VA History Module 1 Test

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The Virginia House of Burgesses was established by the...

"Great" Charter of 1618

The Virginia state motto is what?

"Sic Semper Tyrannis"

Which of the following is true of Virginia under Sir William Berkeley?

-He wanted to diversify the economy of Virginia. -Virginia began the shift from indentured servitude to slavery. -Virginia became more autonomous during the English Civil War.

Which of the following is true of the Blue Ridge region of Virginia?

-Roanoke is the "Capital of the Blue Ridge" -relies on tourism and agriculture as primary industries -features the Shenandoah National Park

Which of the following is true about women in Colonial Virginia?

-Some worked to cultivate tobacco -Confusion regarding their roles helped establish slavery as an institution -Some owned their own farms and businesses -They were more vulnerable to exploitation.

Virginia is the ________ largest state according to the 2013 census.


In 1607, Chief Powhatan had political influence over ______ people.


In _______, the English arrived in Virginia with 144 settlers.


In what year did the first House of Burgesses meet?


When did the first Africans arrive in Jamestown?


In _____, King James revoked the Virginia Company's charter and made Virginia a royal colony.


In what year did slavery become part of Virginia law?


When Jamestown was founded there was/were _____ Native American people groups living in Virginia.


Virginia is divided into _____ distinct regions.


The Headright system guaranteed ___________ acres of land for each paid settler brought to the colony.


Since 1776, Virginia has been governed by ____ separate constitutions.


How many Presidents have been Virginians?


Constitution of 1971

Aligned Virginia's laws to federal legislation and court decisions

Of the district regions of Virginia, which is the smallest?

Appalachian Plateau

The English Civil War brought a large number of wealthy refugees to Virginia. These people were known as ________.


According to the lesson, Pocahontas' rescue of John Smith was probably...


The English Civil War resulted in the death of...

Charles I

Which English king increased power of the House of Burgesses in 1639?

Charles I

What was the dominant church in Virginia in the colonial period?

Church of England

Which of Virginia's regions is the most populous?

Coastal Plain

From east to west, name the 5 regions of Virginia:

Coastal Plain Piedmont Blue Ridge Valley and Ridge Appalachian Plateau


Coastal plains

Most Native Americans considered land property in a _______ way.


Most conflict between Native Americans and the Jamestown settlers came because they failed to understand one another's _______.


What was Spanish name of the Native American who helped establish a base camp in Virginia in 1570?

Don Luis de Velasco

Tobacco cultivation caused a dramatic growth __________ and in __________.

Economically Population

Constitution of 1851

Eliminated property requirement for voting entirely

Which of the following conditions contributed to the 1622 Powhatan attack on the Virginia colonists?

English settlement spreading further onto Native lands The death of Powhatan English demands on the natives for food The English planting tobacco rather than food crops The death of Pocahontas in 1617

Constitution of 1870

Established Virginia's first public school system

Constitution of 1902

Established poll taxes and literacy tests for voting

Constitution of 1776

Established the Virginia General Assembly

Constitution of 1830

Expanded suffrage beyond landowners

The ____ _____ is one of Virginia's most important geographical features.

Fall line

The College of William and Mary educated many of America's...

Founding Fathers

The two primary participants in the French and Indian War were _________ and ___________.

France Great Britain

The _________ _________ was the representative body created under the Greater Charter.

General Assembly

What future Founding Father played a key role in the early stages of the French & Indian War?

George Washington

Who was the woman accused and tried for witchcraft in Virginia in 1706?

Grace Sherwood

What is the only college in America older than William and Mary?


The _____ system allowed a grant of 50 acres of land for each paid settler to Virginia.


The headright system helped establish _________ _________ in Virginia.

Indentured servitude

What was the primary result of Bacon's Rebellion?

It brought the transition from indentured servitude to slavery as a source of labor.

In 1624, King ____________ revoked the Virginia Company's charter and in 1625 King _____________ made Virginia a royal colony.

James I Charles I

During Bacon's Rebellion, the capitol city of ____________________ was burned.


The marriage of Pocahontas to _________ _________ ended the first Anglo-Powhatan War.

John Rolfe

The Virginia Company was important because it was one of the first _________-___________ companies.

Joint stock

Put the following changes in Virginia's governmental structure in chronological order:

Joint stock company-commercial venture Royal colony Commonwealth

In 1639, King Charles I gave the Virginia General Assembly the sole power to...

Levy taxes

Which of the following are recognized tribes in Virginia today?

Mattaponi Monacan Chickahominy Pamunkey Nansemond Nottoway

In the early years of Virginia colonists experienced especially high _______ rates.


In 1676, ________________ _________________ led a rebellion against the government of Virginia.

Nathaniel Bacon

Virginia's four major rivers create three peninsulas called _______.


