Yang Quiz 1

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Improving your self-image can be achieved with three practical approaches. List and describe each approach.

1. Focus on the future and stop being overly concerned with past mistakes or failures. We should learn from past mistakes, but they should not immobilize us.2. Develop expertise in selected areas. By developing -expert power,- you not only improve your self-image, but also increase the value of your contributions to your employer and customers.3. Learn to develop a positive mental attitude. Read books and listen to audiotapes that describe ways to develop a positive mental attitude-

The theory of behavioral- or communication-style bias is based on a number of underlying principles. List the principles.

1. Individual differences exist and are important.2. A communication style is a way of thinking and behaving.3. Individual style differences tend to be stable.4. There is a finite number of styles.5. It is necessary to get in sync with the communication styles of the people you work with-

Describe and discuss the four steps in the self-improvement plan.

1. Step one- Set goals - the goal setting process requires that you be clear about what you want to accomplish.2. Step two- Visualization - this involves forming a mental picture of yourself succeeding in goal attainment.3. Step three- Use positive self-talk - development and use of positive self-talk statements can keep you on target in terms of goal attainment.4. Step four- Reward your progress - when you see yourself making progress toward a goal, or achieving a goal, reward yourself-

) "Behavior style" and "social style" are other ways of referring to: A) communication style B) emotive style C) directive style D) higher dominance E) lower dominance


) Which of the following is a practical approach to improving your self-image? A) Learn to develop a positive mental attitude. B) Maintain a clear focus on past mistakes. C) Spend time getting to know your competition. D) Spend time each day contacting your current customers. E) Develop a general level of knowledge on many topics.


A customer who displays the reflective communication style can accurately be described as: A) reserved B) sensitive C) frank D) sociable E) malleable


A well-thought-out plan for establishing, building, and maintaining quality relationships is a: A) relationship strategy B) customer strategy C) product strategy D) presentation strategy E) personal selling philosophy


All of the following are elements of the marketing mix EXCEPT: A) personnel B) product C) promotion D) place E) price


All of the following are points of view that have eroded character in business EXCEPT: A) Innovation and aggressive development of markets should be rewarded. B) We are only in it for ourselves. C) Corporations exist to maximize shareholder value. D) Companies need to be lean and mean. E) Personal ambition should be prized over teamwork.


All of the following are strategies for self-improvement EXCEPT: A) compare your performance to others B) set goals C) use visualization D) use positive self-talk E) reward your progress


Communication-style bias is most likely to occur when which of the following occurs? A) Salespeople have contact with another person whose communication style is different than their own. B) Salespeople have problems understanding another person's accent. C) Salespeople have different ranges of vocabulary. D) Salespeople lack a grasp of social etiquette. E) Salespeople talk more quietly than anyone else in the room does.


Customers want quality products and: A) quality relationships B) low prices C) free shipping D) custom installation E) little contact


Harold Timmons is in a position to close a large sale if he conceals certain information that the customer needs to make an intelligent buying decision. His sales manager encourages him to withhold the information and says, "You will not be breaking any law." In this case, the salesperson must be guided by the following ethical guideline: A) A salesperson's ethical sense must extend beyond the legal definition of what is right and wrong. B) Caveat emptor. C) The code of ethics established by the company should guide all ethical decisions. D) The organization's moral tone is established primarily by salespeople who have daily customer contact. E) An action is ethical if a salesperson could defend it successfully to a group of peers.


In transactional sales, the customer wants to trust which of the following? A) a trustworthy product B) a trustworthy salesperson C) a trustworthy organization D) a trustworthy culture E) a trustworthy industry


In what medium is voice quality particularly important? A) on the telephone B) at a face-to-face meeting C) in a webinar D) by email E) by instant message


Maintaining high ethical standards: A) can strengthen your relationship with a customer B) should be secondary to closing a sale C) is rare in the world of sales D) will lead to lost revenue for a company E) often puts you in conflict with your customers


Other names for the Emotive style include all of the following EXCEPT: A) relater B) influencing C) socializer D) adaptive-dealing E) expressive


People who display their emotions with less intensity are said to be in: A) Zone one B) Zone two C) Excess zone D) Flex zone E) Comfort zone


Salespeople are considered knowledge workers because: A) they position and lay out information in a way that helps buyers understand it B) they gain knowledge of the product before they can sell it C) they repeat a script that they are given by their managers D) they develop understanding of the best practices of sales E) they create products themselves before they can sell them


Teresa Fallon sends a written proposal to a customer. In the proposal, she compares the specifications of her product and a competing product. If the information about the competing product is not true, she is using a form of defamation called A) business libel B) business slander C) product disparagement D) puffery E) bribery


Terri Milano, employed by a manufacturer of home electronics, offers assistance to retailers in such areas as credit policies, pricing display and store layout. She also collects information regarding acceptance of her firm's products. She is performing the duties of a(n): A) detail salesperson B) retail salesperson C) inside salesperson D) field representative E) manufacturer's representative


The CEO of SwiftLink spends one week each month going to sales appointments with various salespeople in the company. In addition to assisting the salespeople with presentations, a likely reason the CEO goes on sales calls is: A) to gather information on customer needs and preferences B) to deduct mileage on his vehicle as a way to offset taxes C) to undercut the salespeople in underperforming divisions of SwiftLink D) to ensure that the salespeople do not give volume discount pricing E) to trade information to customers in exchange for information on competitors


