orgnized group of 300 students from north and south to come to mississippi to help african americans register to vote' SNCC brought many people to the polls who had never registered before due to poll closings, literacy tests, and fear of retribution

Freedom Summer

1964 effort to register African American voters in Mississippi

Barry Goldwater

1964; Republican contender against LBJ for presidency; platform included lessening federal involvement, therefore opposing Civil Rights Act of 1964; lost by largest margin in history An American senator for Arizona who ran against Johnson for president. His extreme conservatism scared many into voting for Johnson.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

1965 -part of LBJ's Great Society Provided federal funding for primary and secondary education and was meant to improve the education of poor people. This was the first federal program to fund education.

March from Selma to Montgomery

1965; civil rights march to bring attention to the need for a voting rights act led to President LBJ's Voting Rights Act response

Voting Rights Act

1965; invalidated the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disenfranchised blacks; as more blacks became politically active and elected black representatives, it rboguth jobs, contracts, and facilities and services for the black community, encouraging greater social equality and decreasing the wealth and education gap passed by LBJ

Miranda v. Arizona

1966 set precedent that the police must inform a person accused of a crime of his or her right to remain silent, as well as any other rights, prior to any questioning

summer of love

1967 -protesting Vietnam

Robert McNamara

1968 secretary of defense McNamara said that 'light is at the end of the tunnel' or victory was near in vietnam

Eugene McCarthy

1968 Democratic candidate for President who ran to succeed incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson on an anti-war platform.


1968; National Liberation Front and North Vietnamese forces launched a huge attack on the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), which was defeated after a month of fighting and many thousands of casualties; major defeat for communism, but Americans reacted sharply, with declining approval of LBJ and more anti-war sentiment

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

1970 congress established the EPA in response to new perceived threats to health and wellbeing environmentally

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

1972 stated that 'equality of rights under law shall not be abridged by the US or any state on account of sex' -35 of necessary 38 states passed it by 1978 -successful opposition to it came from group of women led by phyllis schlafly (conservative who believed ERA would lead to women being drafted by the military, the establishment of unisex bathrooms and loss of benefits enjoyed by dependent housewives)

10 major Watergate events

1973-burglars go on trial and claim the White House knew about break-in -Senate Select Committee on Campaign Practices hears testimony from White House aides who reveal huge cover-up & implicate Nixon -Nixon assures public of innocence -White House informant "Deep Throat" gives Woodward & Bernstein info to write a series of detailed articles about Nixon's guilt and cover-up -Saturday Night Massacre-Nixon fires suspected aides. Others resign in protest after he sacks the special prosecutor who was supposed to be investigating him -to ease public outrage, Nixon appoints new special prosecutor, who brings him to court looking for incrimination tapes. VP Agnew resigns after accusations of tax evasion & bribery both in White House & as MD governor 1974--7 Nixon aides indicted for conspiring & obstructing justice -Nixon refuses to hand over tapes, but SC forces him to in US v. Richard M Nixon -House impeachment trial begins--obstruction of justice, abuse of power, contempt of Congress -releases incriminating tapes. resigns two days later

War Powers Act

1973. A resolution of Congress that stated the President can only send troops into action abroad by authorization of Congress or if America is already under attack or serious threat. Limits the ability of the president to commit troops to combat-48 hours to tell Congress when and why the troops were sent, they have 60-90 to bring them home if they disagree

US v Nixon

1974 supreme court ruled against the president The Supreme Court does have the final voice in determining constitutional questions; no person, not even the President of the United States, is completely above law; and the president cannot use executive privilege as an excuse to withhold evidence that is 'demonstrably relevant in a criminal trial

Carter Energy Crisis

1974--OPEC upped prices 400%, forcing Americans to wait in line and pay -American bought foreign, more fuel-efficient cars, hurting economy -1979--OPEC raised prices again -Alternative energy--nuclear -3 Mile Island--not really a big deal, but scared Americans and halted nuclear energy programs

Gerald Ford

1974-1977, Republican, first non elected president and VP, he pardoned Nixon

Camp David Accords

1978 -carter -Egypt recognized Israel and won the return of the Sinai; Carter recognized democratically elected pro-Cuba Sandinista govt of Nicaragua (1979), and he maintained a position on human rights that condemned the USSR for its treatment of dissidents and Jews and for its invasion of afghanistan

Ronald Reagan

1981-1989,"Great Communicator" Republican, conservative economic policies, replaced liberal Democrats in upper house with consevative Democrats or "boll weevils" , at reelection time, jesse jackson first black presdiential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro as VP running mate (first woman)

Collapse of USSR

1989-Berlin Wall fell & E German gov't collapsed (after Regan left, but b/c of his efforts) 1991-Soviet economy fell apart & USSR dissolved

Monica Lewinsky

1990s; had affair with Clinton who denied it under oath, but there was physical evidence; he was impeached for perjury and his resulting political battles kept him from being productive in his final term paving way for the seemingly moral Bush in 2000

Persian Gulf War

1991 -major event of Bush I administration (1990 - 1991) Conflict between Iraq and a coalition of countries led by the United States to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait which they had invaded in hopes of controlling their oil supply. A very one sided war with the United States' coalition emerging victorious.

Wye Memorandum

1994 Clinton helped engineer an accord dealing w palestinian self rule btwn israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat -israeli prime minister Ben Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat signed the Wye Memorandum, in which israel agreed to withdraw troops from parts of the west bank

The Dayton Accords

1995 Dayton Accords signed, bringing end to years of civil war among the Muslims, Croats, and Serbs in Bosnia

temperance movement

19th and early 20th cent movement to limit or outlaw the drinking of alcoholic beverages' achieved its ultimate success w the passage of the 18th amendment (prohibition) which went into effect in 1920

St. Augustine

1st settlement in US protected loot from pirates

McCain-Feingold Act

2002 bill sought to introduce campaign finance reform by focusing on 2 issues -1 it forbade political parties from raising or spending so called 'soft money' ( is unlimited funds given to political parties or organizations rather than directly to candidates) -2 required candidates to claim responsibility for their ads by appearing in them or including a message at the end -prohibited corporations from funding any issue advocacy ads, whether or not a political was mentioned


2002 telecommunications company WorldCom was also found to have misreported losses and inflated profits by its own internal auditors -SEC launched an investigation and several executives were convicted of securities fraud

Guantanamo Bay

2002 Bush administration opened gitmo detainment facility to house captives from war on terror -located on guantanamo bay naval base in cuba, considered to be outside US legal jurisdiction

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

2008 (George W Bush) A 2008 Federal government program that authorized the U.S. Treasury to loan up to $750 billion to critical financial institutions and other U.S. firms that were in extreme financial trouble and therefore at high risk of failure -allowed govt to buy tainted assets from financial institutions and sell them back after institutions stabilized

Barack Obama

2008; Democrat; first African American president of the US, health care bill; Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster; economy: huge stimulus package to combat the great recession, is removing troops from Iraq, strengthened numbers in Afghanistan; repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell; New Start treaty with Russia

Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney

3 students working to register black votes, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and james chaney disappeared at the beginning of Freedom Summer -their bodies turned up in a river where klansmen had thrown them after lynching them

John F Kennedy

35th President of the United States; only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize; events during his administration include the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African American Civil Rights Movement and early events of the Vietnam War; assassinated in Dallas, TX in 1963


60s Detroit The Temptations, The Supremes, Stevie Wonder

Operation Enduring Freedom

7 October 2001 was launched when the Taliban failed to give up Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Initial operations of OEF were air strikes and ground assaults by Afghan factions

Black Sox scandal of 1919

8 white sox players were accused of intentionally losing games in exchange for money

Geneva Accords

A 1954 international conference in which Vietnam was divided into two nations.

Pentagon Papers

A 7,000-page top-secret United States government report on the history of the internal planning and policy-making process within the government itself concerning the Vietnam War. (RN), , a classified study of the Vietnam War that was carried out by the Department of Defense. An official of the department, Daniel Ellsberg, gave copies of the study in 1971 to the New York Times and Washington Post. The Supreme Court upheld the right of the newspapers to publish the documents. In response, President Richard Nixon ordered some members of his staff, afterward called the "plumbers," to stop such "leaks" of information. The "plumbers," among other activities, broke into the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist, looking for damaging information on him. r Defense Secretary Robert McNamara , revealed among other things that the government had drawn up plans for entering rthe war even as President Johnson promised that he would not send American troops to Viet.


A Scottish immigrant who made a fortune in steel and donated most of his profits.

The Stimson Doctrine of 1932 called for

A condemnation by the United States of Japan's actions in Manchuria.

Sinclair Lewis

A contemporary of Fitzgerald; his work Main Street focused on exposing the provinciality and middle-class meanness of small-town society. -Lost Generation (b/c of ww1, consumerism & materialism): Him, Hemingway, Elliot -It Can't Happen Here: imagined a fascist takeover in the US in the 1930s


A fundamentalist Muslim movement whose militia took control of much of Afghanistan from early 1995, and in 1996 took Kabul and set up a radical Islamic state. The movement was forcibly removed from power by the US and its allies after the September 11, 2001, attacks -harbored bin laden and supported al quaeda -refused to cooperate w US war on terror

Bush Doctrine

A policy adopted by the Bush administration in 2001 that asserts America's right to attack any nation that has weapons of mass destruction that might be used against U.S. interests at home or abroad. Foreign policy based on the idea that the United States should take preemptive action against threats to its national security


A policy of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which called for more openness with the nations of West, and a relaxing of restraints on Soviet citizenry. -move towards openness of speech and press


A policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was adopted by the United States during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

Roosevelt Corollary

A strong addition to the Monroe Doctrine articulated by President Theodore Roosevelt -Used in the Dominican Republic -B/c Europe came back to Dominican Republic to get debts (angered America) -Said US would be the police of the West - the US would collect the debts itself

Tariff of 1832

A tariff imposed by Jackson which was unpopular in the South; South Carolina nullified it, but Jackson pushed through the Force Act, which enabled him to make South Carolina comply through force; Henry Clay reworked the tariff so that South Carolina would accept it, but after accepting it, South Carolina also nullified the Force Act

gender gap

A term that refers to the regular pattern by which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates. Women tend to be significantly less conservative than men and are more likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending.

Bob Dylan

A twentieth-century American folksinger and songwriter. His music, with its strong note of social protest, was especially popular during the 1960s, when he wrote songs such as "Blowin' in the Wind," "The Times They Are A-Changin'," and "Like a Rolling Stone."

Subprime Mortgages

A type of mortgage that is given to riskier borrowers with lower credit ratings A subprime mortgage is a type of loan granted to individuals with poor credit histories who, as a result of their deficient credit ratings, would not be able to qualify for conventional mortgages


A war policy in Vietnam initiated by Nixon in June of 1969. This strategy called for dramatic reduction of U.S. troops followed by an increased injection of S. Vietnamese troops in their place. A considerable success, this plan allowed for a drop in troops to 24,000 by 1972. . This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called "Nixon Doctrine". As applied to Vietnam, it was labeled "Vietnamization".

League of Nations

A world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace. It was first proposed in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson, although the United States never joined the League. Essentially powerless, it was officially dissolved in 1946.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe

Four Score and Seven Years Ago

Abraham Lincoln & Declaration of Independence

Fort Sumter

Abraham Lincoln had previously sent supplies without extensive military protection. (first battle of civil war)


African American Cowboys (African Americans who fled the South in the post-Civil War period)

Ida B. Wells

African American journalist. published statistics about lynching.

Protestant Fundamentalism

After WWI, while urban modernist protestants adjusted to new, "morally loose", consumer-driven society, rural fundamentalists didn't

Korean War: causes

After WWII, US controlled S of 38th, USSR controlled N -US set up pro-W gov't w/ modest army and moved out -USSR established much stronger army

Munich Pact of 1938

Agreement between Chamberlain and Hitler - led to Germany invading Czechoslovakia (appeasement by Chamberlain)

Adam's loss of support

Alien & Sedition Acts Acceptance of French peace, despite XYZ Affair

The major reason for the economic rebuilding of the South

Alliance between Southern business men & Northern finance people

WWII Invasion of Italy

Allies take Sicily, S. Italy. People overthrow and later execute Mussolini

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Allowed federal gov't to investigate disenfranchisement. Ineffective b/c it required jury trial

Sedition Act of 1798

Allowed gov't to jail suspected conspirators

Iran-Contra Scandal

Although Congress had prohibited aid to the Nicaraguan contras, individuals in Reagan's administration continued to illegally support the rebels. These officials secretly sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages being held in the Middle East. Profits from these sales were then sent to the contras. 1986 scandal linking the Presidency to the sale of weapons to Iran to fund efforts of the Contras in Nicaragua -all the principals pled guilty or were convicted of perjury -Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh concluded that it was impossible to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any misstatement was intentional or willful

22nd amendment

Amendment that created a 2 term limit on presidents. (inspired by FDR)

25th Amendment

Amendment that creates a chain of succession for filling in the presidential seat in case of death/incapacitation. Clarifies an ambiguous provision of the Constitution regarding succession to the Presidency, and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President as well as responding to Presidential disabilities.

24th Amendment

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1964) eliminated the poll tax as a prerequisite to vote in national elections.

Vietnam revisionism

America lost the war because of a lack of congressional support.

Ethel and julius Rosenberg

American communists who were executed after having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage. The charges were in relation to the passing of information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Theirs was the first execution of civilians for espionage in United States history

Margaret Sanger

American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.

Sinclair Lewis

American novelist who satirized middle-class America in his 22 works, including Babbitt (1922)


American troops were also part of NATO peacekeeping forces sent to Bosnia bc of ethnic conflicts in that area of the world

U.S.S. Cole

American warship that was docked near Middle Eastern country of Yemen that was crashed into by an al-Qaeda terrorists boat loaded with explosives in 2000

Santa Fe Trail

Americans followed legends of wealth. Welcomed by Mexicans after they gained independence from Spain

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

An independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities Responds to natural and man made natural disasters.

World Trade Organization

An international agency which encourages trade between member nations, administers global trade agreements and resolves disputes when they arise. permanent institution established in 1995 ; it has greater powers of enforcement and a wider agenda, covering services, intellectual property, and investment issues as well as merchandise trade.

Carnegie Steel

Andrew Carnegie, humble immigrant roots. Retired to life of charity, selling CS to JP Morgan, successful banker


As part of a NATO operation in 1999, Clinton also committed american troops to end the ethnic cleansing or slaughtering of Albanians in Kosovo which appeared to have been ordered by serbian president Slobodan Milosevic

Saddam Hussein

As president of Iraq, Saddam maintained power through the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) and the first Persian Gulf War (1991). During these conflicts, Saddam repressed movements he deemed threatening to the stability of Iraq, particularly Shi'a and Kurdish movements seeking to overthrow the government or gain independence, respectively. While he remained a popular hero among many disaffected Arabs everywhere for standing up to the West and for his support for the Palestinians, U.S. leaders continued to view Saddam with deep suspicion following the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Saddam was deposed by the U.S. and its allies during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources. He also refused to let the UN into Iraq in order to check if the country was secretly holding weapons of mass destruction.

Last Indian uprising against federal gov't

Battle of Wounded Knee (a massacre)

Clinton's domestic issues

Battled R Congress -failed to pass healthcare reform -anti-gov't sentiments -eliminate deficit -raised minimum wage, boosted welfare -enjoyed awesome economy

Lyndon B Johnson

Became president after Kennedy's assassination and reelected in 1964; Democrat; signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, promoted his "Great Society" plan, part of which included the "war on poverty", Medicare and Medicaid established; Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Tet Offensive -established Medicare and Medicaid, VISTA -war on poverty

Nancy Pelosi

Became the first female Speaker of the House following the 2006 elections in 2007 she became the first female speaker of the House of Representatives, and was also a Democrat from california

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

Because States couldn't regulate interstate commerce, this was needed


Believed in anti-materalism, free use of drugs, they had a casual attitude toward sex and anti-conformity, (1960s) practiced free love and took drugs, flocked to San Francisco- low rent/interracial, they lived in communal "crash pads", smoked marijuana and took LSD, sexual revolution, new counter culture, Protestors who influenced US involvement in Vietnam

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons that can cause a massive number of deaths in a single use.

Sioux War

Black Hills, SD Custer's Last Stand--defeated by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, later defeated, but escaped to Canada

When President George H. W. Bush spoke of a New World Order, he was referring to

the importance of the United Nations as a force to settle international disputes after the fall of the Soviet Union.

horizontal integration

the joining together of companies engaged in similar business practices to create a virtual monopoly

vertical integration

the joining together of companies to control all aspects of the production process of an item, from the mining or growing of materials through production and distribution of the final product

"100 percent Americanism"

the modern (1915) ku klux klan was devoted to this idea: opposition to blacks, catholics, jews, immigrants stood for: traditional moral values, prohibition and prostantism -kkk enforced it by cross burnings and lynchings

spoils system

the practice of victorious candidates distributing govt jobs to friends and supporters rather than to the most qualified people; jackson gave his supporters the spoils of victory whereas quincy adams did not

transcontinental railway

the railroad route connecting the atlantic and pacific oceans that was completed in 1869

checks and balances

the system built into the US constitution in which the 3 branches of govt (legislative, executive and judicial) have separate and equal powers that are limited and dependent upon each other; also called separation of powers


this was an economic system in which a colony exists for the good of the mother country. the colony's role is to provide raw materials for the mother country (esp. products that the mother country cannot produce itself) and serve as a market for the goods produced in the mother country

Gospel of Wealth

title of a book by Andrew Carnegie -saw the accumalation of wealth as a positive sign from God -horatio alger Ragged Dick 1868 preached this, wealth within everyones reach

back channel operations

to conceal Iran Contra Scandal, Oliver North shred documents and Poindexter misled congress -under reagan

Taft-Hartley Act

took back some of New Deal's Wagner Act's protection of unions -Republican Congress overrode Truman veto

The Power Elite

top people in u.s business military and politics who make the nations major decisions (written by C. Wright Mills)

Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862

transferred more than 140 million acres of federal land to the states -states could set up land grant agricultural colleges or sell land -speculators


treaty of paris signed, ending the french and indian war -pontiac attacks british fort near detroit -proclamation of 1763 issues


treaty of paris signed, ending the revolutionary war


treaty of tordesillas signed

Kellogg-Briand Pact

treaty that outlawed war except if you are attacked - very weak pact couldn't be enforced

Clinton's conflicts w/ the right

tried to be moderate on social issues, but Rs still despised him -Rs took majorities in 1992 & pushed their own "Contract w/ America" agenda, while blocking Clinton's--shut down gov't twice as a power play to try to get Clinton to pass federal budget, but inconvenience made Rs look worse -Rs in House voted to impeach Clinton. Some were as disgusted w/ partisanship as w/ Clinton's conduct

Cold War: Hungary

tried to rid itself of Comm, but USSR stepped in. Eisenhower avoid involvement b/c risk of all-out war was too high

General William Tecumseh Sherman

union general

general george mcclellan

union general


unsuccessful w/ economy--Recession of '74-5 -refused to lower interest rates, cut taxes, increase federal spending -Regan almost beat him in R primary

Dennis V. US

upheld Smith Act as legal Upheld conviction of communist Dennis was a leader of a communist party in America who was charged with advocating for the overthrowing the American government due to the Smith Act that prohibited it. Dennis argued that this violated his right to free speech. Justice Black dissented that prior restraint and the first amendment prohibits all laws that suppress speech.

Father Charles Coughlin

used his popular national radio show accused FDR of being a communist and dictator (opposed new deal)

When many savings and loan banks in the 1980s failed, the federal government

used tax money to bail out the banks.

social mobility

used to describe the ability of people to move within the social framework of a society

American Party

vicious anti-immigrant, anti-catholic group -members called 'know nothings' because when asked about their secret organization they would say 'i know nothing'


virginia becomes a royal colony -dutch permanently settle new netherlands

15th Amendment


John Adams

vp to Washington, later president (2nd) w Jefferson as a Vp -adams's administration (1797-1801) -negotiated for peace w france w the signing of Convention of 1800

Henry David Thoreau

walden (1854) and On Civil Disobeidence (1849)

Radical Republicans

wanted a more far-reaching reconstruction plan that punished the south and made changes

Many historians believe that Stephen A. Douglas wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Act because he

wanted a railroad route to the West that would start in his home state of Illinois, and to get the swing votes of Southerners in Congress, he agreed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise line, opening up the question of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska.


wanted money and religious freedom but not overzealous about either

2nd Continental Congress

wanted to make peace and build army in case peace wasn't reached Declaration

French colonial motivations

wanted to trade with NA


war damages As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay fines to the Allies to repay the costs of the war. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany.

