Web Page Design Study Guide

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Describe how to use a search engine. What are some ways you can refine a search?

- Describe the item you want to find in the search text, then look at all of the hits and find the one that best suits your needs Ways To Refine a Search- -Use specific nouns. -Put the most important terms first in the search text. -List all possible spellings, for example, email, e-mail. -Before using a search engine, read its Help information. -If the search is unsuccessful with one search engine, try another. -Practice search techniques by performing the Internet -Research: Search Skills exercise in each module of this book.

Define the term, e-commerce. Differentiate among B2C, C2C, and B2B e-commerce.

-short for electronic commerce, is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network, such as the Internet. -B2C- business to customer (general public) -C2C- customer to customer( 1 to 1) -B2B- business to bussiness (goods and services)

Differentiate between a search engine and a subject directory.

A search engine can allow you to find anything by typing in key words. A subject directory allows you to find a specific category of website by clicking through the links in the different categories.

List the seven criteria for evaluating a website's content.

1) Affiliation: A reputable institution should support the website without bias in the information. 2) Audience: The website should be written at an appropriate level. 3) Authority: The website should list the author and the appropriate credentials. 4) Content: The website should be well organized and the links should work. 5) Currency: The information on the webpage should be current. 6) Design: The pages at the website should download quickly, be visually pleasing, and be easy to navigate. 7) Objectivity: The website should contain little advertising and be free of bias.

Name the types of graphics formats used on the web and how they use compression.

BMP- Desktop Backgrounds, Scanned Images GIF-Images with few colors, Simple Diagrams, Shapes JPEG- Digital Camera Photos, Game screenshots, Movie still shots PNG-Comic style drawings, Line art, Web graphics TIFF-Photos used in printing industry

Explain the purpose of a browser. Describe the function of tabbed browsing.

Browser: an application that enables users with an Internet connection to access and view webpages on a computer or mobile device {Internet-capable mobile devices (smartphones) use special type of browser - mobile browser - designed for their smaller screens and limited computing power} Tabbed browser: top of the browser shows a tab (similar to a file folder tab) for each webpage you display - allows users to have multiple home pages that automatically are displayed when the browser runs

Define the terms, dongle and broadband. List popular wired and wireless broadband Internet services.

Dongle is a small device that connects to a computer and enables additional functions when attached. Broadband encompasses three ways of connecting to the internet: copper, fiber optics and twisted pair. Popular wired broadband Internet services are Cable Internet service, DSL and Fiber to the Premises. Popular wireless broadband Internet services are Wi-Fi and Mobile broadband.

Define the term, domain name. List general steps to register for a domain name.

Domain name is a text-based name that corresponds to the IP address of a server. General steps to register for a domain name are 1.) Open a web browser, 2.) Use a search engine to locate a domain name registrar and then navigate to the website, 3.) Perform a search on the domain name registrar's website for the domain name you wish to register, and 4.) Follow the steps on the domain name registrar's website to select and complete the purchase and registration of the desired domain name.

Describe how and why cybersquatters register domain names.

Cybersquatters register domain names so that they can profit from selling them. Cybersquatters look for out-of-date registrations and buy them so that the original website owner must buy them back.

Describe the purpose and composition of an IP address. Differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6.

IP address is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies the location of each computer or device connected to the Internet or any other network. IPv4, due to the growth of the Internet, addresses began dwindling in availability. The IPv6 scheme increased the available number of IP addresses exponentially.

ISP stands for _________________________________.

Internet Service Provider

___________________refers to Internet communications in which both parties communicate at the same time.

Internet messaging

The ________________ web design approach adapts the layout of the website to fit the screen on which it is being displayed.


Differentiate between static and dynamic webpages.

Static webpages are fixed while dynamic webpages change

List uses and benefits of content aggregation websites and apps.

Types of content that may be compiled includes news, reviews, images, videos, podcasts (discussed later in this module), and blogs. Content aggregation websites save users time because they need to visit only one website (the content aggregation website) instead of visiting multiple websites to obtain information.

Define the term, web address. Name a synonym.

Web address is the "unique address" of a webpage A synonym for web address is "URL"

Name and give examples of the components of a web address.

Web address: consists of a protocol, domain name, and sometimes the host name, path to a specific webpage, or file name of the webpage (many begin with http:// as the protocol) The text between the protocol and the domain name, called the host name, identifies the type of Internet server or the name of the web server.

Explain the relationship between web and mobile apps.

Web apps and mobile apps often work together.

State the purpose of a DNS server.

any computer that provides services and connections to other computers on a network

Besides webpages, identify other items a search engine can find.

articles, media, images, videos, maps

Describe cyber bullying, and explain why it is difficult to catch the perpetrators.

harassment using technology, often involving teens and preteens, it is anonymous and can be defended with 1st Amendment

__________________ refers to any application that combines text with media.


Define the term, netiquette.

the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the Internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of individuals while online.

