Wildlife Policy and Administration Running Quizzes

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Which of the following statements can be used to make a complete definition of a sportsman?

1. A sportsman will inflict no unnecessary pain or suffering on game 2. A sportsman seeks knowledge of nature and the habits of animals 3. A sportsman derives no financial profit from game that is killed 4. A sportsman hunts for the pursuit or the chase of the game 5. A sportsman affords game fair chase 6. A sportsman will not waste any game that is killed

What are the 7 Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication?

1. Listen to the audience 2. Coordinate and collaborate with other credible sources 3. Be honest, open, and frank 4. Meet the needs of the media 5. Speak clearly and with compassion 6. Plan carefully and evaluate performance 7. Accept and involve the public as a legitimate partner

In what cases did wildlife law supported states' rights over those of the federal government?

1. McCreedy vs. Virginia 2. Smith vs. Maryland 3. Marten vs. Waddell 4. Manchester vs. Massachusetts 5. Greer vs. Connecticut

An Environmental Assessment should include a discussion of what parts?

1. the need for the proposal 2. a listing of the agencies, personnel, and other resources consulted 3. the environmental impacts of the proposed action and the alternatives 4. alternative courses of action for the proposal which involves unresolved conflicts concerning alternative use of the available resources

Boston enacted the first hunting seasons for wildlife in


Boston enacted the first hunting seasons for wildlife in ______.


The precursor to the United States Forest Service, the Department of Agriculture's Division of Forestry was established in____________.


How many messages should you limit your responses to in an interview?


Approximately what percentage of the domestic species listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act use wetlands as habitat.


Approximately what percentage of the domestic species listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act use wetlands as habitat?


At the peak of the deer population in the 1500's there were probably around how many deer in North America?


About how many sites and how much land is managed by the National Park Service?

384 sites and 83.6 million acres

Since the 1600's, about how much of the nations wetlands have been lost in the lower 48 states?


Wetlands also provide nursery or spawning habitat for what percent of the nation's commercial fish species.


Before the time of the European, there was somewhere between ______ and _______ million deer in North America.

9; 19

What happens if there is no budget resolution?

A deeming resolution is created which is used as a substitute for the budget resolution

What is PAYGO?

A law that states that any legislative changes to taxes or mandatory spending that increase multi-year deficits must be "offset" or paid for by other changes to taxes or mandatory spending that reduce deficits by an equivalent amount

In the 1920's, what was the only National Park east of the Mississippi River?

Acadia National Park

The _____________________ was amended in 1966 and it set forth procedures for federal agencies for formal and informal rulemaking, informal agency action, and adjudicatory proceedings.

Administrative Procedures Act

As a result of what committee's recommendations, on February 8, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed Executive Order 11643 banning the use of toxicants for the control of predators in federal programs or on federal lands

Advisory Committee on Predator Control Cain Committee

What is not a benefit of crisis communication planning?

Allows for only one strategy to be carried out

The ____________________ was enacted to assist with the eradication of wildlife that threatened livestock grazing and agriculture on Western federal and private lands.

Animal Damage Control Act of 1931

What are 6 major laws and policies that affect the mission and daily operations of USDA APHIS Wildlife Service. Be sure to include the enabling legislation in your list. List each law and describe how it affects the operations of the agency.

Animal Damage Control Act of 1931 (primary enabling legislation) Endangered Species Act Migratory Bird Treaty Act Administrative Procedures Act Animal Welfare Act of 1966 Clean Water Act NEPA Farm Bill

Annually appropriated programs are programs fall under the jurisdiction of what committees in the Senate and House?

Appropriations Committees

T/F Annually appropriated programs are programs fall under the jurisdiction of what committees in the Senate and House?

Appropriations Committees

When is the Congressional Budget Resolution for the 2010-2011 Federal Budget due?

April 15, 2010

_____________________ was the first federal statute to prohibit the taking, possession of, or commerce in a particular species of wildlife.

Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940

What are the six CERC principles in order?

Be First, Be Right, Be Credible, Express Empathy, Promote Action, Show Respect

What is a BATNA and how is it used?

Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement - it is used to measure your alternatives against

In what case did a California real estate developer purchased a large ranch with the intent to convert the ranch into vineyards and orchards and then subdivide it into upscale residential parcels. During rainy periods of the year a shallow layer of impermeable clay formed vernal pools, swales, and other intermittent wetlands on portions of the ranch. Problems arose when the developer started to "deep rip" these areas to accommodate the deep roots of the vineyards and orchards.

Borden Ranch Partnership vs. United States Army Corps of Engineers

Bounties have been historically used as a tool by wildlife biologist to achieve objectives. Which of the below statements about bounties is true?

Bounties often backfire and do not achieve the intended goal Bounties were commonly used to address problems with pest species

What is a budget authority and a budget outlay? Budget authority is how much money Congress allows a federal agency to commit to budget; outlays are how much money is budgeted by the federal Treasury in a given year?

Budget authority is how much money Congress allows a federal agency to commit to spend; outlays are how much money actually flows out of the federal Treasury in a given year

There are many types of negotiation methods. Provide an example of a situation where you are negotiating, but when Principled Negotiation is not necessary

Buying a car from someone you will never buy a car from again.

The US Forest Service's policy toward the management of its forest is multiple uses. In the early 1900s, possibly in response to often harsh and demanding working conditions, overcrowded city life, or a pervasive desire for a simpler existence, what activity became a popular pastime in the late 19th century and has become a major part of the national forest.


A _____________ is a category of actions that the agency has determined does not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the environment.

Categorical Exclusion

The _______________________ was an early attempt to address the poor air quality conditions that were present in many places throughout the US.

Clean Air Act 1955

In 1956, when the US Fish and Wildlife Service was established, there were two separate bureaus created. What were they?

Commercial Fisheries Sport Fisheries and Wildlife

After the American Revolution, those Sovereign powers of the king were passed to the states. Because the authority over wildlife was had become a sovereign power, which also would go to the states. This was later endorsed by the courts and became part of __________________.

Common Law

In August 1945, the FWS announced the discovery and demonstration of a new rodenticide known as "_______________." On October 24, 1945, a policy statement was issued on its use. Unlike strychnine, this product was found to be tasteless, soluble in water, it could be applied to a bait more easily, and it only took a small amount to be effective. It was eventually used for large scale predator control in meat baits.

Compound 1080

The ________________was signed in response to the urgent need to control commercial trade in rare wildlife trade.

Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 1973

The US Fish and Wildlife Service works with other counties to help preserve their native wildlife. More than 90 countries now participate in the _______________________.

Convention on International Trade of Wild Fauna and Flora.

According to Wildlife Services Policy Directive 2.201 which refers to the Wildlife Services Decision Model, wildlife damage management methods are selected and implemented based on several factors. What are those factors?

Cost of damage management options Status of the target and non-target species Potential biological, physical, economic, and social impacts Magnitude, geographic extent, frequency, historical damage, and duration of the problem Potential legal restrictions Species responsible for causing the damage or conflict

Which department manages the most land west of the Mississippi?


Out of the following departments related to the management of natural resources in the US, which is the largest?

Department of Agriculture

What department was the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries eventually transferred to?

Department of Commerce

What are some emotional responses to a traumatic event?

Depression Shock Volatile emotions numbness

What are the four main goals of USDA APHIS Wildlife Services?

Develop effective methods to solve wildlife damage management issues Provide wildlife services Value and invest in people Inform and communicate

Whose work on the Duck Stamp helped make it the success it is today and was a major driving force in funding land acquisitions for waterfowl?

Ding Darling

What are some cognitive responses to a traumatic event?

Disorientation Confusion Memory Loss Poor Concentration

___________ is reclassifying a species from endangered to threatened on the endangered species list.


What does the International Affairs office of the USFWS do?

Due to a great many cooperative agreements, conventions and treaties with other nations, the FWS has the need for a separate office to manage these agreements and interact with other nations on matters of endangered species, importation and exportation of animals and plants and their products, and similar duties. The FWS also sends expert consultants and financial assistance to other nations around the world to help them in their conservation efforts. Poaching for bush meat, rhinoceros horn , pelts and skins, ivory, the pet trade and other product s inflicts heavy tolls on wildlife around the world , and the office of International Affairs works closely with Law Enforcement and Endangered Species to curtail such illegal activities. The office also represents the United States on CITES issues.

What major event in US history demonstrated the need for soil conservation?

Dust bowl

__________________ is the amount of perturbation or disturbance an ecosystem can absorb without transitioning to an alternate state or condition.