The ability to monitor our own feelings and the feelings of others, and manage emotions in our relationships is referred to as: A) emotional intelligence B) relationship partnering C) a relationship strategy D) self-concept E) a win-win relationship


The bundle of facts, opinions, beliefs, and perceptions that you have about yourself are referred to as which of the following? A) self-concept B) self-love C) self-esteem D) self-mythology E) self-examination


The four-style model is: A) popular and taught in many different training programs B) useful only for training purposes C) limited in its usefulness in the real world D) the basis for customer strategy E) copyrighted and may only be used as an assessment by licensed practitioners


The term product should be broadly interpreted to encompass: A) information, services, ideas, and issues B) information and items C) tangible items and issues D) all tangible items E) all intangible items


There is a pay gap between men and women in the field of sales, with men earning more than women do. Despite this, sales represents an excellent financial opportunity for women for which of the following reasons? A) The pay gap in sales is less than the pay gap in the workforce overall. B) The pay gap varies from company to company. C) The pay gap is only an issue in certain industries. D) The psychic income from sales is equivalent to the value of the pay gap. E) The psychic income from sales cannot be quantified.


What event contributed most to the increased need for telecommunications salespeople? A) deregulation of telephone service B) anti-trust suits brought against the telecommunications industry C) financial improprieties in the telecommunications industry discovered by internal auditor D) creation of a national regulatory committee for telephone service E) development of voice-over-IP (VOIP) technologies


When a customer reveals confidential information about a competitor to a salesperson, the preferred course of action is for the salesperson to: A) preserve the confidentiality of information they receive B) accurately relate the details to his/her top management C) inform the competing company about the useful information in exchange for a sale D) request that the customer not comment further because of the conflict of interest E) clarify the details to make sure he or she understands correctly


Which of the following is NOT true of eye contact during a sales call? A) Looking at papers in your briefcase indicates to the customer that you are listening. B) Nodding occasionally indicates interest. C) Eye contact is one of the best ways to say "I'm listening." D) A fleeting glance at notes is appropriate. E) A prolonged, direct stare can be threatening.


Which of the following statements would NOT be an application of the marketing concept? A) Let's speed up production and get these products to customers faster by eliminating the field test. B) Let's show these product designs to some prospective buyers for their reactions. C) Let's examine our points of distribution to see if we're reaching the market effectively. D) Let's do some research to see which colors the consumers prefer. E) Let's ask customers which products they used most heavily.


Which of the following would be most helpful to salespeople in dealing with bribery? A) a well-established corporate policy on bribing B) knowing the bribery is sometimes illegal C) knowing that bribery is often unethical D) a sales manager who has given bribes in the past E) college coursework on bribery


List the three prescriptions for developing a personal selling philosophy.

Adopt marketing concept, value personal selling, and assume role of problem solver-

) Peter Kumar has developed a software application that will reduce costs and increase server speed for corporations of all sizes. Even with this useful application, Peter still needs to develop personal selling skills in order to: A) understand and write a business plan for his company B) explain his application to others who can buy it C) apply for a patent on his application D) maintain the discipline and stamina required to develop such a complicated piece of software E) ensure that only corporate users buy his application


) Sales opportunities in the service sector are expanding because: A) service providers connect directly with consumers B) the service industry has a higher growth rate than the product industry does C) modern consumers need help with activities that they used to be able to do on their own D) the service industry is starting to saturate the market relative to the industrial and product industries E) the service industry provides a higher commission rate for salespeople than the other industries also


) Which of the following would be the best application of principles regarding gift giving to customers? A) Give gifts before doing business with a customer. B) Determine the gift-receiving policy of the customer's company. C) Once begun, maintain a regular and consistent pattern of gift giving. D) Clearly explain the conditions you expect of the customer who accepts a gift. E) Give a gift proportional to the sale you expect to make from the customer.


A customer who combines low dominance and high sociability displays which of the following styles? A) emotive B) supportive C) directive D) reflective E) communicative


A partnership is beneficial for both parties because the successive sales are: A) equal to the initial sales B) greater than the initial or repeat sales C) not necessarily guaranteed D) a function of the price of the product E) transactional in nature


Alan Karbashian spends all day driving from customer site to customer site for sales meetings in his job with a national medical parts manufacturer. Alan is considered: A) an inside sales rep B) an outside sales rep C) an alignment rep D) a distributing rep E) an interchange rep


All of the following are major principles supporting communication style theory EXCEPT: A) individual differences exist and are important B) the most successful business and social relationships are those between identical styles C) there is a finite number of communication styles D) individual style differences tend to be stable E) a communication style is a way of thinking and behaving


All of the following are ways of speaking that salespeople should avoid EXCEPT: A) talking too quickly B) talking enthusiastically C) talking too slowly D) speaking in a dull pattern E) using poor speech habits


All of the following can serve as general guidelines in forming a foundation for a personal code of ethics EXCEPT: A) personal selling must be viewed as an exchange of value B) the government provides plenty of rules to use as guidelines C) relationships come first, tasks second D) be honest with yourself and others E) withholding information is tantamount to lying


