World Civ Test Questions Guide

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1) Invasions in Western Europe by Germanic tribes led to which of the following: A. Disruption of trade B. Rise of Cities C. Increase in learning D. All of the Above


1) Which of the following explains who the De Medici's were? A. A family of Italian merchant elites who ruled Florence, italy and patronized the arts B. Artists in the Italian Renaissance C. Germans who helped Johann Gutenberg come up with the printing press D. None of the above


1) Which of the following is NOT one of the continents in which Arabia is a crossroads: A. North America B. Africa C. Asia D. Europe


10) What did the Edict of worms by Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire say? A. No one in the empire was to give Luther food or shelter and banned all of his books B. The Protestant reformation was legal C. Individual states would choose if they would be protestant or Catholic D. None of the above


14) An astrolabe was a _______________________________ A. Early scientific instrument created by the Muslims to discover latitude and time B. A Muslim farming tool C. An early scientific school of thought D. Muslim school for young boys


14) When Oliver Cromwell came into power: A. He instituted a military dictatorship/ everyone rejoiced when the monarchy was restored with Charles II B. He instituted a republic and everyone rejoiced in England- still has a republic today C. He instituted an absolute monarchy- the same government Charles I had D. He instituted a democracy- everyone was free in England


14) Which of the following was a medieval weapon that worked like a giant sling shot A. Trebuchet B. Tortoise C. Mantlet D. Siege TowerB


16) Who was the 1st in the 1500s to come up with the theory that the sun was at the center of the solar system? A. Copernicus B. Galileo C. Ptolemy D. Aristotle


19) According to John Locke, there were 3 natural rights: A. Life, liberty, property B. Life, freedom, and equality C. Freedom, equality, and democracy D. Freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness


19) Which of the following did the Council of Trent say in the mid 1500s? A. The church's interpretation of the Bible was final. Any christian who substituted his or her own interpretation was a heretic B. Christians need just faith for salvation C. The Bible was the sole authority of the church D. Church tradition was the sole authority of the church


20) The medieval women typically were seen as : A. In the upper classes, they could inherit land and send knights out for war. In the lower classes, they performed endless labor B. In both the upper and lower classes, they tended the fields and fought in war C. They didn't work they were obedient to their husbands D. They only took care of the children and the houseBq


21) St Cyril and St Methodius invented an alphabet called the cyrillic alphabet to Russia, with a goal to: A. Expand Christianity, so Russians could read the Bible B. Combat the Mongols C. To make money D. To spread the rule of the Byzantines


23) Which of the following describes the 4 key aspects of an enlightened despot: A. TRAP- Toleration of religions, reform, absolutist, patronage of the arts B. BRAT- Bigot, reform, absolutist, toleration C. TRAP- totalitarian, reform, absolutist, pious D. TRAP- Toleration of religions, religious, absolutist, patronage of the arts


25) Which of the following is a similarity in how the Ottomans and Safavid Empires declined: A. Both empires declined because they either killed or imprisoned their sons leading to incompetent rulers B. Both empires declined because Europeans expanded their power and conquered them C. Both empires declined due to a decrease in trade and were conquered by 1750 D. Both empires had religious conflicts that led to a reformation and a change of power


28) What was the initial purpose of stained glass windows? A. Help to tell biblical stories to the illiterate B. Simply for the beauty C. To help support the weight of the outside walls D. All of the above


3) How did the concept of government change in the Middle ages? A. Instead of a central government with a king, we now have a decentralized government based on the lord/vassal relationship B. We now have a central ruler with a king C. The Roman empire returns with power and authority D. We have a theocratic government ruling all of Europe


3) The founder of Islam: A. Mohammad B. Guatama Siddhartha C. Paul of Tarsus D. Ghandi


32) A blend of Hindu and Muslim styles, Shah Jahan built this memorial to his wife, often called one of the most beautiful buildings in the world: A. Taj Mahal B. The Delhi sultanate C. The Calcutta Mosque D. The Bengalese Buddhist Temple


35) Women of the upper class in China in the tang and Song dynasties often were limited but : A. Bound their feet in order to show elite status B. Wore a veil C. Wore a burka D. None of the above


36) Why did Christopher Columbus sail west? A. He through the world was much smaller, and he thought where the Americas were was China B. He thought the world was round unlike most scholars at the time C. Both of these D. Neither of these


37) Which of the following was the initial founder and ruler of the Mongol Horde? A. Ghengis Khan B. Kublai Khan C. Batu Khan D. Tamerlane


38) From the mid 1200s, the Mongols imposed the Pax mongolica, which was: A. A period of peace and stability across Eurasia ensuring safe passage for caravans and travelers B. Their governmental structure C. The name of their postal system D. All of the above


