World History Exam

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Where would you find the Mughal Empire?


Which instrument used a magnetized needle to determine direction?

A compass

Which law allowed people to once again print and preach Protestant views after Henry VIII died?

Act of Repeal

Out of Zwingli's ideas came which group?


Pope Clement V moved the seat of the papacy from Rome to where?

Avignon, France

Which Portuguese explorer was the first to sail around the southern tip of Africa in 1488?

Bartolomeu Dias

Jan Huss was located in which area of Europe?


How would a joint-stock company, like the English East India Company, use capital (or wealth) it received from selling shares? [Check all that apply.]

Capital would be used to hire a crew for a voyage to the Far East. Capital would be used to purchase ships. Capital would be used to purchase supplies.

Because power had shifted from the local lords to the kings and queens of Europe, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were able to sponsor ____________ expensive voyage across the ocean in 1492.

Christopher Columbus's

Which pertain to indulgences? [Choose all that apply.]

Church officials sold them. They were sold with the promise of forgiveness of sin. They were sold with the promise that the time dead souls spent in purgatory would be limited.

What was the capital of the Incan Empire?


The Catholic Church originally gave Henry VIII which title?

Defender of the Faith

Why was Portugal in no hurry to colonize Brazil [Choose all that apply.]

Dense jungle and vegetation made settling in Brazil difficult. Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in India. Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in Africa.

John Wycliffe was located in which area of Europe?


Who laid the groundwork for the Reformation by compiling sources and making an edition of the Greek New Testament available?

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Spain sent which explorer in 1519 to find a way around the Americas to Asia?

Ferdinand Magellan

Which Spanish ruler(s) defeated the last Muslim kingdom in Spain in 1492, successfully ending the 700-year Reconquista?

Ferdinand and Isabella

List and describe four of the six results of the Reformation. (Write a minimum of two sentences for each result.)

Fractured Christianity- Before the reformation, there was only one church. After, the church was split into different denominations. Increased Religious Intolerance- Everything was unified and in harmony before the information in the Church. After the Reformation, the church and political matters started to go together, and it caused violence. Increased Public Education- More people started to realize that they need access to education after the reformation. It was to fill spaces in the government, so universities began to open. Religious Reform- The reformation changed how the church was run. Violence was starting to be used in the church to enforce their beliefs. These cause people to stray from the church.

Who oversaw the Spanish Inquisition?

Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros

Luther argued that who should be responsible for the spiritual well-being of the people of Germany?

German princes

What did the Black Death cause people to believe?

God was punishing them.

How did Pope Boniface VIII respond to King Philip IV's attempt to collect taxes from French clergymen? [Choose all that apply.]

He forbade any clergyman from paying any tax without permission from the Vatican. He threatened to excommunicate anyone who tried to collect taxes from church officials.

Why did John White leave the Roanoke Island Colony and return to England?

He needed to return to raise support and supplies for the colony.

Which of the following was king of England in 1500?

Henry VII

Trade routes across the Indian Ocean linked which countries, regions, and/or continents of the world together? [Choose all that apply.]

India East Asia Africa The middle east

Which of the following were true at the height of the Mughal Empire? [Choose all that apply.]

It encompassed most of the Indian subcontinent. It saw massive population growth because of increased agricultural production. You Answered religion.

Which best describes The Index? [Choose all that apply.]

It was a list of books that people were not allowed to read, purchase, or sell. It targeted the works and writings of reformers like Marin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli. The Catholic Church abolished it in 1966. It worked to stop the spread of Protestant ideas.

Identify the first permanent and successful English settlement in North America.


In 1497, which explorer sailed from England, crossed the Atlantic, and explored the eastern coast of Canada?

John Cabot

Who is known as the Morning Star of the Reformation?

John Wycliffe

During the Age of Discovery, the Mississippi River Valley region was renamed ________ in honor of King Louis XIV of France.


Jan Huss supported whch ideas? [Choose all that apply.]

Man does not need a priest to help him read the Bible. Wycliffe's views on theological issues Man can understand the Scriptures for himself.

What motivated people from England and other parts of Europe to cross the dangerous Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World? [choose all that apply]

Many were seeking social and political freedom. Many were seeking new economic opportunities. Many were fleeing religious persecution.

Which Venetian merchant revealed to Europeans the goods and culture of the Chinese?

Marco Polo

Which English monarch reversed much of Protestantism after Edward VI's reign?

Mary I

Identify the largest Dutch settlement in North America.

New Netherland

Why couldn't the College of Cardinals remove a bad or unstable pope? [Choose all that apply.]

No man could judge a pope. There was no rule or precedent that allowed it. The pope was considered God's representative on Earth, and he carried God's authority.

Who arrived in the Americas about 500 years before Columbus did?


Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church The Ninety-Five Theses on which date ____________________? [Include the month, day, and year.]

October 31, 1517

Which of the following is NOT an example of the increasing corruption in the Catholic Church before the Reformation?

Parish priests were teaching from apocryphal works.

Up to the time of the Crusades, why did local lords have more power than most kings in Europe?

People turned to local rulers rather than their distant king for protection against swift-moving, invading groups like the Vikings and horseback-riding Magyars.

Of the Italian authors, which Renaissance writer promoted the philosophy that man should be concerned with salvation but also enjoy the world?


In The Prince, which did Machiavelli argue? [Choose all that apply.]

Politics and morality are not related. Is it better to be loved or feared? And, to get what you want in life, the answer is fear. The end justifies the means.