Ecological resilience

In 1973 the Bureau or Sport Fisheries and Wildlife (later FWS) received a major responsibility when what act was passed?

Endangered Species Act

One of the first test cases for the __________________ was Tennessee Valley Authority v Hill in 1978. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a quasi-government agency designed to build and maintain dams on the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide electricity to the rural Southeast. In 1967, the multi-million dollar Tellico Dam project on the Little Tennessee River was started. Progress was halted on the project after 1973 because the endangered snail darter (Percina tanasi) was found upstream. The Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision that continuance of the project would exterminate an endangered species.

Endangered Species Act

The ____________________ often interacts with other agencies within the United States, including Congress, other federal agencies, states, non-government agencies and the American public.

External Affairs

T/F Active management or manipulation of habitat and landscapes on National Parks land is fairly common and can be rather extensive.


T/F An EA would likely find a FONSI if the proposed action will have a high degree of disruption of districts, sites, highways, structures, or objects listed in or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historical Places, or may cause loss of destruction of significant scientific, cultural, or historic resources.


T/F An EA would likely produce a FONSI if the action may adversely affect an endangered or threatened species or its habitat that has been determined to be critical under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.


T/F An EA would likely produce a FONSI if the proposed action may adversely affect the quality of the human environment or are highly uncertain or involve unique or unknown risks.


T/F Another provision of the 1900 Lacey Act was the ability to prevent the importation of certain exotic species declared by the Secretary of Interior as nuisances.


T/F Because of the realities of the Tragedy of the Commons, rules needed to be established, even in early America, to prevent over-exploitation of wildlife, except in areas with relatively large human populations.


T/F Budget outlays and authorities serve different purposes. Budget outlays represents a limit on the new financial obligations federal agencies may incur (by signing contracts or making grants, for example), and is generally what Congress focuses on in making most budgetary decisions. Authorities represent actual cash flow and help determine the size of the overall deficit or surplus.


T/F Congress generally holds hearings to question Administration officials about their requests and then develops its own budget plan called a "budget decision and reconciliation document"


T/F Congress generally holds hearings to question Administration officials about their requests and then develops its own budget plan, called a "budget plan."


T/F Critical habitat, as defined, includes not only geographic areas occupied by the species at the time of listing, but also areas outside that geographic area, if the Agriculture Secretary determines that such additional areas are essential for the conservation of the species.


T/F If Congress does not complete action on an appropriations bill before the start of the fiscal year on July 1, it must pass, and the President must sign, a continuing resolution (CR) to provide stopgap funding for affected agencies and discretionary programs.


T/F In 1980 Congress passed the Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act (PL 96-366), which called for states to develop and implement comprehensive non-game fish and wildlife plans and required the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to study potential mechanisms for funding these activities, but only $100,000 per year was authorized for 50 states.


T/F In 1980 Congress passed the Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act (PL 96-366), which called for states to develop and implement comprehensive nongame fish and wildlife plans and required the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to study potential mechanisms for funding these activities, but only $100,000 per year was authorized for 50 states.


T/F In contrast to the sustained yield, the multiple use form of conservation, many agencies insist on more limited use of their lands and the resources they produce. For example, national wildlife refuges and National Parks in the United States and Canada restrict the use of their properties to low-invasive purposes.


T/F In the mid-1950's Leopold distinguished conservation biology from natural resource fields of fisheries biology, forestry and wildlife management in that conservation biology focuses on the environment whereas the other three areas are more utilitarian and include economics


T/F NEPA contains specific provisions and penalties to federal agencies, and or contractors that take significant federal dollars, if they fail to protect the environment, some of which are highly significant in terms of the dollar amount that could be levied. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) is responsible for enforcing these laws and levying these fines on federal agencies while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for levying fines against private contractors or businesses.


T/F Once a state's authority to manage wildlife, or to regulate any action, is set, it cannot be changed.


T/F Once you have identified several good options for solving a problem, the best way to choose a solution is to insist that both parties will use some subjective criteria to make the final choice, such as what seems to the be best solution.


T/F Only a small fraction of the federal tax code is set in ongoing law that either remains in place until changed or requires renewal only periodically.


T/F Other people who have little contact with the natural world may have a negative attitude toward natural resources.


T/F Pure conservation biology takes into account the human aspect


T/F Social media has no place in the management of wildlife.


T/F State agencies can make laws that are more relaxed than the federal law, but cannot make laws that stringent over wild species.


T/F The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 1 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species.


T/F The Pittman-Robertson Act can be used to pay for television advertisements.


T/F The Weeks Act was passed quickly and with little trouble in Congress. In fact, it was one of the fastest bills in history with a near unanimous passage. Only the senator from Wyoming abstained and the congressman from Idaho voted no because of the large percentage of the state that would become US Forest Service land.


T/F The amendments of the Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act of 1998, make it allowable to place or direct the placement of bait on or adjacent to an area for the purpose of taking or attempting to take migratory game birds, and makes these violations punishable under title 18 United States Code


T/F The citizens of Indiana have a right to hunt and fish under the US constitution.


T/F The congressional budget resolution is a very complex document that consists of a detailed set of numbers stating how much Congress is supposed to spend in each of 19 narrowly-defined spending categories (known as budget "functions")


T/F The oldest federal regulatory authority over wetlands is section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.


T/F The term "navigable water" has a very clear and distinct definition and is defined as waters that a fully loaded boat, skiff, or similar floating conveyance can float upon without touching the soil under the water at the normal, yearly average water level for no more than twice the length of the boat. So a navigable waterway for a 9' boat cannot "bottom out" for a stretch of more than 18'. This adaptive definition has caused significant problems in that some people have tried to declare temporary streams, channels, and other waterways as navigable to gain access to land and other resources.


T/F This user-pay system of conservation funding, known as the Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program is another name for the Pittman-Robertson Act.


T/F When an agency is preparing an Environmental Assessment, the agency has no discretion as to the level of public involvement because it is set by the law


T/F the United States Geological Service (USGS) is "a science organization that provide impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate change, land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information".


What factors led to the incredibly large deer population in the 1500s?

Farming Habitat fragmentation The creation of towns and villages

The ____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on fishing equipment, boats, boat fuel, and other related items to provide funds for the management of sport fish and their associated fisheries.

Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950

Federal aid for fish and wildlife comes from two laws administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The ___________ provides money to support a wide variety of wildlife projects. The states and territories use these funds to acquire land for wildlife habitat, conduct research, manage and maintain wildlife habitats, provide access to hunting areas, and carry out hunter education and hunter safety training.

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act

The ____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on hunting equipment and firearms and apportioned the funds to the states for state management and restoration of fish and wildlife resources and habitats.

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937

Which Act(s) is the current guiding legislation for the Bureau of Land Management?

Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976

The image is a bill that will eventually become is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance once it is passed?

Federal Law

The _________________ office manages most of the FWS activities dealing with fish management and conservation.

Fish Hatcheries and Habitat Conservation

What act established the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 1956?

Fish and Wildlife Act

With the election of President __________________, soil conservation became a priority.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The various exemptions contained within the Clean Water Act are often controversial. Some environmentalists feel the farming exemption is a huge loophole. Do you believe the farming exemption should exist in the Clean Water Act? Why or why not? Farmers would argue this would place a undue burden on crop production. Can you suggest an alternative that might satisfy both the protection of clean water while reducing the burden on the farming industry?

From my understanding, the farming "loophole" was eliminated. Congress redefined "navigable waterways" as all water in the United States. Prior to that revision, the loophole related to the defiance of navigable waterways. Since navigable waterways can be assumed to be a body of water that can be used for transportation, streams, wetlands, and other smaller bodies of water could be polluted due to the loophole. I don't believe that farmers should be exempted from the Clean Water Act. Currently, Midwest farmers contribute to a lot of the pollutants in the Gulf of Mexico, which inevitably cause "dead zones". If farmers are one of the leading causes of water pollution, then they should not be allowed to be exempted from the Act. Although it is understandable that farmers would protest due to burdening their crop production, it is the 21st century, and newer technologies and inventions have been (and can be) made to replace the harmful pesticides and fertilizers farmers' use. As an alternative, the government could sponsor the production of newer technologies for famers, and in return the farmers do not pollute anymore by using current methods. This alternative will both benefit farmers and the waterways. The farmers will not have to pay for newer technologies, while the waterways can heal from previous pollution.

The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies is looking to its newly established Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America's Diverse Fish & Wildlife Resources to reimagine a 21st century model of funding conservation that bridges the funding gap between game and nongame species and secures a future for diverse fish and wildlife and the economy in a similar manner that what acts provided funds that secured the future for game species.

