Wife of Bath's Tale, only answered questions i thought were important

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7. How does the queen get power over the knight?

Promises to let him keep his life if he answers a riddle

1. How do you know the story happens during the old times when magic existed?

Talks about fairies, etc

12. The wife has had three _______________ husbands and __________ bad ones.

good, two

6. What is the knight's sentence?


13. What is the answer to the knight's riddle?

"The self-same sovereignty over her husband/lover and master him, he must not be above her"

18. Explain the allusion to Argus and his hundred eyes.

"Though you enlisted argus to be my keeper, you could never control me. I could easily trick even Argus." She was saying even a monster with a thousand eyea cant keep track of what she does and she can sneak even with so many eyes on her.

1. When was the first time the Wife of Bath got married?

12 years old

27. She was _______________ and he _______________ when they married.

40 20

9. How long does the knight have to solve it?

A year and a day

31. What kinds of books does Johnny like to read?


2. How many husbands has she had?


17. What two choices does the old woman give the knight? What is his answer?

Have jer as a good ugly wife or a bad beautiful wife

22. How did husband four die?

He died while she was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem

12. What is the bargain between the knight and the old woman?

He does the first thing she asks

10. List seven items that some say women want?

Honor Pleasure Clothes Fun in bed Jollity Flattery To be widowed and remarried

11. In the section beginning "You wait," she said, "my story's not begun," the wife uses a pattern of diction to expound on her discussion of marriage. Identify the three words that form this pattern. ______________

I dont think she will ask this

4. Who is King during the time of this tale?

King Arthur

5. Note: one meaning of continent is having control of your bodily urges. The wife says she'll "welcome the sixth" because she can't "keep continent for years and years."

Not a question, oops.

5. Of what crime is the knight guilty?


4. What Biblical example does she give in support of having many spouses?

Solomon, Abraham, and Jacob and their multiple wives

14. What demand does the old woman make of the knight?

That hemarry her

18. How does the tale match the Wife of Bath's personality and beliefs about marriage?

The knight lets the old woman decide

8. What riddle must the knight solve?

What do women wsnt most

6. ___________ said it's better "to marry than to burn." ___________ and ______________ both had "several brides."

the Apostle Paul Abraham and Jacob

34. How does she finally get the upper hand in this marriage?

A physical fight, she tore pages from his book and pushed him into the fire

30. Why is she deaf?

Because her husband hit her on the side of the head

11. Why does the Wife of Bath include the story about King Midas' donkey ears?

Because his wife coulndt keep his secret

19. What strategy does the wife use to get her way in arguments with her older husbands?

She makes them think they said horrible things while drunk or accuses them of cheating and goes ballistic.

3. What rationale does she give for always getting remarried when she says that "God bade us all to wax and multiply"?

When she said this she meant that God commamnded people to reproduce and you reproduce by having sex. Also, people can interpret the bible however they want.



16. What lessons does the old woman teach the young knight about nobility / gentility?


19. What main ideas or themes can you get from the tale? Explain them.


23. The fifth husband was her __________________ because he ________________ her, but she ________________________ best.


24. What rationale does she give for this?


28. What rationale does she give for her lustiness?


29. When they marry, she gives Johnny ____________________________________________.


3. How does the Wife poke fun at the Friar on the trip?


32. The wife accuses the clergy of writing ___________ about women.


33. Name three horrible wives Johnny reads about:


7. Note: The Wife of Bath questions the church's preference for celibacy. She asks where "did He command virginity"? She also says that "advice" is not a "commandment."


8. What does she mean when she says "Not every dish and vessel's made of gold, Some are of wood, yet earn their master's praise"?


What lessons does the old woman teach the young knight about old age


What lessons does the old woman teach the young knight about poverty


25. She took this husband for ____________ and not _______________.

Love Money

20. The fourth husband kept a _________________. She laments that she has lost her __________ and _________________.

Mistress Youth? Beauty? "Flour"?

9. What comment does she have to make about living a life of perfection?

She said to leave virginity to the perfect and let everyone else reproduce and whatnot

10. What argument does she make about the existence of "generative organs"?

She says they were made for both repelling waste and for pleasure

15. How does the knight treat her rudely and unchivalrously?

She tries to kiss on him,etc. And he rejects her and calls her poor amd ugly

21. To get revenge for his cheating, she made him think that _________________________.

She was cheating too

2. Why aren't there spirits and fairies anymore?

The friars chased them off

26. While husband four was away at the Crusades, she walked out with Johnny and suggested that _____________________________________________________.

They marry after #4 is gone

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