World geography chapter 7 CANADA

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Around Ontario, has an English speaking majority and was located near the Great lakes

Upper Canada

Called this by the Vikings due to the wild grapes that grew here. They built a settlement here that is now called L'Anse aux Meadows.



political union

The Territories make up over 40% of all the land in Canada. Many Inuit live in Nunavut. Mining, fishing, and some logging make up the main parts of the economy in the territories.


Prime minister

the head of a government; the majority party's leader in parliament

Dominion of Canada

the loose confederation of Ontario(upper Canada), Quebec(lower Canada), Nove Scotia, and New Brunswich, created by teh british North America Act in 1867

British columbia. in the Rockies and seemingly hard to inhabit. As a result, most of the inhabitants live in Victoria and Vancouver. Logging, mining, hydroelectric power, shipping trade, and tourism make up the economy of British Columbia.

the pacific province


what percent of the economy is serve based?

First nations

A group of Canada's Native American people


A person of mixed French-Canadian and Native American ancestry.


A political unit

Parliamentary Government

A system where legislative and executive functions are combined in a legislature called a parliament


About how many Canadians earn a living in the manufactoring sector?

Located in Eastern Canada, this subregion includes Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. These 4 subregions only account for 7 percent of Canada's population. The geography is the main culprit as it is mostly rugged terrain and has severe weather.This area's economy is driven by logging, fishing, mining, and shipbuilding.

Atlantic provinces

French Roman Catholic and Protestant English

By the end of the 1700's Canada had become two distinct areas, what are they?


Canada is a leading exporter of what?

news paper

Canada is a major producer of what?

British Columbia

Canada's westernmost province, located within the Rocky Mountain range

Quebec and Ontario. 3 out of 5 Canadians live in this area.Most of the settlements are along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. economic and political life thrives in this area.The economy in these two areas also dominates the Canadian economy. Farming, manufacturing, financial, and banking all find a large home in the region.

Core provinces

finance, utilities, trade, transportation, tourism, communications, insurance, and real estate.

Examples of service industry?

Between Britain and France in 1754-1763. France loses the war and is forced give all its land in Canada to Britain, however the french stay in the land

French and Indian war


How much of Canada's land is suitable for produce?

Upper and lower Canada

In 1791, Canada splits into 2 provinces due to tensions, what are they?

the Dominion of Canada

In 1867, it passes the British North America Act which creates what?

The oldest settlement in the world, was abounded a few years after being established

L'Anse aux Meadows

Around Quebec, and was located around the St. Lawrence River and had a French speaking majority.

Lower Canada

Uranium, zinc, gold, and silver

Minerals mined in Canada?

80% and 10%

More than ______% of people live on just ___% of land

in 1944 the US, Canada, and Mexico entered this which made trade easier. It is now being worked on by trump and trudea industries



One of Canada's core provinces


One of Canada's core provinces


One of Canada's territories and home to many of Canada's Inuit; it was carved out of the eastern half of the Northwest Territories in 1999

Minitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. This area is made up of plains (or prairies) and are the center of the nation's agricultural production. A large portion of Canada's mineral output also comes from this region. For instance, Alberta has the largest coal deposits in the country and produces 2/3 of Canada's natural gas. This area is also culturally diverse with people from around the world settling in the three provinces.

Prarie provinces

Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Minitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British columbia, Quebec, and Ontario

Provinces (list 5)


Public land set aside for native peoples by the government

Owned by a British fur trading company and was northwest of lower Canada

Rupert's land

fishing, hunting, skiing, ice hockey, and Canadian football

Sports Canadians enjoy?

Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.


Alantic Provinces

The provinces in eastern Canada - Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova scotia, and newfoundland

Toronto, Quebec City, and Montreal

The three major cities that developed in the early 1800s?


The tourism industry alone employs _______ of the work force


There are ___________ reserves located around Canada and a large majority of Canada's native people live on them.

Canada's farmland areas and its port cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver)

What are Canada's most populated areas?

automobiles, steel, household appliances, electronics, and high-tech and mining equipment

What are some things Canada produces?

What is today Nova scotia (once called acadie), founded in 1604

What is the oldest settlement by the French?

John Cabot landing on Newfoundland in 1497 and claiming the land for England

What set off other explorations and settlements by England and other countries?

Newfoundland and Labrador

What was the last province accepted into Canada?


Where did Leif Erikson first land?

In remote Arctic areas

Where do the Inuit live?

service industry

Which of Canada's industries dominates the economy?

around 1000 AD by Leif Erikson

Who founded Canada and when did he find it?

US because we have the longest open border and speak the same language

Who is Canada's chief trading partner and why?

British won

Who won the French and Indian War?


______ of French Canadians live in Quebec

Fur trade

________________was enormous in the early development of Canada.


a representative lawmaking body whose members are elected or appointed and in which legislative and executive functions are combined

farming, logging, mining, fishing, shipbuilding, oil and gas, manufacturing, service

economic sectors

Prarie Provinces

in Canada, the provinces west of Ontario and Quebec-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta

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