Vocational Assessment Weaver

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Which aptitude assessment was designed to explore aptitude for understanding the mechanical principles involved in a range of practical situations?

Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (BMCT)

Which of the following is a structured interview consisting of 10 questions designed to assess readiness for the vocational rehabilitation planning process?

Employability Maturity Interview

Which assessment is designed to meet the need for a brief mental health screening device for situations in which time and professional manpower may be at a premium?

Psychological Screening Inventory

Emotional intelligence is comprised of several factors; these include all of the following EXCEPT:

ability to interpret information in a changing context

Each of the following is an advantage of self-assessment EXCEPT:

allows for norm-referenced comparisons

Which personality type from Holland includes people who like or do well in music, art, writing, drama, or other creative activities?


Based on Kolb's Learning Style Inventory, a person who uses abstract conceptualization and reflective observation is which kind of learner?


The Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) is one of the best established aptitude tests . . .

but there is no information in the manual on its use with the population of persons with disabilities

Which type of work sample is designed to assess a group of worker traits and contains a number of traits inherent in a job or variety of jobs?

cluster-trait sample

Decades of research shows that the results of interest assessment suggest the ________, rather than the ________, of a person's interests.

direction; strength

Which model of supported employment consists of a small group (commonly 8 individuals) that is trained and supervised together in the midst of an ordinary, mainstream work environment?

enclave approach

An understanding of cognitive ability alone can explain why a VR consumer would or would not do well at a specific job.


Definite personality patterns or clusters of behavioral problems are associated with particular disabilities.


Intelligence is a single, unitary ability composed of a single function.


Interest assessments are typically more threatening than intelligence, personality, and aptitude tests.


Interests and abilities are highly correlated.


Supported employment models strive to offer opportunities for readiness and preparation rather than emphasizing immediate opportunities for work.


Work samples are usually found in field settings, such as at businesses.


Which of the following is an example of a secondary gain that may be interrupted by the rehabilitation process?

financial benefits based on the disability and unemployment

______ values are viewed as the desirable attitudes or behaviors for accomplishing ______ values.

instrumental; terminal

Based on the MBTI, a ______-oriented person uses a combination of thinking and feelings when making decisions.


For traditional IQ tests, how is a score of 80-89 interpreted?

low average

Each of the following is a characteristic of supported employment EXCEPT:

mild disabilities

According to the text, which issue may need attention before the exploration of transferable skills can proceed?


A consumer's aptitude must be inferred because it cannot be measured directly.


Disability is actually a family affair, and the consumer's performance in vocational rehabilitation is a function of both the person and the family environment.


Intelligent behavior is as much a function of drive and incentive as the more traditionally conceived components of intellectual ability, such as abstract and logical thinking, reasoning, judgment, and retention of knowledge.


One goal of situational assessment is to identify the consumer's entry behaviors in relation to those required by the existing job.


One of the objectives of vocational assessment is to help consumers understand their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the world of work.


The Vocational Diagnosis and Assessment of Residual Employability (VDARE) system was originally developed for use in providing expert testimony in disability adjudication cases.


The author purports that vocational assessment should identify and measure environmental variables that affect employability and the development of employment outcomes.


The purpose of personality assessment in rehabilitation is to identify personality strengths or deficits that influence job demands, including where and how the consumer can function effectively and what training may be needed to enhance the behaviors required for suitable job adjustment.


A _________ is a collection of items or samples that demonstrate one's work-related competencies, achievement, values, experiences, and aspirations.

vocational evaluation portfolio

Functional assessments target all of the following work behaviors EXCEPT:

vocational interest

According to the text, a synonym for the word value in vocational assessment is:


Information in this interest category includes business, technology, outdoors, and science.

"Things" occupations

Longitudinal research studies have suggested that above the age of ____ years, IQs tend to remain relatively stable over time.


Which achievement assessment was designed to determine the general educational level of adults who have note completed a formal eighth grade education?

Adult Basic Learning Examination (ABLE)

Which assessment is a multipurpose questionnaire designed to assess normal personality characteristics important in everyday life?

California Psychological Inventory (CPI)

Which personality type from Holland includes people with interests or skills in business, management, sales, public speaking, or leading others?


Functional skills

Generic behaviors related to people, data, and things that are brought into play in a work environment such as working with precision tools, analyzing, computing, supervising, and manipulating.

Which category of work skill involves coordinating, counseling, guiding, leading, understanding others' feelings, expressing appropriately one's feelings, teaching, listening accurately, establishing rapport, interviewing, influencing?

Human relations skills

Each of the following inventories is appropriate for persons with low reading skills EXCEPT:

Kuder Occupational Interest Survey-Form DD

This inventory includes such occupational areas as outdoors, mechanical, computational, scientific, persuasive, artistic, literary, musical, social service, and clerical, as well as seven personal-oriented areas.

Kuder Occupational Interest Survey-Form DD

The evidence of participation in an activity, occupation, or task that can be observed by others is known as:

Manifest interest

Which is the most widely used personality inventory?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

Each of the following inventories is useful for occupations that require 3 or more years' preparation beyond high school EXCEPT:


When classifying skills by work environment, which category involves efficient functioning of commercial enterprises and government activities?


This assessment is designed to measure general ability, especially the ability to perceive and use relationships between nonverbal materials.

Raven's Progressive Matrices

Which category of work skill involves designing, financing, evaluating data, calculating, aligning, verifying, adjusting?

Technical skills

Specific content skills

The competencies that enable an individual to perform a specific job according to the employer's expectations such as a mechanic knowing the parts of an engine.

Adaptive skills

The self-management skills and personality orientations an individual brings to the job, such as cooperation, enthusiasm, and reliability.

Each of the following is a disadvantage of situational assessment EXCEPT:

There is less concern with validity and reliability

A vocational evaluation portfolio can serve as both an evaluation process and product.


For rehabilitation professionals who want an update on intelligence functioning for a consumer who has graduated from high school when interview information suggests a well-developed reading ability or recent educational training, which test is recommended?


This measure assesses general and specific intellectual characteristics, emphasizing a more comprehensive understanding of cognitive functioning. Its creator believed that intelligence is a function of the personality as a whole and is responsive to other factors besides those included under the concept of cognitive abilities.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV

Self-assessment can empower the consumer, but it is not cost effective.


The ability to adapt to a changing environment or to interpret information in a changing context is known as:

practical intelligence

Which type of assessment answers this question: Can my consumer do the job and possess, or be able to learn, the work skills necessary to be productive in this specific work environment?

situational assessment

Rolling Quads

student formed support group at Berkley for disabled students Convinced Berkeley City council to change the design of street curbs so that people in wheel chairs could move easily Many buildings began to use Braille

The concept of intelligence common to all intelligence tests is:

the ability to learn

Which assessment has a person perform actual portions (or simulations) of jobs or training curricula, using the same materials, tools, and equipment that one utilized in the real work or training setting?

work sample

Which area of assistive technology may require specialized expertise above and beyond a vocational evaluator's?

writing seating and positioning work site accommodations

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