Fund for Wildlife and Fisheries Act Lacey Act Pittman-Robertson Act State and Federal Lands Funding Act Dingle-Johnson Act Leopold Act

Which of the below are mechanisms that states have used to fund non-game wildlife management?

General obligation bonds Dedicated lottery funds General funds to match state wildlife grants Dedicated sales taxes on outdoor gear General sales taxes Real estate transfer tax

Who is credited for the concept of the National Parks?

George Catlin

Who was the first chief of the US Forest Service, which at the time was known as the Bureau of Forestry.

Gifford Pinchot

Who was the first chief of the US Forest Service, which at the time was known as the Bureau of Forestry?

Gifford Pinchot

Which case asked the following? In _____________, it questioned whether or not the state's power over wildlife was sufficient to give the state the ability to prescribing the property rights for harvested game.

Greer v. Connecticut

In this case, the defendant was accused of breaking the law by transporting waterfowl that had been legally harvested within his state and then transporting that waterfowl outside of the state for sale. Waterfowl at that time could be sold on the open market. The State claimed that interstate transport of game was against their laws. The case was an important state versus federal issue because one of the federal authorities was to regulate interstate commerce, and the question was whether that State's law infringed on that authority. The majority opinion of the Court declared that the state had the right "to control and regulate the common property of game" when the right was to be used" as a benefit of the people". Thus, states could regulate the conditions of how game was to be taken and what could happen to the game after harvest. The court went on to say that, given the unique authority of states in regulating harvest, it was: (1) doubtful that commerce had been established; (2) if commerce had been established it was clearly intrastate; and (3) if it was interstate commerce, the duty of the state to protect its food for the common good of the people superseded federal jurisdiction. What court case is this referring to?

Greer vs. Connecticut

San Francisco sought to dam Yosemite's ___________________ for a reservoir after the turn of the century, the utilitarian and preservationist wings of the conservation movement came to blows. Over the passionate opposition of John Muir and other park supporters, Congress in 1913 permitted the dam, which historian John Ise later called "the worst disaster ever to come to any national park."

Hetch Hetchy Valley

Who is the "father" of soil conservation?

Hugh Hammond Bennett

What species of native, Indiana wildlife species are you most interested in, other than white-tailed deer? Do a bit of research. Is your species primarily under state, federal, or no authority (i.e., is it managed by a federal agency, state agency, both, or it is not managed at all)? Where did you find this information (i.e., what was your source)? How do you know this information is accurate? Was it easy to find the information or difficult? Now, answer all the same questions, but this time, your animal is the white-tailed deer.

I am most interested in the gray tree frog. It is managed only by state authority because it is not a migratory species. I found this information on the Indiana DNR website (http://www.in.gov/dnr/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). I assumed this information was accurate because it was found on a government website. The information was harder to find because the gray tree frog is not an endangered, threatened, or game species. The white-tailed deer is protected by the state government. I found this information from the Indiana DNR website (http://www.in.gov/dnr/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). I assumed this information was accurate because it was founded on a government website. This information was easy to find because the white-tailed deer is a game species, and so there are more information and regulations put into place about this species.

USDA APHIS Wildlife Services is often a controversial agency. They kill wolves, coyotes, and many other species of wildlife. Wildlife Services does this at the request of a cooperator who then pays Wildlife Services for that work, so there is no large direct cost to taxpayers. Some private businesses often argue that they can and do provide those same services to individuals, businesses, and government. They also argue that because USDA APHIS Wildlife Services is a government agency, they have an unfair competitive edge. However, Wildlife Services is made up of trained wildlife biologists and technicians. And because they are a government agency they have to go through the NEPA process to work with wildlife. Wildlife Services only works at the request of other agencies, individuals, and business. Wildlife Services also protects endangered species at the request of state agencies and the USFWS. Some also argue that because Wildlife Service is inside the Department of Agriculture, their first loyalty is to the agricultural community and not wildlife or natural resources. So, my question for your discussion is as follows: As an agency, is Wildlife Services out of date? Why or why not? Should they remain in the Department of Agriculture, or is it time for them to be moved back into the US Fish and Wildlife Service? Why or why not? An even more extreme view is the opinion of how to address this agency is that Wildlife Services should be deauthorized as a federal agency and this aspect of the federal government be handled by private businesses? What do you think about this option?

I believe that the Wildlife Services is out of date. It seems pretty redundant to have two agencies managing wildlife at almost the same degree. They should probably be moved back to USFWS, so the agency can become stronger as a whole. I think that the Wildlife Services should not be handled by the government, but as a separate entity. I feel that having biologists and people who specialize in wildlife management should control the organization, instead of the government. I feel being associated with the government gives the Wildlife Service a conflict of interest. So, yes, I believe the agency should be de-authorized from the government and handled by private businesses.

In this lesson, we discussed various perspectives toward Natural Resources. These perspectives in the general public range from being fine with complete exploitation to a complete hands-off, no human impact to natural resources attitudes. National forests are designated as being multiple use resource areas. This was designated a long time ago. Do you think this is still an appropriate management philosophy for the US today? Why or why not. What do you think would be a more appropriate form of management?

I believe the multiple use of national forests is still appropriate today. Being a multiple use area, it helps integrate forests, wildlife, and people with contrasting backgrounds/beliefs. People are able to go to these forests to learn more and explore. National forests should continue being multiple use.

Hunting is central to wildlife management because in some states, such as Indiana, the state wildlife agency is funded almost exclusively by hunter dollars through the Pittman-Robertson Act and through hunting licenses. Historically, agencies often focused most of their attention on game species and listened to the opinions of hunters when managing these species, as opposed to farmers, landowners, commuters, and other groups who have to live with species like deer. However, hunters only make up a small fraction of the public, only about 6%. Some people criticize state agencies for focusing their efforts on managing species for the benefit of such a small group of people. What is your opinion on this? Is this system equitable? Why or why not. If why not, can you suggest and describe a better system for managing our state wildlife species?

I personally do not see this "system" as equitable. I think the focus should be shifted on all wildlife species. Humanity has stopped focusing on wildlife as a whole, which allows humans to take over even more. This causes the un-focused wildlife to suffer, go extinct, and disrupt the natural food chain. In addition, hunters are not the only people who love wildlife, but also farmers, landowners, commuters, and other people.

In this module, you learned about the Endangered Species Act. Do you think the Act has been successful at meeting its objectives? What standard of measure are you using for your assessment? Whether or not you think it has been successful or not, can you think of possible improvements that could be made to further increase its effectiveness?

I think the Endangered Species Act has been successful in protecting endangered animals. I consider it successful because prior to 2007, the Bald Eagle was on the brink of extinction. Since it was placed on the endangered list, people were more cautious about contaminating the eagles' food and destroying their habitats. After 2007, the Bald Eagle became more reestablished, and was delisted from the endangered species list. I suppose to improve on the ESA, threatened or close-to-threatened species could become more protected, so they never have to come close to extinction. In addition, more federal funding towards protecting endangered species would be beneficial.

The Indiana DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife has proposed a rule change to allow a limited season on Bobcats. While they were not reintroduced to the state or their populations enhanced through trap and relocate programs, they have made a remarkable comeback on their own through protection. In some parts of the state, they are considered relatively abundant. Trapping would occur only in areas where it is warranted and, just as with other managed species, the numbers that would be trapped would not negatively affect the population. Bobcats are considered a valuable furbearer species, just like beaver and otter. They are commonly trapped in other states where they are abundant. Setting aside your personal beliefs about trapping and looking at this from a policy perspective, if the biologists and trustees who manage the species believe that a season is warranted, should the bobcat season be added to the trapping regulations? Why or why not. If the feedback from the general public is to block the season on bobcats, but the feedback from the trapping and hunting community is to allow the season, how should the DNR decide upon the course of action? Provide a framework that you would use to make your decision if you were the biologists.

If biologists and trustees believe that creating a bobcat season is warranted, then it should be added to the trapping regulations. Like any game species, there are regulations and procedures in place to allow the legality of hunting/trapping game species. As a biologist, I would first research the population density and the problems bobcats can cause on the environment. After the research, I would propose the ideas to the community and the DNR. Understandably, the public may or may not approve of the idea; but, with proper education on the negative affects bobcats can have on the environment, and suggest the positive affects that having a trapping season for them could have. After these steps, the DNR should follow through with their course of action.

Why can negotiation based on position often lead to conflict?

