World Oceans Prologue - ch. 1

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Leif Eriksson

sailed west from Greenland in 1002 and reached North America roughly 500 years before Columbus.

Erik the Red

sailed west from Iceland in 982 and discovered Greenland.

In 1991, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) recommended the development of a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) to include _____________, ______________ and ______________. The goal of this program is to ____________________________________________________.

satellites, buoy networks, and research vessels; enhance our understanding of ocean phenomena so that events such as El Niño and its impact on climate can be predicted more accurately and with greater lead time

As long ago as 1200 B.C. or earlier, _________________________.

dried fish were traded in the Persian Gulf

Ridge Interdisciplinary Global Experiments

driven by the discovery of hydrothermal vents

Global Ocean Observing System

enhances understanding of ocean phenomena such as El Nino events to predict events, provide greater accuracy in understanding their potential impact, and give a greater lead time to those who might be impacted

physical oceanography

investigates the causes and characteristics of water movements such as waves, currents, and tides, and how they affect the marine environments

Sir John Ross

looking for the Northwest Passage, took bottom samples at over 1800 m (6000 ft) depth in Baffin Bay with a "deep-sea clamm," or bottom grab, and had found worms and other animals living in the mud.

challenges Portugal's expeditions faced

mariners believed that sea monsters would engulf the ships and the water temperatures at the equator were at the boiling point

Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate

measures sound waves over distances in the ocean to determine water temperature

to engineer and lay transantlantic telegraph cables, information on _________, ______, and ______ must be known

ocean bottom topography, ocean currents, marine organisms that might dislodge or destroy the cables

The ability to collect data by _________________ from ______________ has increasingly allowed researchers to observe the sea surface and ocean processes on a global scale.

remote sensing; satellites


established a relationship between time and longitude; a high accuracy clock

Icelander Bjarni Herjolfsson

on his way to Greenland to join the colonists in 985-86, was blown off course, sailed south of Greenland, and is believed to have come within sight of Newfoundland before turning back and reaching Greenland.

Marine Meteorology

the study of heat transfer, water cycles, and air-sea interactions (often included in the discipline of physical oceanography)

in the Mediterranean, the ___________ caught, preserved, and traded fish, while the _________________ founded fishing settlements, such as "the fisher's town" Sidon, that grew into important trading ports.

ancient Greeks; Phoenicians

methods of making scientific measurements of the ocean that was not available in the early 19th century

automated wave detectors, echo sounder

Meteor expedition

best known for its first use of the echo sounder

Magellan's crew was the first to

circumnavigate the Earth

Ocean Observatories Initiative

collects data on climate variability, ocean circulation, and plate tectonics, provide up to 30 years of continuous ocean measurements


collects information on the surface height of the ocean


composed of clumps of stars

voyage of the Fram

discovered the Arctic Ocean is a deep-ocean basin, not a shallow sea; great plankton blooms occur in the Arctic Ocean

WW2 caused the field of oceanography to

expand significantly in order to solve practical military problems

Challenger expedition

Sailed through all the major oceans with a team of scientists.

The Northwest Passage would have

allowed for a faster trading route from Europe to China

Navigators created a __________________ by dividing the horizon into thirty-two segments where their known stars rose and set.

"star structure"

The Austronesians, who first explored and populated the Pacific and Indian Ocean Basins, migrated from Asia to Taiwan and then to Luzon sometime bt _____________.

4500-2500 B.C.

Polynesians used careful observation and recording of where _____ rose and set on the horizon.


Alexander Agassiz

designer of the deep sea sampling equipment aboard the Albatros research vessel

The Franklin-Folger chart of the ____ ______ current aimed to expedite sea travel between England and America

Gulf Stream

Beagle expedition

Included Charles Darwin as the expedition's naturalist.

World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)

-1990-2002 -involved using chemical tracers to model circulation in the ocean and obtain data to help predict the response of seawater circulation to long-term changes in atmospheric circulation.


-1992-2005 -launched as a joint U.S.-French mission -was able to measure the surface height of 95% of the ice-free ocean to an accuracy of 3.3 cm (1.3 in).

Magellan timeline

-September 1519: left Spain with 270 men and five vessels in search of a westward passage to the Spice Islands -November 1520: discovered the Strait of Magellan and rounded the tip of South America -March 1521: arrived in the Philippines -April 1521: killed in a battle with the natives -November 1521: two of his ships sailed on and reached the Spice Islands -The Victoria continued sailing west and successfully crossed the Indian Ocean, rounded Africa's Cape of Good Hope, and arrived back in Spain on September 6, 1522, with eighteen of the original crew. *This was the first circumnavigation of Earth*

Matthew Maury

-began a systematic collection of wind and current data from ships' logs. -produced his first wind and current charts of the North Atlantic in 1847. -In 1855, he published The Physical Geography of the Sea.


-highly accomplished seamen who engaged in extensive exploration, trade, and colonization for nearly three centuries from about 793 to 1066 -best known for their voyages across the North Atlantic Ocean. They sailed to Iceland in 871 where as many as 12,000 immigrants eventually settled.

