web dev
What keyword do you add to a style property to override style precedence and style inheritance?
Which character reference is used to insert a nonbreaking space within a text string?
identify the character entity reference that can be used to force hypertext markup language (HTML) to display an extra white space
which of the following style rules. is used to draw a 1px red dotted line around every element on a web page
*{outline: 1px dotted red;}
What is the vendor prefix associated with the Google Chrome browser?
CSS comments are entered as:
/* comment */
identify the correct syntax for adding comments in style sheets
All block elements, like the body element, have a default width of _____.
For the following style rules, what is the font size of the h1 heading in pixels?
Which of the following styles will set the font size to 2% of the viewport width?
What is the hue associated with the color value hsl(90, 100%, 50%)?
which of the following dynamic pseudo-classes is applied when a link has not yet been visited by a user
Which of the following uses the proper syntax for creating an HTML comment?
<! -- Home page for my personal website -->
Which of the following is the proper form of an HTML 5 doctype?
<! DOCTYPE html>
To add notes or comments, insert a comment tag using the syntax ______
To link text to the website https://ww.mobilepanini.com, use the tag:
<a href=" https://www.mobilepanini.com"> ... </a>
a sectioning element that marks content related to a main article is _________________
What tag can be used to define the starting point for relative paths?
<base />
which of the following elements can be added to a document head to define a different starting point for relative paths
<base href"url" />
________________ contains a generic grouping of elements within a document
the ______________ grouping element contains a single term from a description list
Which of the following is not proper HTML syntax?
<em> <p>Welcome to my web page</em> </p>
Which of the following marks the content as emphasized text?
<em>Daily Special</em>
Which of the following marks a heading with the second level of importance?
<h2>Gourmet Thai Cooking</h2>
Which of the following tags might be used to indicate a change of topic within a section?
<hr />
Which of the following tags inserts an inline image with the alternative text "Art World"?
<img src="awlogo.png" alt="Art World" />
Which of the follow tags is not used to mark a list?
<li> </li>
Which of the following links the HTML file to the CSS style sheet file, mystyles.css?
<link href="mystyles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Which of the following defines "restaurant" as a search keyword for a web page?
<meta name="keywords" content="restaurant" />
Lists of hypertext links should be enclosed within what tags?
<nav> </nav>
Which of the following defines the page title for an HTML document?
<title>My Web Page</title>
which of the following rules defines character encoding in every cascading style sheets (CSS) document
@charsett "encoding";
identify the rule that should be added to a style sheet to access and load a web font
the character set used for the English alphabet is the ________________
American standard code for information interchange (ASCII)
Which of the following should be used to mark the text string "H2SO4"?
a network confined to a small geographic area is referred to as a _____________________
LAN (local area network)
the most common character encoding in use is
What does W3C stand for?
World Wide Web Consortium
a group of web designers and programmers called the _______________ settled on a set of standards for all browser manufacturers to follow
World Wide Web consortium
What is a markup language?
a language describing the content and structure of a document by tagging document elements
Clipping can only be applied when an object is placed using _____ positioning.
When the footer is the last element in a page body, the _____ pseudo-element is used to add a placeholder element after the footer.
What tag should you use to mark the h1 heading with the location topHeading?
all of these: - <h1 id="TopHeading">Mobile Panini</h1> - <h1 id="topHeading">Mobile Panini</h1> - <a href="topHeading"></a><h1>Mobile Panini</h1>
Which of the following selectors matches an h1 heading with the id "topHeading"?
all of these: - h1#topHeading -h1 [id="topHeading"] -h1
Which of the following selectors is used to match only paragraphs that are children of the aside element?
aside > p
when defining the number and size of grid columns, you can use the keyword _____________
when a CSS element is. displayed as a grid, the direct child elements nested within it ____________________
become grid items
the width property of the _____________ model is based on the sum of the content, padding, and border spaces and any space taken up by the padding and border is subtracted from space given two the content
border box
identify the property that is used to choose the layout model
Identify an attribute selector that recognizes groups of elements that share a similar characteristic or property
which of the following is the syntax of the clip property
clip: react(top, right, bottom, left);
Decorative opening and closing quotation marks can be inserted using the _____ property.
identify an attribute of the meta element that provides the value. associated with the http-equiv or name attributes
which of the following CSS properties identifies a page element as the. container for a CSS grid
display: grid;
the first line in a hypertext markup language (HTML) file is the _______________, which a processing instruction indicating the markup language used in a document
a ___________ is a popular design element that consists of an enlarged initial letter in a body of text that drops down into the text body
drop cap
Identify an attribute selector used to select an element based on its class value.