Self-immolation of Buddhist monks

was a protest against the U.S. supported government of South Vietnam under Ngo Dinh Diem, who was Catholic and had policies against Buddhism

new immigration

wave of immigration from the 1880s to the 1920s of eastern and southern europeans, contrasted w the old immigration of northern and western europeans

Little Rock Central High School

were a group of nine African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Orval Faubus, the Governor of Arkansas. Was the site of forced desegregation in 1957 when the governor of Alabama wouldn't allow the "Little Rock nine" access to the school. President Eisenhower then mobilized the 101st airborne division to force the school to admit the students.

Elections of 1840 and 1844

whigs won pro common man Log Cabin Campaign w William Henry Harrison and john Tyler became president in 1841 after harrison died -in 1844 Clay ran anti Texas campaign against the democrat James K. Polk whose expansionist slogans were 54 40 or fight to annex the oregon territory and texas is alone but not deserted. polk won.

John L. Lewis

who started the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations for mine workers, rivaled AFL until merging w/ them)

Bush II: Iraq

widely believed that Hussein had WMDs -UN Security Council voted unanimously for inspection of Iraq's weapons, which Saddam refused -US (& GB) attacked w/o UN approval -captured Saddam but declared end to war prematurely--loyalists & guerrilla insurgents -Controversy over whether it fought terrorism or further destabilized region--Bush still won reelection, but Ds took majorities

Hillary Rodham Clinton

wife of Bill Clinton, first lady -appointed by bill to lead the task force to reform health care


william levitt applied mass production techniques to housing, building communities of nearly identical houses on former agricultural land near big cities -first levittown was built on long island, ny

Republican Motherhood

women had duty to raise/educate solid American citizens

Ulysses S. Grant

won presidency in 1868

Triangle Factory Fire

worst industrial accident in american history occurred in 1911 when 146 garment workers died in a fire at the triangle shirtwaist company in NYC -led to public protests and investigation by NY state that led to stricter fire codes, a shorter work week for women and minors, and the abolition of labor for those under the age of 14

"Lost Generation" Writers

writers who wrote after WWI; Edna Millay, Ernest Heminway, Fitzgerald


writs of assistance issued

"Gospel of Wealth"

written by Andrew Carnegie. Wealthy have duty to give to poor

Wade-Davis Bill

written by Radical Republicans who thought Lincoln was too nice. 50% instead of 10 -Lincoln used "pocket veto"

helen hunt jackson

wrote expose that made people sympathetic to plight of indians -A CENTURY OF DISHONOR

francis scott key

wrote national anthem star spangled banner based on fort mchenry victory

Ralph waldo Emerson

wrote self reliance (1841) transcendentalism

Election of 1896

Silverites--William Jennings Bryan (D)--Populist Opponents--William McKinley (R) McK won b/c of N and midwest

Compact Theory

Since states ratified Constitution, they choose which laws to obey. Basis for Nullification Crisis

African American troops in the civil war

Slaves were acquired as contraband as used by the army for labor, served in Union Army as 54th Mass. Volunteer infantry, paid less than whites, and served in the Confederacy (it had plans for this service)


Slumping economy when he entered office: Anti- Robin Hood: take from poor, give to rich -wanted rich to have money to invest -cut taxes & gov't programs (esp. for poor) -confident in Supply-side economics (trickle-down theory)


Standard Oil, ruthlessly formed monopolies and trusts. First billionaire,

Freeport Doctrine

Stephen A. Douglass--wanted to allow popular sovereignty in territories in violation of Dred Scott Decision -alienated S. Democrats b/c not outright pro-slavery -alienated abolitionists b/c allowed for possibility of expansion

September 11, 2001

Suicide attack by al-qaeda hijacked four passenger jets crashing 2 planes into Twin Towers WTC. Another into the pentagon. fourth jet crashed into the fields near shanks ville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 died in the attack America Responds Grounded Planes Increased Security Communicated with each other Communications were limited The first job was to assess the human toll Immediate Victims Those that emerged Transit & Port Authority . Letting key stakeholders know what was happening was another priority. To communicate what had happened To reduce fear Even in the face of crises life goes on. Communicate Hope

Gilded Age Presidents

Tended to side with Big Business & not the consumer or worker

Invasion of Iraq

The 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States, Britain, Australia and Poland officially began on March 20, 2003. U.S. President George W. Bush stated that the objective of the invasion was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people". In preparation, 100,000 U.S. troops were assembled in Kuwait by February 18. The United States supplied the majority of the invading forces. Supporters of the invasion included a coalition force of more than 40 countries, and Kurds in northern Iraq. The invasion of Iraq encountered immense popular opposition. Between January 3 and April 12, 2003, 36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war. The 2003 invasion began the Iraq War.

Farmer's Political Organizations

The Grange (W) sought to regulate RR prices. Farmers' Alliance (S) mostly sharecropping debtors. Wanted to go off GLD, inflation of prices

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress passed on August 7, 1964 in direct response to a minor naval engagement known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. It is of historical significance because it gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of military force in Southeast Asia.

'Just Say No' Campaign

The Reagan Administration and first Lady Nancy Reagan addressed the growing drug problem and initiated this And advertising campaign, part of the US war on drugs, prevalent during the 1980s and early 1990s, to discourage children from engaging in illegal recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying no. Eventually the scope of the campaign expanded to cover premarital sex and violence as well.

The structure+ duties of what is not specified in the Constitution

The federal court system (until the Judiciary Act of 1789), the abolition of the internal slave trade was also not specifically addressed.

Salvador Allende

The first Marxist politician elected president in the Americas. He was elected president of Chile in 1970 and overthrown by a US-backed military coup in 1973. President of Chile from 1970 to 1973, a member of the Socialist Party, he attempted to institute a number of democratic reforms in Chilean politics. He was overthrown and assassinated in 1973 during a military coup lead by General Augusto Pinochet.

Tax Cut

The primary way that President George W. Bush proposed to stimulate the economy in 2001 was with the tax cut -2001 traveled throughout the summer of 2001 to promote his 1.35 trillion tax cut arguing that it would stimulate the economy

"we shall overcome"

This was the unofficial anthem of the Civil Rights Movement quoted by LBJ in his passage of Voting Rights Act

Which two painters are considered the originators of a typically American style of painting?

Thomas Eakins and Winslow Homer

Democratic-Republicans in 1796

Thomas Jefferson strict interpretation agricultural nation

Brown v. Board of Ed

Thurgood Marshall & NAACP defended Topeka families whose kids were in segregated schools -Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of families and struck down Plessy v. Ferguson. -Brown II (follow-up case) -deseg should be carried out w/ "all deliberate speed"

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty to end WWI and the punishment of Germany was the main cause of WWII. -The US never ratified the Treaty or Joined the League of Nations -Senate must ratify it w/ a 2/3 vote, or it is not applicable in the US -Republican controlled senate (Pres. Wilson was a Democrat) & Henry Lodge were against the League of Nations part of the Treaty for the alliances aspect.

Federal Employee Loyalty Program

Truman, 1947 -initiated by truman to investigate federal employees for communist ties and to quiet republican critics who accused him of being soft on communism

GI Bill of Rights

Truman--made reconversion smoother & boosted economy -offered free college/trade school

Martin Luther King Jr.

U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964) Civil Rights Leader. Born in Atlanta. Developed a non-violent approach to social change after studying others like Gandhi. Founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Gave the "I have a Dream Speech" at the March of Washington 1929-1968. Pivotal leader of the American Civil Rights movement. Non-violent leader, became youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination. Led Montgomery Bus Boycott, helped found Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and led March on Washington in 1963 where he delivered "I have a Dream" speech.

Department of Homeland Security

US federal agency created in 2002 to coordinate national efforts against terrorism After 9/11 occurred, the Department of Homeland Security was established as the newest member of the cabinet with the goal to secure America. established by the 2002 Homeland Security Act and created new position in presidential cabinet, secretary of homeland security

Bay of Pigs

US formed a force of cuban exiles to overthrow Castro -they landed in cuba at bay of pigs in 1961 during the presidency of JFK and were soundly defeated by cuba

bozeman trail, south dakota

US govt built Bozeman Trail through prized Sioux hunting grounds -eventually closed trail bc of fighting

Jean-Bertrand Aristide

US military under clinton restored Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power in Haiti in 1994

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

US naval base established by Platt Amendment

Insular Cases

US supreme court ruled that the constitution does not follow the flag--that is constitutional rights don't nessacarily apply to people living in US territories

Open Door policy

US thought the most productive strategy was to push for all nations to have equal access to china

fort mchenry

US victory at baltimore harbor in the war of 1812

macon's bill no. 2

US was to resume trade w the first nation, either england or france, that pledged to end its harassment of US shipping

Pan-American Neutrality Zone

US would fire on Axis ships in neutrality zone Included N, C, S American coasts

Regan Doctrine

US would openly support anti-Soviet movements & rebellions -USSR is "the focus of all modern evil"

Washington's Neutrality Proclamation

US would side with Britain or France

Monroe Doctrine

US wouldn't tolerate European interference with sovereign nations in Americas

Pearl Harbor

USS Arizona, Day of Infamy Speech, we declared war on Japan, Germany declared war on us. Axis powers-Italy, Japan, Germany

Warsaw Pact

USSR & friends in E Europe -to counter NATO

Cold War: Czechoslovakia

USSR allowed free elections as promised @ Yalta, but when new democratic gov't asked for Marshall aid, Soviets supported Communist coup

U-2 Crisis

USSR shot down US spy plane w/ evidence of its spy activities. Khrushchev cancelled E-W summit and repealed Ike's invitation to the USSR. Soviets thought Khrushchev was playing too nice, so he was looking for an excuse to be tougher.

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Under Taft, who wanted to eliminate tariff. Barely reduced at all.

Keating-Owen Act

Under Wilson, child labor laws

Smith-Lever Act

Under Wilson, provided money for agricultural education

Underwood Tariff

Under Wilson, significantly reduced tariff, encouraging trade from abroad. 16th made up for lost revenue.

James Meredith

United States civil rights leader whose college registration caused riots in traditionally segregated Mississippi; 1962 JFK sent 5000 federal troops to protect james meredith when he entered the university of mississippi

Timothy Leary

United States psychologist who experimented with psychoactive drugs (including LSD) and became a well-known advocate of their use (1920-1996) advocated psychedelic drug research and therapy (ex. LSD), coined "turn on, tune in, drop out"

Election of 2000

Votes in FL too close to call -5 wks of lawsuits, allegations of disenfranchisement of FL voters -FL SC ruled for recount -Overturned by US SC

Committee on Public Information

WWI: Creel Commission -Propaganda

Espionage & Sedition Acts

WWI: banned expressing false opinions. Upheld by Schenk v. United States

Zimmerman note

WWI: Germans offered to take back NM, AZ, TX in exchange for Mexican help

National War Labor Board

WWI: won better conditions, wages, hours for workers; in exchange, they couldn't strike

Gideon v. Wainright

Warren -any citizen accused if a crime must be represented by legal counsel, provided by the state if the accused cannot afford it

Wesberry v. Sanders

Warren -ended pattern in Congressional districts (esp. in South) where rural (white) areas were overrepresented while urban (black) ones were underrepresented

Engel v. Vitale

Warren -prohibited prayer in public schools


Warren G Harding's goal to get back to life before WWI.

First Bull Run

Washington statesmen came to watch easy victory. Union outmanuvered

Andrew Mellon

Wealthy industrialist and conservative (trickle down economics) secretary of the treasury in the 1920s

Second Response to Hayne

Webster (north) argues that the Constitution is an agreement between the PEOPLE, not the states (more federalist).

Acquisition of ME

Webster-Ashburton Treaty: defined border with British and made final peace

Welfare Capitalism

Welfare cpaitlism refers to large corporations protecting their employees from the harsh condition of the market. In welfare capitalism, companies provide insurance, child care, healthcare, etc. for their emplyees

National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission)

What was the name of the Federal commission, which in 1968, described the United States as "moving towards two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal?" This, also known as the Kerner Commission after its chair, Governor Otto Kerner, Jr. of Illinois, was an 11-member commission established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the causes of the 1967 race riots in the United States and to provide recommendations for the future. In his remarks upon signing the order establishing this, Johnson asked for answers to three basic questions about the riots: "What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again and again?"

Railroad Strike of 1877

Widespread violence, led to creation of National Guard and labor unions (all due to wage cuts) -President Hayes broke it up w/ troops


Works Progress Administration Provided 2 million jobs building infrastructure New Deal

The Beatles

a British band that had an enormous influence on popular music in the 1960s A rock 'n' roll singing group from Liverpool, England that was phenomenally popular in the middle and late 1960s. The intense devotion of the groups fans, especially the hysterical screaming that the group provoked in large crowds of large teenagers was called ______mania. The four members were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Among their many popular songs, most of which were written by Lennon and McCartney, were "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "Hey, Jude."

Stokely Carmichael

a black civil rights activist in the 1960's. Leader of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He did a lot of work with Martin Luther King Jr.but later changed his attitude. Carmichael urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing black power. He was known for saying,"black power will smash everything Western civilization has created."


a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern United States

Webster-Hayne Debate

a debate between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne over the doctrine of nullification

Mortgage-Backed Securities

a debt security created by pooling together a group of mortgage loans whose periodic payments belong to the holders of the security Bonds that represent claims to all or part of the monthly mortgage payments from the pools of mortgage payments from the pools of mortgage loans made by lenders to borrow help them purchase residential property.

Timothy Leary

a political radical who preached that drugs could free the mind -Counterculture of the 1960s

open shop

a workplace where employees were not required to join a union


abusive interrogation method that involved binding a suspect and forcibly submerging his or her head underwater causing him or her the drowning sensation

john brown

after pro slavery forces attacked city of Lawrence in 1856, abolitionist John Brown led a small group in brutally murdering five pro slavery farmers who lived along pottawatamie creek led harpers ferry -executed -believed he was driven by god's word

Appomattox Courthouse

after the capture of richmond, Lee surrendered at appomattox courthouse on april 9, 1865


an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods is determined by individual consumer preference; characterized by the free-enterprise system, competition, profit motive and pricing based on the laws of supply and demand

Earth Day

april 25, 1970 -first earth day celebrated on college campuses all over country -sitins, teachins, and celebrations of clean air and fresh water as a way to build a safe legacy now and for future generations

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

area of newfoundland 1st attempt at english colony in new world 1583

admiral alfred T Mahan

argued that US needed to expand its military, esp its navy in order to protect shipping lanes -specifically argued that the govt should establish coaling stations throughout the word such as hawaii, to establish military bases in the caribbean, to build a canal through panama and to build a modern navy

realist movement

art and literature that seek to depict the commonplace in a plausible and direct manner

Asher Durand

artist, Hudson River School

Thomas Cole

artist, Hudson River school

George Caitlin

artist, honestly painted NAs in West

Erich Fromm

author of THE SANE SOCIETY (1955) and THE ART OF LOVING (1956) -gave psychological permission to baby boomers to express their authentic feelings against what they saw as a puritanic and shallow capitalist society in which everything was for sale

kate millet

author of= sexual politics (1970)

James Fenimore Cooper

author: Last of the Mohicans, The Prarie

Washington Irving

author: Legend of Sleepy Hollow


became cheaper and more available as a result of Bessemer process developed in the 1850s -more flexible and stronger than iron became an important material in barbed wire, plows, rails, bridges, tall buildings

Hiram Revels

black senator from mississippi


boston massacre occurs townshend acts repealed, except for the tax on tea

Characteristics of Literature in late 1800s

both realistic and regional.

The Rolling Stones

british band mick jagger Named band after muddy waters song raw kind of intense rock like the blues w violence and sexual references i can't get no satisfaction (1965) street fighting man (1968) Sympathy for the devil (1968) (anthems for weatherman and gangs)

Chisholm Trail

brought cattle to Abilene, KA to be shipped East

"Iron Curtain"

buffer zone of pro-Soviet governments in E Europe between W Europe and USSR

Mortgage-backed securities are

bundles of subprime mortgages traded like stocks

GROWTH in the North

by 1860, growth of n far outstripped south -more jobs and opps in the north so immigrants flocked there

The Jungle

by muckraker Upton Sinclair. Triggered Meat Inspection Act


called after biblical story Exodus -blacks seeking to escape violence and exploitation in the south migrated to kansas and beyond (moved west)

national slave code

called for by breckinridge -make slavery legal in all the states

Article X

called for league of nations to be established, part of Wilson's Fourteen Points

"return to normalcy"

campaign for presidency in 1920, Republican nominee Warren Harding promised 'return to normalcy'


carefree young women with short, "bobbed" hair, heavy makeup, and short skirts. The flapper symbolized the new "liberated" woman of the 1920s. Many people saw the bold, boyish look and shocking behavior of flappers as a sign of changing morals. Though hardly typical of American women, the flapper image reinforced the idea that women now had more freedom.

Suburbanization in 1950s

cars and better roads allowed commuting to cities for work -houses were purchased as income increased, interest rates dropped -crime and poverty up in cities as wealthy moved away

Thomas Nast

cartoonist of the 19th century whose series of cartoons about tammany hall and Tweed helped bring down tweed

Gibbons v. Ogden

cases involving ferries; elaborated on interstate v. intrastate commerce


cattle handlers who drove large herds across the great plains and whose era lasted from 1870 to the late 1880s

1960s race riots

caused by slow civil rights process, but fueled by poverty and urban conditions Harlem Watts Riots Chicago, Cleveland

Spanish-American War

caused by yellow journalism, de lome letter, maine sinking US declared war on spain in 1898 Treaty of Paris 1898 stipulated that Cuba would become independent that guam and puerto rico would become US possessions and that the US would pay spain 20 million for the phillipines

Federal Reserve System

central bank of the United States, created in 1913, and known as the "fed" (Founded by President Wilson) -b/c not enough regulation,

Foreign policy under Truman

changing--Pearl Harbor proved we couldn't hide from world conflict

division of powers

characteristic of a federal system of govt in which power is distributed between central and local govts; this distribution of power usually is established through some outside source, often a constitution as is the case in the US

Thomas Jefferson

chief author of Dec. of Independence

John Marshall

chief justice

George Marshall

chief of staff of US army

Ferdinand Magellan


Civil Rights Act of 1866

citizenship to freedmen. Congress overruled Johnson's veto

Clinton: Kosovo

claimed by both Serbs & Albanians -Milosevic started ethnic cleansing, chasing refugees into neighboring countries, further destabilizing region -US, EU, NATO forced Serbs to leave, Milosevic fell -Clinton praised

Douglas A. MacArthur

commander of american forces in pacific, had been forced form philippine islands

Election of 1960

complacency of 1950s was waning, and with it, Eisenhower's popularity -Nixon (R) vs. JFK (D) JFK--New Frontier--trail-blazing, change -unpopular w/ some Democrats (esp.S) -Catholic, young, firmly decided on Civil rights Nixon--moderate, Ike's VP -campaigned on some liberal ideas TV debates killed Nixon JFK barely pulled off victory

Brooklyn Bridge

completed in 1883 engineering marvel at the time connected then independent cities of brooklyn and ny

universal suffrage

condition when all adults in a democracy are granted the right to vote

universal manhood suffrage

condition when all male adults in a democracy are given the right to vote

general thomas 'stonewall' jackson

confederate general

Washington Conference

conference where Britain, Japan, And the US agreed to reduce their militaries/arms

Bush I's popularity

confidence boost from Desert Storm wasn't enough. -economic troubles--$3T deficit -had to take back "read my lips, no new taxes" -gov't had to bail out loans & savings industry after mess from Regan's deregulation


congress adopted the first peacetime draft in 1941 -men btwn ages of 21 and 35 were required to serve in military for one year

Freedman's Bureau

congress created agency to help freed men and women adjust to their new lives

encomienda system

conquistadors allowed to enslave NAs supposed to convert them to Christianity

"Yellow-dog" contracts

contract saying employees would not join unions

vertical monopoly

controlling each step in production, from raw materials to shipping


cornwallis surrenders at yorktown articles of confederation ratified


cortes conquers mexico

Korean War: consequences

cost US lives and $ w/o wiping Comm out of Korea -US wasn't used to "limited war"--MacArthur wanted Truman to let him invade China too


court order stopping a specific act often used against unions to end a strike

Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929

created Federal Farm Board and Grain Stabilization Corp. -bought up surplus crops, but by '31 warehouses were full, while people starved

Office of Economic Opportunity

created by Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 -did things such as establish job and work training classes and provide loans to small businesses that hired the unemployed; one agency was VISTA, Operation Head Start, dept of housing and urban development

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

created by Herbert Hoover Agency established in 1932 to provide emergency relief to large businesses, insurance companies, and banks.

