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Исследования * 149 Linking AdWords and Google Analytics for Data Insights If you are using Google Analytics, the best action to take is to link AdWords and Google Analytics together.


Казалось * Barrenness seemed a bitter reproach and shame.


Капернаум * For example, not long after he began preaching, the crowds in Capernaum wanted Jesus to spend more time in their city.


Когда-либо * Then try to apply Bible principles, relying on them when you make decisions, thus drawing ever closer to Jehovah.


Конечная * This magazine highlights a remarkable prophecy in the Bible book of Revelation that foretold not only the modern-day exodus from false religion but also its ultimate destruction."


Меры предосторожности * He remembers the secret meetings that were held in his home and the precautions that they took to avoid detection.


Милостивый * (CHORUS) Gracious Jehovah, please hear my prayer.


Моав * A Family Torn Apart by Tragedy 4, 5. (a) Why did Naomi's family move to Moab?


Можно * Then, a sister from Santiago, code-named 'the angel,' would put the mimeographed magazines in the bottom of an empty five-gallon vegetable-oil can.


Молодой * The maned young lion, you'll not dread; Upon the cobra you will tread.


Мэр * After Super Typhoon Haiyan wreaked destruction on the central Philippines in November 2013, the mayor of one large city said: "God must have been somewhere else."


Несмотря на * Regardless of the situation we encounter, we keep in mind that we ought to answer with kindness and with conviction that the precious promises of God are reliable.—1 Thess.


Нетерпение * Impatience is a common human trait.


ПЕСНЯ * SONG 32 Be Steadfast, Unmovable!


ПЕСНЯ * SONG 34 Living Up to Our Name (Isaiah 43:10-12) 1.


ПЕСНЯ * SONG 43 Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty (1 Corinthians 16:13) 1.


Перейдите * Navigate to My Account > Preferences.


Приятность * She even felt that her name should be changed from Naomi, which means "My Pleasantness," to Mara, which means "Bitter."

-Keep on-

Продолжай * 6:33) "Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. ^ par.


Разногласия * He says: "Dissensions exist among you.


Сэм * (1 Sam.


аромат * She wants fruit that has good taste and aroma and that offers healthy nutrients.


балок * There were trees to fell, logs to haul, and beams to hew, shape, and join.


биговки * Picture Abram turning away and shaking his head, a frown creasing his brow.


биты * Today, scheming persecutors may share bits of truthful information with which they aim to establish common ground, but they subtly intersperse that truth with lies, hoping to plant doubts.


благоговением * I was awestruck!"


проход * On the Web, there is no last-minute aisle that features candy, gum, and magazines.


прочесали * Hair should be neatly combed.


разногласия * What do you think is more realistic for families​—trying to avoid disagreements altogether or learning how to handle disagreements better?


стволовых * Technical aspects stem from the technology being used by both the visitor and the website to render the information.


стебли * 6 (However, she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them among stalks of flax laid in rows on the roof.)


стерильный * It is but a lonely sentinel keeping watch over a vast stretch of sterile desert.


сторонником * 9:3, 9, 10) They wisely recognized Israel's backer to be the true God.


страдает * 11 The account of Ruth reminds us that tragedy and loss beset good, honest people as well as bad.


страдает * If we are beset by tragedy or personal problems, might we likewise say in our heart, 'Where was Jehovah when I needed him?'


стремление * They could hardly believe that a man would waste his life​—and the lives of his family—​in such a foolish endeavor.


стремящейся * Picture him tending his flock.


строгий * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.


струнные * 11 The king made from the algum timbers stairs for the house of Jehovah and for the king's house, as well as harps and stringed instruments for the singers.


струнные * 6 All of these were under the direction of their father for singing at the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and harps for the service of the house of the true God.


стыдно * 4:2) But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God; but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.


в то время как * We agreed that some ways of having fun are acceptable whereas others are not.


верный * For example, once when Jesus was visiting them, Martha was upset with her sister, Mary, and told Jesus that he should correct her.


вороны * "The ravens were bringing him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the stream," as Jehovah had directed.


ворота * Why should I not look gloomy when the city, the place where my forefathers are buried, lies in ruins, and its gates have been consumed by fire?"


ворчать * If any show signs of doubt, perhaps by starting to grumble against appointed brothers, do not quickly shun them.


ворчать * Likewise, if we constantly grumble about those whom God is using to lead his people, is this not an indication that our faith in God has weakened?


воспитания * How can you meet the challenge of inculcating the truth in your child?


восстание * 19 And the Israelites have been in revolt against the house of David down to this day.


враждебность * These works include "sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these."


выпас * ABEL looked at his flock of sheep grazing peacefully on the hillside.


гребень * Evening was descending on the fields around Bethlehem, and many workers were already wending their way up to the gate of the little city perched atop a nearby ridge.


делать * 18:41) Do not such accounts make us examine ourselves to see if our faith is that strong?


делать * 5 The expression "the founding of the world" involves the idea of casting down seed, suggesting procreation, so it has to do with the earliest human offspring.


дело * "Lord," said Martha, "does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things?


день * Do my actions day in and day out show that I trust his ability to care for my needs?'


достичь * 18 In the coming Paradise, we will attain happiness on a level that we have never before experienced.


досуг * Nonlocals are often business or leisure travelers.


дрожали * Her lips quivered as she mentally formed the words to express her pain.


дуга * They made their way northwest, following the great arc of the Euphrates River.


завещал * Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement.


земельный участок * 11 Another quality that will stand us in good stead for life in the new world is a forgiving spirit.


зиккурат * "All this bustle takes place in the shadow of a towering ziggurat that dominates the city's landscape.


зиккурат * ABRAM looked up, his gaze drawn to the ziggurat that loomed over his home city of Ur.


злоба * - But Elkanah did not mention Peninnah's malice; nor does the Bible record suggest that Hannah told him of it.


ладан * 5 So he removed from all the cities of Judah the high places and the incense stands, and under him, the kingdom continued without disturbance.


лезвие * He knew that right there a flaming blade was turning, ever turning, blocking the way into the garden of Eden.


мало * Food was scarce.


мастерство * Will you get the mastery over [sin]?"


навязывать * Do you impose your views on others?


нанизаны * Technically, Google keeps a different number strung out to many decimal places that is used in their calculations; however, they display only whole numbers to advertisers.


нанимать на работу * You might also find increasing page views useful if you have an e-commerce or a local business website, especially if you have one customer recruit another to visit your website, or if you want more total visitors to see your offerings.


нападению * There Cain assaulted Abel and murdered him.


наружу * Like so many to this day, Cain evidently thought that the mere outward show of devotion to God was enough.


наряд * While the apostle Paul was referring to the attire of women, the same principle applies to men.


настроения * Read Psalm 104, and see if you do not share his sentiments.

-take up-

начать * They encouraged me to take up the full-time ministry.


незамедлительный * The words give hope and prompt all to be loyal.


необходимости * Although we are promised an abundance of food and other necessities on earth in the new world, we will derive the greatest pleasure from having our spiritual need filled.


неоднозначное * It could be that the keyword is ambiguous or that the word could describe multiple aspects of your business.


неоднозначное * On the display network, keyword insertion is more ambiguous.


непрерывно * 24 So he drove the man out, and he posted at the east of the garden of Eʹden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life. ^ par.


непривлекательным * Or perhaps because of certain entrenched erroneous teachings, they feel that God is unloving, even unlovable.


неприглядный * And you remember the gardener's words when you get home and see your own unkempt backyard, where nothing appealing grows, garbage accumulates, and rainwater fills unsightly holes in the ground.


неприглядный * magazine: "HALFWAY between the Persian Gulf and the city of Baghdad there is an unsightly pile of mud bricks.


непристойным * 8 But now you must put them all away from you: wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of your mouth.


зрители * Imagine how it would have appeared in the presence of all those onlookers if I had accused the police of not knowing the law."


игнорировать * While dating, couples tend to overlook differences.


изымать * Over time, a buildup of unkind words or actions and a backlog of unresolved conflicts can cause a husband or wife to withdraw into an emotional shell or, worse yet, begin to form an emotional attachment with someone else.


изысканный * 5:3) Spiritual activities will be our highest priority, and we will demonstrate that we are finding exquisite delight in Jehovah.


изюм * 19 Further, he distributed to all the people, to the whole multitude of Israel, to each man and woman, a ring-shaped loaf of bread, a date cake, and a raisin cake, and then all the people left, each to his own house.


или * You will see either the Google Analytics interface (in which case you should move to step 2) or a setup wizard.


иметь * 4 Hannah might have borne her burden with fortitude had it not been for Peninnah.


иметь отношение * Why may we be able to relate to the prophet Habakkuk?


кольчатой * There it sat, on a hill nearly ringed by higher hills.


композитный * Note, however, that the word "slave" in Jesus' illustration is singular, indicating that this is a composite slave.


кондитерские изделия * Rebecca tells what happened: "We began making confections and selling them.


констатируют * But he neglected to search adequately to ascertain Jehovah's will on the matter.


констатируют * If Google does not understand your landing page, it cannot ascertain whether your landing page is relevant.


куча * magazine: "HALFWAY between the Persian Gulf and the city of Baghdad there is an unsightly pile of mud bricks.


несбалансированное * Jehovah foresaw that Eve would feel an unbalanced need for her husband's love and attention and that Adam would, in turn, dominate her.


неустанно * 1:6) Moreover, her rival wife taunted her relentlessly in order to upset her because Jehovah had not given her children. ^ par.


нечестивый * "To one man, though, the odor of sacrifices offered atop this massive pyramid is an unholy stench.


неявно * Imagine the following scenes that reveal his implicit trust in Jehovah.


образец * We might sample some of their foods.


обратное * There was plenty of time for children and parents to be together and converse.


овца * 20 Abel prepared to offer up some sheep from his flock.


огне * And that "sword," ever aflame, ever turning, inspired awe as well.


однообразие * Images are excellent to use on websites because they break up the monotony of text.


оказывать сопротивление * So resist the temptation to forward information quickly and to everyone you know.


оповещения * By being alert, you too may see ways that God is active in your life.


организовать * 1:8) To that end, Christian parents arrange for a meaningful and progressive Family Worship program.


осветлить * But if you make the harsh service of your father easier and you lighten the heavy yoke he put on us, we will serve you."


плата за проезд * Proverbs 13:20 tells us: "The one walking with the wise will become wise, but the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly."

-at length-

по длинне * And she prayed at length, pouring out her heart to her Father.


поверхностный * 9 In line with the model Jesus provided, a Christian who wants to grow spiritually will not be satisfied with a superficial knowledge of the Bible.


повесили * Haman's reaction added to the king's rage, and Haman was hanged.


погашению * While Abel was the fourth human to exist, it seems that he was the first one whom God saw as redeemable.


поход * - The trek would last a day or two on foot.


понаслышке * So it is wise to be cautious when it comes to treatments that feature stunning claims but that are promoted merely with hearsay testimonials.


попутал * If you would keep his truth so grand, By men be not beguiled; But let God lead you by the hand, Just as a little child.


постепенно * By progressively studying the Bible, we can develop a deep love for it and its Author, and that will become the basis for building more faith.


постигла * (b) What can we learn from the tragedies that befell Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah?


постоянство * True companions we'll ever be, Strengthening bonds with constancy.


построение * 33 Of Zebʹu·lun, there were 50,000 who could serve in the army, drawing up in battle formation with all the weapons of war, all joining David with undivided loyalty.


потери * As Noah neared his 600th year, he dealt with losses.


прежде * These readers​—and countless others who have written to express their appreciation for the series—​confirm what the apostle Paul wrote long ago: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction."


презрение * Might not Peninnah's contempt for Hannah only deepen, and would not the children and the servants of that spiteful woman follow suit?


презрительно * and you sniff scornfully at it," says Jehovah of armies.


прекратить * Question Box ▪ When is it appropriate to discontinue a Bible study?


прекращение * If a student's spiritual progress comes to a halt, you may have to discontinue his Bible study tactfully.


признакам * It can be useful to also show your partnerships and featured clients.


провозглашен * After healing a man who was lame from birth, Paul and his companion Barnabas were hailed as gods.


продовольственные товары * Imagine the work of getting all the animals as well as foodstuffs for the animals and for the family placed in an orderly fashion and hauling the family's belongings aboard.


производить * In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life.


проникнута * As he made his way homeward through the throngs on the streets, he likely thought about the idolatry that pervaded Ur.


проницательность * 14 But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their powers of discernment- trained to distinguish both right and wrong.


проницательный * 8 Proverbs 14:15 says: "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step."


угли * However, if nothing more is done to the fire, it will eventually die down to hot coals that, in turn, will become cold ashes if left alone.


удалось * 10 Jehovah has carried out the promise that he made, for I have succeeded my father David and I sit on the throne of Israel, just as Jehovah promised.


удар * While the user is still sitting in Chicago, their search query has turned more product oriented than local oriented, and in this case the online e-commerce store might see a slight bump.


чип * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


ячмень * RUTH knelt by the pile of barley stalks she had gathered during the day.


голоден * Many were hungry.


господин * After admonishing the older men in the congregation not 'to lord it over those allotted to them,' the apostle Peter wrote the above.


грабежи * Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy.


грабить * 14 Further, they struck all the cities around Geʹrar, for the dread of Jehovah had come upon them; and they plundered all the cities, for there was much to plunder in them.


гражданского * N - I see, so also Ceaser" in Greek Scriptures is used to to represent civil authority also. "


гранаты * It is no place for seed and figs and vines and pomegranates, and there is no water to drink."


отборные * He selected the best, the firstlings, and what seemed the choicest pieces.


ощущаться * The pungent smell of hot tar was in the air; the sounds of woodworking tools reverberated.


павлины * Once every three years, the ships of Tarʹshish would come loaded with gold and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.


давать в долг * 6 For example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities.


далеко идущие * ChAPTER 6: LEARNING ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES ■ Demystifying Quality Score Quality Score is one of the most important numbers in your Google AdWords account, because it has far-reaching effects on your AdWords success.


дань * Worshippers come to this sanctuary to render homage to a deity they believe has brought prosperity to Ur​—the moon-god Nanna, or Sin.


деторождение * 5 The expression "the founding of the world" involves the idea of casting down seed, suggesting procreation, so it has to do with the earliest human offspring.


детски * What sort of "childish" things do you think about doing? - Are you generally an optimist, pessimist or a realist? - How often do you cry?


Незапятнанным * Unspotted at all times remaining, Our integrity we shall keep maintaining.


Последовательно * Consistently, then, are we submitting to theocratic direction now?


душераздирающим * They can help him to handle difficult situations without becoming irritated and to endure heartbreaking disappointments without losing hope.


душистый * 11 They are making burnt offerings smoke to Jehovah each morning and each evening along with perfumed incense, and the layer bread is on the table of pure gold, and they light up the golden lampstand and its lamps each evening, because we are caring for our responsibility to Jehovah our God; but you have abandoned him.


дыхание * 3 When the queen of Sheʹba had seen Solʹo·mon's wisdom, the house that he built, 4 the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the table service of his waiters and their attire, his cupbearers and their attire, and his burnt sacrifices that he regularly offered up at the house of Jehovah, she was left completely breathless.


задобрить * We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark.


задумчивый * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.


задушил * 7 (Acts 15:29) to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality.


заимствования * Families took turns borrowing that copy so that they could study it together."


заказ * In their materialized form, their appearance surely bespoke immense power.


заказы * 100 I act with more understanding than older men, Because I observe your orders.


законным * During the course of the discussion, the police chief was helped to understand that our public preaching activity is completely lawful.


закралась * 16 Ruth crept closer, her heart racing.


закрепился * Or perhaps because of certain entrenched erroneous teachings, they feel that God is unloving, even unlovable.


заманивает * One of them had already rebelled against Jehovah, becoming Satan the Devil by slandering God and luring Adam and Eve into sin.


запутанный * Although hundreds of planets have been identified, scientists are disappointed that not one of those planets has the intricate balance of conditions that makes human life possible, as the earth does.


заразительный * Enthusiasm is contagious.


заявление * Emphasize how meditating on God's Word can help us to isolate principles for personal application.

-chip away-

избавляться от * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


извиняющимся * But for those who are able to do so, standing reasonably erect when speaking to others is recommended so as not to convey an indifferent or apologetic attitude.


извращенный * So it would be a mistake to view her actions through the warped lens of today's debased moral standards.


изгнаны * Then they rebelled against Jehovah God and were banished from their Paradise home in the garden of Eden.


кривые * It had neither bow nor stern, keel nor rudder​—no curves.


кристально чистый * Emerald-green lawns slope down to the carefully tended banks of a stream bubbling with crystal-clear water.


кротость * - Seek righteousness, seek meekness.


крошечный * They were alone now, two tiny figures in a vast landscape.


круговой * It was circular in shape, 10 cubits from brim to brim and 5 cubits high, and it took a measuring line 30 cubits long to encircle it.


крупного рогатого скота * 14 He is making grass grow for the cattle And vegetation for mankind's use, To grow food from the land 15 And wine that makes man's heart rejoice, Oil that makes the face shine, And bread that sustains the heart of mortal man.


крыльцо * 12 Then Solʹo·mon offered up burnt sacrifices to Jehovah on the altar of Jehovah that he had built in front of the porch.


мощно * So powerfully did he demonstrate faith that his example is alive, a vibrant standard that we can apply today.


мрак * 6:1-9:31) At that time Solʹo·mon said: "Jehovah said he would reside in the thick gloom.


муки * Did she bring forth this son with more than the usual birth pangs?


мутировать * What starts out as a difference over how to balance the family budget ("we need to control credit-card spending") may quickly mutate into an attack on each other's character ("you are so irresponsible").


переусердствуйте * In general, you do not want to overdo background colors where someone must spend a lot of time reading.


поймать * I do not know where the men went, but if you quickly chase after them, you will catch up with them."


потомком * A Jewish orphan girl of the tribe of Benjamin whose Hebrew name was Hadassah (meaning "Myrtle"); a descendant from among those deported from Jerusalem along with King Jehoiachin (Jeconiah) in 617 B.C.E.


потомство * God's promise this time mentioned Abram's seed, or progeny, who would take possession of the land.


потомство * If a woman was widowed while still childless, she was especially devastated because her husband's name, his posterity, would be cut off, lost to future generations.


потоп * The more the ark took shape, the more the people laughed at the very thought of a deluge that would cover the whole earth.


причуды * Top-Read Articles and Top-Selling Products It is commonly noted that we live in a world of 196 fads.


приятный * 27 Questions From Readers--- Questions From Readers Did David, a man agreeable to God's own heart, treat his captives savagely, as some conclude from 2 Samuel 12:31 and 1 Chronicles 20:3?


прохождение * Of course, our circumstances may change with the passing of time.


процветает * There, on what was then the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, Ur is a thriving city!


процветала * Clearly, a warm and intimate relationship flourished between David and his God.​—Ps.


процветать * 66:14) You will see this, and your heart will rejoice, Your bones will flourish just like new grass.


пружины * 10 He sends springs into the valleys;- Between the mountains they flow.


пружины * 7 He was saying in a loud voice: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of judgment by him has arrived, so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs- of water."


пустыня * I will neither desert you nor abandon you.


Пуля * You ask the consumer to select an answer from each of these bullet points: TV type (LED, plasma, LCD) TV size (63, 61, 55, 51, 43, or 28 inch) Price (over $2,000, $1,000-2,000, under $1,000) Once you know those three answers, you will be able to narrow down which products are most rel


Разработки * Best Practices for Landing Pages Devising the right landing pages is a crucial technique for converting searchers into buyers.


Раскрой * Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites."


Расширение * He may have been asking for the peaceful enlargement of his territory so that it could hold more worshippers of the true God.


Расширение * We might imagine the young woman's eyes widening as her mother-in-law spoke.


Реклама * With local advertising, you need to break down the messages based on the user's knowledge of your area and by who is traveling, the customer or the business.


Рецидив * Oh, walk with God in purity; Relapse not into sin.


Родина * Rather, she wanted to do good not only to Naomi but also to Naomi's deceased husband, to carry on the dead man's name in his homeland.


Розетки * ChAPTER 5: CREATING LANDING PAGES THAT CONVERT SEARCHERS INTO BUYERS ■ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and the newer Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypt data sent from a browser to a website so the data is harder to intercept and provide greater security for the users' information.




Суета сует * They named him Abel, which may mean "Exhalation," or "Vanity."


Счета * What accounts for the way Jehovah favored Abel's offering?


Тщательно * Be thoroughly alive in your manner of speaking.


банды * Cities are often dominated by gangs of wayward youths.


рассвет * 5 Abel was born near the dawn of human history.


рискнула * She chanced upon the fields of a man named Boaz, a wealthy landowner and a relative of Naomi's dead husband, Elimelech.


риторически * You could ask these questions rhetorically to whet the student's appetite for your upcoming discussion.


ров * She will be restored and rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in times of distress.


роение * 21 So all living creatures that were moving on the earth perished—the flying creatures, the domestic animals, the wild animals, the swarming creatures, and all mankind. ^ par.


вдоль * We have made so many friends along the way, and we lack nothing.


вероятно * Abel's parents, Adam and Eve, were likely beautiful, dynamic people.


свежий * 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden.


свергнут * (Es 2:7; 3:2) After Ahasuerus had deposed his queen Vashti for disobedience, he commanded the gathering of all the beautiful virgins for a period of special massage and beauty care, so that the king might select one to replace Vashti as queen.


сверхчеловеческое * In faith we are able to resist the attacks of our superhuman adversary, the Devil.


светилась * If you are aglow with God's spirit, your animated delivery will move those who listen to you to action.​—Acts 18:24, 25; Rom.


светит * God's Word is a shining light, Guides our feet through earth's dark night.


свечение * Then, perhaps he looked far beyond his sheep to a spot in the distance where he could just make out a faint glow.


свободно * But nonbelieving Jews must have been shocked to learn that many Jewish Christians were now worshipping freely with non-Jews.


своевременно * 5:27-29) Those words were very timely for Christians living under Roman rule.


своенравный * Cities are often dominated by gangs of wayward youths.


связаны * UEL 18 : 1 - 30 18 As soon as David had finished speaking to Saul, Jonʹa·than and David became bound together in close friendship,- and Jonʹa·than began to love him as himself.


