world war 2

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What was Blitzkrieg?

"lightning war," using planes, tanks and trucks

was was the age variety for the german army


when was World War 2


What was the Yalta Conference?

1945 strategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin

in 1988 congress passed and Ronald Reagan signed, a bill that promised how much to every Japanese American sent to a relocation camp.


how many people died because of the atomic bomb


how many aircraft carriers did japan have after the battle of midway

4 aircraft carriers

how soon did poland surrender?

4 weeks

how many aircraft carriers did japan have before battle of midway

6 aircraft carriers

how long did it take for the french army to surrender

6 weeks

What was the Baatan Death March?

78 thousand U.S. soldiers were taken by the Japanese to march to a prison camp (10,000 died)

when did hitler kill himself

April 30, 1945

What was the Doolittle Raid?

Attack on Japan on April 18 with 16 B-25s, which had a longer shooting range. Boosted American morale.

When did Hiroshima happen?

August 6, 1945

When did Nagasaki happen?

August 9, 1945

where did germany first expand?


where did germany expand second?


When was Pearl Harbor?

December 7, 1941 "A day that will live in infamy"

where did a three-day riot occurred in 1943 over racial tension


what was the selective service system

Expanded the draft and eventually provided another 10 million soldiers

who was apart of the allied powers?

France, Britain, Russia and later the US

who was general tojo

General Tojo was the new prime minister in Japan

What was Operation Barbarossa?

German invasion of the Soviet Union

What was the Luftwaffe?

Germany's air force

Who was apart of the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan

who started WW2, and how

Germany, by invading poland

Who was the emperor of Japan?


Who did Japan invade?


When did Germany surrender?

May 8, 1945

what jobs were women volenteering in the war for?

Nursing, radio operators, pilots, etc

What was Iwo Jima?

One of the Bloodiest battles in the war, a fight to the death for Japanese soldiers, as the Americans were coming closer to Japan

What was D-Day?

The invasion of France to liberate Europe from Germany

What was the Battle of Midway?

Turning point of the war in the Pacific, U.S. vs. Japan

What was the GI Bill of Rights?

U.S. legislation passed in 1944 that provided benefits to World War II veterans.

what were the beaches america invaded

Utah, Omaha

what was the surrendering of japan day called

V-J day

What was the Battle of the Bulge?

Where Germans advanced into the Allied battle lines forming a bulge and eventually were defeated

Who was the prime minister of Great Britain?

Winston Churchill

what was the battle of guadalcanal

a 1942-1943 battle of World War II, in which Allied troops drove Japanese forces from the Pacific island of Guadalcanal

What was the Manhattan Project?

a code name for atomic bomb research

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

a policy allowing the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries

what type of battle happened between britain and germany?

air battle

who assisted in the creation of the atomic bomb

albert einstien and robert oppenheimer

what happened to the german troops in russia

brutal winter set in and they froze to death

what general stationed in japan after the war

gen. MacAurthur

what general and army cheif of staff pushed for the formation of a womens auxiliary army corps

general george marshall

why did hitler start the holocaust

he did it to target several groups and eliminate unwanted races to purify the master aryan race

What was the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?

japans attempt to form an economic and military block in asia

industrialist Henry J. Kaiser had built seven massive new shipyards that turned out these cargo carrier vessels called what?

liberty ships

who would germany send first? luftwaffe or blitzkrieg?


what goods were deemed essential for the military

meat, shoes, coffee, gas

What was the "soft underbelly" of Europe?

north africa

what event led america to join the war?

pearl harbor

where did german expand third?


what was hitlers elite force called?

the S.S

what was the italian campain

the allies invaded italy and mussolini was loosing control of italy

what was special about the ardennes forest

the france built underground forts to try and defend themselves, and it was very difficult for the blitzkrieg to attack

how did we get out of the great depression?

the great recovery; we were producing so much for the war and everyone got back to work that the economy recovered

what was the supreme court case of korematsu vs U.S

the japanese evacuation after the pearl harbor was justified on the basis of military necessity

how did britain beat hitler?

the radar, they were knowing what he was gonna do before he could do it

which region saw over a million of its residents leave in order to move to other regions of the country

the south

what does the U.S do to protest japans invasion

they cut of trade, namely oil

what did america do after the war to benifit japan

they shaped japan into a capitalist economy, and instituted voting and free will

why did the japanese want to expand?

to find more natural resources

in feb 1942 automobile production for private use was shut down. the nations automobile plant would be retooled to produce what?

war machienes

what was hitlers real prize

western russia; stalingrad

if you control the airspace...

you control the battlefield

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