world history unit 2

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south of Chile and Argentina.

As navigation skills advanced, explorers reached the area now known as the Straits of Magellan. The Straits of Magellan are located south of Chile and Argentina. at the southernmost point of Brazil. between the South China Sea and India. at the southern tip of Africa.

Inca Empire.

Atahualpa was the leader of the Inca Empire. Aztec Empire. Mexican Empire. Spanish Empire.

claim territory outside of Europe.

During the Age of Discovery, the purpose of most European explorations was to search for resources and trade routes and to claim territory outside of Europe. find religious sites and relics. bring food and supplies to the rest of the world. expand the Holy Roman Empire.

a large and rich empire in South America

Which best describes the Incas? a large and rich empire in South America a small and poor indigenous tribe in Central America a large and rich empire in Mexico a small and poor indigenous tribe in South America


Which Spanish class included Spanish colonists born in the Americas? peninsulares criollos mestizos conquistadors

peninsulares, criollos, mestizos, Indians, and enslaved persons

Arranged from greatest privileges to fewest privileges, which is the correct order of the Spanish class system? peninsulares, criollos, mestizos, Indians, and enslaved persons peninsulares, mestizos, criollos, Indians, and enslaved persons criollos, peninsulares, mestizos, Indians, and enslaved persons mestizos, peninsulares, criollos, Indians, and enslaved persons


According to the map, the majority of the thirteen colonies were founded by Spain. The Netherlands. Sweden. Britain.

The British panicked when they were shot at.

Based on this passage in a British newspaper, which statement is true? The British panicked when they were shot at. The French and the American Indians were very alarmed. The British were on a hill in a circle. The British fired and then panicked.

The native population may not have been so easily defeated.

Because the smallpox outbreak occurred before the Spaniards attacked, which result is most likely to have occurred? The native population may not have been so easily defeated. There would have been fewer deaths by starvation. Smallpox may have become a worldwide epidemic. Rival nations of the conquistadors would have aided the native population.

the science of mapmaking.

Cartography is the science of mapmaking. the process of transporting explorers. an advanced type of sailing ship. a device used for navigation.

Inca civilization

Cuzco was once a large city in the Aztec civilization. Inca civilization. Maya civilization. Zapotec civilization.

were accompanied by an increase in trade.

During the Age of Discovery, interactions between Asia and Europe led to competition for land and resources and caused trade setbacks for Europeans. led to the creation of maps that were too difficult to read. were welcome and peaceful. were accompanied by an increase in trade.

competitively among European nations.

Exploration was carried out competitively among European nations. cooperatively between the peoples of the world. cooperatively between the nations of Europe. with a sense of goodwill toward all people.

to work in mines and grow sugar

For what primary purpose did the Spanish enslave many American Indians? to build churches and grow coffee to build ships and grow tobacco to work in mines and grow sugar to work on ranches and grow corn

new technology.

Global exploration by sea was made possible primarily by longer routes. larger ships. military strength. new technology.

The Olmecs were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Mayas came later and adopted some of the Olmecs' early practices.

How did Olmec civilization differ from Maya civilization? The Olmecs were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Mayas came later and adopted some of the Olmecs' early practices. The Mayas were the first culture to live in Mesoamerica. The Olmecs came later and rejected most of the Mayas' early practices. The Olmec civilization declined after a prolonged drought, while the Maya civilization continued to flourish into the 1500s. The Maya civilization declined after a prolonged drought, while the Olmec civilization declined after years of warfare.

He explored the Mississippi River and built trading posts on it.

How did Robert de La Salle help extend France's influence in the New World? He explored and established colonies in Canada. He explored Hudson Bay, the Hudson River, and the Hudson Strait. He explored the Pacific Ocean and Hawaii. He explored the Mississippi River and built trading posts on it.

They led to technological growth.

How did interactions among the peoples and societies of the world during the age of discovery affect European technology? They led to technological growth. They had no real impact on technology. They were damaging to technological know-how. They stifled technological growth.

The Spanish forced American Indians to convert to Christianity while the French built relationships with them.

