What Are Natural Resources
trees (wood and paper)
Can you name a natural resource that does not come out of the ground
trees, water, air, and metal
What are some natural resources?
Surface sources such as river and lake, and underground sources (groundwater)
What are two sources of drinking water?
Earth and are often pumped from or dug out of the ground.
Where do most natural resources come from?
Recycling saves resources, saves energy, and produces less pollution.
Why is it important to recycle?
Natural Resource
a material that is found in nature that is essential or useful to people
careful use of resources so that they will last as long as possible
Renewable Resource
one that can be replace within a human lifetime
Nonrenewable Resource
one that can't be replaced within a human lifetime.
to process used products into new products by using the material again
to use item again after their original use
hydroelectric dam
used to generate electricty
using less of a resource helps conserve it