The Challenger

-in the Marianas Islands, the vessel took its deepest sounding at 8180 m (26,850 ft) in what is now known as the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench. -Sailing across the Pacific to Hawaii, Tahiti, and through the Strait of Magellan, it returned to England on May 24, 1876.

NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite

-launched in 1978 -carried a sensor package called the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), which *gave us the first truly global view of the ocean's chlorophyll distributions and productivity* -eventually replaced by the Sea-viewing Wide Field Sensor and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

The Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) project

-measured the travel time of sound waves over distances of the order of 5000 km (3100 mi). -changes in heat content of the northeast Pacific (an important climate parameter) were monitored by acoustic transmission from sources off California and Hawaii to eleven receivers in the eastern Pacific over a ten-year period from 1996 to 2006 -proved to be very successful in measuring sound travel times with great accuracy, resulting in detailed models of temperature.


-produced first world atlas -his atlas listed more than 8000 places by latitude and longitude, but his work contained a major flaw: accepted a value too small for Earth's circumference and led Columbus to believe that he had reached the eastern shore of Asia when he landed in the Americas.

Joint Global Ocean Flux Study

-resulted in over 3000 ship days of research and 343,000 nautical miles of ship travel before ending in 2003. -goal was to measure and understand on a global scale the processes controlling the cycling of carbon and other biologically active elements among the ocean, atmosphere, and land.

Alexander Agassiz

-served as the scientific director on the first ship built especially for scientific ocean exploration, the U.S. Fish Commission's Albatross (1882) -designed and financed much of the deep-sea sampling equipment that enabled the Albatross to recover more specimens of deep-sea fishes in one haul than the Challenger had collected during its entire three-and-a-half years at sea

middle ages

-shipbuilding imporved --> sailors could make longer voyages -knowledge of navigation increased. Harbor-finding charts, or portolanos, appeared.

Fridtjof Nansen's voyage on the Fram

-test his ideas about the direction of ice drift in the Arctic -departed with thirteen men from Oslo in June 1893. -The ship was frozen into the ice nearly 1100 km (700 mi) from the North Pole -the ship remained in the ice for thirty-five months.

Captain James Cook

-three voyages to chart the Pacific Ocean bt 1768 and 1779 -In 1768, he left England in command of the *Endeavour* on an expedition to chart the transit of Venus; he returned in 1771, having circumnavigated the globe, and explored and charted the coasts of New Zealand and eastern Australia. -bt 1772 and 1775, he commanded an expedition of two ships: 1. the Resolution and 2. the Adventure, to the South Pacific. On this journey, he charted many islands, explored the Antarctic Ocean, and, by controlling his sailors' diet, prevented vitamin C deficiency and scurvy, the disease that had decimated crews that spent long periods of time at sea. -Cook sailed on his third and last voyage in 1776 in the Resolution and Discovery. -discovered the Hawaiian Islands in 1778.


-traveled west into Indian Ocean, east into Pacific Ocean Basin -Sulawesi, Java, and Sumatra: 3000 B.C. -Madagascar: A.D. 400-1100 -Melanesia and Micronesia: 2000-1500 B.C. -Polynesia: 1000 B.C. -Easter Island: A.D. 300 -Hawaii Islands: A.D. 400 -New Zealand: A.D. 1280 -migrated from Asia into the far western Pacific by 2500 B.C.

Ridge Interdisciplinary Global Experiments

-twenty-year program started in 1989 -supported research into the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur at the global mid-ocean ridge system -research was driven by the discovery of hydrothermal vents on mid-ocean ridges in 1977 and the discovery of black-smoker vents in 1979

earliest to most recent timeline

1. Austronesians migrate from Asia to Western Pacific 2. Middle Eastern people begin exploring the Indian Ocean 3. Polynesian culture begins 4. Greeks sail to England 5. Hawaiian Islands colonized 6. New Zealand colonized

Keeping accurate time at sea is necessary to make:

1. measurements of longitude 2. accurate maps

Large scale sea studies require that governments, universities, and national and international programs:

1. set common goals 2. have common priorities 3. share program results

In the ______, large Chinese junks with crews of _____ to _____ sailed the same routes (between China and the Persian Gulf) as the Arab dhows.

1100s; 200; 300

When did Chinese admiral Zheng He conduct seven epic voyages in the western Pacific Ocean and across the Indian Ocean as far as Africa?

1405 to 1433

In ________, German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller applied the name "America" to the continent in Vespucci's honor.


Sir Martin Frobisher's Northwest Passage voyages

1576, 1577, and 1578,

Henry Hudson's Northwest Passage voyages

1607, 1608, 1609, and 1610

William Baffin's Northwest Passage voyages

1615 & 1616

John Harrison, built his first chronometer (high-accuracy clock) in _______, but not until _______ did his fourth model meet the test, losing only fifty-one seconds on the eighty-one-day voyage.

1735; 1761

Seagoing ships are derived from ________ vessels.


The mission of the TAO project is to monitor tropical conditions in the Pacific in order to better predict the occurrence of _________.

