World Geography : Chapter 16 : The Eastern Mediterranean

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Syrian city that was capital of Umayyad caliphate


a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility


a chemical used to kill insects, rodents, and other pests


a communal farm or settlement in Israel


a cooperative settlement of small individual farms in Israel

The Sea of Galilee

a freshwater lake in Israel through which the Jordan river flows

Golan Heights

a hilly plateau overlooking the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee; a strategic location that has been the site of conflict in Southwest Asia for decades

The Suez Canal

a human-made waterway, which was opened in 1869, connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

Gulf of Aqaba

a large gulf at the northern tip of the Red Sea, east of the Sinai Peninsula and west of the Arabian mainland. Its coastline is divided between four countries: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia

Fatah party

a major Palestinian political party, faction of PLO, nationalist, rival of hamas, founded by palestinian diaspora, WANT: to liberate the palestinian homeland


a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon

Sinai Peninsula

a peninsula linking southwest Asia with northeast Africa at the northern end of the Red Sea between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba


a radical Shiʿite Muslim organization in Lebanon engaged in guerrilla warfare against Israel

Jordan River

a river in southwestern Asia that flows from the Lebanon Mountains, south through the Sea of Galilee, into the Dead Sea

The Jordan River

a river that serves as a natural boundary between Israel and Jordan, flowing from the mountains of Lebanon with no outlet to the Mediterranean Sea

Gaza Strip

a territory along the Mediterranean Sea just northeast of the Sinai Peninsula; part of the land set aside for Palestinians, which was occupied by Israel in 1967

rift valley

a valley formed by the separation of tectonic plates

Yom Kippur War

a war that began on Yom Kippur in 1973 with the attack of Israel by Egypt, Syria, and Iraq: Israel recovered most of its initial losses


also known as Mecca, crossroads for merchants, and an important religious site

Oslo Accords

an agreement in 1993 in which Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank

The Jordan Rift Valley

an eastern Mediterranean landform created by tectonic activity, featuring the Dead Sea, the lowest elevation on Earths surface

stateless nation

an ethnic group without a formal country


area east of the Jordan River


belief in one God

Five Pillars

beliefs that all Muslims needed to carry out: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage

The Negev Desert

desert located in southern Israel, it is known for its harsh environment, temperatures can reach 114 degrees F and annual rainfall is barely two inches

stateless nation

ethnic group without a formal country


grazing so heavily that the vegetation is damaged and the ground erodes


in Islam, a house of worship

Lake al-Assad

large source of fish, used for irrigation and agriculture, drinking water...created by the damming of the Euphrates

The Strait of Tiran

link between the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea

The Lebanon Mountains

mountains that border Phoenicia on the east

Mount Hermon

north of Isreal where there are many cool, fresh springs of mountain water

Euphrates River

one of the two largest rivers in Southwest Asia that flow from the mountains in Turkey to the Persian Gulf

The Syrian Civil War

ongoing conflict between Bashar al-Assad and diverse rebel forces


person believed to be a messenger from God


pertaining to soil deposits left by running water


plants that live in highly saline (salty) soil


process in which arable land becomes desert

Arabian oryx

raised in breeding programs in arabian desert


satisfactory or acceptable


something done in preparation for something more important


something produced; a mineral, agricultural, or industrial production


the Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)

The Anti-Lebanon Mountains

the border between Syria and Lebanon


the capitol of Lebanon


the eastern Mediterranean region from western Greece to western Egypt


the most sacred text of the Hebrew Bible, including its first five books


the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset


the usually dry bed of a river or stream in a desert or semiarid area


this ancient city, located in the Fertile Crescent, can be found in present-day Syria


to be dependent


to change in form or appearance

Mediterranean Shrubland

type of terrestrial biome; rainy winters and dry summers (also called chaparral)

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