38) The Dutch east India company from the Netherlands established a strong foothold trading: A. In Southeast Asia B. In America C. In Europe D. None of the above


39) What do the voyages of Zheng He show us about the Chinese under the Ming Dynasty: A. The want to show the prowess and splendor of China B. The isolation of China C. The limited capacity to sail beyond its borders D. How advanced Europe was compared to China


39) Which of the following advances did the Mongols use in their warfare? A. Catapults, bows, and stirrups B. Compass, porcelain, and bows C. Chariots, horses, and firearms D. Porcelain, cavalry, and bows


4) Which of the following are characteristics of Renaissance art and literature? A. Use of 3-D with perspective, very realistic, stylistic qualities similar to Greece and Rome, and use of vernacular in literature B. Artists were realistic, but in literature writers still used Latin C. Use of 3-D perspective, very realistic, but still mainly used religious figures in their art D. None of the above


41) Respect for the forces of nature and the worship of ancestors is most noted in what religion of Japan? A. Shinto B. Buddhism C. Hinduism D. Yamamoto


42) Because of the introduction of gunpowder and firearms by Europeans: A. Japanese society was forced to build large castles attracting settlers eventually resulting in large cities B. The Japanese were conquered easily C. The Japanese were able to establish a large Asian empire D. None of the above


44) In 1378, the church was severely weakened when there was a controversy over who would be pope known as the : A. Great Schism B. Great papal demarcation C. The papal plague D. The Great divide


46) The main reason why Spaniards and Europeans turned towards African slavery? A. Natives were dying off due to disease B. Africans had no immunity to disease C. Africans worked harder than the natives D. None of the above


46) Which of the following were the names of the codes of behavior for both Knights and samurai: A. Bushido and Chivalry B. Chivalry and shogunate C. Bushido and code of honor D. None of the above


48) Why was the strait of Malacca so important? A. Its location allowed for the connection between the Indian Ocean and the South China sea B. It allowed for the Black sea to connect to the Mediteereanean sea C. It allowed for the Atlantic Ocean to connect to the Pacific Ocean D. None of the above


49) What was the economic theory that held that a country's power depended mainly upon its wealth? A. Mercantilism B. Communism C. Capitalism D. Socialism


5) Which of the following is a view of Muslims: A. Jesus is a prophet and believe in 1 god B. They don't believe Jesus lived C. They believe Jesus was the one true God D. They are atheist


50) Angkor Wat was : A. A Buddhist and Hindu temple in Cambodia and the Khmer empire B. A tomb for the Holy Sepulchre C. The name of a ruler in tang China D. A female Samurai warrior


6) Which of the following was NOT a change in society as a result of the printing press: A. Printing changed society by making more information available, but it was more expensive B. An increase in learning and literacy throughout Europe C. Published legal proceedings made laws clear, so people could understand their rights D. Published accounts of new discoveries, maps, and charts led to further discoveries in a variety of fields


7) Which of the following are beliefs of the Sunni Muslims: A. Muslim leaders should follow Mohammad's example and that the first 4 caliphs were rightly guided B. Belief that Ali should have succeeded Muhammad, his son in law C. Belief in the Koran only and not Mohammad's teaching D. Believe in the current leaders of Islam today


7) Which of the following was NOT a social cause for the reformation: A. Powerful monarchs challenged church authority B. The printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the church C. The printing press helped spread Luther's ideas D. The renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the church


7) Which of the following was the context for the passing of the Edict of Nantes? A. St Bartholomeu's Day Massacre causing conflict between the Catholics and Hugenots B. Conflict between Loius XIV and the nobles C. Conflict between the pope and the protestants D. The French Revolution


8) In the Feudal system, a lord granted land called a __________________ to a _____________________________ A. Fief, vassal B. Manor, knight C. Estate, vassal D. Estate, knight


8) True or False: the Sunni are the majority of the Muslims in the world today A. True B. False


9) Which of the following is a belief of the Shia? A. Ali should have been the successor of Muhammad and that the Sunni have distorted the meaning of the Koran B. Belief in the Koran only and nothing Mohammad said C. Belief that the Sunni are right in everything they believe D. Belief in the current leaders of islam today


9) Which of the following was NOT a teaching of Martin Luther? A. People could win salvation by Faith and good works B. All church teachings should be clearly based on the Bible C. Both the pope and church traditions were false authoritites D. All people with faith were equal. Therefore people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them


10) Social class in feudalism was usually: A. Mobile and inherited B. Immobile and inherited C. Based on merit D. None of the above