Volstead Act

created the Prohibition Bureau to enforce 18th Amendment

Montgomery Ward and Richard Sears both played a significant role in the history of American commerce in the 19th century by

creating mail-order catalogs, allowing rural people to purchase a wide assortment of goods.

robber baron

critical term for the owners of the big business of the gilded age who accumulated great wealth and power

The mechanical reaper, invented by Cyrus McCormick in the 1830s, was most significant because it

cut wheat at a greater rate than the scythe.


decisive, strong--remembered as one of America's finest presidents

election of 1860

democrat-douglas south democrat-breckinridge constitutional union party (based on vague idea of union as it was)-john bell republican-lincoln -lincoln wins


derisive term for northerners who went to the south during reconstruction to promote reform or to profit from it


derisive term for white southerners who cooperated w the reconstruction govts


derogatory term used by the labor movement to describe workers who cross picket lines

Central Park

designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and completed in 1876 in NYC

dawes act of 1887

designed to break up tribal units giving individual families a small plot of land and making them US citizens after 25 years of adopting the habits of civilzied life -failed and abandoend in 1930s -like a homestead act for indians

Homestead Act of 1862

designed to encourage settlement in the west by offering 160 acres of land at no cost to homesteaders who paid a $10 filing fee and agreed to live on the land 5 years -much of land went to speculators who sold it at a profit

Navigation Acts

designed to uphold mecantilism: channeled raw materials to Britain and kept foreign ships away from American ports

denying Blacks right to vote

despite the 15th amendment, southern govts created measures to prevent blacks from voting -poll taxes (most blacks couldn't pay tax) -literacy tests (blacks previously werent allowed to read) -grandfather clauses (allowed men to vote if their grandfather was a voter before reconstruction; enabled uneducated whites to get around literacy tests)

Manhattan Project

develop first atomic bomb(s). Solution to Japanese stubbornness. Truman set ultimatum, dropped 700,000 leaflets on Hiroshima. Bombed, Soviets take Manchuria, stilled no surrender. Nagasaki, unconditional surrender.

otis's Elevator

developed by Elisha Otis 1857

Bituminous coal

dirtier, but more prevalent that hard coal of 1st IR

Japanese Internment

discrimination against japanese americans, internment camps established -came out of american fear that japanese americans would spy for japan

Political machine

dishonest acquisition of votes dominated late 1800s. Tammany Hall--Grover Cleveland

Why were they unable to fight Europeans?


Mayflower Compact

document that helped the Pilgrims establish the practice of self-government

Clinton's strengths & weaknesses

domestic policy--terrific foreign policy--mixed personal integrity--utterly shameful


dominion of new england created under the leadership of sir edmund andros

5th Amendment

due process, no double jeopardy, don't need to testify against self

lincoln-douglas debates

during campaign to represent illinois in the senate, douglas v lincoln -lincoln stated that a house divided against itself cannot stand of the country

Immigration during the 2nd IR

early immigrants were Protestants from N and W Europe. New wave weren't Prot, spoke no English and came from S and E Europe.

Frank Capra

earnest filmmaker, creating films such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington , which suggested that the problems of the Great Depression era could be solved by old-fashioned values rather than sweeping political or economic change.

Suez Canal

egyptian president Nasser attempted in 1956 to nationalize the Suez Canal which led to war btwn GB, israel and france v egypt -pressure from US and UN brought about cease fire and the removal of foreign forces from egypt


elaborate redistribution ceremony practiced among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest

Marian Anderson

eleanor roosevelt organized a concert by black singer marian anderson in 1935 on the steps of the lincoln memorial after anderson was blocked by the DOAR from performing at their concert hall

Herbert Hoover

elected 1928 -called for a chicken in every pot

Treaty of Ghent

ended War of 1812 no decisive winner, but it was impressive American survived

Loving v. Virginia

ended laws that prevented interracial marriage

Immigration Act of 1965

ended quotas based on national origin; applicants' occupation and skills would now be the main criteria for admission to the US, preference given to those applicants who already had relatives in the US

Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act

ended yellow dog contracts in 1932 (contracts that employees were made to sign stating they would not join a union), also prevented courts from issuing an injunction forbidding workers from striking, boycotting a company's goods, or picketing

General Francisco Franco

ends spanish civil war in 1939 and becomes dictator of spain; sold arms and supplied men to germans and italians

John Locke

enlightenment philosopher, his ideas used in dec. of independence

14th Amendment

equal protection under law

Civil Rights Act of 1960

established Civil Rights Commission

10th Amendment

established reserved powers of the states with the inclusion of the 10th amendment in the constitution

Panic of 1893

everything failed, unemployment tripled, homelessness. -Coxey's Army-unemployed who marched on DC demanding relief, but receiving laissez-faire

Panic of 1893

everything failed, unemployment tripled, homelessness. Coxey's Army--unemployed who marched on Washington demanding relief, received laissez-faire response

Truman's Fair Deal

extension of new deal goals;promoted full employment, higher minimum wage,greater social security, and housing assistance

Italy: WWII

felt it didn't fair share of Allied winnings in WWI Mussolini--led Fascist National Party, but never had total control b/c his gov't was under a king and the Catholic Church

Liberty Bonds

finance the war, issued

Hiram Revels

first African American senator (reconstruction)

Model T

first affordable car built by Henry Ford; sturdy, reliable, inexpensive, only came in black


first anglo powhatan war takes place

Frances Perkins

first female cabinet member (secretary of labor) opened doors for women to work etc

John Winthrop

first governor of mass bay colony -established theocracy puritan

Hoover's Attempts at Recovery

first laissez-faire, then pleaded w/ businesses to maintain employment and wages, which worked until businesses could no longer afford to pay workers. Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929.


first of a series of navigation acts passed


first slaves brought to the colonies -virginia house of burgesses established

Bill of Rights

first ten amendments added to constitution in 1791, established basic rights for people of the US;


formed after WWII each nation had 1 vote in General Assembly Security Council w/ 5 permanent members, 10 temporary members on a rotating basis, & veto power

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

formed by stamp act congress to disseminate information on actions being taken by the colonies

republican party

formed due to controversy over KN act -main slogan expressed free soil position=no extension of slavery to west -1854

Paula Jones

former Ark. state employee who said that president Clinton had sexually harassed her (before he became president) former state employee in Arkansas who filed a civil suit for sexual harassment against president Bill Clinton

Johnson's Plan/13th amendment

former VP Andrew Johnson was lincoln's successor, had a plan for reconstruction -allowed states to reenter union if they ratified the 13th amendment which prohibited slavery and pledged allegiance to the union

reserved powers clause

found in 10th amendment provides that any powers not specifically given to the central govt or specifically denied to the states govt by the consitution are powers that the states are granted

National Organization of Women (NOW)

founded 1966 Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) called for equal employment opportunity and equal pay for women. NOW also championed the legalization of abortion and passage of an equal rights amendment to the Constitution.

W.E.B DuBois

founded NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people) in 1910 -argued that blacks should press for an immediate end to segregation and for economic and political justice -argued that black intellectuals take the lead in struggle


founded in detroit, Motown record company was owned and operated by Barry Gordy a black entrepreneur very popular music 60s

Eugene V Debs

founded industrial union=American Railway Union -socialist

Samuel Gompers

founded the American Federation of Labor in 1886 cigar maker union

Republicans in Gilded Age

free-market, small gov't, temperance, immigration restriction, Protestant, N and W


french declares war on england and joins US efforts


french minister -1797 american attempt under Adams to get peace w france, and talleyrand demanded 250000 upon arrival for the right to speak w him

Citizen Genet

french nationalist edmund genet tried to recruit americans into the army for the purpose of invading spanish florida and louisiana; proved embarrassment to supporters of france

Francis Townsend

from ca -proposed a tax to generate enough money to give everyone over 60 years old a monthly stipend

Economy during Clinton admin

fueled by Dot-Com & tech -DJI tripled while BC was in office

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

gave employees right to join unions. Prevented employers from interfering w/ unions. New Deal

william henry harrison

general -1809 governor of indiana territory (him) duped indians into signing away tribal land

Dwight D Eisenhower

general, commander of european front

baby boom

generation of children born btwn end of WW2 and 1964

southern tier

georgia, florida, alabama, mississippi, south carolina, lousiana, texas all voted for secession (to leave the union in 1860) before lincoln took office in 1861


govt policy of noninterference in business practices and in individuals economic affairs

Whiskey Rebellion

grain farmers against Whiskey tax Washington himself rode with army to meet rebels


grangers, populists, and agrarian activists of the late 19th cent who advocated basing money on silver as well as gold

New Hampshire

granted royal charter in 1679 -fishing, shipbuilding, fur trade

Communist Party

grew, adopted stalin's popular front policy

joint-stock company

group of investors made corporation-like group

Kerner commission

group set up to investigate the causes of race riots in American cities in the 1960s


group that branched off of the SDS; advocated terrorism in the US to stop another Vietnam from happening; name came from Bob Dylan lyrics "don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"; dwindle away after 4 of them die in an explosion in Greenwich Village

1950s Culture

growth in: pop culture suburbs economy birth rate

Civil Rights Act of 1865

guaranteed african american citizenship

Northern Securities

had RR monopoly on West coast. TR busted, upheld by Supreme Court

Florence Kelly

had lived in Hull house, woman who was instrumental in pushing for improved factory conditions in Illinois

John D Rockefeller

had monopoly in oil-refining business through horizontal integration -company was standard oil -pushed out competitors using tactics such as rebates

fort sumter

harbor of charleston SC was still loyal to union; major robert anderson refused to surrender to state militia but needed help -davis eventually took fort sumter after lincoln tried to send aid -after attack on fort sumter, VA, TN, NC and Arkansas seceded (taking lincoln's aid as attack on them/slavery)

anthracite coal

hard and clean burning type of coal


harrison defeated indians and tecumseh at tippecanoe

Populist Party

hated big business. Wanted income tax, RR regulation, SLV standard

Food Administration

headed by Hoover in WWI, helped to regulate food supply for the troops by encouraging people to give up certain items

National War Labor Board

headed by former president taft was established in 1917 during WWI to deal with labor disputes

Tammany Hall

headquarters for NYC's democratic party -most infamous boss was william m tweed -very corrupt -political machine

The Senate passed a censure (criticism) motion against Senator Joseph McCarthy in the wake of

hearings that implicated high-ranking members of the military. - He accused the Army of being soft on communism. He had gone so far with his charges of communist conspiracy that President Eisenhower found it necessary to defend the Army against McCarthy's allegations

March on Washington

held in 1963 to show support for the Civil Rights Bill in Congress. Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream..." speech. 250,000 people attended the rally In August 1963, civil rights leaders organized a massive rally in Washington to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when MLK Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Jay's Treaty

helped reduce tensions between americans and the British in the Ohio valley (Pro-British/unpopular among colonists)

Ping Pong Diplomacy

henry kissinger ping pong teams of US and china played against each other in 1971; successfully exploited rift btwn soviet union and china -full diplomatic realtions waited until 1979

Haight Ashbury

hippies flocked to a small san francisco district called Haight-Ashbury in the summer of 1967, the Summer of Love

Bay of Pigs Invasion

hoping to get rid of Fidel Castro's Comm gov't, JFK approved plan to send 2,000 CIA officials to train/arm Cuban exiles, who were supposed to insight uprising and get US air support. Failed to start revolution and JFK pulled out Air Force b/c he didn't want US directly involved. -Embarrassing -strained US-USSR relations further

Compact Theory

idea that the constitution was created by the states and so the states could dissolve it; this was advocated first by madison and jefferson in 1798 in the virginia and KY resolutions and later by Hayne in his debate w Webster in 1830; Calhoun in the carolina exposition and protest (1828) and the south carolina ordinance of nullification (1832), was also a proponent of the compact theory; the confederate states also supported this theory

albert beveridge

indiana senator argued for an imperialist policy on economic grounds (industrial development=as an industrial power the US needed raw materials and new markets to which they could export their manufactured goods)

McCain-Feingold Bill

introduced campaign finance reform by limiting soft-money contributions to political parties and prohibiting advocacy ads.

barbed wire

invention of the 1870s, barbed wire enabled farmers to enclose land and prevent the long cattle drives that cowboys conducted

Palmer Raids

investigations of labor leaders and radicals, named after US attorney general Mitchell Palmer -red scare driven -govt agents raided homes, union halls, offices and meetings often without warrants in their search for communist subversion

"The Plumbers"

investigative team that Nixon had to spy on and quiet democrats and anti-war protesters. Around long before Watergate

Declaration of Independence

issued july 4, 1776 by this time, colonists Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured Ticonderoga and crown point, british had burned falmouth, americans attempted to take canada, by the end of 1776 southerners challenged british fleet in charleston harbor -task of writing it delegated to Thomas Jefferson (chief author), Ben Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, roger sherman, -borrowed ideas of john locke and enlightenment -govt obtained its power form the consent of the governed and that when it failed to exercise the will of the people, the people had a right to overthrow the govt. -declared independence of colonies from GB

Yalta Conference

just before V-E. Big three met @ Yalta, Soviet Union. Stalin had leverage b/c he controlled most of E Europe. -G divided into Allied military zones -G paid Soviets reparations -Soviet interim gov'ts remained in E Europe -Soviets had more power in planning UN, had veto power in UN Security Council -Soviets would enter Pacific in exchange for Manchuria


large corporations created by the consolidation of competing companies to form a monopoly or near monopoly


large estates along the hudson river in NY which were given to promoters who agreed to settle 50 people in these areas -large plantation type farm established by the dutch along the hudson river in the 1600s

Farming in the Gilded Age

large farms created more food than needed, so prices fell. Natural disasters. Created political organizations: The Grange (W), Interstate Commerce Act. Farmers' Alliance (S), co-ops, wanted to go off GLD

Indian Reorganization Act

largely undid the assimilationist Dawes Act by recognizing tribal ownership of reservation lands

Triple Entente

later called Allied Powers Russia, France, Great Britain

Triple Alliance

later called Central Powers Germany, Italy (later switched sides), Austria-Hungary

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

law passed in 2002 that imposes responsibility on companies and their management to protect investors by safeguarding the accuracy and integrity of financial information that is used internally and released externally. enacted as reaction to number of major corporation and accounting scandals which set new and expanded requirements for all U.S. public company boards, mgt and public accounting firms

Blue laws

laws enacted in many states based on religious bans of personal behavior deemed immoral

black codes

laws passed in the south states immediately after the civil war to restrict the movements and limit the rights of blacks

Medger Evers

leader of NAACP in Mississippi, was shot in 1963 (by klan and its allies)

General John Pershing

leader of US forces on land during WWI

Admiral Sims

leader of US forces on sea during WWI

Nat Turner

leader of VA slave rebellion, led a group of slaves into killing some 60 whites -believed he was called by god to destroy slavery

Benito Mussolini

leader of fascist party in italy 1922 -dissolved labor unions, destroyed opposing parties, suspended freedom of the press -italy invaded ethiopia in 1934, annexed in 1936

Marcus Garvey

leader of post-WWI Back to Africa Movement

Terrence Powderly

leader of the industrial union Knights of Labor

crazy horse

led sioux troops against custer in little bighorn AKA clusters last stand

Wagner Act

legalized union membership in the US, shot down by Supreme court and led to growth in membership

de Lome letter

letter written by enrique dubuy de lome (spanish minister to US) criticized president mckinley for being weak and ineffectual -letter intercepted by cuban rebels and leaked to the press -angered many americans

Puritan ideals of the Great Awakening

limited gov't--men are too corrupt to be trusted with power self-gov't--compulsory church attendance individualism--everyone must read/interpret Bible

border states

lincoln kept border states of maryland, delaware, missouri and kentucky loyal to union -west virginia broke off from VA

Theory of Perpetual Union

lincoln's contention that the union pre existed the constitution because it began w the articles of association in 1774 because the states had signed on to that document, the union could not be broken -discussed this theory in his first inaugural address


link created btwn washington DC and moscow for use in emergency situations came about bc of six day war

Jimmy Carter known for

linking U.S. aid to foreign nations to improvements in human rights -Jimmy Carter was noted for his emphasis on pressuring despotic regimes to improve their human rights policies. Among many other actions, he criticized the Soviet Union for its treatment of Jews. -Pro-Israel-Camp David Accords -Tough on Iranian Hostage Crisis -Peanut farmer -Stagflation -NRG crisis -Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station

hippie philosophy

living in the "now", peace, love, music

Communist Control Act of 1954

made Comm membership illegal

Jay Treaty

made some peace with Britain but didn't address captured ships and crews


magellan circumnavigates the globe

alphabet agencies

many govt agencies and pieces of legislation emerged from New Deal -bc each was referred to by acronym these agencies became known as 'alphabet agencies' -divided into relief, recovery and reform

Granger Laws

many western states passed Granger laws to regulate railroad rates

Sherman's march to the sea

marched from atlanta to the sea, turned from destroying only soldiers to burning land and supplies -under union gen sherman

assembly line

method of mass production


mixed blood spanish and natives


money grew around Jamestown


movement to end slavery -immediate=end everywhere and refuse to cooperate w political process (garrison) -Political=a political end to slavery everywhere (sumner) -Gradual abolitionism=advocated freeing slaves at the age of 21 who were born after a certain date (tallmadge)

Upton Sinclair

muckraker who wrote THE JUNGLE (1906), describing the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry -novel lead to passage of pure food and drug act and Meat inspection act in 1906


name for pioneer farmers on the Great Plains (Homesteaders) (frontier farmers on the Great Plains in the 1860s and 1870s)

great society

name used by administration of president LBJ to describe its domestic programs

new frontier

named used by administration of JFK to describe its proposed programs for the nation


north carolina officially separates from south carolina

peace Democrats

northern democrats who wanted to make peace w confederacy

war Democrats

northern democrats who wanted to make war w confederacy

Sherman Antitrust Act

not enforced until Teddy Roosevelt


not separated from Anglican Church, just wanted to "purify" it

safety valve

notion that the frontier had contributed to social peace in the east by providing a safety valve for disgruntled urbanites

Arms race

nuclear deterrence--build up enough weapons to prevent other side from messing

Daniel Boone

one of the first to lead pioneers over the Appalachian Mountains

Political machine

organizations whose goal was to get and keep political money, power and influence Tammany Hall--Grover Cleveland

war industries board

organized 1917 begining of war under the leadership of Bernard Baruch to convert industry to wartime production

Cesar Chavez

organized Chicano (mexican) migrant farm workers in CA -formed a union=united farm workers of america 1966 and called for boycotts of grapes and lettuces

Jane Addams

organized Hull House 1889 a settlement house in chicago which served as a community center and home for poor immigrants (Mostly women and children)

Andrew Johnson

originally vowed to punish South. Later became apparent he was forgiving. Hated both Northern businessmen and Southern aristocrats

Yellow Journalism

overblown, often lurid stories. William Randolph Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer rivalry led to escalation of YJ

Yellow journalism

overblown, often lurid, stories. William Randolph Hurst (Journal)/Joseph Pulitzer (World) rivalry led to escalation

Social Darwinism

owners of large corporations justified their practices w the philosophy of social darwinism -darwin had observed that in nature survival of the fittest -social darwinists saw this 'survival of the fittest' model as applicable to human society -competition for success favors the cleverest and strongest -rich and poor deserved their respective positions -philosophy suppored laissez faire philosophy where the govt played little or no role in intervening in economy

Vertical Integration

ownership of businesses involved in each step of a manufacturing process (Carnegie/steel)

Fugitive Slave Law

part of Clay's Compromise of 1850 -federally appointed commissioners were given authority to force citizens to capture runaway slaves; state officials did not have to assist in capturing runaways; after 1850 steep fines were imposed on anyone who helped runaways (including by ignoring them or not arresting them) and bonuses went to officers who captured them


part of progressive state govt reform, LaFollette -allowed citizens to cut short a politician's term by calling for a special election

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

party founded in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer of 1964 (when blacks were trying to register to vote). It was formed in 1964 to support African American representation at the Democratic convention.