How did the Spanish and French differ in their treatment of American Indians? The Spanish forced American Indians to convert to Christianity while the French built relationships with them. The French arrived in large numbers, while the Spanish arrived in small numbers. The French were dependent on the fur trade, while the Spanish were dependent on the sugar trade. The Spanish built relationships with American Indians, while the French forced their culture onto them.

both civilizations played a ball game with hoops.

How were the Mayas and the Zapotecs similar? Both civilizations were ruled by an emperor. Both civilizations played a ball game with hoops. Both civilizations practiced monotheistic religions. Both civilizations existed well into the 1400s.


In 1608, Samuel de Champlain returned to Canada to establish _________ , the first successful French settlement in North America. Quebec Ottawa Montreal Halifax


In the first Spanish colonies, how did nearly all American Indians die? poison disease sacrifice neglect

the Aztecs as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.

Moctezuma II ruled over the Aztecs as king near the beginning of the eighteenth century. the Incas as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century. the Aztecs as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century. the Spanish as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.


One of the long-reaching effects of the Spanish conquest was the spread of what religion across the Americas? Buddhism Hinduism Catholicism Protestantism

Aztec Empire

Paying tribute included giving gold or human sacrifice victims to a larger, more powerful empire. Which empire forced others to pay tribute? Aztec Empire Inca Empire Spanish Empire Portuguese Empire

The enslaved people onboard suffered from illness with some frequency.

Read the following passages from John Newton's diary. Which claim is supported by this reading? The men on board the ship treated the enslaved people well. The ship suffered an epidemic of bacterial infection. The enslaved people onboard suffered from illness with some frequency. A large percentage of the enslaved people onboard had died.

the existence of strong smells

Read the passage from Olaudah Equiano's autobiography. Which is described in the text? the deaths of a few enslaved people a crowded but cool place the existence of strong smells a small and dark space

an Aztec city.

Read this passage, which was written by a Spanish explorer in the 1500s. This quotation describes an Aztec city. an Inca city. a Maya city. a Zapotec city.

a stone calendar

The Aztecs adopted which aspect of Maya civilization? cacao bean currency a central government a stone calendar a strong military


The Aztecs controlled the most powerful empire in Peru. Mexico. Bolivia. Panama.

knots and designs in strings.

The Incas developed a record-keeping system using shells and beads on strings. knots and designs in strings. writing and pictographs. numbers and calculations

roads to connect different parts of their empire.

The Incas were the first early American civilization to create roads to connect different parts of their empire. stone carvings that showed images of their rulers. an urban area with a system of canals. a calendar based on a solar year of 365 days.

constructed giant stone mountains.

The Olmec people constructed giant stone monuments. built pyramids out of blocks of stone. developed a writing system with pictographs. created a system of numbers that included zero.

the desire for gold.

The conquistadors were driven primarily by the desire for gold. a religious duty to acquire land for Spain. an urge to distribute land to the native peoples. a desire to have American Indians experience power and fame.

the Muslim empire was advanced in technology.

The fact that the astrolabe was developed in the Muslim empire implies that Europeans had more advanced technology. Europeans had did not make use of new knowledge. the Muslim empire was advanced in technology. the world outside of Europe was undeveloped.

for religion, profit, and strategy.

The middle colonies were founded as safe havens for Catholics and Quakers. as trading posts for fur. for profit and as strategic trading posts. for religion, profit, and strategy.

made regular payments to the emperor.

The tribute states of the ancient Aztec empire were governed directly by the emperor. made regular payments to the emperor. acted as powerful independent city-states. surrounded the main Aztec city-state.

All goods and raw materials were tightly regulated by the mother country.

What aspect of the Commercial Revolution would bring discord between colonists and their mother countries? There was a lack of a stock exchange in the colonial outpost. All goods and raw materials were tightly regulated by the mother country. Colonial farmers were taxed on goods they produced. Colonists were not permitted to buy shares in joint-stock companies.

the Columbian Exchange

What caused Europe's population to increase, to provoke its interest in trade, and provided its population with large amounts of gold and silver? the Commercial Revolution the Columbian Exchange the Triangular Trade the mercantilism economy

Both civilizations lived in the Andes Mountains.