11) What was the peasant response to the protestant reformation? A. Believed in Catholicism and fought against protestants B. Believed in Luther's equality of all peoples and fought for an end to serfdom- Luther did not back them however C. Remained neutral D. All of the above


11) When the ummayads were taken over, one prince escaped and moved to Southern Spain, where he began an extraordinary Muslim state called: A. Catalon B. Al Andalus C. Barcelona D. Madrid


12) The code of honor for knights in medieval times was usually called the code of _________________________________ A. Bushido B. Chivalry C. Knighthood D. The manor houseD


12) Which of the following were problems faced by Elizabeth, James I, and Charles I with parliament? A. Conflict over religion B. Conflict over money C. Both of these D. Neither of these


13) Which of the following was NOT typical of manor life: A. It was a self sufficient community consisting of a church, farmland, woodlands, breweries, mills . . . B. Serfs were free to move wherever they pleased and they could produce whatever they wanted C. Peasants ate poorly, had leaky houses, and were forced to pay rent to their lord D. Peasants outnumbered the LordsB


13) Why is the beheading of Charles I so unique? A. It was the 1st time the guillotine was used B. It was the 1st time a monarch had a public trial and execution C. Charles was innocent of all charges D. Charles was freed and reclaimed rule


14) Who published the "Institutes of the Christian Religion," believed men and women were sinful by nature, and went on to say that God has known from the beginning who will be saved: A. Martin Luther B. John Calvin C. Hulrich Zwingli D. John Knox


15) Muslims believed that beautiful handwriting reflected the glory of allah through __________________ A. Ballet B. Calligraphy C. Cursive D. Roman numerals


15) Under the glorious revolution of William and Mary, which of the following were instituted limiting English monarch's power: A. Parliament B. Bill of Rights C. Checks and Balances D. Preamble


16) John Calvin believed that a _____________________, a government controlled by religious leaders was the ideal government A. Autocracy B. Theocracy C. Democracy D. Anarchy


17) Which of the following is true of a knight's training? A. They did NOT have to be a noble to become a knight B. Knights started at age 7 becoming a page or assistant to a lord, then at age 14 a squire to a knight C. Knights were sworn in by a king to become a knight D. None of the aboveC


18) According to the enlightenment: the right to govern: A. Stemmed from divine right B. Came from the consent of the governed- NOT divine right C. Came from both divine right and the consent of the governed D. Stems from absolute authority only/ totalitarian rule


19) Which of the following is True concerning women's rights in China A. The Chinese used footbinding simply to restrict women's rights B. The Chinese upper class used footbinding as a way to show prestige by not having their wives work C. Both of these D. Neither of theseC


2) Surviving the fall of the Western Roman Empire was what institution? A. The social system B. The Church C. Both of these D. Neither of these


20) According to John Locke, If the government does not protect the rights of man, what should happen? A. Nothing- he believed in absolute rule B. It is the right and duty of the people to alter or abolish the government C. Government should enforce its power over the nobles D. You should put a bill of rights in the constitution


20) Justinian was believed to have both political authority and religious influence, a term called ______________________________ A. Papal bull B. Caesaropapism C. Excommunication law D. Cyrillism


22) What provided the source of conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV? A. Pope Gregory wanted all the power both secular and religious B. Henry was appointing Bishops and priests, which is the job of the pope C. Henry wanted a divorce, which is against church teaching D. All of the above


23) What was the main reason why the Ottoman empire was able to expand their empire from 1450- 1600? A. Willingness to allow local rulers to maintain power through the millet system B. Advances in gunpowder and military technology C. Use of trade networks to increase their wealth D. None of the above


24) At the Battle of Legnano, the Holy Roman Empire's knights were defeated by the Italian foot soldiers signifying: A. The beginnings of the Feudal age B. The end of the Middle ages and the feudal age C. The beginnings of the renaissance D. All of the above


24) In order to maintain control, sultans in the Ottoman Empire used the _______________ system to draft boys from the conquered Christian territories to become either slaves in his palace or become janissaries in his army. A. Millet system B. Devshirme system C. Recruitment system D. All of the above


24) Which of the following quotes from Frederick the great shows him as a reformist who cared for his people? A. " I am the state." B. "I am the 1st servant of the state." C. " I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." D. "I am the absolute ruler- nobody else has power besides me."