Identify a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) selector that is used to select pseudo-elements.
early versions of HTML supported presentational _______________ and presentational attributes designed to describe how each element should be rendered by web browsers
the ___________ unit is the preferred style unit for web page text because it makes it easy to develop pages in which different page elements have consistent relative font sizes when viewed on any device
Unlike an external style sheet, a(n) _____ style sheet is applied only to the web page in which it is placed.
True or false: HTML describes how content should be rendered by the browser.
Identify the grouping element which contains an illustration, photo, diagram, or similar object that is cross-referenced elsewhere in a document.
A host that provides storage space for saving and retrieving records is called a
file server
a ______________ is one in which the size of the web page. and the size of its elements are set regardless of the screen resolution
fixed layout
What is the style to display h1 headings in green text on a yellow background?
h1 {color: green; background-color: yellow;}
the ___________ pseudo-class is to be used for a situation in which a user has moved the mouse pointer over a hypertext link prior to clicking the link
What is the HSL color value for red displayed with the highest saturation and lightness and with 50% transparency?
hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)
Two attributes, _____, are often key in targeting styles to specific elements.
id and class
In order to enable users to jump to a specific location within a document, identify the attribute that should be added to an element tag to recognize that location
Which styles are applied directly to elements within an HTML file?
inline styles
the grid-gap property is used to define the ____________ in a CSS grid
internal space between grid rows and columns
If two style rules have equal specificity, and thus equal importance, then the one that is defined _____ in the style sheet is the one used.
To link to the email address [email protected], use the URL:
mailto:[email protected]
a ___________ language is a language used to describe the content and structure of documents
Provide a style rule to remove underlining from hypertext links marked with the <a> tag and nested within a navigation list.
nav a {text-decoration: none;}
what is the value of the list-style that will cause no marker to be displayed
Identify a padding property used to set the width of the padding space.
padding: size;
a ____________ element is an element that contains one or more other elements, which are called child elements
a technique known as __________ places code conforming to older standards before newer properties, providing support for old browsers but still allowing newer standards and techniques to be used by the browsers that support them
progressive enhancement
a ______________ is a classification of an element based on its current status, position, or use in a document
identify an element used for quoted material
the coordinates for. an elements being placed within a container need not be. defined as long as its position is set to _________________
________________ is used to nudge an element out of its normal position in a document flow
relative positioning
To have an ordered list count down from 100, which attributes should you use?
reversed start="100"
Which of the following matches the color blue?
rgb(0, 0, 255) hsl(240, 100%, 50%); rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)
Which of the following values is used to represent the color red?
rgb(255, 0, 0)
Identify a text-level element used to mark a generic run of text within the document.
____________________ position is essentially the same as not using any cascading style sheets positioning at all
To link to the phone number 970-555-0002, use the URL:
which of the following properties is used to control the casing of text within an element
To mark content that is related to the main article, use
the aside element
Prior to HTML 5, sections were identified with:
the div element and the id attribute
the following expression creates a layout consisting. of one fixed column 350pixels in width followed by_________ for a total of five grid columns. grid-template-columns: 350 px repeat (2, 2fr, 1fr);
two sets of two columns in which the first column in each set is twice the width of the second column
after completing the code for a website, a developer should perform a ______________ text to ensure that is contains no syntax errors
a _______________ is a software program that retrieves a document from a web server and renders it locally in a form that is readable on a client device
web browser
WordPress is a:
web content management system
ken has built a website for his assignment. he has created a blue background image for each link that appears on the site. also, each link appears in green without underlines. ken can space the links equally across the browser window in order to make the page text easier to read by changing the ________________
The style rule * {color: blue;} uses the asterisk (*) selector—also known as the _____ selector—to select all elements in a document.
To specify a stacking order, one can use the _____ property.