Video 2: Lecture 1 - What is population Genetics?

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Genetic Drift

A change in the allele frequency of a population as a result of chance events rather than natural selection.

What is a population?

A group of inter-breeding individual.

What is conservation biology?

An understanding of populations, the populations within them, and how to conserve them.

What are the factors in population ecology that can have an impact on population size?

Birth death intraspecific interspecific predation parasitism

What is a Gene Pool?

Complete set of alleles for a gene with in a population.

What is the down fall to studying populations?

Geographically we are unable to determine if there is another population that has access to the population that we are studying.

What is the importance of population genetics in agriculture?

In agriculture the importance of population genetics is to have the ability to artificially select desired traits or use CRISPR-Cas 9.

How divergence occurs: What are the 4 evolutionary processes?

Mutation genetic drift natural selection gene flow

What is the three studies of populations?

Population Ecology Population Genetics Evolution

How does Population Genetics contribute to medical science?

The ability to identify a disease and the determination of what variant in the genetic population is contributing to mutations or drug resistance .

What is a genotype?

The combination of alleles situated on a corresponding chromosomes (AA, Aa,aa).

Population Ecology is what?

The study factors that determine population size and the dealing with the dynamics of species' populations and how they interact with the environment.

What is population genetics?

The study of allele and genotype frequencies, how they change over tome, and the factors contributing to these changes, or the study of evolution of populations, usually at a molecular level.

How are we able to identify a human disease?

Through a specific gene.

How does Pesticides and Herbicides work?

Works by being able to understand what specific protein can attack a specific pest or herb.

What is an allele?

alternative form of a gene that have the potential to occupy the same space on a chromosome. (allele A & allele a)

What is the Evolution?

change in the allele frequencies between generations.

Gene Flow

exchange of genes between populations

What is mutation?

random, heritable change in DNA.

What is a gene?

segment of DNA that codes for a protein

What is a locus?

specific location of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome

Natural Selection

the process by which heritable traits that promote survival in a particular environment are passed along to future generations; organisms with those traits are more likely to produce offspring

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