WGU D075 Information Technology Management Essentials

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Predictive reporting

A company uses data on its past call volumes to determine call center staffing. Which type of reporting should the company utilize?

business intelligence data analytics data management capabilities

What does a DSS need for accurate decision making?

Network operating systems (NOS) handle network traffic and distribute allocated resources (like memory and application software) appropriately to client users.

What does a NOS do?

Network administrators are responsible for all aspects of network operations, including making sure the network runs smoothly and setting permissions for users.

What does a network administrator do?

Business and leadership experience

What is the most important qualification that a Chief Information Officer (CIO) must possess?

It targets the right customers. Data segmentation segments information into useful categories.

By segmenting data in a data management system, a business achieves a significant advantage over nonsegmentation. What is that advantage?

The four main components of a network are network interface controller (NIC) cards, protocols like Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), cables to connect clients to servers (sometimes wirelessly), and a central hub, often called a server.

What are the four main components of a network?

Too much data Too many options Unskilled team members Technical support

What are the main challenges for IT systems and technology?

1 Identify the decision that needs to be made. 2 Gather the relevant information. In a DSS, ensure that the system is using the correct information and run the DSS process to see what the outcomes are. 3 Identify the alternatives. Run the DSS using different parameters that match the qualifications for making the decision. 4 Weigh all the components and assign probabilities of success, using the DSS output as the baseline. The DSS can assign probabilities based on input data and selection of criteria. 5 Choose the best alternative that meets the requirements of the decision. 6 Implement the decision. 7 Review and monitor the results of the decision.

What are the steps in the decision making process?

When data are collected, they come in three forms (unstructured, structured, and semi-structured), but the most common form is unstructured.

What are the three forms data come in?

Reporting summarization levels Analysis & predictive reporting Management level reporting

What are the three main aspects of business reporting?

Peer-to-peer File synchronization services

What are the two major types of file-sharing systems?

internal nonvolatile - they are constructed with memory-like chips, they are very high-speed access and have no moving parts.

What kind of memory is SSD?

The network administrator Network administrators are responsible for the smooth operation and maintenance of a business's networks and networking technology, including its hardware and software.

Which IT professional is directly responsible for the smooth operation and maintenance of a business's networks and networking technology, including its hardware and software?

Chief technology officer (CTO) The CTO runs the organization's IT engineering group and serves as the company's top technology architect.

Which IT professional runs the organization's IT engineering group and serves as the company's top technology architect?

Unique identifier

Which IoT system process is used to reference each IoT device on a network?

Product changes can be easily made. CAD software can test the product design. Designs are easily transferred to automated manufacturing tools.

Which advantages do computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD and CAM) provide the manufacturing process?

Administration of information on employees

Which aspect of human resource management is the responsibility of an IT department?


Which level of management gets the most detailed reports directly from the transaction processing system?

HIPAA—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: A federal law that provides data privacy and implements security provisions to safeguard an individual's medical information. A HIPAA form is signed each time you visit a new doctor so they can understand who they can share that information with.

What is HIPAA?

Decision support system (DSS) Decision support systems are used to conduct analytics and business intelligence activities to gain insights into business through data.

What is a DSS?

Real-time communication

What is the approach that a business would use to facilitate communication when the business has employees that are in different locations and telecommute for work?

It is tailored to a specific group or industry. Function-specific software is designed for a very specific purpose.

What is the defining characteristic of function-specific software?

Removing redundancies within the database

What is the process of normalization of a database?

Switches filter the information to the correct part of a network

What is the purpose of a network switch?

Cloud web hosting

What is the term for using clustered servers to provide virtual resources for web pages?


What is the term used to refer to end-user computers on a network?

random-access memory (RAM)

What kind of memory is considered short term?

Targeted advertising

A company creates a new product in response to demand from a small but diverse group of customers with a specific shared interest. What is the most important reason to advertise this product on social media?

Rapid system scalability Cloud-based IT solutions adapt to the size requirements of a business. Physical (in-house) IT systems can be adapted but not as quickly or as easily as in the cloud.

A company has experienced significant growth in just a few months. The company expects to continue this rate of growth in the coming year. Which cloud computing feature would most benefit this business in the short term as it manages its growth?

IT Manager

A company is planning several IT projects including a major software development project. The software development project will be organized using the software development life cycle (SDLC) methodology. Which IT professional should be called upon to create a detailed project plan for this effort?

Data mining is the process of looking for meaningful patterns in data.

A data analyst wants to use software to look for useful patterns and hidden relationships in this large set of social media data. Which process can be used to look for these patterns and relationships?

The transaction processing system (TPS)

A large online retailer uses a decision support system (DSS) to develop scenarios for the executive team to evaluate. What is the primary source of the data used by this DSS?

Note for users

Attached is my OA score so you can tell in what areas my quizlet might be lacking Know the layout of networks, how they work, hardware, software, benefits, etc. Know IoT, what makes it possible and how it could be used. Know the IT jobs, who's responsible for what and who they report to.