25) A term for a Russian leader, that we get from the Roman empire: A. Caesar B. Czar C. Kaiser D. Chancellor


25) Which of the following enlightened despots were considered the most radical because they allowed freedom of worship for jews and abolished serfdom, but was the least effective and many reforms were overturned after their death: A. Frederick the Great B. Joseph II of Austria C. Catherine the Great D. Peter the Great


29) Which of the following was NOT a result of the Crusades A. The Crusaders bring spices and other goods from the middle east back with them B. The Crusaders take over Israel and get the Holy Land Back permanently C. Slowed the advance of Islamic power D. Expanded trade and italian banking systems


3) Which of the following are characteristics of a "Renaissance man?" A. They were charming and witty but DID NOT participate in sports or the arts B. They were charming, witty, danced, played music, wrestler, and swordsmen C. They only patronized the arts as elite merchants D. None of the above


30) What was the main problem with Akbar's land policy? A. Nobles received too much land- not equal B. He gave generous land grants, but when they died, their sons received none of the land leading to little motivation C. It did not have an answer for famine D. All of the above E. None of the above


30) Which of the following was the result of the Crusades A. The crusaders never regained the Holy Land and still to this day cannot pilgrimage to Jerusalem B. The Crusaders regained the Holy Land temporarily but through a compromise attained the privilege to pilgrimage to Jerusalem C. Both of these D. Neither of these


34) This technology was such a valuable export that it is now called "China," it was a Chinese secret of fine pottery A. Magnetic compass B. Porcelain C. China dolls D. Paper mache


36) The rapid growth of China during the tang and song dyansties is due to: A. One child policy B. Fast ripening rice from Vietnam C. The mongols were defeated D. Social Class customs


36) Which of the following is true how a master became a master in the middle ages? A. They earned it through university training and earning a degree B. Their parents paid for training as an apprentice and then earned a salary as a journeyman before becoming a master C. Either of these could be correct D. Neither of these are correct


39) Just as agriculture and craftsmanship were expanding, so were trade and financing in the ______________________________ A. Business Revolution B. Commercial Revolution C. Feudal revolution D. Renaissance


40) After the voyages of Zheng He: A. The chinese continued trading into Africa and Europe B. The expense caused China to retreat into isolation C. The Manchu Dynasty fell D. The Chinese invaded India


40) As trade expanded in the Middle ages: A) Merchant class town dwellers remained subordinate to lords and kings B) A new merchant middle class in the city began demanding privileges and rights C) The feudal age remained intact with the lords having all the power D) All of the above


41) In order to keep order in Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu : A. Maintained contact with the emperor B. Required all daimyo every other year to spend it in the capital C. Remained isolated in the forbidden city D. All of the above


43) Members of japan's warrior class, they protected the aristocratic landowners of Japan: A. Emperors B. Samurai C. Knights D. Bushido


43) What was the end result for the spreading of Chrsitianity to Japan after Tokugawa Ieyasu died in 1616? A. Chrsitianity flourished with the production of monasteries and churches throughout B. Christians were persecuted and all Japanese were forced to demonstrate faithfulness to some form of Buddhism C. Many religions were accepted- a policy of religious toleration D. None of the above


44) Which of the following were true of the emperor in Japan during the heian period? A. He had extreme absolute rule B. He was a puppet ruler- the warrior nobles called shoguns had all the power C. He ruled similarly to the khanate of the golden horde D. His power depended upon the nobles and how much power they were willing to give up


5) When Charlemagne is crowned emperor, he is crowned emperor of the: A. Germanic empire B. Holy Roman Empire C. Byzantine Empire D. New Roman Empire


5) Which of the following explains the goals of Christian humanists like Thomas More and Erasmus? A. To stress a return to the classics and studying the classics B. To try and reform society through education and studying the Bible C. Both of these D. Neither of these


6) Why did Charlemagne disagree with being crowned emperor by the pope? A. He was in war and didn't have time B. He wanted to keep all authority. By the pope crowning him, he was giving up power C. Both of these D. Neither of these


9) One result of the 30 years war was the fall of this dynasty in Spain and Austria: A. Bourbon B. Hapsbourgs C. Carolingian D. Yorks


1) Which of the following was NOT an example of Phillip II being a defender of the faith of Catholicism? A. Battle of Lepanto against the Ottomans B. Spanish Armada against the English C. The Reconquista against the Muslims


10) Which of the following groups moved the capital of the Islamic empire to Demascus to allow for control over territories to be easier: A. Sunni B. Shia C. Ummayads D. Fatima


11) Which of the following was NOT part of Peter's westernization of Russia? A. Advanced education by opening a school for sailors and introducing schools for the arts and sciences B. Built a new capital and gateway to the west on the Baltic coast C. He abolished serfdom D. He ordered the nobles to give up their traditional clothes for western fashions


12) The German princes along with Charles V came up with the ______________________ saying that individual states would decide if they were Catholic or protestant A. Edict of Nantes B. Edict of Milan C. Peace of Augsburg D. All of the above


13) The Abbasids chose __________________________ as the capital of their empire, because it was on the west bank of the Tigris, large population, and grand mosque. It is the current capital of Iraq. A. Mecca B. Medina C. Baghdad D. Damascus


15) A belief in the "elect," that God knows who will be saved: A. Calvinism B. Anglicanism C. Predestination D. None of the above.


