What Was the Great Depression questions

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What is CWA?

Civil Works Administration - provided short term jobs

What is CCC?

Civilian Conservation Corps - young unemployed hobos earned high school diplomas

What is the Hoover Dam?

Colorado River provides electric power/irrigation - funded by President Herbert Hoover

What is FERA?

Federal Emergency Relief Agency - gave money to those in need

Who was the only president to serve four terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

What was the worst financial disaster in the modern world?

Great Depression

What is the HOLC?

Homeowners Loan Corporation - keep from losing homes

What is one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's most famous quotes?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

How many banks failed by 1933?


Who was Dorothea Lange?

1935 photographer;"Migrant Mother"-32 year old woman with children; sold car tires for food

How many people became hobos?

250,000 teenagers; some as young as eleven

Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?

5th cousin Theodore Roosevelt; 1921 polio; paralyzed; not seen in public in wheelchair

How many free meals were given out in New York City?


What is AAA?

Agricultural Adjustment Act - paid farmers to limit food production

What happened on December 7, 1941?

Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor- Oahu, Hawaii

What is another name for the 1920s?

Jazz Age, Roaring 20's, and the New Era

What is the NRA?

National Recovery Administration - minimum wage; ended child labor; limited work hours

What was the SSA?

Social Security Act -money after retirement

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt establish?

TERA - Temporary Emergency Relief Administration

What is the TVA?

Tennessee Valley Authority - built dams on Tennessee River; electricity and irrigation

Where were the stocks bought and sold?

Wall Street in New York City

What was mulligan stew?

anything into the pot

What was a Hooverville?

areas full of shanties named after President Herbert Hoover

What made it easier and faster to make cheap products?

assembly line

Why did people lose their houses and farms?

banks needed their money and people could not pay

Why were hobos paid so little?

because there were so many of them

What is a penny auction?

bidding ridiculously low prices

What was the New Deal?

changes Roosevelt made his first 100 days in office

What was the telegraph?

electric signals were sent over a wire

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's first action as president?

end Prohibition

Who was Frances Perkins?

first woman elected to the United States Cabinet post

What was the unemployment rate in 1928?

four percent

Who ran one of the first soup kitchens?

gangster, Al Capone

What is the mafia?


What strong belief guided President Herbert Hoover?

government should never offer money directly to the people

How much of the country was in poverty in 1932?


Why was the "penny auction" created?

helped out a neighbor whose farm had been lost to the bank

What game are stocks similar to?

hot potato

What was the false rumor that was spread on October 24, 1929, Black Thursday?

hundred of millionaires were jumping to their deaths

What are speakeasies?

illegal bars

What is prohibition?

illegally selling alcoholic drinks

Why had nearly half the banks in the United States failed by 1933?

invested too much money in stocks that were now worthless

What is the term of a Supreme Court justice?


Why did the people scornfully known as "Okies" leave their homes?

lost farms during the Dust Bowl

What are bootleggers?

making or illegally smuggling alcohol

What board game became popular in 1930 because of its free entertainment?


Why were charities not helpful?

need was too big

How were outsiders discouraged from bidding on auctioned properties?

neighbors hung a noose nearby

Why did the young leave their homes?

one less mouth to feed

Why was food wasted?

people could not afford; farmers could not afford to harvest and they weren't selling

Why did the banks have trouble too?

people that had loans could not pay them back, so they were broke too

What did one "alphabet agency", CCC, use young unemployed men to do?

planted trees and fought fires in national forests and parks

What was referred to as a "Hoover flag" during the Depression?

pocket turned inside out to show owner not have a penny

What was a "Hoover Hog"

poor man's bacon; armadillo

What did the United States government make illegal in 1920?

sell alcoholic drinks

What were shanties?

shacks built from whatever was available; no running water/ electricity- diseases spread

Why were angry crowds lined up outside the banks?

they wanted their money back

Who are stockbrokers?

traded stocks for other people

How did people get food?

trash, had their children beg at stranger's doors

What is a hobo?

travel country looking for jobs; hitch train rides; some froze to death because trains no heat

What was involved in the famous 1637 early bubble?

tulip bulbs in Holland

What groups were getting poorer?

unskilled factory workers and farmers

What are wets?

wanted to end Prohibition

Why did women and minorities suddenly have new opportunities in 1940?

workers were needed to build ships and airplanes during World War II

What were Franklin D. Roosevelt's three R's?

Relief, Recovery and Reform

Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?

Roosevelt's wife, women's rights and racial equality advocate; My Day newspaper

Who developed the telegraph?

Samuel Morse

What was the Dust Bowl?

Black Sunday; April 14, 1935; buried alive and drought

What was Black Thursday?

October 24, 1929 Stock prices fell fast and all people wanted to sell stocks at the same time

What was the worst day in the United States economy?

October 29, 1929; Black Tuesday

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