Managing the IT group and designing the IT architecture

On a day-to-day basis, what is the major focus and responsibility of a chief technology officer?

Network Administrator

Policies must be enacted and enforced to protect corporate assets. These policies include strong passwords, safe web browsing protocols, firewall implementations, and malware protection. Who is the IT professional responsible for enacting these policies?

A copyright on each algorithm Computer program code is copyrightable.

Sparkit has developed a number of unique algorithms to support its specialized programming projects. What does Sparkit need to apply for in order to best protect its rights to its code?

IoT devices require constant Wi-Fi connectivity. If the IoT devices cannot communicate for any reason, they cannot function, and manufacturing stops.

What is the main vulnerability to production due to use of IoT devices?

Too much data: Businesses need to make a few decisions when they are creating data warehouses and big data storage areas, like are we capturing the data we need, or are we saving everything in case we need it? Sorting through too much data can be a hinderance to the DSS, CRM, or other processes.

What is the major issue that hinders the effective use of decision support systems (DSS)?

The data are normalized and structured.

When using extract, transform, and load (ETL), what is done during the "transform" step?

Chief Information Officer CIOs typically have the most responsibility within an organization

The company's board of directors has expressed concerns about a software compatibility issue. Who is responsible for explaining and advocating for the new plan to the company's board of directors?

Accounting Human Resource Marketing Research & Development Production

What are five business departments?

Volume Variety Veracity Velocity

What are four general attributes that define big data?

Reporting systems facilitate daily, operational decision-making and longer-term strategic planning in business.

What are reporting systems used for?


Which output of project management software is used to assign tasks?

IT architect

Which professional designs parts of computer applications (like screen interfaces, middleware, and programming infrastructure) that comply with the head application developer's design principles?

Computer System Administrator

A large company has decided to invest in new IT systems, including a new server. Which IT professional should be tasked with setting up and maintaining the server?


A hospital issues new patients a wristband that is not just a barcode but has monitoring and communications properties. Which technology is the hospital using for these wristbands? "Internet of Things"

Local area network (LAN)

A small business has a single network that allows every employee to connect through a central server when they are in the company's main office. What type of network is the business using?

Tactical decisions Detailed operational data created from the sale of individual items are used to make operational and short-term decisions.

A transaction processing system (TPS) enables the entry and recording of sale-related data such as item purchased, price, and date and time of sale. Which kind of decisions does management use these data for?

I say this as someone who has tons of experience w/ Excel. I feel bad for any beginner. Google the functions VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP (Not even sure why they teach these since they are being replaced with XLOOKUP but whatever). Pretty much anything you find in google will teach these better than the book does. Do the same with SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF. Search "Chandoo excel" and the function, his site is what I have used for years to boost my excel ninja skills. A lot of people skip the excel because it's only a few points but it's much better to take those easy points to allow yourself more leeway on the harder stuff. It's also something you can practice before the class even starts if you're go-getter.

For the excel portion, the book's explanation makes it seem WAY harder than it is.

Count clicks on advertisements.

How can a business best determine the return on investment (ROI) of advertising on social media?

Copyright Since an app is an original created work that is a written program, much like a book, it is protected by copyright.

How can creators of new applications (apps) protect the computer programs used to run them?

By placing internet-connected sensors on every part in order to monitor inventory

How can the Internet of Things (IoT) be used to improve supply chain management in the automotive industry?

Communication between vehicles IoT can allow vehicles to communicate with each other regarding location and speed. This is known as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications.

How can the Internet of Things (IoT) be utilized in driverless or self-driving automobiles?

Be stingy about giving out personal information, and treat all of your personal information on a need-to-know basis. Check your financial information on a regular basis and inspect what should and should not be there. Ask periodically for your credit report: it is a good idea to check your credit score on a regular basis as a barometer of your financial status and watch for any unusual fluctuations. Maintain careful records of your banking and financial records.

How can you protect yourself against identity theft and other online SCAMs?

They have to decide based on the situation.

How do IoT designers determine what runs at the edge versus what runs in the cloud?

Increased user control of the organization's website

How have online web development tools benefitted small businesses?

User level security starts with logon IDs and passwords but can go much further in verification to restrict the user from visiting unauthorized websites or downloads from untrusted sources.

Securing the browser, requiring a strong password, and installing malware protection is what kind of security?


The Bluetooth network is built into mobile phones so they can communicate with other devices within approximately how many feet?

Good luck

This exam sucked Here's a tip from someone in the March 1st Business Group: "I recommend watching the C724 cohorts including the practice question cohort. You can find them on panapto. The missing things are in that course which is I think the previous version of D075. It covers the stuff thats not in the course text. PAY close attention to that practice question cohort...."

Online analytical processing (OLAP) OLAP is basic processing to determine counts of information from the database.