If both sides refuse to move past a certain position, then conflict can occur as you try to get the other side budge from their position.

Which of the following factors allows for people to determine if they will trust someone?

If that person is competent and an expert in the field If that person is honet and open It that person is caring and empathetic If that person demonstrates dedication and committment

In a low stress situation, what is the most important factor that viewers will use to determine if they will trust someone?

If that person speaking appears to be competent or an expert in their field

In a high-stress situation, what is the most important trust determination factor?

If the person speaking appears to be caring and empathetic

Administrative agencies do what in regards to state laws that are created by the Legislature?

Implement the law Interpret the law Supplement the law

What did Blade V. Higgs do?

In England, it allowed a trespasser to keep game that they killed; however, in the US it did not set the same precedent

How would you apply either the snob effect or the bandwagon effect in wildlife management of game species to increase revenue from license sales?

In states with quality or trophy big game, increasing the out-of-state price for a licenses may make it appear to be more desirable to outside individuals, encouraging them to travel to the state for hunts You could show non-hunters videos through television or the internet of people enjoying themselves hunting, having fun, harvesting their own meat, cooking and other aspects of hunting so that they feel they should be doing this as well.

The most serious mistake an organization can make it communicating with stakeholders include which of the following?

Inadequate accessibility Lack of empathy Problems with timeliness Lack of plain language

IAC the citation for what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Administrative Code

The general requirements and licenses for hunting deer is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Administrative Code Indiana Rule

IC is the abbreviation for what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Code

The Deer Research and Management fund is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Code Indiana Law

The above image for the regulation of the sale of deer meat is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Code Indiana Law

This image regarding the American crow is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance?

Indiana Rule Indiana Administrative Code

Due to a great many cooperative agreements, conventions and treaties with other nations, the FWS ______________________ office manages these agreements and interact with other nations on matters of endangered species, importation and exportation of animals and plants and their products, and similar duties.

International Affairs

The USFWS routinely works with other federal agencies, industries, state wildlife agencies and members of the public to provide important biological advice regarding the harmful effects of development, such as costal development and the conversion of wetlands for other purposes. Projects such as dams and reservoirs, dredging, oil leasing, energy projects, and interstate highways, all of which may require federal permits or funding, are studied by USFWS personnel to assess their potential effects on wildlife species.

International affairs

We often mistakenly bargain over position rather than what we really want. When this happens, what is often the result?

It is inefficient and we begin to stall settlements and deceive each other Arguments result and we begin to try to save face When there are multiple parties, it can be almost impossible to work out a solution It can endanger an on-going relationship

Referendums on wildlife issues help wildlife managers effectively reach their management objectives.

It is possible, but not always

What does N=3P mean?

It means that you should avoid using negative statements

Proposition 5 in Utah did what?

It required a 2/3 vote for any state laws which limits the taking of wildlife.

The US has treaties with what countries regarding migratory bird conservation?

Japan Russia Canada Mexico

Which of the following journals generally publish articles which are more pragmatic in that they deal with resources used by humans.

Journal of forestry Human wildlife interactions Journal of wildlife management Transactions of American fisheries society

Common law is created by


Aldo Leopold is considered to be the father of game management. Where did he work in the 1920's that led him to develop his ideas about conservation that would help guide his views about predator management.

Kiabab National Forest

The Tariff Act of 1930 strengthened which act(s) by prohibiting importation of any bird or mammal illegally taken or exported from a foreign nation.

Lacey Act

What document(s) served as a model for the Constitution and ultimately was responsible for states being responsible for managing wildlife?

Magna Carta

Why was the Weeks Act so important for the US Forest Service and the eastern United States?

March 1, 2011, marked the centennial of the Weeks Act — the "organic act" of the eastern national forests , which permitted the federal government to purchase private land in order to protect the headwaters of rivers and watersheds in the eastern United States and called for fire protection efforts through federal, state, and private cooperation. Many of these lands were cutover, rough, or otherwise of less value than other land, giving them the name....the lands no body wanted.

In what case did the Supreme Court state that the most important purposes of the public trust today is to preserve tidelands "in their natural state, so that they may serve as ecological units for scientific study, as open space, and as environments which provide food and habitat for birds and marine life, and which favorably affect the scenery and climate of the area."

Marks vs. Whitney

To Chief Justice Taney, the legal question here involved whether the King of England had the right to make thjs grant and whether tills grant still pertained after independence. The Supreme Court declared that, due to the Magna Carta, the king did not have the authority to grant these lands to the Duke. Moreover, when the people of New Jersey took over the governance of the state they assumed the rights and authorities of the same. Thus the state, not individuals, assumed the role of successors to Parliament and the Crown. This decision was the basis for the Public Trust Doctrine that wildlife belongs to the people in common, and that state governments have the obligation to protect these resources for the common good. This doctrine was to permanently shape wildlife conservation in North America. What court case is described here?

Marten vs. Waddell

In 1906 Congress created _____________________, containing dramatic cliff dwellings in southwestern Colorado, and passed the Antiquities Act authorizing presidents to set aside "historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest" in federal custody as national monuments.

Mesa Verde National Park

____________ was among the first to address this question, and described conservation biology as a "new stage in the application of science to conservation problems".

Michael Soule

The Weeks-McLean Act was a law of the United States sponsored by Representative John W. Weeks (R) of Massachusetts and Senator George P. McLean (R) of Connecticut that prohibited the spring hunting and marketing of migratory birds and the importation of wild bird feathers for women's fashion, ending what was called "millinery murder".

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

What law makes it illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird, or the parts, nests, or eggs of such a bird except under the terms of a valid permit issued pursuant to Federal regulations.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

The Weeks-McLean Act was passed to end "millinery murder". What is millinery murder?

Millinery murder is the act of killing large amounts of exotic birds in order to get feathers to decorate hats and other clothing items.

Which case asked the following? In _____________, this case or cases did not have the authority to manage migratory birds in a sole capacity.

Missouri v. Holland

Which agency administers the ESA for marine species?


What is the most visible federal agency that manages wildlife in the United States?


The _________________ was the broadest piece of Congressional legislation passed for the protection of the environment.

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

Which one of these laws was the most significant act impacting federal agencies?

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

The ______________________ is the current legislation directing the US Forest Service with the primary mission being multiple use. The US Forest Service manages habitat while the states manage fish and resident wildlife on the various national forests, which is different from the approach used on other federal lands.

National Forest Management Act of 1976

In terms of dollars, what are the two largest agencies within the Department of Interior?

National Park Service Bureau of Indiana Affairs

The ________________________ is a dynamic, growing collection of protected areas for wildlife.

National Wildlife Refuge System

Which Act(s) sought to consolidate all of the different refuge areas into a single refuge "system"?

National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966

______________ sought to consolidate all of the different refuge areas into a single refuge system.

National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966

During the 1970s, the SCS also gained greater authority to monitor and assess the nation's natural resource base. Congress authorized the ___________________________ and the _______________________ to better understand the implications of land use changes for soil erosion.

Natural Resources Inventory Rural Development Act

In the Illinois Central Railroad Company vs. Illinois case, in 1869, Illinois granted over 1,000 acres underlying Lake Michigan along the Chicago shore to the Illinois Central Railroad for harbor and commercial development. Four years later, Illinois changed its mind. The State sued to invalidate the original grant, and the Supreme Court ruled in its favor, holding that the grant was voidable. Why did the Supreme Court rule the way it did.

Navigable waterways are of special importance to the public, and the State holds title to the underlying lands "in trust for the people" so that "they may enjoy the navigation of the waters, carry on commerce over them, and have liberty of fishing therein freed from the obstruction or interference of private parties. Although the government might convey small parcels of submerged land to private parties where it would not injure the purposes of the trust, the government cannot convey an entire harbor without violating the trust. Lands underlying navigable waterways are "different in character" from other governmentally owned lands.

Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, would it be legal for someone (other than a Native America) without a permit or a hunting license to pick up a feather from a protected migratory bird?

No, this is not legal.

Could Greer, in Greer vs. Connecticut 1896, have been prosecuted under the 1900 Lacey Act (if it had been in place when he broke the law)? Why?

No. Even though Greer sold waterfowl across state lines, his harvests were legal in the state of Connecticut.

You work for the State Park System in Oregon and desire to put in new trail system that will affect 80 linear miles of virgin forest that is owned by the State Parks and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. This will be a highly developed trail with several clearings for developed backcountry sites, bridges, switchbacks, and other features to make this a trail that will be used by thousands of visitors on an annual basis. What level of NEPA will you need to complete.