связывание * Exactly 430 years later, on Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah freed Israel from bondage to Egypt so that they could go and claim the land that God had promised to Abram.


связывая * He also showed his love by closely and regularly associating with his disciples.

-burn down-

сгореть * For example, a host would not want his candles to burn down halfway through a dinner party.


сделал * 16 This was in addition to the distribution made to the males from three years old and up who were listed in the genealogical enrollment, who came daily to serve in the house of Jehovah and to carry out the duties of their divisions.

-hold back-

сдержать * But when we look back and see that Jehovah's Witnesses have received at least 268 high-court victories, including 24 cases won in the European Court of Human Rights just since the year 2000, it becomes clear that no one can hold back God's hand.​—Isa. 54:17; read Isaiah 59:1.


сектантство * Others were promoting sectarianism and elevating men who thought they were superior to their Christian brothers.​—1 Corinthians 4:6-8; 2 Corinthians 11:4, 5, 13.


см * For example, you might refer to a recent tragedy covered in the news and explain that many have wondered about the answers to the questions on page 3.


совесть * Why is the conscience a powerful force for good in the Christian congregation?


соперник * In the first place, she was in a polygamous marriage, with a rival wife who hated her.


состоянии * He was an able swimmer, so this might even have been his natural response.


сосуществуют * And how could all those animals coexist peacefully in a confined space?'


сохранить * (Hebrews 2:1; 3:12) Jesus warned that if we do not hear, or accept, God's Word "with a fine and good heart," we will not "retain" it.


сочинения * 22 And the rest of A·biʹjah's history, his deeds and his words, is recorded in the writings of the prophet Idʹdo.


спиннинг * Workers labor day and night spinning milk-white thread from billowy bundles of wool.

-silent treatment-

спокойное обращение * If not, do not play games by resorting to the silent treatment.


спутником * After healing a man who was lame from birth, Paul and his companion Barnabas were hailed as gods.


стандарт * So powerfully did he demonstrate faith that his example is alive, a vibrant standard that we can apply today.


стебли * As they cut through the barley with their flint sickles, she stooped to pick up what they dropped or left behind, bundled the stalks into sheaves, and carried them off to a spot where she could beat out the grain later.


степень * Similarly, we can prepare for life in the new world by living now, to the extent possible, as we expect to live then.


стерлингового * Abel was the first human ever to develop that sterling quality.


странник * You will become a wanderer and a fugitive in the earth." ^ par.


суровым * 3 Then they sent for him, and Jer·o·boʹam and all Israel came to Re·ho·boʹam and said: 4 "Your father made our yoke harsh.


тонкий * There are subtle ways of using images, color, and testimonials that can help increase your website's profit.


весовой * However, the weighting of the various factors can change based on many other factors, such as the user being on a computer versus a mobile device, the user's distance to a business (proximity), or the user's previous interaction with ads on the page.


весомый * You too bear the weighty responsibility of helping your child to come to know and love Jehovah.


ветер * Imagine the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator.


ветрам * RUTH walked beside Naomi on a road that stretched across the high, windswept plains of Moab.


вехой * 18. (a) When did Abram reach a milestone in the history of God's dealings with His people?


вздрогнул * As Hannah wept and prayed, she was startled by a voice.


взыскательных * 10 Jesus showed insight by looking beyond the obvious and discerning why people acted in a certain way.


висела * 6 Though the world was young, a pall of sadness hung over the human family.


тоска * 14 How hurtful for Hannah, in that moment of anguish, to have to face such a baseless accusation​—and that from a man who held such an honored position!


трудолюбие * 31 If we show loyal love as Ruth did and follow her example in humility, industriousness, and appreciation, we will find that our faith too will become a helpful example for others.


трудолюбие * Most people will assume that if a company chose to work with you, that company did their due diligence in researching your company before engaging your services.


над * 2 You must take with you every kind of clean animal by sevens, the male and its mate; and of every animal that is not clean just two, the male and its mate; 3 also of the flying creatures of the sky by sevens, male and female, to preserve their offspring alive over all the earth. ^ par.


надежность * 9 Let slaves be in subjection to their owners in all things, trying to please them, not talking back, 10 not stealing from them, but showing complete trustworthiness, so that in every way they may adorn the teaching of our Savior, God.


надуманным * The disaster that Noah kept warning them about seemed so far-fetched, so preposterous!

-press on-

нажмите на * Some, however, still needed to press on to maturity.


назад * Still, there are features of the Passover observance that was instituted back in Egypt that have meaning for us.


назначение * Would we submit to that direction by doing our best to carry out and even enjoy our assignment?


называют * - Some time after the Flood, Noah referred to Jehovah as "Shem's God."


нарративы * 15:4) Yes, Jehovah had these narratives included in the Bible in order to teach us valuable lessons.


нарушитель спокойствия * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


наряд * 3 When the queen of Sheʹba had seen Solʹo·mon's wisdom, the house that he built, 4 the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the table service of his waiters and their attire, his cupbearers and their attire, and his burnt sacrifices that he regularly offered up at the house of Jehovah, she was left completely breathless.


насест * 12 Above them roost the birds of the sky; They sing among the thick foliage.


наследником * However, God's Law allowed the man's brother to marry the widow so that she could give birth to an heir who might carry on her deceased husband's name and care for the family property.


наследственная * Both local custom and hereditary factors have a bearing on how people wear their hair.


настроить * You will see either the Google Analytics interface (in which case you should move to step 2) or a setup wizard.


насыщенный * Even entertainment directed at young children may be saturated with violent themes.


начал * There he built an altar to Jehovah and began to call on the name of Jehovah. ^ par.


начал * When considering such questions, we may note that we have begun to tire out or perhaps have lost some of our zeal.


недуги * David gave a touching description of Jehovah's forgiveness in these words: "He forgives all your errors and heals all your ailments; he reclaims your life from the pit and crowns you with his loyal love and mercy.


неестественно * 6 Further, the unnatural unions between materialized angels and human women produced hybrid sons of extraordinary size and strength.


незабываемым * 17 It must have been an unforgettable sight.


необоснованными * 14 How hurtful for Hannah, in that moment of anguish, to have to face such a baseless accusation​—and that from a man who held such an honored position!


неопрятный * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


неопытных * 22:5) And David said: "My son Solʹo·mon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for Jehovah is to be exceedingly magnificent, so that its fame and beauty will be known in all lands.


неохотно * "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart," said Paul, "not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."


непоколебимая * We can cultivate unshakable trust in God's superior wisdom!


непорочен * PSALMS 119 : 1 - 176 א [Aleph] 119 Happy are those who are blameless- in their way, Who walk in the law of Jehovah.


непочтительный * 7 But reject irreverent false stories, like those told by old women.


неправильно * Often this information is misinterpreted to assume that only 10 percent of queries can lead to a purchase.


непристойности * At Roman stage plays, "eye and ear alike saw and heard indecencies," wrote one historian, "and the lewdest scenes were the most applauded."


неприятно * Being halfhearted is displeasing to Jehovah.


несколько * It could be that the keyword is ambiguous or that the word could describe multiple aspects of your business.


ни * Likely neither one of you ever intends to hurt the other.


обозначены * The move must have presented challenges to the faith of each family member, for Israelites needed to worship regularly at the sacred place Jehovah had designated.


вращаются * Many of the display URL and destination URL policies revolve around where to send the visitor and are intertwined with each other.


вредно * True, all things are clean, but it is detrimental for a man to eat when it will cause stumbling. ^ par.


вредность * Such people "were filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and badness."​—Rom.


вредоносный * Friday, November 20 Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you.​—Eph.


времяпрепровождение * 3:4) But not every pastime is beneficial, relaxing, or refreshing; nor is it good to engage in recreation too much or too often.


образец * 4 In your territory, would it be beneficial to play a sample of an audio recording in the householder's language?


окружающих * 6 The wind and waves surrounding Peter as he walked on the water might be compared to the trials and temptations we face in our life of dedication to God.


опекун * Am I my brother's guardian?"


особенность * So it is wise to be cautious when it comes to treatments that feature stunning claims but that are promoted merely with hearsay testimonials.


оставил * 5 In the new world, God's sovereignty will be fully upheld.


остается * His remains are long lost, mingled with the dust of nearly 60 centuries.


выбирать * In these instances, using segmentation pages can help the consumer pick the option that describes their question.


гармонично * 16 From him all the body is harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed.


генеалогическое * 17 The genealogical enrollment of the priests was by their paternal house, as was that of the Levites who were 20 years old and up, by the duties of their divisions.


гибридный * 6 Further, the unnatural unions between materialized angels and human women produced hybrid sons of extraordinary size and strength.


умственно * Her lips quivered as she mentally formed the words to express her pain.


уныние * 4:11-13) When Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, felt weary and despondent, Jehovah gave him counsel to help him see the reality of his problem.


Конус * Instead of sending those searchers to a candle product page or category page, send them to a page that lists the types of candles (votive, taper, and so on) and how long those different candle models will burn.


Концепция * However, the concept of answering the question and then showing a way for a searcher to do business with your company can be accomplished regardless of your business model.


Кредитное плечо * Any Business Can Leverage Informational Queries Informational queries and shopping carts are easy examples.


Маркер * 15 One of them will take a handful from the fine flour of the grain offering and some of its oil and all the frankincense that is on the grain offering, and he will make it smoke on the altar as a pleasing aroma for a token offering to Jehovah. ^ par.


Марс * Nothing mars the view.


Марта * WHEN you think of Lazarus' sister Martha, what kind of person do you imagine?


Матфея * There were trees to fell, logs to haul, and beams to hew, shape, and join.


Мафусаил * 5:27) Both Methuselah and Lamech had been contemporaries of the first man, Adam.


НАПОЛОВИНУ * magazine: "HALFWAY between the Persian Gulf and the city of Baghdad there is an unsightly pile of mud bricks.


Наделенный * Endowed are its pages with human appeal.


Наоборот * Conversely, a million visitors a day with zero conversions is a quick way to go out of business.


Несмотря * Despite the trials you will meet, Endure no matter the cost.


Несмотря на * Regardless of where we will then serve and what we will do, we can be sure that we will be grateful and contented, brimming with joy.​—Neh.


Нечеткие * What Makes Speech Indistinct?

-By no means-

Ни в коем * By no means!


Ной * After Noah turned 500 years of age, his wife bore him three sons​—Shem, Ham, and Japheth.


Обмолота * 46-50 "An Excellent Woman"--- Ruth at the Threshing Floor 14.

-At once-

Однажды * 18 At once Je·hoshʹa·phat bowed low with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before Jehovah to worship Jehovah.


Однажды * Once a searcher is confident that your business serves their area, or they can easily travel to your business, only then should you move the visitor into the conversion funnel.


Основание * Growing Up in the Time of "the Founding of the World" 5.


Осуществимое * Although most of the data is automatically passed to Google Analytics, the data that is not passed can easily be accessed from AdWords reports, which will be covered in depth in Chapter 16, "AdWords Reports: Extracting Actionable Information."


От дома к дому * om Ministry Variety of tracts and brochures Handbills House-to-house records and pencil or pen Source: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/202009451


Отказ * The more pages in your conversion process and the more decisions you force someone to make, the higher your abandonment rate will be.


Отличился * Abel's Sacrifice​—Why It Excelled 19.


Палата * If you have symbols of authority, or memberships in organizations such as the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce, test using them on your website.


Побоев * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.

-look up-

Погляди * 2 Were things finally starting to look up for this young widow?


Подавляющее * It is but a lonely sentinel keeping watch over a vast stretch of sterile desert.


Полигамия * Polygamy was never an ideal situation.


Понятие * While that notion may seem romantic, it can be a setup for disaster.


Порванный * A Family Torn Apart by Tragedy 4, 5. (a) Why did Naomi's family move to Moab?


Порочный * Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit.


Порядок * Privacy Policies Privacy policies are at a crossroads in several countries.


После * After all, the couple was sure that the wife was infertile.


После * Thereafter, I was able to spend five years in the pioneer service.


Потоп * 20 Jehovah told Noah that the Deluge would come in a week.


Потоп * How might Noah and his family have been occupied during the final week before the Deluge?


Похвастаться * 10 Boast about his holy name.


Превознесение * The psalmist's appreciation for his Creator was so deep that he was moved to compose a song extolling the works of Jehovah.


Предоставляется * 19 Granted, God could have chosen to save his animal creations in some other way.


Предполагается, * 15 Decades passed, and the ark gradually assumed its final shape.


Привить * low the customer to find the answer to their question Allow the searcher to easily find information about your products and services Allow the customer to be able to access that information regardless of their browser, operating system, or eyesight Instill a sense of trust Showcase your authority Protect the privacy and data of your customers Make the conversion process easy If your website can accomplish these goals, you can engage the customer and hold their attention.


Приложение * Appendix: If the student understands and accepts the material in the main text, you can simply encourage him to review the corresponding appendix material on his own.


Приобретается * (Ruth 1:4) She knew that her nation's forefather, Abraham, went to great lengths to procure a wife for his son, Isaac, from among his own people, who worshipped Jehovah.


Пропаганда * In one European land, a married couple were zealously advocating certain food supplements and a diet.


Прощай * So, with a heavy heart, she kissed Naomi good-bye and turned away.—Ruth 1:11-14.


Прояснение * ChAPTER 6: LEARNING ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES ■ Demystifying Quality Score Quality Score is one of the most important numbers in your Google AdWords account, because it has far-reaching effects on your AdWords success.


Прямые * The types of donations that you can send directly are the following: OUTRIGHT DONATIONS Donations via electronic bank transfer, debit card, or credit card.


Редакция * There are a few editorial policies that your destination URL must meet before it will be approved by Google.


Роста * ITALY POPULATION 60,782,668 PUBLISHERS 251,650 PIONEERS 33,073 The good news is being preached in 37 foreign languages by over 24,000 publishers Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ?


СОБЛЮДЕНИЕ * Complying with Destination URL Editorial Policies There are a few editorial policies that your destination URLs must follow.


Сказанное * 17 After the foregoing discussion, we may feel as the apostles did when they said to the Lord: "Give us more faith."


Скайрокет * During April, bids for tax-based keywords skyrocket, and many of the direct keywords such as tax, tax return, tax accountant, and the like become too expensive for accounting firms or software companies to bid high enough to be displayed on page 1.

-Table of Contents-

Содержание * Table of Contents October 15, 2015 © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania STUDY EDITION NOVEMBER 30, 2015-DECEMBER 6, 2015 Do You


Сокращения * The different types of technologies, displays, recording devices, and acronyms associated with buying these products are staggering.


Соперничество * Rivalry, strife, and heartache were all too common.


Спокойно * Calmly talk things out with your mate as soon as you can, that very day if at all possible.—Bible principle: Ephesians 4:26.


Спор * Yet, at that very meal, there "arose a heated dispute among [the apostles] over which one of them seemed to be greatest."


Судьба * Concerned over the apparent fate of Israel at the hands of Syria, Jehoash came weeping to Elisha.


Тайфун * After Super Typhoon Haiyan wreaked destruction on the central Philippines in November 2013, the mayor of one large city said: "God must have been somewhere else."


Тарос * She then laid a cloth over the literature and covered it with cassava, potatoes, or taros.


Тем не менее * Nonetheless, do we really have evidence that God is active in people's lives today?


Товарного * Real Estate: Salable real estate donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses, either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live in the residence during his or her lifetime.


Толпы * As he made his way homeward through the throngs on the streets, he likely thought about the idolatry that pervaded Ur.


Точная * Quality Score Is Calculated Only by Precise Matches When examining the Quality Score factors, do not worry about the click-through rate of related queries for your phrase and broad match keywords.


УСЛОВНОЕ * CONDITIONAL DONATION ARRANGEMENT Donations of cash with the condition that it can be returned if needed by the donor.


Убедитесь, * Assure your spouse of this by sincerely apologizing for any hurt feelings you may have caused.


Уважаемые * 2:13-16) Instead, we hold dear another event, the death of God's Son.


Увеличительное * Magnifying God above, Imitate Jehovah's love.


Указ * (Es 8:3-14) Because of the king's edict and for fear of Mordecai, who replaced Haman as prime minister, the governors and officials of the empire helped the Jews to gain a complete victory over their enemies.


Упорно * Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.


Ура * What was the journey from Ur to Haran like, and why might Abram have decided to settle in Haran for a time?


Усиление * Reinforcing the discount code on the landing page, or even adding the code to a navigational frame so that it stays with the user throughout that visit, can help increase conversion rates.


Уступать * 155 ■ CHOOSING LANDING PAGES THAT INCREASE CONVERSION RATES 156 In January 2010, that same search query in Chicago yielded zero ads for accounting software or firms even though the query continues to yield over 1,000 queries a month outside of tax season.


Цезарь * 1694 Glossary of Bible Terms--- Caesar.


Цезарь * They said to him: "Caesar's."


Цель * He besieged the fortified cities, intent on breaking through and capturing them.


Цель * Her name was Peninnah, and she seemed intent on making Hannah's life miserable.


Что касается * Regarding Elijah, the Bible says: "He asked that he might die."


Шедевр * Masterpiece in Miniature The book of Ruth has been described as a small gem, a masterpiece in miniature.


Шун * 5:19-21) Accordingly, we can ask ourselves: 'Does my conscience move me to shun sports that are aggressive, competitive, nationalistic, or violent?


Шун * If any show signs of doubt, perhaps by starting to grumble against appointed brothers, do not quickly shun them.


Экономика * The end of 2008 saw a higher increase in searches for coupons and discount codes than previous months, and that trend has continued for several years due to both the economy and the ease of finding coupons on the Web.


Элизабет * 39 So Mary set out in those days and traveled with haste into the mountainous country, to a city of Judah, 40 and she entered the home of Zech·a·riʹah and greeted Elizabeth.


Эстер * (Es 2:8, 10) Esther was selected as queen in the seventh year of Ahasuerus' reign.


а также * She chanced upon the fields of a man named Boaz, a wealthy landowner and a relative of Naomi's dead husband, Elimelech.


авторизации * He received authorization from the king to issue a decree to carry this out.


адаптация * Having had years of practice using such traps, Satan today uses them effectively, adapting his approach to each person's inclinations. w13 8/15 4:4-6 ^ (Jas.


адекватно * But he neglected to search adequately to ascertain Jehovah's will on the matter.


адепт * Gradually, even the less experienced travelers became more adept at making and breaking camp and helping aged Terah to get comfortably situated atop a camel or a donkey.


адрес * That is why the Bible calls Adam a "son of God," and Jesus taught his followers to address God as "our Father in the heavens."


адъютанты * 9 But Solʹo·mon did not make any of the Israelites slaves for his work, for they were his warriors, the chiefs of his adjutants, and the chiefs of his charioteers and horsemen.


аккуратность * Something that is well arranged is neat and orderly.


аккуратный * Be neat, clean, and modest in your clothing.


актив * It will thus prove to be a valuable asset in our Christian life!


активизировались * This certainly should have invigorated the king.


активизировались * Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit.


анархия * Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy.


ангельское * 19:35) The apostles Peter and Paul as well as others experienced angelic deliverance from prison.


анимированные * By animated delivery, give evidence of your strong feeling about the value of what you are saying.


аннигиляции * In the 12th year of Ahasuerus, Haman the Agagite, who was prime minister, planned the annihilation of all the Jews in the 127 jurisdictional districts in the empire.


апатия * If the world reacts to the message about God's Kingdom with apathy, ridicule, or even persecution, Christians do well to remember Noah.


аплодировали * At Roman stage plays, "eye and ear alike saw and heard indecencies," wrote one historian, "and the lewdest scenes were the most applauded."


аромат * EPHESIANS 5 : 1 - 33 5 Therefore, become imitators of God, as beloved children, 2 and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved us- and gave himself for us- as an offering and a sacrifice, a sweet fragrance to God.


арф * 6 All of these were under the direction of their father for singing at the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and harps for the service of the house of the true God.


атрибут * 3 Love is Jehovah's dominant attribute, so we can understand why Jesus told one inquirer that the first commandment from God is: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength."


аутсайдеры * 24:14; Acts 1:8) Add to that the unified, multinational brotherhood of Jehovah's people today​—something the world cannot imitate—​and we can see why even outsiders admit: "God is really among you."


ахнула * 6 Naomi was pleased to see her beloved daughter-in-law, and perhaps she gasped in surprise as she saw Ruth's heavy load of barley.


база * 4:4; Titus 3:3) Hence, were we to base our decisions solely on what we feel is good and reasonable, we might be deceiving ourselves, no matter how much we ponder the decision before us.


банка * There, on what was then the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, Ur is a thriving city!


баррель * And an article featuring the apostle Peter elicited this enthusiastic reaction from a Christian sister: "You pulled me lock, stock, and barrel into the account.


бары * Great oceans stop where you have set their bars.


беглец * You will become a wanderer and a fugitive in the earth." ^ par.


беднее * As an impoverished foreigner with neither husband nor child, how would she support herself and Naomi in the years ahead?


исключительно * 4:4; Titus 3:3) Hence, were we to base our decisions solely on what we feel is good and reasonable, we might be deceiving ourselves, no matter how much we ponder the decision before us.


клин * Now, disillusionment has driven a wedge between you, making you feel more like cell mates than soul mates.


км * 15 Finally, after some 600 miles (960 km) on the road, they reached the beehive-shaped huts of Haran, a prosperous city on a crossroads of the East-West trade routes.


кнуты * My father punished you with whips, but I will do so with scourges.'"


кобра * The maned young lion, you'll not dread; Upon the cobra you will tread.


колебался * 16:8) Keep in mind that an important lesson we learn from Peter's experience comes from what he did after his faith wavered and he started to sink into the sea.


компиляции * • Administrative assistants are often asked to conduct research on a topic and compile a list of resources and papers.


комплектации * She hoisted it, perhaps bundling it in a cloth and carrying it on her head, and then made her way to Bethlehem in the gathering darkness.—Ruth 2:17.


контингент * 4:7, 8) Their continuing to receive such blessings, however, was contingent on their obeying God's Law, which included regularly offering to Jehovah "the best of the first ripe fruits" of the land.


контур * What a privilege it will be for us to see the time when Abraham lives again and at last grasps the divine purpose that he could formerly see only in hazy outline!


