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File to save a newly created Word document, begin by clicking the ______ tab


To save a Word document as a PDF file, click the ______ tab, click the Save option, click the Save as type arrow, and the click the PDF option in the drop-down list.


The following buttons is not available when the spelling checker flags a potential spelling error

Add all


Adding background shading to a selected area of a document in order to bring attention to the information.

Drag and Drop

Allows you to move the text to a new location by selecting text, pressing and holding the mouse button down.

8 spaces

When the tab key is pressed, where does the cursor moves to on the horizontal ruler?


Where Microsoft Word temporarily stores copied information until it is pasted elsewhere?

the home ribbon in the paragraph group

Where are the command that adjust paragraph and line spacing in a document located

The home tab in the paragraph group

Where are the commands that adjust paragraph and line spacing in a document located?

File tab, new command

Where is the list of available file types found when starting a new document in Microsoft Word 2016?

Automatic & manual

Which are the two types of page breaks?


Which is NOT a document that is created using Microsoft Word 2010?


Which keyboard shortcut can be used to bold text?

to allow other people to link to your document

Which of the following is NOT a reason for adding citations and a Works Cited page to your document?

Send as a text message

Which of the following is NOT an option for sharing a document via Email?


Which of the following styles is not available for a numbered list?


Which of these font effects is widely used for book and movie titles?


Which type of text alignment will give your document the look of a published book?


Changes made in a document that impact the appearance of the document

formatting marks

characters, sometimes called non-printing characters, that word 2010 displays on the screen but not in a printed document


command that enables word 2010 to break lines between the syllables of words


controls the variety of fonts, colors, and other visual affects available within a document

To format a document in more than three columns, you should do which of the following?

Click the Columns button and then click More columns.

Keyboard Shortcut

A combination of keystrokes to perform a task.


A tab that allows you to add things to your document, such as headers and footers.

choose the theme colors command on the page layout ribbon

how a user modify the colors in a selected theme


in the document window, the bar that is used to navigate and display the various areas of a document

Which type of text alignment will give your document the look of a published book?


Which of the following terms are used to identify the two types of page orientation for Word documents?

landscape and portrait

What is the default text alignment in Word?



lines drawn to visually frame documents, tables or cells in a document


on the view ribbon, the command that allows the document to be viewed as it would appear in a multilevel outline

In Word, you can create a new, blank document or you can create one based on a predesigned document called a


quick styles

the Microsoft 2010 command that enables an entire set of formatting choices applied with one click

clear formatting

what is the name of the command button on the home ribbon that returns document formatting to normal style

manual page break

when a user forces a document to create a new page at a specific location

paragraph spacing

the amount of space above and below a paragraph

line spacing

the amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph

document window

the area used to view a portion of a document on the screen


the bar that presents information about a document, the progress of current tasks, and the status of certain commands and keys, and also provides controls for viewing the document

page width

the command in the view ribbon that is used to zoom a document view width to the same as the window width

page setup

the command on the page layout ribbon that enables the user to control the way the document prints on the page

web layout

the command on the view ribbon that enables the document to be viewed as it would appear on a webpage

format painter

the command that allows a user to copy formatting rather than contents from one place to another in a document

page color

the command that is used to apply a background color to an entire page of a word 2010 document

word count

the command that is used to find the number of words, characters, paragraphs, or lines in a word 2010 document


the command used to specify the size of the view-able area and allows the user to reduce or enlarge the size of a document window


the command used to split a document into two panes so that different parts of the document can be viewed at the same time

.5 inch

the default increment for tab stops in word 2010


the default increment for tab stops in word 2010

tab stop

where the cursor moves to on the horizontal ruler when the tab key is pressed

color scheme

the document feature that identifies 12 complementary colors for text, background accents, and links in a document


the dots added for emphasis to a list of items

Which of the following is one of the advantages describes in Chapter 4 of saving a Word document as a PDF file?

the file will not be compromised as it might be if opened in different versions of Word.

header and footer

the group that contains the command to place text at the bottom edge of each printed page of a document

zoom slider

the item on the status bar used to increase of decrease the size of the content in a word 2010 window


the keyboard shortcut for inserting a manual page break

page layout ribbon/ page setup group

the location of the command for modifying a document"s margin settings located


the method for changing the default bullet list symbol

By default, Word sets tabs

every half inch


the name of the group of formatting characteristics


the name of the group of picture formatting characteristics that includes shadows, reflection, glow, soft edges, bevel, 3D rotation

a black arrow pointing right

the non-printing that represents a single space in a document


the option on the apply styles dialog box that changes the settings for a selected style

paragraph formatting

the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph of text


the purpose of adding background shading to a selected area of a document in order to bring attention to the information


the ribbon that contains the command to create headers in a document

page layout

the ribbon used to change a document theme in order to convey a different look and feel

