Vines and Groundcovers

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Wisteria frutescens

~ Climbs by twining, can crush support if not strong enough ~ alternate, pinnately compound leaves, 9-15 leaflets (odd), elliptic with entire margins, softly pubescent underside ~ inflorescences 2-5in long racemes of pea-like flowers purple or with with a yellow eyespot in center ~ fruits are elongated, twisted pods with seeds inside, smooth with a little pubescence, brown when ripe

Bignonia capreolata

~ can grow up to 20ft per year ~ climbs with tendrils ~ opposite compound leaves, trifoliate/ternate (3 leaflets), tendril is the third leaflet, stipples have persisted ~1-2in long funnel form flowers

Gelsemium sempervirens

~ can take over in wild ~ stem (older) stripy bark ~ opposite leaf arrangement, lanceolate, entire margins, fairly glossy ~ flowers yellow and fragrant in spring, funnel shaped corolla with five lobes 1-2" long ~ flower buds look like deflated balloons with point apices ~ fruits are brown capsules with short beaks, compressed (2D)

Parthenocissus tricuspidata

~ climbs by adventitious roots and branched tendrils ~ branched tendrils 5-10 branches with adhesive disks at each end ~ glossy green leaves, broadly ovate, 3 lobes, with accumulate tips, bluntly serrate teeth ~ fruits are small bluish/black berries

Ficus pumila

~ climbs by adventitious roots, both juvenile and adult foliage ~ best grown indoors ~ alternate leaf arrangement, base is cordite and oblique (asymmetrical), feel pubescent underside, rough and scabrous on top, typically green

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

~ climbs by tendrils (5-8 branches) ~ alternate arrangement with pinnately compound leaves with 3-5 leaflets, accumulate apex, dentate margins ~ long petioles bright red ~ fruits a bit showier, not hidden by leaves

Bougainvillea hybrids

~ climbs by twining; upright form ~ light grey/tan blocky bark, can have deep furrows instead ~ stem is covered in long thin thorns, often right in leaf axels ~ simple leaves, ovate, entire margin, accumulate leaf apex sometimes variegated ~ inflorescence axillary or terminal, flowers in symes of 3 ~ 3 small tubular flowers in center are actual flowers; bracts are more showy ~ best grown indoors

Pachysandra terminalis

~ decumbent growth form, grows straight across the ground then curves up at tips ~ leaves are glossy and smooth to the touch, obovate leaf shape, intenuite leaf base, bottom half entire then becomes dentate, clustered at tip of branches ~ flowers formed terminally above leaves, no petals ~ fruits have interesting white berries, terminally above leaves

Ajuga reptans

~ leaves straight out of root, basal rosette of leaves ~ leaves green, new often have purplish tint, cremate leaf margins, elliptic, base is attenuate ~ inflorescences is square short raceme, bracts, flowers zygomorphic symmetry and 2 lipped (smaller petal at top)

Campsis radicans

~ light bark with deep furrows ~ stems have adventitious roots ~ opposite pinnately compound leaves, leaflets have large dentate teeth and acute to acuminate apices ~ 2-3in long flowers, fused corolla, 5 lobes, carotenoid pigments, fused calix with large teeth at apex and dentate teeth, funnel form flowers ~ fruits elongated capsule, produces large number of seeds ~ Campsis x tagliabuana (chastity) NCSU hubris to reduce weediness, sterile cultivar

Liriope spieata

~ looks like thick unmoved grass ~ many species, difficult to tell from each other ~ spreads greatly due to rhizome (underground stem) ~ leaves give height, 1/4in wide, green ~ inflorescence spike, blooms in summer than forms small berry like fruits (turn dark purplish/black) in inflorescences

Vinca minor

~ quickly forms dense mat ~ thin wire stems ~ opposite simple leaves, elliptic, leather to touch, obscure veins (unable to be seen) ~ 5 petal flowers, about 1" in diameter, buds open in spiral formation

Hedera helix

~ simple leaves with palmate lobes, depth of sinuses varies, veins are palmately arranged (very light), entire margins ~ cultivar effects leaves greatly ~ leaves change shape so they are no longer lobed and more ovate when it begins growing vertically ~ petiole has peltate attachment ~ forms adventitious roots and uses those to climb

Clematis sp

~ stem feel 6 prominent ridges, sometimes pubescent ~opposite leaf arrangement ~ climb by nutation (stem or petiole does twining) ~ opposite pinnately compound leaves, ovate with acute apices and petuse bases, slightly pubescent underside ~ flowers 4-7" in diameter with many pistils and stamen ~ single flowers will have 6 tepals (petals) ~ fruits are a cluster of achenes

Lonicera sempervirens

~ thin twiney straw color stem (young), exfoliating dark bark (older) ~ opposite leaf arrangement, ovate to elliptic, entire margins which sometimes curl inward (revolute), bluish-green top, glaucous underside, reticulate ~ inflorescence pierces through a large bract which looks like 2 leaves that have fused together ~ long tubular flowers, terminal clusters, not fragrant ~ fruits in fall, sometimes abundant, terminal infructescence (what the fruit grows on)

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