Us history world war 1

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What was the immediate effect of the 1st Battle of the Marne?

Germans began a fighting retreat to the Alune River

Which nation planned and executed the Schlieffen Plan?


What German action according to President Wilson was a violation of the international laws of neutrality?

Germany violated the laws of neutrality

List the leaders of the Big Four

Ovittorio Emanuel's Orlando, George Clemenceas, Woodrow Wilson

What was the purpose of the Selective Service Act of 1917?

Required all men between 21-30 to register for military service

What was the purpose of the Schlieffen Plan?

Resigned to allow the Germany to wage a successful two front war

This nation saw itself as the protector of the Slavic people


The term dogfights was used to describe what type of combat in World War I?

Serial battle between fighter aircraft, conducted at close range

Of the methods of warfare developed in World War I, which did traditional officers consider unfair and barbaric?

The use of poisonous gas

List the member nations of the Triple Entente:

France, Russia, & Great Britain

What was the dollar amount of reparations Germany was forced to pay as mandated by the Treaty of Versailles?

132 billion gold marks for the reparations

What were the provisions of the Espionage Act?

Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations and the foreign commerce of the us to ouncish espionage, better to enforce the criminal laws of the U.S

What was the purpose of the Sussex Pledge?

Agreement to give adequate warning before sinking merchant & passenger ships & to provide for the safety of passengers and crew

How did the 1917 uprising against Czar Nicholas II push the U.S. into entering World War I?

American felt more favorable toward entering the war because the new government in Russia was closer to a democracy then

What were the provisions of the Sedition Act of 1918?

An act of the us congress that extended the espionage act of 1917 to cover a broader range of of offenses notably speech & the expression of opinion that cost the government of the war effort in a negative light or interfered

Which battle stopped German troops from advancing and capturing Paris?

Battle of Mulhouse

Between 1918 and 1919 nearly 700,000 Americans lost their lives due to what reason:

Battle wounds

What happened immediately after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Beginning of the First World War

What prompted Germany to use U-boats and unrestricted submarine warfare?


Why did President Wilson issue the Fourteen Points?

Blueprint for world peace that was to be used for peace negotiations

How did some European leaders think that war could be prevented by the secret military alliances?

Creating a balance of power

When the Treaty of Versailles was submitted to the U.S. Senate, senators divided into three groups- list them:


What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?

Independent agency of the government of the us created to influence public opinion to support u.s participation in ww 1

In 1914 what was the official U.S. position in regard to the war in Europe?


How did the U.S. government primarily pay for World War I?

Liberty loans, war bonds, & taxes

To which nation did Germany propose the Zimmerman Note?


What strategy did the U.S. implement to safely transport soldiers to France? (across the Atlantic Ocean)

Southern Strategy

What caused the struggle for power in the Balkans that erupted in 1914?

The Austria Hungarian empire pushed into the region annexing provinces

Who were the Hello Girls?

The colloquial name for American female switchboard

What events in German and Austria in 1918 led to the surrender of the Central Powers?

The failure of the spring offensive and the loss of her allies in the mid to late 1918 led for Germany to surrender

How did the U.S. ensure that materials needed at the front were produced?

The government regulated industry through the work of the war industries board

What was an important political outcome of World War I?

The overthrow of monarchies across Europe

In massing against the German invasion of France, the French army was known for its use of:

Traditional methods of close combat

At the Paris Peace Conference how did President Wilson's views differ from those of other world leaders?

Woodrow Wilson mainly wanted self determination & democracy for various countries circled around the big three asking for determination & independence

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