Wonder Unit 4

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What did Jack want to write about?

About being brave and becoming friends with Auggie.

Who ends up inviting Jack to sit with them at lunch?

Auggie and Summer

How did Jack react when Julian called August a freak? Why do you think he reacted that way?

Because August isn't a freak and he got mad at Julian for saying that. Jack punched Julian in the mouth.

Why are the boys bullying Jack?

Because he is friend's with August.

Summer thinks Charlotte likes Jack and tells him. Why doesn't Jack want to ask Charlotte out?

Because his mom thinks they are too young to date.

Who gave Summer the list of sides to share with Jack?


Who gave Jack the inside scoop about what was happening at school? Why might Charlotte have told Jack what was going on?

Charlotte gave Jack the information because she felt very bad.

What changed at school when Jack came back after winter break?

Everyone was scared of Jack.

What does Via say a ladybug is a sign of?

Good luck

How does Justin think the universe has evened out August's life?

Good parents; a pink haired girl that keeps a picture of him; a sister that feels guilty and a friend that left his other friends to be friends with him.

Why didn't Jack write about what he originally wanted to?

He and Auggie aren't friends anymore. He felt it would be bad because he would have to read it out loud and clip it to board for everyone to see. He would feel embarrassed .

Who does Jack blame for his friendship ending with August?

He blames August

Why does Jack thing telling Mr. Tushman about the punching incident would make things worse?

He felt Julian would get in trouble for all the things he had said about Auggie.

After sledding with dad and Jamie, what did Jack do the rest of the day?

He found a sled and fixed it up to be cool.

Why is Justin worrying about the next 6 weeks?

He has a lot to do. He needs to memorize his lines, rehears his part, practice in the band, study for finals and spend time with Via.

What does Jack realize in Science class after the teacher tells them about their science fair project?

He realized August was in the bleeding scream costume and he had said really mean things about him.

How does Justin respond to Via being upset at herself?

He tells her that she isn't an awful person and shouldn't think that about herself.

Jack lets the reader know he isn't rich with what evidence in the text?

He thinks only rich people go to private schools and he lives in a condo.

Why does Jack change his mind about being a buddy to August?

He thought he would get bullied a lot. Jamie is a nice kid and was being mean to August at the park. He couldn't imagine what it would be like for him at middle school without friends.

What does Jack think about Summer for sitting with him and being friends with August?

He thought she was very brave.

How did Jamie feel about leaving the ice cream shop that way?

He wanted to finish his ice cream. He would likely say something embarrassing. Veronica didn't explain why they were leaving.

What was Justin's reaction to August when first meeting him? What did he assume he would see?

He was surprised because he thought he would look more "normal".

Why didn't Jack sit with August the first day of school?

He wasn't brave enough because everyone was looking at him.

Justin confronts the boys after they bully jack. What does this tell the reader about Justin?

He will tell them to stop being mean and not afraid to stand up for someone.

Why would Jack choose to be August's friend?

He would choose August because Auggie is a really good friend and kind.

What does Jack say is bad about not being ex-friends with August?

He would rather be friends with Auggie if he could choose between all the boys.

Four things Jack mentions about August

He's nice; going to get hard to get used to his face; he's really cool; he's really funny

How has having August as a brother affected Via's friendships in the past? How does she feel about it?

Her friends wouldn't come back to birthday parties because of Auggie. She realized they weren't trying to be mean to her but just scared of Auggie being different.

What is Justin's relationship like with his parents?

His parents don't really know him because they are divorced and they fight a lot. Justin can't wait to leave the house. Realizes they are nothing like Via's parents.

What does Jack say is a good thing about ex-friends to August?

Is that he gets to meet new friends at school because before he's just been with Auggie.

Who did the sled "lightening" belong to before Jack found it and fixed it?

It belonged to Miles.

Jack's mom tells Mr. Tushman "It's very flattering but kind of sad too"

It's sad because of the deformed face he was born with but flattering that kids want to be his friend

How did Jack deal with the lunch situation?

Jack decided to go to the library and read instead of eat lunch.

How did Jack react when Julian asked the teacher to make him and jack partners?

Jack didn't want that but he said it's fine and left class.

How does Jack feel after realizing what happened about the costume?

Jack felt like he was going to throw up.

Why didn't jack mention to August about what Julian's mom said or about him "snapping" under the pressure of being Auggie's friend?

Jack felt very sad and thought it was cruel.

Mr. Tushman lets Jack know that suspension is the punishment but he doesn't suspend Jack. Why do you think he let him have just a few days of suspension?

Jack is a good kid and would never hit someone again.

Who has the longest list of supporters?


What physical condition does Justin have? When is it most obvious?

Justin gets tics when he's really nervous.

Who is Mrs. Albans placing blame for the punching? Why?

She blames Mr. Tushman because he has a special disability and she didn't want him in the school.

What does miranda carry around in her wallet?What can the reader infer about Miranda knowing this information?

She carries a picture of Auggie in an astronaut helmet that she gave him. The reader can tell they are close and that she cares about Auggie.

Why did Veronica leave the ice cream shop so quickly with the boys?

She didn't want the little boy to feel sad when the boys said "Ahhhh"

Why is Via glad she didn't get the female lead role?

She doesn't like all the attention of people staring at her.

Why does Via think she is an awful person?

She doesn't want people to talk about Auggie and that Auggie is her brother.

Why is Justin upset with Via?

She never told Justin that they used to be friends.

What does Charlotte's mom think about Julian's mom?

She thinks she is a selfish idiot.

What does Jack compare his feelings about returning back to school Monday to? What does he mean?

Similar to the end of a snow storm when it's just wet and cold and the snow is melting and messy to play in. That he isn't looking forward to school and it is boring and sad.

Another title for chapter The Call

The call that should have happened

Why is there a picture of a daisy on the Xmas card instead of August or his family?

The love their dog and decorated her to be really cute for the card.

What caused there to be one less week of rehearsal?

The teacher wanted to do the Elephant man but they changed it to Our Town.

Of all the things keeping Justin awake, what does he think about the most?

The universe hasn't been nice to August.

What change did the school make to benefit August?

They are doing animal drawings instead of self portraits.

What resulted from the emails sent between Jack and August?

They became friends.

Charlotte doesn't want to be seen with Jack for the same reason Summer didn't want to dress like a unicorn or tell Savanna she was leaving the party. Why are they so careful about their actions?

They don't want the popular girls to talk about them and embarrass them.

What do they do with the ladybug?

They make a wish.

Why was justin surprised to hear that Miranda knew August?

They never talk about Miranda or mention her.

What do Julian and his friends do to Jack when they see him come out of the grocery store?

They scare him and then start laughing and making fun of him and making weird throw up noises.

At the holiday party, what did Julian tell the kids about Jack?

To not be friends with jack because he snapped at me.

How does Jack describe August's mom? why?

Very nice but overprotective. She asks Justin to wait for him at the bus.

Jack's mom says "We're very lucky Jack. There's so much we take for granted" When has jack heard that before and why did the author repeat this message.

When they first saw Auggie in the ice cream shop with Victoria and at the park.

What does Jack say is the best feeling in the world?

When you walk outside and there's snow and school is cancelled.

Who should Jack be able to empathize with now? Why?

With Auggie because they are now friends again.

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