USH Chapter 15 Pre and Post Test

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How did sharecropping emerge in the South?

as an alternative to low-wage labor and as a means to allow former slaves to work the land and receive a share of the crop

How did newly free African-Americans seek to prove their independence?

by learning to read and write in great numbers

What was the disparaging term that some white Southerners used to refer to whites who came South to help with Reconstruction?


Who was the last African-American to serve in the Senate until Edward Brooke of Massachusetts was elected in 1966?

Blanche K. Bruce, who was sent by Mississippi's Reconstruction government in 1874

How did Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15 serve to raise expectations for African-Americans concerning the role of the federal government after the war?

By providing 40-acre parcels of land for black families in the Sea Islands and coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina, Sherman helped fix the idea of the connection between land ownership and freedom.

How did the powers of the federal government expand during Reconstruction?

Crimes against the individual could be prosecuted by the federal government.

How did President Grant respond to attacks on Republicans and blacks in the South?

He actively committed federal troops and other personnel at considerable expense.

What was the compromise that gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency in the disputed election of 1876?

He said he would use his power to end Reconstruction and withdraw federal troops from the South.

How was Senator Hiram Revels, the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate, typical of many African-American political leaders during Reconstruction?

He was a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

How did the experience of Confederate president Jefferson Davis differ from that of many other Confederate leaders after the war?

He was imprisoned for two years but was then freed and wrote his memoirs. Many other Confederates quickly received pardons.

What was the result of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson?

His conviction by the Senate failed by one vote.

Which of the following could serve as evidence of the way many Southern whites responded to Reconstruction and the end of slavery?

In Colfax, Louisiana, several dozen black families were killed by a mob of whites led by a Confederate veteran.

How did the federal government respond to the increase of violence in the South?

It passed a series of Enforcement Acts that gave the government the right to intervene when elections were unfair.

What was the name for segregation laws that became widespread in the South in the 1890s?

Jim Crow segregation

Which statement would best characterize most Republicans in Congress at the end of the Civil War?

Most were moderates who were committed to ending slavery but not much else.

How did Presidential Reconstruction differ from Congressional Reconstruction?

Presidential Reconstruction was more limited in scope, while Congressional Reconstruction sought to transform the South into a racially integrated region where blacks had equal rights.

How was the nation divided about the proper ways to deal with the former Confederate states at the close of the war?

Some believed they were still states, while others felt they had lost that status because of secession.

What were the Black Codes?

a series of laws passed by Southern states that denied many rights of citizenship to blacks

How did plantation owners manipulate the sharecropping system to their own advantage?

They developed a credit system that meant that farm workers fell further and further into debt.

How did the Radical Republicans initially respond to Andrew Johnson once he took office as president?

They embraced him, believing that he would extend the Reconstruction of the South and ensure full rights for African-Americans.

What was the relationship of many Southern white political leaders, like Lucius Lamar, to organizations like the Ku Klux Klan?

They maintained a public distance but secretly kept close ties to these organizations.

How did Southern landowners under Presidential Reconstruction seek to reestablish their authority?

They passed vagrancy laws that made it a crime to be without a job, meaning that formerly enslaved people had to take whatever was offered or be jailed.

n what ways were early black colleges designed to address the social inequities that had resulted from slavery?

They were designed to train black teachers, many of whom went on to become leaders in their communities.

How corrupt were Reconstruction governments in comparison to those in the rest of the country?

They were no more corrupt than governments elsewhere.

Why did many in Congress, both radical and moderate, become increasingly at odds with Andrew Johnson?

They were upset by the many pardons and amnesties he granted to Confederates.

By December of 1864, what was Abraham Lincoln's view on voting rights for blacks?

While he believed that blacks who fought in the Union army had earned the right to vote, he believed that the Constitution left it up to the states to determine voter qualifications.

Who were the Radical Republicans?

a group of Republican congressmen who favored the abolition of slavery and full rights for all African-Americans

What were the Redemption governments?

governments controlled by those who sought to "redeem" the South for white rule

Which institution in the South benefited the most from Reconstruction governments?

public education

Southern whites who supported the Republican Party during Reconstruction were referred to disparagingly as __________.


Which agency was established by Congress in March 1865 to provide advice, protection, and social, educational, and economic services to former slaves?

the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees and Abandoned Lands

Which party was committed to "white only" government and sought to eradicate black rights in the South?

the Democratic Party

Which amendment guarantees voting rights regardless of race?

the Fifteenth Amendment

Which agency actively extended the power of the federal government?

the Freedmen's Bureau

Which organization served as an instrument of terror and intimidation throughout the South, targeting Republicans of either race along with teachers in black schools and blacks in general?

the Ku Klux Klan

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