World History Imperialism Test Study Guide (Adams) 15.1,2,4

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Economic, political, military, humanitarian, religious

5 main causes of the new imperialism

sphere of influence

Another form of Western control was the ________________________, an area in which an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges. Europeans carved out these in China and elsewhere to prevent conflicts among themselves. The US claimed parts of Latin America as its _________________, holding off European powers that might compete with its interest


Bankers benefited from expansion in that it provided new opportunities for ________

King Leopold II

Belgium king who hired Stanley to explore Congo River basin and arrange trade treaties with AFrican leaders, publicly spoke of civilizing missions but privately dreamed of conquest and profit. Activities set off scramble by other nations with Britain, France, and Germany pressing rival claims to region. Scramble begins

David Livingstone

British doctor and missionary who captured imaginations of Westerners. For 30 years, crisscrossed Africa and wrote about many peoples he met with more sympathy and less bias than did most Europeans. Relentlessly opposed slave trade (said only way to end it was to open up interior of Africa to Christianity and trade). Europeans credited Livingstone with "discovering" the huge waterfalls on Zambezi River. He named them Victoria Falls after Queen Victoria. The Africans who lived nearby had long known falls as Most oa Tunya ("the smoke that thunders")

Cecil Rhodes

British industrialist and passionate imperialist who made fortune in mining in southern AFrica, dreamed of building a "Cape to Cairo" railway to link the two British possessions, helped Britain extend its AFrican empire by 1 million square miles, British colony of Rhodesia named after him, cared more about power than money


Catholic and Protestant missionaries followed explorers, seeking to win people to Christianity. Missionaries sincere in their desire to help Africans (built schools, medical clinics, churches), focused on evils of slave trade. Still, held a _________ view of Africans, meaning they saw them as children in need of guidance. African cultures were considered :degrading" and they were urged to reject their traditions

Menelik II

Christian kingdom that had been divided up among rival princes who ruled own domains, reforming ruler, _________ began to modernize is country, hired Euorpean expert to plan roads, build bridges, and set up WEstern schools, imported latest weapons and European officers to help train his army, when Italy invaded Ethiopia, they were prepared and defeated italians. Along with Liberia, only AFrican nations to preserve independence

growth of a money economy

Costs of governing colonies were huge and colonial govts required local people to pay taxes in cash to pay for these costs. The only way people could earn cash was to sell their labor, working on large plantations, factories, and mines. Some became indentured servant or forced laborers who were shipped of other parts of the world to work

indirect rule did not replace traditional rulers with European officials (gave them limited power and no govt influence)

Difference between indirect and direct rule

advantages of imperialism

Europe developed colonies economically, built railroads and roads, set up telegraph system, increased and improved communication and transportation, improved medical care and better methods of sanitation, set up hospitals, clinics, and healthcare. New crops, tools, and farming methods increased food production. Colonial rule secured peace by ending local warfare in some areas

border changes

Europeans drew borders around the territories, often splitting ethnic or cultural groups and lumping people who shared no common heritage together

economic changes

Europeans expected colonies to be profitable. Colonial rulers tapped local mineral and agricultural resources. Where mineral resources were lacking, colonial powers developed cash crops (rubber, cotton, peanuts, palm oil). rise or fall of prices of cash crops affected standards of living in the colonies


Finally, Europeans often played _______ groups within a region against each other. In India, the British successfully used rivalries between Hindu and Muslim princes to their advantage. In Africa, Europeans encouraged divisions among local rulers to keep them from joining forces against the newcomers

Impact of slave trade

For centuries, Europeans had taken Africans to work the plantations and mines of the Americas. Arabs and Africans also traded slaves. Beginning in early 1800s, European nations slowly outlawed slavery (took years). In Britain and the US, abolitionists promoted idea of returning freed slaves to Africa. British organized Sierra Leone in West AFrica as a colony for former slaves. Later, some free blacks from the US settled in nearby Liberia which had become independent state in 1847. Slavery still existed between Arab and African slave traders who seized people from Central and East Africa to work as slaves in Middle East and Asia. Thus, slave demand and trade remained and continued in Africa. Europeans demanded action to end this

rapidly growing populations

For some countries, colonies offered a valuable outlet for __________

medical advances and river steamships

From 1400s through 1700s, europeans traded along Arrican coast but knew very little about continent, relied on Africans to bring slaves and trade goods from interior to coastal trading posts. European interest in AFrica increased during imperialism because spurred on by trading companies and desire for adventure. In past difficult geography, African resistance, and diseases had kept Europeans from moving into interior. In 1880s, ________________ and _________________ helped Europeans move inland and through the rivers.