What did the Chavíns and the Incas have in common? Both civilizations lived in the Andes Mountains. Both civilizations lived along the Gulf Coast. Both civilizations fell around 200 BCE. Both civilizations fell in the 1530s.

a calendar based on a solar year of 365 days

What did the Mayas develop? intricate roads to connect different parts of their empire stone carvings that showed images of their rulers a calendar based on a solar year of 365 days an urban area with a system of canals

the movement of goods, money, and enslaved people that made up Triangular Trade

What do the arrows show? the three primary trade winds that helped ships travel in the 1500s the movement of goods, money, and enslaved people that made up Triangular Trade the movement of silver during the Commercial Revolution the three primary routes for commercial trade between Hispaniola and the Old World

the example of one particular tribe whose drastic and quick population decline mirrors the fate of the American Indians after 1492

What does the chart illustrate about the population? the steep decline of the native population due to exodus of Hispaniola following Columbus's arrival the complete disappearance of the Taino from Brazil due to the Columbian Exchange the example of one particular tribe whose drastic and quick population decline mirrors the fate of the American Indians after 1492 the severe decline of the Taino religious population after the mission system

It shows how tightly they were packed, which led to a harsh and often deadly journey.

What does this drawing show about enslaved Africans aboard this ship? It shows how tightly they were packed, which led to a harsh and often deadly journey. It shows how loosely they were packed, which led to a very safe and calming journey. It shows how comfortably they were packed, which led to a secure and harmless journey. It shows how carelessly they were packed, which led to a casual and effortless journey.

The British won the fight over the fertile Ohio River Valley and gained control of most French lands in North America.

What happened as a result of the Treaty of Paris? Spain, the predominant colonial power from 1500 to 1650, was officially forced out of North America. The British won the fight over the fertile Ohio River Valley and gained control of most French lands in North America. The Prussians gained control of Portugal and Eastern Europe by 1800. The British became the dominant colonial power in the Americas by 1800.

an economic policy in which countries collect gold or silver and control trade

What is the best definition for mercantilism? an economic policy in which investors buy shares in a company in order to share the risks and profits an economic policy in which countries collect gold or silver and control trade an economic system in which individuals own businesses an economic system in which money is put into something, such as a business, in order to make a profit

The colonies had different growing seasons.

What is the most likely reason why Southern colonies had such different exports from those of New England? New England colonists were not able to farm. The colonies had different growing seasons. New England colonies had limited access to waterways. Southern colonies did not have a plantation system.

a theocracy

What kind of government did the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay create? democracy a meritocracy a theocracy an autocracy

to find a water route to India

What was Vasco da Gama's main goal? to find a water route to India to discover Brazil to explore for the Spanish to reach the Americas

it was expensive.

What was one characteristic of early European exploration? It was safe. It was fast. It was expensive. It was predictable.

to claim territory along the coast

What was one of Portugal's main goals in exploring the west coast of Africa? to find the northernmost point of the continent to claim territory along the coast to find a sea route to North America to complete maps of the continent

Spain became rich by stealing the wealth of the American colonies.

What was the most significant result of the Spanish colonization of Central and South America? Spain became rich by stealing the wealth of the American colonies. Spain brought advanced cultural values to the American colonies. Spain brought religion and high moral values to the American colonies. Spain was transformed by the cultural richness of the New World.

the Ohio Valley

What was the name of the contested fur-rich farmland where the French would trade manufactured goods to the American Indians for fur? the St. Lawrence River Valley the Hudson River Valley the Great Lakes region the Ohio Valley

Africa's population declined, the Americas flourished with plants from Europe, and wealth flowed in the European economy.

What were some effects of the Columbian Exchange? Africa grew wealthy from the slave trade, the Americas gained gold from Europe, and the merchant class of Europe was born. Africa's population declined, the Americas flourished with plants from Europe, and wealth flowed in the European economy. African society was torn apart by the slave trade, the Americas exported finished goods to Europe, and European countries invested in the American stock market. West Africa began agricultural farming, the Americas were introduced to horses, and Europe started funding state banks.


