US History Unit 1 Midterm Review

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Which of the following is true of warefare between colonists and Native Americans during the 17th century?

Among the colonists, it generated a strong sense of superiority

In the 1650s, who pushed England toward a policy of expanding territory and commercialism?

Oliver Cromwell

Pennsylvania's treatment of Native Americans was unique in what way?

Pennsylvania purchased Indian land that was then resold to colonists and offered refuge to tribes driven out of other colonies.

Neolin, a Delaware Indian and religious prophet, helped inspire___ Rebellion in 1763.


The first European country to reach India by an all water route and gain riches was


For most New Englanders, Indian represented:


Europeans-particularly the English, French, and Dutch-generally claimed North American Indian land as their own based on:

Their views that Indians did not use the land properly

Which of the following is true of the Puritans of the 17th century?

They agreed that eh Church of England retained too many elements of Catholicism in its rituals and doctrines

Which of the following was true of the colonial elite?

They controlled colonial government

What role did Native Americans play in British imperial wars during the eighteenth century?

They did much of the fighting in the wars

What was Virginas gold, which ensured its survival and prosperity?


When the Virginia Company gave control of the Virginia colony to the king in 1624:

Virginia became the first royal colony

In contrast to life in the Chesapeake region, life in New England:

Was more family oriented

The first center of the Spanish empire in America:

Was the island of Hispaniola

Most 17th century migrants to North America from England:

Were lower class men

As English colonial society became more structured in the eighteenth century, what were the effects on women

Women's work became more clearly defined as tied closely to the home.

The task system:

assigned slaves daily jobs and allowed them free time upon completion of those jobs

The assumption among ordinary people that wealth, education, and social prominence entitled leaders to public office was called:


According to the economic theory known as mercantilism:

the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power

Slavery developed more slowly in North America than in the English West Indies because:

the high death rate among tobacco workers made it economically unappealing to pay more for a slave likely to die within a short time.

Captain Jacob Leisler, the head of the rebel militia that took control of New York in 1689:

was overthrown and killed in so grisly a manner that the rivalry between his friends and foes polarized New York politics for years.

The Magna Carta

Granted many liberties, but mainly to lords and barons

How did John Locke reconcile his belief in natural rights and his support for slavery?

He believed that the free individual in liberal thought was the propertied white man.

What geographic error did Columbus make?

He grossly underestimated the size of the earth

Why did King Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church

He wanted a divorce, and the Pope refused to grant it

All of the following were nations that led in explorations to the new world except:


All of the following contributed to the English social crisis of the late 16th century except:

A lower birth rate, which made it difficult to find workers for new industries

Why did England consider Spain its enemy by the late 1500s?

Because of religious differences: England had officially broken with the Roman Catholic Church, while Spain was devoutly Catholic

The city situated along the Mississippi River between 10,000 and 30,000 residents in the year 1200 is today known as:


The French and Indian War began because some American colonists felt that:

France was encroaching on land claimed by the Ohio Company.

The most famous Great Awakening revivalist minster was:

George Whitefield.

The government of the Spanish empire in America:

Included local officials who held a great deal of control

When Columbus reached the New World what name did he give to the people he encountered because he thought he had reached the outskirts of Asia?


Slavery in Africa:

Involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors, and war captives

The powerful Native American Confederation in the Northeast was the


What did English settlers in North America believe was the basis of liberty?


In the economic exchanged between the English colonists and eastern Native Americans:

Native Americans initially welcomed the colonists goods

The Terms God, Glory, Gold, apply most readily to the explorations to the New World of which country>


The Black Legend described:

Spain as a uniquely brutal colonizer

According to Barolome de Las Casa

Spain had caused the deaths of millions of innocent people in the New World

The transatlantic flow of people and goods such as corn, potatoes, horses, and sugarcane is called

The Columbian exchange

Which of the following statements is true about the early history of Jamestown?

The death rate was extraordinarily high

Why was slavery less prevalent in the northern colonies?

The small farms of northern colonies did not need slaves.

Pueblo Indians lived in what is now:

The southwestern United States

John Locke's political philosophy stressed:

a contract system between the people and the government

"Republicanism" in the 18th century Anglo-American political world emphasized the importance of ____ as the essence of liberty.

active participation in public life by property-owning citizens

All of the following were factors enticing migration to the British colonies EXCEPT

cheap and safe transatlantic transportation.

"Anglicization" meant all of the following EXCEPT

colonists were determined to speak English as perfectly as those who lived in England

Slave resistance in the 18th century:

included rebellions in both northern and southern colonies that led to the deaths of several of those involved in planning the conspiracies.

The participants in South Carolina's Stono Rebellion:

included some who apparently had been soldiers in Africa.

The German migration to the English colonies

led to the formation of many farming communities

John Peter Zenger's libel trial:

probably would not have ended in his acquittal if he had attacked someone other than the colonial governor.

What was William Penn's most fundamental principle?

religious freedom

According to New England Puritans, witchcraft:

resulted from pacts that women made with the devil to obtain supernatural powers or interfere with natural processes

Georgia was established by James Oglethorpe, whose causes included improved conditions for imprisoned debtors and the abolition of:


"Enumerated" goods:

were colonial products, such as tobacco and sugar, that first had to be imported to England.

By the eighteenth century, consumer goods such as books and ceramic plates:

were found in many colonial residents' homes

North American crops and products

were part of a commercial trade network that knitted together a far-flung empire

Bacon's Rebellion was a response to:

worsening economic conditions in Virginia

Olaudah Equiano:

wrote the eighteenth century's most widely read by s slave of a slave's own experiences.

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