WH Topic 4.2

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English people of importance

John Cabot - looking for the northwest passage in America, claimed lands for English

For the longest time, _Italian Cities_ had a monopoly on European trade with Asia. How did this push Spain, Portugal, France, England, and the Netherlands?

- By controlling access to the trade routes, the Italians controlled prices of Asian imports to Europe - Driving Spain and Portugal, and later France, England, and the Netherlands, into the search for new routes to Asia

Dutch people of importance

Henry Hudson - In 1609, the Dutch sent Henry Hudson to explore the East Coast of North America. He sailed up what became known as the Hudson River to see if it led to Asia. He did not find it

What were the English, French, and Dutch looking for?

The North West Passage

How did states measure wealth? Describe the system or theory this entails; what is the government's role?

· Also, in the 17th century, Europeans generally measured the wealth of a country in how much gold and silver it had accumulated. · For this reason, countries set policies designed to sell as many goods as they could to other countries-in order to maximize the amount of gold and silver coming into the country-and to buy as few as possible from other countries-to minimize the flow of precious metals out of the country. · Required heavy government involvement · Mercantilism

Compare and contrast the impact of the empires in their voyages (1300 - 1800 CE) -China -Britain -Portugal -Spain

· China o Explorer § Zheng He o Key Voyages § India § Middle East § Africa o Purpose § To open up trade networks with India, Arabia & Africa § To spread Chinese culture o Impact § China decided not to continue exploring · Britain o Explorer § John Cabot o Key Voyages § North Americao Purpose § To find a sea route to the East going West from Europe o Impact § Claimed land in Canada for Britain § Established a shorter, more northernly route across the Atlantic than Columbus's route · Portugal o Explorer § Vasco da Gama o Key Voyages § West coast of Africa § India o Purpose § To open a sea route from Europe to India & China o Impact § Portugal expanded trade & cultural exchange between India & Europe · Spain o Explorer § Christopher Columbus o Key Voyages § Caribbean Islands § Central America o Purpose § To find a sea route to India & China going west from Europe o Impact § Spain led the European exploration & colonization of the Americas · Spain o Explorer § Ferdinand o Key Voyages § South America § Philippines o Purpose § To demonstrate that Europeans could reach Asia by sailing west o Impact §Spain established links between the Americas & Asia across the Pacific Ocean

Who led the way in European exploration at first? Where did it expand to and why was it successful?

· Portugal led the way in European exploration · Portuguese in Africa and India · Portuguese in Southeast and East · Portuguese was successful because it gained access to the Indian Ocean trade routes and set up ports and forts along the African coasts and the Indian routes and taxed trade

● What was the significance of: Prince Henry the Navigator

■ Became the first European monarch to sponsor seafaring expeditions ■ To search for an all-water route to the east as well as for African gold. ■ Under him, Portugal began importing enslaved Africans by sea, replacing the overland slave trade

● What was the significance of: Bartholomew Diaz

■ Sailed around the southern tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, in 1488, into waters his crew did not know. ■ Diaz feared a mutiny if he continued pushing eastward, so he returned home

● What was the significance of: Vasco Da Gama

■ Sailed farther east than Diaz, landing in India in 1498. ■ There he claimed territory as part of Portugal's empire. ■ The Portuguese ports in India were a key step in expanding Portugal's trade in the Indian Ocean and with points farther east

● How had China's role changed after Zheng He? How did the presence of Portugal impact China?

○ China's exploration of the outside world came to an end after Zheng He's final voyage in the 1430 ○ Initial Portuguese visits had little impact on Chinese society. ○ But the traders were followed by Roman Catholic missionaries, mainly Franciscans and Dominicans, who worked to gain converts among the Chinese people

● What was the significance of Afonso de Albuquerque?

○ Early in the 16th century, the ruthless Portuguese admiral Afonso de Albuquerque won a short but bloody battle with Arab traders and set up a factory at Malacca in present-day Indonesia. ○ He had previously served as governor of Portuguese India (1509- 1515), sending strings of Indians' ears home to Portugal as evidence of his conquests

English in the Americas

● Cabot claimed lands from Newfoundland south to Chesapeake Bay ● In 1607, about 100 English colonists traveled approx. 60 miles inland from the coast, where they built a settlement Jamestown (1st successful colony) ● The English colonies included one million Europeans

Explain how various states utilized silver, making it a 'dominant force' in the global economy.