конфеты * On the Web, there is no last-minute aisle that features candy, gum, and magazines.


копье * 8 Some of the Gadʹites went over to David's side at the stronghold in the wilderness; they were mighty warriors, soldiers trained for war, standing ready with the large shield and the lance, whose faces were like those of lions and who were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains.


копья * 11 Further, he reinforced the fortified places and put commanders in them and supplied them with food and oil and wine, 12 and he supplied all the different cities with large shields and lances; he reinforced them to a very great degree.


корабли * Slaves tramp down creaking ships' ramps, bowing under the weight of imported treasures.


корточках * But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is crouching at the door, and its craving is to dominate you; but will you get the mastery over it?"


коснется * So honesty touches every aspect of our life.


краев * It was circular in shape, 10 cubits from brim to brim and 5 cubits high, and it took a measuring line 30 cubits long to encircle it.


крайний * There are many examples in the Bible of faithful servants undergoing extreme trials that may have involved discipline and that trained them.


красноречиво * Apollos showed animation in his speaking, and he was described as an eloquent speaker.


кремень * As they cut through the barley with their flint sickles, she stooped to pick up what they dropped or left behind, bundled the stalks into sheaves, and carried them off to a spot where she could beat out the grain later.


мстительная * Instead of retaliating, can you imitate Jesus, who when being reviled "did not go reviling in return"?


муки * 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.


мученик * 4:8) In a sense, Abel thus became the first victim of religious persecution, the first martyr.


мягко * In the second, following the same harsh comment, the publisher briefly pauses, replies mildly, and receives a positive response from the householder. 10 min: "Take as a Pattern the Prophets—Habakkuk."


мягкость * 22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,- kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control.


мягкость * 4:1-6) Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, appeal to you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all humility and mildness, with patience, putting up with one another in love, 3 earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace.


на борту * Imagine the work of getting all the animals as well as foodstuffs for the animals and for the family placed in an orderly fashion and hauling the family's belongings aboard.


на колени * And he knelt down in front of all the congregation of Israel and spread his hands out to the heavens, 14 and he said: "O Jehovah the God of Israel, there is no God like you in the heavens or on the earth, keeping the covenant and showing loyal love to your servants who are walking before you with all their heart.


на протяжении * Reading about how Jehovah was with them throughout their trials and how they came to be used mightily by Jehovah makes us feel all the more Jehovah's care and love for his servants.​—Read Proverbs 3:11, 12.


на скорую руку * (1 Corinthians 7:28) When you experience such tribulation, do not hastily conclude that your marriage was a mistake.


наблюдаемой * While the observable universe makes manifest his power and wisdom, Jehovah also reveals through the Scriptures his justice and especially his boundless love.


набросился * Amy adds: "To make matters worse, I lashed out at one of the sisters working with us.

-catch up-

наверстать * I do not know where the men went, but if you quickly chase after them, you will catch up with them."


навязчивым * This second page is where you can ask some of the more intrusive questions such as cell phone and gross sales numbers.


наглый * 19 Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality,- uncleanness, brazen conduct,- 20 idolatry, spiritism,- hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties,- and things like these.


наглый * 5:19-21) Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, 20 idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these.


наглый * These works include "sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these."


нагревали * For example, on the evening before Jesus was executed, there "arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest."


надпись * An inscription on a vase found near the city of Susa reads: "Palace of Amil-Marduk [Evil-merodach], King of Babylon, son of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon."


наивно * The opposite of being naive, or foolishly believing everything we hear, is being shrewd.


наименее * The least one was equal to 100, and the greatest to 1,000.


наказал * He replied, perhaps in a chastened and softer tone: "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of him."​—1 Sam.

-store up-

накапливать * 20 Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal.


наклон * Emerald-green lawns slope down to the carefully tended banks of a stream bubbling with crystal-clear water.


бедра * 10 The young men who had grown up with him said to him: "This is what you should say to the people who have said to you, 'Your father made our yoke heavy, but you should make it lighter for us'; this is what you should tell them, 'My little finger will be thicker than my father's hips.


бедствия * 13 "Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son," wrote Paul.


бедствия * My father punished you with whips, but I will do so with scourges.'"


беды * 3:17) And on that same date in 33 C.E., Jesus gathered his apostles together and established with them a covenant that made them part of a government in heaven that will soon solve all mankind's ills.


бежал * David fled and escaped during that night.


безграничны * 103:3, 4, 12) May we always be sensitive to Jehovah's counsel, even his discipline, and be quick to respond, recognizing that it is an expression of his boundless love for us.​—Ps.


безграничны * Great God, Jehovah, boundless in might, You have made known your love of right.


безграничны * While the observable universe makes manifest his power and wisdom, Jehovah also reveals through the Scriptures his justice and especially his boundless love.


бездетным * Together the two bereaved women had come to Bethlehem from Moab, and Ruth the Moabitess soon learned that Jehovah's Law made practical, dignified provisions for the poor in Israel, including foreigners.


безоговорочно * Do you similarly select your close friends from among those who serve Jehovah unreservedly?


безоговорочно * We should love him unreservedly.


безразличие * Try not to lapse into a style that reflects indifference.


безупречна * 8 (Phil. 1:10) that you may make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others up to the day of Christ; ^ (Rom.


безусловной * On the other hand, there are those who believe that God's love is unconditional and that he loves them regardless of what they do or fail to do.


бенефициаром * Insurance: A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.


бы * Ana, who lives in Brazil, states: "When there were problems, such as when my grandparents were ill, my parents would ask Jehovah to give them the strength to cope with the situation and the wisdom to make good decisions.


бы * Think about this: If you had the power, would you remove all the suffering and injustice in the world?

-look out-

быть осторожным * 8 (Phil. 2:4) as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others. ^ par.


в * Your ad rank matters only in terms of other advertisers.


в законах * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


в изобилии * 27 The king made the silver in Jerusalem as plentiful as the stones, and cedarwood as plentiful as the sycamore trees in the She·pheʹlah.


в комплекте * As they cut through the barley with their flint sickles, she stooped to pick up what they dropped or left behind, bundled the stalks into sheaves, and carried them off to a spot where she could beat out the grain later.

-at last-

в конце концов * 10 After a long day of walking on winding mountain roads, the large family at last approached Shiloh.

-at last-

в конце концов * What a privilege it will be for us to see the time when Abraham lives again and at last grasps the divine purpose that he could formerly see only in hazy outline!

-in turn-

в очереди * However, if nothing more is done to the fire, it will eventually die down to hot coals that, in turn, will become cold ashes if left alone.


в первую очередь * 15:3) Jesus' foremost concern was the doing of God's will.


в поле зрения * 11 Although you cannot read hearts, you too can show insight and learn how your child feels about the field ministry.


в поле зрения * Though Jesus was not a father, parents can benefit from his way of teaching because he taught and trained his disciples with love, humility, and insight.


в различных * But for those who are able to do so, standing reasonably erect when speaking to others is recommended so as not to convey an indifferent or apologetic attitude.


в связи * 9 So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due time we will reap if we do not tire out.


в сочетании * This phenomenon is often coupled with short-term memory capacity.

-on account-

в счет * 2 As soon as Jer·o·boʹam the son of Neʹbat heard of it (he was still in Egypt because he had fled on account of King Solʹo·mon), Jer·o·boʹam came back from Egypt.


в то время как * If these fields are just tossed on a webpage, it looks like it will take a while to fill out (Figure 6.10).


в то время как * Why do some people see God's hand in their life, whereas others do not?


валовой * This second page is where you can ask some of the more intrusive questions such as cell phone and gross sales numbers.


варварским * Describing the treatment meted out to the Ammonites, those Bible versions portray David as barbaric and cruel.


вежливо * A policeman got out of the car and politely asked Vasilii to stop his activity, since there had been complaints from some in the neighborhood.


великодушным * God's magnanimous act made it possible for us to come to him to benefit from his love and in return show our love for him.​—1 John 4:10.


великолепие * 5 You made him a little lower than godlike ones, And you crowned him with glory and splendor. ^ par.


вернуть * 2 Let us consider three aspects of Peter's experience related to faith: (1) how Peter first showed faith in God's support, (2) why Peter began to lose faith, and (3) what helped Peter to regain his faith.


вероятно * Before you were married, likely you both set aside time to do things together.


вероятно * Children who experience the joy of giving to Jehovah while they are young are likely to continue being generous toward him in adulthood.​—Prov.


вершине * Gradually, even the less experienced travelers became more adept at making and breaking camp and helping aged Terah to get comfortably situated atop a camel or a donkey.


веселая * "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart," said Paul, "not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."


вор * 10 But Jehovah's- day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar,- but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed.


воспринимать * 3 By faith we perceive that the systems of things- were put in order by God's word, so that what is seen has come into existence from things that are not visible.


восстание * In Noah's day, other angels began to revolt against Jehovah's just rule.


восстановили * 20 And Jer·o·boʹam never regained his power during the time of A·biʹjah; then Jehovah struck him down and he died.


восторге * The two had to beg the ecstatic crowd not to worship them!


вперед * 1:20) For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. ^ par.


вперед * 20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.


враждебно * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.


вразвалочку * From the horizon they streamed in by the thousands​—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—​all in an astonishing variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions.


всадники * 5 He also built up Upper Beth-hoʹron and Lower Beth-hoʹron, fortified cities with walls, gates, and bars, 6 and Baʹal·ath as well as all of Solʹo·mon's storage cities, all the chariot cities, the cities for the horsemen, and whatever Solʹo·mon desired to build in Jerusalem, in Lebʹa·non, and in all the land of his dominion.


все * 14:25) So as a whole, we have abundant proof that God is working in behalf of his people.


все * 8 Whether Elkanah knew the full scope of Peninnah's petty meanness or not, Jehovah God saw it all.


все еще * 12] Why and how must we "take [our] position" and "stand still" in our day?


все же * How can we show appreciation for all that Jehovah and his Son have done and will yet do for us?


всеобъемлющий * Employing Usability, Trust, and Web Technology Usability is a catchall word used to describe how well users can navigate, find information, and accomplish their goals on your website.


всплеск * 7 They must take some of the blood and splash it on the two doorposts and the upper part of the doorway of the houses in which they eat it. ^ par.


вспомогательные * Showcase your related and ancillary products across your product pages.


вспышка * (James 3:5, 6) When marriage mates fail to control their tongue, small disagreements can quickly flare into raging conflicts.

-go in-

входить * 10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people: 11 "Pass throughout the camp and give this command to the people, 'Get provisions ready, because in three days you will cross the Jordan to go in and take possession of the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to possess.'"


вывести * Although we are promised an abundance of food and other necessities on earth in the new world, we will derive the greatest pleasure from having our spiritual need filled.


вывозка * Imagine the work of getting all the animals as well as foodstuffs for the animals and for the family placed in an orderly fashion and hauling the family's belongings aboard.

-put forth-

выдвинули * (Job 42:3-6) Like Job, we too may need to put forth greater effort to see God.


выделено * After admonishing the older men in the congregation not 'to lord it over those allotted to them,' the apostle Peter wrote the above.


выделено * Over the course of AdWords history, Google has allotted 50 percent of the ad rank formula to max CPC and 50 percent to CTR or Quality Score.

-stand out-

выделяться * You do not want to overuse them so they no longer stand out.


выдержать * 3:1, 13) Meditating on Habakkuk's message and faithful example can help to sustain us as we await Jehovah's day of judgment.—2 Pet.


выемка * One of our daughters complained that during recess at her school, some Witness youths behave in a way that she thought was not proper.


выживших * Of course, surviving involves several factors, but one very important requirement is highlighted by the apostle Paul: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well."


вызвало * And an article featuring the apostle Peter elicited this enthusiastic reaction from a Christian sister: "You pulled me lock, stock, and barrel into the account.

-bring about-

вызывать * When Elijah informed King Ahab of Jehovah's intention to bring about a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah . . . is living, . . . there will be no dew or rain except by my word!"


выкуп * By tracking in-store coupon redemption from your AdWords visitors, you can start to see if your AdWords campaigns are driving visitors into your store.


выкуп * Like his parents, Cain does not appear to be in line for resurrection and redemption. ^ ---sn song 120 Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed--- Song 120 Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed (Luke 11:28) 1.

-follow through-

выполнить * "If they warned me about the consequences of misbehaving, they would always follow through.


выпрямился * NOAH straightened his back and stretched his aching muscles.


вырезки * Include any awards received within your field, speaking engagements, press clippings, and other demonstrations of authority to your visitors.


вырыли * 10 Further, he built towers in the wilderness and dug many cisterns (for he had a great deal of livestock); he also did so in the She·pheʹlah and on the plain.


наклонился * 26:13; Luke 21:28) Nevertheless, because of working for years in a stooped position or because of advancing years or physical weakness, a brother or a sister may not be able to stand straight or may need to lean against something for support.


накопление * Warm, upbuilding association with such brothers and sisters can help you to make your own wise decisions and to press on to maturity.​—Read Hebrews 5:14.


наложены * 11 My father imposed a heavy yoke on you, but I will add to your yoke.


намеренно * 2:1, 2) Clearly, habitually or deliberately ignoring Jehovah's loving counsel can have serious consequences.


намеренно * 5 For they deliberately ignore this fact, that long ago there were heavens and an earth standing firmly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; 6 and that by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was flooded with water. ^ par.


нанесли * 17 A·biʹjah and his people inflicted a great slaughter on them, and the slain of Israel kept falling, 500,000 trained men.


наполовину * For example, a host would not want his candles to burn down halfway through a dinner party.


направлена * Even though they lived in a world that was geared toward making their primary pursuit in life seem trivial, misguided, or foolish, they still kept at it faithfully.


напряг * If we learn to forgive freely and if we avoid strained relations now, it will be easier for us to do so then.​—Read Colossians 3:12-14.


напряжение * Additionally, unexpected problems—perhaps a financial setback or caring for a family member who suffers from a chronic illness—can strain a marriage.


напыщенные * They may need to be helped to realize that when a person becomes bombastic or overly emotional, his audience will be thinking about him rather than about the message.


настойчивость * Independence and an unreasonable insistence on personal preference may be highly regarded by some, but what has been the result?


настроены * Our conscience becomes attuned to the ways of Jehovah God.


нащупывать * Or when you get up in front of an audience to give a talk, do you find that you often grope for the right words?


нащупывать * ^ (Acts 17:27) so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.


небеса * I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, nor will they come up into the heart.'""—Isaiah 65:13, 17; also see 2 Peter 3:13.


небесное * "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above," wrote the disciple James, "coming down from the Father of the celestial lights, who does not vary or change like the shifting shadows."


небольшое * Evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off.​—Gen.


небольшое * While the user is still sitting in Chicago, their search query has turned more product oriented than local oriented, and in this case the online e-commerce store might see a slight bump.


небрежно * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


небрежный * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


неверный шаг * A misstep here can send potential customers back to square one or to rival sites.


невольно * Then discuss what specific things you both can do to avoid unwittingly causing hurt feelings.


невыносимой * 9:2, 11) It shows us too that in the face of unbearable loss, we are wise to seek comfort and solace in others—especially those who seek refuge in Jehovah, the God whom Naomi worshipped.—Prov.


невыносимой * Differences that once were merely an annoyance may now seem intolerable.


недобрали * 3 One such person was Boaz, the wealthy older man in whose fields she was gleaning.


недобрали * They were allowed to go into the fields at harvesttime and follow the reapers, gleaning what was left behind as well as what grew at the edges and corners of the fields.


недостатки * Because we are imperfect, O Jehovah, The inclination of our heart is flawed.


недостаток * One drawback of a segmentation page is that it adds another page view and customer decision between the search query and the final conversion.


недоумевает * 8 We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;- 9 we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed.


недоумение * 9 Now the queen of Sheʹba heard the report about Solʹo·mon, so she came to Jerusalem to test Solʹo·mon with perplexing questions.


незамедлительный * 6:33) Does your conscience prompt you to set priorities that line up with Jesus' advice?


незамеченным * Because Ruth treated others with kindness and respect, she earned an excellent reputation 20 Boaz urged Ruth to lie down again and rest until morning was near; then she could slip away unnoticed.


незнание * (1) When reading to others, unfamiliarity with certain words may cause hesitancy.


незначительным * God Makes It Grow Perhaps you feel that your part in producing spiritual growth is insignificant, even meaningless.


неизменно * 1:17) Jehovah unfailingly provides what we need to live and to be happy.


некорректно * "If they warned me about the consequences of misbehaving, they would always follow through.


нелепо * The disaster that Noah kept warning them about seemed so far-fetched, so preposterous!


немощи * We too are humans having the same infirmities as you have.


немощь * 7:1) As we apply Bible principles, we will be safeguarding our health to a degree, even if advancing age and infirmity may still affect us.


ненавидят * Though many have strayed far from the Bible's standards of conduct, we find that some individuals often do what is good and abhor what is bad.


ненависть * He seethed with hatred for his brother.


неоднозначное * It is often considered an ambiguous number that is almost impossible to directly change, and yet it has more impact on your account's performance than any other number, and that includes your bid.


неописуемое * "Thanks be to God for his indescribable free gift," wrote Paul.


неопределенный срок * But if you regularly feed the fire with more wood, it can be kept going indefinitely.


неопрятный * And you remember the gardener's words when you get home and see your own unkempt backyard, where nothing appealing grows, garbage accumulates, and rainwater fills unsightly holes in the ground.


непримиримым * Differences seem irreconcilable.


непростительно * 1:20) For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. ^ par.


нескромно * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


несомненно, * - (Mark 14:36) From Jesus' pleading words, his followers undoubtedly learned that since the perfect Son of God humbly prayed for divine help, they should do the same.


неспособность * Be specific in your request, asking God to help you overcome any trait that you may have found that indicates a weakening of faith, such as an inability to forgive.


несправедливость * Think about this: If you had the power, would you remove all the suffering and injustice in the world?


несчастным * Her name was Peninnah, and she seemed intent on making Hannah's life miserable.


неудачей * Additionally, unexpected problems—perhaps a financial setback or caring for a family member who suffers from a chronic illness—can strain a marriage.


неузнаваемости * 21:21, 22) For instance, many of us have changed our attitudes and practices so drastically that we are almost unrecognizable to those who knew us before.


ниже * 4:2) Did that choice of a name reflect lower expectations, as if they put less hope in Abel than in Cain?


низменности * 15 These are the men who crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing its banks, and they chased away all those living in the lowlands, to the east and to the west.


носил * 6:14-22) David was dancing around before Jehovah with all his might; all the while David wore a linen ephʹod.


носить * It is not possible for all of us to obtain a new Bible when ours has become worn.


ночной * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.


ноющие * NOAH straightened his back and stretched his aching muscles.


нужды * A person who is modest is concerned about not needlessly offending others and not drawing undue attention to himself.


о признании вины * 2 If you are a parent, you can likely relate to Manoah's earnest plea.


обезьяны * Once every three years, the ships of Tarʹshish would come loaded with gold and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.


обеспечение * While it will not be your landing page, ensuring the information a consumer needs can be accessed from your form is important regardless of where the form is on your website.


обету * Instead of sending those searchers to a candle product page or category page, send them to a page that lists the types of candles (votive, taper, and so on) and how long those different candle models will burn.


обида * In time, the results fell short of expectations, and there was widespread resentment.


обидел * Or what if you personally are wronged by someone in the congregation?


обиженный * 12:11) If we love Jehovah, we must guard against becoming complacent or resentful of his counsel.


область * 8 Later he moved from there to the mountainous region east of Bethʹel and pitched his tent with Bethʹel on the west and Aʹi on the east.


облегчить * A fluent person reads and speaks in such a manner that words and thoughts flow smoothly, with apparent ease.


обложил * 17 The king also made a great ivory throne and overlaid it with pure gold.


обман * 14 So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes.


обман * 29 And they were filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice, being whisperers, ^ par.


обмолота * 14 That evening, Ruth made her way to the threshing floor—a flat, hard-packed area where a number of farmers would take their grain for threshing and winnowing.


обозначают * In the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, most users prefer light background colors, with other colors used to denote different aspects of a website (such as sidebars, navigation bars, and headers).


обозначены * 31 Of the half tribe of Ma·nasʹseh, there were 18,000 who had been designated by name to come to make David king.


обозначены * Before you leave, point out the picture of the Good News brochure, show the householder the brochure and the designated lesson that contains more information on the subject, and offer the brochure.


обозначены * For example, when the priests were on duty, they were to bathe and wash their garments at designated times.


обозначены * In some branches this is also possible using jw.org or another designated website.


оболочка * Over time, a buildup of unkind words or actions and a backlog of unresolved conflicts can cause a husband or wife to withdraw into an emotional shell or, worse yet, begin to form an emotional attachment with someone else.


обращаясь * By addressing such scenarios, you can include additional information on the landing page to help you monetize informational queries.


обречены * David merely consigned the Ammonite captives to forced labor.


окружение * She was accompanied by a very impressive entourage, with camels carrying balsam oil and great quantities of gold and precious stones.


она * For example, Amy struggled when she was assigned to help build a Kingdom Hall and missionary home on a small Pacific island.


опекун * (Es 2:15) Her guardian was her older cousin Mordecai, one of "the king's servants that were in the king's gate" of the palace at Shushan during the reign of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I, in the fifth century B.C.E.).


опираться * 26:13; Luke 21:28) Nevertheless, because of working for years in a stooped position or because of advancing years or physical weakness, a brother or a sister may not be able to stand straight or may need to lean against something for support.


оплетка * The apostle Paul urged Christian women to "adorn themselves . . . with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God."


оправдан * How deeply satisfying it will be to know that Jehovah's name has been sanctified and his sovereignty vindicated!


определить * Yet, they do share some characteristics that identify them as being ripe.


опутывает * 7 We should take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish, for the Bible refers to a weakening of faith or loss of faith as "the sin that easily entangles us."


организация * It is also possible for you to send donations directly to a legal entity that is used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country.


организация * To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office.


освобождает * 21:29) It seems that the Moabite religion was not exempt from the brutality and horrors common in those times, including the sacrifice of children.


освобождение * It refers to the essential role of Jesus Christ in freeing faithful humans from the deadly effects of sin and in leading them to everlasting life.—Ac 3:15; 5:31; Heb 2:10; 12:2.