German Africa

Germany newly united under leadership of Bismark who at first had little interest in overseas expansion. Eventually realized importance and took lands in Southwest Africa (Namibia) and East Africa (Tanzania, Cameroon, Togo)

West Africa Before Imperialism

IN great savanna region of West Africa, Islamic reform movement brought change. The scholar and preacher Usman dan Fodio denounced the corruption of local Hausa rulers, beginning with the Fulani people in northern Nigeria. He called for social and religious reforms to purify and revive Islam. Under Usman and others, several new Muslim states arose, built on trade, farming, and herding.

Yaa Asantewaa

In West Africa, British faced powerful Asante kingdom in series of wars, when king was exiled, Asante people put themselves under command of their queen, ______ _________. She led last fight against British


In ________, wars among the peoples and the damaging effects of the slave trade had undermined long-established kingdoms and city-states. Newer African states were not strong enough to resist the Western onslaught. Many Africans lived in small communities with no strong, centralized kingdom to protect them

political changes

In conquered territories, European nations set up govts that reflected their own traditions. Introduced legal systems that relied on abstract principles of right and wrong (on contrary, many African forms of justice had emphasized consensus). Many Africans saw these foreign principles as unjust especially when Europeans used these laws to take land from locals


In forest regions, strong states like the _________ kingdom had emerged. They traded with both Europeans and Muslims. Power was limited because controlled several smaller states who felt no loyalty to the central govt. These tributary states were ready to turn to other protectors who might help them defeat their Asante rulers. European powers would exploit this lack of unity


In many areas, imperial powers established ________. France and Britain, the leading imperial powers, developed different kinds of colonial rule


In some places, Western powers established a _________. In this, local rulers were left in place but were expected to allow the advice of European advisers on issues such as trade or mission activity. Advantages over a colony include less expensive to run and did not require large commitment of military forces unless crisis occurred

Boer War

In southern AFrica, British clashed with Boers when Britain acquired Cape Colony from Dutch. Resented British rule and many migrated north to set up own republics. Discovery of gold and diamonds in Boer republics led to conflict with Britain, this war involved bitter guerrilla fighting and British won but at great cost. British united Cape Colony and former Boer republics into Union of South Africa, new constitution set up govt run by whites and laid foundation for system of complete racial segregation


In the Middle East, the _______ faced many challenges from within their diverse empire. Weak rulers in Mughal India triggered internal unrest with less tolerant policies towards Hindus. In China, Qing rulers resisted calls for modernization with bad consequences.


In the West, a small group of _________ emerged. Some argued that colonialism was a tool of the rick. Others opposed it because they wanted to focus on improving conditions for Western people rather than imposing change on other cultures. Still, some called it immoral. They said that Westerners were moving towards greater democracy at home but imposing undemocratic rule on other peoples

East Africa before Imperialism

Islam long influenced East coast (including cities like Mobasa and Kilwa who had suffered setbacks when Portuguese arrived in early 1500s), east African cities still sent trading ships to Red Sea or Persian Gulf, cargoes were human captives who had been seized in interior and march to coast. Shipped as slaves to the Middle East and copper from Central Africa was also exchanged for goods such as firearms and cloth

Horrors in Congo

Leopold and other wealthy Belgians exploited riches on Congo (copper, rubber, ivory), tortured and brutalized villagers who were forced to work for almost nothing (unwilling laborers were bean or mutlialted), population drastically declines in some areas, international outrage forces Leopold to turn over his personal colony to Belgian govt who ended worst abuses but resources still exploited and inhabitants given little or no say in govt or economy

natural resources

Manufacturers wanted access to ________ ________ and to expand their global markets by increasing the number of consumers to whom they could sell their goods

Social Darwinism

Many westerners embraced the ideas of ________ __________. They applied Darwin's theories about natural selection and survival of the fittest to human societies

Western Civilization

Missionaries, doctors, and colonial officials believed they had a duty to spread what they saw as the blessings of ___________ _________, including its medicine, law, and Christian religion

Samouri Touré

Muslim military leader who founded powerful West African kingdom in Niger River region and fought against French forces


New _________ gave Westerners a huge advantage. This included Maxim machine guns, repeating rifles, and steam-driven war ships


People in Africa and Asia strongly _______ Western expansion

European races were superior to all others

Social Darwinists argued that _________________________________________________________ and imperial conquest of weaker races was simply nature's way of improving human species


Sometimes, Western nations acquired colonies for the _________ of ruling a global empire


Steam powered merchant ships and naval vessels needed ______ around the world to take on coal and supplies, seizing islands and harbors to satisfy these needs


They migrated north, conquering still other peoples and creating their own powerful states. By the 1830s, Zulus faced threat of ________, descendants of Dutch farmers who were migrating north from the Cape Colony. In 1806, Cape Colony had passed from Dutch to British. Many of these people resented British laws that abolished slavery and otherwise interfered with their way of life. To escape British rule, they loaded their goods into covered wagons and trekked north ("Great Trek"). Migrating Boers came into contact with Zulu. They fought and at first, Zulus held their own but in the end, Zulu spears could not defeat Boer guns

national security interests

Western leaders claimed that colonies were needed to protect their __________ ________ ______


