Victimology- Chapter 16
How many people are victims of identity theft in America?
- 15.4 million Americans - 1 in every 16 adults, were victims of identity theft in 2016
What is the estimated amount of child pornographic websites?
14 million
How many people in the United States have been a victim of identity theft?
17.8 million, 7%
What happened to Rebecca Sedwick?
A 12 year old was bullied by two females She committed suicide by jumping from a tower at an abandoned cement business The girls arrested and charged with aggravated stalking (charged dropped one month later) Her family sued the girls
What is the definition of cyberbullying?
Bullying is a form of habitual aggressive behavior that is hurtful and deliberate
What state has the highest amount of Identity theft?
What are types of internet crimes?
Hacking, cyberterrorism, cyberbullying, child sexual exploitation, cyberstalking, internet fraud, identity theft
How do you protect yourself from ID theft?
Lock computers, shed preapproved invitations, discreetly discard receipts and ATM info, make clever passwords, never give social to unknown people, get identity theft protection