-cut off-

отрезать * If a woman was widowed while still childless, she was especially devastated because her husband's name, his posterity, would be cut off, lost to future generations.


отрезвляет * 15-16] What sobering reminder do we discern in 2 Chronicles 21:20 in connection with the death of Jehoram?


отсеки * The ark was to have three stories, or decks, a number of compartments, and a door in the side.


отставание * Over time, a buildup of unkind words or actions and a backlog of unresolved conflicts can cause a husband or wife to withdraw into an emotional shell or, worse yet, begin to form an emotional attachment with someone else.


отставку * Rebecca says that at one point her husband felt that the nature and pressure of his secular work might endanger their spirituality, so he resigned.


оттенки * (Ruth 3:9) Some modern interpreters have sought to imply that there were some sexual undertones in Ruth's actions and words, but they ignore two simple facts.


отцовской * 30 Of the Eʹphra·im·ites, there were 20,800 mighty, courageous men of fame among their paternal houses.


отчаяние * Even if we occasionally chafe at some counsel we receive, we need not despair.


оценки * A nonlocal first needs to be reassured that they are in the correct place before moving to the next stage of evaluating your business.


оцинкованная * Brother Nowills had a modest little office in his house, which was made of wood and galvanized iron and had a dirt floor.


очевидный * Jehovah thus warned Cain when it was apparent that Cain was on a very dangerous course.


очень * 11 Further, he reinforced the fortified places and put commanders in them and supplied them with food and oil and wine, 12 and he supplied all the different cities with large shields and lances; he reinforced them to a very great degree.


очень * The Bible says that Peninnah vexed Hannah sorely "for the sake of making her feel disconcerted."


очередь * Sales will not receive everyone's full information, but they can still put their calls in a queue based on the information they do receive.


ошеломляет * The different types of technologies, displays, recording devices, and acronyms associated with buying these products are staggering.


ошибочным * Or perhaps because of certain entrenched erroneous teachings, they feel that God is unloving, even unlovable.


паек * They list rations given to prisoners and others dependent on the royal household.


пакет * 17 This time, though, there was even more to pack, for Jehovah had blessed Abram during his stay in Haran.


пакт * Instead of trusting in God's word through Isaiah, faithless Ahaz entered into a disastrous pact with the Assyrians, which ultimately led to Judah's being oppressed by them.


паломничество * 6 Peninnah's favorite opportunity, it seems, came at the time of the annual pilgrimage to Shiloh.


палубы * The ark was to have three stories, or decks, a number of compartments, and a door in the side.


палящее * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30


певцы * 11 The king made from the algum timbers stairs for the house of Jehovah and for the king's house, as well as harps and stringed instruments for the singers.


пейзаж * Days stretched into weeks, and the landscape slid slowly by.


пел * He sang: "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is within my inward parts."


пепел * However, if nothing more is done to the fire, it will eventually die down to hot coals that, in turn, will become cold ashes if left alone.


первенцев * He selected the best, the firstlings, and what seemed the choicest pieces.


первичный * To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office.

-pass on-

передай * You can pass on to younger ones what you have learned from Jehovah.


переделан * In 2005, Google revamped the rules by introducing Quality Score and minimum bids.


пережил * 17 Ruth's words are remarkable—so much so that they have long outlived her, echoing down through some 30 centuries.


перекресток * Privacy Policies Privacy policies are at a crossroads in several countries.


переменного * We might imagine Abram and Sarai alternating between riding and walking, their conversation mingling with the tinkling of bells hanging from the animals' harnesses.


переменные * Another reason to do keyword-level tracking is that some tracking systems need keyword-level destination URLs because they use different variables for tracking keywords, or they may add additional parameters to the URL for other purposes.


перемычки * The lamb's blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel was a means to preserve life.


перенос * Essentially, there is transference of trust from the featured client or partner to your business.


переориентирована * 15 Just as Peter refocused on Jesus, we too must "look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus."


переплетается * But some points naturally call for more enthusiasm in delivery than others, and these should be skillfully interwoven throughout your talk.


переплетены * Many of the display URL and destination URL policies revolve around where to send the visitor and are intertwined with each other.


переполнены * 2:6, 7) Therefore, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, 7 being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.


переполнены * 2:6, 7) Therefore, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, 7 being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving. ^ par.


пересыпать * Today, scheming persecutors may share bits of truthful information with which they aim to establish common ground, but they subtly intersperse that truth with lies, hoping to plant doubts.


подвергнуты * Many people are under tremendous pressure, and daily they are subjected to verbal abuse.


подвиги * Noah and his wife could hardly shield the children from every report about the exploits of those giants, but they could teach the appealing truth about Jehovah God, the one who hates all wickedness.


поддержка * The apostles could perform miracles and even transmit miraculous gifts as proof of divine backing.


подлокотники * 18 There were six steps to the throne, and there was a gold footstool attached to the throne, and there were armrests on both sides of the seat, and two lions were standing beside the armrests.


подлость * 8 Whether Elkanah knew the full scope of Peninnah's petty meanness or not, Jehovah God saw it all.

-put up-

поднимать * Focusing on the positive qualities of your mate promotes peace and will help you put up with your differences.—Bible principle: Romans 14:19.

-go up-

подниматься * 41 And now go up, O Jehovah God, to your resting-place, you and the Ark of your strength.


поднял * 11 With that Moses lifted his hand up and struck the crag twice with his rod, and much water began to pour out, and the assembly and their livestock began to drink.


подросток * 16 Just as Jehovah helps parents to train their young children successfully, so he can help parents to train their adolescent children.


подсознательно * The subtle use of color is another way to subconsciously influence your visitors.


подтверждено * For some time, American Express card holders had a difficult time checking out on websites that either validated a three-digit CVV or did not show where to find the number on an American Express card.


подчеркивание * When you read our publications, you may want to underline the main thoughts or make notes in the margin.


подшипник * Both local custom and hereditary factors have a bearing on how people wear their hair.


подшипник * How does Romans 14:13, 19 have a bearing on decisions about health, and how might our unity be put at risk?


подъемные * Others were promoting sectarianism and elevating men who thought they were superior to their Christian brothers.​—1 Corinthians 4:6-8; 2 Corinthians 11:4, 5, 13.


поется * 13 When the Ark was finally transported by the Levites from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem, a song composed by David was sung.


поехал * 24 So he drove the man out, and he posted at the east of the garden of Eʹden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life. ^ par.


поехал * 3:24) So he drove the man out, and he posted at the east of the garden of Eʹden the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning continuously to guard the way to the tree of life. ^ par.


позволять * Most important, when you stop and meditate on what you read, you allow time for the material to reach your heart and time for prayer to thank Jehovah for the good things you are learning.


позиция * 19 He said: "It is unthinkable on my part from the standpoint of my God to do this!


познавательный * In psychology circles, this is known as cognitive load.

-bow down-

поклониться * 19 But if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my commandments that I have put before you and you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, 20 I will uproot Israel from my land that I have given them, and this house that I have sanctified for my name I will cast out of my sight, and I will make it an object of scorn and a cause for ridicule among all the peoples.


покровители * Merchants and patrons haggle over prices in the bazaars.


пол * What was a threshing floor, and how was it used?


полезность * Next you will see several ways your website can convey trust and usefulness to the user.


полигамны * In the first place, she was in a polygamous marriage, with a rival wife who hated her.


политика * There are a few editorial policies that your destination URL must meet before it will be approved by Google.


полная * 38 All of these were men of war, joining together in battle line; they came with a complete heart to Hebʹron to make David king over all Israel, and also all the rest of Israel were united in wanting to make David king.


положения * If you prepare something that will truly help your audience to strengthen their relationship with Jehovah, to appreciate his provisions, to cope successfully with the pressures of life in this old system, or to be effective in their ministry, then you have every reason to be enthusiastic about your talk.


получателями * 9:7) Next, Paul mentioned those who benefit from generous giving: the recipients, whose needs are satisfied; and the donors, who are enriched by spiritual blessings.—2 Cor.


получены * 145:16) Recreation and relaxation have their place, but the pleasure derived from them is increased when we put our relationship with Jehovah first.


поля * "The fields of Moab" often proved to be fertile farmland, even when famine stalked Israel.


поместиться * 26:10, 11; 3 John 11) They are like those whom the apostle Paul described when he said: "They did not see fit to acknowledge God."


помещик * She chanced upon the fields of a man named Boaz, a wealthy landowner and a relative of Naomi's dead husband, Elimelech.


понаслышке * We have witnessed firsthand the fulfillment of Micah's prophecy.


поносили * Instead of retaliating, can you imitate Jesus, who when being reviled "did not go reviling in return"?


понять * Why do some find it difficult to comprehend that God loves them?


пообещав * As we saw in the preceding chapter, she had attached herself to her mother-in-law, Naomi, vowing to stick with her and to make Naomi's God, Jehovah, her own God.


поражение * As we consider these points, keep in mind that the Bible often speaks of God's "hand" when referring to his applied power, which he uses to help his servants and to defeat his opposers.​—Read Deuteronomy 26:8.


порыв * Recall that Peter did not sink because of a gust of wind or a big wave.


поселился * 14 The caravan gradually settled into the routine of travel.


посеять * A gardener may prepare his ground, sow his seed, and carefully tend the plants, but in the end it is because of the wonderful creative power of God that things grow.


поскольку * Ruth's muscles surely protested the long day's labor, for she had been working steadily since the morning.


после * 7 "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.


последнее * Regarding the latter, he said: "One man judges one day as above another; another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind."


послушный * Consider: Is it really beyond the power of the Creator of the entire universe to control his animal creations, even render them tame and docile if needed?


посмотреть * ABRAM looked up, his gaze drawn to the ziggurat that loomed over his home city of Ur.


посмотреть * Imagine the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator.


пособие * Furthermore, "an allowance was constantly given him [Jehoiachin] from the king, daily as due, all the days of his life."​—2 Kings 24:11, 15; 25:27-30.


пособие * Of course, make allowance for his age and abilities, recognizing that each person progresses at a different rate.


поспешным * He is levelheaded and not hasty in judgment.


поставить под угрозу * Since ranking organically takes time and effort and changing a page could jeopardize your rankings, testing dedicated PPC landing pages that are built for conversions can lead to higher profits.


постепенно * (Hebrews 5:14; 6:1) A person who spends little time thinking about God will gradually lose his relationship with Jehovah or even end up rejecting him.


постепенно * 14 The caravan gradually settled into the routine of travel.


построить * Over time, a buildup of unkind words or actions and a backlog of unresolved conflicts can cause a husband or wife to withdraw into an emotional shell or, worse yet, begin to form an emotional attachment with someone else.


посыпать * The lamb's blood sprinkled on the doorposts and lintel was a means to preserve life.


потакает * His Word reveals the whole picture, thus providing a solemn warning to any who indulge in seemingly minor jealous and hateful acts.


потворствует * Does my inner voice warn me when I am tempted to view a film that features pornographic scenes or one that condones immorality, drunkenness, or spiritism?'


потери * Noah dealt with what losses as he neared his 600th year?


потоковом * During "the final part of the days," millions from all nations and tribes and tongues have streamed to "the mountain of the house of Jehovah."​—Mic.


потоковом * From the horizon they streamed in by the thousands​—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—​all in an astonishing variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions.


похвалы * 8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste,- whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering- these things.


похвально * Second, Boaz responded in a way that clearly shows that he saw Ruth's conduct as morally chaste and highly commendable.


похитители * 36 "If they sin against you (for there is no man who does not sin), and you are furious with them and you abandon them to an enemy, and their captors carry them off captive to a land, far or near, 37 and they come to their senses in the land where they were carried off captive, and they return to you and beg you for favor in the land where they are captives, saying, 'We have sinned and done wrong; we have acted wickedly,' 38 and they return to you with all their heart and all their soul in the land of their captivity where


похожий * This additional action of searching again is redundant and akin to giving the searcher more work.


почтение * The apostle Paul urged Christian women to "adorn themselves . . . with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God."


появились * When Noah and his family emerged from the ark after the great Deluge, that patriarch offered up a sacrifice to Jehovah God, who, in turn, made a rainbow appear.


поясница * So they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves.


правдивее * This statement is even truer if the featured client is a well-known business.


правильно * Thus, Abel had solid reasons for putting faith in God's promise about a "seed," or offspring, who would one day right the wrongs that had begun in Eden.​—Gen.


прадед * It had been bad in the days of his great-grandfather Enoch, another righteous man who walked with God.


пребывание * Evidently, her sojourn in Moab had left her much changed; her countenance and bearing showed the mark of years of hardship and grief.—Ruth 1:19.


превосходительства * Such ones are called "a royal priesthood" and have been commissioned to "'declare abroad the excellencies' of the one that called [them] out of darkness into his wonderful light."


превосходя * 18 Having considered just a few of the excelling ways that Jehovah shows his love for us, we cannot help but feel as Moses did.


превысив * (1 John 4:19) Therefore, it is clear that Jehovah has provided a surpassing example of fatherly love that can help us to love him.


превысив * Let us always keep in mind his surpassing example.


предвидел * Jehovah foresaw that Eve would feel an unbalanced need for her husband's love and attention and that Adam would, in turn, dominate her.


предложения * The deals could be for a coupon, free newsletter, free consultation, or special 177 ■ EMPLOYING USABILITY, TRUST, AND WEB TECHNOLOGY 178 discount.


преднамеренное * 1:6) Peninnah's actions were deliberate.


предок * Later, we learn, Ruth's son became an ancestor of the great King David.


предостерегающий * After admonishing the older men in the congregation not 'to lord it over those allotted to them,' the apostle Peter wrote the above.


предпочтение * Independence and an unreasonable insistence on personal preference may be highly regarded by some, but what has been the result?


предпринимательская * Ruth was venturing into the unknown, leaving her own kin, her homeland, and all its customs—including its gods—behind her.—Read Ruth 1:3-6.


предрасположены * Those who do click are more predisposed to both perform the action and to seek ways to conduct that action on your website.


предусмотрительно * 14 Insight will also help you to choose your own entertainment prudently.


предусмотрительность * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


преобладают * Do not let mortal man prevail against you."


препятствует * True, Jehovah had placed a curse on the ground, causing it to produce thorns and thistles that impeded agriculture.


пререкания * We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark.


преследовали * Here are a few reasons: Romantic dinner Religious service Emergency lighting Meditation Halloween haunted house Relaxing bath Wedding The list could continue with hundreds of examples.


преследователи * Then, after your pursuers have come back, you can go on your way."


претворяется * 11 Today, we are blessed with much knowledge of Jehovah's works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.


преувеличивать * What name would it be? - When you are sick and feeling poorly, do you like to be alone or do you like to be pampered and have someone close to your side most of the time? - What is the most thoughtful, caring thing you have ever done? - Do you ever think that your partner gives more time, love and affection to a child or pet and it makes you jealous? - Do you like to exaggerate things for effect? - If you had to be a different nationality, what country would you like to have been born in?


прибегая * If not, do not play games by resorting to the silent treatment.


приближение * Your First Page Bid The first page bid is an estimate given to you by Google for each of your keywords that is an approximation of what you need to bid for your ad to show up on page 1 of the search results.


приблизились * As Noah neared his 600th year, he dealt with losses.


приведение * 15 David and all the house of Israel were bringing up the Ark of Jehovah with joyful shouting and with the sound of the horn.


привить * 6:6-9) These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, 7 and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.


привить * Therefore, you need to find ways to make the solitary activity of browsing the Web more social and instill a sense of being included in a group; doing so can change the way people feel about your site.


привлекательным * 15:1; 25:15) To people who experience roughness every day, a manner and a voice that express kindness can be so appealing that they may listen to the good news we bring.


прямостоячие * But for those who are able to do so, standing reasonably erect when speaking to others is recommended so as not to convey an indifferent or apologetic attitude.


психологическое * In fact, some individuals have dark memories of growing up in family situations that have left them with deep emotional or psychological scars.


пузырьков * Emerald-green lawns slope down to the carefully tended banks of a stream bubbling with crystal-clear water.


пункт * Instead of feeling sorry for Hannah and comforting her in her disappointment, Peninnah played on that sensitive point.


пустыня * 4 Why have you brought Jehovah's congregation into this wilderness for us and our livestock to die here?


пучки * Workers labor day and night spinning milk-white thread from billowy bundles of wool.


пылающий * He knew that right there a flaming blade was turning, ever turning, blocking the way into the garden of Eden.


пятно * How the stain of that corrupt worship had spread in the world since Noah's day!


рабочие * A remarkable man of faith, Boaz greeted his workers—some of whom may have been day laborers or even foreigners—with the words: "Jehovah be with you."


радуга * When Noah and his family emerged from the ark after the great Deluge, that patriarch offered up a sacrifice to Jehovah God, who, in turn, made a rainbow appear.


разбивается * He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the military wagons with fire.


разбил * 8 Later he moved from there to the mountainous region east of Bethʹel and pitched his tent with Bethʹel on the west and Aʹi on the east.


разбирается * a man versed in the Law stood up to test him and said: "Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit everlasting life?"


развернулась * 5 A terrible tragedy had unfolded among God's spirit sons, the angels.


разграбили * 14 Further, they struck all the cities around Geʹrar, for the dread of Jehovah had come upon them; and they plundered all the cities, for there was much to plunder in them.


разграбления * 2:8) For this is what Jehovah of armies says, who after being glorified has sent me to the nations that were plundering you: 'Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye. ^ par.


раздел * It was located in Gualey, a very dangerous section of Ciudad Trujillo.


раздражало * When she saw that Mary was not helping her, she got irritated and complained to Jesus.


раздражение * Differences that once were merely an annoyance may now seem intolerable.


разжигание * They eagerly responded to Jesus' rousing instructions: Preach the good news of God's established Kingdom in all the earth!​—Acts 10:42. w14 1/15 2:7, 8 ^ (Luke 4:43) But he said to them: "I must also declare the good news


различения * I will focus on some of these distinguishing factors of why someone should do business with you instead of your competitors later in this chapter.


разлучает * Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites."


разногласия * These works include "sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these."


разнообразны * The browser market is diverse, offering Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, and others.


разобрать * What is important is to know how to build the URLs so that your tracking system can parse the information from the URL and store it appropriately in a system where the data is easily understandable.


разорвал * 31 As soon as they had finished all of this, all the Israelites who were present went out to the cities of Judah, and they smashed the sacred pillars, cut down the sacred poles,- and tore down the high places and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin, as well as in Eʹphra·im and Ma·nasʹseh, until they had destroyed them completely, after which all the Israelites returned to their cities, each one to his own possession.


разорили * And marriages that are repeatedly ravaged by such emotional firestorms do not provide an environment in which love can grow.


разочарование * Now, disillusionment has driven a wedge between you, making you feel more like cell mates than soul mates.


разыскивается * For example, not long after he began preaching, the crowds in Capernaum wanted Jesus to spend more time in their city.


разыскивается * Patrick, a brother from Africa, said: "My mind is like a mailbox filled with a variety of information, both wanted and unwanted, that needs to be sorted every day.


рампы * Slaves tramp down creaking ships' ramps, bowing under the weight of imported treasures.


рана * 12 When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you are sinning against Christ. ^ par.


рана * 15 Ruth watched discreetly as the work wound down in the evening.


ранены * A wounded heart can be healed, and broken lives can mend.


раскинув * 26:8) Finally Jehovah brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with terrifying deeds and with signs and miracles. ^ par.


раскрыта * Therefore, they are not disclosed by Google.


расположен * She had, indeed, decided to take refuge under the wings of Jehovah God, like a young bird securely nestled against a protective parent.


распределяются * In the Promised Land, the inheritances of the Israelites were apportioned by lot.


рассмеялся * After she finished reading the article on Martha, one reader wrote: "I laughed when I read it because I'm just like her​—always desiring to be a good hostess and to be busy but sometimes forgetful of the need to pause and enjoy association with the friends."


рассмотрение * 7 Husbands also do well to note that Jesus always showed consideration for his disciples.


расстались * Much later, he also parted the Red Sea and made the sun stand still.

-line up-

расстановка * 6:33) Does your conscience prompt you to set priorities that line up with Jesus' advice?


расстояния * There were trees to fell, logs to haul, and beams to hew, shape, and join.


растягивается * Days stretched into weeks, and the landscape slid slowly by.


расширен * He repeated the instructions that he had given back in Ur, and he enlarged on his promises.


расширить * These differences extend to the ad copy as well.


рвение * No doubt her eagerness to get to know Jehovah and to serve him had much to do with that reputation.


рев * When the fire is started, it may come roaring to life in an intense blaze.


ревновать * At any rate, Peninnah, who was deeply jealous of Hannah, found many ways to make her rival suffer.


самолет * Take care not to carry your enthusiasm on such a high plane throughout your entire talk that your audience becomes exhausted.


самомнение * Peninnah produced one offspring after another, and her self-importance grew with each new child.


самоотверженный * It is expressed by giving, by acting in a selfless or self-sacrificing way.


самоуважение * 16:7) When you are clean and well-groomed, others will likely conclude that you have self-respect, and they will be more inclined to listen to you.


сантехник * This means that while the plumber down the street is a local business, so are Best Buy and JCPenney.


сарай * During Christ's Thousand Year Reign, it may take some time for the righteous and the unrighteous to shed imperfect traits.


сложные * With more sophisticated systems, you can even correlate phone calls to keywords, ad groups, landing pages, and ad copy.

-break down-

сломать * With local advertising, you need to break down the messages based on the user's knowledge of your area and by who is traveling, the customer or the business.


слоновая кость * 17 The king also made a great ivory throne and overlaid it with pure gold.


смесь * The larger problem is that the ads blend together because the headlines are so similar.


смешались * His remains are long lost, mingled with the dust of nearly 60 centuries.


смешение * We might imagine Abram and Sarai alternating between riding and walking, their conversation mingling with the tinkling of bells hanging from the animals' harnesses.


смирение * The mature Christian shows humility in that he recognizes that Jehovah's ways and standards are always better than his own.


смолистые * God commanded Noah: "Make for yourself an ark out of wood of a resinous tree."​—Gen.


смочите * 6:14-22) But David never allowed the conduct of others to dampen his love for Jehovah.