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

passed in 1765 in rxn to stamp act -stated that only colonists had the right to tax colonists -asserted that british should not try colonial cases in admiralty courts

Cash and carry

pay cash for U.S. supplies (directed to Britain + France) and carry on your country's ships (1939-FDR-WW2) (Proclamation of Neutrality)

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

peacefully explored California

Don Juan de Onate

peacefully explored S. Mexico


pennsylvania established by william penn

Mexican Americans in 30s

people felt they took low-paying jobs from Americans -many deported, immigration from MXC made difficult from MXC


people should question and reflect upon religious beliefs/practices

Buying on Credit

people would purchase things and make partial payments on set intervals: installment plans, led to a lot of debt

Truman Doctrine

policy aimed to support any free nation trying to resist being forcibly taken over by another power US sent military and economic aid to assist those countries fighting communist forces -truman issued, part of containment policy


political and social conviction that only white protestant americans deserved civil rights and employment -nativists tried to prevent irish and new immigrants of the 1880s-1920s from becoming citizens or entering the country -know nothings and ku klux klan were nativists

political machines

political party organizations that run cities and are often associated w corruption and undemocratic practices -most notorious was NY's Tammany Hall Democratic club of the Gilded Age

Compassionate Conservatism

political philosophy that promotes solving social issues through cooperation with private agencies rather than through direct government programs -also stresses personal responsibility and accountability as keys to success


political position advocating sending free blacks to liberia in africa to reduce the number of them in the country (more blacks freed, the fewer in US) -clay and lincoln were supporters


pope's rebellion takes place

Huey Long

populist senator from louisiana -share our wealth society proposed breaking up fortunes of rich and distributing them to everyone else -talked of running vs roosevelt in 1936 but was assassinated in 1935

Free Silverites

populists and silver democrats who in the 1890s argued in favor of an immense increase in silver coinage as a way of stimulating a faltering economy

17th Amendment

progressives helped push through this amendment (ratified in 1913) which took the election of senators out of the hands of state legislatures and put it into the hands of the people

19th Amendment

progressives helped push through this amendment (ratified in 1920) which gave all women the right to vote

Civil Rights Act of 1968

prohibited racial discrimination in housing (real estate sales & rentals)

Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policy

protective tariffs whiskey tax First Bank of US--stabilized economy

Marshall Plan

provided $12 billion in aid to European countries w/ awful post-war economies to: -strengthen trade -ward off Communism

Taverns of the 1700s were important because they

provided a place for an exchange of information among the colonists.

The Virginia House of Burgesses and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were similar in that both

provided for representative democracy.

battle of wounded knee

put down Ghost dance movement by the killing of 200 sioux at wounded knee in 1890

Portuguese:why were they successful explorers?

quadrant--magnetic compass caravel--fast ships Prince Henry the Navigator--financed W. African voyages Bartholomeau Diaz--reached S. African tip Vasco de Gama--reached India


quartering act passed stamp act passed declaration of rights and grievances issued stamp act congress meets sons and daughters of liberty formed

Thaddeus Stevens

radical republican senator who desired to see changes in the south

23rd Amendment

ratified in 1961 under JFK -permitted voters in Washington DC to participate in presidential elections; Washington DC granted 3 electoral votes

Emilio Aguinaldo

rebel leader in spanish american war led rebellion in philippines v US

Jay Gould

regarded as most ruthless business owner of this era; bribery threats and conspiracy vs competitors -operations included railroad speculation, stock trading, tanneries, newspaper publishing

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933)

relief -FERA gave federal money to the states and cities to feed the needy and pay for public works projects

New England

religious freedom grew around Plymouth

ghost dance movement

religious movement, inspired indians to resist being driven from ancestoral lands

Second Great Awakening

religious revival that swept the country and helped inspire REFORM movements

British colonial motivations

religious--James made Anlgican church mandatory economic--Eur. economy inflated by Sp. gold mercantilism--pursuit of trade

Stalin's death

replaced by slightly more friendly Khrushchev

Waving the bloody shirt

republican candidates for the white house were more likely to 'wave the bloody shirt' to emphasize the Democrat's role in supporting secession and plunging the nation into war

15th Amendment

republican radicals drafted in order to guarantee blacks the right to vote 1870 ratified

McCarran Internal Security Act

required all Comm groups to register w/ gov't

Pendleton Act

required testing for civil service jobs -killed Spoils System

Pendleton Act

required testing for civil service jobs killed spoils system

George Washington Administration 1789-1797

secretary of treasury=hamilton established precedents for other presidents -cabinet (group of advisers) members included: thomas jefferson (sey. of state), hamilton (sety of treasury), henry knox (sey. of war), edmund randolph (atty. general)

Know-Nothing Movement

secretive anti-immigrant party. Later became officially American Party, but divided by slavery

midnight appointments

see marbury v madison and jeff administration

AAs in WWI

segregated in armed forces. Given demeaning jobs like cooking and burying bodies

jim crow laws

segregated whites and blacks in public facilities

de facto segregation

segregation "by fact," i.e., segregation that results from such factors as housing patterns rather than law.

De jure

segregation BY LAW ex: separate but equal

Robert Y Hayne

senator and protege of Calhoun -debated w Webster over slavery and nullification -hayne argued for the compact theory -webster proved that the controversy over the tariff and nullification was a stand in for a debate over slavery and secession -webster's second reply to hayne=denounced slavery and argued that the union was formed by the whole people in conventions and therefore the state govts were actually not parties but a compact; sovereignty resided in the people, and armed defense of secession was treason

yellow journalism

sensationalistic, lurid and often false accounts of events printed by newspapers and magazines to attract readers

12th amendment

separation of votes for President and Vice President

alexander hamilton

sety of treasury under washington financial program federalist loose constructionist

William Lloyd Garrison

supporter of immediate abolition -author of Liberator -slavery was a sin and that constitution violation 'all men are created equal'

Josiah Strong and Alfred T. Mahan were American writers in the late 19th century who were noted for

supporting an IMPERIALIST foreign policy.

Plessy v Ferguson

supreme court case that declared jim crow laws legal in 1896 ' -established separate but equal doctrine

Schenck v US

supreme court case that would establish the doctrine of 'clear and present danger' in 1919 -schenck gen sety of socialist party distributed leaflets in front of an army recruiting station in an attempt to discourage men from entering the military, claimed 1st amendment to free speech -supreme court justice oliver wendall holmes disagreed

Oliver Wendell Holmes

supreme court justice during schenck v US case, upheld doctrine of clear and present danger

roger taney

supreme court justice in dred scott case

Munn v Illinois

supreme court upheld a States right to regulate railroad rates and indeed to regulate private industry in the case of munn v illinois 1877

Jack Kerouac

Most famous of the "beat" generation of writers, who were violent and free-spirited youths wandering in postwar America; books include On the Road and The Dharma Bums.

John Steinbeck

Most important of the Depression Era authors; most famous book The Grapes of Wrath chronicled the Joad family's migration from Oklahoma to California.


Motion pictures with sound. The Jazz Singer (1927) was the first movie to use sound in a significant way.

Willa Cather

My Ántonia: birth of the homeland (The prairie) (Great Plains States)

Korean War: start

N launched surprise attack on S in 1950, aided by China more than USSR. US entered w/ UN support. Gen. MacArthur led bold attacks and pushed from S tip almost to Ch border.

Treaty of Grenville

NA Surrenders most land in the Ohio area (1795), after Battle of Fallen Timbers

National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)

NIRA designed to reduce unemployment by asking employers to spread out the work as much as possible; asked industry to reduce competition and to regulate wages and hours; labor was granted the right to collective bargain and organize collectively; supreme court declared this act unconstitutional in 1935 -relief

Stephen Crane

Naturalism: he wrote The Red Badge of Courage

Battle of the Bulge

Nazis put up a fight, but Allies take Lux, Belgium

sanford dole

Negotiated the annexation of Hawaii to the US in 1898. Served as President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii after Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown.

Utopian Communities

New Harmony--Robert Owen in Indiana Brook Farm--near Boston

New Federalism

Nixon less interference from Federal gov't, fewer social programs

beginning relations w/ Ch

Nixon visits Mao, showing that US is ready to recognize Ch as a Comm nation


Nixon went to Moscow to visit Brezhnev. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks led to SALT I, a treaty to limit missiles

John Mitchell

Nixon's first attorney general and his close friend and adviser; many people believe he ordered the Watergate break-in. He participated in the cover-up and served nineteen months in prison for his role


Nixon's policy to gradually pull out and give power to S gov't. At the same time stepped up bombings in N and Cambodia. Kept Cambodia secret until pro-W gov't had been set up there. Congress repealed Tonkin Resolution after protests over Cambodia

Relations w/ Israel

Nixon. Egypt (backed by USSR) & Syria attack Israel over land dispute. US aids Isr in Yom Kippur War. OPEC imposes embargo on oil to US. Kissinger eventually negotiates agreement

Nixon Doctrine

No extensive manpower in Asian wars, but we will help military + economically when aggressors threatened nations in need. After Vietnam, US was cautious to enter wars.


North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA 1994 clinton supported provided for lifting of trade restrictions including the lowering or eliminating of the tariffs between the US and its neighbors, mexico and canada over the next 15 years

Regulator Movement

North Carolina Piedmont uprising against colonial governor William Tryon (pre revolution)

Generals for North & South

North=Ulysses S. Grant & President Abraham Lincoln South = Robert E. Lee & President Jefferson Davis

Peninsula Campaign

Northern Strategy to follow Virginia peninsula to capture the Southern Capital of Richmond


Northerners who moved S and supported Republican agenda

Alliance for Progress

Offered economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries

Paris Peace Accords

Officially ended Vietnam, ordered all Americans out in 60 days. US set up coalition gov't in S (included Viet Cong). -Fighting broke out again--S fell -completely defeated by '75

Two Great Waves of Immigration

Old Immigration (1845-1860): Western European Countries New Immigration (1890-1920): Southern and Eastern European Countries

Division in the Anglican Church

Old Lights--stuck to tradition New Lights--embraced change

Lee Harvey Oswald

On November 22, 1963, he assassinated President Kennedy who was riding downtown Dallas, Texas. Oswald was later shot in front of television cameras by Jack Ruby.

Abu Ghraib

One of Saddam's most notorious prisons for dissenters; when Americans took over, it became notorious for a place of torment and humiliation for detainees


Oregon Treaty: established British border at 49th Parallel

Committee of Correspondence

Organized by Sam Adams. Designed to organize anti-British protests between colonies

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Originally to break up unions

Smith Act of 1940

Outlawed any conspiracy to advocate the overthrow of the government (anti-Communist party sentiment)

John James Audubon

Painted many colorful, scientifically accurate pictures of birds. (Hudson River School - 1830s)

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Panama Canal Zone

Vasco Nuñez del Balboa

Panama, reached Pacific

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Passed by Congress in 2002 to protect investors from the possibility of fraudulent accounting activities by corporations. -strict reforms to improve financial disclosures from corporations and prevent accounting fraud (More transparency)

Election of 1800

Peaceful transfer of power (Jefferson won)

Mark Twain

Perhaps the most famous American author; rooted in the realist tradition, he used humor and satire to dramatize life during the Gilded Age; works include Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Innocents Abroad.

Unlawful Combatants

Persons who do not represent a state or nation who participate in military conflict and do not adhere to accepted rules of war. According to the Bush administration, unlawful combatants captured on the battlefield and detain off of U.S. soil are not entitled to the protections of the 1949 Geneva Convention and can be tried by military tribunals, not civilian courts.

Francisco Pizarro

Peru, Incas

Election of 1968

Pessimism--MLK, Bobby Kennedy assassinations, Tet Offensive -LBJ 35% approval rating -Humphrey (LBJ's VP) (D)--B Kenn. would have been #1 candidate -Third party--George Wallace--S Segregationist who wanted to crack down on race riots & anti-war protests -Split D vote, Nixon won

Panic of 1837

Pet banks print too much money, worthless cash; over-speculation in the West (Jackson)

Freedom Now!

Phrase of the SNCC in the 1960s

Ballinger-Pinchot affair

Pinchot, a conservationist, was fired for calling out Ballinger for helping ppl gain access to Alaskan coal fields.

Ravi Shankar

Played the sitar and worked with George Harrison of The Beatles. Household name in Hindustani Music. The forefront of promoting Indian music and culture to international audiences. Ravi Shankar inspired and influenced other musicians and genres to participate in cross-cultural collaboration including Western-style orchestral works that included traditional Indian instruments.

Where did Separatists (Pilgrims) live?

Plymouth Colony, south of Massachusetts Bay

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Poet of the mid-19th century; wrote "Hiawatha" and "Paul Revere's Ride."

Phillis Wheatley

Poet who was the first African American woman to have a book of poetry published.

Truman Doctrine

Policy of giving (MILITARY) aid to countries threatened by communism -CONTAIN COMMUNISM

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDIA) or 'star wars'

Popularly known as "Star Wars," President Reagan's SDI proposed the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected. -credited w accelerating process that ended cold war

Omaha Platform

Populist Party platform that called for reforms to curtail power of banks and trusts (silver coinage/inflation) -gov't ownership of railroads & banks

Northern Securities Company

Powerful northwestern railroad monopoly broken up by Roosevelt's trust busting (combination in restraint of trade, FDR'S first bust)


Practical. Truth discovered through personal experience. First purely American philosophy.

Lee's Resolution

Precursor to Declaration of Independence

Which president negotiated with the Spanish following the Spanish-American war?

President McKinley

Dollar Diplomacy

President Taft's policy of building strong economic ties to Latin America & China through $$$ (to build influence)

Slobodan Milosevic

President of Serbia from 1989 to 1997 and of Yugoslavia 1997 to 2000. A key figure in the ethnic conflicts in the Balkans in the 1900's.

25th amendment

Presidential Succession; Vice Presidential Vacancy; Presidential Inability ==> Rockefeller (VP) & Ford - Ford was VP after Spiro-Agnew resigned - after Nixon resigned (Ford's president when he was VP), Ford made Rockefeller VP


Pro-Union, anti-Civil War Peace Democrats in North & Midwest. Vallandigham was a leader. Lincoln got rid of habeas corpus and had V. deported.

"Bleeding Kansas"

Pro-slavery gov't elected after 7000 ballots were cast for 2000 registered voters. Missourians crept over border to rig election, prompting "bleeding Kansas".


Professional Air Traffic Controllers' Organization -reagan refused to negotiate with PATCO which had gone on strike for better wages and reduced work hours; he broke union as strikebreakers could now legally be hired as replacement workers

Point Four

Program proposed by Truman to help the world's backwards areas. (after world war II)

Federal Personal Income Taxes

Progressive (higher rates for rich than poor)

Tom Johnson

Progressive mayor of Cleveland Advocated taking power away from big business. Set model for other local reform

War of 1812

Prospects looked grim for US--Washington burned British gave up realizing that war was expensive

3rd Amendment

Protection from quartering soldiers

Tariff of Abominations

Protective tariff favored Northern industry but hurt Southerners. Ended JQA's credibility in the South.

Fourth Amendment

Protects against unreasonable search and seizure

Pacific RR Act

Provided funds to build Trans-Cont Delayed by Civil War Promontory, UT

Pullman Strike

Pullman made railroad coaches. Cut wages, left living expenses the same. Strike and Eugene Debs organized boycott of Pullman coaches. When trains carrying mail were stopped, the Fed intervened.

de jure segregation

Racial segregation that occurs because of laws or administrative decisions by public agencies.

George Wallace

Racist governor of Alabama, segregationist, ran for president

Molly Maguires

Radical (called anarchists), secret Irish labor union (miners) of the 1860s and 1870s -some were executed

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

Radical Republicans were against him b/c of politics (he was a Democrat) and used his firing of the Secretary of War as an excuse to fire him (Violating the Tenure of Office Act by not talking to Congress first). He was one vote away from being removed from office.

Malcolm X

Read works of Elijah Muhammad (Nation of Islam leader) in jail -left prison to be NoI leader in Boston -preached that white = the devil -kicked out of NoI after saying JFK got what he deserved -Malcolm X went to Mecca where he reformed & mellowed his views -Organization of Afro-American Unity--brotherhood -Assassinated by NoI members

C. Everett Koop

Reagan appointed hi surgeon general in 1981 Koop fought for the protection of children and adults from AIDS and the effects of smoking

Literature in the Second Industrial Revolution

Realistic and regional


Rebel forces in Nicaragua who struggled against what they saw as US occupation of their nation and US backed puppet rulers in their nation's government. Particularly active in the 1970s and 1980s. The US frequently arranged groups to fight against these rebels, sometimes covertly as in the case of the Iran-Contra Affair.

J.D. Salinger

Reclusive author; careful and studious style; most famous work is The Catcher in the Rye, a story about youth and disillusionment in postwar America.

Baker vs. Carr

Redistricting (legislative reapportionment) (1962) -Baker (Tennessee) thought that his equal protections rights (14th amendments) were being violated b/c he believed his vote counted less. -Supreme Court agreed -Similar decision in Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

Regan & Gorbachev -destroy all land-based INFs in Europe -first to destroy, not just limit production of *beginning of end of Cold War

In the years between the civil war and 1900, the south...

Remained mainly agricultural w/ a few pockets of industry

Nye Report

Report by US Senate. Supported US neutrality, by stating that US banks and corporations hoping to profit had tricked them into entering WWI.

Warren Harding

Republican, supported BUSINESS

Amnesty Act of 1872

Restored right to vote and hold federal and state offices to 150,000 former confederates.

John Trumbull

Revolutionary war painter


Roanoke Colony founded

Standard Oil Trust

Rockefeller -went from refining 2 to 3 percent of crude oil in US in 1870 to over 90 percent decade later -

Lincoln-Douglass Debates

Running for IL senate seat -Douglass stated Freeport Doctrine -Lincoln-Moderate-opposed spread of slavery, but wasn't for black equality -Douglass won Senate, but Lincoln won rematch for Presidency 2 yrs later in 1860

Democrats in Gilded Age

S, white supremacy, supported social programs: immigrants, poor voted D

Effects of RRs

Safer, faster migration Allowed trade with Far East Telegraph lines

H. L. Mencken

Satirist who criticized American Culture in 1920s and 30s

German WWI strategy

Schlieffen Plan--first defeat France, then fight slow-moving Russia. -Prevented 2 front war

Dred Scott decision

Scott sued for slavery after living in a free state. Court ruled that he wasn't free and that Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional b/c it threatened 5th Amendment right to property

Clark Clifford

Secretary of Defense for LBJ and was preceded by Robert McNamara, supported the de-escalation of U.S. Troops in Vietnam

Results of Spanish-American War

Secretary of State Hay called it a splendid little war b/c: -We got Puerto Rico & The Philippines & Guam -Cuban independence -We annexed Hawaii, but not related to the war!!!

Great/Connecticut Compromise

Senate: 2 per state House: by population


Separatist Puritans--broke from Anglican Church

Al Gore

Served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Ran for President in 2000 and won popular vote but lost Electoral College -senator from tennessee

Laura Ingalls Wilder

She wrote a multivolume auto biography describing the pioneer experience in the Midwest in the 1870s and 1880s (Little House Books)

March to the Sea

Sherman's scorched-earth policy

Election of 1896

Silverite--William Jennings Bryan (D) (Populist) Opponent--William McKinley (R) -McKinley won b/c of N and Midwest

Silverites and Opponents

Silverites were S and W farmers who wanted inflation so they could pay off their debts. Opponents were E bankers and industrialists.

GLD standard views

Silverites--S and W farmers who wanted inflation to pay off debts Opponents--E bankers and industrialist.

sitting bull

Sioux chief Sitting Bull and troops led by Crazy Horse defeated Custer, killing him and all of his men at little bighorn in 1876 -later defeated by US in revenge for custers last stand

Herbert Spencer

Social Darwinism

George W. Bush

Son of president HW Bush and the 43rd president of the US. He was elected in 2000 after the closest election in US history and launched a war on terror following the terrorist attacks on 9/11 President after Clinton, republican, former director of CIA, oil company founder/owner, foreign policy (panama, gulf war) republican governor of texas

Ordinance of Nullification

South Carolina declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void and forbade the collection of those duties. In February, 1833, they threatened secession if federal bureaucrats tried to collect them.