When a nation conquers and settles another country for its own benefit, this practice is called assimilation. the mission system. the encomienda system. colonization.

in the West Indies

Where were the first Spanish colonies located in the New World? in Canada in North America in South America in the West Indies

Jamestown was founded, Quebec was founded, and the Seven Years' War was fought.

Which choice accurately fills in the timeline in order? Quebec was founded, Jamestown was founded, and the Seven Years' War was fought. Virginia was founded, Quebec was founded, and the French and Indian War was fought. Jamestown was founded, Quebec was founded, and the Seven Years' War was fought. The Virginia Commonwealth was founded, New France was founded, and the French and Indian War was fought.

The French gave up their colonies east of the Mississippi and Canada to Britain, and they gave New Orleans to Spain.

Which choice most accurately describes the consequences that France faced after the Seven Years' War? The French were pushed out of the Ohio River Valley, and their lands were given to the British. The French gave up their colonies west of the Mississippi and Canada to Britain, and they gave New Orleans to Spain. The French were pushed out of the contiguous United States, and their lands were given to the British. The French gave up their colonies east of the Mississippi and Canada to Britain, and they gave New Orleans to Spain.

the Seven Years' War

Which conflict in the 1700s changed the balance of power in Europe and the Americas to favor England and Prussia? the Revolutionary War the Seven Years' War the Spanish and Indian War the Treaty of Paris

France and Britain

Which countries sought control of North America during the Seven Years War? the Netherlands and France Spain and Britain France and Britain Spain and France

the Olmecs

Which culture was the first Mesoamerican civilization? the Aztecs the Mayas the Olmecs the Zapotecs

the Incas

Which early American civilization built this ancient city? the Aztecs the Chavins the Incas the Maya

the Maya

Which early American culture lived to the east of the Olmecs? the Aztecs the Chavins the Incas the Maya

"these so-called Christians set about stealing from people and murdering them"

Which excerpt from the passage best supports Bartolomé's argument that the Spanish were not behaving as Christians should? "since New Spain was discovered, great atrocities were committed" "these so-called Christians set about stealing from people and murdering them" "the indigenous people of the region and some were killed by members of the expedition" "the bloody tyranny of these Christians have steadily escalated"

Samuel de Champlain

Which explorer extended France's influence in the Americas through his establishment of Quebec? Samuel de Champlain Vasco da Gama Robert de La Salle Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand Magellan

Which explorer is known for being the first to circumnavigate the globe, yet died in Asia before completing his journey? Christopher Columbus Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan

exporting more goods than importing

Which is a positive balance of trade for a country? importing goods and exporting services importing raw materials and exporting goods importing more goods than exporting exporting more goods than importing

He invited Cortés into the city of Tenochtitlán.

Which is true regarding Moctezuma II? He was held hostage for his gold, then killed. He invited Bartolomé de las Casas to view his lands. He was invited by Pizarro as a friend and brother. He invited Cortés into the city of Tenochtitlán.

Moctezuma II

Which leader was imprisoned by Cortés? Moctezuma II Atahualpa Pizarro Columbus

The British panicked when they were attacked.

Which of the following can be assumed after reading this passage of an incident of the French and Indian War? The size of the troops was about the same. The British panicked when they were attacked. The officers did not help their men. The British struck first.


Which of these Southern colonies had the first colonial representative body and depended on exporting tobacco? Georgia Virginia Delaware the Carolinas

New France in 1750

Which settlement does the colored region of the map depict? New Spain in 1750 New France in 1750 New France in 1500 New Spain in 1763

Communities were devastated, the population declined, families were torn apart, and slave trading wars claimed even more African lives.

Which statement best describes the effect of Triangular Trade on Africa? Communities were devastated, the population declined, families were torn apart, and slave trading wars claimed even more African lives. Societal fabric was destroyed, between 10-15 million Africans were sent to the New World, and the rise of African state banks occurred. Young, healthy Africans were sent to the New World, a smallpox epidemic further decreased the population, and Africa began growing coffee. Ten to twenty percent of Africans on the Middle Passage died due to inhumane conditions, West Africa became a trading post for corn and wheat, and wars for colonial control began.

The Aztec civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states.

Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Aztecs? The Aztecs developed city-states that were powerful but independent. The Aztec civilization included different groups unified under a single religion. The Aztec civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states. The Aztecs were ruled by representatives from different city-states.

The Chavín civilization included different groups unified under a single religion.

Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Chavíns? The Chavíns developed city-states that were powerful but independent. The Chavín civilization included different groups unified under a single religion. The Chavín civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states. The Chavíns were run by representatives from different city-states.

The Mayas developed city-states that were powerful but independent.

Which statement best describes the political structure of the ancient Mayas? The Mayas developed city-states that were powerful but independent. The Maya civilization included different groups unified under a single religion. The Maya civilization was ruled by an emperor and had about four hundred tribute states. The Mayas were ruled by representatives from different city-states.

Terrace farming was used to grow crops in mountain areas, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in rainforests.

Which statement best explains how terrace farming differed from slash-and-burn agriculture? Terrace farming was used to grow crops in mountain areas, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in rainforests. Terrace farming was used to grow crops in rainforests, while slash-and-burn agriculture was used to grow crops in mountain areas. Terrace farming allowed farmers to grow a variety of crops, while slash-and-burn agriculture could only be used to grow corn. Terrace farming could only be used to grow corn, while slash-and-burn agriculture allowed farmers to grow a variety of crops.

The Age of Discovery was the beginning of globalization.

Which statement best explains the importance of the Age of Discovery? The Age of Discovery was the beginning of globalization. The Age of Discovery established longer trade routes. The Age of Discovery covered a very short time in history. The Age of Discovery explained the rise of freedom movements.

They were home to diverse immigrants, they were a center of trade, and they eventually came under British control.

Which statement is the most accurate description of the middle colonies in the 1700s? They were home to diverse immigrants, they were a center of trade, and they eventually came under British control. They were home to Dutch immigrants who sought religious freedom, they were a center for banking, and they exported large amounts of grain. They were home to wealth seekers, they were a center of commerce, and they exported large amounts of cattle. They were home to solely British colonists, they were a center of trade, and they chiefly exported wood.

It consisted of British people who were uninterested in spreading their religion or language.

Which statement is true of the British colony of Jamestown? It was founded as a debtor's colony for British people who had lost their land as a result of a debt. It consisted of British people who were uninterested in spreading their religion or language. It suffered severe losses due to disease and warfare with the Spanish. It was seen by the British as their most immediately successful colony due to a rich economy based on tobacco.

The Southern colonies were founded by people seeking profit, while the New England colonies were founded by people seeking religious freedom.

Which statement most accurately describes the main difference between the Southern and New England colonies? The Southern colonies were founded for farming, while the New England colonies were founded for manufacturing and commerce. The Southern colonies had elected governors, while the New England governors were appointed by the British. The Southern colonies were founded mainly by Puritans, while the New England colonies were founded by those who disagreed with Puritan rule. The Southern colonies were founded by people seeking profit, while the New England colonies were founded by people seeking religious freedom.

Both the French and the British wanted control of the Ohio River Valley.

Which statement most accurately describes the reasons for the Seven Years' War in North America? The French controlled the fur trade, and the British wanted to. Both the French and the British wanted control of the Ohio River Valley. The British wanted to convert American Indians to the Anglican religion. The British wanted to form alliances with American Indians, but all of them were already allied with the French.

Henry Hudson's and James Cook's

Whose explorations led to a greater knowledge of North America, the Arctic, Australia, and the Hawaiian islands? Robert de La Salle's and Henry Hudson's Henry Hudson's and James Cook's Samuel de Champlain's and Robert de La Salle's James Cook's and Samuel de Champlain's

to obtain cloths, spices, and other goods

Why did Europeans travel across the Mediterranean Sea to reach the Silk Road? to obtain cloths, spices, and other goods to discover ancient religious sites to escape natural disasters at home to search for a new home with opportunities

to assimilate American Indians

Why did Spain create missions in the colonies? to create forced labor using American Indians to adapt to American Indian traditions to assimilate American Indians to return land to American Indians

to set up a labor supply

Why did the Spanish government establish the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies? to grant land to American Indians to divide land equally to defend the American Indians to set up a labor supply

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