15) Which of the following provided protection for soldiers as they approached castles A. Tortoise B. Mantlet C. Both of these D. Neither of theseA


16) Muslim scholars believed that math was the center of all knowledge, that is why we see Al Khwarizmi come up with the "art of bringing together unknowns," known as ________________________________ A. Geometry B. Calculus C. Algebra D. Spanish


16) Which of the following in reality was true of chivalrous behavior? A. Knights fought bravely and protected the poor B. Knights stayed on their manor and farmed all day long C. Most knights failed to meet the test and treated the lower classes badly D. None of the aboveC


17) After the fall of the western Roman empire in 476 AD, the empire has a new setting in the east with its capital at Byzantium, also known as: A. New Delhi B. Paris, France C. Constantinople D. Berlin


17) How did the scientific revolution of the 1500s and 1600s change science? A. Scholars used ancient authorities and church teachings now to come up with the answers B. Scholars used common sense and ancient authorities to come up with answers C. Scholars used observation and experimentation to gather knowledge instead of relying upon ancient authorities D. None of the above


18) Which of the following is NOT true of women's roles in the middle east? A. Initially, Muslim women were considered equal and attained property rights and social rights B. As Muslim lands expanded, patriarchal societies influenced them resulting in restrictions on Muslim women in public C. Muslim socieites have always restricted women's roles D. In some regions today, Muslim women are gaining rightsB


20) Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Reformation? A. The splitting up of the church into many denominations B. The unification of the church due to the Council of Trent C. Women gained more rights D. Individual monarchs and states gain power


21) What freedom was Voltaire talking about when he said: " I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." A. Freedom of religion B. Right to trial by jury C. Freedom of speech D. Freedom to an education


21) Which of the following helped to provide Christians with a sense of security during the Middle Ages: A. Sacraments B. Canon law C. Both of these D. Neither of theseA


22) In 1453, ___________________________ falls leading to the fall of the _______________________________ empire. A. Constantinople, Roman B. Istanbul, Muslim C. Constantinople, Byzantine D. Rome, Roman


22) Religious images used by Christians to aid in their devotion: A. Relics B. Honorary pictures C. Icons D. Excommunications


24) Why did Kiev fall from power after Yaroslav died? A. His sons split up and fought over the empire B. The Crusades led to a disruption in trade C. Both of these D. Neither of these


25) Which of the following were problems of the church during the middle ages: A. Simony, the spreading of the faith, and the building of too many churches B. Simony, the selling of indulgences, and the building of cathedrals C. Simony, the selling of indulgences, and many village priests marrying D. Many village priests marrying and the building of monasteries


26) Which of the following were successes of the church during the middle ages? A. New religious orders like the Franciscans and Dominicans become missionaries B. The church built magnificent cathedrals in the gothic style C. Both of these D. Neither of these


26) Why was it so important for Russia to have access to the Black Sea and Kiev? A. They needed access to resources in the Ukraine B. They wanted to expand their empire C. Their access to ports in the north were usually frozen in winter- it was of extreme importance for trade D. None of the above


27) The "Golden horde" that conquered Russia in the middle 1200;s, led by Ghenghis and Kublain Khan A. Vikings B. Turks C. Mongols D. Islam


27) Which of the following were reasons why the Ottomans won the Battle of ChaldIran in 1514? A. The Ottomans had expanded trade with the Europeans leading to greater wealth B. The Ottomans had better generals and leaders C. The Ottomans had embraced use of military technologies and gunpoder learned from the Mongols D. None of the above


28) Which of the following was a characteristic of the Seljuk Turks: A. They adopted Persian as the language of culture and adopted features of the Persian way of life. B. Their rulers were called Shahs C. Both A and B D. Neither of these


29) Which of the following were true of Akbar's bureauacracy? A. He only allowed Muslims to rise in office B. He allowed only Hindus to rise in office C. He allowed both Hindus and Muslims to rise in office D. None of the above


31) Russia's birth was the assimilation of what 2 cultures: A. Slavic and Mongolian B. Slavic and Byzantine C. Slavic and Viking D. Viking and Mongolian


31) Which of the following is true of the Reconquista: A. It was an attempt by the Crusaders to reconquer the Holy Land B. It was an attempt by the Muslims to reconquer the Holy Land C. It was an attempt by the Spanish to Reconquer their lands and drive the Muslims out of Spain D. None of the above


32) Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Crusades: A. It was a chance for women to gain rights and manage affairs at home B. Expansion of trade between the Middle east and Europe C. Decreased persecution of Jews and other religious faiths D. Weakening of feudal nobility and increasing power of the kings


33) Which of the following was NOT an advancement of the middle ages in agriculture? A. Switch to horsepower B. The 3 field system C. The tractor D. All of the above were advancements in agriculture during the Middle ages


35) Which country led the way in exploration trying to find a route around Africa: A. Spain B. England C. Portugal D. Germany


37) Which of the following is true of master? A. They earned a salary but typically were not a part of a guild B. He owned his own shop but did not make any money C. He owned his own shop, worked with other masters to protect their trade through a guild D. He never served on civic government


38) How did increased trade increase the power of the king? A. More trade meant less power and wealth for the merchants B. More trade meant less taxes and an ability to stay in power C. More trade increased merchants' wealth, some of which was paid to the king in the form of taxes D. None of the above


4) How did absolute monarchs in the 1500s and 1600s claim authority? A. Consent of the governed B. Despotic rule C. Divine right D. None of the above


4) While Muhammad lived, his followers memorized and recited the revelations he received from Gabriel written in the holy book called the : A. Bible B. Book of Mormon C. Koran D. Arathustra


42) Which of the following is NOT true regarding St Thomas Aquinas? A. He argued that most religious truths could be argued via logical reasoning B. He wrote the Summa Theologica C. He combined ancient Roman thought and philosophy with Christian ideas D. Aquinas and his fellow scholars were known as the scholastics


45) The social system of Japan was similar to Europe in the middle ages: we call it: A. The dark ages B. The Renaiisace C. Feudalism D. Bushido


45) Which of the following was NOT a result of the Bubonic Plague? A. Town populations fell B. Trade declined C. Prices of goods fall D. Jews were blamed for bringing on the plague


47) Which of the following were 3 goods traded via the Columbian exchange that started from Europe and went to America: A. Potato, olive, corn B. Tomato, corn, typhus C. Smallpox, wheat, cattle D. Potato, corn, wheat


48) Which of the following goods had the biggest impact on populations in Europe from 1500-1800? A. Disease B. Corn C. Potato D. Tomato


49) In Cambodia, from 800- 1200, we see the rise of what major empire centered on rice and the city of Angkor: A. Tang Dynasty B. Song Dynasty C. Khmer rulers D. The Korean empire


50) What are the 2 roles of colonies according to mercantilist theory? A. Provide raw materials, trade with whoever they want B. Provide finished products/ import as many goods as possible from the mother country C. Provide raw materials/ buy finished products from the mother country D. Provide raw materials/ smuggle in goods from the mother country


6) Successors to Muhammad were called: A. Gods B. Jihads C. Caliphs D. Kings


9) In the feudal system, ________________________ determined a person's prestige and power: A. Knighthood B. Vassalage C. Social status D. Serfdom


10) Which of the following was NOT a result of the Peace of Westphalia: A. Made German Princes free and independent of the Holy Roman Empire B. Ended religious wars in Europe C. New method of peace negotiations where all participants meet D. Unified Italy and German states with nationalistic tendencies


11) Nobles usually rewarded their best knights with: A. Money B. Land C. Honor D. All of the above


12) Which of the following is true of Muslim trade? A. They used the Indian Ocean and Mediteereanean Sea B. They helped connect Europe to China on the Silk Road C. They were the first to checks called Sakks D. All of the above are true


13) Which of the following was NOT a result of Henry VIII's reign A. Henry VIII became the head of the church, and founded the church of England B. Henry VIII's son Edward VI ruled at the age of 9 with advisors C. Elizabeth I established reign as an Anglican ruler, but established a state that both moderate Catholics and moderate protestants would accept D. Henry VIII became the head of the Catholic church, but his daughters were protestant


17) Which of the following was NOT apart of the Catholic Reformation or counter- Reformation? A. The Jesuits B. Council of Trent C. Investigating indulgences and abuses of the church D. Martin Luther posting his 95 theses on the church in Wittenberg, Germany


18) Which of the following was NOT an activity of the Jesuit Missionaries? A. Founded schools throughout Europe B. Converted Christians C. Stop the spread of Protestantism D. Used the inquisition to persecute all non- Catholics


19) Which of the following are differences between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches: A. Services in Roman Catholicism were initially done in Latin; Eastern orthodox in Greek B. Pope has authority over Roman catholic Church; patriarch of Constantinople and other bishops in Eastern Orthodox C. Roman catholic bases their faith on jesus; Eastern Orthodox bases their faith on icons D. Both A and B are differences E. All of the above are differences between the two faith