What is the starting date for the federal fiscal year?

October 1

In 1885, Congress created the __________________________, which was the forerunner of the USFWS.

Office of Economic Ornithology

What 3 things does the President's budget do?

Outlines the President's recommendations for spending and tax policy changes It lays out the President's relative priorities for federal programs It spells out the Presidents's recommends for overall federal fiscal policy

What was the first National Wildlife Refuge?

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

What are 12 major laws and policies that affect the mission and daily operations of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. List each law and describe how it affects the operations of the agency.

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge Lacey Act Migratory Bird Treaty Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Duck Stamp Act Pittman Robertson Act Dingell Johnson Act Bald Eagle Protection Act CITES Clean Air Act Fish and Wildlife Act Administrative Procedures Act Wilderness Act National Refuge System Admin Act Refuge Sharing Act NEPA Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act and Others

In Principled Negotiation, there are four basic elements that you need to focus on to use this technique successfully. What are they (name each of the elements and describe what each of these elements mean)?

People - separate the people from the problem Interests - Focus on interests, not position Options - Generate a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do Criteria - Insist that the results be based on some objective standard

Sustainability of natural resources is based upon three tenants. What are they?

Permanence Continuance Relationship

What laws help wildlife managers recover wildlife species?

Pittman-Robertson Act

_____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on hunting equipment and firearms and apportioned the funds to the states for state management and restoration of fish and wildlife resources and habitats.

Pittman-Robertson Act Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937

What are the 5 phases of crisis?

Pre-crisis Initial Maintenance Resolution Evaluation

Where does the budget process start (i.e., which office or body does the budget originate from)?

President's Office of Management and Budget

In the Western US, water rights are governed by which doctrine(s)?

Prior Appropriation Doctrine

Cost-benefit analysis

Range from simple to complex to compute Can predict the results of a proposed action Can be used to decide if an action is warranted or not Can compare the costs and benefits of a government activity, project, or regulation over a period of time

Wildlife agencies are typically considered what type of agency?

Regulatory agencies and administrative agencies

In the eastern US, water rights are governed by which doctrine(s)?

Riparian Doctrine

Which aspect of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, according to Roosevelt, would result in many societal benefits? This aspect also sets Canada and the US apart from many other nations where the opportunity to hunt is restricted to those who have a special status.

Science is the proper tool to discharge wildlife policy

Rachel Carson's book ________________ was published in _________ and it described the consequences of pesticide contamination and environmental contamination. It was a wakeup call for many people throughout the country.

Silent Spring; 1962

While we may have the authority to manage wildlife, including on private land, why can't wildlife management agencies actually manage wildlife populations on private lands?

Some people don't hunt and therefore don't allow hunting on their land The landowner may feel he knows more than the state agency State agencies can protect wildlife on private land, but cannot force wildlife to be removed from private land State agencies often do no have the political will to force wildlife to be managed on private land We are often not effective at convincing the public that a management action is necessary

The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies is looking to its newly established Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America's Diverse Fish & Wildlife Resources to reimagine a 21st century model of funding conservation that bridges the funding gap between game and non-game species and secures a future for diverse fish and wildlife and the economy in a similar manner that what acts provided funds that secured the future for game species.

State and Federal Lands Funding Act Lacey Act Pittman-Robertson Act Fund for Wildlife and Fisheries Act Leopold Act Dingle-Johnson Act

Who was the first director of the National Park Service?

Stephen Mather

Consider two items. A Remington 700 rifle and a Browning X Bolt rifle. Both are high quality rifles that you are considering purchasing. The Remington cost $1100 and the Browning costs $1200. You are initially considering purchasing the Remington because you like the brand and you have used them before. However, Cabela's has the Browning in the same caliber you desire, but now on sale for $800. Even though you initially desired the Remington 700, you purchase the Browning. This is an example of what?

Substitution effect

What are five Acts that are important for the operations and management of lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management?

Taylor Grazing Act National Environmental Policy Act Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burros Act Federal Land Policy Management Act Public Rangelands Improvement Act

The _________________________ was enacted to control overgrazing and overproduction on unappropriated public lands by establishing grazing districts and a grazing permit system.

Taylor Grazing Act of 1943

What is the top level of law in the United States?

The Constitution

The most important law providing restrictions on the taking of wildlife was

The Lacey Act of 1900

What is the Lacey Act I(discuss both provisions). Why was it important to the Federal Government? What year was it passed? Would it have applied in Greer v. Connecticut? Why or Why not?

The Lacey Act was put in place to create restrictions on the transportation and taking of wildlife. The Lacey Act consisted of two provisions; the first made it a federal crime to illegally harvest and transport game species across state borders and sell it in another state. The second provision included fish, wildlife, and plants. It made the transport of these also illegal. It also made false labelling and record keeping illegal, and it outlined the punishments for illegally transporting wildlife. It was important to the federal government because it was the first Act that gave federal authority over wildlife. The Lacey Act was passed in 1900. It was not applicable towards Greer vs. Connecticut because Greer had legally harvested the game species in his state of Connecticut, which allowed him to sell it across state lines.

Explain why NEPA is probably one of the most far reaching law to affect natural resources ever. Do you think its impact will increase or decrease over the next 20 years? Explain why.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970 was created in order to promote a relationship between man and his environment, while also promoting efforts to eliminate damages being caused to the environment. It is considered far reaching because it is a very broad procedural act. This means that federal agencies must comply with the procedures of this Act. It has created a transparency between federal activities and the public, meaning the public is allowed to be more involved in decision making. I believe NEPA's impact will increase over the next 20 years because of all the current environmental concerns. I'm sure in a few years policies and laws will be created to help eliminate the destruction of the environment and our planet a a whole.

What is the Wilderness Act? What is the definition of "wilderness"? What is the relationship of the Wilderness Act to the US Forest Service?

The Wilderness Act, signed into law in 1964, created the National Wilderness Preservation System and recognized wilderness as "an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain." Wilderness - A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this Act an area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions and which (1) generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature, with the imprint of man's work substantially unnoticeable; (2) has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; (3) has at least five thousand acres of land or is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value. Many of the lands in the National Wilderness Preservation System are managed by the USFS.

The US Constitution recognizes three primary and exclusive powers of the federal government. What are they?

The ability to control interstate commerce The responsibility of protecting federally owned land The authority to make treaties and conventions with other nations

The federal government has the authority to manage some species of wildlife. What gives them that authority for which species?

The constitution gives the federal government the authority to enter into treaties with other countries which allows the federal government to manage migratory species that cross national boundaries The constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce between states, which allows the federal government to become involved in cases where animals are illegally taken in one state and then transported to another state, The constitution gives the federal government the authority to enter into treaties with other countries which gives them the authority to manage species that are illegally brought into the US from other countries

NEPA is composed of three sections. What are those three sections?

The establishment of action-forcing provisions for federal agencies to enforce those policies and goals The declaration of national environmental policies and goals The establishment of a Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

NEPA is composed of three sections. What are they?

The establishment of action-forcing provisions for federal agencies to enforce those policies and goals The establishment of a Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) The declaration of national environmental policies and goals

Where does federal aid for fish and wildlife comes from? How does the Walloreaux Amendment fit into this? How is this money distributed to the states?

The federal aid for fish and wildlife come from taxes; specifically, federal excise tax firearms, ammunition, archery equipment, and licenses. The Walloreaux Amendment fits in with the aid for fish and wildlife because it increases the revenue for sport fish restoration. The amendment extended the excise tax to include motorboat fuels, import duties on pleasure-riding boats, and fishing equipment. The money collected from these taxes specifically go to fish restoration. The Department of Treasury collects this money, and then it is apportioned to the Department of Interior (DOI). The DOI then distributes the money to states based on the area of the state, and the number of licensed hunters in the state.

In 1994, Congress initiated a major reorganization of the USDA and renamed SCS the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to better reflect the broad scope of the agency's mission. These changes marked the beginning of two major trends that have defined the Service's role in conservation. What are those two trends?

The first is NRCS's growing responsibility for administering financial assistance for conservation programs. The other increases many times over in the amount of financial assistance available for conservation. The result over the last two decades has been a proliferation of innovation programs that give conservationists and landowners the necessary means to protect our nation's natural resources.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act established in 1918 was

The first legislation protecting a particular group of wildlife

What happens to the agencies funded by discretionary budgets if the Appropriations Bill is not passed on time?

The government shuts down immediately Congress and the President will need to sign a Continuing Resolution before the deadline occurs

What is the function of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in regards to wildlife conservation?