Business ethics: A) should be variable from company to company B) can and should be taught by universities and corporations C) are only important to 90 percent of salespeople D) are taught during childhood and cannot be changed significantly later on E) have changed in meaning over the past twenty years


CRM software is used to hold information about all of the following EXCEPT: A) customers B) competitors C) prospects D) coworkers E) suppliers


Corporate-sponsored sales training can include all of the following EXCEPT: A) training on CRM software B) training in accounting methods and theory C) training delivered on the Internet D) training that takes months to complete E) training that is cost-intensive


For each person, one of the four styles is usually: A) dominant but hidden B) dominant and easily detectable C) dominant and problematic D) recessive and easily detectable E) recessive and in transition


In consultative sales, the customer wants to trust which of the following? A) a trustworthy product B) a trustworthy salesperson C) a trustworthy organization D) a trustworthy culture E) a trustworthy industry


Some top-performing salespeople earn more than their managers. This compensation is made up of: A) bonuses only B) base salary, commissions, and bonuses C) commissions and charge-backs D) bonuses and dividends E) IPOs and base salary


Taking time to establish a proper rapport with customers results in: A) guaranteed sales B) open communication C) a faster sales cycle D) a slower sales cycle E) lower commissions


Tamara Grindel is a doctor who practices with a group of other physicians with the same specialty. She is considering taking a course on selling skills. What is the most important way in which this will help her medical practice? A) Learning selling skills will give Dr. Grindel an alternate career once she retires from medicine. B) Learning selling skills will help Dr. Grindel bring new patients to her practice. C) Learning selling skills will aid Dr. Grindel in communicating effectively with pharmaceutical reps who show her new medications. D) Learning selling skills will show Dr. Grindel how to ensure that her patients take the medications she prescribes them. E) Learning selling skills will require Dr. Grindel to understand the financial pressures of running a practice.


The customer strategy always takes into consideration: A) maintaining a close partnership B) what the customer needs C) the profit margins of the product D) the relationship between the selling partners E) the company's sales quotas


The development of a personal selling philosophy involves all of the following EXCEPT: A) a full acceptance of the marketing concept B) a full appreciation of the tenets of the free enterprise system C) developing an appreciation for the expanding role of personal selling in our competitive national and international markets D) assuming the role of a problem-solver in helping customers make complex buying decisions E) assuming the role of a partner in helping customers make complex buying decisions


The immature characteristics of each style are: A) fixed by the time a person reaches elementary school B) subject to change as a person matures C) aloof and stuffy D) characteristics that come out in times of high stress E) offensive to those with other communication styles


The rules about how to dress in the business community are: A) so varied that no general guidelines can be established B) subject to some general guidelines C) clearly defined for most occupations D) clearly defined for most occupations with the exception of personal selling E) clearly defined in the literature but not commonly understood by the layman


The three major relationship challenges are building new relationships, transforming relationships from personal to professional, and: A) projecting a professional image B) managing relationships C) developing empathy D) developing rapport E) adding value


The ultimate goal of the "marketing concept" is: A) product diversification B) customer satisfaction C) brand loyalty D) rising profit margins E) efficiency of production


The win-win strategy can best be summed up as which of the following statements? A) Both buyer and seller come away from the negotiation having given up something they originally wanted. B) Both buyer and seller come away from the negotiation feeling that their best interests have been served. C) Both buyer and seller come away from the negotiation feeling that they have made a new friend. D) Neither buyer nor seller comes away from the negotiation feeling that they have made progress. E) Neither buyer nor seller comes away from the negotiation having given up anything.


Which facial expression tends to inspire the most trust? A) a contemplative look B) a smile C) a frown D) a look of concern E) a look of skepticism


Which of the following statements accurately describes value-added selling? A) The value added by salespeople today is increasingly derived from tangibles. B) The value added by salespeople today is increasingly derived from intangibles. C) Value-added selling surfaced during the evolution of strategic selling. D) Value-added selling would not be an appropriate strategy in international markets. E) Value-added selling is only appropriate for services, not products.


Which of the following statements regarding communications-style bias is true? A) Communication-style bias is quite rare. B) Communication-style bias is accompanied by symptoms that are often difficult to explain. C) Communication-style bias is commonly understood in our society. D) Communication-style bias will not surface between two people with the same communication style. E) Communication-style bias will make a consulting sales relationship impossible.


Which of the following would be considered a secondary decision-maker? A) a credit department staffer employed by the same company as the salesperson B) the administrative assistant who works for the CEO of an established customer C) a shipping department worker employed by the same company as the salesperson D) the secretary who provides support services for the sales staff E) the accounts payable clerk who works for the vendor


Which of the following would be the least important deterrent to unethical behavior by salespeople? A) Sales managers who model high ethical standards. B) National laws that curb unethical business practices and impose jail time for violations. C) Written company policies that spell out standards of "rightness" and "wrongness." D) Leaders within the company (top management) who model high ethical standards. E) Official position statements from industry oversight groups.