2) Which of the following was NOT a reason for Italy being the location for the start of the Renaissance? A. Italy had thriving cities B. Italy had a wealthy merchant class C. Italy had a classical heritage of Greece and Rome D. Italy had connections with the invention of the printing press


2) Which of the following were reasons for the Dutch to rebel against the Spanish A. The Dutch had a strong middle class B. Phillip II raised taxes C. Spain is Catholic/ Dutch are protestsnt D. All of the above E. None of the Above


21) Which of the following describes Ottoman rule in the 1300's? A. The Ottomans were cruel rulers who ruled with an iron fist B. The Ottomans had Sultans as their leaders with local officials often improving the life of peasants C. The Ottomans ruled the conquered kindly and if you were Muslim, you did not have to pay a tax. D. Both B and C are correct E. None of the above


22) The Baron de Montesquieu came up with an idea in which there were 3 branches of government, each with power over the other branches, known as : A. Check to your dreams B. Checks and powers C. Power and balances D. Checks and Balances


23) Why was the lay investiture controversy so impactful to history? A. It gave power back to the Kings and Emperors of Europe B. It showed that the religious authority remained in the hands of the pope and that the pope also had secular authority as well C. It showed that the church alone had the power to appoint bishops and priests D. Both B and C


26) Which of the following shows how the Persians influenced the Safavid Empire? A. The trade in Persian carpets B. The use of the title shah for king, their use of a bureauacracy to run their empire, and a new Persian army as well C. The use of 300 Persian potters to create their capital at Esfahan D. Both A and B are correct


27) Which of the following are examples seen in Gothic Architecture A. Ribbed vaulted Ceilings B. Pointed arches C. Flying Buttress D. All of the above are examples of Gothic Architecture


28) How did Akbar rule during his golden age? A. Filled his armies with heavy artillery and appointed raj leaders as officers B. He punished hindus and ruled with an iron fist C. He proved his tolerance by marrying hindu princesses and allowing them to practice their rituals D. Both A and C E. None of the above


29) Which of the following was NOT an initial goal of the crusaders? A. To gain wealth from the trade in the middle east B. Reclaim Palestine and reunite Christendom C. Kings and Lords saw it as an opportunity to get rid of quarrelsome knights D. The oldest son saw it as an opportunity to gain power


3) Which of the following was NOT a reason why the Spanish Empire was weakening in the late 1500s? A. The Dutch revolt B. Inflation due to excessive silver C. Expelling of jews and Muslims loses valuable artists/ businessmen D. Rebellions by colonies in the Americas


30) Which of the following were reasons why the Mongols were able to expand their empire: A. Tolerant of local cultures B. Advanced technolgies like the stirrup and catapult C. Using local nobles to quell rebellions D. All of the above E. None of the above


31) Which of the following are examples of blended cultures during Akbar's reign? A. Persian was the language of Akbar's court B. The common people spoke Hindi C. The soldiers spoke Urdu D. All of the above E. None of the above


33) Which of the following was NOT a reason why the Mughal Empire declined? A. Aurangzeb drained the empire of its resources B. Western traders slowly built their own power in the region C. High taxes and religious conflict leads to the rise of rebellion such as the marathas D. Killing of successors or imprisonment of successors


33) Which of the following was a reason for the importance of the Printing Press/ Movable type printing? A. It allowed for Buddhist and Confucianist texts to spread throughout China B. It allowed for lower and middle class citizens to become literate C. It allowed for knowledge of technology to spread D. All of the above E. None of the Above


34) Under the new 3 field system: A. Farmers could grow crops on ⅔ of their land B. Villagers had more to eat C. Populations Grew D. All of the above E. None of the above


34) Which of the following were reasons to explore to Asia: A. Spreading of Christianity B. The glory of exploration C. For gold D. All of the above


35) A guild was : A. An organization of individuals in the same business B. An organization that worked to help the rich elite C. An organization that worked to improved working conditions and pay for their employees D. Both A and C are correct


37) The treaty of tordesillas said: A. Split lands settled between Spain and Portugal B. Was moved west resulting in all of South America to Spain except Brazil C. All of South America would belong to the Spanish D. Both A and B are correct E. All of the above


40) Which of the following did Marco polo do? A. He traveled via Caravan to China B. He learned several Asian languages and served as a diplomat under Kublai Khan C. He brings knowledge of China, its use of coal and other resources back to Europe D. All of the above


41) Which of the following is NOT true regarding learning during the Middle Ages: A. In the 1100s, Christian scholars from Europe began visiting Muslim libraries in Spain B. Jewish scholars began translating Arabic works into Latin C. The centers of education in Western Europe during the high middle ages were Christian Universities D. All of the above are true regarding learning during the Middle Ages