Compromise of 1877

South angry after disputed election was settled by Republican electoral commission (Hayes). Settled by removal of troops and one Southerner in Cabinet

Great Migration

Southern AAs moved North, where jobs were available b/c of war and immigrants stopped arriving. Occurred wwi-wwii


Southern white Republicans


Southern whites who supported Republican policy through reconstruction

Warsaw Pact

Soviet response to NATO was the creation of the Warsaw Pact 1955 -military alliance of soviet union w albania, bulgaria, czechslovakia, east germany, hungary, poland, romania

WWII E Europe

Soviets liberate almost all of E Europe

Dawes Act

Split NA reservations into 160-acre farms. Designed to weaken culture, ownership

Jacksonian Presidency

Spoils system--replaced gv't officals w/ supporters Kitchen Cabinet--Unofficial advisors Veto power--used liberally Indian Removal act, despite Supreme Court ruling

Space Race

Sputnik I US responded w/ NASA

Nixon's Economic Issues & Solutions

Stagflation--unemployment and inflation -LBJ's fault--deficit spending for Vietnam & huge social programs -wage & price freezes, tax cuts, 10 % import tax -Temporary--worked to improve economy until Election of '72, but was on a downturn by '73

Cold War: Turkey

Stalin wanted it for strategic control of waterways


Standard Oil, first billionaire, but ruthless

26th Amendment

States cannot deny the right to vote based on age (18+) (1971)

Carnegie Steel

Steel giant that dominated the industry. Run by rags to riches legend Andrew Carnegie who later teamed up with J.P. Morgan to form U.S. Steel, the first billion dollar corporation in 1900.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Stephen Douglas, for a transcontinental railroad, reversed Missouri Compromise (Kansas ended up voting for slavery)

Black Thursday & Tuesday

Stock Market Crashes of 1929


Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty -detente -purpose to limit offensive missiles -nixon negotiations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics opened in 1969 in Helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons

Homestead Strike

Strike after Carnegie Steel cut wages. Guards hired to protect factories. After fights, PA National Guard came to protect Steel

Which was the most important reason for the early growth of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Free Speech Movement (FSM)?

Student radicals, antiwar, 1960s, social justice

JP Morgan

Successful investor and owned more than half of US RRs. Made deal between RRs to reduce rates

Women's rights reformers

Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott: Seneca Falls & Declaration of Sentiments made no difference for 70 yrs.

Hepburn Act

TR: Created Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate RRs

Tennessee Valley Authority (1933)

TVA examined and developed the resources in the Tennessee Valley -recovery

Mann-Elkins Act

Taft: Gave ICC power to control telephone, telegraph and RRs. *Not to be confused w/ Mann Act (prostitution)

3/5 compromise

Taxes & Representation (Constitutional Convention)

Teller/Platt Amendment

Teller-Cuba can self-govern Platt-US could look over Cuba's shoulder & meddle in its affairs

McGuffey Readers

Textbooks that furthered the pro-protestant, white agenda in common schools

Radical Republicans

Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner, controlled Reconstruction, liberate slaves.

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) -author during gilded age

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory. More than 4, 00 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey.

What was the first modern war

The Civil War ==> Trench warfare, explosions, ironclad ships, submarine and torpedo technology, and the telegraph improved communication.

New York City Draft Riots

The Enrollment Act led to the first draft in US History (Revolution was volunteer troops). The Act favored the rich, had racial conflict, and NYC had anti-war sentiment. The South had its own draft as well.

Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" program

The Medicare Act and the Equal Opportunity Employment Act

Lincoln Steffens

The Shame of the Cities (1904): Citi corruption & immigrant hardships.

The Solid South

The South (mostly democratic) after Reconstruction, under Home Rule

Soviet Bloc

The Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries that installed Communist regimes after World War II and were dominated by the Soviet Union.

Battle of Little Bighorn

The U.S. Army redoubled its efforts to move Native Americans to reservations.

the embargo imposed by Presidents Jefferson and Madison.

The cartoonist was most likely portraying discontent over the issue of

The Middle Passage

The horrifying journey of captured blacks from Africa to North America.

students for a democratic society (SDS)

The leader of this movement was Tom Hayden. Port Huron Statement (declaration of beliefs): "We are the people of this generation, bred in at least moderate comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortable to the world we inherit." Also, the idea of "participatory democracy" was upheld. a campus-based political organization founded in 1961 by Tom Hayden that became an iconic representation of the New Left. Originally geared toward the intellectual promise of "participatory democracy," SDS emerged at the forefront of the civil rights, antipoverty, and anitwar movements during the 1960s

Keynesian economics

The philosophy that government spending is needed to stimulate a sluggish economy (New Deal spending) (LIBERAL)

Dien Bien Phu

The place that the final battle took place that forced the French out of Vietnam

family values

The political position advocated by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and other conservative Republicans emphasizing a life of religious observance along with no drugs, no divorce, no abortions, no homosexuality, no working mothers, and no sex before marriage.

President Hoover

The president blamed for the depression who believed in rugged individualism (Not much gov't spending)

eugenics movement

The ranking of the races (Favored Western Europeans) early 1900s

The most significant change in voting patterns in the 1930s was

The shift among African American voters from the Republican to the Democratic Party.

Smoking gun

The tape known as the ___ ___ revealed that Nixon had ordered the CIA to prevent the investigation into the burglary 6 days afterwards. -now nixon could be charged w obstruction of justice

Compact Theory

The theory that the Constitution is an agreement between the states, not the people. (Haynes) (More anti-federalist)

Which of the following happened for the fist time during the presidential election of 1828

The voters, not the state legislatures, chose the electors (direct popular election)

Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt and Rough Riders won battle of San Juan Hill and forced the Spanish to surrender

Aroostook War

These were bloody disputes over Maine boundaries between lumberjacks in Maine and Canada (1830s)

The Spanish established settlements in Texas in the early 1700s because...

They wanted to keep the French away

William Jennings Bryan

This Democratic candidate ran for president most famously in 1896 (and again in 1900). His goal of "free silver" (unlimited coinage of silver) won him the support of the Populist Party. Though a gifted orator, he lost the election to Republican William McKinley. He ran again for president and lost in 1900. Later he opposed America's imperialist actions, and in the 1920s, he made his mark as a leader of the fundamentalist cause and prosecuting attorney in the Scopes Monkey Trial. -cross of gold speech

Babe Ruth

This man is considered to be one of the most baseball players of all time, playing for the Yankees during the 1920's.

Freedom Schools

To encourage blacks to exercise their rights as American citizens (focused on appreciation of their history + voting rights)

National War Labor Board

To prevent strikes during wartime - benefitted unions

Which act paid for royal governors' salaries?

Townshend Act (Glass, tea, etc.)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty that ended the war with Mexico (NOT TEXAS LAND, TO THE WEST (CALIFORNIA))

President during Korean War/timeline

Truman (1950-1953)

JFK in Vietnam

Truman and Ike had always kept troops there (Domino Theory--if one SW Asian country fell to Comm, others would follow). -JFK increased US support there

Fair Deal

Truman's second term--built on FDR's ND -expanded SS -increased minimum wage -Housing Act of 1949--public housing projects


Truman's war-to-peace transition

Crime of 1873

U.S treasury was forced to stop the production of silver dollars.


US & 11 friends -against Comm -held standing army in Europe

Alfred Thayer Mahan

US Admiral who encouraged the US to strengthen its naval power to become a world power.

General William Westmoreland

US army general who commanded during the Tet Offensive. Adopted the strategy of attrition against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army

lt. col. george armstrong custer

US general who fought indians and the sioux killed at custers last stand

Joseph Stalin

USSR under Stalin signed nonaggression treaty w Hitler, germany invades poland; GB and france allied w poland and war in europe begins

Admiral Nimitz

United States admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who used aircraft carriers to destroy the Japanese navy (1885-1966) United States admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who used aircraft carriers to destroy the Japanese navy (1885-1966) He was the commander of the Pacific Fleet during WW2, and he was the man who directed the U.S. victories at Midway, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa

Charles Lindbergh

United States aviator who in 1927 made the first solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean

Henry Kissinger

United States diplomat who served under President Nixon and President Ford (born in 1923). He tried to prevent China and the Soviet Union from cooperating

Ralph Nader

Unsafe at Any Speed (Cars) -Consumer interests

Success of Reganomics

Unsuccessful -highest homelessness since 1965 -Recessions of 81-3 and 87-9 -October 19, '87 worse than Black Tuesday -increased military spending & tax cuts led to 2nd biggest deficit in history

Election of 1912

Upset @Taft, Roosevelt ran for a 3rd term on the Progessive Bull Moose Party ticket. He was nearly assasinated. Splitting Votes with Republican Taft, Democrat Woodrow Wilson won (Eugene Debs was also a 3rd partier)

Johnson's Impeachment

Used Tenure of Office Act to ban Johnson from sacking officials -impeached, found not guilty by 1 vote

USS Constitution

Used in War of 1812

British companies

VA Company of Plymouth--North part of E coast failed VA Company of London--South... Jamestown


Vice President for FDR, took over after Yalta Conference of 1945

Booby Traps

Vietcong fought with homemade weapons that could overturn tanks, sharp poisoned sticks (punji traps) , various hand grenade implements.

Bleeding Kansas

Violent outbreaks around Lawrence Kansas, after pro-slavery men had raided Lawrence.

Which colony wrote the 1776 resolution stating that "these united colonies, are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states"


Bonus Army

WWI vets gathered in DC and camped out in 1932 to get their 1945 bonuses early. (Depression was from 1929-1939) -Wanted Congress to pass the Patman Bonus Bill - never passed -US Army/MacArthur used the means necessary to disperse the protestors -Made Hoover look bad/lose re-election

Lever Act

WWI: "Food and Fuel Control Act" placed gov't control over private sectors of economy established Food Admin & Fuel Admin -meatless, wheatless, and heatless days

Regan's Supreme Court Appointments

Wanted to stop liberal progression since FDR -Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia -Rehnquist--Ed. Kennedy called him a radical conservative, but Congress still approved -Robert Bork--Ds made a fuss, so Anthony Kennedy instead

WWII Sacrifices

War bonds, high taxes Conserve gas, ration some food Victory Gardens

King George's War

War of Austrian Succession

Queen Anne's War

War of Spanish Succession Britain gets Hudson Valley, Nova Scotia, etc.

Huey Newton

Was co-founder and leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, an African-American organization established to promote Black Power, civil rights and self-defense.

Patriot Advantages in Revolution

Washington guerrilla tactics French and Spanish alliances

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

Washington Post reporters. wrote a series of front-page stories linking the Nixon administration with the Watergate break-in These two men were reporters for the Washington Times during the 70s. The two are credited with uncovering the Watergate scandal.

William Henry Harrison

Whig President, Tippecanoe battle victory

Effects of JQA Administration

Widened N-S gap

New Freedom

Wilson's plan to destroy all trust/monopolies, lower tariff, banking reform.

Clayton Antitrust Act

Wilson: More specific than Sherman, which was vague. Federal Trade Commission had power to regulate/investigate and hand out cease-and-desist orders

19th Amendment

Women's Suffrage.

Jackson & the Bank

Won reelection after Clay & Webster tried to make Bank big issue Took out all federal fund, issued Specie Circular, which required payments for gov't lands in hard currency b/c paper money too unstable Panic of 1837

Horatio Alger

Writer of novels stressing rags to riches stories of boys


Youth International Party; anarchist party headed by Abbie Hoffman that opposed the Vietnam War & conformity; poured bags of dollars onto the New York Stock Exchange and carried pictures of LBJ upside down

Clinton: Bosnia

Yugoslavia fell after USSR -Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians no longer united -centuries of ethnic tensions reemerged -Yugoslav people's army (Serbs--Milosevic) started war to reunite Y -US led NATO strikes against YPA -negotiations--Bosnia split among factions


a fast moving sailing ship -used during age of exploration -invention of caravel allowed portugese to explore the african coast and bring back gold and slaves

Gloria Steinem

a feminist leader and writer who sought to raise the public's awareness of gender issues (1970s)

Statue of Liberty

a gift from france installed in the NY harbor in 1886

Kyoto Protocol

a global pact initiated in 1997 and put into force in 2005 to reduce greenhouse emissions to nonthreatening levels -bush refused to participate, but did support the initiatives of so-called washington declaration of 2007 in which the G8 countries along w 5 other nations agreed that global warming is a scientific fact and efforts should be made toward a worldwide system of emissions caps and carbon emissions trading

Global Warming

a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.

protective tariff

a high tax placed on imports w the purpose of making domestic goods cheaper than foreign goods thus protecting domestic industry

Immigration Act of 1965

a law that increased the number of immigrants (a lot of non-Europeans) allowed to settle in the United States. (Asia and Latin America) -Criteria was based on OCCUPATION

bicameral legislature

a legislature composed of 2 houses the US Congress (composed of senate and house of reps) example


a list circulated among potential employers of alleged troublemakers not to be hired

First Continental Congress

a meeting of colonial delegates to discuss how to address problems with Great Britain through using British LAW+ GOV'T


a member of a Native American people originally from New Mexico and Arizona

Social Gospel

a movement that urged Christians to social service

George W. Bush's immigration reform policy can best be described as

a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants already working in the United States coupled with measures to restrict more from entering (Sensible)


a policy developed by the spanish in the late 1500s in which the spanish settlers in the new world were permitted to use native american labor if the settlers promised to attempt to christianize them, led to the exploitation of the native americans

Bush Doctrine

a policy of unilateral, preemptive strikes against suspected terrorist threats against the United States and its allies.


a slave owner in VA or maryland later a man who owned 20+ slaves

Beat Movement

a social and artistic movement of the 1950's stressing unrestrained literary self expression and nonconformity with the mainstream culture Counterculture, non-conformist movement centered in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Greenwich Village, NYC; Included poets, artists, and writers who rejected structure


a system designed to enslave blacks and poor whites with debt


a system of government in which the religious leaders rule; a church state; where the church is the government is an example

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

Torrijos-Carter Treaties

abrogated Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty and agreed to give Panama Canal back to Panama after 1999

50s pop culture

abundance of teens w/ money--entertainment -TV -rock & roll

Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act)

act provided for banking reform and set up FDIC -reform

Social Security Act (1935)

act provided for govt payments to individuals who were unemployed, disabled, blind or old; provided aid for dependent mothers and children -reform

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

act set minimum wage at 25 cents per hour and a workweek of 44 hours; outlawed labor children under 16 years of age -relief


actively disloyal to union

William Levitt

adapted Henry Ford's assembly-line methods to homebuilding


after Hiroshima got no response from Japan, US dropped second atomic bomb on Nagasaki with the same fate -led japan to surrender

WWII Soviet Union

after six-month battle of Stalingrad, Hitler was forced to retreat

Baby and economy boom

after wartime scarcity, everyone wanted to spend in the 50s. Record high marriages in 40s = record high babies in 50s.

Populist movement

agrarian uprising

yellow dog contract

agreements employers forced potential employees to sign in which the employees agreed not to join unions or go on strike


agricultural labor system in the south following the era of slavery wherein a sharecropper could farm a piece of land in return for giving the landowner a share, usually half of the crop

tenant farming

agricultural system in which farm worker supply their own tools, rent land, and have more control over their work than agrarian wage workers

Granger Movement

aka Grange farmer organization founded in 1867 organized opposition to railroad practices, banks and grain wholesalers

Taft-Harley Act

allows the president to prevent or end a strike that threatens national security -ended the closed shop (which is when one has to be in a union to work in a particular industry)

13th Amendment

amendment abolishing slavery

mercantile system

an economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests as coined by Adam Smith.

The immediate cause of the United States's entrance into World War I was the

announcement by Germany of the use of unrestricted submarine warfare.

James Madison

anti federalist

Patrick Henry

anti federalist


anti federalists/followers of jefferson -sympathetic to french in french rev


anti-communist anti-sandinista contras in nicaragua

George Washington

appointed commander in chief of Continental Army during Revolutionary war -led his troops in surprise attack across the delaware river on dec 26, 1776. after which british defeated at Battle of Trenton -washington victory at Battle of Princeton -led constitutional convention

Social Security Act

assisted retired elderly, pension *Most important part of 2nd ND, maybe one of the most important reforms ever.

Compromise of 1790

assumption of debts was approved but the new capital of the US goes in the south

health concerns during Regan admin

at first only homosexual men, but later heteros too -Surgeon Gen. Koop--"Safe Sex" campaign: end of hippie complete sexual freedom -Nancy Regan's "Just Say No" crusade

Jacob Riis

author of HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES (1890) -drew many people's attention to conditions of the poor w wrenching photographs

Rachel Carson

author of SILENT SPRING (1962) pointed out threat of pesticides to environment


bacon's rebellion occurs

Gag rules

banned Congress from debating abolition

Wilmot Proviso

banned slavery in mexican Cession lands -not passed by Senate


barbados slave codes of 1661 adopted by south carolina


battle of lexington and concord takes place battle of bunker (breed's) hill occurs second continental congress called

custer's last stand

battle of little bighorn, him and all his men killed by sioux sitting bull and crazy horse

2nd Amendment

bear arms, form militias

Fannie Lou Hamer

beaten severely for registering to vote -was a sharecropper participant in the freedom summer


became a possibility w the development of steel skeleton construction and the elevator

Madeline Albright

became first woman secretary of state first woman sec. of state by Bill Clinton. the U.S. ambassador to the UN. She became the highest ranking woman to ever serve in the U.S. presidential administration.

james monroe

became president in 1817

John D. Rockefeller

became rich and powerful in the oil business through frugality and buying refineries with cash


ben franklin proposes the albany plan of union -french and indian war commences

Dr. Benjamin Spock

bestselling author of COMMON SENSE BOOK OF BABY AND CHILD CARE -encouraged women to devote themselves full time to mothering

Robber Barons

big businessmen who were accused of getting their money by taking advantage of others & eliminating competition.