What approach can be used to efficiently retrieve information about sales and inventory from a database?

data housing and management, improved communications, customer relationship management, product development, and cost-effective processes.

What are the five main areas that information systems and technology can innovate a business?

File, memory, and process management An operating system (OS), often called a platform, is a collection of computer programs that work together to manage hardware and software to ensure that they are working properly. The platform is the groundwork for all system software and performs jobs like allocating memory, administering input and output, and managing files.

What are the three major functions of a computer operating system?

Record and preserve accounting records The Sarbanes-Oxley oversees standard accounting practices and preservation of accounting data.

What did the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 require of IT departments in American companies?

FERPA—Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: A federal law that protects the rights of students' educational records. Information about grades, attendance, disciplinary records, report cards, transcripts, and so forth cannot be given to anyone not specifically listed on a FERPA form that is signed when a student enters a school.

What is FERPA?

1 A technology that captures all the information listed above and puts it into a structure where reports can be run, analyses can be done, and information can be gleaned to support the business. 2 A strategy whereby a company uses the CRM to increase business by having the customers know the CRM is there and use it to their advantage. For example, how many clicks does it take to buy something from Amazon once you are a customer? CRM reduces the clicks, thereby reducing the time and increasing the convenience to purchase from them. 3 A process that a company uses to its advantage to manage relationships with customers.

What is a CRM to a business?

Routers forward information throughout a network, switches filter the information to the correct part of a network, and hubs are a common point of connection on a network. A server houses information in a central location, and clients access that information through a connection to the server.

What is the difference between a router, a switch, a hub, and a server?

Data that have been given context become information.

What is the distinguishing feature that differentiates data from information?

1 Sketch out the app idea to understand the flow. 2 Do market research to determine whether the app is unique and has a market. 3 Create a mockup of the app to nail down the flow, decisions, and displays. 4 Create the graphic design of the app. Look at areas of human interaction, color, flow, and ease of use. 5 Build the app landing page or a home page, which is a dedicated page of the mobile app to describe the functions of the app. 6 Code the app with the programming language of choice. 7 Launch the app in the app store, for both iPhone and Android. 8 Market the app to reach the targeted demographic, and use the marketing principles defined in an earlier section. 9 Improve your app with user feedback . Responding to users in a timely fashion is key to the success of the app because in an online environment, everyone "hears" the complaints and the praises.

What is the process for launching a mobile app?

A network administrator

What is the title of the person in the organization who is directly responsible for the setup and operation of the organization's networks, including hardware and software?

Management reports are summarized from supervisory reports that are generated from the transaction processing system. Supervisory reporting is highly detailed and generated directly from the transaction processing system. It is rarely used for high-level decision-making.

What kind of TPS report would be used for making strategic decisions?

separate IP address and MAC address

What two things do you need to connect your phone to an IoT device to your wifi?

CSPs like Dropbox have security measures like strong passwords, biometrics, and two-factor authentication in place, so personal and business clouds remain safe and out of reach of unintended users.

What type of UID do most websites that store personal information use to keep their data secure?


What will the future of IoT will depend on?

Research and development

Which core business department is primarily responsible for business intelligence?

Strategy A CRM's strategy function helps a company understand customers' concerns and desires and respond in ways that encourage more and better customer activity.

Which function of a customer relationship management system helps a company identify opportunities to increase its business?

Faster internet speeds In order for real-time devices to function properly, they need to communicate via the internet without delays.

Which improvement in IT infrastructure has enabled IoT devices to function properly?

Cut and paste

Which method of sharing data requires the use of temporary memory?

Wi-Fi connection information

Which network information is needed to connect an Internet of Things (IoT) device?

Search engine marketing

Which strategy includes purchasing paid advertisements that appear at the top of results pages in a web browser?

The database The information about customers contained in the database is the most valuable.

Which technology is a critical component of customer relationship management (CRM) systems?

Data governance

Which term refers to managing the availability, integrity, and security of an organization's data to ensure that the data remain high quality and valid?

It facilitates marketing strategies to increase business. It is a process to capture information about the business's customers. It provides communication tools and channels.

Which three benefits does a customer relationship management system (CRM) provide to a business?

Video conferencing

Which type of application can a business implement to allow for real-time business collaboration?

A client computer on a network

Which type of computer runs a network operating system (NOS)?

The CIO normally reports to the chief operations officer (COO) or chief executive officer (CEO)

Who does the CIO report to?

IT portfolio manager IT portfolio managers are responsible for the standardization of software rules and plans.

Who is responsible for designing a detailed plan to address the incompatibility of software between different departments?

Wi-Fi-connected drones with GPS and camera

Wildland fires are often difficult to map and assess while they are active, and this creates difficulties for wildland firefighters. Which IoT solution can be used to address this problem?


William and Jack believe that their large selection of rare parts and motorcycles should be the main focus of messaging to customers. Which of the four Ps of marketing should they focus on when they analyze customer needs and customer support?

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