What are the 5 states that border Virginia?

North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, West Virginia, and Kentucky

The three peninsulas of Virginia are the following:

Northern Middle Virginia

During the French and Indian War, the territory that caused the conflict was the ___________ _______________ ______________.

Ohio River Valley

Who was the chief who led the attack against the colonists in 1622?


English settlers tried to establish the same ________ system as they had in England.


Which of Virginia's regions is the largest?



Piedmont and Blue ridge

From north to south, name the 4 major Virginia rivers:

Potomac Rappahannock York James

The most dominant Algonquin tribe was the...


Most Native American groups had no concept of _________ property.


The Virginia Constitution of 1851 eliminated the ________ requirement for voting.


The council of state, in addition to representing the kings wishes and advising the governor, were to serve as the ___________ ____________.

Quarter Court

The English attempt to colonize the Americas was at ________ _________.

Roanoke Island

The General Assembly came to serve as a symbol of the desire for _________ _________ in America.


The French and Indian War was part of the...

Seven Years' War

Who was the first governor of Virginia?

Sir George Yeardley

Who financed the settlement attempt at Roanoke Island?

Sir Walter Raleigh

Named royal governor in 1641, _______ ________________ ______________ was one of the most powerful personalities in Virginia history.

Sir William Berkeley

The first Africans to arrive in Jamestown could have been...

Slaves Indentured servants

What two countries were active in North America before the English first attempt colonization?

Spain and Portugal

What changed the system of land ownership in VA so that wealthy people could hold large plots of land?

The "Great Charter" of 1618

The winter of 1609-1610 in Jamestown is known as _________ ___________.

The "starving time"

What is the most important aquatic feature of Virginia's geography?

The Chesapeake Bay

Who established and governed Virginia from 1609 to 1624?

The Virginia Company

Once Virginia became a royal colony, who chose the governor and his ministers?

The king

Which of the following is true of the General Assembly as created in Jamestown?

The primary purpose was to advise the governor It was a representative body

How did the General Assembly react to Opechancanough's complaints in 1619?

They restricted trade with Natives and the number of tobacco plants that could be planted

Why did the Spanish abandon colonization efforts in Virginia?

They were betrayed and massacred in 1571.

Who was the military officer who arrived in 1610 to turn the fortunes of the Jamestown colony?

Thomas West, Baron De La Warr

John Rolfe's primary contribution to the Jamestown colony was _______ cultivation.


At the beginning of the French & Indian War, what colony claimed most of the territory in the Ohio River Valley?


The ______ region is one of the most densely-populated areas of the state.

Virginia (Southern)

The ___________ _____________ of 1776 established the official state flag of Virginia.

Virginia Convention


Western and Southeast Virginia

The College of _______________ ______ ________________ was established in 1693 in Williamsburg.

William and Mary

In 1699, Virginia's capitol moved from Jamestown to ___________________.


Captain John Smith's discipline included the idea of if a man doesn't ______, he shouldn't _______.

Work Eat

Why did the capitol city of Richmond begin?

as a trading town for ships bringing goods up the James

Why was the use of the joint-stock model important?

because it spread the risk of failure across more people

What is the primary industry of the Appalachian Plateau?

coal mining

The county courts established in 1634 were responsible for...

collecting taxes building infrastructure enforcing militia service local justice

In 1776, Virginia declared itself a ___________________.


The French and Indian war became a conflict over...

dominance in North America

Why did the king decide to revoke the Virginia Company's charter in 1624?

high mortality rates complaints that the investors were not seeing dividends continual issues with local natives

Before 1670, most Africans in Virginia were _________________ _________________.

indentured servants

Most of the early settlers of Virginia arrived as...

indentured servants.

Why did poor whites in Virginia support slavery?

it was the thing that allowed them to remain free

In 1829, Virginia still required this for a citizen to vote.

land ownership

In colonial Virginia, the _______________ served as the religious and civil authority.


The 1705 Virginia code regarding slavery named slaves as __________ ______________.

real estate

King Charles I gave the Burgesses the right to...

regulate the church in VA levy taxes form a military change laws

After 1705, Virginia's economy became based on __________________.


According to Edmund Morgan, __________ and ___________ grew up together in colonial Virginia.

slavery freedom

Over the course of time, slaves built their own culture, including distinct forms of...

storytelling, language, music

Because the Church of England was the established church, Virginians were required to...

support its ministers by paying taxes attend services

What two justifications did Virginians give for using African slave labor?

they were already enslaved they were of a different race

According to Edmund Morgan, the economic system in Virginia had come to see "men as ______________."


According to Powhatan tradition, gifts were given to...

those who they dominated.

In spite of promises to the contrary, most indentured servants were forced to become __________ laborers once their period of service ended.


Until 1619, there were very few English ______________ in Virginia.


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