Describe how a home user interacts with digital communications.

the user interacts directly with hardware for the human input and output such as displays; the user interacts with the computer over this software interface using the given input and output hardware.

Describe the role of a host on a network.

The role of a host (computer or device) on a network is to provide services and connections to other computers or devices on a network.

Identify the role of the W3C.

The role of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is to ensure the continued growth of the web.

Describe the purpose of these types of websites: informational and research; media sharing;bookmarking; news, weather, sports, and other mass media; educational; business, governmental, and organizational; blogs; wikis and collaboration; health and fitness; science; entertainment; banking and finance; travel and tourism; mapping; retail and auctions; careers and employment; e-commerce; portals; content aggregation; and website creation and management.

informational and research- to share factual info media sharing- so members can manage media such as photos, videos, and music. bookmarking- so members can organize, tag, and share links to media and other online content news, weather, sports, and other mass media- to share newsworthy material, including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, politics, weather, and sports. educational- to offer exciting, challenging avenues for formal and informal teaching and learning. business- to share content that increases brand awareness, provides company background or other information, and/or promotes or sells products or services. governmental- to provide citizens with information, such as census data, or assistance, such as filing taxes. organizational- many reasons, like raising funds for a cause blogs- to share articles or posts with others wikis and collaboration- to allow users to create, add, modify, or delete information to share with others health and fitness- provide up-to-date medical, fitness, nutrition, or exercise information for public access. science- to share information about space exploration, astronomy, physics, earth sciences, microgravity, robotics, and other branches of science and to collabrorate entertainment- to offer music, videos, shows, performances, events, sports, games, and more in an interactive and engaging environment. banking and finance- to enable users to access their financial records from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an Internet connection. travel and tourism- to enable users to research travel options and make travel arrangements. mapping- to enable you to display up-to-date maps by searching for an address, postal code, phone number, or point of interest retail and auctions- to buy stuff online, allow people to bid on things someone else is selling careers and employment- to search for jobs and find out info about a company e-commerce- to allow business transactions to occur online portals- to offer a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location. content aggregation- to allow users to collect and compile content from a variety of websites about a particular topic or theme. website creation and management-to convey info to a lot of people

List ways to use online social networks securely.

- Register with caution. - Manage your profile. - Choose friends carefully. - Limit friends. - Divulge only relevant information. - Be leery of urgent requests for help. - Read the privacy policy.

Describe the components of an email address.

- a user name that identifies a specific user - @ that separates the user name from the domain name - a domain name provided by your service provider

List steps to set up a personal VoIP service and make a call.

1) If you do not know the VoIP service you want to use, search for a program or app that enables you to place and receive VoIP calls. 2) If necessary, download the program or app for the VoIP service you will use. 3)Most VoIP services require you to have an account with their service before you can place or receive a call. When you run the VoIP program or app, search for the button or link to create a new account. Follow the steps in the program or app to finish creating the account. 4) Once the account has been created, if necessary, sign in to the VoIP service with your user name and password. 5) Make sure the person you are calling also has an account with the same VoIP service. You should know at least one person using this service to successfully place a call. VoIP services typically allow you to locate and call someone by entering their user name or adding them to your list of contacts. If necessary, add the person you want to call to your list of contacts. 6) On the list of contacts, select the person you want to call and then click the appropriate button to place the call. 7) When the other person answers, you can start your voice or video call. 8) When you are ready to end the call, click the button to end the call. 9) When you are finished using the VoIP service, you should sign out of and exit the VoIP program or app.

List general steps to download digital media.

1) On a computer or mobile device, run the program or app from which the digital media is available. If a program or app is not accessible easily, navigate to the online service using a browser. 2) Enter the name or keyword(s) in the Search box. 3) Click the Search button to perform the search. 4) Navigate through the search results and then click the search result for the item you want to download. 5) Locate and then click the Download button or link to download the digital media to your computer or mobile device.

Identify and briefly describe the steps in web publishing.

1) Plan the website (determine the purpose, register the domain name, etc) 2) Design the Website (look at appearance, colors, formats, links, graphics, etc.) 3) Create the Website (use text editor, word processing program, content management system, etc) 4) Host the Website (transfer the web pages from your computer to a web server) 5) Maintain the Website (visit it regularly and get feedback)

List ways you can browse safely.

1. Verify the website is safe 2. Turn off location sharing 3. Clear your browsing history 4. Never store passwords 5, Use a phishing ( scam in which perpetrator attempts to obtain your personal and/or financial information) filter 6. Enable a pop-up or pop-under blocker 7. Use private browsing 8. Use a proxy server

Explain how ARPANET contributed to the growth of the Internet.

ARPANET linked scientific and academic researchers across the United States ARPANET contributed to the growth of the Internet in the way that ARPANET is like the earliest version of the Internet.. ARPANET was launched in 1969 (September) by ARPA, or the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Name examples of popular browsers for personal computers and mobile devices.

