Using the Internet Responsibly

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Explain how you would tell the difference between a safe site and an unsafe site.

Student answers will vary, but should contain the following elements: Safe and credible sites contain accurate, reliable and unbiased information. The content is not meant to lie, to exploit, or misuse visitors and their personal information.

Using your own words and just a few sentences, design a Responsible Internet Use policy for your computer lab.

Student answers will vary, but should include elements of the following: Downloading Guidelines Download information only when told to by a school official. Download information only when you know exactly what it is and who it is coming from. School rules Learn and understand your school or workplace's policies on downloading. Ask a teacher, counselor, or computer lab instructor Avoid unsafe Web sites which indicate that permission to use or view the site has not been granted. The content may be harmful to the user or computer system, or misleading in some way. Stick to credible sites which contain accurate, reliable and unbiased information. The content is not meant to lie, to exploit, or misuse visitors and their personal information.

A telltale sign that a site is unsafe is if a. A system warning will appear c. You may not get a sign b. The site tells you it is unsafe d. All of the above


An example of a credible site would be a. A cousin's personal web page c. Your school's site b. A site you saw on a commercial d. A site advertised in a magazine


A site that wants to sell you something by sending you repeated emails is usually a credible site.


A suspicious person you meet in a chat room cannot get access into your computer if you move to a new chat room.


Computers in the school computer lab are safe from any viruses.


Downloading information may not be safe, but pictures and graphics are okay because they do not contain viruses.


A technology or lab instructor needs to know that you have downloaded information for your online class to a school computer.


Unsafe sites may use your personal information for criminal activities.


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