The mission of the Natural Resource Conservation Service is to provide resources to farm owners and land owners to aid them in conservation. NRCS employs approximately 11,500 people in its 2,900 offices, 90 percent of whom work outside of the Washington, D.C. area. NRCS operates in numerous communities across North America, working hand-in-hand with landowners and our partners to improve our natural resources. Our passion is derived from stewardship of the land and the benefits we all enjoy as a result, such as cleaner air and water, improved soil, and abundant wildlife habitat. The NRCS manages several programs, such as the Conservation Reserve Program that sets aside valuable land as wildlife habitat.

What are the seven tenants to the North American Wildlife Management Model? Are they still relevant today? What changes would you make to this model, if any - explain your answer.

The seven tenets to the North American Wildlife Management Model are: 1. Wildlife as public trust resources. 2. Elimination of markets for wildlife. 3. Allocation of wildlife by law. 4. Wildlife can only be killed for a legitimate process. 5. Wildlife are considered an international resource. 6. Science is a proper tool for discharge of wildlife policy. 7. Democracy of hunting. I feel like these tenants are still relevant today, but a few of them can be questioned. For example, I personally don't feel like wildlife are shared by the public, and that science is USED as an effective method for regulating wildlife. Ideally, science would be used as a method for regulating wildlife, but scientists have to go through hoops to have the government and public understand recommendations for regulating wildlife. Out of all of these tenants, I would change the sixth tenant to give scientists more power. I don't feel like scientists have enough influence on the government and public, even though they are more knowledgeable about certain subjects.

How does a species qualify for protection under the MBTA?

The species is covered by the Mexican Convention of 1936, as amended in 1972. The species is listed in the annex to the Japanese Convention of 1972. The species is listed in the appendix to the Russian Convention of 1976. The species is covered by the Canadian Convention of 1916, as amended in 1996. The species is a native, migratory bird within the United States.

If the ESA's appropriations run out, what would be the result to the USFWS ability to carry out the law regarding the ESA.

The would be no impact on the authority of the USFWS to enforce the ESA regulations and laws

Which two early influential conservationists were responsible for the formation of the Boone and Crockett Club?

Theodore Roosevert George Bird Grinnell

Which are true about laws that govern "fair chase"?

These are laws that can differ, even in neighboring states. These are laws that are created to legislate ethics. Fair chase laws govern how we hunt wildlife species.

As the human population in North America shifted to urban areas, market hunters responded by doing what?

They provided game animals for sale in these growing markets

What is "wanton waste"?

To intentionally waste something negligently or inappropriately

What was the primary reason the Bald Eagle Act was created?

To protect the national symbol of the US

Explain modern application of the Lacey Act of 1900. In your answer provide examples of modern applications of the Lacey Act.

Today it is primarily used to prevent the importation or spread of potentially dangerous non-native species. The Lacey Act also makes it unlawful to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce any plant in violation of the laws of the United States, a state, an Indian tribe, or any foreign law that protects plants.

T/F A BATNA can can give you some measure of power in a situation where you are powerless.


T/F A lower credible source takes on the credibility of the highest credible source that agrees with its position on an issue.


T/F A prime example of the right to make treaties involves migratory birds. In 1913 the United States Congress passed the Migratory Bird Act, which declared that all migratory and insectivorous birds were within the protective custody of the federal government and that none could be harmed or harvested without specific authority of the federal government.


T/F A reconciliation bill is a single piece of legislation that typically includes multiple provisions (generally developed by several committees), all of which affect the federal budget — whether on the mandatory spending side, the tax side, or both. A reconciliation bill, like the budget resolution, cannot be filibustered by the Senate, so it only requires a majority vote to pass.


T/F A very controversial and hotly contested wildlife law issue is the critical habitat clause of the Endangered Species Act. This clause has the power to prevent new and existing use of property if it is deemed essential habitat for an endangered species. Law suits are filed almost monthly by disgruntled property owners or users.


T/F According to Trust Determination Theory, upset people tend to be highly distrustful.


T/F Active management or manipulation of habitat and landscapes on National Parks land is held to a minimum.


T/F An EA would likely find a significant impact if the action may adversely affect an endangered or threatened species or its habitat that has been determined to be critical under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.


T/F An EA would likely find a significant impact if the proposed action may adversely affect the quality of the human environment or are highly uncertain or involve unique or unknown risks.


T/F As the human population in North America shifted to urban areas, market hunters responded by providing game animals for sale in these growing markets


T/F Because of the realities of the Tragedy of the Commons, rules needed to be established, even in early America, to prevent over-exploitation of wildlife, especially in areas with relatively large human populations.


T/F Both parties will have an interest that will define the problem in each parties own eyes. What you must do in the negotiation is find the real interest of each party is.....including yourself.


T/F Budget authority and outlays serve different purposes. Budget authority represents a limit on the new financial obligations federal agencies may incur (by signing contracts or making grants, for example), and is generally what Congress focuses on in making most budgetary decisions. Outlays represent actual cash flow and help determine the size of the overall deficit or surplus.


T/F Congress generally holds hearings to question Administration officials about their requests and then develops its own budget plan, called a "budget resolution."


T/F Council of Environmental Quality regulations require that the agency proposing the action should involve the environmental agencies that may be affected by the action of their policies, if their policies will be part of the proposed action, or impacted by the action.


T/F Each document prepared as part of the NEPA process is required to be written in plain language which is language and at a level that can be understood by the general public who may desire to comment on the documents.


T/F Ecosystem services are services provided by elements of the ecosystem, such as bees and trees, that provide a service, such as pollinating and cleaning the air, that is valuable to humans.


T/F Following adoption of the budget resolution, Congress considers the annual appropriations bills that are needed to fund discretionary programs in the coming fiscal year and legislation to enact changes to mandatory spending or revenue levels as specified in the budget resolution.


T/F For cost benefit analyses to be comparable, such as those from multiple studies, they have to be adjusted so the that the dollar values are in the same year.


T/F Funding for discretionary programs must be renewed each year to keep government agencies open and the programs in this category operating. The USDA APHIS Wildlife Services budget is an example of a discretionary program.


T/F If you or the other side begins to become emotional, you need to stop and talk about what is going on, starting with how you feel and not attack any of the other sides. It may also mean that you need allow the other sides to blow off some steam.


T/F In 1900, the Lacey Act was passed by Congress. This was the first Act to support federal authority over wildlife, and it consisted of two parts. One part made it a federal crime to transport game that had been illegally harvested in one state across state lines and sell it in another state.


T/F In 1963, Pelican Island was designated as a National Historic Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior because of its status as the first federal area set aside specifically to protect wildlife.


T/F In 1980 Congress passed the Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act (PL 96-366), which called for states to develop and implement comprehensive nongame fish and wildlife plans and required the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to study potential mechanisms for funding these activities. Despite passage of the Act, no funds were appropriated for its implementation.


T/F In 1980, Congress passed Public Law 96-528, which directed the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior to assess the pros and cons of transferring some or all of ADC's functions from USDI to USDA.


T/F In 2001, Congress appropriated funding for two new programs (referred to as "CARA-lite")—the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration (WCR) and the State Wildlife Grants (SWG) programs —at $50 million each. Appropriators vowed that funding would ultimately reach $350 million annually; but WCR funding ended after the first year and SWG peaked at $90 million in FY10 and has been cut by 35% in recent years.


T/F In contrast to the multiple use, sustained yield form of conservation, many agencies insist on more limited use of their lands and the resources they produce. For example, national wildlife refuges and National Parks in the United States and Canada restrict the use of their properties to low-invasive purposes


T/F In contrast to the multiple use, sustained yield form of conservation, many agencies insist on more limited use of their lands and the resources they produce. For example, national wildlife refuges and National Parks in the United States and Canada restrict the use of their properties to low-invasive purposes.


T/F In some cases where an issue could be managed by multiple agencies, that segment of the public affected by the law may try to get those powers moved to the more sympathetic agency.


T/F In the mid-1980's Soule distinguished conservation biology from natural resource fields of fisheries biology, forestry and wildlife management in that conservation biology focuses on the environment whereas the other three areas are more utilitarian and include economics


T/F In the mid-1980's Soule distinguished conservation biology from natural resource fields of fisheries biology, forestry and wildlife management in that conservation biology focuses on the environment whereas the other three areas are more utilitarian and include economics.


T/F Lake Mead National Recreation Area was the first of several reservoir areas in the park system.