Zone one, zone two and the excess zone are used to describe which dimension of our communication styles? A) maturity B) intensity C) predictability D) flexibility E) adaptability


All of the following are techniques that can be helpful in remembering a customer's name EXCEPT: A) verify the spelling of the person's name B) repeat the name immediately C) write the name on a nametag D) ask how the person would like to be addressed E) relate the name to something easy to remember


All of the following should be considered when selecting a wardrobe for sales work EXCEPT: A) simplicity B) appropriateness C) fashion D) quality E) visual integrity


Commercial vendors who provide sales training offer courses based on: A) Universal Sales Theory B) the theories of Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill C) a variety of sales approaches dating back decades D) modern sales approaches that have been regression-tested E) graduate-level MBA sales work


Convincing potential donors to support charities financially is an example of: A) turning the concept of sales on its head B) taking from those with financial resources without their realizing it C) using selling skills to support philanthropy D) taxing the wealthy E) performing a sales function without having selling skills


Eric Villa obtained a license to sell real estate and then accepted a sales position with a local Century 21 agency. To prepare for this new position, he purchased and read a research report entitled "Buying Habits of Today's Home Buyers." Mr. Villa is attempting to develop a: A) presentation strategy B) product strategy C) customer strategy D) relationship strategy E) price strategy


If a potential client hints that they will give you a sale if you give them a gift, you should: A) give the potential customer a gift B) tell your sales manager you are giving the customer a gift in exchange for the sale C) report this to your sales manager and ask for help turning the customer down D) report the customer to the Better Business Bureau or other oversight group E) refer the potential customer to another vendor who will participate in bribery


If you have a preferred communication style, you will: A) use that style exclusively B) change that style as you grow older C) display other communication styles at times D) not understand others with different communication styles E) need to adapt to be able to talk to others


In strategic alliance sales, the customer wants to trust which of the following? A) a trustworthy product B) a trustworthy salesperson C) a trustworthy organization D) a trustworthy culture E) a trustworthy industry


In terms of relationship building, which type of selling is often the most challenging? A) transactional selling B) generic selling C) strategic alliance selling D) consultative selling E) missionary selling


On average, an experienced, high performing salesperson will find the highest compensation opportunities with which approach? A) feature/benefit B) transactional C) value-added D) solution E) directed


Preparing objectives for the sales presentation and a plan to reach those objectives is the: A) product strategy B) customer strategy C) presentation strategy D) relationship strategy E) marketing strategy


Sales engineers are people with extensive knowledge of their product who also: A) provide service on the product after the sale B) develop the product as part of the research and development team C) communicate the benefits of the product to the customers D) have advanced degrees in science or technology E) have graduate-level sales training


The idea that the characteristics that make others respect you can also make others frustrated with you is called: A) sociability paradox B) dominance paradox C) strength-weakness paradox D) flexing paradox E) communication paradox


The process of building and maintaining strong customer relationships by providing customer value is called: A) marketing concept B) value-added selling C) customer relationship management D) personal sales philosophy E) customer strategy


Using the scheduling function of CRm software can help improve a salesperson's: A) presentation skills B) accuracy C) trustworthiness D) memory E) grooming


Well-trained salespeople can add value to the traditional retail shopping experience. Selling for a retailer might involve which of the following products? A) personal computers, automobiles and assembly line robotics equipment B) photographic equipment, industrial specialties and recreational equipment C) fashion apparel, personal computers and recreational vehicles D) microchips, musical instruments and automobiles E) software back-end integration services, jewelry, and motorcycles


When UPS was first established, founder Jim Casey described the firm's focus as follows: A) To become a leader in international shipping B) To become the world's most profitable company C) To render perfect service to our stores and their customers D) To become the world's most efficient shipping company E) To become the fastest shipper in the world


When we move into the excess zone, all of the following usually happens EXCEPT: A) We say and do things that threaten interpersonal relations. B) Style flexing decreases. C) Style flexing increases. D) Our strengths tend to become weaknesses. E) Our weaknesses are exposed more strongly.


Which of the following is NOT a rule of etiquette appropriate for salespeople? A) Do not call a new prospect by their first name too soon. B) Avoid offensive stories or comments. C) Do not express personal views on religion or politics until clients have first expressed their views. D) When you invite a customer to lunch, do not discuss business before the meal is ordered unless the client initiates the subject. E) Leave a clear, concise message when you leave a message on voice mail.


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the relationship between attitudes, behavior and values? A) Attitudes influence behavior, which in turn influences values. B) Behavior influences attitudes, which in turn influence values. C) Values influence attitudes, which in turn influence behavior. D) Attitudes influence values, which in turn influence behavior. E) Although all three are related, there is no established sequence of influence.


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the communication-style model? A) It is based on three important dimensions of human behavior. B) It reflects research conducted in the late 1970s. C) It is composed of four distinct quadrants, each representing a major communication style. D) It is composed of six distinct quadrants, each representing a major dimension of human behavior. E) It predicts which types of clients salespeople will have interests in common with.


Which of the following is true about our individual communication style? A) It is formed in utero, before we are born. B) It is formed during the first year of our life. C) It is formed before we enter elementary school. D) It is constantly changing throughout life. E) It is based on environmental factors, not heredity.