смутно * He may have begun to see, however dimly, that he was part of a grand purpose that Jehovah had in mind.


смущенный * The Bible says that Peninnah vexed Hannah sorely "for the sake of making her feel disconcerted."


смягчить * Such an answer can also soften one who has an opposing viewpoint.


смятой * For example, 2 Samuel 12:31, according to the King James Version, reads: "He brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon."


собираются * Pleasurably we congregate, Gaining our strength anew.


соблазнов * The apostle John identifies three enticements that Satan employs: (1) "the desire of the flesh," (2) "the desire of the eyes," and (3) "the showy display of one's means of life."


собрались * 11 When Re·ho·boʹam arrived in Jerusalem, he immediately congregated the house of Judah and Benjamin, 180,000 trained warriors, to fight against Israel in order to restore the kingdom to Re·ho·boʹam.


совершеннолетие * Children who experience the joy of giving to Jehovah while they are young are likely to continue being generous toward him in adulthood.​—Prov.


совещается * Hence, after reading the brochure, you should confer with your own legal or tax adviser.


согласие * However, "David did not consent to drink it, but poured it out to Jehovah."


согласованных * If your problem is that you often grope for the right word, you need to make a concerted effort to build up your vocabulary.


согласуется * If papers kept in a Bible are a source of distraction, it may be that your keeping them in another place would be consistent with having your equipment well arranged.


содержание * As I search the contents of my mind, I often find 'disquieting thoughts,' and I have to pray to Jehovah about them before I can meditate with a clear mind.


созерцание * What was the result of such appreciative contemplation?


созревают * 15 Many types of fruit ripen best in warm sunlight.


созрел * 4 When you examine ripe fruit at the market, you see that not all the pieces are identical.


сок * If you face challenges that sap you of joy in life, you may find Hannah's story particularly moving.

-cut down-

сократить * 3 He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred pillars, and cut down the sacred poles.


солома * To release the grain from the chaff and straw, workers used big forks or shovels to toss the mixture into the wind, which carried off the lighter chaff and allowed the heavier grains to fall back to the floor.


соответствовать * Craft the destination URL to comply with Google's editorial policy and to add additional tracking information that you can utilize to see how AdWords visitors navigate and convert on your website.


соответствовать * Of course, we do not all carry ourselves in the same way, and we do not endeavor to conform to a certain pattern.


торжественное * 9 But on the eighth day they held a solemn assembly, because they had held the inauguration of the altar for seven days and the festival for seven days.


торжественное * His Word reveals the whole picture, thus providing a solemn warning to any who indulge in seemingly minor jealous and hateful acts.


тоска * 11:17-19) Then David expressed his longing: "If only I could have a drink of the water from the cistern by the gate of Bethʹle·hem!"


тоска * Lighten our burden, soften our anguish, Give us the comfort your spirit imparts.


точный * Informing a local that you are in the Water Tower Place gives them precise information to make a decision about traveling to the business.


тремор * Ruth replied, perhaps with a tremor in her voice: "I am Ruth your slave girl, and you must spread out your skirt over your slave girl, for you are a repurchaser."


трепал * Imagine the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator.


трепетное * Eli had noticed Hannah's quivering lips, her sobs, and her emotional demeanor.


третичный * Your tertiary option might be social network sharing.


тривиально * Even though they lived in a world that was geared toward making their primary pursuit in life seem trivial, misguided, or foolish, they still kept at it faithfully.


триумф * Shouting in triumph, oh, thanks let us sing: "Praise to Jehovah, our glorious King!"


тротуар * 3 And all the people of Israel were looking on when the fire came down and the glory of Jehovah was upon the house, and they bowed low with their faces to the ground on the pavement and prostrated themselves and thanked Jehovah, "for he is good; his loyal love endures forever."


трубы * the true God is with us, leading us, with his priests and the signal trumpets for sounding the battle alarm against you.


туманно * What a privilege it will be for us to see the time when Abraham lives again and at last grasps the divine purpose that he could formerly see only in hazy outline!


тысячелетий * "But go back four millenniums.


тяга * But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is crouching at the door, and its craving is to dominate you; but will you get the mastery over it?"


тяжелое * God's people were in dire need of help and protection.


тяжелое * If no one else could fully understand her plight, her Father in heaven could.


тяжелое * In Isaiah's day, the nation of Judah found themselves in dire straits.


убедительным * Offer a compelling benefit and message.

-run off-

убежал * Evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off.​—Gen.


убит * 17 A·biʹjah and his people inflicted a great slaughter on them, and the slain of Israel kept falling, 500,000 trained men.


убит * 22 Many had fallen slain, because the war was waged by the true God.


убиты * There Cain assaulted Abel and murdered him.


убой * "The slaughter was very great; on Israel's side, 30,000 foot soldiers fell.


уборке * Then Mike reduced the size of his janitorial business and learned how he could manage the business from overseas via the Internet.

-put away-

убрать * Moreover, the Christian has no doubt worked to "put away" his former attitudes and conduct.


увеличилось * It swelled with love for Naomi—and for the God whom Naomi served.


уверенно * When Elijah informed King Ahab of Jehovah's intention to bring about a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah . . . is living, . . . there will be no dew or rain except by my word!"


уверены * If you have already set up a Google Analytics account and you are unsure whether the data is being passed, there are two things to check: Navigate to Google Analytics from within your AdWords account (Tools & Analysis > Google Analytics).


увещевание * Any exhortation that you give to act on what is being discussed will fall on weary ears.


успокоил * A nonlocal first needs to be reassured that they are in the correct place before moving to the next stage of evaluating your business.


устав * 43 Then Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, "This is the statute of the Passover: No foreigner may eat of it. ^ par.


устал * 4:11-13) When Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, felt weary and despondent, Jehovah gave him counsel to help him see the reality of his problem.


устал * Any exhortation that you give to act on what is being discussed will fall on weary ears.


устал * When we are weary, weak, or discouraged, Your active force will our hearts renew.


устойчивость * 32:4) Happily, he has made it possible for us to make our mind over and to cultivate soundness of mind.


уступил * In April 2008, at the height of the tax season, a search for sales tax deduction in Washington, D.C., yielded zero ads for accounting firms (and only four total ads, all going to search result pages of various search engines).


утешение * 9:2, 11) It shows us too that in the face of unbearable loss, we are wise to seek comfort and solace in others—especially those who seek refuge in Jehovah, the God whom Naomi worshipped.—Prov.


утилизация * With the wonders of creation all around us and the entire Bible at our disposal, as well as many human examples of faith, we have ample basis for building faith today.

-die down-

утихать * However, if nothing more is done to the fire, it will eventually die down to hot coals that, in turn, will become cold ashes if left alone.


утолить * 11 They provide water for all the wild beasts of the field; The wild donkeys quench their thirst.


утомительно * How tiresome!'


уточнение * While this is usually referred to as a category search or product refinement, the resulting page is a segmentation page, because it segments the products that are being presented to the user so the user can self-select which avenue to explore.


утраты * God's Law to Israel included loving provisions for families who as a result of poverty or bereavement fell on hard times.


ухоженная * 16:7) When you are clean and well-groomed, others will likely conclude that you have self-respect, and they will be more inclined to listen to you.


ухоженная * We should be well-groomed; yet, we don't want to go overboard."


ущелье * 23:20) Do not be among those who drink too much wine, Among those who gorge themselves on meat, ^ par.


факультет * 2 Today, humans still have the faculty of conscience.


факультетов * As Jesus indicated, all our physical, emotional, and spiritual faculties need to be involved.


финансово * These expressions paint a vivid picture of self-sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially.


флиртовать * married: If to flirt with someone who is not your mate?


фокусное * For three and a half years, Jesus made this work the focal point of his life.


формат * Although their size and format have varied, they have been a very effective witnessing tool.


формируется * Her lips quivered as she mentally formed the words to express her pain.


форфейтинг * 16 Does spending our time preparing for God's new world mean forfeiting a better or more fulfilling way of life today?


халатность * They knew the Law regarding the offering of sacrifices but became so shamefully negligent that Jehovah had to give them strong counsel.


хаос * Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy.


хваленая * Though Satan against us has vaunted, In our God's strength we move ahead undaunted.


херувимы * 17 Imagine what it was like for Abel to see those cherubs when he was a boy.


хижины * 15 Finally, after some 600 miles (960 km) on the road, they reached the beehive-shaped huts of Haran, a prosperous city on a crossroads of the East-West trade routes.


хитрый * 4:2) But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God; but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.


хитрый * Yet, God protects his people overall by providing timely warnings against Satan's crafty acts.


хмуриться * Picture Abram turning away and shaking his head, a frown creasing his brow.


хозяйка * After she finished reading the article on Martha, one reader wrote: "I laughed when I read it because I'm just like her​—always desiring to be a good hostess and to be busy but sometimes forgetful of the need to pause and enjoy association with the friends."


холмистая * The journey to Shiloh would take the large family across more than 20 miles of the hilly country of Ephraim.


христиански * As Jehovah's servants, we avoid styles that reflect such unchristian ways.


хроника * I no longer keep a chronicle of mistakes.


хрупкий * Perhaps Terah was too frail to travel any farther.


хулиганы * Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit.

-make out-

целоваться * Then, perhaps he looked far beyond his sheep to a spot in the distance where he could just make out a faint glow.


целомудренной * Second, Boaz responded in a way that clearly shows that he saw Ruth's conduct as morally chaste and highly commendable.


целостность * He later added: "Therefore, fear Jehovah and serve him with integrity and faithfulness . . .


ценные бумаги * Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor receives a specified annuity payment every year for life.


черта * Be specific in your request, asking God to help you overcome any trait that you may have found that indicates a weakening of faith, such as an inability to forgive.


чертополох * True, Jehovah had placed a curse on the ground, causing it to produce thorns and thistles that impeded agriculture.


чинить * A wounded heart can be healed, and broken lives can mend.


чревато * Even though taking such a stand was fraught with danger, she expressed faith that Jehovah could deliver her and her family.​—Josh.


чрезвычайно * 22:5) And David said: "My son Solʹo·mon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for Jehovah is to be exceedingly magnificent, so that its fame and beauty will be known in all lands.


чрезвычайно * 25 And Jehovah made Solʹo·mon exceedingly great before the eyes of all Israel and bestowed on him royal majesty such as no king over Israel ever had before.


чрезвычайно * Jehovah will answer our request for more faith, and our faith will grow exceedingly, leading to our being "counted worthy of the Kingdom of God."​—2 Thess.


чрезмерно * They may need to be helped to realize that when a person becomes bombastic or overly emotional, his audience will be thinking about him rather than about the message.


чрезмерное * A person who is modest is concerned about not needlessly offending others and not drawing undue attention to himself.


чрезмерное * You must also be careful with overuse of a color.


чувственный * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


чувствительность * She had also shown great kindness and sensitivity toward Naomi and her people, willingly adapting to ways and customs that were surely unfamiliar to her.


ячмень * 24 It was the time of the barley harvest, likely in April by our modern calendar, and Ruth went to the fields to see who would let her work under the provision for gleaners.


ячмень * Boaz filled her cloak with a generous gift of barley, and she made her way back into Bethlehem.—Read Ruth 3:13-15.


ящик для инструментов * planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow, Improving Our Skills in the Ministry​—Offering the Bible Teach Book Why Important: The Bible Teach book is a primary tool in our teaching toolbox.


двор * And you remember the gardener's words when you get home and see your own unkempt backyard, where nothing appealing grows, garbage accumulates, and rainwater fills unsightly holes in the ground.


дегтя * The pungent smell of hot tar was in the air; the sounds of woodworking tools reverberated.


действует * 16:4, 24, 26, 28) Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, but principles embodied in it are still valid.


денонсировать * And the hand of Jehovah will become known to his servants, But he will denounce his enemies." ^ par.


державам, * When asked how they were faring, everyone, with a broad smile, answered: "All is well, thanks to Jehovah!"


десятичная дробь * Technically, Google keeps a different number strung out to many decimal places that is used in their calculations; however, they display only whole numbers to advertisers.


дефис * If you have shipped to rural areas, or have dealt with individuals who have hyphenated last names, then you have come across exceptions where you might need the first name field or where someone's zip code does not match their city shipping address.


динамический * Abel's parents, Adam and Eve, were likely beautiful, dynamic people.


дискурс * This is true whether you are delivering a discourse or speaking with an individual.


диспозиции * From the horizon they streamed in by the thousands​—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—​all in an astonishing variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions.


для * What should we look for in a friend?

-for good-

для блага * Why is the conscience a powerful force for good in the Christian congregation?


дня * 14 The caravan gradually settled into the routine of travel.


дня * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


до фронта * One of the reasons to ask for an email address in up-front fields is to send reminders when forms are abandoned on your website.


доблестный * This was because the valiant men of these tribes trusted in Jehovah and looked to him for help.


добродетельным * 8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste,- whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering- these things.


добросердечных * It is not hard to see why Ruth and Orpah felt so attached to this kindhearted and unselfish woman.


добросовестный * 10 If we cannot understand the conscientious decision of a fellow believer on some personal matter, we should not quickly judge him or feel that we ought to pressure him to change his mind.


добросовестный * How can we respect the conscientious decision of a fellow believer?


доброта * 22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,- kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control.


доброта * 22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,- kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control.


добыча * Along the same line, Adam Clarke comments: "The meaning therefore is, He made the people slaves, and employed them in sawing, making iron harrows, or mining, . . . and in hewing of wood, and making of brick.


довольны * Regardless of where we will then serve and what we will do, we can be sure that we will be grateful and contented, brimming with joy.​—Neh.


дождевой воды * And you remember the gardener's words when you get home and see your own unkempt backyard, where nothing appealing grows, garbage accumulates, and rainwater fills unsightly holes in the ground.


дозирования * 2:9) That slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ's presence.


дознаватель * 3 Love is Jehovah's dominant attribute, so we can understand why Jesus told one inquirer that the first commandment from God is: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength."


дозорного * It is but a lonely sentinel keeping watch over a vast stretch of sterile desert.


домашний скот * 7 Then Jehovah said to Moses: 8 "Take the rod and call the assembly together, you and Aaron your brother, and speak to the crag before their eyes that it may give its water, and you will bring out water for them from the crag and give the assembly and their livestock something to drink."


домен * Christ Jesus rules; the earth is his domain.


доминирование * What a refreshing contrast that will be to the self-rule promoted in this world under Satan's domination!


доминирующим * 23 And you should continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude, 24 and should put on the new personality that was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. ^ par.


домогательства * 8 Naomi urged Ruth to accept Boaz' offer to keep gleaning in his fields and to stay near the young women of his own household so that she would escape harassment from the reapers.


домой * As he made his way homeward through the throngs on the streets, he likely thought about the idolatry that pervaded Ur.


дополнение * I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him."


дорого * She loved Naomi dearly and would do all she could to care for her.


дорогого товара * It is also useful to cross-sell or upsell from within your website.


досадно * The Bible says that Peninnah vexed Hannah sorely "for the sake of making her feel disconcerted."


достаточно * 33:11) On the contrary, he had given them ample opportunity to change their ways and do what was right.


достаточно * What ample basis do we have for building faith today?


достаточно * With the wonders of creation all around us and the entire Bible at our disposal, as well as many human examples of faith, we have ample basis for building faith today.


достаточны * Would gleaning suffice?


достигла своего пика * Evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off.​—Gen.


доступ * Although most of the data is automatically passed to Google Analytics, the data that is not passed can easily be accessed from AdWords reports, which will be covered in depth in Chapter 16, "AdWords Reports: Extracting Actionable Information."


доступ * Make sure that product, company, or personal information you are asking for can be easily accessed from the form (Figure 5.7).


доступ * While it will not be your landing page, ensuring the information a consumer needs can be accessed from your form is important regardless of where the form is on your website.


доступны * Even if you have a dedicated landing page for a product, detailed information should be easily accessible.


доходность * It is the way we are designed to live, the way that yields the greatest joy.


дразнили * 1:6) Moreover, her rival wife taunted her relentlessly in order to upset her because Jehovah had not given her children. ^ par.


едва * 18 And yet despite saying these things, they barely restrained the crowds from sacrificing to them.


едва * In the first century, there was hardly a reason to ask such a question.


едва * They could hardly believe that a man would waste his life​—and the lives of his family—​in such a foolish endeavor.


единство * 11 And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers,- some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment- of the holy ones, for ministerial work, to build up the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness- of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown- man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.


единство * He encouraged them to reach out to "attain to the oneness of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ."​—Eph.


единый * 24:14; Acts 1:8) Add to that the unified, multinational brotherhood of Jehovah's people today​—something the world cannot imitate—​and we can see why even outsiders admit: "God is really among you."


если * 4:2) Did that choice of a name reflect lower expectations, as if they put less hope in Abel than in Cain?


жаждет * That condition is difficult for any wife who longs to bear children; but in Hannah's time and culture, it was a source of intense grief.


жаждут * 2:5; 11:1) Moreover, we are showing how deeply we yearn for the righteous conditions that will then exist on earth.


жаловались * When she saw that Mary was not helping her, she got irritated and complained to Jesus.


жалость к себе * 2 Live by Faithfulness: Instead of becoming paralyzed by self-pity, Habakkuk remained spiritually alert and active.


жгуты * We might imagine Abram and Sarai alternating between riding and walking, their conversation mingling with the tinkling of bells hanging from the animals' harnesses.


жестоко * Did David treat his captives savagely, as some conclude from 1 Chronicles 20:3?


жестокой * Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit.


жилая * Just imagine, out of the unknown number of planets that exist in the Milky Way and beyond, Jehovah created the earth to be not merely a habitable place but a comfortable, beautiful, and safe home for his human creation!


журналы * There were trees to fell, logs to haul, and beams to hew, shape, and join.


за * Paul reminds us that God is "the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive."


за * Then, perhaps he looked far beyond his sheep to a spot in the distance where he could just make out a faint glow.


за борт * We should be well-groomed; yet, we don't want to go overboard."


за границу * Such ones are called "a royal priesthood" and have been commissioned to "'declare abroad the excellencies' of the one that called [them] out of darkness into his wonderful light."


заблуждение * Even though they lived in a world that was geared toward making their primary pursuit in life seem trivial, misguided, or foolish, they still kept at it faithfully.


заблуждение * Her words suggest that she may have had in mind the promise Jehovah made in the garden, foretelling that a certain woman would produce a "seed," or offspring, who would one day destroy the wicked one who had led Adam and Eve astray.


заблуждение * Sample Presentations The Watchtower December 1 "We're making brief visits to clear up a common misconception about the Bible.


заботится * We search the towns and city squares, And when we find someone who cares, The joy we feel inspires us to go on.

-take back-

забрать * 6 That is why I take back what I said, And I repent in dust and ashes." ^ par.


забросали * The people now pelted Paul with stones and left him for dead.—Acts 14:8-19.


забывчивый * After she finished reading the article on Martha, one reader wrote: "I laughed when I read it because I'm just like her​—always desiring to be a good hostess and to be busy but sometimes forgetful of the need to pause and enjoy association with the friends."


заветная * All perfect presents, each good gift, The things we're fondest of, The truly worthy things in life, Come down from God above.


завещанию * The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later, such as through a bequest at death.


заголовок * She and Naomi were heading to the same destination, the town of Bethlehem in Israel.


заголовок * So he courageously took the lead in trying to warn the people of that wicked, godless society about the destruction that was heading their way.


загоне * We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark.

-on account of-

из за * 2 As soon as Jer·o·boʹam the son of Neʹbat heard of it (he was still in Egypt because he had fled on account of King Solʹo·mon), Jer·o·boʹam came back from Egypt.


извинился * 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. ^ par.


изгнание * 11 And now you are cursed in banishment from the ground that has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.


изгоем * Hannah would only feel more and more like an outcast in her own household.

-cast out-

изгонять * 19 But if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my commandments that I have put before you and you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, 20 I will uproot Israel from my land that I have given them, and this house that I have sanctified for my name I will cast out of my sight, and I will make it an object of scorn and a cause for ridicule among all the peoples.


издатель * If you are a publisher, such as a newspaper, most of your traffic will come from informational queries.


излишним * Asking for both the credit card type and the credit card number is redundant.


излишним * This additional action of searching again is redundant and akin to giving the searcher more work.

-set out-

изложены * 12:5) Aʹbram took his wife Sarʹai and Lot the son of his brother and all the goods that they had accumulated and the people whom they had acquired in Haʹran, and they set out for the land of Caʹnaan.


измельчения * Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites."


изнасиловании * Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy.


изолят * Emphasize how meditating on God's Word can help us to isolate principles for personal application.


императоры * A Roman family name that became a title for the Roman emperors.


императоры * N - A Roman family name Ceaser" that became a title for the Roman emperors. "


инопланетянин * However, as noted by Bible scholar Samuel Rolles Driver, cruelty "is alien to all that we know of the personal character and temper of David."


инстинктивно * 16 When little children sense danger, they instinctively run to their parents.


интенсивность * In fact, the way we use our conscience reveals the depth of our spirituality, the quality of our heart, and the intensity of our desire to please Jehovah.


интенсивность * May we show the intensity of our desire for the real life by preparing for it now.


интенсивный * That condition is difficult for any wife who longs to bear children; but in Hannah's time and culture, it was a source of intense grief.


интерес * (2 Timothy 1:6) Think about the people in the territory and what you can say that will interest them.


искажая * 4:2) But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God; but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.

-rule out-

исключать * Manifesting these qualities does not rule out dressing in an attractive manner but helps us to be sensible in our appearance and to avoid extravagant styles of dress and grooming.


A · pol'los * 6 I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow, 7 so that neither is the one who plants anything nor is the one who waters, but God who makes it grow.


Blaze * When the fire is started, it may come roaring to life in an intense blaze.


Brimming * Regardless of where we will then serve and what we will do, we can be sure that we will be grateful and contented, brimming with joy.​—Neh.


Chafe * 11 Do I chafe at Scriptural counsel?


Chafe * Even if we occasionally chafe at some counsel we receive, we need not despair.


Confide * With constancy, give praise and thanks; Confide each need and care.


Encircling * 3 And there were ornamental gourds under it, completely encircling it, ten to a cubit all around the Sea.


Entice * With traffic, you are looking to entice someone to come to your website regardless of their intent.


