World History Chapter 4 Section 3

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Slaves had some legal rights and an opportunity for social mobility. A few slaves even occupied positions of power. To escape slavery some slaves could marry into the family they were serving.

Describe the life of slaves in most African and Muslim societies. How could slaves escape their bondage in African societies?

The spread of Muslims(Islam) in Africa had increased slavery in the 7th century.

Which group had increased slavery in Afnica during the seventh century?

The Europeans planned to use natives as laborers but they died to diseases so instead they turned to africa for slaves.

Who had the Europeans planned to use for labor in the New World? Why did this not work out? Who did they turn to for labor when it did not work out?

Between 650 and 1600 Muslims transported around 17 million slaves to the Muslim lands of North and southwest Asia.

Who was transporting slaves between 650-1600? How many did they transport?Who did these slaves include?

Atlantic slave trade:The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

Describe the term Atlantic Slave Trade.

Triangular trade is when Europeans transported manufactured goods to the west coast of Africa. There, traders exchanged these goods for captured Africans. The Africans were then trans-ported across the Atlantic and sold in the West Indies. Slaves and other products mostly food the other places did not have like coffee, tobacco, and sugar.

Describe the term triangular trade. Describe two specific examples of triangular trade.

The rulers justified slavery as non Muslim prisoners could be of war could be bought and sold as slaves.

How did African rulers justify slavery?

During the 1500'sand 1600's almost 300,000 slaves were transported to the Americas, in the next century over 1.3 million were sold and brought to the Americas.

How many Africans were transported to the Americas between 1500-1600? How many were transported in the century after that?

The advantages Africans had over natives is that Africans were already exposed to the same diseases that the Europeans were so they would some immunities.

What advantages did the Europeans gain by using African slaves?

Aspects of African culture still influence society today with African music, art, religion, food, and culture.

What aspects of African culture continue to influence American society?

The stono rebellion was when a group of slaves in South Carolina led an uprising and due to this uprisings continued into the 1800s.

What was the Stono Rebellion? What was the result?

The greatest contribution the Africans had on the Americas was their labor, muscle, agricultural techniques, and back breaking work.

What was the greatest contribution of the Africans to the development of theAmericas?

The middle passage was The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America. It was called this because it was considered the middle leg of the transatlantic slave trade .

What was the middle passage? Why was it called that?

Some cultural traditions that slaves kept alive through slavery were their musical traditions as well as the stories from their ancestors.

What were some cultural traditions that the Africans kept alive even through slavery?

Some significant impacts the transatlantic slave trade had on African society were family were torn apart, introducing guns into the continent, and numerous cultures lost generations of their fittest members. The future of africa was much different due to Americas having relations.

What were some significant impacts that the Atlantic slave trade had on African society? How did this affect the future of Africa?

Some ways the Africans resisted bondage by breaking tools, uprooting plants, and working slowly.

What were some ways that the Africans resisted bondage?

Beginning around the 1500 the Europeans used Africans as slaves.

When did European colonists begin enslaving Africans in the Americas?

The Atlantic slave trade ended around 1870 and 9.5 million Africans had been brought to the Americas by then.

When did the Atlantic Slave Trade end? How many Africans had been taken to the Americas by this time?

Sugar plantations and tobacco farms required a large supply of workers to make them profitable for their owners.

Which cash crops grown in the New World required a large supply of workers to make them profitable?

The Portuguese's had imported 40% of all African to the Americas by the 17th century because they needed slaves to help farm sugar.

Which country imported 40 percent of all Africans to the Americas during the 17th century? What was their purpose?

The spanish took an early lead in transporting Africans to the Americans.

Which country took the early lead in importing Africans to the Americas?

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