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Repair Locker Positions

-OSL ( On Scene Letter ) - Attack Team Leader - Nozzleman - Hoseman - Plugman - Investigator - Boundaryman - ARGUS operator - Accessman - Re-flash watch - Overhaul team - Dewatering Team - Desmoking Team - Shoring Team - Pipe Patching/Plugging Team

DC locker locations

01 Deck (Portside Deck Box) 01 Deck (Pilot House Storage) Bridge DC Locker ( Port Main Deck ) DC Locker ( STBD Main Deck ) Wood Shoring is In overhead on STBD Main Deck Generator Room

Two Elements of Damage Control

1. Administrative Organization 2. Battle Organization

Transverse Watertight Bulkheads

10, 17, 23, 27, 36 Frame 3 Is a Collision Bulkhead

C02 Extinguisher

15lbs 4-6 feet 40 seconds Ensure cylinder is grounded to prevent shock

Sound-Powered Phone Circuits

1JV- Maneuvering & Docking 2JV- Engineer's Circuits 2JZ- Damage Control Stability 1JP- Gun Control

AFF Extinguisher

2.5 Gal only 1 qt is AFF weighs 27-30 Lbs 100 psi 15-20 feet

Dry Chem

5 lbs 12-18 feet 14 seconds

Fire Point

A temp slightly above flash point that allows for sufficient vapor to be given off to continue burning after ignition.

Delta Fire

Combustable Metals Magnesium, Titanium, Sodium

3 types of heat transfer

Conduction - Transfer thru a solid body Convection - Transfer thru motion of circulating gases Radiation - Transfer of heat across a space

Charlie Fire

Electrical Fire Use PKP or CO2

Firefighting Equipment

Fire Plug's - 9 saltwater plugs throughout the ship the outlets are 1 1/2 inch in diameter Firehose - 50ft 1 3/4 inch hose with 1 1/2 fittings Vari Nozzle - 65/95 GPM, Wide & Narrow Fog, Straight Stream, Flush in-line eductor & AFF cans

Bravo Fire

Flammable Liquids, Gas, JP-5, Diésel, Oil, Paint, Solvents

the Fire Tetrahedron consists of

Fuel Oxygen Heat Uninhibited Chain Reaction

PKP Extinguisher

Highly Corrosive 10lb 13-22 feet 22 seconds


Least Amount of Protection

Access And Overhaul Kit

Pick Axe Duffel bag Bar Chisel Bolt Cutters Fire fighter gloves Halligan tool Overhaul Rake ( Metal Handle ) Overhaul Shovel ( Metal Handle )


Portable diesel pump used for dewatering & firefighting provides 20 feet of suction lift at 100 gpm & 83 psi 2 Onboard 1.45 Gallon Fuel Capacity Suction Connection is 3 inch Discharge is 2 1/2 inch Hearing protection required for operation


Provides highest degree of protection. Set during General Quarters, used to isolate & control Fires.


Provides more protection than X-RAY. Maintained while at Sea. Maintained in-port after normal working hours.

Investigators kit

SCBA Tool bag Flash Light Heat Protection Message Blanks Grease Pencil Sounding Tape Adjustable wrench Dogging wrench Tee handle wrench fire finder Chalk Water indicating paste Sounding tape Sounding list Rags

De-smoking Equipment

Super-Vac Box ( Box Fan ) -115v electric fan -3200 CFM Ram Fan 2000 - water driven - 2000 CFM - uses ducting - 1.5 inch inlet - must be grounded to prevent shock Venturi Effect - use varinozzle In wide V to direct smoke out of a space installed ventilation & natural

Alpha Fire

Wood, Cloth, Paper, Upholstery Must be overhauled

Ignition point

minimum temp to ignite

PECU ( Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit)

operates at 10000 degrees

Flash Point

the lowest temp that a substance gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture.

Extinguishing agents

water, AFF, Dry Chem, CO2

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