Falter * Protection God will give you From snares along your way, And never will you falter In fear or in dismay.


HID * 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden.


Gleaners * 24 It was the time of the barley harvest, likely in April by our modern calendar, and Ruth went to the fields to see who would let her work under the provision for gleaners.

-all too-

слишком * Rivalry, strife, and heartache were all too common.


Из * Of Jehovah, the psalmist says: "He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; he rescues them from the hand of the wicked."


Invalidate * 3:17) Further, I say this: The Law, which came into being 430 years later, does not invalidate the covenant previously made by God, so as to abolish the promise.


Иисус * 7 Husbands also do well to note that Jesus always showed consideration for his disciples.


Илия * Elijah told him: "There will be no dew or rain except by my word!"


Иона * 11] Who was reigning in Israel when Jonah served as a prophet, and what can we appreciate about Jonah's ministry in view of what is recorded at 2 Kings 14:23-25?


wending * Evening was descending on the fields around Bethlehem, and many workers were already wending their way up to the gate of the little city perched atop a nearby ridge.


Leveraging * Leveraging Transactional Queries The easiest examples to use when deciding where to send traffic are commercial-based queries.


Выдох * They named him Abel, which may mean "Exhalation," or "Vanity."




успокаивающее * 18 Boaz spoke, and no doubt his gentle, soothing tone comforted Ruth.


Гедеон * 15:4) When we read about such people as Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, and many others, these accounts may move us to examine our own faith.


Гигантский * 11 Noah faced a gigantic task.

-public service-

Государственная служба * December "We are making brief visits as a public service to families.


Гранд * We lift our eyes and see your heavens grand.


kinswomen * 22 To those kinswomen and neighbors of years past, Naomi revealed how bitter her life had become to her.


воплощены * 16:4, 24, 26, 28) Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, but principles embodied in it are still valid.


вопросы * Your ad rank matters only in terms of other advertisers.


lewdest * At Roman stage plays, "eye and ear alike saw and heard indecencies," wrote one historian, "and the lewdest scenes were the most applauded."


Данные * Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought to an end, telling Ahab: "Go down so that the downpour may not detain you!"


кипела * He seethed with hatred for his brother.


Джентиле * 5 As we learned in the preceding chapter of this publication, the conversion of the Gentile Cornelius and his family was a thrilling development for the Christian congregation.


Доставка * Enthusiasm is most clearly manifested by animation in your delivery.


Достаточно * Suffice it to say, DKI is keyword insertion, which is also called dynamic keyword insertion, and whenever you hear someone mention any of these names, they all refer to the same feature.


Достойное * In areas where mustaches are widely viewed as dignified, any who wear these should keep them neatly trimmed.


SUPERLATIVE * SUPERLATIVE EXAMPLE OF GENEROSITY Jehovah wants us to follow his example of being generous.


Дрожа * 25 Trembling at- men is- a snare, But the one trusting in Jehovah will be protected.


Искупитель * David continued: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."


бушует * (James 3:5, 6) When marriage mates fail to control their tongue, small disagreements can quickly flare into raging conflicts.


Другие * 21 Re·ho·boʹam loved Maʹa·cah the granddaughter of Abʹsa·lom more than all his other wives and concubines, for he took 18 wives and 60 concubines, and he became father to 28 sons and 60 daughters.


Жестокость * 21:29) It seems that the Moabite religion was not exempt from the brutality and horrors common in those times, including the sacrifice of children.


Жизненно важно * A Vital Date in Bible History The date on which Abram crossed the Euphrates River is important in Bible chronology.


Запечатлить * Memorializing the Jewish Passover was part of the Mosaic Law, and we are not under the Law.


Дрю * 18 At that the three forced their way into the camp of the Phi·lisʹtines and drew water from the cistern by the gate of Bethʹle·hem and brought it to David; but David refused to drink it and poured it out to Jehovah.


UPS * Over the years, they may have had some ups and downs in life and may even have faced challenges in serving God.


Еврейка * At Mordecai's direction, she kept secret the fact that she was a Jewess.


Евфрат * 18 Several days' journey from Haran lay Carchemish, where caravans commonly crossed the Euphrates.


Евфрат * 29-32 "The Father of All Those Having Faith"--- Crossing the Euphrates 14, 15.


Естественно * Naturally, you knew that.


мореходный * It was far larger than the largest seagoing wooden ships built even in modern times.


Иегова * Instead of looking to Jehovah for help in dealing with these hardships, however, they started to "call down evil" on their king and on their God.


моряки * 18 Hiʹram sent him ships and experienced seamen by means of his own servants.


unalike * Once married, though, a man and woman discover just how unalike they are in such areas as communication styles, money management, and problem solving.


Абрам * His name is Abram."


Август * Augustus, Tiberius, and Claudius are mentioned by name in the Bible, and though Nero is not mentioned by name, it applies to him as well.


Август * So his son Oсtavian who adopted rulership was cold Caesar Augustus.


Административный * WHAT ARCHAEOLOGISTS HAVE DISCOVERED: Among the ruins of ancient Babylon, archaeologists uncovered administrative documents dated to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II.


Администрирование * Because your God loves Israel, in order to make it continue forever, he appointed you over it as king to administer justice and righteousness."


Аннуитет * Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor receives a specified annuity payment every year for life.


Арест * 116 Risking Arrest--- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Risking Arrest "Cautious as Serpents and Yet Innocent as Doves" It was vital that Jehovah's loyal servants continue receiving spiritual food during the ban, but it was a dangerous time in the country for true worshippers.


Ассоциации * Associations: What Company Do You Keep?


Афины * 5 When the apostle Paul was in Athens, Greece, he noticed that the city was filled with idols of the gods and deities that the people believed gave them life and life's necessities.




Бесплодие * Barrenness seemed a bitter reproach and shame.


Блестящие * Gleaming whitewashed houses and shops line its winding streets.


Больше * PAGE 4 DECEMBER 7-13, 2015 "Give Us More Faith" PAGE 9 DECEMBER 14-20, 2015 Serve Jehovah Without Distraction PAGE 18 DECEMBER 21-27, 2015


Броды * 7 So the men chased after them in the direction of the Jordan at the fords, and the city gate was shut once the pursuers had gone out.


Бросок * 55:22) Throw your burden on Jehovah, And he will sustain you.


Быт * And it kept coming, and coming, and coming​—flooding the whole world, just as Jehovah had said.​—Gen.


Быт * At the same time, God told Noah to take all the kinds of animals into the ark​—by sevens in the case of the clean ones, fit for sacrificial use, and the rest by twos.​—Gen.


Бюро * If you have symbols of authority, or memberships in organizations such as the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce, test using them on your website.

-After all-

В конце концов * After all, that is the way we expect to live once we arrive there.

-After all-

В конце концов * After all, the couple was sure that the wife was infertile.

-After all-

В конце концов * After all, this second son of Adam died a long time ago.

-All in all-

В общем * All in all, it had been a good day—better than she could ever have hoped for.


В общем * Generally, children love their parents, and parents love their children.


В отличие от * Unlike Orpah, Ruth could wholeheartedly say that she wanted Naomi's God, Jehovah, to be her own God as well.

-At that time-

В то время * 8:20; 9:12-14) At that time, the only worship in the world was pure worship.


Вводный * Another option is to use the introductory pages to stimulate interest and then show the householder where the book gives the Bible's answer.


Вероятно * Likely neither one of you ever intends to hurt the other.


Включение * Incorporating social and related information can help increase page views across your site.

-By all means-

Во всех смыслах * By all means, then, continue to do what Abram did.

-At any rate-

Во всяком случае * At any rate, Peninnah, who was deeply jealous of Hannah, found many ways to make her rival suffer.

-At any rate-

Во всяком случае * At any rate, both Ruth and Orpah were fond of Naomi.


Воспоминание * In God's remembrance We want our name to be Inscribed in his book For all eternity.

-All along-

Все это время * (Es 2:16, 17) All along, she kept in touch with Mordecai, following his counsel.


Второзаконие * 23:19) The Israelites would thus demonstrate that they did not take for granted Jehovah's love and blessings.​—Read Deuteronomy 8:7-11.


берег * 9:1, 2) When all the kings who were on the west side of the Jordan heard what had happened, those in the mountainous region, in the She·pheʹlah, along the entire coast of the Great Sea, and in front of Lebʹa·non—the Hitʹtites, the Amʹor·ites, the Caʹnaan·ites, the Perʹiz·zites, the Hiʹvites, and the Jebʹu·sites— 2 they formed an alliance to fight against Joshua and Israel. ^ par.


бескорыстие * It is not hard to see why Boaz was moved by this young woman's unselfishness.


бескорыстная * It is not hard to see why Ruth and Orpah felt so attached to this kindhearted and unselfish woman.


бесплодной * In the second place, she was barren.


бесплодными * After all, the couple was sure that the wife was infertile.


беспокойный * When worries weigh upon my mind And make me restless in the night, Then may I meditate on you And things I know to be upright.


беспокойство * As I search the contents of my mind, I often find 'disquieting thoughts,' and I have to pray to Jehovah about them before I can meditate with a clear mind.


бесполезны * 7 And idle, worthless men kept gathering to him.


бессмысленно * God Makes It Grow Perhaps you feel that your part in producing spiritual growth is insignificant, even meaningless.


бессмысленно * Your ad rank by itself is meaningless, and of course you have no idea what it actually is.


бесценным * To that end, the conscience can be an invaluable tool.


блаженство * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


близость * However, the weighting of the various factors can change based on many other factors, such as the user being on a computer versus a mobile device, the user's distance to a business (proximity), or the user's previous interaction with ads on the page.


бодрствование * In the wake of her devastating loss, Ruth may have drawn even closer to Naomi and listened willingly to the older woman as she spoke about the almighty God, Jehovah, his wonderful works, and the loving, merciful way he dealt with his people.


божества * 5 When the apostle Paul was in Athens, Greece, he noticed that the city was filled with idols of the gods and deities that the people believed gave them life and life's necessities.


божество * Worshippers come to this sanctuary to render homage to a deity they believe has brought prosperity to Ur​—the moon-god Nanna, or Sin.


больной * When he arrived, he discovered that a family of Witnesses had brought his ailing brother into their home to care for him.


большинство * 5 Elkanah loved Hannah the most.


боролись * 6 He went out and fought against the Phi·lisʹtines and broke through the wall of Gath, the wall of Jabʹneh, and the wall of Ashʹdod.


боролись * For example, unlike most of the nations who fought against Israel in Joshua's time, the Gibeonites made peace with Israel.


бороны * For example, 2 Samuel 12:31, according to the King James Version, reads: "He brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon."


борьба * 30 Ruth's faith in action is an excellent example for all of us today who struggle in these difficult economic times.


борьбе * Hence, when he writes, "the planter and the waterer are nothing" (Phillips), the apostle is combating such fleshly thinking, stressing the need to look to Jesus Christ as Leader and to acknowledge that all glory for growth in the congregation goes to God.


бритый * For men, a neat personal appearance may include being clean-shaven.


бродяга * Slaves tramp down creaking ships' ramps, bowing under the weight of imported treasures.


брони * 11 Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil; 12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. ^ par.


бросил * (Luke 19:38) The next day, Jesus courageously threw out from the temple greedy men who were selling things for high prices and thus robbing people.​—Luke 19:45, 46.


бросил * 14 So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes.


будить * Enthusiasm on your part will help to hold the interest of your listeners; it may also rouse them to action.


будь то * If Google does not understand your landing page, it cannot ascertain whether your landing page is relevant.


буря * THE apostle Peter and some other disciples are struggling to row their boat across the Sea of Galilee during a nighttime windstorm.


вечеринка * Why? - If you were given $, to throw a party for all of your friends, what sort of party would you put together? - Are you a morning, a night person or somewhere in the middle? - Do you think you would prefer a calm, loving, consistent marriage or one that was full of excitement, wild times and rocky patches? - Do you think you are a fairly typical man/woman in the way you think, act and believe? - Are you one who adapts to change easily?


взлома * Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites."


взыскательных * However, such reasoning fails to raise doubts in Christians who are discerning.

-take on-

взять * 6 For example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities.


видеозапись * Another policeman videotaped the discussion.


видеокамера * Buying Guides Have you ever bought a camcorder, laptop, or high-definition TV?


виноградарями * He had farmers and vinedressers in the mountains and in Carʹmel, for he loved agriculture.


включен * 18 The genealogical enrollment included all their children, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, their entire congregation—for they kept themselves sanctified for what was holy because of their office of trust— 19 as well as the descendants of Aaron, the priests who were living in the fields of the pastures surrounding t


включения * Most websites are not a single page, so incorporating these elements over your entire website is also a must for increasing your website's effectiveness.


включить * Now a searcher can incorporate the opinions of others in forming their decision about a product or service that your company offers.


вкус * Our speech should be in good taste, not rough or tactless.


власть * N - I see, so also Ceaser" in Greek Scriptures is used to to represent civil authority also. "


вложение * In an attempt to break our attachment to God, Satan targets the source of our desires​—our heart.


вмешиваться * It is never wise to let the misconduct of others interfere with our worship of God.


вне себя от радости * 13 On the contrary, go on rejoicing over the extent to which you are sharers in the sufferings of the Christ, so that you may rejoice and be overjoyed also during the revelation of his glory.


внимание * (Luke 4:16; Acts 15:21) This emphasis on meeting together continued with the formation of the Christian congregation, and it is still a major part of our worship.


внутренне * She could not help but smile inwardly when she thought of his kind words praising her for caring for Naomi and for choosing to seek refuge under the wings of the true God, Jehovah.—Read Ruth 2:11-14.


внутрь * He sang: "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is within my inward parts."


внучка * 20 After her, he married Maʹa·cah the granddaughter of Abʹsa·lom.


водрузили * She hoisted it, perhaps bundling it in a cloth and carrying it on her head, and then made her way to Bethlehem in the gathering darkness.—Ruth 2:17.


возвышающиеся * "All this bustle takes place in the shadow of a towering ziggurat that dominates the city's landscape.


воздержание * 7 (Acts 15:29) to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality.


воздерживаться * 2:5) And he did not refrain from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a flood upon a world of ungodly people. ^ par.


возмездия * However, retaliation only leads to anger and an escalation of the disagreement.


возможность * (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) We will also have the opportunity to sharpen our skills in science, music, architecture, or some other field of knowledge.


возобновил * Perhaps Naomi had resumed walking on the road when she noticed that Ruth was trailing behind her.


возразил * She remonstrated: "Look!


вой * 3:4) A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to wail and a time to dance; ^ par.


вой * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.

-all around-

вокруг * We have searched, and he has given us rest all around."


воли * 6 We cannot develop faith simply by our own willpower.


волнистая * Workers labor day and night spinning milk-white thread from billowy bundles of wool.


вонь * "To one man, though, the odor of sacrifices offered atop this massive pyramid is an unholy stench.


высоко * Because Google is such a highly known brand, they don't necessarily need to load up their forms pages with benefits statements, but for lesser-known brands, it is a very good idea to give consumers plenty of supporting information on the form page, such as what VentureDeal does on their page (Figure 5.8).


высокое * 2 Now I have built a lofty house for you, an established place for you to dwell in forever."


высокомерным * Note what he inspired the apostle Paul to write: "Instruct those who are rich in the present system of things not to be arrogant, and to place their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who richly provides us with all the things we enjoy.


высокопоставленный * To guard the entrance, Jehovah posted cherubs​—very high-ranking angels—​along with the flaming blade of a sword that turned continually.​—Read Genesis 3:24.


высота * 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


высота * In April 2008, at the height of the tax season, a search for sales tax deduction in Washington, D.C., yielded zero ads for accounting firms (and only four total ads, all going to search result pages of various search engines).


высылка * Adam and Eve must have related to their sons the events in the garden of Eden that led to their expulsion.

-day out-

выходной * Do my actions day in and day out show that I trust his ability to care for my needs?'


выяснилось * Other key events transpired on that date in later years.


вяло * Our faith could weaken, and we could "become sluggish," doing less for Jehovah than our circumstances allow.​—Heb.


газон * Customer travels to business (Best Buy, lawyer) Business travels to customer (plumber, lawn care) Where are the products sold?


гипотеза * Start with best practices, and then if you have a good hypothesis for testing against them, try it out to see when you should break away from commonly accepted wisdom.


гирлянды * 13 And the priest of Zeus, whose temple was at the entrance of the city, brought bulls and garlands to the gates and wanted to offer sacrifices with the crowds.


главное управление * A headquarters representative who visited a branch in Africa reported that political and religious conflicts had devastated that country.


глазеть * Everyone passing by it will stare in amazement and will say, 'Why did Jehovah do that to this land and this house?'


глубинных * Our causes for joy are deep-seated, Like embers that burn in our hearts.


гнезда * 9 (Luke 9:58) But Jesus said to him: "Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head." ^ par.


гнусный * Figure 5.14 Security error warning Usually—but by no means always—this error does not have a nefarious cause.


гордо * "The fields of Moab" often proved to be fertile farmland, even when famine stalked Israel.


горечь * Friday, November 20 Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you.​—Eph.


горный * 22 So they left and went to the mountainous region and stayed there for three days, until the pursuers returned.


горный * 8 Later he moved from there to the mountainous region east of Bethʹel and pitched his tent with Bethʹel on the west and Aʹi on the east.


городского * Typically, rural areas have slower connections than urban areas, but even in urban centers, there are plenty of users on slow connections.


горячо * So, firmly believing the gardener's words, you get on your knees and pray fervently to God to make beautiful flowers grow in your yard.


грейфер * 14 We can also show faith as we grapple with the challenges of daily life.


гривой * The maned young lion, you'll not dread; Upon the cobra you will tread.


грозным * Let us have complete confidence in Jehovah as we carry on our spiritual warfare against formidable odds.​—Ephesians 6:10-17. ^ par.


грязь * magazine: "HALFWAY between the Persian Gulf and the city of Baghdad there is an unsightly pile of mud bricks.


гуманитарной * By using such methods of charitable giving, many have helped to support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize tax benefits.


дальновидный * 5 All of these were sons of Heʹman, a visionary of the king in matters pertaining to the true God to his glory; thus the true God gave Heʹman 14 sons and 3 daughters.


дальше * Another way of thinking about this concept is to send traffic to the page that is the farthest logical page in your website that starts the conversion process for each keyword.


даровал * 20 Abram deeply appreciated the privilege that Jehovah bestowed on him.

-light up-

загораться * 11 They are making burnt offerings smoke to Jehovah each morning and each evening along with perfumed incense, and the layer bread is on the table of pure gold, and they light up the golden lampstand and its lamps each evening, because we are caring for our responsibility to Jehovah our God; but you have abandoned him.


задержание * Later, "Evil-merodach the king of Babylon, in the year of his becoming king, raised up the head of Jehoiachin the king of Judah out of the house of detention."


задержать * Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought to an end, telling Ahab: "Go down so that the downpour may not detain you!"


закулисные * 4:2) But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God; but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.


замкнутый * What should you do if you see something on the Internet that tells vicious lies about Jehovah's organization?


замолчать * (Luke 2:46, 47) Later, during his earthly ministry, Jesus silenced his opponents with appropriate references to God's Word.​—Matt.


заново * Pleasurably we congregate, Gaining our strength anew.


запах * "To one man, though, the odor of sacrifices offered atop this massive pyramid is an unholy stench.


запеченные * Pummeled by dust storms and baked by a hostile sun, the brooding ruins sit in austere silence that is broken only by the occasional howl of a nocturnal creature.


запугать * How intimidating do your forms look?


запуск * True, if your mate 'squeezes your nose' by launching into an attack on your character, you may feel the urge to 'squeeze' right back.


засада * 13 But Jer·o·boʹam dispatched an ambush to come from behind them, so that they were in front of Judah and the ambush was behind them.


засухи * 17:1) Elijah believed that Jehovah would supply what was needed for him and for others during the drought.


засухи * Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought to an end, telling Ahab: "Go down so that the downpour may not detain you!"


засухи * When Elijah informed King Ahab of Jehovah's intention to bring about a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah . . . is living, . . . there will be no dew or rain except by my word!"


затемнение * 16 (Job 42:3-6) You said, 'Who is this who is obscuring my counsel without knowledge?'


затоплены * She says: "We stayed in a small hotel, and every day we walked through flooded streets to the work site."


захватывает * What a privilege it will be for us to see the time when Abraham lives again and at last grasps the divine purpose that he could formerly see only in hazy outline!


захватывающе * Dating was new and exciting, but it was not left to chance.


зачаточном * 169 ■ EMPLOYING USABILITY, TRUST, AND WEB TECHNOLOGY It is also important to note that robots (programs that search engines use to index the Web) have only a rudimentary understanding of Flash and other scripts.


зачать * Paul reminds us that God is "the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive."


заявление * Or we might strive to improve our understanding of Bible principles and their application.


звездное * 1:17) From the dark expanse of the starry heavens to the verdant blanket covering the earth, Jehovah's creation sings of his generosity.—Ps.


звон * We might imagine Abram and Sarai alternating between riding and walking, their conversation mingling with the tinkling of bells hanging from the animals' harnesses.


зеленые * 1:17) From the dark expanse of the starry heavens to the verdant blanket covering the earth, Jehovah's creation sings of his generosity.—Ps.


злоба * 29 And they were filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice, being whisperers, ^ par.


злобный * Might not Peninnah's contempt for Hannah only deepen, and would not the children and the servants of that spiteful woman follow suit?


злоупотребление * 11 Many of God's servants have seen evidence of his help when they broke free from such addictive habits as smoking, drug abuse, or the viewing of pornography.


злоупотребление * 6:10-12) Through his Word and Bible-based publications from his organization, we are helped to see the truth about deceptive riches, immoral and violent entertainment, misuse of the Internet, and so on.


зыбь * Our hearts swell with appreciation when we think of all these self-sacrificing servants of God.


игнорируя * 2:1, 2) Clearly, habitually or deliberately ignoring Jehovah's loving counsel can have serious consequences.


идентичны * 4 When you examine ripe fruit at the market, you see that not all the pieces are identical.


искоренить * 19 But if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my commandments that I have put before you and you go and serve other gods and bow down to them, 20 I will uproot Israel from my land that I have given them, and this house that I have sanctified for my name I will cast out of my sight, and I will make it an object of scorn and a cause for ridicule among all the peoples.


