Web Design Midterm

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Discuss each of the following web publishing issues: Bandwidth, Browser Differences, Screen Resolution, Legal and Privacy issues, Accessibility and Usability.

- Bandwidth o The quantity of data that is transmitted in a specific time frame - Browser differences o Graphical vs. non graphical display o Alternative text (alt text) - Resolution o The measure of a display devices sharpness and clarity, related to the number of pixels it can display - Auto rotate o Enables the screen to change orientation for mobile devices - Creating a version of your website for a mobile device is another way to ensure you reach a larger audience o Simplify navigation - Legal issues o Copyright o Copyright notice - Privacy issues o Personally identifiable information (PII) o Encryption/decryption o Cookies o Privacy policy statement

When writing for the web, explain why accuracy and currency, scannability, and organization are important.

- Check the accuracy of your content with reliable sources - Be sure to avoid spelling and grammar errors - Keep the content on your web pages current - Always make information easy to scan - Use headings, subheads, and bulleted lists

What is chunked text technique?

- Chunked text o Technique used - Organize your text by writing your copy in the inverted pyramid style o Places a summary first, followed by details and then background information

Define the following terms related to color: primary colors, secondary colors, complementary colors, cool colors, warm colors, RGB color system, and hexadecimal system.

- Color wheel o Is a tool for understanding the visual representation of the relationship between colors § Primary colors § Secondary colors § Complementary colors § Cool colors § Warm colors - Monitors project color using the RGB color system o Combines red, green and blue light o Levels or values of intensity are measured from 0-255 o Hexadecimal system

What is a target audience needs assessment.

- Define the target audience o Develop a target audience profile § A research-based overview that includes information about potential demographic and psychographic characteristics

Discuss the difference between a fixed-width page layout, a liquid page layout and a hybrid page layout.

- Fixed-width page layout o Sets a specific pixel width for the page - Liquid (or flexible) page layout o Sets the width of the page as a percentage of the browser window - Hybrid page layout o Uses a combination of fixed-width and liquid page layouts and takes into consideration responsive web design (RWD) techniques

Describe the difference between the home page, the subsidiary pages and a landing page?

- Home page o Is the primary or anchor page o It should include § Who § What § Why § Where § Search feature - Subsidiary pages o Provide details to the summary information shown on the websites home page - Landing page o Page on a website that a visitor sees when they tap or click on a link from an ad, search engine result or a social media promotion

Define the following terms: network, Internet, World Wide Web, web servers, website, web page, home page, hyperlink, and browsing/surfing the web.

- Network • consists of connected computers, mobile devices, printers, and date storage devices that share computing resources and data - Internet • is a worldwide public network that connects millions of private networks - World Wide Web • (web) consists of interned connected computers called web servers that store electronic documents called web pages - Website • Is a group of related web pages • Starts with a home page - Hyperlink • Is a word, phrase, or image that connects webpages • Browsing/surfing the web

What is visual consistency? Why is it important?

- Visual consistency o Is the consistent look and feel of a website created by repeating of design features (such as typeface, content position, color scheme) across all pages at a website

Describe what a tagline is.

A concise statement that a consumer readily associates with a business, organization, or product

What is a website plan?

Design plan determines the purpose audience, content, structure, navigation system, visual design and publishing and maintenance strategy

What is value-added content?

Relevant, informative, timely, accurate, high quality, usable

Define the following content types: text, images, audio, video, multimedia, interactivity, animated elements and dynamically generated content.

Text- the information put in Images- the visual aid added to the website Audio- sound bites or movements Video- visual playing elements Multimedia- combines text, images, movement, audio or video and frequently can involve interactivity Interactivity- elements that encourage website visitors to click, answer questions, make comments, search or perform other options Animated elements- add action, excitement, and interactivity to web pages such as images that rotate, appear in 3d or pop up as you scroll in a webpage Dynamically generated content- update periodically and can appear on a sites page when triggered by a specific event

Define visual identity and branding specifications.

Visual identity- the combination of design elements identified with a website and its publisher Branding specifications- the standardized use ofdesign elements, such as color, images and text applied to all of an entity's media to promote its brand

What is a site map?

Visual representation of the sites structure, illustrates how visitors can follow links from page to page

What is broadband and how are the four broadband connections used to access the Internet and the web?

o Broadband § Highspeed transmission over a communication channel - Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) o Dedicated digital line that transmits on existing copper telephone wiring - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) o Going to allow for you to search really quickly, but with uploading its slower § Cheaper - Cable Internet Access o Cable television (CATV) lines allow users to connect to the internet through their cable line - Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) o Uses fiber- optic cable to provide high-speed access - Satellite o Uses a satellite dish to communicate with a modem, providing high-speed wireless connections

What is an Internet Service Provider? What is the difference between a regional ISP and a national ISP?

- An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a business that has a permanent internet connection and provides temporary connections to individuals and companies o Regional ISP § Near you, geographical o National ISP § Whole country, nation

What is the difference between user-based and user-controlled navigation?