dot leader

the row of dots between tabbed text


the shortcut key for accessing Microsoft office word from the word window


the term revers to the changes made in a document that impact the appearance of the document

tap stop

the term that refers to a location on the horizontal ruler that directs word 2010 to position the insertion point when the tab key is pressed


the term that refers to the two print layout positions of a document

in margin

the type of drop cap that moves to the left of the margin to offset the first letter


the type of formatting for adding emphasis to a list of items in a Microsoft word 2010 document

hanging indent

the type of paragraph formatting that forces the first line into a position to the left of the rest of the paragraph


the very bottom of the page in a document


the very top of the page in a document


the way in which a paragraph lines up horizontally between the paper edges of a document


the word 2010 tab that contains the print command

page break

word 2010 automatically inserts a page break when it determines the text has filled one complete page allowed by the page size, margin settings, line spacing, and other settings

Pressing which key or combination of keys removes the character to the left of the cursor


Pressing which key or combination of keys removes the character to the left of the cursor?


What e of list should you create for items in no particular order?


select a different bullet style

Clicking the Bullets arrow allows you to...

to go to all footnotes

Clicking the Next Footnote button gives you all of the following options except which one?

To combine revisions from multiple authors into a single document used word's _______ feature.



Controls the variety of fonts, colors, and other visual effects available within a document.

Which keyboard shortcut can be used to bold text?

Ctrl + B

You can change all of the following at the font dialog box except

Font theme

you can copy paragraph formatting, such as line spacing and paragraph indents, to another section of text by using which of the following?

Format Painter

You can copy paragraph formatting such as line spacing and paragraph and debts to another section of text by using which of the following

Format painter

A blue wavy line indicates which of the following types of potential errors

Grammar are formatting

Sizing handles

Grey dots around the outside of an image that allow you to resize an image.

Click the _______ button on the Insert tab to search for a picture on the web

Online Pictures

Which buttons can be used to create multiple levels in a list

Increase indent and decrease indent

Which of these font effects is widely used for book and movie titles


Which type of text alignment will give your document a look up a published book


What is the default text alignment in Word


In Word, which of the following keys can be used to move to the next cell in a table?

Left Arrow and Right Arrow

Cropping Handles

Little black lines around the outside of your picture showing it's ready to be cropped.

Word Processing

Microsoft Word 2010 is what common type of application software?

To create a numbered list, click the Numbering button in the

Paragraph group on the Home tab

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the Show/Hide button in the

Paragraph group on the Home tab

To access a list of pre-formatted table Styles such as calendars and list the table but in the tables group on the insert Tab and then choose

Quick tables

To review a document without editing it, use ________ mode.


Suppose you're texts run slightly longer than one page which of the following is not one of the methods available in word to get it to fit on one page

Reduce the spaces between characters

The New Comment button can be found in the Comments group on the _______ tab.


Use ______ to insert an organizational chart, pyramid, or similar diagram into a document.

Smart Art

Use ________ to insert an organizational chart pyramid are similar diagram into a document

Smart art

To organize information rows and columns in word click the _______ button on the insert tab


to organize information in rows and columns in Word, click _________ button on the Insert tab.


To access the Convert Text to Table option, click the Table button in the

Tables group on the Insert tab.

Paragraph Spacing

The amount of space before and after each paragraph in a document.

Page Setup

The command that allows the user to control the way the document prints on the page?


The command used to remove any unwanted parts of a picture.

What happens to the default tab setting if you set a left tab at the 3 inch mark on the ruler?

The default tabs to the left of the new tab are cleared


The dots added for emphasis to a list of items.

Grey circle

The handle used to freely rotate an image


The starting point & quickest way to create a new document.

Page layout

The tab is used to change a document theme in order to convey a different look and feel?


The very bottom of the page, on every page in a document.


The very top of the page, on every page in a document.


The way in which a paragraph lines up between the margins of a document is called:


The white space around the top, bottom, left, and right of a document

Which of the following is not a reason for adding citations and a work cited page to your document

To allow other people to link your document

line and paragraph spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

To change spacing between the lines in a paragraph, begin by selecting the paragraph and then clicking the...

font arrow in the Font Group on the Home tab

To change the appearance of text in a Word document, click the....

What is the function or purpose of where's format painter

To copy the format settings from one area of selected text to another


To create a Works Cited page at the end of a document, click the _____ button in the Citations & Bibliography group on the References tab.

paragraph group on the Home tab

To create a numbered list, click the Numbering button in the...

create the columns on separate pages and then merge them.

To create two columns of unequal width, you can use any of the following methods except which one?

insert citation

To credit a source you have quoted in your document, click the ____ button.

click the columns button and then click More Columns.

To format a document in more than three columns, you should do which of the following?

double-clicking the format painter button

To use Format Painter to copy formatting to several places in a document, you begin by....

