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How is the future perfect progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(will + have + been + present participle of main verb) → Indicates an action that will be in progress in the future at the same time as another future action. ° She WILL HAVE BEEN WALKING for hours when we meet her tomorrow. ° She WILL HAVE BEEN BREAKING records all her life by the time she writes her memoirs as a senior citizen.

What constitutes a sentence of the active voice?

In the active voice, the subject of a sentence is either the doer of the action (with action verbs) or the topic of the sentence (with linking verbs). ° Ex) Rudolph washed the sled.

What is the present participle?

It is formed by adding -ing onto the base form.

What is the subjunctive mood?

Sentences that express a condition contrary to the fact or that make a demand or strong recommendation in a noun clause beginning with "that." ° Ex) Jamie wishes THAT she WERE someone else.

How do you express the sense of future action?

To express the sense of future action, we add one of the modal auxiliaries before the base form of the verb. → The modals "shall" or "will" can express the future tense.

What are the tenses of verbs?

Verbs have two basic tenses: → present → past * We can identify present and past tenses without adding auxiliaries, and so in the purest terms only present and past verbs exist in English. To express the notion of future action, we must rely on auxiliaries.

Walk a. infinitive, base, or root form b. third person singular, present tense c. past tense d. past participle e. present participle

a. infinitive, base, or root form: WALK b. third person singular, present tense: WALKS c. past tense: WALKED d. past participle: [HAD] WALKED e. present participle: WALKING

How can you tell past verb forms from past participles?

Past verb forms are always used by themselves. Past participles can only be used after the helping verbs have or be (in some form). ° PAST: We reported the accident. ° PAST PARTICIPLE: We had reported the accident.

What is the imperative mood?

Sentences that issue commands or demands, usually, dropping the subject so that "you" is understood. ° Ex) Close the Door.

What is the indicative mood?

Sentences that make a statement or ask a question.

What is the conditional mood?

Sentences that set up conditions under which certain attitudes or actions will occur. → Modals that signal the conditional mood are "could," "may," "might," "would," and "should." ° Ex) If I knew you were coming, I WOULD bake a cake. ° If I had known you were coming, I WOULD HAVE baked a cake.

Besides modals, have and be, what additional auxiliary sometimes appears in a sentence? What does this auxiliary do?

Sometimes we use "do" in order to transform a sentence with no auxiliaries into interrogative, negative or emphatic form.

Change the verb "give" as directed below, assuming the subject as "she": a. present progressive b. past perfect c. future d. future progressive

a. She is giving. b. She had given. c. She will give. d. She will be giving.

What are the voices of English verbs?

English verbs have two voices: Active and Passive.

How is the present progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(am, is, are, be + present participle of main verb) → Indicates an action currently in progress. ° She IS WALKING. ° She IS BREAKING the school record.

How is the past perfect progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(had + been + present participle of main verb) → Indicates action in progress in the past, prior to another past action. ° She HAD BEEN WALKING for hours before she found the camp. ° She HAD BEEN BREAKING the record when the coach stopped her for a violation.

How is the past perfect formed and what does it indicate?

(had + past participle of main verb) → Indicates an action already completed at the time of another past action. ° She HAD WALKED into class before the bell rang. ° When the coach realized that she HAD BROKEN the school record, he was ecstatic.

How is the present perfect progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(has been, have been + present participle of main verb) → Indicates an action currently in progress but begun in the past. ° She HAS BEEN WALKING for three hours. ° She HAS BEEN BREAKING records since her debut in track events.

How is the present perfect formed and what does it indicate?

(has or have + past participle of main verb) → Indicates an action that began in the past and still continues or a recently completed action. ° She HAS WALKED to class every day. (past but ongoing) ° She HAS BROKEN the record. (completed action)

How is the past progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(was, were, been + present participle of main verb) → Indicates an action in progress when another action in the past occurred. ° She WAS WALKING when the accident happened. ° She WAS BREAKING the school record as we watched in disbelief.

How is the future progressive formed and what does it indicate?

(will + be + present participle of main verb) → Indicates an action that will be in progress in the future ° She WILL BE WALKING to class at 8:00. ° She WILL BE BREAKING few records now.

How is the future perfect formed and what does it indicate?

(will + have + past participle of main verb) → Indicates an action that will be completed in the future. ° She WILL HAVE WALKED for hours by the time she reaches us. ° She WILL HAVE BROKEN another record before she graduates.

What are the three rules to thinking about the order of verbs in a verb phrase?