Anaconda Plan

blockade designed to prevent supplies from Europe reaching South -blockade -take Mississippi River -take Richmond

Grant's tactics

bold: lost many men, but killed South

Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected President in 1952 on his promises to

boost the economy, reform government, and end the Korean War

7th Amendment

civil case trial

Crispus Attucks

colonial black killed in boston massacre

Credit Mobilier

company to construct Union Pacific tracks. Set up system to steal gov't money, made Congressmen shareholders to hold off investigation

general robert e. Lee

confederate general

War Industries Board

controlled all industry during WWI

New Frontier

created by JFK that worked to end poverty and racism


delaware granted an assembly by the crown

Betty Friedan

early feminist challenged prevailing notions of gender -author of THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE (1963) -plight of 1950s woman

Warren Harding

elected president 1920, policy of isolationism, ties w big business, scandals

rise of fascism

emphasized importance of race and nation over individual. Took hold in G where people desperately needed a savior (economy in shambles from reparations)


encouraged men to enlist in the military in WWI

When Europeans arrived in the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries, they found

established societies that contained various forms of government (aztecs & incas)

Schools of thought tied to abolition movement

evangelism and transcendentalism

"Boss" William M. Tweed

famously corrupt political machine boss of Tammany Hall

Alexander Hamilton


John Jay


Boland Amendment

forbid military aid without congressional approval -violated in the Iran Contra Scandal

Confederate Government

formed 1861 w former mississippi state senator Jefferson Davis as president and its capital in montgomery alabama -after fort sumter, 11 states and moved capital to Richmond, VA

Elastic Clause

found in the last paragraph of article I section 8 of the US constitution allows congress to make laws not specifically delegated to it by the constitution but that may be "necessary and proper" to carry out its delegated powers (implied powers)

Lord Baltimore

founded Maryland in 1634 as a proprietary colony and a haven for catholics

American Railway Union

founded by Eugene Debs industrial union strikes


georgia founded by james oglethorpe

William Berkeley

governor of VA -uprising against him bc he was too lenient towards indians in the eyes of freedmen


if Bible conflicted with science and reason, then Bible should be ignored

9th Amendment

if not mentioned in BoR, doesn't mean people don't have it

Henry Wallace

in election of 1948, left wing democrats broke away and formed new Progressive Party running Henry Wallace (FDR's third vp)


intolerable (coercive) acts passed quebec act passed first continental congress called

Alexander Graham Bell

invented telephone in 1876

emancipation proclamation

issued 1862 Lincoln issued this war measure that freed slaves in the states still in rebellion after Jan 1, 1862

Force Bill

jackson threatened to send troops and arranged to collect the tariff in the sea (for South Carolina)

election of 1828

jackson won w 56% of popular vote start of the spoils system (jackson gave jobs to those he favored)

The Bostonians

james: Lawyer Basil saves Verena Tarrant from radical feminists

horizontal integration

joining together firms of a single industry


june 6, 1944 invasion of normandy by allies -win for allies


king philip's war occurs

Congress of Industrial Organizations

labor leaders such as john l lewis wanted AFL to do more in certain sectors of labor force; 1935 formed the committee for industrial organization within the AFL, ordered to disband by AFL -1938 Committee reconstituted itself as the independent Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) -grew big, used sit down strikes


maryland founded by lord baltimore


massachucetts bay colony founded by puritans


massachusetts bay colony becomes a royal colony

V-E day

may 8 1945 Victory in Europe was celebrated as the european war ended


mayflower compact signed -plymouth colony founded

Annapolis Convention

meeting to decide how to fix the Articles of Confederation

nonimportation agreement

merchants and planters (Colonists) promised to stop importing goods taxed by the Townshend Act

New Frontier Legislation

met opposition in Congress b/c S Democrats often sided w/ Republicans Some successes (like New/ Fair Deal) -Area Redevelopment Act--assist disadvantaged communities -Housing Act--subsidized housing -Trade Expansion Act--lowered tariffs to stimulate foreign trade -medical education Act--loans -Clean Air Act--Silent Spring

Regan Revolution

most conservative era since 1920s -contrast to hippies--materialistic and conservative -religious groups worried about slipping morals: New Christian Right & Moral Majority -Yuppies (Young Urban Professionals)--most concerned about $ and moving up the corporate ladder -First R majority in Senate since 1952; D had House, but Rs were often able to persuade

settlement house movement

movement of mostly college educated women to provide shelter, cultural activities, and services to the poor -height of movement occurred in late 19th and early 20th centuries

Franklin D Roosevelt

new deal, president elected 1932


new england confederation established


new jersey becomes a royal colony

Dime Novels

new printing presses were able to mass produce books and inexpensive 'dime novels' w themes of adventure, crime, or the West dime novels became the rage


nice guy, but lousy President -lacked personal skills to connect w/ public and political skills to push legislation through Congress STAGFLATION--not really his fault -increased foreign competition & energy crisis

Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

nicola sacco and bartolomeo vanzetti (two italian workers w anarchist sympathies) were arrested in 1920 for the murder of a factory paymaster and a guard and for stealing payroll -case against two was weak and judge made prejudicial comments, the two were found guilty -case provoked demonstrations against the verdict and sentence (death penalty)

Henry Kissinger

nixon's secretary of state -arranged opening of diplomatic relations w the peoples republic of china

Proclamation of 1763

no colonist is permitted to settle WEST of the Appalachians/Mississippi River

Rock 'n' roll

non-conformist - Elvis was one - blues, country, and jazz

Operation Torch

north africa saw defeat of German General Rommel's Afrika Korps, leading the Axis powers to lose control of africa and the mediterranean


northern ship in battle in 1862 -ended in draw

Black Tuesday

oct 29 1929 stock market crashed banks failed, amount of money in circulation declined, millions unemployed

Homestead Act

offered 160 acres to anyone willing to commit to improving and living there 5 yrs

George H W Bush

offered gentler, more peaceful America w/ end of Cold War *Persian Gulf--greatest accomplishment


oil and oil refining became important in post civil war period as kerosene a byproduct of oil used to light lamps -edwin Drake successfully used steam power to drill for oil in Titusville, Penn 1859 making it practical to access large amounts of oil; 2nd only to coal in importance as a fuel during the last part of 19th cent and would become even more important in 20th cent w the development of automobiles


oil embargo under Nixon organized by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) created an ongoing energy crisis during 1970s Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; international cartel that inflates price of oil by limiting supply; Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and UAE are prominent members

Wilson's Politics & Treaty of Versailles

only brought 1 Republican, making approval by the Republican Senate impossible

Regan's rise to power

only in America--mediocre actor defeats incumbent Jimmy Carter -connected w/ people: focused on economy & instilled confidence

horizontal monopoly

only producers in their industry

Muller v. Oregon (1908)

oregon law limiting the maximum working hours for women

Civilian Council of National Defense

organized begining of wwI 1917

Committee of Public Information

organized in 1917 begining of WWI

Committees of Correspondence

organized network for passing along news of British malicious activity to the colonies

Frederick Law Olmsted

parks movement -designed NYC's Central Park (completed in 1876)

tariff of 1816

passed and was not significantly high but was raised in 1828 drawing objections from south and west

Wade-Davis Bill

passed by radical republicans -vetoed by lincoln -would have made reconstruction the responsibility of congress rather than of the president

Currency Act

passed in 1764 forbade colonies from issuing their own paper money, colonists made to pay all taxes in gold and silver, drained money from colonies

Quartering Act

passed in 1765 colonists directed to provide barracks and supplies for british troops stationed in the colonies

Stamp Act

passed in 1765 required that a stamp be placed on any form of paper (from newspapers and liquor licenses to almanacs and playing cards) -colonists protested this by issuing the declaration of rights and grievances in 1765 -repealed in 1766


pequot war takes place


peter zenger arrested for libel

'let the people decide'

phrase of the SDS in the 1960s


pizarro defeats incas

Emma Lazarus

poet who wrote a poem celebrating america's role as a destination for immigrants

Folk Music

popular on college campuses Bob Dylan

Prisoners of War (POW)


Delegated Powers

powers given to the national/federal government that are specifically stated in the constitution they are found in article I section 8 of the constitution and may also be known as expressed or enumerated powers


practical. Truth discovered through personal experience. First purely American philosophy.

John Dewey

pragmatism -20th century philosopher -argued that govt actions should be judged by the good they do for society -influenced progressive movement

Father Charles Coughlin

preached anti-New Deal speeches over the radio

Millard Fillmore

presidency aided passage of compromise of 1850 -whig -became president in 1850 after the death of Taylor

Woodrow Wilson

president during WWI, Fourteen Points

Harry Truman

president in 1945 after death of FDR

Fourteen Points and European response

prevent future conflicts and form LoN. Europeans accepted LoN, but wouldn't accept free trade, freedom of sea, open covenants b/c of centuries of alliances and rivalries

8th Amendment

prevents excessive bail/fines, cruel/unusual punishment

border ruffians

pro slavery, went to kansas territory and caused fake voting and violence -bleeding kansas


program providing health care for the needy who were not covered by medicare instituted under LBJ


program providing health insurance and health care for people over the age of 65 instituted under LBJ

The deployment of nuclear missiles to Cuba by the Soviet Union in 1962

prompted a blockade of Cuba by President Kennedy.

Marshall Plan

proposed by sety. of state George Marshall 1947 -broad program of economic assistance that aimed to help europe recover from the devastation of WW2, US fear that economic bad conditions in europe would be easy targets to fall to communist regimes -marshall plan offered aid to all nations including USSR -very successful

Stephen Douglas

proposed the Kansas Nebraska Act (popular sovereignty)

Anti-Defamation League

protect jewish people from harassment and violence

John Marshall's Court

protected power of Federal gov't defined powers of the court

Benjamin Spock

published the baby book

WWII Economy

pulled out of Depression by demand for war materials in Europe. Wages rose, middle class grew. Labor shortage--Women, 14-17s employed (Rosie the Riveter) War Production Board offered incentives to produce war stuff. Office of Price Administration set limits on prices to protect consumers, avoid inflation

16th Amendment

ratified under Taft allowed for federal income tax

Thomas Edison

responsible for bringing electrical power and its applications to the public -created 1st modern research lab employing hundreds and receiving patents for hundreds of inventions including the light bulb


rhode island established by roger williams -harvard college founded to educate young ministers

Gideon v. Wainwright

right to legal counsel (6th amendment) -similar to Escobedo v. Illinois

10th Amendment

rights retained by states/people

Conservative Right

rise in early 1990s, Newt Gingrich, balanced budget and tax cuts -republcians issued a contract w america which proposed such things as congressional term limits, amendment to constitution requiring a balanced budget and various tax cuts

Psychedelic rock

rock n roll reflected the drug experience in psychedelic rock through such songs as the beatles lucy in the sky w diamonds, jimmy hendrixs purple haze, and grateful dead songs

The Great Communicator

ronald reagan -refers to how he connected w voters aka as Teflon President bc no matter what went wrong during his watch it never seemed to affect his approval ratings


salem witch trials take place


science was important, all souls achieved salvation

4th Amendment

search and seizure

The primary purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-1806 was to

search for a water route across North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific


second anglo-powhatan war takes place


second battle of saratoga occurs

Ku Klux Klan

secret organization formed in 1866 -used violence for racist purposes -whippings, lynchings, burning black churches and schools -wore sheets to conceal identity -targeted republican organization in the south and individual blacks accused of not showing deference to whites -terrorism


shawnee indian -attempted to form a confederation of tribes to fight the advances of the whites

Art in the late 1800s

showed subjects exactly how they really were. Whistler's Arrangement in Black and Gray

Secure Fence Act

signed by Pres. Bush in October 2006 that authorized, among other barriers, more than 700 additional miles of fencing along the US-Mexico border from California to Texas to combat illegal immigration.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago

signed in 1848 btwn mexico and US, ending mexican war -gave california, texas, new mexico, arizona, nevada, utah and parts of colorado to the US -US paid mexico 15 million callin the conquered territory the 'mexican cession'

treaty of versailles

signed june 28 1919 -officially ended WWI -nine new nations created and boundaries of nations changed -GB and france given temporary mandates (colonies) over turkish areas until they were ready for self rule -germany stripped of its army and required to pay reparations to the allied nations, and held completely responsible for the war

LBJ/JFK Comparison

similar--"social welfare" LBJ went further w/ "war on poverty"

Slavic tensions before WWI

slavs in Bosnia-Herzegovina didn't want to be under Austria-Hungary and wanted to be Serbian. Serbs allied with Russia

Charles Graham Sumner

social Darwinism

Nixon on Civil Rights

softer stance than JFK, LBJ -overshadowed by Vietnam, economy -tried to get Congress to stop busing kids across town to integrate -appointed 4 Conservative SC justices--turned out to be more liberal than expected

james breckinridge

southern democratic party candidate -of kentucky -called for national slave code -

merrimac (virginia)

southern ship in battle of 1862, formerly northern ship -ended in draw

New South

southerners wanted to industrialize the south in the 1870s and create a 'new south'


spain declares war on england

'Cross of Gold' Speech

speech by William Jennings Bryan attacked gold standard

1st Amendment

speech, religion, press, assembly, petition

6th Amendment

speedy and public trial


st augustine established


stamp act repealed declaratory act passed townshend acts passed

Start of the Civil Rights Movement

started slowly w/ Ike, but really took off w/ JFK, LBJ

Nullification Crisis

state of south carolina passed an ordinance of nullification of the new tariff of 1832, jackson responded w a nullification proclamation (1833), denouncing it as secession and treason -force bill -compromise of 1833

Sherman Antitrust Act 1890

stated that any attempt to interfere w free interstate trade by forming trusts was illegal (difficult to enforce)

"mud-sill" theory

stated that blacks were meant to be at the bottom

Urbanization during 2nd IR

steam replaced hydro, so factories and cities didn't have to be on rivers. Skyscrapers = more people/sq mi. Cities had electricity, rural didn't

Bessemer Process

steel-making process that uses air blasts to purify iron. Make 2nd Industrial Revolution possible

thomas jefferson

strict constructionist sety of state under washington anti federalist

Homestead Strike

strike after Carnegie Steel cut wages. Guards hired to protect factories. Strikers took over town, but were shut down by PA National Guard, ending unions at Steel for 40 yrs.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

students whose purpose was coordinate a nonviolent attack on segregation and other forms of racism Ella Baker's organization which organized sit ins in universities across the Upper South. Northern students raised money for bail.


sugar act passed currency act passed

Moral/Missionary Diplomacy

support given to countries with similar moral beliefs, president wilson (Latin America) -Wilson didn't recognize Mexican gov't b/c of corruption (Huertan gov't) -Wilson recognized Caranza gov't, which led to Villa coming to New Mexico & killing Americans

Free-Soil Party

supporters of Wilmot Proviso

Rosie the Riveter

symbol of American women who went to work in factories during the war (WW2)

separation of powers

system built into the US constitution in which the 3 branches of govt (legs exec judi) have separate and equal powers that are limited and dependent upon each other AKA checks and balances


system in which slaves rotated between farms, ranches, mines and factories


system of govt in which the power to rule comes from the people

vertical integration

taking control of each step in the manufacturing process from raw materials to shipping

Tariff of Abominations

tariff of 1828 -led to south carolina exposition and protest -govt raised so much $ that it had first surplus ever

Revenue Act of 1935

taxes fell heavily upon wealthy. Up to 75% income tax for richest.


tea act passed boston tea party takes place

military advisors

team of US soldiers sent in to help S. Vietnam strengthen its military and organize anti-guerrilla, anti communists programs; green belts-US army special forces who led advisory teams

Bull Moose Party

teddy roosevelt and his allies formed this party after he was defeated by taft for the republican nomination in the election of 1912 -party embraced progressive agenda -unable to win campaign, presidency ultimately went to democrat candidate Woodrow wilson

Al Quaeda

terrorist group responsible for 2001 airplane attack. Led by Osama bin Laden and supported by Taliban. Islamic extremists.

Osama Bin Laden

terrorist; led islamic fundamentalist group al Qaeda -during clinton administration, bombed world trade center in 1993 by muslim extremists -bombing of US embassies in africa -bombing of USS Cole in Yemen harbor in 2000

The key reason for the slowing of protests after 1971 was that

the draft ended.


the formal or official approval for a constitution or amendment


the great awakening begins

F. Scott Fitzgerald

the great gatsby, lost generation writer, 1920s

Bob Moses

the head of SNCC Chapter in Mississippi in 1964, he was in charge of "Freedom Summer" in which thousands of black mississipians were formally registered to vote despite constant threats from white supremist groups

popular sovereignty

the idea that all questions pertaining to slavery in the territories are to be left to the people residing therein


the mixed race of people that developed as a result of the intermarriage of the spanish and native american populations in the 16th and 17th centuries

craft unionism

the movement to form labor organizations made up of skilled workers within a particular field

industrial unionism

the movement to form labor organizations that represent every worker in a single industry regardless of his or her level of skill

William and Mary's ascension to the throne in England led to what?

the overthrow of the Dominion of New England

The devastation caused by a hurricane and flood in Galveston, Texas, in 1900 led to calls for

the replacement of political machines with more efficient and professional forms of municipal government.

Maine ship

the sinking of the Maine=explosion occurs in Havana harbor sinking the US battleship Maine and killing many people -press and US govt immediately blamed Spain and vowed revenge -later investigation showed that explosion prob an accident

Turner Thesis

the theory that Western frontier life played a key role in forming the American character.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

this American victory crushed Native American hopes of keeping land


this country has been a safe haven for terrorists like Bin Laden. The Taliban government sponsored terrorist training camps and suppressed the people of this country. In response to September 11, 2001, President Bush (43) ordered the invasion of this country.

two-party system

this is a political system dominated by two parties -voters' reluctance to support third parties reinforces the two party system

40 acres and a mule

this slogan was created in 1864 and 1865 when the federal government settled nearly 10000 black families on abandoned plantation land often times receiving a single mule for their property. It was an attempt to give the black families a new start.


thomas paines common sense published declaration of independence issued


those who were against the vietnam war in the 1960s


those who were pro vienna war in the 1960s

panic of 1893

thousands of businesses collapsed, banks closed their doors and unemployment soared -lack of response to depression following it

Arabic (ship)

three months after lusitania (1915), germans sank british ship the Arabic -US protested and Germany agreed not to sink any more liners w out warning

'Turn on, tune in, drop out'

timothy leary

The goal of the Freedom Rides was

to desegregate Bus Stations

culture of the quarters

traditions, languages, and modes of behavior of field hands who lived in slave quarters


treaty of paris ends french and indian war proclamation of 1763 issued

direct democracy

type of democracy in which the people vote on the actions of the govt. rather than electing representatives


type of govt characterized by a loose alliance of states leading to a weak central govt and strong state goats the type of govt that existed under the AoC

Panama Canal Zone

under teddy roosevelt, US built canal across Panama to connect the pacific and atlantic oceans; canal faciltated trade btwn asia and east coast of the uS and allowed for faster deployment of US forces -colombia slow negotiatign w US (controlled panama at the time), US encouraged rebellion of panama against colombia; panama became independent -panama negotiated Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty w US which granted the US the 10 mile wide CANAL ZONE -Panama canal greatly increased US power -returned to panama's possession in 1999 as part of a treaty worked out by president carter in 1977

general ulysses s grant

union general

Regan military spending

unprecedented -SDI--multi-billion dollar satellite system to protect against incoming missiles--never completed

Anti-Masonic Party

used nominating conventions

Watts Riots

week-long violence in LA after white cop struck black bystander @ traffic arrest

Election of JQA

went to House: Henry Clay told reps to vote for JQA and Adams made him Secretary of State

Popular Front Strategy

when many different groups band together to fight a common enemy. In Spain's case, the different groups ranged from Idealists to Capitalists to Communists

spheres of influence

wherein a particular country has exclusive trading rights there


william and mary college founded

Beat Generation

young poets and writers who went against conformity of new suburban culture -caught on more in 60s--wandering, sex, drugs, etc.


young urban professionals -graduated form law and business school and created a flamboyant lifestyle not seen since the gilded age young, urban professionals who wore ostentatious gear such Rolex watches or BMW cars. They came to symbolize the increased pursuit of wealth and materialism of Americans in the 1980s.

Robert M La Follette

"Battling Bob" governor of WS. Education, conservation, direct primary. Nonpartisan state reformer

Paris Peace Accords

"End" to Vietnam War (Nixon)

Truman Doctrine

"It must be the policy of the US to support the free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures." -Truman in speech to Congress asking for funds to help Turkey and Greece

Second New Deal

"Recovery & reform" -WPA -Social Security Act based on Townsend's plan (still around) -Wagner Act - Revised NIRA to guarantee rights for unions. Led to NLRB. -Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Minimum wage & max work week & no more child labor

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 1890

"Restraint of trade is illegal" -Poorly defined at first, ending up breaking up unions in the beginning

TR's life before Presidency

"Rough Riders" in Spanish-American War. Named McKinley's VP b/c NY wanted to get rid of him (he was governor).


"good govt" republicans who became known as Mugwumps broke w their party in 1880 out of disgust w the spoils system and supported the democratic candidate

Great Migration

(1920-1932) -To fill jobs, escape discrimination -Jacob Lawrence made pictures of it

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

(CORE) Civil rights organization started in 1944 and best known for its "freedom rides," bus journeys challenging racial segregation in the South in 1961. one leader=james farmer

Line item veto

(Clinton-struck down b/c it gave the president the power to rewrite laws) An executive's ability to block a particular provision in a bill passed by the legislature

Military-Industrial Complex

(Eisenhower) Warned of it, the money-relationships between Congress, the military (Pentagon), and industry.

Four Freedoms

(FDR) worship, from fear, of speech & expression, and from want

Reconstruction Act of 1867

(Passed over President Johnson's veto) (For re-admission into the union) -South into 5 districts occupied by military -All states had to ratify 13th amendment, abolishing slavery -New State constitutions to be approved by fed. gov't

The Omaha Platform

(Populism) STAR 16 S-Senators directly elected (17th amendment) T-Graduated Income TAX (hurts rich)(Sixteenth Amendment) A-Australian Ballot (secret ballot)(law) R-Railroad Regulation (law 1900+) 16- Silver coinage at a ratio of 16:1 with gold. (never happened)

Living Well is the Best Revenge

(The Lost Generation) The Murphy family

Free Speech Movement

(UC berkeley 1964) Mario Salvo. Students protested against limits on passing out of literature ---> questioned university & society that created it and this signaled the beginning of numerous campus protests: People's Park protest (Berzerkly 1969) was the longest campus protest -grew into antiwar organization called the Vietnam Day Committee (VDC)


(WJC) an Ame political controversy that began with the real estate dealings of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, [Jim and Susan McDougal] in the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture. David Hale, the source of criminal allegations against Clinton, claimed in November 1993 that Bill, while govnr of AK, pressured him to provide an illegal $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, Kenneth Starr major player Scandal implicating Bill Clinton which resulted in an extensive republican investigation in congress. Regarding Clintons' financial records in Arkansas.

