WCG Exam 2

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When, according to the Chinese tradition, the invention of paper occured?

105 A.D.

When the city of Constantinople fell under the control of the Ottomans?


When was the Edict of Milan issued?


How many crusades occurred starting 1095 and ending in 1254?


Who based his theology on, "I know in order to believe.."?


Who won the Battle of Issus


Who based his theology on, "faith precedes intellect and reason"?


Who is the author of Summa Theologica?


Who with his teaching suggested, "There was time when Jesus was not"?


Who authored the classic works titled "The Confessions" and "The City of God"?


When the Spaniards entered the city we know today as Mexico City, who were the people who were living in it?


Which ethnic group controlled the trade across the Saharan desert?


Which of the following titles contain cautionary tales of scheming, jealous and manipulative women?

Biographies of Exemplary Women

Who argued that the Jew were cursed by God to wander?


Who forced the Saxons into baptism?


Who defeated the Muslim forces in the Battle of Tours?

Charles Martel

Who won the Battle of Tours in 732?

Charles Martel

Why is charter important in the rise of the burgh (town folk, urban class)?

Charter guaranteed the town people the right to govern themelves

Who is considered the "father of Greek democracy"?


Who united the Frankish tribes, and accepted Christianity because he believed the God of his wife helped him defeat his enemies?


Who was baptized into Christianity because Christian God helped him defeat the Alemanni troops?


Which emperor-persecutor caused the greatest divisions within the ranks of the Christians?


Who divided the empire into two halves and moved the capital from Rome to Asia Minor?


Who argued that the legalization of Christianity in 313 eroded the traditional Roman value system?

Edward Gibbon

Who said "I thought, 'age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom'"?


Who held that "senses are the only sources of ideas and the criteria of truth"?


Identify the ethnic group that migrated into the Italian peninsula from the north in the 8th/9th century B.C. and brought with them a writing system, high culture pf art and architectural skills?


When Muhammad died, he left behind him...


Who brought the Christian Gospel to Ethiopia?


Who is credited with bringing Christianity to the Ethiopian region?


Who spoke to Muhammad in a vision?


How did God respond to Job and his friends?

God questioned their knowledge and in return, Job humbled himself and repented to God.

Identify the Germanic tribe which migrated and occupied Gaul?


Identify the Abbasid caliph under whose leadership (rule) the city of Baghdad emerged as a flourishing commercial, artistic and scientific center of the Islamic civilization.

Harun al-Rashid

How did the ancient Greeks call their land?


Who required from his students to take an oath of ethics if they wished to practice medicine?


Who of the following is considered "the greatest traveler" of all time?

Ibn Batuta

Why is the Treaty of Verdun in 843 significant?

It marked the beginning of future France and modern Germany

What is the core issue of the Apostolic Writings

Jesus is the "risen Lord" (has resurrected)

Who suffered under pogroms?


After Job heard the news about the loss of his property and his children, what was Job's first reaction to the tragedies that had befallen upon him?

Job did not charge God with wrongdoing

Who in his sermons liked to repeat, "The more one is purged from Jewishness and Judaism, the more Christian one is"?

John Chrysostom

Who defeated Emperor Maxentius at the Milvinian Bridge in 321?


According to legends, who arrived to the continent of North America first?

Leif Eriksson

Indicate the ethnic group of Mali who were known for their agriculture skills


Who allied himself with Cleopatra to his own ruin?

Marc Antony

Who was astounded at both the boat traffic on the Yangzi River, and the splendor of the city of Hangzhou, and wrote about it in his travelogues?

Marco Polo

Who in Roman history is considered as the "last good emperor"?

Marcus Aurelius

Which of the following MesoAmerican peoples invented a calendar with of 18 20-day months and one 5-day month?


What man was sold several times, eventually bought back his freedom and converted to Christianity, and whose autobiography had a major impact in the passing of the British Slave Trade Act of 1807?

Olaudah Equiano

Who preached the Christian Gospel to the people of Ireland?


Whom the Pope Stephen II declared to be "the Protector of the Church"?

Pepin the Short

Who willingly sponsored the expedition across the Atlantic Ocean proposed by Columbus?

Queen Isabella

What is the meaning of Satan's statement, "Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?..."

Satan is taunting God

Who wrote a comprehensive history of China, titled "Records of the Great Historian"?

Sima Qian

Who said "One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing"?


Who said: "Examine thyself! The unexamined life is not worth living"?


Which of the following isms enjoyed the greatest following among the Romans?


Who held that "the good man is the wise man who lives rationally"


Who constructed an eighty-feet-tall mechanical clock?

Su Song

When was the civil service examination system established? It was established during the...

Sui Dynasty

Who is considered the greatest ever Sultan?

Suleiman the Magnificent

Indicate the Roman historian who in his account of Nero's reign mentions that certain Christus was crucified by the order of the Procurator Pontius Pilate.


Who in his work Germania criticized the Romans for their moral degeneracy and praised the Barbarian simple life?


What happened at the Battle of Adrianople?

