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How did the alliances during the war affect Europe's geography after the war?

Alliances affected Europe's geography after WW1 because they would help one another to take down a nation and split the territory. When one country in the alliance went to war they all did the same thing, which usually led to some kind of change in the geographical location of the countries.

Franz Ferdinand

Attempted to restore Austro-Russian relations. Maintained an alliance with Germany. His assaination led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia which became the beginning of WW1


One of Britain's luxury cruise ships carrying lots of military weapons, was sunk on May 7, 1915 during WW1 after being hit by a German torpedo.

Treaty of Versailles

One of the main peace treaties that ended WW1 in which Germany was forced to pay reparations, admit guilt, disarm, and lose territory as their punishment for starting the war.

Tsar Nicholas II

Peasants were mad at Nicholas II for his poor working conditions and when they protested it led to "Bloody Sunday". Forced to create an elected legislature. Appointed himself commander-in-chief for WW1. His poor decisions led to extreme poverty, high inflation, and major losses in Russia

Event-Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

The assaniation of Archduke Ferdinand angered Austria-Hungary who declared war on Serbia with Germany, this was the beginning of World War I.

Triple Alliance

The countries that allied together against the triple Entente in WW1, which was Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

League of Nations

A group created after WW1, made up of many countries. They worked to prevent war by negotiating, settling any disagreements, disarmament, better security, etc.

Jeannette Rankin

The first woman to be elected to the U.S. congress. Fought for women's right to vote. Helped pass the 19th amendment. Only person in Congress to vote against WWI and WWII

David Lloyd

British prime minister. Introduced health and unemployment insurance to Britain through the National Insurance Act of 1911. Vigorous advocate of increased munitions production

Triple Entente

The name used for the allies of WW1 which were Great Britain, the Russian Empire, and France.

14 Points

A document used to make peace negotiations that would lead to the end of WW1. It states the different countries that would gain independence, restoring trade, adjustments to the colonies, establishing the League of Nations, and just overall restoration after the war.


A manipulative way of presenting information as if it were the truth and making it seem as if the idea was their own.

Zimmerman Telegram

A secret, coded message that was sent by Germany's foreign minister to the Mexican government. It asked them to go to war with the US and in return they would form an alliance and help them take back New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

Victorio Orlando

Italian statesman and prime minister. Head of his country's delegation to the Versailles Peace Conference. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1897. Wrote on electoral reform and government administration.

Woodrow Wilson

Negotiated the Treaty of Versailles and crafted the League of Nations. Proposed his "Fourteen Points" which was a peace treaty that helped end WW1. Sought world peace, women's rights, and labor reforms.

Event- Zimmermann Telegram Intercepted.

Significance- A coded message from the Germans to Mexico to be in alliance with them and in return give them more land. This was just another reason for the United States to enter the war.

Event- Lustainia sunk by a German U-boat

Significance- The sinking of this British ship was yet another reason for the United States to enter the war because of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare.

Event-Sedition Act Passed to Extend the Espionage Act.

Significance-Allowed the government to limit the citizens freedom of speech by putting people in prison or giving them a fine for anything they said that could be a threat against the government.

Event- Armistice Agreement ends WWI

Significance-An agreement among the countries fighting in the Korean War to end the bloody war that had consumed them for three years.

Event-US Enters WW1.

Significance-By the United States entering the war there was another country against Germany. With the help of resources and forces from the U.S, the allies were able defeat German, ending the war.

Event-The Battles of Verdun and the Somme.

Significance-The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the war. The battle of Somme was the main allied assault with over 1 million casualties.

Event-Jeannette Rankin Elected to Congress

Significance-The first woman to be elected into Congress, and the only one to vote against World War I. She fought for women's rights and helped pass the nineteenth amendment.

Event-Woodrow Wilson Inaugurated President.

Significance-Woodrow Wilson led his country into World War I and helped establish the League of Nations. He was awarded the 1919 Nobel prize for peace and passed the nineteenth amendment that gave women the right to vote.

Event-Austria-Hungary, Germany, & Britain Declare War.

Significance-World War I begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. From there on more countries get involved because of alliances and soon everyone is at war.

Which countries gained territory and which lost territory? Explain why you think that happened. Answers may vary...

Some countries that gained territory are Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, U.S.S.R., Romania, Poland, and Yugoslavia. Some countries that lost territory are Germany, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, and Montenegro. I think this happened because WW1 led to the independence of many nations and some were destroyed during the war. Also some of the documents that ended WW1, like the Treaty of Versailles, forced Germany to give up a lot of their territory.

What new countries were created after the war? Why were these created?

Some new countries created after the war are Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Serbia, Estonia, and Lithuania. These were created because the war caused disruption among the nations which led to many splits and independence movements.

Kaiser Wilhelm

Emperor of Germany from 1888 till the end of WWI. Allowed his military advisers to dictate German policy. Hurt the relationship with some of Germany's allies during his rule. Rallied German soldiers to fight in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion

John J. Pershing

Fought in the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, and the Philippines insurrection. Commanded the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during WWI which helped bring it to an end. He led his forces to many battles.

Georges Clemenceau

Statesman and journalist who was important to the French Third Republic. Helped to outline the Treaty of Versailles. Named mayor of the 18th arrondissement. He started his newspaper called La Justice which became a big part of the radicals in Paris. He was a Major contributor to the Allied Victory in WWI.

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

The use of submarines to attack/sink your opponent's ships without warning. In WW1 this tactic was used by Germany to scare ships from trading with Britain and eventually led to the US entering the war.

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