Before giving your document to someone else to review, turn on Word's _______ feature to ensure that all edits will be recorded.

Track Changes

Enter Key

Used to insert new lines into a document?

Find and Replace

Used to quickly locate a specific phrase in a document.

Choose a file name & location

What action is necessary when saving a document for the first time in Microsoft Word 2016?

A new paragraph begins

What is the result of using the Enter key on the keyboard?


What type of formatting is bold, underline or italic?


What you should pay attention to when resizing an image

Numbered List

When items in a list need to stay in a certain order.


You can apply Word's built-in groups of formatting settings by using...

font theme

You can change all of the following at the Font dialog box except...

format painter

You can copy paragraph formatting, such as line spacing and paragraph indents, to another section of text by using which of the following?


You can set how much space appears before a paragraph using the _____ box in the Spacing selection of the Paragraph dialog box.

style sets

____ are predesigned sets of font and paragraph properties.

When Word is tracking changes, deleted text is shown by default in

a different color and with a strikethrough line.

CTRL+ end

a method for moving quickly to the bottom of a document

a small black dot

a non-printing character that represents a single space in a document

double-click the dimmed document text

a quick way to lose the header or footer view in a word 2010 document

bulleted list

a series of paragraphs, each beginning with a bullet character

justify align

alignment option that aligns both the left and right margin

With the Track Changes feature, formatting changes can be displayed in-line, in the Reviewing pane, or as __________ in the margin.


normal/moderate/ and mirrored

preset margin settings in word 2010


refers to the moving the information to the right from the current location (also sometimes called demote)

Clicking the Bullets arrow allows you to

select a different bullet style

Hover the mouse pointer over a word and then double-click to

select only that word.


to change the size of an image.

What is the function of purpose of Word's Format Painter?

to copy the format settings from one area of selected text to another


to move in a circle

style dialog box launcher on the home ribbon

to quickly modify the settings for any style using the style dialog box

automatic and manual

two types of page breaks


type of emphasis used when items in a list need to stay in a particular order

top of page or bottom of page

valid placement options for page numbers in a document

Which of the following Display for Review options shows all formatting changes as well as all deletions and additions?

All Markup

What is the keyboard shortcut for centering text between the left and right margins?

Ctrl + E

To quickly apply the same style to several areas of a document, select the first area of text, press and hold down the _______ while selecting the other areas of text, and then click the desired style.

Ctrl key

Pressing which key combination of keys removes the character to the right of the curser?


Pressing which key or combination of keys removes the character to the right of the cursor?


How can you select an entire paragraph in a Word document?

Double-click the selection area to the left of the text.

The use format painter to copy formatting to several places of document You Begin by

Double-clicking the format painter button

To save a newly created Word document Begin by clicking the ________ tab


Left-align the text and set a right tab at the right margin.

How can you keep your name and phone number on the same line in a document but align your name at the left margin and your phone number at the right margin?

To access a variety of shapes that you can use to illustrate your Word documents, click the Shapes button in the

Illustrations group on the Insert tab

to combine table cells, select the cells and then click the _______ button on the Table Tools Layout tab.

Merge Cells

To combine table cell select the cells and then click the __________ button on the table tools layout tab

Merge cells

A reviewer who does not want to make changes in a document can instead make suggestions by clicking the ________ button.

New Comment

To save a file directly to __________, click the Save to cloud button.


How to save a Word document to OneDrive you must first have

OneDrive account

To create a PDF from your Word document, begin by clicking the ______ option on the File tab.

Save as

In word you can create a new blank document are you can create one based on a pre-designed document called a


footnotes group on the references tab

The Insert Footnote button is located in the

You can remove the lines around all the cells in a table by clicking _______ on the Table Tools Design Tab.

The borders arrow and then the No Border option.

insert endnote

To place your notes at the end of the document rather than at the bottom of each page, click the ____ button.

Ctrl key

To quickly apply the same style to several areas of a document, select the first area text, press and hold down the _____ while selecting the other areas of text, and then click the desired style.

more button in the Document Formatting group

To save a set of applied formats as your own style, click the _____, click Save as New Style Set, give the style a name, and then click OK.

How can you select all the text in a Word document?

Triple-click in the selection area to the left of the document.


What is the default text alignment in Word?

to copy the format settings from one area of selected text to another

What is the function or purpose of Word's Format Painter?


What is the keyboard shortcut for centering text between left and right margins?


What type of list should you create for items that have no particular order?

increase indent and decrease indent

Which buttons can be used to create multiple levels in a list?

To resize an image but maintain its original proportions, you should drag the object's ________ handle(s).

bottom right corner

Where are the Cut, Copy, and Paste tools located?

in the Clipboard group on the Home tab

show/hide feature

the name of the Microsoft Word 2010 feature that offers an optional display showing symbols indicating a tab, space, or use of the Enter key

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