искренне * 6 Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is- and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.


использовать * While these thank-you pages are essential, they may be the least effectively utilized pages on the entire Web.


испуг * Protection God will give you From snares along your way, And never will you falter In fear or in dismay.


испытание * (Ruth 1:7) They had grown close to Naomi through their shared ordeal.


испытания * There are many examples in the Bible of faithful servants undergoing extreme trials that may have involved discipline and that trained them.


испытывать противоречивые чувства * Being halfhearted is displeasing to Jehovah.


исследовать * While this is usually referred to as a category search or product refinement, the resulting page is a segmentation page, because it segments the products that are being presented to the user so the user can self-select which avenue to explore.


исходя * 3:3-6) First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires 4 and saying: "Where is this promised presence of his?


исцеление * After healing a man who was lame from birth, Paul and his companion Barnabas were hailed as gods.


исцеляет * David gave a touching description of Jehovah's forgiveness in these words: "He forgives all your errors and heals all your ailments; he reclaims your life from the pit and crowns you with his loyal love and mercy.


исчезают * At times, you may pause very briefly or simply allow the voice to fade momentarily.


й * 16, 17. (a) Noah received what new message in his 600th year?


к * For example, 2 Samuel 12:31, according to the King James Version, reads: "He brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon."


кабины * • Many office workers hide in their cubicles and shop online.


кавычки * This approach is common if you are collecting contact information for lead generation or generating online quotes (such as insurance and mortgage quotes).


как * As you consider God's Word, be alert to Scriptural principles that will help you to see more clearly how Jehovah thinks and feels.


как правило, * 6:3) For that reason we may forgo hairstyles or items of attire that would tend to close the minds of people to whom we want to witness.


как правило, * A gardener may prepare his ground, sow his seed, and carefully tend the plants, but in the end it is because of the wonderful creative power of God that things grow.


как правило, * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


калекой * 3 (Acts 14:8-19) Now in Lysʹtra there was a man sitting down whose feet were crippled.


камень * (CHORUS) Searching the world For friends of peace in ev'ry nation, Searching to find A heart inclined toward salvation, Wanting to leave No stone unturned.


камне * (CHORUS) Searching the world For friends of peace in ev'ry nation, Searching to find A heart inclined toward salvation, Wanting to leave No stone unturned.


караван * 14 The caravan gradually settled into the routine of travel.


караван * 19 Abram moved southward through the land, and the caravan stopped near the big trees of Moreh, near Shechem.


картон * "All in attendance were given a small piece of cardboard with a number on it indicating the order in which they should leave," explains Jeremías.


катастрофическим * Instead of trusting in God's word through Isaiah, faithless Ahaz entered into a disastrous pact with the Assyrians, which ultimately led to Judah's being oppressed by them.


качающийся * Still she kept at it, swinging a small rod or flail down onto the stalks to loosen the grains.


квалификация * Consider two of the qualifications that must be met by a man who is "reaching out for an office of overseer."


киль * It had neither bow nor stern, keel nor rudder​—no curves.


кин * Ruth was venturing into the unknown, leaving her own kin, her homeland, and all its customs—including its gods—behind her.—Read Ruth 1:3-6.


кузнечиков * 13 When I shut up the heavens and there is no rain and when I command the grasshoppers to devour the land and if I send a pestilence among my people, 14 if my people on whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land.


кульминации * Your talk must have peaks, climaxes to which you build.


культур * Meanwhile, Cain too sought God's blessing and favor, preparing an offering from his crops.


курировал * Boaz oversaw the winnowing of his grain, which grew into a great heap.


куски * He selected the best, the firstlings, and what seemed the choicest pieces.


кустарники * You are in a beautiful garden, surrounded by majestic trees, luxuriant shrubs, and banks of brilliantly colored flowers.


куча * RUTH knelt by the pile of barley stalks she had gathered during the day.


кучи * 21 And this house will become heaps of ruins.


ладан * 15 One of them will take a handful from the fine flour of the grain offering and some of its oil and all the frankincense that is on the grain offering, and he will make it smoke on the altar as a pleasing aroma for a token offering to Jehovah. ^ par.

-get on-

ладить * So, firmly believing the gardener's words, you get on your knees and pray fervently to God to make beautiful flowers grow in your yard.

-get along-

ладить * When the electricity came back on, Amy picked up a Watchtower magazine with an article on a Gilead graduation program that discussed all the things she was struggling with: new culture, homesickness, new people to get along with.


ладонь * 5 And its thickness was a handbreadth; and its brim was made like the brim of a cup, like a lily blossom.


ламе * After healing a man who was lame from birth, Paul and his companion Barnabas were hailed as gods.


легированных * 15 King Solʹo·mon made 200 large shields of alloyed gold (600 shekels of alloyed gold went on each shield) 16 and 300 bucklers of alloyed gold (three miʹnas of gold went on each buckler).


лен * 6 (However, she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them among stalks of flax laid in rows on the roof.)


леса * How little a fire it takes to set so great a woodland on fire!


лечения * In some lands, both conventional medicine and a range of alternative therapies are available.


лживо * 11 "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.


либерально * Thursday, November 5 Be liberal, ready to share.​—1 Tim.


ливень * 18:24, 37) When Jehovah's time came to end the drought, even before there was any sign of rain, Elijah told Ahab: "Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy downpour."


ливень * Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought to an end, telling Ahab: "Go down so that the downpour may not detain you!"


линия * Gleaming whitewashed houses and shops line its winding streets.


листва * 12 Above them roost the birds of the sky; They sing among the thick foliage.


лицемерие * November "Millions of people around the world are disturbed by the hypocrisy and hurtful teachings of various religions.


лицо * Evidently, her sojourn in Moab had left her much changed; her countenance and bearing showed the mark of years of hardship and grief.—Ruth 1:19.


лицом вниз * 18:39) When all the people saw it, they immediately fell facedown and said: "Jehovah is the true God!


ломал * 11 As the sobs racked her body, Hannah spoke within herself to Jehovah.


лопата * 14 That evening, Ruth made her way to the threshing floor—a flat, hard-packed area where a number of farmers would take their grain for threshing and winnowing.


лопата * Boaz oversaw the winnowing of his grain, which grew into a great heap.


лук * 2 They were armed with the bow, and they could use both the right hand and the left hand to sling stones or to shoot arrows with the bow.


лук * He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the military wagons with fire.


лук * It had neither bow nor stern, keel nor rudder​—no curves.


луч * Picture him seated on a broad wooden beam, taking a moment's rest from his work as he looked out over the immense structure of the ark.


льстящий * Rather than extend the functionality of their browsers, these users are cautious and no amount of cajoling will ever get them to install a plug-in.


мрачным * 2:24) The Bible thus paints a grim portrait of polygamy, and the poignant depiction of life within Elkanah's household is one of the telling brushstrokes in that picture.


ляпнуть * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


малодушных * And they proved superior to Re·ho·boʹam the son of Solʹo·mon when Re·ho·boʹam was young and fainthearted, and he could not hold his own against them.


маневр * 17:3-6) We have faith that Jehovah can maneuver matters so that we too have what we need.


маниоки * She then laid a cloth over the literature and covered it with cassava, potatoes, or taros.


манипулятивной * Even his closest followers were influenced by the ambitious, manipulative spirit common around them.


манифест * 2:2) These desires and attitudes are often manifest in the way that people dress and groom themselves.


марля * He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze, And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. ^ par.


мародер * 21 They helped David against the marauder band, because all of them were mighty, courageous men, and they became chiefs in the army.


мастерство * But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is crouching at the door, and its craving is to dominate you; but will you get the mastery over it?"


мгновение * When Queen Jezebel threatened the prophet Elijah's life, even Elijah momentarily forgot how God had acted in his behalf.


мелкая * 8 Whether Elkanah knew the full scope of Peninnah's petty meanness or not, Jehovah God saw it all.


мерзко * 27 (John 5:28, 29) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. ^ ---ia chap.


метла * 4 He went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree, and he asked that he might die.


мешает * However, what could happen if we began to focus our efforts on personal pursuits, such as by taking a job that pays well but that interferes with our worship?


мешковина * Next, she placed on top of that a burlap (hessian) sack.


мешковину * Next, she placed on top of that a burlap (hessian) sack.


мешок * Next, she placed on top of that a burlap (hessian) sack.


милостив * 1-3 Know How You Ought to Answer--- "Always With Graciousness" How appropriate that servants of Jehovah, who himself is gracious, are told to let their speech be "always with graciousness, seasoned with salt"!


милостив * 4:6) Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.


мимеограф * Then Brother Nowills would duplicate copies on a mimeograph machine.


мир хранитель * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


много * There was plenty of time for children and parents to be together and converse.


многонациональная * 24:14; Acts 1:8) Add to that the unified, multinational brotherhood of Jehovah's people today​—something the world cannot imitate—​and we can see why even outsiders admit: "God is really among you."


мобильность * This feature of the ministry can be encouraging to brothers and sisters who are limited in mobility and spend much of their time at home.


могущественно * Reading about how Jehovah was with them throughout their trials and how they came to be used mightily by Jehovah makes us feel all the more Jehovah's care and love for his servants.​—Read Proverbs 3:11, 12.


модель * 7 No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, each of us can ask, 'Are there areas where I yet should model myself more closely after Jesus, thus continuing to progress spiritually?'


молитвой * Key ways are by regularly and prayerfully studying the Bible, meditating on what we read, and then putting into practice what we have learned.


молотить * Still she kept at it, swinging a small rod or flail down onto the stalks to loosen the grains.


мольбы * - (Mark 14:36) From Jesus' pleading words, his followers undoubtedly learned that since the perfect Son of God humbly prayed for divine help, they should do the same.


моногамия * The practice was far from the standard of monogamy that God had set in the garden of Eden.


монтаж * King Re·ho·boʹam managed to mount his chariot to flee to Jerusalem.


общение * 7 Then Solʹo·mon sanctified the middle of the courtyard that was before the house of Jehovah, for there he had to offer up the burnt offerings and the fat pieces of the communion sacrifices, because the copper altar that Solʹo·mon had made could not contain the burnt sacrifices, the grain offerings, and the fat pieces.


объект * The chief asked Vasilii why he, although knowing that he was fully within his rights, did not object to the policemen's demands for him to stop his activity?


объем * 8 Whether Elkanah knew the full scope of Peninnah's petty meanness or not, Jehovah God saw it all.


обычная * In some lands, both conventional medicine and a range of alternative therapies are available.


обычно * 2:1, 2) Clearly, habitually or deliberately ignoring Jehovah's loving counsel can have serious consequences.


обязательное * I was working with an advertiser who had a mandatory account-creation process before you could buy.


обязательное * In some countries privacy policies are mandatory.


овраги * The region consisted mostly of high, sparsely wooded tablelands cut through by deep ravines.


оглушающий * So it is wise to be cautious when it comes to treatments that feature stunning claims but that are promoted merely with hearsay testimonials.


огненные бури * And marriages that are repeatedly ravaged by such emotional firestorms do not provide an environment in which love can grow.


огненный * 4:12-14) Beloved ones, do not be surprised about the fiery trials that you are experiencing, as though something strange were happening to you.


ограничен * However, if you are capped by budget, you should first remove your least profitable keywords.


ограничения * If your ads are not being shown due to rank or budget, those are easy-to-diagnose constraints.


ограничивается * We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark.


огромны * Imagine the immense stress that he was feeling at the last evening meal he had with his apostles.


огромны * In their materialized form, their appearance surely bespoke immense power.


одежда * A teenager drew this interesting conclusion from the story of Esther: "I could relate to the fact that we can be obsessed with clothes and the latest fashions.


одежда * She was "pretty in form and beautiful in appearance" (Es 2:7), but more important is the fact that she manifested the adornment of "the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit."


одеяло * 1:17) From the dark expanse of the starry heavens to the verdant blanket covering the earth, Jehovah's creation sings of his generosity.—Ps.


одеяние * The apostle Paul urged Christian women to "adorn themselves . . . with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God."


одиночные * Therefore, you need to find ways to make the solitary activity of browsing the Web more social and instill a sense of being included in a group; doing so can change the way people feel about your site.


ожерелья * 16 And he made chains, like necklaces, and put them on the tops of the pillars, and he made 100 pomegranates and put them on the chains.


оживленный * While it is important to have informative material, it is a lively, enthusiastic delivery that will help capture the attention of an audience.


ожог * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you


означает * By what means does Satan make our heart his target?

-turn out-

оказаться * 16 We must never doubt that if we follow God's direction, it will turn out for our good.


оказывает * 12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul- and spirit,- and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.


оказывает * You can add additional parameters any way you want to the URL, as long as the final URL renders to an actual page in the browser.


около * 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden.


окропление * The means of preserving the lives of those anointed Christians is "the blood of sprinkling," Jesus' blood.


окружающих * (1 John 2:15, 16) Over thousands of years, the Devil has carefully crafted the environment surrounding us.


оседлал * Relevance Navigation Transparency about the business and personal information collection "One-page wonders"—single-page websites that often contained 100 paragraphs of scrolling sales copy with only one option on the page, usually an email signup—were saddled with very low Quality Scores a few years ago.


ослабить * Still she kept at it, swinging a small rod or flail down onto the stalks to loosen the grains.


осторожно * 15 Ruth watched discreetly as the work wound down in the evening.


осторожно * As he moved through the land​—no doubt cautiously, since it was still inhabited by the Canaanites—​Abram stopped and built altars to Jehovah, first near the big trees of Moreh, then near Bethel.


остро * If you choose your material carefully, you will be keenly interested in it.


острый * 2:24) The Bible thus paints a grim portrait of polygamy, and the poignant depiction of life within Elkanah's household is one of the telling brushstrokes in that picture.


острый * Peninnah had figured out a way to make even these annual occasions a source of acute pain for Hannah.


острый * The pungent smell of hot tar was in the air; the sounds of woodworking tools reverberated.


от * At the same time, God told Noah to take all the kinds of animals into the ark​—by sevens in the case of the clean ones, fit for sacrificial use, and the rest by twos.​—Gen.


отвергая * (Hebrews 5:14; 6:1) A person who spends little time thinking about God will gradually lose his relationship with Jehovah or even end up rejecting him.

-turn away-

отвернуться * 13 When I shut up the heavens and there is no rain and when I command the grasshoppers to devour the land and if I send a pestilence among my people, 14 if my people on whom my name has been called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land.


отверстие * 2 Each woman bore a heavy burden of grief.


ответные меры * Ask yourself the following questions: 'Do I resist the urge to retaliate?'


ответственность * 6:22-27) "If a man sins against his fellow man and is made to take an oath and is brought under liability to the oath, and while under the oath he comes before your altar in this house, 23 may you then hear from the heavens and act and judge your servants by paying back the wicked one and bringing what he did on his own head and by pronouncing the righteous one innocent and rewarding him according to his own righteousness.


отечески * He had taken fatherly notice of her today.


отказ * I went home feeling like a failure.


отказаться * 6:3) For that reason we may forgo hairstyles or items of attire that would tend to close the minds of people to whom we want to witness.


отказаться * The more tasks you assign your visitors, the more visitors are going to refuse your tasks and go back to Google and look at your competitors' ads.


отклонился * 4 I prayed to Jehovah my God and made confession and said: "O Jehovah the true God, the great and awe-inspiring One, who keeps his covenant and shows loyal love to those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled; and we have deviated from your commandments and your judgments.


отклоняются * 15 And they did not deviate from the king's commandment to the priests and the Levites concerning any matter or concerning the storehouses.


открыт * Thus the king and all the people inaugurated the house of the true God.


отличительной чертой * (Ruth 2:22, 23) In those words we see once more her hallmark quality—loyal love.

-all right-

отлично * For example, imprisoned brothers and sisters have at times been told that a brother taking the lead in their country compromised and it would therefore also be all right for them to do so and to give up their convictions.

-set aside-

отложите * Before you were married, likely you both set aside time to do things together.


отменить * 3:17) Further, I say this: The Law, which came into being 430 years later, does not invalidate the covenant previously made by God, so as to abolish the promise.


отмерено * Describing the treatment meted out to the Ammonites, those Bible versions portray David as barbaric and cruel.


отмечены * Anything Ruth learned from Mahlon or Naomi about the loving and merciful God of Israel, Jehovah, surely struck her as a marked contrast.


относящиеся * 5 All of these were sons of Heʹman, a visionary of the king in matters pertaining to the true God to his glory; thus the true God gave Heʹman 14 sons and 3 daughters.


отправлен * 13 But Jer·o·boʹam dispatched an ambush to come from behind them, so that they were in front of Judah and the ambush was behind them.

-set off-

отправляться * The three widows set off for Judah together.


отпугивает * The government did all it could to stop the Witnesses from meeting together, but the brothers were not deterred.


перехват * ChAPTER 5: CREATING LANDING PAGES THAT CONVERT SEARCHERS INTO BUYERS ■ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and the newer Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypt data sent from a browser to a website so the data is harder to intercept and provide greater security for the users' information.


печи * - Note the rendering of the New English Translation (2003): "He removed the people who were in it and made them do hard labor with saws, iron picks, and iron axes, putting them to work at the brick kiln.


пики * Your talk must have peaks, climaxes to which you build.


пил * "The ravens were bringing him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the stream," as Jehovah had directed.


пиломатериалы * 11 The king made from the algum timbers stairs for the house of Jehovah and for the king's house, as well as harps and stringed instruments for the singers.


пиломатериалы * From where he sat, Noah could see his sons hard at work on various parts of the great network of timbers.


питают * 7 Once our faith is established, we must continue to nourish it.


плавающие * 17 The flooding continued for 40 days on the earth, and the waters kept increasing and began carrying the ark, and it was floating high above the earth.


плакать * 19 Now pay attention to the prayer of your servant and to his request for favor, O Jehovah my God, and listen to the cry for help and to the prayer that your servant is praying before you.


плата за проезд * 13:20) The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.


плата за проезд * 13:20) The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly. ^ par.


платан * 27 The king made the silver in Jerusalem as plentiful as the stones, and cedarwood as plentiful as the sycamore trees in the She·pheʹlah.


плащ * Boaz filled her cloak with a generous gift of barley, and she made her way back into Bethlehem.—Read Ruth 3:13-15.


плевел * To release the grain from the chaff and straw, workers used big forks or shovels to toss the mixture into the wind, which carried off the lighter chaff and allowed the heavier grains to fall back to the floor.


пленники * Did David treat his captives savagely, as some conclude from 1 Chronicles 20:3?


плесени * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear


плодородной * "The fields of Moab" often proved to be fertile farmland, even when famine stalked Israel.


плодородной * Thursday, November 19 The desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin.​—Jas.


плоскогорья * The region consisted mostly of high, sparsely wooded tablelands cut through by deep ravines.


плотно * If this is the case, be careful that the keywords in your ad groups are tightly themed.


по рукам * A great deal can be learned by observing how mature publishers carry out their ministry.


по-видимому * His Word reveals the whole picture, thus providing a solemn warning to any who indulge in seemingly minor jealous and hateful acts.


побелены * Gleaming whitewashed houses and shops line its winding streets.


поведение * Eli had noticed Hannah's quivering lips, her sobs, and her emotional demeanor.


погружение * 11 True worship involves more than symbolizing our dedication by water immersion, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry.


погрузился * Fighting, looting, raping, and killing plunged the land into chaos and anarchy.


под * 43 He asked them: "How is it, then, that David under inspiration calls him Lord, saying, 44 'Jehovah said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet"'?


подача * Evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off.​—Gen.


подача * Selling is not just about the best sales pitch.


подача * You need to wait for the proper moment to introduce the pitch.


подбирать * 27 Calling her "my daughter," Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

-pick up-

подбирать * If you have good audience contact and are enthusiastic about your talk, your audience will pick up that enthusiasm.


подвергаются * Today, children may be exposed to pornography and other immoral material at a younger age than ever before.


привратники * 14 Further, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their services according to the rule of his father David, and the Levites for their posts of duty, to praise and to minister in the presence of the priests according to the daily routine, and the gatekeepers in their divisions for the different gates, for such was the commandment of David, the man of the true God.


привыкание * 11 Many of God's servants have seen evidence of his help when they broke free from such addictive habits as smoking, drug abuse, or the viewing of pornography.


приговорен * During those years, many brothers were arrested and sentenced to several prison terms.


приелось * 6 Though the world was young, a pall of sadness hung over the human family.


приз * We prize the gift of true contentment And keep a simple eye.


призван * 18 Then King Re·ho·boʹam sent Ha·doʹram, who was in charge of those conscripted for forced labor, but the Israelites stoned him to death.


призван * 7 As for all the people who were left from the Hitʹtites, the Amʹor·ites, the Perʹiz·zites, the Hiʹvites, and the Jebʹu·sites, who were not part of Israel, 8 their descendants who were left in the land—those whom the Israelites had not exterminated—were conscripted by Solʹo·mon for forced labor until this day.

-call down-

призвать * Tuesday, November 3 He will actually call down evil . . . upon his God.​—Isa.


признание * (CHORUS) Loyal submission in recognition, This to our God we owe.


призываем * Ask yourself the following questions: 'Do I resist the urge to retaliate?'


призываем * She did more, though, than just ask God to fulfill her desperate urge to bear offspring.


прилежный * Are we studious and patient as our understanding of Bible truth is progressively clarified today?


прилив * Quickly the tide turned!


применяется * Please note that when sending emails such as this, you must follow any applicable laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act.


пример * "The last instance" was the present one.


принадлежали * They flourished, made friends, and felt that they belonged!"


принизить * 'Do I minimize or belittle my spouse's feelings?'


принуждение * "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart," said Paul, "not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."


принуждения * It is not a matter of servitude under duress just so that we can pass through the great tribulation.


принято * (Ruth 3:1) It was customary in those days for parents to find mates for their children, and Ruth had become a true daughter to Naomi.


приобретения * 6:10-12) Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength.


пристрастился * But some can become addicted to doing these things.


приступил * As a result, they embarked on the greatest preaching campaign up to that time.


притоны * 9 (Luke 9:58) But Jesus said to him: "Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head." ^ par.


