Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 8 Choosing the Right Word
A certain amount of disagreement is healthy in any organization, but in our club ______ has almost become a way of life.
After the sun set, red and purple hues lingered in the sky for several minutes before the colors _____.
Aren't you going a little far when you accuse me of ______ because I didn't vote for you in the beauty contest?
By reference to ______ cases, you may be able to clarify the difference between "murder" and "manslaughter" for the law students.
Far from being ______, her failure after making a valiant effort may serve as an inspiration to young people.
I always look for the exit signs in a theater because, _____ speaking, one should always be prepared to act in an emergency.
I am not ordinarily a ______ person, but the sight of that terrible automobile accident haunted me for weeks.
I noticed with some distaste how her usually overbearing manner became ______ when our employer joined the group.
I refuse to ride a roller coaster; fast rides make me _____.
If we are going to be required to perform a(n) ______ version of the play, then I think it is not worth doing.
Imagine our ______ when the brakes failed and we headed full speed toward the busy intersection!
It is not for me to ______ his motives, but how could anyone except an overambitious scoundrel have misled his friends in that way?
My Spanish friend finds it hard to understand the ______ attached to bullfighting in most non-Hispanic countries.
Not too long ago in our society, a ______ body was generally admired as a sign of prosperity and physical vigor.
Students who have been well trained in the social sciences should not be ______ to the cheap fallacies of racism.
The _____ between Athena and Poseidon led to a contest between the two immortals, in which they bestowed gifts to the Athenians.
The estate he had inherited from his father was ______ in a long series of impractical and/or mismanaged business enterprises.
The immediate success of my book caused great _____ to my sister, who thinks she is the writer in the family.
The prisoner attempted to ______ his confession on the grounds that he had not been informed of his legal rights.
The retiring coach said he no longer had the stomach to run the ______ of critics who assailed him after every loss.
Their ______ stares and obvious inability to understand the seriousness of the situation made me doubt their mental capacity.
There is often a thin line between the kind of debate that is spirited and useful and that which is ______ and nonproductive.
Though I was annoyed by the child's behavior, the father's outburst of anger seemed to me deplorably ______.
Try your best to subdue your natural reluctance and make a ______ decision that will be in your son's best interests.
When Mr. Kummer saw my pathetically inept efforts to prepare a banana split, I was ______ to the ranks of the unemployed.