1) Modals (shall and will) do NOT change the form of the verb that follows. A modal is always followed by the base form of a verb. 2) The auxiliary "have" (has, have, had) is followed by the past participle form of a verb, forming the perfect aspect of the verb. 3) The auxiliary be (am, is, are, was, were, be, been) is followed by the present participle form of a verb, forming the progressive aspect of the verb.

What are the steps to transforming an active voice sentence into passive voice?

1) The object that follows the transitive verb in the original sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. The original subject is either omitted or becomes part of a prepositional phrase. 2) The verb form changes. Every passive verb consists of at least two parts, a form of be followed by the past participle of the main verb. → ACTIVE: The inept burglar left the diamonds in the safe. → PASSIVE: The diamonds were left in the safe by the inept burglar.

What are the five main forms of English verbs?

1. Infinitive, root, or base (dictionary form) 2. Third person singular (always ends in -s) 3. Simple past (the "yesterday" form) 4. Past participle (the form that follows auxiliary "have") 5. Present participle (the form that follows auxiliary be and always ends in -ing).

What constitutes a sentence of the passive voice?

In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is the recipient of action. → Only sentences with transitive verbs can be transformed into passive voice. ° Ex) the sled was washed by Rudolph.

What are aspects?

Verbs possess "aspects," which are perfect and progressive modes. → A perfect verb uses a form of HAVE (has, have, had) as an auxiliary, followed by the past participle form of the verb, in order to express a completed action. → A progressive verb uses a form of BE (am, is, are, was, were) as an auxiliary, followed by the present participle form of the verb, to express an action that is or was in progress.

Transform the following active sentences into passive sentences: a. The owner of the restaurant has given us free meals.

a. We were given free meals by the owner of the restaurant.

Identify the verbs as either active or passive and then identify their tense and aspect: a. had been speaking b. had been spoken c. was looking

a. active → past perfect progressive b. passive → past perfect c. active → past progressive

Write the verb representing by the verb strings below: a. could + have + past participle of find b. am + present participle of look c. had + past participle of be + present participle of skate

a. could have found b. am looking c. had been skating

Break a. infinitive, base, or root form b. third person singular, present tense c. past tense d. past participle e. present participle

a. infinitive, base, or root form: BREAK b. third person singular, present tense: BREAKS c. past tense: BROKE d. past participle: [HAD] BROKEN e. present participle: BREAKING

Write the verb represented by the verb strings below and identify each as either active or passive voice: a. may + be + present participle of sell b. may + be + past participle of sell c. will + have + been + past participle of take

a. may be selling → active b. may be sold → passive c. will have been taken → passive

Write the verb represented by the verb strings below and identify each as either active or passive voice: a. ought to + be + present participle of go b. should + have + past participle of go

a. ought to be going → active b. should have gone →active

Identify the verbs as either active or passive and then identify their tense and aspect: a. will have been hurt b. will be hurting c. has found

a. passive → future perfect b. active → future progressive c. active → present perfect

Identify the verbs as either active or passive and then identify their tense and aspect: a. was found b. will have been eating c. has been eating d. has been eaten

a. passive → past b. active → future perfect progressive c. active → present perfect progressive d. passive → present perfect

Identify the tense (past, present, future) and aspect (perfect, progressive) of the verbs below: a. had been going b. will have been c. is driving d. was

a. past perfect progressive b. future perfect c. present progressive d. past

Identify the verb forms of tense, aspect (if applicable), and voice: a. was seeing b. was seen c. will have been shopping d. had been

a. past, progressive, active b. past, n/a, passive c. future, perfect, active d. past, perfect, passive

Identify the tense (past, present, future) and aspect (perfect, progressive) of the verbs below: a. has seen b. had been happening c. will be studying d. will have been studying

a. present perfect b. past perfect progressive c. future progressive d. future perfect progressive

Identify the verb forms of tense, aspect (if applicable), and voice: a. is being b. have found c. have been found

a. present, progressive, active b. present, perfect, active c. present, perfect, passive

What is the formula for a passive voice sentence?

passive voice = be (in some form) + past participle → Also if you can insert "by zombies" into the last part of the sentence and it makes sense, it is passive.

What does interrogative, negative, and emphatic form look like?

→ INTERROGATIVE: ° DOES Octavia drive her parents crazy by spending money like that? ° DID Octavia drive her parents crazy by spending money like that? → NEGATIVE: Octavia DOES not/DID not drive her parents crazy. → EMPHATIC: ° Octavia DOES/DID drive her parents crazy.

What are the four moods of verbs?

→ indicative → imperative → conditional → subjunctive

What are the modals of English language?

→ shall → should → will → would → can → could → may → might → must → have to → had to → ought to

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