Which country was able to establish a monopoly on trade coming from Africa and India and, as a result, became one of the richest countries in Europe during the early years of the Age of Discovery?


Why was Portugal in no hurry to colonize Brazil? [choose all that may apply]

Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in India. Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in Africa. Dense jungle and vegetation made settling in Brazil difficult.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the role of the Church in the Hundred Years' War?

Priests and clerics took up arms in their own bid for Roman supremacy.

Which of the following formed a school to train sailors and explorers?

Prince Henry the Navigator

What was the first attempted English settlement in the New World?

Roanoke Island

During the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in which type of culture? [Choose all that apply.]

Roman Greek

Which French explorer was called the Father of New France and founded the important French settlement of Quebec in 1608?

Samuel de Champlain

John Knox is best associated with the Reformation in which nation?


The development of the scientific method is best associated with whom?

Sir Francis Bacon

Which European country benefited the most from the Treaty of Tordesillas?


The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement between which two countries to split ownership of the New World?

Spain and Portugal

Which Christian Native American helped the Pilgrims grow food and establish their settlement in Plymouth?


Ulrich Zwingli is best associated with the Reformation in which nation?


What was the name of the new Aztec capital?


Which are the reasons for the end of the Italian Renaissance? [Choose all that apply.]

The Catholic Reformation created a need in the Church to become more conservative. Trade routes shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. The Protestant Reformation inhibited the further growth of art and culture in Italy.

Which were results of Jan Huss's actions? [Choose all that apply.]

The Council of Constance executed him. He was given safe conduct to the Council of Constance. A growing movement developed against the Church.

Which of the following political statements best describes Maya government?

The Maya were not a unified nation but instead were a collection of city-states.

Why was John White delayed in returning to the Roanoke Island Colony?

The Spanish Armada was on its way to invade England.

Which of the following best describes the government of the Incan Empire?

The government was very involved in the daily lives of the people and controlled every aspect of the economy.

What were important technological innovations that traders brought from the Middle East? [Choose two.]

The windmill The Waterwheel

Which of the following best describes why the original Jamestown settlers came to the New World?

They came to the New World seeking wealth.

What was significant about the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain? [Choose all that apply.]

They completed the reconquest of Spanish lands from the Moors. They supported Columbus's New World exploration. They united the nation under their leadership when they married.

Why were the nobility of France unable to utilize their position of economic power in the 16th century?

They were fiercely independent and often competitive.

What was the great achievement of Ferdinand Magellan's crew?

They were the first to completely sail around the world.

Based on the lesson material, who was one of the main supporters of a Reformation in England?

Thomas Cromwell

Which pope received a letter from the Christian Byzantine Empire in 1095, asking for help against the Muslim Turks?

Urban II

Which of the following is NOT considered a change that occurred during the Renaissance?

a change in military tactics and the power of law

Which of the following were results of the Great Schism? [Choose all that apply.]

a divided Europe several Church councils loss of the people's trust

What is a tariff?

a tax on imported goods from other countries, which encourages the local population to buy products made at home since they are cheaper

Which economic system emphasizes minimum government interference, low taxation, and free markets?


Before the arrival of the Europeans, Native Americans had never seen _______________________________.

cows, pigs, or chickens

Of the families in Florence, Italy, which one gained prominence?

de Medici

What attracted the French to explore? [Choose all that apply.]

furs fish

What is usury?

making money from interest charged on loans

The prince of Portugal established a school in the 1400s. Which skills did it teach? [Choose all that apply.]

mapmaking usage of navigational equipmen

Where was Maya civilization located?

on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America

John Calvin promoted which ideas? [Choose all that apply.]

predestination a connection between the Church and the State hard work

For what is Copernicus known?

reviving the theory that we live in a sun-centered universe

What was the catalyst that led to Martin Luther's The Ninety-Five Theses?

selling of indulgences

Identify the exotic Asian trade goods Arab merchants sold to the Europeans during the Crusades. [Choose all that apply.]

silks porcelain spices

Muslim caravans in Africa traded not only in gold but in _______________.


Which devastating disease did the Spanish bring to Central America that killed thousands of Aztecs?


Which Mesoamerican group dominated Central America during the 1400s?

the Aztecs

Prior to 1500, Western European cities developed trade based on shipping routes around which sea?

the Baltic Sea

For Martin Luther, what was the final authority for religious truth?

the Bible

Thomas Cranmer's greatest contribution to the English Reformation was what?

the Book of Common Prayer

Which group controlled 40% of France's wealth in 1500?

the Catholic Church

When war erupted between France and England in 1754 for control of North America, which side did most Native Americans join?

the French

When two Catholics, one in Avignon and one in Rome, claimed to be pope at the same time, it became known as what?

the Great Schism

Who was/were considered the main intellectual force(s) for the Catholic Church?

the Jesuits

Which was the most powerful economic force in Europe during the Late Middle Ages?

the Roman Catholic Church

Whereby ________________________________ primarily drive(s) mercantilism to increase a nation's power, ________________________ seeking to make a profit drive capitalism .

the government; individuals and companies

Which of the following were the harmful effects of the Columbian Exchange?

the introduction of new diseases like smallpox to the Natives

Which was Germany's most revolutionary contribution to the Renaissance?

the invention of the movable type printing

Which Renaissance invention helped spread ideas quickly?

the movable type printing press

Which was one reason Luther's ideas became popular?

the printing press

The Aztecs were _______________.


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