Which one of the following people would NOT be considered a "knowledge worker"? A) someone who performs research to discover new information B) someone who takes current research and uses it to facilitate a task C) someone who relays information from one party to another without changing it D) someone who puts information in a format that allows others to access it E) someone who uses information to solve a problem


Which statement best reflects the "Responsibility to Clients" section of NASP's Standards of Professional Conduct? A) I will serve as a model of good citizenship. B) I will act with the highest degree of professionalism. C) I will act in the best interest of my clients. D) I will disclose potential conflicts of interest. E) I will provide the lowest price.


Peter Drucker stated that "the ________ defines the business."


) It is important to record the facts of an interaction with a customer in CRM software but not your conclusions, because: A) it is never appropriate to make conclusions from data without consulting the research department B) recording conclusions is a breach of ethics C) coworkers could use this information to sabotage your sales D) this information could become available to the customer in some form at a later date E) the competition has access to the same databases you do


) Salespeople need to build and maintain relationships with all of the following groups EXCEPT: A) management personnel B) company support staff C) secondary decision makers D) vendors E) customers


) Salespeople today are encouraged to think in terms of: A) the profitability to the company that a customer represents B) building a career that will translate even if they switch companies C) maximizing their time by automating most functions D) the total lifetime relationship with the customer E) the total life cycle of a given sale


A customer who is higher in dominance tends to do which of the following? A) display an eagerness to agree quickly B) curb the desire to initiate demands C) be overly cooperative D) like to control things E) sit back and wait for the other person to speak first


A customer who is lower in dominance would most likely be: A) deliberate B) hurried C) talkative D) cooperative E) decisive


A good general rule for salespeople to follow when choosing a wardrobe for sales is which of the following? A) Business casual is always acceptable. B) The salesperson should always be dressed more formally than the client is. C) Men should wear blazers and button-down shirts, and women should wear heels and dresses or skirts. D) Observe what your customers wear and match your clothing to theirs. E) As long as you are a professional your clothing will have no impact on your job performance.


A training and education initiative with specific requirements delivered by an industry oversight organization to salespeople in that industry is an example of a(n): A) university sales methods class B) corporate-sponsored training class C) internet-based training program D) certification program E) college concentration


A weak grip while shaking hands communicates weakness or: A) strength B) fear C) dominance D) indifference E) antagonism


Achieving a marketplace advantage by teaming up with another company whose products or services fit well with your own is referred to as a: A) marketing strategy B) customer strategy alliance C) sales strategy D) strategic selling alliance E) successive sales alliance


All of the following are broad strategic areas of the Strategic/Consultative Selling Model EXCEPT: A) relationship strategy B) product strategy C) customer strategy D) service strategy E) presentation strategy


All of the following are topics a salesperson can use to break the ice when talking with a prospect EXCEPT: A) here and now observations B) compliments C) mutual acquaintances D) politics E) common interests


All of the following describe a category of sales personnel in the field of manufacturing EXCEPT: A) sales engineer B) field salesperson C) detail salesperson D) technical support representative E) customer service representative


All of the following would be considered "Values for Success" by executives at Mutual of Omaha EXCEPT: A) openness B) customer-focus C) integrity D) reciprocity E) honesty


An effective way to minimize communication-style bias is to: A) choose customers based on their communication styles B) write presentation materials in a way that appeals to all the communication styles simultaneously C) send trained communicators to talk to customers D) adapt your style to the way the customer communicates E) create a corporate policy matching salespeople with customers by communication style


Cultural differences in foreign countries can do all of the following EXCEPT: A) hurt the acceptance of products in some foreign countries B) hinder communications between buyer and seller C) cause different interpretations of the value of time and lateness D) increase communications-style bias between salespeople in the US E) cause salespeople to think customers are going to buy when they have no intention of buying


If you view your employer's instructions or influence as improper, then you should: A) keep your concerns to yourself B) follow the path of least resistance C) consider the need to compromise your values in order to keep your job D) voice opposition to the practice if it is in conflict with your value system E) follow the lead of your colleagues


In a market characterized by vigorous competition, look-alike products and customer loyalty that depends on quality relationships as well as quality products, the salesperson should fully utilize the: A) product strategy B) customer strategy C) presentation strategy D) relationship strategy E) marketing strategy


Of the following activities routinely performed by salespeople, which one contributes LEAST financially to both the salesperson and the company? A) service calls B) face-to-face selling C) telephone selling D) waiting and traveling E) administrative tasks


Recording a customer's communication style in CRM software can help a salesperson: A) remember the names of the customer's children and spouse B) ask another salesperson with the customer's communication style to call the customer C) know which products a customer will buy and won't buy D) remember to adapt his or her style when calling the customer E) avoid customers that have different communication styles


Research indicates that when two people communicate, nonverbal messages convey: A) much less impact than verbal messages B) slightly less impact than verbal messages C) slightly more impact that verbal messages D) much more impact than verbal messages E) the same impact as verbal messages


Salespeople in the U.S. report that they work in sales primarily to: A) be promoted to management B) avoid working traditional hours C) have greater flexibility with retirement D) make more money E) generate pension credits


The combination of low dominance and low sociability defines a communication style known as: A) mature B) supportive C) emotive D) reflective E) directive


The effective exchange of information is the foundation of most economic transactions. This is known as: A) exchange theory B) personal selling C) the value-added economy D) the information economy E) the post-consumer economy