● China was a particularly enthusiastic consumer of this silver from the Western Hemisphere. ● Silver, for example, made its way from what is now Mexico across the Pacific Ocean to East Asia in heavily armed Spanish ships known as galleons that made stops in the Philippines. ● At the trading post in Manila, Europeans exchanged silver for luxury goods such as silk and spices, and even for gold bullion. ● The impressive Manila galleons allowed the silver trade to flourish. ● Indeed, the Chinese government soon began using silver as its main form of currency. ● By the early 17th century, silver had become a dominant force in the global economic system

What 'rekindled' European interest in the Americas? What did the Europeans realize?

● However, European interest in the Americas was rekindled when the Spanish came into contact with the two major empires in the region, the Aztecs in Mesoamerica, and the Incas in South America. ● These empires had the gold and silver that made exploration, conquest, and settlement profitable. In addition, Europeans soon realized that, by using enslaved Native Americans and later enslaved Africans, they could grow wealthy by raising sugar, tobacco, and other valuable crops

French people of importance

● Jacques Cartier - sailed from the Atlantic Ocean into the St. Lawrence River at today's northern U.S. border. He did not find a new route to Asia, but he did claim part of what is now Canada for France ● Samuel de Champlain - (explored1609-1616) explores like him and Jacques realized there were valuable goods and rich resources available in the Americas, so there was no need to go beyond to Asia.

The Spanish annexed the Philippines in 1521 and returned to conquer the Filipinos in 1565. How did this impact Manila and the Filipinos specifically?

● Manila became a Spanish commercial center in the area, attracting Chinese merchants and others. ● Because of the Portuguese and Spanish occupations, many Filipinos became Christians

French in the Americas

● Rarely settled permanently ● Traded with Native Americans and had a better relationship with them ● Claimed much of N America for France ● Established trading post name Quebec & traders searched for furs and priests created missionaries to convert Natives to Christianity ● Due to better relations with natives, grew more slowly than the Spanish or English or example, by 1754, the European population of New France, the French colony in North America, was only 70,000

Explain the significance of Spanish ships - what was their great success? Who proved that this could be done?

● Spanish ships, however, became the first to circumnavigate the globe when the government sponsored the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan. ● Silver, for example, made its way from what is now Mexico across the Pacific Ocean to East Asia in heavily armed Spanish ships known as galleons that made stops in the Philippines

Dutch in the Americas

● The Dutch claimed the Hudson River Valley and the island of Manhattan ● They settled in a community called New Amsterdam (today known as New York City ●Dutch merchants bought furs from trappers who lived and worked in the forest lands in Canada

Describe the issues that made Portugal vulnerable. Who began challenging them in East Asia during this time?

● The Portuguese succeeded in global trade for several decades, but Portugal was a small nation, lacking the workers and the ships necessary for the enforcement of a large trade empire. ● Many Portuguese merchants ignored their government and traded independently. ● Corruption among government officials also hampered the trading empire. By the 17th century, Dutch and English rivals were challenging the Portuguese in East Asia, including islands that are today part of Malaysia and Indonesia

How did the Portuguese try to control their trade networks? Summarize their efforts; what resource did they specifically intend to control?

● To ensure control of trade, the Portuguese had constructed a series of forts stretching from Hormuz on the Persian to Goa in western India to Malacca on the Malay Peninsula ● The aims of the fort construction were to establish a monopoly (complete control over a market) over the spice trade in the area and to license all vessels trading between Malacca and Hormuz. ● The forts gave Portugal a global trading post empire, one based on small outposts, rather than control of large territories. The Portuguese also restricted Indian Ocean trade to those who were willing to buy permits

European states wanted to expand their authority and control of resources. List what were the motives for these conquests for power:

● _For riches overseas_ through taxes, new trading opportunities, and silver ● _Rivalries among European states_ led to European states expanding to claim territory before others ● _Christian duty / Religion_ led Europeans to seek out people in other lands and convert them

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