While European nations had grown stronger in the 1800s, several older civilizations were _________


Zulu emerged as major forc ein southern Africa under ruthless and brilliant leader, ___________. His war disrupted life across southern Africa and groups driven from their homelands by the Zulu then adopted his tactics

European powers

________ had the advantages of strong economies, well-organized governments, and powerful armies and naives. Superior technology, including riverboats, the telegraph, and improved medical knowledge, also played a role


________, a driving force in Europe, played a major role too. As Europeans stated seizing territories overseas, it set off a race among rival nations. When France moved into West Africa, rival nations like Britain and Germany seized nearby African lands to halt further French expansion

Portuguese Africa

colonies in Angola and Mozambique

cash crop

crop raised to be sold for money on the world market

explorers push into african interior

daring adventurers like Mungo Park and Richard Burton set out to map course and sources of Niger, Nile, and Congo; some explorers were self-promoters who wrote glowing accounts of their bold deeds. Endured great hardships while exploring Africa, fascinated by geography yet knew little about people

Berlin Conference

european powers met at conference to avoid bloodshed over Africa (didn't take place in AFrica and no Africans invited), Europeans recognize Leopold's private claims to Congo Free State but call for free trade on Congo and Niger rivers, agreed that European power could not claim any part of Africa unless had set up govt there (Europeans quickly sent officials), redrew map of AFrica with little regard for traditional patterns of settlement/ethnic boundaries

North Africa Before Imperialism

includes fertile land along the Mediterranean and the enormous Sahara. Before 1800, region had been part of Muslim world with much including Egypt sill ruled by the weakening Ottoman empire

Henry Stanley

journalist who trekked into Central Africa to find Livingstone who had not been heard from for years. Finally raked him down in Tanzania, greeting him with "Dr. Livingston, I presume?"

Italian Africa

occupied Libya and pushed into horn of Africa, at southern end of Red Sea

disadvantages of improvements in transportation and communication

railroads linked plantations and mines to ports, where cash crops and raw materials were shipped overseas. These systems allowed colonial govts to extend their control and encouraged the migration of workers (built to benefit colonial rulers, not the people they controlled)

social and cultural changes

rise of money economy contributed to breakdown of traditional cultures. Until Europeans arrived, most people lived in close-knit villages that had subsistence economies. As money economy grew, people needed to have cash and therefore took jobs in distant mines or plantations. Their long absences undermined family and many moved (decline of the close-knit village life). Christian missionaries worked hard to win converts, urging newcomers to the faith to reject traditional beliefs and customs. Missionaries set up schools that emphasized the superiority of Western civilization. Impressed by European wealth, power, and teachings, many colonial people embraced Christianity, rejected their traditional cultures, and accepted the idea of European superiority.

Usman dan Fodio

ruled the Sokoto Caliphate (largest empire in Africa since fall of Songhai), stretched for 1500 miles and included 30 emirates (smaller states), success inspired other reform movements with other Islamic leaders replacing old ones or setting up new states

Two factors limiting African resistance in East AFrica

slave trade disrupted small societies and made some more sympathetic to European expansion, outbreak of rinderpest, a cattle disease the caused famine

British Africa

smaller and more scattered than that of France, included more heavily populated areas and many rich resources, gained control of Egypt, pushed south into Sudan, and ruled much of southern Africa

South Africa before Imperialism

southern Africa was in turmoil because of Zulu wars, Zulu people had migrated into southern Africa in 1500s


spiritual leader of the Shona people in Zimbabwe. Inspired the Shona to resist British rule. She and husband were captured and executed by British. courage inspired later generations to fight for freedom


the policy of one country's political, economic, or cultural domination over other lands and territories

French Africa

took giant share of Africa, invaded and conquered Algeria in North Africa, extended influence along Mediterranean into Tunisia. Colonies in West and Central Africa (at height empire was large as continental US)


upper class, Western-educated African upper class emerged in both AFrica and other parts of the world. Some middle-class ppl in Africa admired WEstern ways and rejected their own culture, other valued their ancient traditions and condemned Western societies. African leaders forging nationalist movements to pursue self-determination and independence

indirect rule

used by British, British governor and council of advisers made laws for each colony. Local rulers loyal to the governor retained some authority and served as agents for the British. British encouraged children of local ruling class to get British education so new generation was groomed to become agents of indirect rule and Western civilization

direct rule

used by French, sent officials and soldiers from France to administer their colonies, goal was to impose French culture on their colonies and turn them into French provinces. Reflected European belief that colonial people were incapable of ruling themselves

Western-educated Africans and Asians

who, using Enlightenment ideas about freedom and liberty to call for an end to colonial rule, led nationalist movements in the countries where many of the people were forced into labor?

wanted to bolster national image and further economy and influence

why did other European powers join scramble for African colonies?

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