T/F Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act of 1998, amended the law to make it unlawful to take migratory game birds by the aid of bait if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is baited. This provision eliminates the "strict liability" standard that was used to enforce Federal baiting regulations and replaces it with a "know or should have known" standard.


T/F NEPA is first and foremost a research and writing process.


T/F Nearly all of the federal tax code is set in ongoing law that either remains in place until changed or requires renewal only periodically.


T/F New York established the first warden system in 1739.


T/F Of the approximately 100,000 activities each year that fall within the Corps' section 404 jurisdiction, only about 15 percent go through the full regulatory review process. The majority of the activities are covered by generic nationwide, regional, or programmatic permits known as "general permits."


T/F Other people who have little contact with the natural world may have a indifferent attitude toward natural resources.


T/F Predator control eventually came about because livestock interests throughout the west felt and expressed the sentiment that it was unfair to collect grazing fees from any owner whose stock grazed a forest heavily infested with wolves and coyotes.


T/F Public Law 95-616 also ratified a treaty with the Soviet Union specifying that both nations will take measures to protect identified ecosystems of special importance to migratory birds against pollution, detrimental alterations, and other environmental degradations.


T/F Pure conservation biology does not take into account the human aspect


T/F Section 10 of the 1969 amendments to the Lacey Act (P.L. 91-135) repealed the provisions of the MBTA prohibiting the shipment of wild game mammals or parts to and from the U.S. or Mexico unless permitted by the Secretary of the Interior. The definition of "wildlife" under these amendments does not include migratory birds, however, which are protected under the MBTA.


T/F Section 11(g) (16 U.S.C. §1540(g)) "allows any citizen to commence a civil suit on his own behalf" on various broad, specified provisions of the act.


T/F Sometimes an agency will need to prepare a supplement to the final EIS. They might need to do this if they make a substantial change in the proposed action, such as what might occur if there are not good alternatives to their original action that minimize environmental damage or impact. An agency must also prepare a supplemental EIS if it determines that doing so will further the purpose of NEPA.


T/F State agencies can make laws that are more stringent than the federal law, but cannot make laws that relax protection over these species.


T/F Sustained yield is the mandate that resources should not be depleted or abused and that ideally these resources should last into perpetuity.


T/F Tensions over the ESA have increased as species have been added to the protected list.


T/F The 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) imposed limits or "caps" on the level of discretionary appropriations for defense and for non-defense programs in each year through 2021. Appropriations in excess of the cap in either category trigger sequestration in that category to reduce funding to the capped level.


T/F The CCC was important to the National Parks because it provided a mechanism for physical improvements to the structures and grounds of the Park System.


T/F The Clean Water Act provides little guidance regarding the appropriate standards for issuing a permit. Instead, section 404(b) instructs EPA to develop appropriate guidelines in consultation with the Corps.


T/F The ESA been a success in protecting and recovering endangered and threatened species using the measure of the number of species that have stabilized or increased their populations, even if the species is not delisted.


T/F The ESA is a comprehensive attempt to provide legal protection to identify species that are endangered of becoming extinct, as well as on the habitat on which they are dependent.


T/F The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 7 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species


T/F The Federal government has the exclusive rights, as provided by the Constitution, to form treaties with other nations, regulate interstate commerce, and protect its property and lands.


T/F The Food Security Act (Farm Bill) of 1985 contained "swampbuster" provisions to render farmers growing crops on wetlands ineligible for federal farm programs. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in that Act provides annual rent payments to farmers who remove wetlands and other sensitive lands from production. Other provisions over the years have been added that are geared to control the amount of farmland in production, but these provision also provide significant benefit over a monoculture agriculture field.


T/F The Lacey Act was introduced into Congress by Rep. John F. Lacey, an Iowa Republican, the act was signed into law by President William McKinley on May 25, 1900.


T/F The North American Model of Conservation is a set of principles that, collectively applied, has led to the form, function, and successes of wildlife conservation and management in the United States and Canada.


T/F The ROD is a document that states what the final decision is; identifies the alternatives considered by the agency, including the environmentally preferred alternative; and discusses mitigation plans, including any enforcement and monitoring commitments.


T/F The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is also actively involved in managing the nation's migratory fish species and populations that involve multiple states.


T/F The USFWS routinely works with other federal agencies, industries, state wildlife agencies and members of the public to provide important biological advice regarding the harmful effects of development, such as costal development and the conversion of wetlands for other purposes. Projects such as dams and reservoirs, dredging, oil leasing, energy projects, and interstate highways, all of which may require federal permits or funding, are studied by USFWS personnel to assess their potential effects on wildlife species.


T/F The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is "a science organization that provide impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate change, land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information"


T/F The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is "a science organization that provide impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate change, land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information".


T/F The Weeks-McLean Act was a law of the United States sponsored by Representative John W. Weeks (R) of Massachusetts and Senator George P. McLean (R) of Connecticut that prohibited the spring hunting and marketing of migratory birds and the importation of wild bird feathers for women's fashion, ending what was called "millinery murder".


T/F The Wildlife Diversity Funding Initiative had the support of some key members of Congress, the Department of the Interior and several major retailers and manufacturers of outdoor equipment. It was, however, opposed by the Outdoor Recreation Coalition of America, a trade group representing many large outdoor recreation companies. In part due to a lack of support from members of Congress who pledged "no-new-taxes," it was abandoned by the mid-late 1990s.


T/F The citizens of Indiana have a right to hunt and fish under the state constitution.


T/F The congressional budget resolution is a very simple document that consists of a set of numbers stating how much Congress is supposed to spend in each of 19 broad spending categories (known as budget "functions").


T/F The exploration of North America by the French and English was fundamentally motivated by the wealth of the continent's renewable natural resources and the opportunity by individuals to exploit them.


T/F The federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) replaced previous weaker acts and is another Act that has had significant impact on both governmental and private interests. The ESA has been considered "the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered species ever enacted by any nation." Essentially, Congress declared that species of fish, wildlife and plants are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value


T/F The military was once responsible for the management of National Parks.


T/F The mission of the National Park Service is to "preserve[s] unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations''


T/F The mission of the National Park Service is to "preserve[s] unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations''The mission of the National Park Service is to "preserve[s] unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations''


T/F The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.


T/F The only information source that can effectively attack the credibility of another source is one of equal or higher credibility


T/F The precursor to the United States Forest Service, the Department of Agriculture's Division of Forestry was established in 1881.


T/F The tragedy of the commons, in relation to natural resources, is essentially when natural resources are owned by everyone and are free to all, they will often get misused or abused unless there are laws in place to protect them.


T/F The use of the Model T was responsible for a significant increase in the taking of predators by federal trappers.


T/F This user-pay system of conservation funding, known as the Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Program is another name for the Dingel-Johnson Act.


T/F Unless the species are anadromous, individual states also have wide authority over harvest of fisheries.


T/F Water barrels were once illegal in Fort Collins Colorado.


T/F Wetlands can be defined as surface areas that are saturated or inundated with water long enough each year to support hydrophilic vegetation, provide a variety of valuable services.


T/F When a lower credible source attacks the credibility of a more credible source, the lower source loses further credibility.


T/F When an agency is preparing an Environmental Assessment, the agency has some discretion as to the level of public involvement.


T/F When negotiating, it is best not to let the relationship become entangled in the substance of the problem.


T/F While most modern natural resource policies are geared toward sustainability, conservation, or other long-term use, many policies that are recommended by companies desiring to maximize short-term profits may lean more toward heavy exploitation.


T/F While reconciliation enables Congress to bundle together several different provisions from different committees affecting a broad range of programs, it faces one major constraint: the "Byrd rule," named after the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.


T/F Wildlife is owned by the people collectively, with the state acting as the managerial trustee.


The mission of USDA APHIS Wildlife Service is to be the federal leader in managing human-wildlife conflicts by improving the coexistence of people and wildlife


Some federal agencies are not regulatory when it comes to managing wildlife including?

US Forest Service USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

In the 1950's, the Animal Damage Control section of the USFWS was moved to

USDA APHIS Animal Damage Control Program

T/F What is the most visible federal agency that manages wildlife in the United States?

USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

The ESA is administered primarily by which agency


In 1975, all federal programs working on wildlife diseases were moved to the

USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC)

Which Act in 1954 formalized the watershed planning aspect of the Soil Conservation Service?

Watershed protection and flood control act

The establishment of Eastern national forests began after President Taft signed the ____________ on March 1, 1911.

Weeks Act

The ____________________ was implement to address the declining worldwide whale populations.