42) Which of the following were cultural aspects of japan that they received from interactions with the Chinese: A. Buddhism B. Feudalism C. Civil Service D. Both A and C E. All of the above


43) Drawn by English nobles, this document approved by King John guarantees certain political rights to nobles and the people of England putting a limitation on the king's rights: A. English Common Law B. The Great Schims C. International rights of man D. Magna Carta


44) In 1639, the Japanese turned towards what new international policy? A. Japan's borders were open for trade- open door policy B. Japan's borders were open, but they excluded all Chinese C. Japan's borders were not open to anybody D. Japan's borders were closed except for Nagasaki. It remained open, but only to dutch and Chinese merchants


45) Reasons why the conquistadors were able to conquer a much larger empire in the Aztecs and Inca: A. Guns B. Germs/ Disease C. Steel weapons D. All of the above E. None of the above


46) Which of the following were characteristics of the plague? A. Disease spread by rats on the trade routes B. There were typically painful swellings called bubos in the lymph nodes of the armpits and groin C. Western Europe lost 20 25 million people D. All of the above are true


48) Which of the following were impacts of the hundred years war: A. A feeling of nationalism emerges in England and France B. The power and prestige of the French monarchy increases C. The English suffer a period of turmoil known as the war of the roses D. All of the above are true


49) Why was the longbow such an effective weapon? A. It could fore repeated volleys of arrows B. It was easy to carry C. It was cheap D. All of the above


5) Which of the following was NOT a cause for absolute rule in the 1500s and 1600s? A. Religious and territorial conflicts B. The growth of armies C. Heavy taxes D. All of the above are causes for absolute rule E. None of the above are causes for absolute rule


50) Which of the following is TRUE of St Joan of Arc: A. She felt moved by God to rescue France from its English conquerors B. She had visions of saints telling her to drive the English from France C. She died a martyrs death condemned as a witch and heretic D. All of the above are true of St Joan of Arc


6) Which of the following were effects of absolute rule: A. Rulers regulated religious worship and social gatherings to control spread of ideas B. Rulers decreased the size of their courts to have more power over the courts C. Rulers created bureaucracies to control their countries' economies D. Both A and C E. None of the above were effects of absolute rule


7) Due to invasions from the Magyars, Muslims, and Vikings, during the middle ages, people: A. Gave up and became apart of their empires B. Turned to local rulers and kings rather than an emperor to rule them C. Turned to the feudal system D. Both B and C


8) How did Louis XIV as the sun king try to limit nobles power' and show his power? A. Brought all the nobles into his palace at Versailles B. Increased government agents called intendants who collected taxes and administered justice C. Built the Palace of Versailles D. All of the above E. None of the above


8) Which of the following was NOT a criticism of the Catholic church in the 1500s? A. Pope Alexander VI admitted to having several children B. Priests and monks were poorly educated C. Priests broke their priestly vows D. Many priests and monks traveled rather than remaining devoted to their parish


18) Which of the following was Justinian NOT known for: A. Justinian Code/ Law B. Building the Hagia Sophia C. Creating the Imperial capital with walls around Constantinople D. Trying to return to the glory of Rome E. Creating the iconclasm or icon controversey with the Roman Catholic Church


2) Which of the following is NOT a belief of Islam: A. One god, Allah B. Pray 5 times a day C. Fast during the month of Ramadan D. Pilgramage to Mecca at least once in their lifetimes E. Reincarnation and achieving Nirvana


23) Which of the following occurred as a result of Vladmir of Russia converting to Christianity: A. He got rid of Pagan idols B. He along with many others were baptized C. He built many churches D. Both A and B E. All of the above.


32) Which of the following was NOT an advanced technology/ invention of the Tang or Song Dynasties: A. Porcelain B. Mechanical Clock C. Movable type Printing D. Gunpowder E. Stirrup


4) Which of the following is true about monasteries during the middle ages? A. Benedict and his sister Scholastica created guidelines for other communities B. Monasteries became the centers of education C. Rules were often strict but practical D. Monasteries often stressed secular matters E. Both A, B, C are correct


47) Which of the following is the best reason why the plague spread so quickly? A. Through mongol conquest and the opening of trade route connections B. It was a fast spreading massive killing disease C. There were no hospitals during the time to treat the infected D. Anybody who tried to help the sick also got sick E. Both A and D are True


47) Which of the following was not apart of the Bushido code of honor? A. Dying an honorable death B. Reverence for the gods C. Fairness D. Generosity E. All of the above were part of the bushido code


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