Battle of New Orleans

(West, 1862) Admiral Farragut led the Union to winning the most important naval battle of the civil war.

Battle of Shiloh

(West, 1862) The Union won on the second day, and it made Ulysses S. Grant well-known.

Battle of the Bulge

(Winter of 1944-1945) Deadliest battle for US, but Germany couldn't break Allied lines

The War Hawks demanded war against Britain in 1812 to

(led by Henry Clay) eliminate the Native American threat in the Northwest. The Westerners believed that the British had incited and supplied the Native Americans against them. The War Hawks also were interested in expanding the United States into Canada.

Pentagon Papers

(regarding Vietnam/deception by US gov't)Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Johnson, Nixon -Bernstein of the NYT found proof -Court case defended freedom of the press

Henry Cabot Lodge

(republican from mass.) lead senate in rejecting treaty of versailles ending WWI -objected to Article X

Destroyers for Bases Deal

(w/ Britain) violated neutrality by trading ships for British bases in the Caribbean

Pinckney's Treaty

(with Spain) gave the US navigation of the Mississippi River & to trade in New Orleans

Voodoo Economics

- A slanderous term used by George H. W. Bush in reference to President Ronald Reagan's economic policies, which came to be known as "Reaganomics"; he changed his opinion when he became Reagan's vice president.

Great Migration

-1630s -over 70000 people left england for new world

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

-1639 -first written constitution in the new world

What should I know about LBJ

-After Kennedy's assassination -Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -Great Society+War on Poverty -Beat Goldwater election of 1964 -Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Medicare -Didn't run for a second term bc war in Vietnam tarnished his legacy

Panic of 1893/Coxey's Army of 1894

-After a panic, Coxey gathered followers to demand public works jobs; they were all arrested for trespassing on the Capitol lawn

virtual representation

-GB government argued that colonists were represented by virtual representation -idea that each member of Parliament represented all British subjects, no matter where they lived

War w/ Japan

-MacArthur = commander -Island hopping

General Zachary Taylor

-Polk sent General Zachary Taylor into disputed area in texas/california and waited for mexico to attack -1846 mexico attacked and polk declared they had attacked americans on 'american soil'

Don Juan de Onate

-explored for spain -1598, 1601, 1604-05 -explored northern mexico and the rio grande valley


-started w/ Montgomery Bus Boycott -Southern Christian Leadership Conference--nonviolent civil disobedience -March on Washington--200,000 in support of JFK's legislation -Bloody Sunday--police attacked peaceful protesters in Birmingham -Assassinated in Memphis

Black Legend

-stories exaggerating the cruelty of the conquistadors, depicting native populations as peaceful and childlike

WWII Reconversion issues

1. unemployment--women and minorities who held jobs during war wanted to hold onto them 2. Inflation--people had saved for a long time; demand for goods was high and there weren't enough goods to fulfill want -Truman extended Office of Price Admin.

Anti-war protests

100,000 march on Washington burning draft cards, flags draft dodging--serve time, escape to Canada


1100s catapulted the people of europe out of the dark ages and into the renaissance -europeans exposed to the east, increased desire for silks and spices

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1638 - First Constitution

Second Continental Congress

1775 convened -agreed w Paine's common sense

Neutrality Acts

1935 and 1937 forbade US citizens from selling or transporting arms or munitions to, making loans to, traveling on ships of nations at war; established cash and carry system neutrality acts of 1939=permitted purchase of war materials from the US on a cash and carry basis, favoring allied nations; banned american merchant ships from traveling into war zones

Panay (ship)

1937 US gunboat was sunk by Japan on a river in china; japanese apologized and payed indemnity to US

Pearl Harbor

1941 Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in hawaii by surprise, US entered war

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka

1954 NAACP brought school discrimanation cases to the supreme court -Linda Brown had been denied admission to her local elementary school in topeka because she was black -NAACP lawyers led by Thurgood Marshall successfully argued the case using the results of psychological and sociological studies showing that segregation affects the ability of african american children to learn -chief justice Earl Warren led the court to overrule Plessy v Ferguson 1896 concluding that the doctrine of separate but equal has no place in public schools

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

1954 President Eisenhower expanded the western anti communist alliance system w the creation of SEATO (including US, GB, France, Australia, New Zealand, the phillipines, thailand, pakistan) -modeled after NATO, justified domino theory

Geneva Summit

1955 eisenhower, GB and french leaders and khrushchev had a summit in geneva, switzerland -breakthrough in trying to resolve the east-west tensions that had existed since the start of the cold war in 1945

Interstate Highway Act

1956 built thousands of miles of interstate highways and facilitated the commute from suburb to city and growth of automobile industry

Warren Court

1960s Chief Justice Earl Warren--liberal

Bill Clinton

1992 and 1996; Democrat; Don't Ask Don't Tell policy implemented by Congress, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Travelgate controversy; Operation Desert Fox (4 day bombing campaign in Iraq); Scandals: Whitewater controversy, Lewinsky scandal (impeached and acquited), Travelgate controversy, Troopergate; first balanced budget since 1969 42nd President advocated economic and healthcare reform; second president to be impeached


1993 Clinton sent American troops to Somalia in East Africa as part of a peacekeeping mission

Pulling out of Vietnam

2/3 of Americans favored pulling out and Nixon knew he would lose the Election of '71 if he didn't. -As troops headed home, Kissinger met w/ N & negotiated temporary ceasefire -Nixon won re-election, bombed Hanoi after ceasefire was broken

No Child Left Behind

2001 under Bush II -required schools to prove through skills assessments that students are learning; if scores went down, funding was cut Holds states, schools, and school districts more accountable for their standardized tests scores. The wanted outcome was better tests scores all around and overall a smarter and better population of young people that would positively contribute to a growing America.

Palmer Raids

4000 Americans arrested and denied rights to representation, etc. Few were actually convicted, but some immigrants deported. After WWI

Watergate Hotel

5 members of Committee to Re-Elect the President break into Democratic National Committee office in DC hotel

Coal Crisis of 1902

50,000 coal miners on strike. All industry came to halt. TR offered to run mines with Army. Coal companies caved, better wages, hours.

Alger Hiss

A U.S. State Department official involved in the establishment of the United Nations. He was accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948 by Whittaker Chambers and prosecuted by Richard Nixon; convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950

Marshall Plan

A United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)

Henry David Thoreau

A believer in the power of the individual to triumph over evil social pressures; wrote "Civil Disobedience" and Walden.

Patriot Act

A controversial law overwhelmingly passed by Congress in October 2001, after the terrorist attacks of September 11 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It greatly expanded the power of federal law enforcement authorities to move against suspected terrorists. -gave govt a slew of new powers to gather intelligence, including the ability to search personal records ranging from phone bills to medical records wout the subject's knowledge or consent


A discriminatory real estate practice in North America in which members of minority groups are prevented from obtaining money to purchase homes or property in predominantly white neighborhoods. The practice derived its name from the red lines depicted on cadastral maps used by real estate agents and developers. Today, redlining is officially illegal.

Freedmen's Bureau

A federal agency set up to help former slaves after the civil war w/ education, jobs, food, and healthcare

Berlin Wall

A fortified wall surrounding West Berlin, Germany, built in 1961 to prevent East German citizens from traveling to the West. Its demolition in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War. This wall was both a deterrent to individuals trying to escape and a symbol of repression to the free world.


A group of Communist guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War.

United Farm Workers of America

A labor union founded in 1966 to seek higher wages and better working conditions for Mexican-American farm workers in California. cesar chavez

Letter from Birmingham jail

A letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. after he had been arrested when he took part in a nonviolent march against segregation. He was disappointed more Christians didn't speak out against racism. -explained that waiting for segregation to end would only prolong suffering of his people -nonviolent demonstrations were justified he said because they hurried the achievement of equal rights -activists were breaking unjust laws for morally right reasons and were prepared to serve time in jail for their beliefs

Saturday Night Massacre

A name given to the resignation of the U.S. attorney general and the firing of his deputy in October 1973, after they refused to carry out President Nixon's order to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate affair

Ho Chi Minh Trail

A network of jungle paths winding from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam, used as a military route by North Vietnam to supply the Vietcong during the Vietnam War.


A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917.

Harlem Renaissance

A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished Black literary and artistic movement centered in Harlem that lasted from the 1920s into the early 1930s that both celebrated and lamented black life in America; Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston were two famous writers of this movement.

"Peace with Honor"

A phrase U.S. President Richard M. Nixon used in a speech , to describe the Paris Peace Accord to end the Vietnam War.


A policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society move toward private ownership

Proclamation of 1763

A proclamation from the British government which forbade British colonists from settling west of the Appalacian Mountains, and which required any settlers already living west of the mountains to move back east.

Red Scare

A social/political movement designed to prevent a socialist/communist/radical movement in this country by finding "radicals," incarcerating them, deporting them, and subverting their activities

I Have A Dream Speech

A speech given by Martin Luther King, Jr. at the demonstration of freedom in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. It was an event related to the civil rights movement of the 1960's to unify citizens in accepting diversity and eliminating discrimination against African-Americans

Checkers speech

A speech made by vice presidential candidate Richard Nixon in 1952 after he had been accused of improprieties regarding a fund established for him to reimburse him for his political expenses. In it, he said that he defended himself and said regardless of what everyone else thought, he would keep a dog that his kids had named checkers. It led to an outpouring of support for Nixon and it secured his place on the republican ticket for the 1952 election. Given by Richard Nixon on public television to defend himself against claims of a slush fund. Topic was of Nixon's children's dog that they had been given. Showed the power of television.

Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)

AAA paid farmers to reduce production and offered aid to them; declared unconstitutional by supreme court in 1936 -recovery

social gospel

AKA applied christianity -reform movement driven by christian teachings sought to relieve suffering of poor

Montgomery 1861

AOC of Confederate State of America written -guaranteed slavery -elected Jefferson Davis President

Steal This Book

Abbie Hoffman (Counterculture of the 1960's)

Judiciary Act of 1801

Adams added new courts with Federalist judges Appointments later cancelled by Jefferson

New Industries after WWI

Advertising--catchy slogans, print, radio Electric appliances Movies--created concept of celebrity


Aerial Combat in WW1


African Americans who moved from post reconstruction South to Kansas (to the West)

War on Terror

After 9/11, President George W. Bush declared a worldwide "war on terrorism" aimed at defeating international terrorist organizations, destroying terrorist training camps, and bringing terrorists themselves to justice.

Turning point in Revolution

After Saratoga victory, French aided Patriots British moved South after

Red Scare

After WWI, anyone different (anarchists, Socialists, pacifists) suspected of Communism. Open fear of revolution, which was really unrealistic. FBI established to watch radicals. Palmer Raids.

The Way of Zen

Alan Watts (Buddhism & Taoism)

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Alleged attack of US ships by North Vietnamese torpedoes in the Tonkin Gulf on August 4, 1964. Prompted the escalation of the War in Vietnam.

Writs of Assistance

Allowed British to search and seize indefinitely to collect taxes

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

American Southwest

Ngo Dinh Diem

American ally in South Vietnam from 1954 to 1963; his repressive regime caused the Communist Viet Cong to thrive in the South and required increasing American military aid to stop a Communist takeover. he was killed in a coup in 1963.

Thurgood Marshall

American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor.

The Turner Thesis

American frontier was Key component to american democracy

Kent State University

An Ohio university where National Guardsmen opened fire on students protesting the Vietnam War on May 4, 1970, wounding nine and killing four

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

An agency created after World War II to coordinate American intelligence activities abroad. It became involved in intrigue, conspiracy, and meddling as well.

Acquisition of TX

Annexation of Lone Star Republic: Americans, who outnumbered Mexicans 6 to 1 won independence. Not annexed immediately for slavery reasons

Washington Irving

Another famous American author writing in early 19th century; often wrote about New York or the Hudson River Valley; created "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."

ABM Treaty

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty -purpose to limit defensive missiles 1972; political; treaty between the U.S and the Soviet Union on the limitation of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems used in defending areas against missile-delivered nuclear weapons -detente -nixon

Huey Long

Argued that the New Deal didn't go far enough (Dem. from Louisiana)

Eastern influence & psychedelic rock in 60s

Asian art, religion, philosophy (vegetarianism, clothes, George Harrison's sitar) LSD, etc--trippy music w/ crazy lyrics

KKK in 60s

Assassination -kept liberal Southerners from talking -16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham -murder of 3 Freedom Summer volunteers

African Americans in Depression

At first, left out of New Deal. Later FDR appointed to "black cabinet", offered them federal jobs. Thus, 2/3 voted Democrat

What took place during the Saturday Night Massacre?

Attorney General Eliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned rather than obey President Nixon's order to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox.


August 1969 largest concert ever--500,000 in Bethel, NY lack of resources, pouring rain, but no fighting

Joseph Heller

Author of Catch-22, which typifies postwar disillusionment by satirizing war.

Rachel Carson

Author of Silent Spring (environment)

Post WWI culture

B/c of corporate welfare and mass production (cheap), Americans could buy things they wanted for the first time.

American Federation of Labor Acronym

BAGS = Bread Butter Issues/AFL/Gompers/Strike less with collective bargaining

Whose writings led to the end of the encomienda system?

Bartolome de Las Casas

Turning point of the civil war

Battle of Gettysburg (Union won). Pickett of the Confederacy led a losing charge across an open field (Pickett's Charge). More casualties in Gettysburg than any other Civil War battle.

Causes of 2nd Industrial Revolution

Bessemer process (steel) Oil, PA, 1859 Bituminous Coal, dirtier, but more prevalent than hard coal of 1st IR

KKK after WWI

Big comeback after movie The Birth of a Nation. Concerned about alien influences.

Marcus Garvey

Black nationalist leader (back to Africa)

Which of the following journalists played a key role in the disclosure of criminal activity in the Nixon administration?

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (Washington Post)

Oklahoma City Bombing

Bombing of Murrah Federal Building. The blast, set off by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, killed 168 people, including 19 children in the building's day-care center. Domestic terrorist bombing of a federal building by Timothy McVeigh, a militant anti-government extremist (1995)

Racial Equality Philosophies in Progressive Era

Booker T Washinton--"Be patient" WEB Du Bois--"Now"--NAACP

Jamestown/Plymouth compare & contrast

Both had difficulties Both backed by London Company Jamestown sought $$$ Plymouth sought God Plymouth was more successful

Lend-Lease Act of 1941

Britain (Bankrupt) needed a way around cash-and-carry. Allowed US to lend weapons to nations "vital to her defense" **By the time the US entered the war, the necessary materials were already being produced.

Embargo Act of 1807

Britain and France at war didn't want the US trading with the enemy. British impressed sailors. Jefferson's embargo banned exports to Fr and Br. Hurt American sailors more than Europeans

War at Sea in WWI

British Navy found U-Boats detrimental until US arrived with destroyers and mines

Definitions of Victory in American Revolution

British had to win outright, but were hesitant to destroy parts of their empire Americans had to outlast British

Causes of War of 1812

British impressment of sailors British allied themselves with Shawnees, who fought US in Indiana US wanted to defend its right to neutrality

Scopes Trial

Bryan won, later overturned -Clarence Darrow defended teaching evolution

Clinton: Somalia

Bush I stepped in after failing UN effort -warlords, drought, famine -Clinton withdrew after 2 helicopters shot down & Americans attacked by mob

Election of 1992

Bush was scapegoat for economy -Ross Perot, 3rd party billionaire took Bush votes -Clinton won

Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller

C=steel V=railroads R=oil

Sand Creek Massacre

CO--Col. John Chivington massacred and mutilated hundreds who didn't defend themselves

Nullification Crisis

Calhoun tried to nullify Tariff of Abominations Jackson made less severe, but SC still refused to collect. Jackson passed Force Bill to use military force. Clay worked a compromise: lower rates.

Compromise of 1850

California came in as a free state, slave trade was abolished in DC, New Mexico & Utah get popular sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Act (very controversial), Texas has debt paid off in exchange for some of its land

FDR Good Neighbor Policy

Called for noninterference in the affairs of Latin American countries. Improving relations w/ Latin America, including manufacturing in them

Steel industry

Carnegie created Carnegie Steel, then sold to JP Morgan, who controlled 60% of world's steel

Iran Hostage Crisis

Carter -Ayatollah Khomeini, Fundamentalist Muslim, came to power, replacing US-friendly Shah -US took in Shah for medical care as he died of cancer and refused to give him back when Iranians wanted to put him on trial -Mob stormed US embassy in Tehran, captured 66, released women and AAs; held rest for 444 days, despite Carter's sanctions and freezing $8B in Iranian assets in US -Pathetic rescue attempt resulted in helicopter crash and Iranians parading through streets w/ recovered bodies -Shah died, Iraq attacked Iran -Iran desperately needed money and released prisoners on Regan's inauguration

Camp David Accords

Carter Israel agreed to move forces from Sinai, both Egypt and Isr agreed to recognize each others' gov'ts


Carter & USSR initially agreed to limit various weapons -Conservatives in Congress didn't trust USSR -USSR invaded Afghanistan to protect Comm there -Carter stopped trade w/ USSR, repealed SALT II from Senate consideration & withdrew US from Moscow Olympics

King William's War

Catholic Louis XIV mad about Protestant William III and Glorious Revolution. Stalemate--little effect on colonies

Haymarket Affair

Chicago, someone threw bomb at police, who opened fire

Earl Warren

Chief Justice during the 1950's and 1960's who used a loose interpretation to expand rights for both African-Americans and those accused of crimes.

Corrupt Bargain

Clay gave his support to Quincy Adams in election of 1824, Quincy Adams gave Clay Sety of state after winning, rumors of corrupt bargain/deal; jacksonians angered


Clinton Bill & Hillary connected to some shade real estate deals in AR -Jumble--hard to see how they were actually connected *Opened door for investigation into personal lives


Clinton N American Free Trade Agreement Eliminated most trade barriers between Can, US, Mex

Stokely Carmichael

Coined the phrase "black power" and led SNCC away from a nonviolent approach.


Cold War House Un-American Activities Committee -banned some Hollywood writers -conducted loyalty tests on gov't workers leading to hundreds of lost jobs


Columbus discovers America

Cold War: Greece

Comm wanted to overthrow pro-Western gov't. GB had influence there, but w/ economic issues, had to ask US to step in. Truman granted $400 million support gov'ts in Turkey and Greece. Successful.


Conservative Southern Democrats angered by party support for civil rights broke away in the 1948 election and ran Strom Thurmond forming the Dixiecrat Party

George Kennan

Containment (cold war)

The cotton gin allowed for

Cotton to be grown more efficiently/profitably further West

Cambodia and Laos

Countries bordering Vietnam in which Nixon began secret bombing raids during the Vietnam war, as he believed them to be Viet Cong havens. had secretary of state kissinger deal w this

The Mississippi Plan

Created a mandatory poll tax and literacy test, intimidating Black voters

Platt Amendment

Cuba received independence after spanish american war, but US instead that cuban constitution contain provision Platt Amendment -gave US right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to maintain a naval base on the island -cuba protectorate of US -established naval base at Guantanamo Bay

Barbary Pirates

Demanded more tribute from US and began capturing ships. Jefferson blockaded Tripoli and Tunis, and attacks Tripoli, ending tribute system and freeing captives.

Strom Thurmond

Democratic governor of South Carolina who headed the State's Rights Party (Dixiecrats); he ran for president in 1948 against Truman and his mild civil rights proposals and eventually joined the Republican Party.

Election of 1860

Democrats divided N/S--had separate candidates Lincoln won, even though his name wasn't on the S ballot

Federal Reserve Act

Designed to bust JP Morgan's banking monopoly. Under public control, split nation into 12 regions. Banks were private, but supervised by Federal Reserve Board, allowing Fed to control currency and credit. *Wilson's greatest achievement

17th Amendment

Direct election of Senators. Big business had too much power in state legislatures

Stamp Act

Direct tax, sparked "No taxation w/o rep."

