Y1S1 -- Anatomy -- Block 6

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1. CN V2, going into foramen rotundum 2. Pterygopalatine ganglion

What are # 1 - 2?

1. Lingual nerve (From V3) 2. Chorda tympani (from VII) 3. Hypoglossal nerve (from XII)

What are #1 - 3 and where do they originate from?

1. Ascending palatine artery 2. Maxillary artery 3. Greater palatine artery

What are #1 - 3?

1. Greater palatine nerve 2. Lesser palatine nerve 3. Palatine nerves (where they are coming from)

What are #1 - 3?

1. Greater palatine nerve and artery 2. Lesser palatine nerve and artery 3. Nasopalatine nerve (CN V2)

What are #1 - 3?

1. Labial frenulum 2. Labial mucosa 3. Labial mucosa

What are #1 - 3?

1. Maxillary vein 2. Pterygoid plexus 3. Inferior alveolar artery and vein in mandibular canal

What are #1 - 3?

1. Muscular part of tensor veli palatini (goes under the hook) 2. Levator veli palatini (goes over the hook) 3. Palatopharyngeus (pulls soft palate down)

What are #1 - 3?

1. Right jugular trunk 2. Left jugular trunk 3. Thoracic duct

What are #1 - 3?

1. SubLINGULAR gland 2. Superficial part of submandibular gland 3. Deep part of submandibular gland

What are #1 - 3?

1. Sublingual carbuncle and opening of submandibular duct. 2. Frenulum of tongue 3. Sublingual fold (plica)

What are #1 - 3?

1. Submental lymph nodes 2. Submandibular lymph nodes 3. Deep cervical lymph nodes

What are #1 - 3?

1. Incisive Canal (Maxilla) 2. Palatine process (Maxilla) 3. Horizontal plate (Palatine bone) 4. Pterygoid hamulus (Sphenoid bone)

What are #1 - 4?

1. Levator veli palatini (over hook) 2. Musculoskeletal uvulae 3. Palatopharyngeus 4. Tensor veli palatini (under hook)

What are #1 - 4?

1. Oral vestibule 2. Buccaneers mucosa 3. Buccinator 4. Oral Cavity Proper

What are #1 - 4?

1. Postganglionic parasympathetic 2. Chorda tympani (from VII) 3. Preganglionic parasympathetic 4. Submandibular ganglion

What are #1 - 4?

1. Pterygopalatine ganglion 2. Maxillary artery 3. Lingual artery 4. Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion

What are #1 - 4?

1. Palatoglossal arch 2. Palatopharyngeal arch 3. Palatine tonsil 4. Vagus 5. Trigeminal

What are #1 - 5?

1. Palatoglossus muscle 2. Palatopharyngeus muscle 3. Levator veli palatini muscle 4. Tensor veli palatini muscle and tendon 5. Eustachian tube

What are #1 - 5?

1. Pterygopalatine ganglion 2. Lesser palatine nerve 3. Greater palatine nerve 4. Nasopalatine nerve (CN V2) 5. Pterygopalatine ganglion (in pterygopalatine fossa)

What are #1 - 5?

1. Infraorbital artery 2. Posterior superior alveolar artery 3. Middle superior alveolar artery 4. Anterior superior alveolar artery 5. Maxillary artery 6. Inferior alveolar artery and nerve

What are #1 - 6?

1. Jugulodigasteric node 2. Lymph from palate 3. INTERNAL jugular vein 4. Submandibular nodes 5. Retropharyngeal and upper deep cervial nodes 6. Deep cervical nodes

What are #1 - 6?

1. Pre-aricular/parotid nodes 2. Submental nodes 3. Submandibular nodes 4. Occipital nodes 5. Superficial cervical nodes 6. EXTERNAL Jugular vein

What are #1 - 6?

1. Palatine process (Maxilla bone) 2. Horizontal plate (palatine bone) 3. Incisive fossa/canal 4. Greater (anterior) palatine foramen (6.) 5. Lesser (posterior) palatine foramen (6.) 7. Pterygoid hamulus (Sphenoid bone)

What are #1 - 7?

1. Philtrum 2. Orbicularis oris muscle 3. Vermilion border of lip 4. Vermilion borders 5. Nasolabial groove 6. Orbicularis oris muscle 7. Labiomental fold

What are #1 - 7?

1. Crown 2. Neck 3. Root 4. Enamel 5. Destine and dentinal tubules 6. Dental pulp containing vessels and nerves 7. Cement 8. Root (central) canals containing vessels and nerves 9. Apical foramina

What are #1 - 9?

1. Greater palatine artery 2. Lesser palatine artery

What are #1 and 2?

1. Lingual nerve 2. Buccaneers nerve and buccinator muscle (cut)

What are #1 and 2?

3. Mylohyoid 4. Geniohyoid

What are 3 and 4 only?

Top 1. Lingual artery 2. Deep lingual artery 3. Dorsal lingual arteries 4. Sublingual artery Bottom: 1. Lingual artery 2. Facial artery

What are the top #1 - 4? What are the bottom #1 and 2?

1. Epiglottis 2. Median glossoepiglotic fold 3. Lateral glossopeiglotic fold 4. Vallecula 5. Lingual tonsil (lingual nodules) 6. Foramen cecum 7. Terminal sulcus 8. Midline groove (medial sulcus) 9. Filiform papillae 10. Fungiform papilla 11. Vallate papilla

What is #1 - 11?

1. Geniohyoid

What is #1?

1. Hypoglossal nerve

What is #1?

1. Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

What is #1?

1. Lingual vein

What is #1?

1. Terminal sulcus

What is #1?

Palatine aponeurosis

What is #1?

Palatoglossus from underside of aponeurosis

What is #1?

1. Lingual nerve curving under submandibular duct. 2. Sublingual mucosa 3. Sublingual gland 4. Sublingual fold 5. Genioglossus muscle 6. Geniohyoid muscle 7. Mylohyoid muscle 8. Hyoglossus muscle 9. Lingual artery medial to hyoglossus muscle 10. Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) lateral to hyoglossus muscle 11. Styloglossus muscle 12.Deep part of right submandibular gland

This is the image question for lab.

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