El Niño

The earliest recorded explorations of the sea took place in the _______________________.

Mediterranean Sea

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) combined

National Marine Fisheries Service, National Ocean Survey, National Weather Service, Environmental Data Service, National Environmental Satellite Service, and Environmental Research Laboratories

James Cook

Successfully tested the use of a chronometer in determining longitude at sea.

Who was the first of the European explorers to cross the Isthmus of Panama and thereby discover the Pacific Ocean?

Vaco Núñez de Balboa

Edward Forbes's contributions to oceanography

a proposed system of ocean depth zones, each characterized by specific animal populations; a systematic survey of marine life around the British Isles and in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas; made a theoretical mistake regarding the presence of an azoic, or lifeless, zone in the ocean below 1800 ft

voyages of Zheng He

across the Indian Ocean, in the western Pacific Ocean, to Africa using a fleet of over 300 large treasure ships

joint global ocean flux study

complex ocean biogeochemical research program

Biological Oceanography

concerns marine organisms and the relationship between these organisms and the environment in the oceans.

5,000 B.C.

copper fishhooks in use

An Arab scholar was the first to describe

currents due to monsoon winds

Ocean Observatories Initiative

designed to provide up to thirty years of continuous ocean measurements to study such fundamental scientific problems as climate variability, ocean circulation, ecosystem dynamics, air-sea interaction, seafloor processes, and plate tectonics.

ways humans interacted with the oceans (oldest to youngest)

fishing with the use of a barbed spear or gorge attached to a string, fishing with the use of nets, use of rafts or boats for fishing, exploring , and trading dried fish


floating instrument platform that studies acoustical signals in the oceans

Challenger expedition

found the Bathybius haeckelii was a chemical precipitate produced by the reaction of the sediment with alcohol and found one of the deepest depth soundings in the Marianas Trench

subdisciplines of oceanography

geological oceanography, marine meteorology, chemical oceanography

20th century impacts

has significantly increased the quantity and density of oceanographic data collected, especially as a result of satellites and remote sensing

statements about Ptolemy's world atlas

his atlas listed more than 8,000 places by latitude and longitude, it was the first documented world atlas

Paleolithic period

humans developed the barbed spear (harpoon) and the gorge (a double-pointed stick inserted into a bait and attached to a string).

kitchen middens

piles of the remains of shells and other refuse; found at the sites of ancient shore settlements


preserved Greek and Roman knowledge and continued to build on it. The Arabic writer El-Mas'údé (d. 956) gives the first description of the reversal of the currents due to the seasonal monsoon winds. Using this knowledge of winds and currents, Arab sailors established regular trade routes across the Indian Ocean.

Benjamin Franklin

produced the first map of the Gulf Stream

Matthew Maury's accomplishments

publishing the first atlas of sea conditions and sailing directions, initiating a systematic collection of wind and current data from both U.S. and international ships' logs

International Geophysical Year (1957-8)

scientists made discoveries that changed the way geologists thought about continents and ocean basins; special research vessels and submersibles were built

Prince Henry's expeditions set out to

secure trade routes and establish colonies

Prince Henry the Navigator (of Portugal)

sent expedition after expedition south along the west coast of Africa to secure trade routes and establish colonies. These expeditions moved slowly due to the mariners' belief that waters at the equator were at the boiling point and that sea monsters would engulf ships.

geological oceanography

studies Earth at the sea's edge and below its surface, and the history of the processes that form the ocean basins

chemical oceanography

studies the composition and history of the water, its processes, and its interactions

Marine Biological Association became

the University of California's Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Neolithic period

the bone fishhook was developed and later the net.

Ocean Engineering

the discipline that designs and plans equipment and installations for use at sea.

William Dittmar's findings

the identification of the major elements present in seawater, confirmation that the relative proportions of the major dissolved elements in seawater are constant

Christian Ehrenberg concluded that

the sea was filled with microscopic life

Austronesian populations expanded southeast through the Philippines, and this movement was aided by

the short distances between islands and because the Austronesians could readily travel

how knowledge of oceanography was useful during WW2

to predict ocean and shore conditions for amphibious landings, to move personnel and materials by sea to remote locations, to chart beaches and harbors from aerial reconnaissance

world ocean circulation experiment

uses chemical tracers to model circulation in the ocean and to obtain data to help predict the response of seawater circulation to long-term changes in atmospheric circulation

ocean drilling program

utilized a large research vessel called the JOIDES Resolution and started drilling operations in 1985

deep sea drilling program

utilized a specially built drilling ship, the Glomar Challenger, for sampling Earth's crust beneath the sea

integrated ocean drilling program

utilized the JOIDES Resolution and the Chikyu for scientific drilling cruises

Viking's accomplishments

voyaging across the North Atlantic Ocean, discovering and establishing a colony on Greenland

James Cook

was known for being one of history's greatest navigators as scientist because he made soundings to depths of 1200 ft and carefully observed wind, currents, and water temperature, making him a founder of oceanography; voyages to Pacific Ocean from 1768-1779

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