- User-based navigation system o Provides linking pages based on the website visitors' needs rather than the publisher needs - User-controlled o Provides a variety of ways visitors can move around a website beyond the major links from the home page § Allows visitors to move around the site in a manner they choose

Identify and DESCRIBE the basic design principles that help web pages deliver a powerful message and leave a distinct impression.

- Balance o Harmonious arrangement of elements - Symmetrical arrangement o Appears centered or even and suggest a conservative, safe, peaceful atmosphere - Asymmetrical o Or off-center balance design creates an energetic mood - Proximity o Or closeness, arranges related web page elements together § White space can help define proximity and organize web page elements - Contrast o Mix of web page elements to stimulate attention - Focal point o A dominating segment of the web page that directs a visitor's attention to a center of interest or activity - Unity o A sense of oneness or belonging - Unity is used to create Visual Identity o The combination of design elements identified by the site and its publisher § Brand § Branding specifications - Alignment o Arrangement of objects in fixed or predetermined positions

What is a web browser?

- A web browser is a program or app that requests, downloads, and displays web pages stored on a web server

Describe the difference between primary navigation, local/subsidiary navigation, contextual navigation and adaptive navigation.

- Primary navigation o Provides an overview of the site - Local or subsidiary navigation o Provides navigation within an area of the website - Contextual navigation o Is specific to the content web page being viewed - Adaptive navigation o Refers to links that use a website visitor's browsing or search history to provide content suggestions

What is responsive web design (RWD)?

- Responsive web design is a strategy used to create websites that adjust layout and in some cases, content to the device and screen displaying the webpages

What is the scroll zone?

- Scroll zone o Is the area beyond the initial browser screen that must be scrolled vertically or horizontally for viewing § Place the most critical information above and to the left of the potential scroll zones

Define the following terms: URL, IP address, domain name, HTTP.

- URL (uniform resource locator) - IP address o numeric version of your web address - Domain name o text version - Top-level domain o Ending of website .com, .edu - HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol)

What is a usability test?

- Usability test o Is an evaluation that generally takes place in a structured environment, and is conducted by professionals who observe exactly how visitors use a website and formulate their research in a report containing various design recommendations Formal

List and Define the three ways you can add style rules to your web pages.

- Style rules o Are specifications that define one or more formatting properties and their values for specific HTML tags - Inline style o Inserted using the style attribute within the HTML tag - Internal style sheet o Inserted using the element within a page's heading tags

Describe the differences between symmetric and asymmetric balance.

- Symmetrical arrangement o Appears centered or even and suggest a conservative, safe, peaceful atmosphere - Asymmetrical o Or off-center balance design creates an energetic mood

Define the following navigation systems: text links, off-canvas menus, image links, navigation menu, navigation bar, navigation tab and breadcrumb trail.

- Text links o Are hyperlinks based on a word or words § Target · Area that you click § Rollover link · Move over an image or text o Indicates its clickable - Hamburger or off-canvas menus o Navigational options that are collapsed or hidden by default - Image link o Assigns a link to a visual element § Image map § Hot spots · Invisible for us to see, but when you put your mouse over it, it becomes clickable - Navigational menu o Is a list of related links (pop out menu) - Navigation bar o Generally, uses graphic buttons to present links (drop down menu) - Navigation tabs o Present links as small tabs - Breadcrumb trail o Is a hierarchical outline or horizontal list that shows a visitor the path from the home page to the currently viewed page

List and DESCRIBE the four main ways the web has influenced society.

- The communication design and content- can influence the websites message o Trustworthy o Timeless o Value (importance) - The web offers education new avenues for formal and informal teaching and learning o Web education enhances traditional teaching methods - Entertainment and News o Millions of people turn to the web daily for entertainment and news because of the webs unique ability to provide interactive multimedia experiences and continually updated content - Electronic Commerce o Encompasses a wide variety of online activities, including consumer shopping, investing and the exchange of business data and transactions within a company or among multiple companies

What is transfer rate?

- The speed at which data travels from one device to another

Explain the web publishing advantages that web has over print.

- Websites can be updated continuously, while print publications are only as current as the date of publication - Currency Advantage o Webpages can quickly and inexpensively be updated - Connectivity advantage o Is the ability to instantaneously distribute and share content - Interactivity advantage o Allows for data and resource sharing such as comments or communication § Content pages § Social media § Blogs § Member pages § Web-based forms - Compared to print, updating web content is more cost effective o Unlike Print Cost Advantage § Publishing web content does not vary based on its length, color composition or design complexity - Delivery Advantage o Enables fast and inexpensive distribution of published information over the web - With the same immediacy and cost, the web can reach both global and local audiences

List and DESCRIBE the three basic website structures.

Linear/ tutorial structure- organizes and presents web pages in a specific order, ensures steps will not be missed Webbed (random)- does not arrange pages in a specific order Hierarchal- organized web pages into categories and subcategories by an increasing level of detail

Differentiate between goals and objectives. What is a purpose statement?

Purpose and audience - Website goals o Results you want your website to accomplish within a specific time frame - Website objectives o Methods you will use to accomplish the site's goals - Purpose statement o Call to action, what do you want the person to do when they get to the website

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