The four broad strategic areas of the Strategic/Consultative Selling Model are: A) connected to each other B) in conflict with each other C) independent of each other D) not independent of each other E) identical to each other


The practice of reciprocity: A) is beneficial to all parties involved B) is no longer legal in America C) results in improved competition among sales and marketing firms D) is illegal when one company pressures another company to join an agreement E) is another name for slander


Trade selling and missionary (detail) sales are both examples of sales: A) directly from the manufacturer to the consumer B) from the distributor to the consumer C) bypassing the manufacturer to the distributor D) inside the supply chain but not to the consumer E) externally from the consumer to the supplier


When a marketer decides to adopt partnering, emphasis will be placed on: A) selling strategies B) product development C) selling tactics D) the customer E) the salesperson


When a reflective salesperson moves into the excess zone, he or she is apt to: A) express highly emotional opinions B) become extremely competitive C) agree with everyone D) avoid making decisions E) make rash decisions


Which of the following is NOT a general guideline that serves as a foundation for a personal code of business ethics? A) Personal selling must be viewed as an exchange of value. B) Be honest with yourself and with others. C) Relationships come first, tasks second. D) Your values should not be in conflict with those of your employer. E) Selling is something you do for customers, not to customers.


________ can be defined as the tendency to control or prevail over others.


) Developing a long-term relationship that focuses on solving the customer's buying problems is referred to as: A) executing B) consulting C) selling D) managing a relationship E) partnering


) Generally speaking, a firm handshake will communicate all of the following EXCEPT: A) a caring attitude B) respect C) an image of strength D) warmth E) aloofness


) Research in the field of communications reveals that: A) a person's intention may not translate into the verbal message the person conveys B) nonverbal behaviors seldom reinforce verbal messages C) the meaning we attach to what is said by another person depends little on visual and auditory data D) nonverbal behaviors do not contradict verbal messages E) words play a surprisingly small role in the communications process


) The duties of inside salespeople may overlap heavily with the duties of all of the following job positions EXCEPT: A) outside salespeople B) account managers C) technical support personnel D) customer service representatives E) internal auditors


) Which of the following sectors would NOT be considered to be part the service industry? A) hotel, motel, and convention centers B) insurance C) banking D) real estate E) chemicals


A customer who takes the social initiative in most cases and expresses emotions openly is displaying characteristics of which of the following styles? A) dominant B) reflective C) supportive D) directive E) emotive


According to Larry Wilson, there are three keys to a partnering relationship. To establish a partnership with a customer, he suggests all of the following EXCEPT: A) make sure everybody understands the purpose of the partnership B) be sure the relationship is built upon shared values C) the role of the salesperson must move from selling to supporting D) the salesperson and the client must agree on what they want to do together E) use closing methods that establish a foundation for a long-term partnership


All of the following are steps to creating and delivering the customer value model EXCEPT: A) understanding the customer's value needs B) creating the value proposition C) communicating the value proposition D) delivering the value proposition E) presenting the value proposition


All of the following can help salespeople act in an ethical manner EXCEPT: A) role model provided by top management B) company policies and practices C) role model provided by sales manager D) personal values of salesperson E) customer expectations and desires


An effective model of creating rapport and building relationships with customers includes all of the following EXCEPT: A) customize B) appreciate C) respond D) execute E) involve


For a strategic alliance to be successful, the first step is for a company to: A) enlist legal assistance to make sure its interests are protected B) talk to the customer to discover what its needs are C) assemble a team of product experts D) define the ethical guidelines that will apply to the alliance E) find out as much about the proposed partner as possible


In general, US ethical codes when doing business in foreign countries tend to be: A) more accepting of bribery but less accepting of libel B) more accepting of libel but less accepting of bribery C) more relaxed than the codes of other countries D) the same as the codes of other countries E) stricter than the codes of other countries


Psychic income in selling refers to which one of the following? A) the visibility provided by working in the sales department B) the satisfaction of being on a commission payment plan C) the high commissions earned because of successful "intuitive" selling D) the opportunity to be a member of the sales team E) the job recognition afforded sales personnel


Reciprocity, as a corporate policy, is: A) always a breach of ethics B) illegal in the US, but not in other countries C) only a worry if the heads of the companies know each other personally D) easier to navigate if the companies are in different industries E) occasionally a form of corporate blackmail


Relative to Americans, Canadians are more likely to be: A) passive and stiff B) happy and casual C) sociable and casual D) educated and formal E) bilingual and formal


Salespeople have an advantage over workers in other positions when being considered for promotion to positions of greater responsibilities because: A) Salespeople have limited opportunities for advancement. B) Salespeople receive a minimal amount of psychic income. C) Salespeople generally do not have good job security. D) Salespeople have numerous opportunities to advance to middle-management ranks. E) Salespeople have high visibility within companies already relative to other positions.


