V for Vendetta - Book 1
At the end of Book One, what are the two possible motives for V's actions that Finch posits to leader?
1.) Revenge 2.) So no one finds his true identity- a cover story
How is Lewis associated with V?
He worked in the same prison where V was imprisoned
What is the setting of book one?
London 1997
Who works for the Mouth?
Lewis Prothero Roger
What is the slogan used by party officials at the conclusion of their conversations?
"England Prevails"
What is FATE?
"The Voice of Fate" - a voice that reads info over the radio, believed to be a computer program that the government uses to keep tabs on people
What does V leave behind with his victims?
A rose
Why is Delia relieved to die?
She does not believe in the government slogan "One nation, one race, one love" so she thinks that once she is dead, she wont have to live under that rule
What is Lewis Prothero's current job?
The Voice of Fate
What mistake does Derek Almond make that results in his death?
He attempted to kill his wife and V with a gun that was not loaded, so V decides to murder him
What is the significance about all eleven chapters in book one?
Each title starts with the letter "V'
Who works for the Nose?
Eric Finch Partner- Dominic Stone
Who works for the Eye?
Conrad Heyer- (wife of Conrad is Helen)
What is the significance of V's costume? Who was Guy Fawkes?
Costume significance: To return power to the people Guy Fawkes (Guido): fought for the Spanish, member of the Roman Catholics who blew up the parliament Guy Fawkes Day November 5
Who is the Illustrator of V for Vendetta?
David Lloyd
Who works for the finger?
Derek Almond
What is the title of book one?
Europe After the Reign
Who is Evey Hammond and what is her backstory?
A protagonist; student and assistant in plan to attack Involved in V's life after he rescues her from a gang of London's secret police
Based on your readings of Book One, is V a superhero or villain?
A villain because he kills people without having a sole purpose to, other than just to gain his own power
Who is the Leader and who is he in love with?
Adam Susan- he is in love with fate the super computer
Who is the Author of V for Vendetta?
Alan Moore
Who works for the Ear?
Brian Ethridge
How does Eric Finch discover the story behind V's "creation"?
By reading Delia's diary and thinking like V.
What political party is in charge of the U.K.? How did it come to power?
Norse Fire. Came to power from major funding throughout many groups. The party came to London and took over.
Describe the two wives - Helen Heyer and Rosemary Almond - and their respective situation
Rosemary Almond - very quite Helen Heyer - Strong and Intelligent (can be seen as manipulative)
How does V kill Bishop Lilliman? Why is this method symbolic?
V kills B.L. by putting cyanide in his wafer. Symbolic : shows humiliation towards him because B.L. did not embody Christ
Summarize V's conversation with "Madam Justice" before he blows up the Old Bailey
V loves Madam Justice but he thinks she is not reciprocating the love he shows her, so he vows to not ever help her again by blowing her up
How does V exact revenge among Prothero and how is this method symbolic?
V tortures Prothero by harming his collection of dolls, which symbolizes that Prothero cares for dolls rather than human beings.
What is the definition of Vortex and how does it apply to the chapter it describes?
Vortex: a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind. Applies: All of V's revenge is whirling around his victims, the government, and the nation.
Define "Anarchy"
a state of society without government or law
What is Larkhill Resettlement Camp?
A concentration camp in England for political prisoners, homosexuals, blacks, Jews, and Muslims. There, they exterminated by Norse fire: a dictatorship, or were experimented on medically
How does V kill the pathologist Delia Surridge? Why is this method symbolic?
He injects her with a deathly fluid - symbolic because she is happy and wants to die
Government Heads of Office
Head: Leader (offices on Downing St.) Eye: Survailence Finger: Law enforcement Nose: Investigational Division Ear: Audio Survailence