The Goths routed the Romans

Which of the following groups holds that the disciples of Jesus in their grief concocted the story of the resurrection?

The Jesus Seminar

Which of the following is not necessarily a reason behind the persecution of Christians?

The spread of Christian religion was working against a segment of local economy

Which of the following would be a direct consequence of the Crusades?

The western Europeans were forced to seek new routes to India and China

What was the first thing Job's friend have done as they approached Job's place?

They began to weep aloud and tore their robes

Discuss the attitude of Job's friends toward his suffering

They kept talking as if they had the knowledge to do so

Who in the 19th century, particularly stressed that the mold of the naive faiths was broken by the Renaissance humanists?

Thomas More

Identify the city which under Mansa Musa developed from a campsite to a major center of trade and commerce, learning and scholarship


Identify the major cultural and commercial urban center in western Sahara


Who in 1095 made a call to the Frankish nobility to undertake a crusade against the Muslims and to free the Holy Land?

Urban II

Identify the book title written by Thomas More and published in 1516


Where did Job live?


Who wrote Hellenica, a history of Sparta?


Who said "Have you considered my servant Job?.. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears Elohim and shuns evil."


Who was Hannibal?

a Carthaginian

What was polis?

a city-state

What is the "Medieval Theory"?

a claim that the secular government and the ecclesiastic establishment were the two arms of one body, directed by one head who is the Christ.

Islam is..

a closed system

Hadith is...

a collection of the sayings of Muhammad

What is "khipu"?

a device made up of knotted strings used to calculate taxes or record information

What is wergild?

a sum of money given the victim or relatives as compensation for injury

What was the Hanseatic League?

an organization of European cities

Religion in African ancient cultures were -- and --

animistic and polytheist

How many characters were there in the Mayan hieroglyphic writing system?

aprox. 950-1000

The disintegration of central authority of the Roman imperial system...

called for a greater reliance on the local self-government and protection

What made the trans-Saharan trade possible?


"Jesus Christ -- documented as historical fact"

cannot be

At the Jerusalem meeting of the Church Leaders it was decided that..

circumcision was not necessary for salvation

What was the fundamental social unit of Inca society?

clan (ayllu)

Who were plebeians?


The Romans were the first to use --- in construction of public buildings


The very first generations of believers in Jesus Christ were...

deeply committed to the Law

What was the basic unit of African society?

family, clan

What is the term historians use to label a political-economic system where complex contractual relationships between the lord and the vassals exist?


What was "chinampas"?

floating gardens

Which of the following practices was widespread among the upper classes?


Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam

healthy diet

Which of the following isn't true? In ancient Greece...

honesty was highly honored, respected, and widely practiced

The Greeks were known for emphasizing virtues, which virtue did the Greeks held in disdain?


Which of the following is Johann Gutenberg's contribution to society?

improvement of the printing press

What is the significance of the Popul Vuh?

it was the major source of information about the creation of the world for the Mayas

Who were the patricians?

land owners

What practice was widespread and common among the ancient scribes?


According to Paul, how many people witnesses Jesus alive after the resurrection?

more than 500

Who are missi dominici?

official auditors

Who sponsored the exploration expeditions organized by the Dutch?

private investors

"Jus gentium" (law of peoples) was meant to...

protect the rights of both citizens and non-citizens, of natives and foreigners

Islam means..

submission to Allah

Who of the following eliminated slavery from European societies during the Middle Ages?

the Church

Thomas Aquinas belonged to which monastic order?

the Dominican

Who introduced "hereditary occupations"?

the Mongols

Which of the following was the first civilization in the Americas?

the Olmec Civ

How did the Romans call the period of peace and great prosperity that started with the reforms of Gaius Octavian Augustus?

the Pax Romana

Who were the "tecuhtli" among the Aztecs?

the class of warriors

What is Periplus?

the earliest surviving literary evidence of the city states of East Africa

Who effectively decided how to name the New World, "America"?

the mapmakers

Why is the Year 1096 an important date in Jewish history? It is important because of...

the massacre of Jews

Who forced King John to recognize the Magna Carta document?

the nobility (burghers)

Of all the persecutions of Christians under different emperors which persecution was chronologically the last?

the one under Diocletian

What event triggered a rebellion against the despotic and oppressive regime of the king Tarquinius, the last king over the Romans?

the rape of Lucretia

When Muslims speak of Islam being monotheistic religion, and Allah being monotheistic, they place an emphasis on...

the resurrection of Jesus Christ

What is oligarchy?

the rule of the few

What was the attitude of the Confucian teachers toward the trade of goods?

they considered it necessary but lowly

Why did the First Emperor order a census of the population?

to help him figure out the tax revunes

What was the first priority of each young bride soon after the wedding?

to win over the mother-in-law

Which popular movement advocated "educational programs that emphasized liberal arts, rhetoric, study of Greek and Latin, the Church Fathers, etc..."?


What is the meaning of the term "ghana"?

war chief

Which of the following behaviors the Nahua tradition encouraged?


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