Sharon Wiley is a sales representative employed by a leading producer of pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine. Recently she attended a university-sponsored seminar that focused on new research findings in selected areas of veterinary medicine. Ms. Wiley is attempting to develop a: A) relationship strategy B) customer strategy C) service strategy D) presentation strategy E) product strategy


The combination of high dominance and low sociability defines a style known as: A) communicative B) reflective C) supportive D) emotive E) directive


The concept of "unconscious expectations" with regard to dress is best defined by which one of the following statements? A) Most customers have never consciously put into words their feelings about dress and grooming. B) People seldom have strong feelings about what is appropriate in terms of dress and grooming. C) It is not possible to anticipate what is appropriate in dress and grooming because customers' expectations are never known. D) Every person seems to have very different expectations regarding what is appropriate in terms of dress and grooming. E) Every person has formed certain views about what is appropriate in terms of dress and grooming for specific occupations.


The evolution of strategic selling can be traced to: A) a need to use fewer salespeople to sell more products B) the growing demand for less expensive products C) the need for salespeople to master sales force automation practices D) new levels of competition E) several trends that resulted in a more complex selling environment


The highest form of partnering is the: A) marketing alliance B) value-added alliance C) partnering alliance D) customer partnership alliance E) strategic selling alliance


The promotion element of a marketing program can be subdivided into the areas of: A) sales, promotion, and advertising B) market research, personnel, and product publicity C) product research, product design, product production, and product publicity D) public relations, place, personal selling, and personnel E) sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and advertising


The scale designed to measure the amount of control we exert over our emotional expressiveness is the: A) communication bias B) emotional index C) sensitive scale D) excess zone E) sociability continuum


The word used to describe the ability to adapt communication styles to deal with different people is: A) directive B) supportive C) emotive D) reflective E) versatility


This form of business defamation arises when an unfair and untrue oral statement is made about a competitor: A) business libel B) reciprocity C) bribery D) puffery E) business slander


Which of the following can be a danger of using the internet? A) A company can change information about its products or services immediately on the internet. B) Customers can place repeat orders over the internet. C) Customers can find information about the company from its web site. D) Customers can discover information about competitors from their web sites. E) Salespeople may send inappropriate emails to customers or to each other.


Which of the following is NOT an activity that would be performed by a customer service representative (CSR)? A) processing paperwork B) shipping or delivering products C) providing telephone support for installation D) calling customers to make sure their product is working E) reconciling bank statements with accounting records


Which of the following trends in sales has led to an increase in both the education and skills a salesperson needs? A) an increase in commission per sale B) an increase in the time spent on personal relationships C) an increase in web-based selling channels D) a shift from in-person to telephone sales E) a shift from "selling" to "consulting"


Which style flexing technique is most appropriate for a salesperson to use in the presence of an emotive customer? A) Cite research and statistics. B) Avoid an open display of enthusiasm. C) Avoid too much informality. D) Decrease your assertiveness. E) Provide support for the customer's opinions and ideas.


Yukie, a salesperson for a North American car manufacturer, told one of her prospects that Honda was being investigated in Japan for unfair labor practices. Although she had heard the rumor from someone else, she was confident it was false. Yukie is guilty of: A) libel B) product disparagement C) reciprocity D) false advertising E) slander


) Firms that hire professionals such as accountants and engineers usually hire separate sales staff so the professionals do not have to sell.


) In the strategic/consultative selling model, developing a relationship strategy includes the following recommendations: adopt the marketing concept, project a professional image, and maintain high ethical standards.


) Maintaining a positive relationship with company support staff is a key element of building partnership relationships.


) The highest compensation for salespeople generally goes to those focusing on transactional sales.


) The role of a salesperson should move from supporting to selling.


A customer high in sociability tends to communicate in an ordered and measured manner.


Born salespeople have an advantage over people who learn selling skills through training.


Emotive customers are frank, demanding, serious and opinionated.


If you are not breaking the law, then you are acting in an ethical manner.


If your customer's most preferred communication style is Directive, you should keep the relationship as businesslike as possible.


In a selling situation, the Reflective customer wants plenty of facts presented as rapidly as possible.


It is almost impossible for management to develop guidelines for sales personnel regarding the giving of gifts to customers


Managers do not need sales skills because they need to obtain information from clients, not communicate information to clients.


Many business organizations, professional associations and certification agencies have established written codes of ethics.


Most image consultants agree that male salespeople should wear a jacket and tie to make the best impression on customers.


Once an entrepreneur's company is successful, the entrepreneur no longer has to sell.


People employed in the fast-paced business world, which is constantly changing, will adopt or discard values quickly.


People who fall into zone two display their unique behavior characteristics with less intensity than in zone one.


Research indicates that when two people communicate, verbal messages convey much more impact than nonverbal messages.


Salespeople who are promoted to management make more money than do their coworkers who stay in sales.


Sociability reflects the amount of control we exert over our emotional expressiveness.


The Uniform Commercial Code is a legal guide to a narrow range of transactions between the seller and the buyer.


The growth rate for service companies continues to be much higher than the growth rate for companies that are product-led.


The primary focus of trust in transactional sales is trust in the person who sells the product.


The psychological continuum and the sociability continuum are combined to form the communication-style model.


The role of the salesperson is to diagnose buyer need and determine how to extract value from the situation.


The salesperson should use a standard entertainment activity for all customers to avoid the appearance of favoritism.


The steps of self-improvement include goal setting, visualization, positive self-talk, and rewarding your progress.


This first major relationship challenge is understanding the win-win philosophy.