причастны * 13 On the contrary, go on rejoicing over the extent to which you are sharers in the sufferings of the Christ, so that you may rejoice and be overjoyed also during the revelation of his glory.


причитала * Was she perhaps a widow, lamenting the fact that her husband was not there to welcome their baby into the world?


пришли * 2 Then the word of Jehovah came to She·maiʹah the man of the true God, saying: 3 "Say to Re·ho·boʹam the son of Solʹo·mon the king of Judah and to all Israel in Judah and Benjamin, 4 'This is what Jehovah says: "You must not go up and fight against your brothers.


приятный * Let us now consider how we can demonstrate and deepen our love for Jehovah in ways that are acceptable and agreeable to him.


проблема * If your problem is that you often grope for the right word, you need to make a concerted effort to build up your vocabulary.


проведено * Yet a search for sales tax deduction was conducted over 50,000 times in the United States that same month.

-check out-

проверять, выписываться * Changing your main actions (such as add to cart, 179 ■ EMPLOYING USABILITY, TRUST, AND WEB TECHNOLOGY 180 check out, subscribe, download, and so on) from a link to a button should have an effect on conversion rates.

-go on-

продолжай * 16 In past generations he permitted all the nations to go on in their ways, 17 although he did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness."


продолжая * 4:7, 8) Their continuing to receive such blessings, however, was contingent on their obeying God's Law, which included regularly offering to Jehovah "the best of the first ripe fruits" of the land.


прожорливая * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear from the heavens, your dwelling


производить * 4:5) It was not that Cain's offering was faulty in itself; God's Law later allowed the offering of the produce of the ground.


произнес * Did Abram think back to the prophecy Jehovah had uttered in Eden, the one mentioning a "seed," or offspring, who would one day rescue mankind?


произносить * When you enunciate carefully, others can understand what you say.


прокалывает * 12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul- and spirit,- and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.


прокалывает * 4:12) For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.


прокатилась * 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. ^ par.


проливая * Abel did offer a living, breathing creature, shedding its precious lifeblood.


проливы * In Isaiah's day, the nation of Judah found themselves in dire straits.


пролилась * 5 (Luke 11:50, 51) so that the blood of all the prophets spilled from the founding of the world may be charged against this generation, 51 from the blood of Abel down to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah, who was killed between the altar and the house.'


пролом * Would the breach between man and God ever be healed?


промежуток * Try not to lapse into a style that reflects indifference.


проникновение * 170 The numbers for U.S. broadband penetration rates vary significantly.


проницательный * How loving and insightful of Jesus to warn his disciples about things that would make it hard to stay morally clean!


проницательный * The opposite of being naive, or foolishly believing everything we hear, is being shrewd.

-miss out-

пропустить * Were we to do so, we would miss out on the very blessings that strengthen us to endure.


прорабы * 10 There were 250 chiefs of the deputies of King Solʹo·mon, the foremen over the people.


просеять * Although Satan was demanding to sift them as wheat, Jesus expressed confidence that they would prove faithful.


проспект * While this is usually referred to as a category search or product refinement, the resulting page is a segmentation page, because it segments the products that are being presented to the user so the user can self-select which avenue to explore.


проспекты * If you are young and are giving serious consideration to a career in Jehovah's service, why not review some of the material that has been published about various avenues of the full-time ministry and set one of these as a goal?


проспекты * Incorporating social media tactics so that your content is easy to share on these sites can help you find new avenues of traffic.


проста * For the search network, the keyword inserted is straightforward; it's the one that triggered your ad to show.


просторы * 1:17) From the dark expanse of the starry heavens to the verdant blanket covering the earth, Jehovah's creation sings of his generosity.—Ps.


простоя * 7 And idle, worthless men kept gathering to him.


проступок * It is never wise to let the misconduct of others interfere with our worship of God.


протектора * The maned young lion, you'll not dread; Upon the cobra you will tread.


противники * But if it is to betray me to my adversaries when my hands have done no wrong, let the God of our forefathers see it and judge."


протяжение * It is but a lonely sentinel keeping watch over a vast stretch of sterile desert.


прочный * The rough ground must become level, And the rugged ground a valley plain.

-clear up-

проясняться * Sample Presentations The Watchtower December 1 "We're making brief visits to clear up a common misconception about the Bible.


прыгали * 16 But when the Ark of Jehovah came into the City of David, Saul's daughter Miʹchal looked down through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing around before Jehovah; and she began to despise him in her heart.


самолет * Consider a search for hotels or plane travel; is the searcher a business traveler or a leisure traveler?


регистрация * 18 The genealogical enrollment included all their children, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, their entire congregation—for they kept themselves sanctified for what was holy because of their office of trust— 19 as well as the descendants of Aaron, the priests who were living in the fields of the pastures su


регулировать * If we at times do not fully understand a Bible account or the way events develop in our own life, could we perhaps feel in our heart that the way of Jehovah is unfair, "not adjusted right"?​—Job 35:2. w13 8/15 2:8, 9 ^ (Isa.


редко * The region consisted mostly of high, sparsely wooded tablelands cut through by deep ravines.


резервуар * The reservoir could hold 3,000 bath measures.


резко * In the first demonstration, a publisher replies abruptly to a harsh comment made by the householder, resulting in a negative response.


резко * Table 5.4 highlights why showcasing your most important information—especially ChAPTER 5: CREATING LANDING PAGES THAT CONVERT SEARCHERS INTO BUYERS ■ the actions you want someone to take—at the top of your website can dramatically increase conversion rates.


резкое * 3 What would move a young woman to make such a drastic change?


резкое * Choosing Landing Pages That Increase Conversion Rates You can send traffic to any page on your website (assuming it conforms to editorial policies), but you will see drastic differences in conversion rates depending on where on your site you are sending your paid search traffic.


рекомендует * 5:8) But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ^ par.


решен * 14 But he did what was bad, for he had not resolved in his heart to search for Jehovah.


роение * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear from the


рождаемости * Peninnah's great advantage over Hannah had to do with fertility.


рознь * It is fleshly thinking, and it produces jealousy and strife.


рознь * Rivalry, strife, and heartache were all too common.


рознь * These works include "sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these."


рост * He encouraged them to reach out to "attain to the oneness of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ."​—Eph.


рост * hepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment- of the holy ones, for ministerial work, to build up the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness- of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown- man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.


росы * Elijah told him: "There will be no dew or rain except by my word!"

-hand in-

рука * 6:31-33) The degree to which we trust that promise is an indication of the depth of our love for Jehovah because love and trust go hand in hand.

-hand in hand-

рука об руку * 6:31-33) The degree to which we trust that promise is an indication of the depth of our love for Jehovah because love and trust go hand in hand.


ручными * Consider: Is it really beyond the power of the Creator of the entire universe to control his animal creations, even render them tame and docile if needed?


рывками * When Jesus tells him to come, Peter gets out of the boat and miraculously walks toward Jesus on the choppy surface.


рыдает * 11 As the sobs racked her body, Hannah spoke within herself to Jehovah.


ряд * THE apostle Peter and some other disciples are struggling to row their boat across the Sea of Galilee during a nighttime windstorm.


рядом * 18 There were six steps to the throne, and there was a gold footstool attached to the throne, and there were armrests on both sides of the seat, and two lions were standing beside the armrests.


с нетерпением * They eagerly responded to Jesus' rousing instructions: Preach the good news of God's established Kingdom in all the earth!​—Acts 10:42. w14 1/15 2:7, 8 ^ (Luke 4:43) But he said to them: "I must


саботаж * They may even have tried to sabotage the construction project.


сам * What situations often bring you to tears? - What makes you feel secure and safe? - Do you tend to analyze your decisions before you talk about them or do ideas and thoughts blurt out without much forethought? - Would you describe yourself as a peace-keeper or a trouble-maker? - What type of social gatherings do you prefer - small groups or large parties? - Do you like to be the life of the party or do you prefer intimate, one on one conversation? - Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?


само * This is due to the sheer number of ads and advertisers Google is trying to serve.


саранча * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear from the heavens,


саранча * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear from the heavens, your dwelling place,


священники * 17 The genealogical enrollment of the priests was by their paternal house, as was that of the Levites who were 20 years old and up, by the duties of their divisions.


сельское хозяйство * Cain took up farming; Abel took up shepherding.


сельской * Typically, rural areas have slower connections than urban areas, but even in urban centers, there are plenty of users on slow connections.


семейное * The daily routine of working, raising children, and dealing with in-laws can chip away at marital bliss.


сервитут * It is not a matter of servitude under duress just so that we can pass through the great tribulation.


серпы * As they cut through the barley with their flint sickles, she stooped to pick up what they dropped or left behind, bundled the stalks into sheaves, and carried them off to a spot where she could beat out the grain later.


сеют * After Super Typhoon Haiyan wreaked destruction on the central Philippines in November 2013, the mayor of one large city said: "God must have been somewhere else."


сжатие * "The squeezing of the nose is what brings forth blood, and the squeezing out of anger is what brings forth quarreling," states a wise proverb.


сидит * Evening was descending on the fields around Bethlehem, and many workers were already wending their way up to the gate of the little city perched atop a nearby ridge.


синергия * Create a synergy between the ads and the landing page so that visitors feel they have arrived at the correct site: When using image and rich media ads, echo the same images in the ads on the landing page to avoid confusing the visitors by a landing page that has a very different look and feel.


сирота * A Jewish orphan girl of the tribe of Benjamin whose Hebrew name was Hadassah (meaning "Myrtle"); a descendant from among those deported from Jerusalem along with King Jehoiachin (Jeconiah) in 617 B.C.E.


скала * 7 Then Jehovah said to Moses: 8 "Take the rod and call the assembly together, you and Aaron your brother, and speak to the crag before their eyes that it may give its water, and you will bring out water for them from the crag and give the assembly and their livestock something to drink."


сканирование * From the horizon they streamed in by the thousands​—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—​all in an astonishing variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions.


скептики * 18, 19. (a) How might we reason on the questions that skeptics raise regarding the events in Noah's account?


склады * 15 And they did not deviate from the king's commandment to the priests and the Levites concerning any matter or concerning the storehouses.


склоне * ABEL looked at his flock of sheep grazing peacefully on the hillside.


склоне * The spot chosen was usually on a hillside or hilltop, where the breezes were strong in the late afternoon and early evening.


скольжения * Because Ruth treated others with kindness and respect, she earned an excellent reputation 20 Boaz urged Ruth to lie down again and rest until morning was near; then she could slip away unnoticed.


скольжения * Sometimes DKI ads will slip through editorial review filters and go online, but once they are discovered, the ad will be disapproved.


скользнул * Days stretched into weeks, and the landscape slid slowly by.


скользящий * Perhaps Naomi had resumed walking on the road when she noticed that Ruth was trailing behind her.


скрип * Slaves tramp down creaking ships' ramps, bowing under the weight of imported treasures.


скромный * Jesus said that we should be humble, like little children.


скучный * The hand of Jehovah is not too short to save, Nor is his ear too dull to hear. ^ par.


слабый * Then, perhaps he looked far beyond his sheep to a spot in the distance where he could just make out a faint glow.


следующий * We will consider these points in the following article. ^ par.


сливной бачок * 11:17-19) Then David expressed his longing: "If only I could have a drink of the water from the cistern by the gate of Bethʹle·hem!"


слинг * 2 They were armed with the bow, and they could use both the right hand and the left hand to sling stones or to shoot arrows with the bow.


соответствует * Choosing Landing Pages That Increase Conversion Rates You can send traffic to any page on your website (assuming it conforms to editorial policies), but you will see drastic differences in conversion rates depending on where on your site you are sending your paid search traffic.


соперник * A misstep here can send potential customers back to square one or to rival sites.


среди * Since the great tribulation is fast approaching, do we not want to make sure that we have the type of faith that puts us among those whose faith will be praised by our glorious King when he is revealed?


средств к существованию * Yet, none of our brothers and sisters lost their life in that case, even though many of them lost all their belongings and their livelihood.


ссылался * I used my senses to feel what the passages only alluded to."


страх * 14 Further, they struck all the cities around Geʹrar, for the dread of Jehovah had come upon them; and they plundered all the cities, for there was much to plunder in them.


стремится * 3:4, 5) Her husband, Pranas, adds: "Later, our children were keen to be involved at assemblies and on theocratic projects.


стремится * Hannah was keen not only to receive blessings from God but also to give him what she could.


стремится * They still "took no note"​—even in the face of all the evidence that Jehovah was blessing Noah and his endeavors.


стремление * Although this can be a very profitable endeavor, finding ways of increasing the page views from each visitor or even having a visitor bring someone else to your site for free can increase your profits and site visibility.


стюард * God provides his steward and his active force.


судиться * 10:39) With this goal in mind, we may plead like the man who said: "Help me out where I need faith!"


суете * It must have been a hectic time for the family.


суеты * "All this bustle takes place in the shadow of a towering ziggurat that dominates the city's landscape.


сумерки * 6 You must care for it until the 14th day of this month, and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel must slaughter it at twilight.


сумма * Beyond all counting is their sum.


суровый * It had neither bow nor stern, keel nor rudder​—no curves.


суровым * In the first demonstration, a publisher replies abruptly to a harsh comment made by the householder, resulting in a negative response.


существа * 21 So all living creatures that were moving on the earth perished—the flying creatures, the domestic animals, the wild animals, the swarming creatures, and all mankind. ^ par.


сыт * Christ's anointed followers would be the ones who were well-fed spiritually. w13 7/15 4:7 ^ (Matt.


сюжет * She spoke in Mordecai's name to the king when Mordecai uncovered a plot against the king.—Es 2:20, 22.


так * At Roman stage plays, "eye and ear alike saw and heard indecencies," wrote one historian, "and the lewdest scenes were the most applauded."


так * No two situations are alike.


тарелки * 6 All of these were under the direction of their father for singing at the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, stringed instruments, and harps for the service of the house of the true God.


тексты * 3:2) These texts help us understand how important it is to cultivate strong faith.


тем самым * We ourselves can thereby learn much about how to grow in faith.


темперамент * The needs, temperament, and health of those involved differ.


тенденцию * In the past, he tended to let the imperfections of fellow believers upset him.


тепло * Similarly, the warmth of our brotherhood can help you to progress to maturity.


террор * Jehovah ruled through love, not terror.


теска * Sawing asunder, hacking, chopping, and hewing human beings, have no place in this text, no more than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites."


тесно * 8 We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;- 9 we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed.


тонкий * Daily we are subjected to pressures​—some subtle, some more obvious—​that could turn us away from the path that is in accord with godly devotion.


тоньше * Our God has promised us: No better way we'll find, No higher way to peace, No finer way to love.


топоры * For example, 2 Samuel 12:31, according to the King James Version, reads: "He brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon."


торговаться * Merchants and patrons haggle over prices in the bazaars.


увлекательный * 2 A Letter From the Governing Body--- A Letter From the Governing Body To Our Dear Brothers and Sisters: In its very first issue, January 1, 2008, the public edition of The Watchtower introduced us to a fascinating new series of articles entitled "Imitate Their Faith."


уволен * 14 The Levites left their pastures and their possession and came to Judah and Jerusalem, because Jer·o·boʹam and his sons had dismissed them from serving as priests to Jehovah.


уволиться * 14 Yet, Noah and his family never quit.


удлинен * Imagine Ruth noticing that the afternoon shadows had lengthened, then looking at her mother-in-law and wondering if it was time to find a place to rest for the night.


удрученный * 12 "Why are you so angry and dejected?


удрученный * So Cain grew hot with anger and was dejected. ^ par.


ужасы * 21:29) It seems that the Moabite religion was not exempt from the brutality and horrors common in those times, including the sacrifice of children.


указание * Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement.


указы * 2 Before the decree takes effect, Before the day passes by like chaff, Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you, Before the day of Jehovah's anger comes upon you, 3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones- of the earth, Who observe his righteous decrees.


указы * So may we be steadfast, seeking God to please, Loyally proclaiming all his wise decrees!


укоренилась * Google chose to name the feature keyword insertion; however, by that time the term dynamic keyword insertion (commonly referred to as DKI) was so ingrained that the official label is rarely used.


укрепить * Help your brothers and sisters bolster their faith as well.


умершего * However, God's Law allowed the man's brother to marry the widow so that she could give birth to an heir who might carry on her deceased husband's name and care for the family property.


умершего * Rather, she wanted to do good not only to Naomi but also to Naomi's deceased husband, to carry on the dead man's name in his homeland.


уместны * Consider pertinent points from the article "Make This Memorial Season a Joyful One!"


умолял * Manoah "pleaded with Jehovah," saying: "Please let the man of the true God [the angel] whom you just sent come again to instruct us about what we should do with the child who will be born."​—Judg.


умоляю * God, we beseech you: Please may you grant us Your holy spirit to guide us each day.


умышленное * Cain's decisions and actions amounted to a willful rebellion against Jehovah God.

-carry off-

унести * According to Isaiah 8:3, 4, Assyria would carry off "the resources of Damascus" and "the spoil of Samaria" before attacking the southern kingdom of Judah.


универсал * If he had done so, the Ark would never have been loaded onto a wagon.


униженным * So it would be a mistake to view her actions through the warped lens of today's debased moral standards.


упертый * 10:13) But Jehovah "allowed their [the opponents'] hearts to become stubborn so that they waged war against Israel."


упрекали * 14 If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, yes, the spirit of God, is resting upon you.


упрям * 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.


уравнение * Since Google has been consistent over many years of allocating half of ad rank to the max bid, we can assume that is still true in the new formula and that the addition of extensions is calculated into the Quality Score half of the equation.


уравновешенным * He is levelheaded and not hasty in judgment.


усечение * ■ EVERYTHING ABOUT DESTINATION URLS 152 If your display URL is longer than 35 characters, AdWords will truncate the display URL when it is shown in the search results.


усиленный * 11 Further, he reinforced the fortified places and put commanders in them and supplied them with food and oil and wine, 12 and he supplied all the different cities with large shields and lances; he reinforced them to a very great degree.


ускользал * 10 Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he eluded Saul, who drove the spear into the wall.


услуга * 22 Why did God favor Abel?


усмотрению * Soundness of mind results in discretion, or good judgment.


успокаиваться * 12:11) If we love Jehovah, we must guard against becoming complacent or resentful of his counsel.


чума * 28 "If a famine occurs in the land, or a pestilence, a scorching blight, mildew, swarming locusts, or voracious locusts or if their enemies besiege them in any of the cities of the land or if any other sort of plague or disease occurs, 29 whatever prayer, whatever request for favor may be made by any man or by all your people Israel (for each one knows his own plague and his own pain) when they spread out their hands toward this house, 30 then may you hear from the heavens, your dwelling place, and may you forgive; and reward each one according to all his ways, for you know his heart (you alone truly know the human heart), 31 so that they may fear you by walking in your ways all the days they live on the land that you gave to our forefathers.


шансы * If you are spending your entire daily budget every single day, odds are you are capping your impressions due to budget limitations.


шансы * Let us have complete confidence in Jehovah as we carry on our spiritual warfare against formidable odds.​—Ephesians 6:10-17. ^ par.


шансы * These two optimization techniques are generally at odds with each other.


шансы * This Quality Score factor could be at odds with your conversion rates.


шахматном порядке * Then, we often left very late in the evening because we had to stagger our departures to avoid creating suspicion."


шептунов * 29 And they were filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice, being whisperers, ^ par.


шнур * Afterward, she tied the scarlet cord in the window.


шрамы * In fact, some individuals have dark memories of growing up in family situations that have left them with deep emotional or psychological scars.


шум * - There was a clamor up there, and smoke was rising.


шумный * 9 In the early hours, the household was bustling.


щедро * 6 The Israelites lived under Jehovah's loving care for hundreds of years and were bountifully blessed by him, in both material and spiritual ways.


щиты * 15 King Solʹo·mon made 200 large shields of alloyed gold (600 shekels of alloyed gold went on each shield) 16 and 300 bucklers of alloyed gold (three miʹnas of gold went on each buckler).


щиты * And out of Benjamin were 280,000 mighty warriors who carried bucklers and were armed with bows.


эгоцентричны * 15 In today's me-first, self-centered generation, it is not easy to talk about counsel and discipline, let alone to accept such.


эгоцентричны * Were we to allow health care to become the main focus of our life, we would run the risk of becoming self-centered.


экстравагантная * Manifesting these qualities does not rule out dressing in an attractive manner but helps us to be sensible in our appearance and to avoid extravagant styles of dress and grooming.


энергичность * Speak with strength and vigor.


энтузиазм * Another important factor in manifesting enthusiasm is having the conviction that your audience needs to hear what you have to say.


энтузиазмом * In order to do that enthusiastically, more is required than being able to say the words correctly and to group them together properly.


эпоха * 3:1) Jesus said that our era would be just like the era in which Noah built the ark.


эффект * What name would it be? - When you are sick and feeling poorly, do you like to be alone or do you like to be pampered and have someone close to your side most of the time? - What is the most thoughtful, caring thing you have ever done? - Do you ever think that your partner gives more time, love and affection to a child or pet and it makes you jealous? - Do you like to exaggerate things for effect? - If you had to be a different nationality, what country would you like to have been born in?


эффектный * The apostle John identifies three enticements that Satan employs: (1) "the desire of the flesh," (2) "the desire of the eyes," and (3) "the showy display of one's means of life."


юг * 19 Abram moved southward through the land, and the caravan stopped near the big trees of Moreh, near Shechem.


ядовиты * Those proud, selfish rebel angels were a poisonous influence among humans.​—Gen.


яркие * As a result, their appearance may be immodest, sensual, gaudy, unkempt, careless, or sloppy.


яркий * So powerfully did he demonstrate faith that his example is alive, a vibrant standard that we can apply today.


яркий * These expressions paint a vivid picture of self-sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially.


яростный * 36 "If they sin against you (for there is no man who does not sin), and you are furious with them and you abandon them to an enemy, and their captors carry them off captive to a land, far or near, 37 and they come to their senses in the land where they were carried off captive, and they return to you and beg you for favor in the land where they are captives, saying, 'We have sinned and done wrong; we have acted wickedly,' 38 and they return to you with all their


ярость * Elisha was incensed at this, for striking the earth five or six times would have indicated "striking down Syria to the finishing point."

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