Chrome Edge Firefox Opera Safari

Briefly describe how data and information travel the Internet.

Data and information travel the internet using servers and clients and various wired and wireless transmission media. Several main transmission media carry the heaviest amount of traffic, or communications activity, on the internet.

Describe the purpose of these Internet services and explain how each works: email, email lists, Internet messaging, chat rooms, online discussions, VoIP, and FTP.

EMAIL- to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete email messages, 1) Email goes from computer to email server 2)Software determines the best route for the data and sends the message to the EMAIL LISTS- a group of email addresses used for mass distribution of a message, When a message is sent to an email list, each person on the list receives a copy of the message in his or her mailbox. Users may elect to receive the messages immediately or in a digest form sent at a specified interval, such as daily or after a number of messages have accumulated. INTERNET MESSAGING- communications services that notify you when one or more of your established contacts are online and then allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them, For real-time Internet messaging to work, both parties must be online at the same time. Also, the receiver of a message must be willing to accept messages. To use an Internet messaging service, you may have to install messenger software or an app on the computer or mobile device, such as a smartphone, you plan to use. CHAT ROOM-a website or application that permits users to chat with others who are online at the same time, A server echoes the user's message to everyone in the chat room. Anyone in the chat room can participate in the conversation, which usually is specific to a particular topic. ONLINE DISCUSSIONS- an online area in which users have written discussions about a particular subject, To participate in a discussion, a user posts a message, called an article, and other users read and reply to the message. VoIP- (Voice over IP)enables users to speak to other users via their Internet connection, VoIP uses the Internet (instead of the public switched telephone network) to connect a calling party to one or more local or long-distance called parties. FTP- an Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading to and from other computers on the Internet, Uses a FTP server

Describe the purpose of GPS receivers, and why manufacturers embed them in smartphones.

GPS: a navigation system that consists of one or more earth-based receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order to determine the receiver's geographic location. Manufacturers embed GPS receivers so that users can determine their location, obtain directions, and locate points of interest.

Describe why webpage developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML: set of symbols used to specify the headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other content elements that a webpage contains (one of the core technologies for developing webpages) CSS: used to specify the content's design and appearance JavaScript: used to add interactivity

Is it ethical to use a fake name online? Why or why not? List techniques to protect yourself from identity theft.

It is ethical if it is not being used to harm someone. (IMHO) -Do not click links in or reply to spam for any reason. - Install a personal firewall -Clear or disable web cookies - Turn off file and printer sharing on your Internet connection. -Set up a free email account. Use this email address for merchant forms. -Sign up for email filtering through your ISP or use an anti-spam program. -Shred financial documents before you discard them. -Provide only the required information on website forms. -Avoid shopping club and buyer cards. -Do not write your phone number on charge or credit receipts. Ask merchants not to write this number or any other personal information, especially your Social Security number and driver's license number, on the back of your personal checks. -Do not preprint your phone number or Social Security number on personal checks. -Fill in only the required information on rebate, warranty, and registration forms. -Learn how to block your phone number from displaying on the receiver's system.

Explain how to use an online social network for personal or business use.

Many people use social networking sites to share photos videos personal greetings or status updates Businesses use social networking sites to connect with their customers, provide promotional offers, and offer targeted advertising

State the purpose of a hot spot, and list tips for using hot spots safely.

The purpose of a hot spot is for home and small business users to share and provide wireless Internet connections. Tips for using hotspots safely are: Avoid typing passwords and financial information, sign out of websites, Disable your wireless connection, Do not leave your computer or mobile device unattended, Beware of over-the-shoulder snoopers.

Identify the purpose of several generic TLDs. Identify PTI's role with TLDs.

The purpose of several generic TLDs is to give individuals and businesses flexibility and creativity when purchasing domain names. PTI's role with TLDS is the organization approves and controls TLDs.

Explain how webpages use graphics, animation, audio, video, virtual reality, and plug-ins.

They use it to attract the attention of the viewers

Define the terms, thumbnail and infographic.

Thumbnail- a small version of a larger image, Infographic- a visual representation of data or information, designed to communicate quickly, simplify complex concepts, or present patterns or trends.

Describe the purpose of a web feed.

Web feed: contains links to or information about updated or changed content on a website - Mass media, blogs, and online social networks often provide web feeds, saving users the time spent checking the websites for updated content.

Distinguish among the web, a webpage, a website, and a web server.

Website: collection of related webpages and associated items, such as documents and photos, stored on a web server Web server: computer that delivers requested webpages to your computer or mobile device (same web server can store multiple websites) Web: consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents Webpage: each electronic document on the web - can contain text, graphics, animation, audio, and video

Describe the uses of tags.

a short descriptive label that you assign to webpages, photos, videos, blog posts, email messages, social media messages, and other digital content so that it is easier locate at a later time.

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