Whaling Convention Act of 1950

What is negotiation based on position?

When you negotiate based on position, you are taking a stance based on some position, such as number, and you try to get as close to that position as possible.

US Fish and Wildlife Services USFWS

Whose logo is this?

What are some examples of species that were brought to the brink of extinction and then recovered by wildlife managers?

Wild turkey Meleagris gallopavo Mallard Branta canadensis White-tailed deer Odocoilieus virginianus

In 1964, our nation's leaders formally acknowledged the immediate and lasting benefits of wild places to the human spirit and fabric of our nation. That year, in a nearly unanimous vote, Congress enacted landmark legislation that permanently protected some of the most natural and undisturbed places in America. What Act is this description referring to?

Wilderness Act

In the 1990's, the __________________ proposed placing a 0.25%-5% sliding scale, wholesale excise tax on outdoor recreation products such as binoculars, field guides, camping equipment, etc. to fund non-game fish and wildlife conservation, outdoor recreation and conservation education. It was estimated that the average outdoor recreationist would pay only an additional $20 per year to help raise $350 million annually.

Wildlife Diversity Funding Initiative

The ____________________ of the USFWS manages several grant programs to assist states in their wildlife and fisheries management and research.

Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration

Which aspect of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation was most influenced with the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Convention in 1916?

Wildlife is an international resource

What are the seven components or principles of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation?

Wildlife resources are a public trust Markets for game are eliminated Science is the proper tool to discharge wildlife policy Democracy of hunting is standard Wildlife is an international resource Wildlife can be killed only for a legitimate purpose Allocation of wildlife is by law

What are two of the primary challenges to using the 5 Whys?

With environmental and certain other issues, there can be multiple causes which cannot easily be addressed by the 5 Whys Strong facilitation is often required

The primary responsibilities of the agency are protecting and enhancing what?

anadromous fisheries waterfowl certain marine mammals freshwater fisheries migratory birds endangered species

After you have worked to identify their interest, you should

be sure to talk about those interest.

What were the reasons for a national program of scenic roads and parkways to be be developed in the US?

because driving for pleasure is one of America's most widely and actively engaged in outdoor recreation pursuits because of the steeply mounting number of families owning automobiles and possessing the leisure time, income and desire to see and otherwise enjoy America's wealth of scenic and natural beauty, both close to home and at far distances because our rapid urban and metropolitan growth is increasing the need for and decreasing the open space resources for outdoor recreation because of the substantial economic benefits generated by tourism and sightseeing made possible by attractive roads and parkways because of the great potential gains in esthetic and recreation benefits known to be associated with future road planning, design, and construction activities

What is defined as "take" under the ESA?

collect harass wound kill capture harm hunt shoot pursue

Guns and ammunition are examples of _________________. These are goods that are consumed together, so their demands are closely intertwined. If the demand for guns increase, then consumers will need bullets for those guns, thereby increasing demand for bullets.

complementary goods

_______ is removing a species from the list of endangered species.


Now, when trying to understand what people want, you have to remember that the most powerful interests are basic human needs, such as

economic well being recognition sense of belonging security control over one's life

One of the ways that we represent the concept of sustainability is by three concentric circle of ____________, ________________, and _______________.

economy society environment

The US Fish and Wildlife Service writing a new regulation stating that shed migratory bird feathers can now be picked up and used is based on the authority of which branch of government.

executive branch

T/F In the west the Riparian Doctrine cover water rights usage, and in the east, it is the Prior Use Doctrine.


T/F The ESA is a comprehensive attempt to provide legal protection to identify species that are endangered of becoming extinct, but it does not include the habitat on which they are dependent.


The image above is a bill that will eventually become is what type of law, rule, regulation, or ordinance once it is passed?

federal law

The management of wildlife species at the federal level involve what type of species?

game species that cross state and federal boundaries species on endangered species list species that cross international boundaries

What were the reasons that the early Spanish came to the New World?

gold, silver, gems

The ________________ have extensive powers over the regulation of wildlife harvests.

individual states

How long do you have to convince the audience that you care?

it is not 1 min

According to Risk Perception Theory, which is the least important factor in determining a person's perception of an event?

it is not If the person is familiar or unfamiliar with the topic

Who is typically considered the most credible person?

its not healthcare professionals not government officials

Who is considered the least credible person?

its not media, or activist groups

Active management or manipulation of habitat and landscapes on National Parks land is _____________.


There are several exemptions to the discharge rule under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. These apply to normal practices for several types of industries. Which of the following industries are NOT exempt under Section 404.


Eight characteristics have been suggested that go into management for multiple use or, as it has sometimes been called, integrative collaborative ecosystem management:

multidiciplinary data monitoring and adaptive management inclusive public involvement integrated and balanced goals collaborative stewardship stakeholder influence a consensus group approach economic incentives

The NEPA implementing regulations consider the significance of impacts in terms of which of the following factors?

other factors that of a particular importance if the natural resource is of great interest the context of impacts whether or not the resource is rare if the resource is legally protected the severity of the impact

You must be listening actively and acknowledge what is being said. Often this is done by

paraphrasing what is being said or reframing it as a question.

Each document prepared as part of the NEPA process is required to be written in _________ .

plain language

The monitoring and evaluation method of _______________ has been extensively used and formalized in stream and wetland environments, but it is also useful in the assessment of terrestrial landscapes. It is a series of questions about an area designed to obtain information in a short period of time. The method is relatively inexpensive compared to detailed analyses and, if conducted with consistency, can provide insight to change within a conservation area or population through time. This approach has been enhanced and widely used by NGOs such as Conservation International and the World Wildlife Fund. This technique, by their very nature and lack of rigor, are open to subjectivity and reduced reliability compared to some other method of evaluation.

rapid bioassessment

________________ is the ability of an ecosystem to withstand stress without changing.


According to Crucial Conversations, a method that we can use to avoid filling in the untold gap with supposition is to

reveal what you are thinking and how you are feeling, you invite other to do the same act inconsistently with their opinion or belief of you if it is negative.

The oldest federal regulator y authority over wetlands is

section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act

What are examples of negative, non-verbal signals in western cultures?

slouching or slumping folded arms Looking away from someone during a conversation (three more)

The WS program strives to develop and use wildlife damage management strategies that are biologically sound, environmentally safe, and __________.

socially acceptable

As the power of the various English kings and queens power was diminished, the ability to manage wildlife was considered a ________ right.


Legislators develop a Bill in the House of Representatives or Senate, debate its contents, perhaps amend it, and vote on its acceptability to create a (an) _______________.

statutory law

The mission of the Forest Service is to

sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation's forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.

Preservation is defined as

the protection of resources, such as land, various species of wildlife or plant, specific genotypes, and even entire landscapes or other feature

When we say that Common Law is based on precedent, we mean that

the whole history of previous decisions influences current decisions.

Conservation, as coined by Gifford Pinchot, is defined as______.

the wise use of natural resources.

In early England and most of Europe, before the discovery of the Americas, all wildlife belonged to ____________.

thr crown

T/F An EA would likely find a significant impact if the action will have a high degree of disruption of districts, sites, highways, structures, or objects listed in or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historical Places, or may cause loss of destruction of significant scientific, cultural, or historic resources.


T/F In the east the Riparian Doctrine cover water rights usage, and in the West, it is the Prior Use Doctrine.


T/F Microeconomics is essentially the study of why people make the decisions they do. Many questions can be answered by understanding that people respond to incentives and that many people make their decisions based upon economics. If you understand why people make decisions, you can influence their decision making.


T/F Once you have identified several good options for solving a problem, the best way to choose a solution is to insist that both parties will use some objective criteria to make the final choice, such as money, or positive benefits, or other criteria.


T/F The Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) proposed to dedicate offshore drilling royalties on oil and gas development to wildlife conservation, historical preservation and other purposes. CARA passed by a 3:1 margin in the U.S. House of Representatives and had the support of 60 Senators, but failed to advance.


T/F The best way to identify the interests of parties involved in a negotiation is to ask Why. Now, this can be irritating for some because they may not have ever thought of Why themselves. But you have to reassure them that you are not attacking their position and that you are just trying to really understand what they want and why they want it.


In the 1990's, the __________________ proposed placing a 0.25%-5% sliding scale, wholesale excise tax on outdoor recreation products such as binoculars, field guides, camping equipment, etc. to fund nongame fish and wildlife conservation, outdoor recreation and conservation education. It was estimated that the average outdoor recreationist would pay only an additional $20 per year to help raise $350 million annually.

wildlife diversity funding initiative

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