Values, Ethics, and Advocacy

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A client requests that the nurse allow the client 15 minutes two times a day for prayer during hospitalization. What value does this represent?

Foundation value


a competent person has a right to make independant decisions

code of ethics

a set of principles that reflect the primary goals, values, and obligations of the profession

To practice ethically, the nurse should avoid:

allowing the nurse's own judgment to guide practice.


practicing under the nurses code of ethnics


protection and support of another's rights

human dignitiy

respect for the worth of others


respecting patients rights to make informed decisions in their care such as refusing blood for religious reasons


beliefs about the worth of something; a standard guide to ones behavior

It is time for a nurse to renew licensure. The nurse says, "I need some really easy and quick continuing education hours. I don't understand why we have to do these every year." What is the nurse's coworker's best response?

"Life-long learning is part of the code for nurses."

purpose of code of ethics is

1. it is a succinct statement of the ethical obligations and duties of every nurse 2. it is the professions nonnegotiable ethical standard 3. it is an expression of nursings own understanding of its commitment to society

A client diagnosed with cancer has met with the oncologist and is now weighing whether to undergo chemotherapy or radiation for treatment. This client is demonstrating which ethical principle in making this decision?


When examining values, a nurse notes that one country allows physician-assisted suicide and another outlaws it, making it punishable by imprisonment. Which factors best explain the differences in values between these two countries?


Which example most accurately depicts the ethical principle of autonomy?

Describing a surgery to a client before the consent is signed

Which statement best conveys the concept of ethical agency?

Ethical practice requires a skill set that must be conscientiously learned and nurtured.

Using the nursing process to make ethical decisions involves following several steps. Which step is the nurse implementing when reflecting on the decision-making process and the role it will play in making future decisions?


A nurse reports to the charge nurse that a client medication due at 9 am was omitted. Which principle is the nurse demonstrating?


The nurse beginning practice would like to access the standards for ethical practice. Which organization should the nurse research for these standards?

International Council of Nurses

A nurse is providing care for three clients on a medical unit, two of whom are significantly more acute than the third. The nurse is making a concerted effort to ensure that the less acute client still receives a reasonable amount of time, attention, and care during the course of the shift. Which ethical principle is the nurse attempting to practice?


The nurse is managing the care for a postoperative client. How does the nurse demonstrate advocacy?

Limiting visitors due to the client reporting pain

Which action most clearly demonstrates a nurse's commitment to social justice?

Lobbying for an expansion of healthcare resources and benefits to those in poverty

The nurse has identified an ethical dilemma that has the potential to interfere with a client receiving optimal care. The nurse discussed this issue with the charge nurse on the unit. What action should the nurse choose next?

Monitor for resolution of the problem.

value system

organization of values ranked along a continuum which leads to a personal code of conduct

Socialization into the nursing profession may have the most significant effect on:


What are standards for decision-making that endure for a significant time in one's life?



being honest and avoiding deciet


based on one final outcome; the end justifies the means


based on what is right is always right; wrong is always wrong

ethical dilemmas

choice between two undesirable alternatives, scientific data not enough to solve, conflicting moral principles, and the outcome has profound effect on the situation and patient/family.


concern for the well-being for others


determine if an ethical problem exists in the personal, interpersonal, institution or societal level


do no deliberate harm; good outweighs the bad


doing good; acting for anothers benefit


faithful to work related commitments, obligations, and appointments.


identify options, think the ethical problem through, and make a decision


impartial treatment without regard to race, gender, religion

In the delivery of care, the nurse acts in accordance with nursing standards and the code of ethics and reports a medication error that the nurse has made. The nurse is most clearly demonstrating which professional value?


Assess the situation

look at the overall context of the situation; including objective, and sub-objective data1

the code of ethics is important because

nursing involves numerous interactions between laws and individual values

what is a nurse advocate?

someone who allows the patient to express their feelings and then facilitating the patient to make their own decisions

What would be an example of the nurse practicing fidelity? The nurse:

stays with a client during death as promised.


systematic study of the principles of right and wrong conduct as relates to human conduct and human flourishing.

professional values

the foundation of nursing practice and guide the nurses interactions with patients, colleagues, and the public

conscientious objection

the right to refuse to participate in procedures with a nurse judges, on strongly held religious, moral and ethical beliefs, to be unacceptable

social justice

upholding moral, legal, and ethical principles equally to all patients

A nurse is preparing a client for discharge from the cardiac unit and observes cigarettes in the client's belongings. The nurse asks the client to consider the client's health and that of the client's spouse. This is an example of:

values clarification.

implement and evaluate

your decision based on the best option

Which nursing action demonstrates the principle of fidelity?

Filing an incident report after making a medication error

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