Secret agreement @Yalta

Divided Korea into two parts

Cold War: French Indochina

Domino Theory--if one Comm gov't fell, others in the area would follow -Helped F fight Ho Chi Minh in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia -Led to US setting up non-Comm gov't in Vietnam

Treaty of Tordesillas

Drew a N-S line through Atlantic and Brazil. Portugal explored east of line; Spanish explored west.

Computer Revolution

During the 1980s personal computers began to appear in many homes across the world. By the late 1990s, computers had become a staple in most industrialized country's homes.


During the 60's and 70's, the U.S. was suffering from 5.3% inflation and 6% unemployment. Refers to the unusual economic situation in which an economy is suffering both from inflation and from stagnation of its industrial growth.

Durante vita

During/for life. Referred to the decision to change African Americans from being indentured servants to slaves for life. (due to the rise in the demand/production of tobacco)

Depression Era natural disasters

Dust Bowl--OK, TX, NM, etc. Great Flood of 1936--NE to DC

Emergency Relief Appropriations Act (1935)

ERAA established work programs financed by the federal govt; including the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which employed manual laborers to build roads, bridges, public buildings; also supported art and literature w a bunch of projects -recovery

intra-colonial conflict: E v W

Easterners lived in Atlantic towns/cities, thought new land would depreciate their property, and weren't worried about NAs. Westerners lived on the frontier, wanted roads, protection from NAs, to push further west, fair representation in colonial legislatures

Square Deal

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored fair relationships between companies and workers (Elkins & Hepburn Acts regulated railroads)

End of Depression of 1890s

Economy rebounded b/c of Alaskan Gold Rush and bad farming in India and Europe, not GLD/SLV debate. Ended populist movement

Cold War: Iran & Guatemala

Eisenhower authorized CIA to covertly overthrow unfriendly gov'ts

WWII Africa

Eisenhower led Allies to victory in 1943


Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England

Banking Reform in 100 Days

Emergency Banking Relief Act--made bank holiday so Treasury could decide which ones could safely reopen. Glass-Stengall Act--created FDIC

Two Big Transcendentalist

Emerson Thoreau--Walden (nature)

rebellion in the philippines

Emilio Aguinaldo led fierce rebellion in philippines against the US that lasted 3 years (1899-1901) -US did not grant phillipinos independence until 1946

French & Indian War: Effects

End of France in Americas Caused Britain to become more involved in America Made colonists more aware of British presence

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Ended Mexican War -made Rio Grande the border -gave US Mexican Cession land cheap

Richard Nixon

Ended Vietnam War; Recognized China/ Watergate scandal; First president to resign 37th U.S. President. 1969-1974 (Resigned). Republican

Dawes Plan

European economy still a mess from WWI. US banks loaned money to Germany so it could pay reparations to Fr and Br, who repaid debts to US. Help short-term, but really just put G in debt to US.

Alien Acts

Extended amount of time to become citizens Allowed aliens to be deported during war

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1933)

FDIC insured bank deposits up to 5000 to encourage people to use banks -reform

New Deal Programs

FDIC-Bank insurance SEC-Stock market regulation AAA-Agriculture adjustment act-limits overproduction PWA-Public Works - highways + buildings CCC-Young men built ditches & stuff TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority - jobs to that area WPA-Part of Second New Deal- gave jobs to artists, writings, and laborers. Some called it wasteful spending

Election of 1932

FDR (D) demolished wildly unpopular Hoover (R). Democrats won both House & Senate

Quarantine Speech

FDR hinted at war/intervention. However, the Neutrality Acts kept the US neutral.

The "Hundred Days"

FDR passed 15 major pieces of relief legislation in the first 100 days in office.

Jap-Am Discrimination

FDR signs internment order. J-As had a choice to move to an inland state or to War Relocation Camps.


Federal land set aside for Native Americans

Pro- and Anti-ratification groups

Federalist--supported Constitution Anti-Federalists--thought Const. gave Fed to much power

Spanish exploration

Ferdinand & Isabella

General Rommel

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was one of the most celebrated Nazi commanders during World War II, a sly tactician whose exploits in North Africa earned him the nickname "The Desert Fox."

Cotton Mather

Fiery Great Awakening (1730s-40s)/New England Puritan preacher

54th Massachusetts Infantry regiment of the Union Army

First (partly) African American regiment to play a major role in a military campaign


First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race.

Eleanor Roosevelt

First lady, social reformer (women & blacks), political adviser, delivered speeches

Virginia House of Burgesses

First representative assembly in the colonies

Jaun Ponce de Leon


Katherine Harris

Florida's Republican Secretary of state that had power over the results, refused to extend the deadline for a recount, and made bush winner Secretary of State of Florida nominated by Jed Bush; declares Bush winner in Florida immediately after Supreme Court stops recount

United Nations

Formed b/c of WW2 -Collective security -US, France, Soviets, China, & Britain had veto power -Grew from Atlantic Charter (After Germany invaded Belgium & France)

Niagara Movement

Founded by W.E. B Dubois in 1905 to promote the education of AA in the liberal arts, along with supporting desegregation & equality.

European demands on G after WWI

France--revenge Italy--land Britain--money for war

How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying

Frank Loesser, 1961 Broadway

Giovanni de Verazano

French corsair who robbed Sp ships Also explored Canada looking for NW Passage

Jacques Cartier

French looking for NW Passasge in northeast

A provision for the charter (issued from British) of the Virginia Colony

Full English citizenship rights would be extended to English settlers

Cold War: Iran

GB & USSR controlled in WWII to prevent G from getting oil. -both agreed to move out, but USSR stayed to help Comm rebels -eventually left under UN pressure

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote(1920), previously, it was for the states to decide.


George III becomes king of england

Colony with Anglicanism as the established church


NYE Committee

Gerald Nye of North Dakota believed that the U.S. should stay out of foreign wars.


German mercenaries mostly debtors to German gov't


Germans perfected during WWI

Checkers speech

Given by VP candidate Nixon regarding the gifts he received, in particular a dog.

Margaret Mitchell

Gone With the Wind - an account of Old South

Grant Presidency

Good guy, but surrounded by corruption


Grant put city under siege, forcing surrender. Took control of whole Mississippi

Theme of the West (1800s)

Grew so fast that it almost lawless

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)

Group that sent its own delegates to the Democratic National Convention in 1964 to protest discrimination against black voters in Mississippi an American political party created in the state of Mississippi in 1964, during the civil rights movement. It was organized by African Americans from Mississippi, with assistance from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), to challenge the legitimacy of the then-white-only Mississippi Democratic Party.


HH Jackson's expose A CENTURY OF DISHONOR drew peoples attention to plight of Indians -reform minded americans thought problem was assimilation (adopting the cultural practices of whites and converting to christianity) -led to dawes act

William Howard Taft

Had the best post-president career, including being the governor of the Philippines + Cuba, Secretary of War, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Hippie hubs

Haight-Ashbury (SF) East Village (NYC)

Federalist Accomplishments

Hamilton stabilized economy Avoid major foreign conflict Made Const & gov't permanent institutions

John Coltrane

Hard Bop tenor sax, started in Dizzy's band, had John Coltrane Quartet, "Giant Steps" considered one of the most difficult songs for an improviser to solo over, repopularized soprano sax, used pedal points (drone notes), album "A Love Supreme" really influenced avant-garde musicians

Teapot Dome Scandal

Harding's Secretary of the Interior leased national oil reserves to private companies for bribes

Republican era of 1920s

Harding, Coolidge, Hoover -favored big business

John Brown's Raid

Harper's Ferry, VA was federal arsenal. Brown and followers intended to steal weapons to arm slaves. Captured and executed as Northern hero.

George Creel & KKK

Head of Committee on Public Information-pro-American propaganda -Associated w/ rise of second KKK, prompted by Eastern European immigration (100% Americanism) -The KKK was wider in its scope of discrimination (jews, catholics, immigrants)

Compromise of 1850

Henry Clay -CA enters free -most other Mexican Cession lands have popular sovereignty -Fugitive Slave Law

War Hawks & Declaration of War

Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun S and W congressmen for war. New Englanders opposed.

American System

Henry Clay proposed chartering the 2nd Bank of US, instituting protective tariff and improving public transportation


Highest approval ratings of any 20th Century President -Moderate political style-- $--Republican Human beings--Democrat -called a Modern Republican

Trickle Down Theory

Hoover believed -the idea that when business was successful wealth would 'trickle down' to individual workers

Jacob Riis

How the other half lives (life in Tenements)

Freeport Doctrine

Idea that any territory could ban slavery by simply refusing to pass laws supporting it (no slave codes) (Stephen Douglas)

Battle of Saratoga

In 1777, the first major American victory in the revolution (we got French support)

Montgomery Bus Boycott

In 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus, Dr. Martin L. King led a boycott of city busses. After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal.


In November 2001 Enron, the United States' seventh largest corporation, issued a statement drastically revising its stated profits over the past three years. Within a month, the company was forced to declare bankruptcy—the largest bankruptcy in business history—and numerous charges surfaced that the company had engaged in a repeated pattern of un-ethical and perhaps illegal practices. In addition to shareholder and employee lawsuits, Enron's executives also faced potential criminal charges for their roles in the scandal.

Contract with America

In the 1994 congressional elections, Congressman Newt Gingrich had Republican candidates sign a document in which they pledged their support for such things as a balanced budget amendment, term limits for members of Congress, and a middle-class tax cut. -clinton's refusal to support the contract resulted in battle over budge in 1995 leading to virtual shutdown of govt


In the Vietnam War, the VC's unique military bases were hundreds of miles of ______.

South American NAs

Incas--2000 miles of roads irrigation


Insulting tern used to describe a northerner who moved to the South during Reconstruction

Elisha Otis

Inventor who developed the first safety elevator in 1852 (with an emergency brake).

Eastern Woodlands--big tribes

Iriquois Confederacy (5) vs. Algonquin

Senate & Treaty of Versailles

Isolationists (against involvement) in Senate wouldn't approve LoN b/c could draw US into unnecessary war. -Wilson went on cross-country appeal to people. Suffered stroke, never recovered -Still rejected after revisions. Made separate peace w/ G and never joined LoN.

Clinton's Middle East Negotiations

Isr-Palestine -Oslo Peace Accords--Rabin & Arafat agreed that Palestinians could control West Bank, Gaza Strip -More fighting -meeting @ Camp David, but no settlement

The Civil War has been called the "Second American Revolution" because

It eliminated the OLD economic system of slavery and set the country on the road to rapid and unhindered economic GROWTH.

Headright system

It was used as a way to attract new settlers to the region and address the labor shortage (Virginia & Maryland)

Sacco & Vanzetti

Italian immigrants charged w/ murder of MA paymaster and sentenced to death. Fairness of trial was questioned b/c they admitted to be anarchists. Executed, despite worldwide protests. After WWI

Christopher Columbus

Italian, financed by Spain

Pearl Harbor

J planned to attack British and Dutch holdings in Pacific, so US stopped selling oil to J. US declares war on Japan, joins Allies, G and I declare war on US

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

JFK US, GB, USSR agree to stop testing missiles in air or ocean to to prevent dangerous fall-out in atmosphere

Peace Corps

JFK provided opportunities for young American volunteers to assist in 3rd World countries


James & Dewey stressed it, that theories are judged by how practical their consequences are

election 1856

James Buchanon won

Era of good feelings

James Monroe (1817-1825) -a period characterized by a lack of political discourse and divide


Jamestown founded


Jellied gasoline that explodes into flames on contact

Who DEFENDED the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

Federalist in 1796

John Adams loose interpretation, strong Fed

Slave Rebellions

John Brown/Harper's Ferry, Stono Rebellion, Gabriel Porser, Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner

2004 Election

John Kerry vs George W. Bush. Bush coming off the hotly contested election of 2000 vs. Gore. Behind republican mastermind Karl Rove, Bush turned the tables of Kerry's storied war career and questioned his service. Bush won the election for his second term.


John Rolfe perfects tobacco raising

Republican Party

Joint Free-Party and anti-slavery Democrats. Wanted to prevent spread into territories after K-N Act

Mormon development

Joseph Smith--revelation persecuted, Smith killed Brigham Young led followers to Utah

Six-Day War

June, 1967 -israel achieved surprising victory over several arab nations bent on its destruction -during this fighting that president johnson spoke w soviet premier in the first use of the hotline

Knights of Labor Acronym

KUPS= Knights/Unskilled/Powderly/Strike more (unskilled spellers can't spell cups)

Works Progress Administration

Key New Deal agency that provided work relief through various public-works projects (in fields as varied as airport construction and mural painting)

Cuban Missile Crisis

Khrushchev's response to Bay of Pigs & US missiles in Turkey: -build missile sites in Cuba w/ Castro's approval JFK put air quarantine on Cuba and planned to destroy sites, -Called off attack at last minute and Khrushchev agreed to move missiles from Cuba if US didn't invade Cuba and moved their missiles from Turkey

Diplomacy under Nixon

Kissinger & Nixon detente--sought better relations w/ USSR & to limit arms race while still keeping USSR in check

16th Street Baptist Church

Klan threw bomb into 16th st baptist church in Birmingham Alabama, killing 4 teenage girls

Health Insurance Act for the Age

LBJ -created Medicare (for the elderly under SS) -created Medicaid (for those on welfare)

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

LBJ limited # of weapons fro US, USSR, GB, F, Ch

Immigration Act

LBJ limited # to 170,000/yr., but eliminated 1920s "national origins" structure which gave N Europeans priority. Led to more diverse US, esp. more Asians

Truth in Lending Act

LBJ required lenders to disclose actual costs of annual interest

Lehman Brothers

Large Wall Street investment bank that went bankrupt, causing a panic to the financial industry = forced Bush admin. to ask Congress for more $ to help restore US banks and credit markets Which of the following financial institutions declared bankruptcy as a result of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008?

Potsdam Conference

Last meeting of the Big Three (not FDR or Churchill) Decided to disarm G, etc. *Signaled a new relationship between US/USSR: -FDR thought Stalin was reasonable, Truman didn't trust him -Truman's negotiations were more aggressive--felt w/ A-bomb, he didn't need Stalin to beat Japan -All US & USSR had in common was a desire to defeat Germany

Cesar Chavez

Latino labor and civil rights leader

Miranda v. Arizona

Law enforcement must inform suspects of Constitutional rights before questioning

Brady Bill

Law passed in 1993 requiring a waiting period on sales of handguns, along with a criminal background check on the buyer. an element of Pres. Bill Clinton's 1993 crime bill that called for a five-day waiting period for the purchase of a handgun and a background check of any individual purchasing a firearm from a federally licensed dealer

Morrill Act of 1862

Law that gave land to states to establish colleges for vocational training (Texas A&M)

Navigation Acts

Laws passed by Parliament to regulate colonial trade and manufacturing (enumerated goods could only be sold to England)


Leader of National Socialist Party. Legitimately elected chancellor, named dictator 18 mos. later Called for world domination by G & Aryans

Abbie Hoffman

Leader of the YIPPIES (Youth international political party) -activist and comedian -opposed to war in vietnam and conformity of consumer culture -poured garbage bags full of dollar bills from the balcony onto the floor of the NY stock exchange -protested v war by marching w pictures of LBJ upside down -author of book STEAL THIS BOOK (1971)

Effect of Bolshevik Revolution on WWI

Lenin pulled Russia out in 1917, allowing G to focus on Western front.

Anaconda Plan

Like a snake, block Southern ports so that the South will run out of supplies.

The main Reconstruction issue between Lincoln + Congress

Lincoln believed that as president, he had the responsibility to monitor reconstruction in the South, since it was part of the war effort + he was commander in chief

Gettysburg address

Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address, hung the fate on the union on the proposition that all men are created equal

Contraband of War

Lincoln's Civil War policy of treating runaway slaves as enemy war property; accepted slaves as a way to hurt the southern cause; slaves were freed and employed as aides to the union army until lincoln started recruiting black troops after the emancipation proclamation

The Great Society

Lyndon B Johnson

Missing In Action


Samuel de Champlain

Made first 11 voyages to explore and map lands among st Lawrence river, founding Montreal & Quebec

Patrick Henry

Made speeches against the royal crown "Give me liberty or give me death"

Temperance Movement

Maine Law banned alcohol. 13/31 state followed in within 4 yrs.

Wade Davis Bill

Majority to take oath of loyalty to US in order to re-enter the union (vetoed by Lincoln before his death)

Jay Gould

Man who gained control of a railroad empire, used telegram to get this edge, corrupt + hated

Lost Generation

Many American writers saw through shallow wealth of 20s and moved to Paris. Gatsby, Wasteland

Cold War: China

Mao (Comm) vs. Chiang Kai-shek -Truman gave Chiang $3 billion, but he misspent it and refused military advice -Mao won

Which author used the style of local color/regional

Mark Twain


Maryland Act of Toleration passed

Division of labor led to

Mass production of goods

Which colony believed that communities needed to build schools?

Massachusetts General School Act of 1647 (Massachusetts)

Mesoamerican NAs

Mayans--didn't survive to see Europeans Aztecs--conquered Mexico ruled from Tenochtitlan

Oliver North

Member of the National Security Council under President Ronald Reagan; Chief member of funneling arms to Iran and then transferring the money to the Contras in Nicaragua National Security Council; headed the initiative in the Iran-Contra Scandal; convicted of perjury but later overturned

The Mexican gov't restricted American immigration to Texas b/c

Mexican Law declared slavery illegal, and Americans were bringing slaves to Texas. Only enforced once Americans greatly outnumbered Mexicans in Texas.

Hernan Cortes

Mexico, conquered and destroyed Aztecs

Buffalo Depletion (Bison)

Millions to only hundreds. NAs relied on them, and it was American culture to kill the buffalo.

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Missouri wanted to enter as slave and upset balance. Henry Clay proposed: Missouri entered slave, ME entered free 36.30: everything N was free, everything S was slave


Molasses Act passed


Native American leader of forces in Northwest (Ohio River Valley) until 1812

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Northeastern political writer; her international hit Uncle Tom's Cabin dramatized slave society and became a weapon used by abolitionists to alert people to the evils of slavery.

Helen Hunt Jackson

"A Century of Dishonor" (Native Americans)

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico (never became law)

Henry James

A contemporary of Twain, he depicted the complexities of characters in sophisticated post-bellum society; works include The Portrait of a Lady and The Bostonians.

Eastern Woodland Tribes (Iroquois)

Colonial area

Marbury v. Madison

Established judicial review (midnight appointment)

Ida Tarbell

Exposed Standard Oil Trust

Ernest Hemingway

Famed for his hard living, his masculine prose, and his spare writing style; wrote A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises, and The Old Man and the Sea. -Lost Generation

James Fenimore Cooper

First great American author; wrote in the early 19th century; wrote The Last of the Mohicans; popularized naturalist literature; explored the line between civilization and nature. -the strong, silent, self-reliant American hero

Lecompton Constitution

Legalized slavery in the Kansas Territory

Edgar Allan Poe

Romantic Age writer and poet; wrote about the dark side of mid-19th century society; famous short stories include "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Pit and the Pendulum."

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Romantic Age writer of the mid-19th century; often wrote about colonial New England; most famous for House of Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter.

Walt Whitman

Romantic poet and essayist of the mid-19th century; most famous work is Leaves of Grass, a free verse collection reveling in emotions and sensations.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The most famous of the Jazz Age authors; hard-working and hard-partying; chronicled the reckless abandon and spiritual hollowness of the twenties; famous works include The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Transcendentalist essayist and philosopher from New England; icon of the Romantic Age; wanted people to embrace change and value individuality; wrote "Self Reliance."

Fair Deal

Truman's plan to strengthen reforms and start new social welfare programs

Upton Sinclair

Used novels to alert readers to social ills; The Jungle sensationalized and dramatized the lack of safety and sanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry.

George Ripley

Utopian Brook Farm

Herman Melville

Writer of late 19th century; most books had a nautical theme; wrote Moby Dick.

Angelina Grimke

Wrote an "Appeal to the Christian Women of the South." (abolitionist)

Gospel of Wealth

describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich, but only donate to those who will not waste it! (Carnegie)

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