World History Ch. 11,13,14

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Large plantation owners

...were the wealthiest class in America in 1860.


During the Mexican-American War the most adamant expansionists called for American takeover of:

Congress momentarily putting aside sectional differences in favor of compromises.

Effects of John Brown's raid included all of the following except:

Sectional decision to attack Fort Sumter.

Effects of the Compromise of 1850 included:

Effectively handle the territorial problems in Kansas.

Franklin Pierce failed to:

Endure the African slave trade

In 1807, the United States Congress:


In January of 1848, gold was discovered in:

Provided a defense of slavery in the South.

In Review of the Debates in Virginia Legislature of 1831 and 1832 Thomas R. Drew:

Stephen Douglas

In an intriguing race for the US Senate in Illinois, Abraham Lincoln was opposed by:

Could only exist in a territory if residents voted to protest it.

In the Freeport Doctrine, Stephen Douglas stated that slavery:

Re-enslave free blacks

In the late 1850s several southern states sought to:

They lacked the numbers to overpower whites.

It was difficult for American slaves to mount armed rebellions because:

Sam Houston

Leader of Texan forces that surprised General Santa Anna at San Jacinto.

Winfield Scott

Leader of the invasion of central Mexico that led to the taking of Mexico City.

The acquisition of foreign territories in the late 1890s

Manifest Destiny was used to justify:

Was viewed as a plot to extend slavery above the Missouri Compromise line.

Northerners of all parties were outraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it:

They were only enacted in the cotton kingdom of the Lower South.

Not true about slave codes.

A life expectancy that was roughly the same as their white contemporaries.

Not true about the slaves' general health.

Nat Turner

Over 60 whites in Virginia were killed in a rebellion led by:

Keeping states of the upper South in the Union.

President Lincoln's strategy regarding secession focused on:

Residents of a territory should decide the issue of slavery.

Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that:

Northern blacks

Reaction against the Fugitive Slave Act was strongest among:

A bloody civil conflict between proslavery and antislavery forces in Kansas.

Results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included:

A 15 million-dollar "war guilt" payment made by Mexico to the United States.

Results of the Mexican War included all of the following except:

Broken up by sales or forced removals.

Roughly one-third of slave marriages were:

Protestant sects permanently split apart over the issue of slavery.

Sectional tensions over slavery increased when:

The insincere promise of eventual freedom.

Slave owners commonly used all of the following incentives to motivate hard word except:

A powerful message of equality that deemed slavery to be immoral.

Slaves who converted to Christianity doscovered:

The teachings of Jesus as presented in the Bible

Southern evangelicals who supported slavery used all of the following to support their arguments except:

Urbanization and industrialization

Southern planters believed that the system of slavery would be weakened by:

He was the majority owner of the Union Pacific railroad

Stephen Douglas likely wanted a transcontinental railroad for all of the following reasons except:


Stephen Douglas supported all of the following ideas except:

Established the independence of Texas

The Battle of San Jacinto:

The Alamo and Goliad

The Mexican army annihilated defenders at:

Opened the door to the eventual American takeover of New Mexico.

The Santa Fe Trail:

Free labor should exist in territory gained in the Mexican War.

The Wilmot Proviso proposed that:

The 100 miles between the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers.

The actual fighting of the Mexican War began when American forces moved into:

The acquisition of California

The cornerstone if President Polk's foreign policy was:

Jefferson Davis

The declared president of the Confederate states was:

Americans voted very strongly along sectional lines.

The election of 1860 revealed that:

Stephen F. Austin

The first American empress rio of Texas who inherited a huge amount of land from his father, Moses.

Gabriel Prosser

The first large-scale plan of slave rebellion was led by:

South Carolina

The first state to choose secession was:

Concern of Southerners that it would upset the balance of free and slave states.

The greatest significance of California's desire to enter the Union was:

Females of child-bearing age used as a means of increasing the slave population.

The most-valued slaves in the slave market of 1815-1850 were male field hands and:

Two domestic servants betrayed the plan.

The plan for a huge slave rebellion in Charleston, South Carolina failed when:

Great Britain

This country led the cause to ban the slave trade:

John Brown

Who was an antislavery agitator in the middle of the violent confrontation in Kansas?

Six southern states had left the Union.

Within three months after the election of 1860:

The Mexican government sold land only in small portions to American settlers.

Which statement about Mexico's approach to early American settlers in Texas isn't true.

They were never allowed to be familiar with the financial accounts of the plantation.

Which statement about the wives of the southern planters is not true?

The Know-Nothing party

Anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic sentiment gave rise to this party.

Seperated slaves from their families.

A particularly cruel aspect of the internal slave trade was that it:

He was caught and executed within two days by authorities in Virginia.

All of the following about Nat Turner are true except:

The plan failed because it didn't direct the rebels to seize specific buildings.

All of the following statements about Denmark Vesey's planned rebellion are true except:

All of the novel's antagonists were white southerners who personified evil.

All of the following statements about Uncle Tom's Cabin are true except:

There was apathy in the part of the most people in the North and South.

All of the following were effects of the Dred Scott decision except:

Utah Territory

Under the compromise of 1850, which of the following would be able to choose whether to be a free or a slave state?

It moved them to active participation in the debate and the end of slavery.

What effect did the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin have on many northern white people?


What percentage of southern white families did not own slaves in 1860?


What percentage of the white southern population belonged to the plantation-owning class?


Which practice did settlers bring to Texas that was illegal under Mexican law?


Which religious group was largely involved in beginning the Underground Railroad?

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