Transactional selling is a strategically developed, high-quality, longterm relationship that focuses on solving the customer's buying problems.


Win-win selling means that a salesperson sacrifices price to gain the sale.


A "strategy" can be best described as a collection of techniques, practices, or methods you use when you are face to face with a customer.


Consultative-style selling practices have become popular because they can be easily mastered.


The four major strategies that form the strategic consultative selling model are independent of one another.


The partnering concept, as an enhancement of personal selling, became very popular in the 1970s.


Today we use the computer more for data crunching and less for connecting.


________ has no value until it is communicated effectively.


Describe the difference between lower dominance and higher dominance.

Lower dominance describes people who tend to be quite cooperative and let others control things. They tend to be low in assertiveness. Supportive, reserved, accommodating, and quiet describes these people.Higher dominance refers to people who tend to like to control things and frequently initiate demands. They tend to be more aggressive in dealing with others. Competitive, decisive, demanding, and bold describe these people-

________ can be defined as a strategically developed, high quality, long-term relationship that focuses on solving the customer's buying problem.


________ income helps satisfy our need for recognition and security.


) ________-________ is shaped by the ideas, attitudes, feelings, and other thoughts you have about yourself that influence the way you relate to others.


List and describe the four major employment settings for sales personnel.

Selling for a retailer - Retailers sell to the final consumer, so final consumer goods such as vehicles, apparel, appliances, furniture, and personal computers fit this category.Selling for a wholesaler - Wholesalers employ over a million salespeople in the United States. Responsibilities of wholesale salespeople might include determining and granting credit, maintaining inventories, and helping with promotional activities.Selling for a manufacturer - These are highly technical sales. The category includes sales engineers, -detail- salespeople, field sales representatives, and inside salespeople.Selling a service - This includes hotel and convention center services, financial services, advertising sales, business services, real estate, and insurance-

Respond to the following idea: "Ethics are not a matter of law alone. A salesperson's ethical sense must extend beyond the legal definition of what is right or wrong."

To view ethics only in terms of what is legally proper encourages the question, -What can I get by with--A salesperson must develop a personal code of ethics that extends beyond the letter of the law-

A major reason for the demise of the product solution is the growing number of look-alike products.


Business firms vary in terms of how strongly they support the marketing concept.


Consultative-style selling, which emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, is an extension of the marketing concept.


Information technology aids salespeople in creating and maintaining relationships with customers.


One of the earliest formal statements indicating corporate interest in the marketing concept came from a General Electric Executive in the 1950s.


The goal of strategic alliances is to achieve a marketplace advantage by teaming up with another company whose products fit well with your own.


The presentation strategy includes a reminder that outstanding service should be the overriding theme of every sales presentation.


Typical salespeople spend about 30 percent of their time in actual face-to-face selling situations.


Value-added selling can be defined as a series of creative improvements within the sales process that enhance the customer experience.


When measured by either the number of people employed or expenses as a percentage of sales, personal selling is often the major promotional method used by American businesses.


________ selling can be defined as a series of creative improvements within the sales process that enhance the customer experience.


________ are deeply held personal beliefs and preferences.


The salesperson who is honest, accountable, and sincerely concerned about the customer's welfare brings ________ ________ to the sale.

added value

The National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP) has published a list of ten Standards of Professional Conduct. List and explain five.

her clients, striving to present products and services that satisfy the customers' needs.(The other five possible answers are- responsibility to employer, responsibility to NASP members, responsibility to the community, continuing education and laws.)

In the fields of selling, there are both ________ standards and ________ standards.


Knowing and applying communication styles in selling enables you to ________ the relationship.


________ ________ are a form of communication that have been defined as "messages without words" or "silent messages."

nonverbal messages

The major types of business defamation are business slander, business libel and ________ ________.

product disparagement

The term ________ can be defined as a mutual exchange of benefits, as when a firm buys products from its own customers.


A ________ ________ is a well thought-out plan for establishing, building and maintaining quality selling relationships.

relationship strategy

A ________ ________ works for the manufacturer. This salesperson must have detailed and precise technical knowledge.

sales engineer

) Convention center sales managers, investment securities brokers, and real estate salespeople all have one thing in common—they sell a ________.


________ ________ evolved because of broader and more diverse product lines, demand for specific customized solutions, and more competition.

strategic selling

The words "reserved," "warm," and "compliant" describe the ________ style.


A ________ is usually the only physical contact one makes during a sales call.


) List the four sources of sales training.

1. Corporate-sponsored training.2. Training provided by commercial vendors.3. Certification programs.4. College and University coursework-

List and describe the five strategic steps of the Strategic Consultative Selling Model

1. Developing a personal selling philosophy. This involves adopting the marketing concept, valuing personal selling, and assuming the role of problem-solver.2. Developing a relationship strategy. Success in selling depends heavily on the salesperson's ability to develop, manage, and enhance interpersonal relations with the customer.3. Developing a product strategy. Products and services represent the problem-solving tools available to salespeople.4. Developing a customer strategy. Sales and marketing efforts must be organized around the needs and desires of the customer.5. Developing a presentation strategy. The presentation is a critical part of the selling process because it is at this point that the salesperson determines whether the customer has a need for the product-

Account managers from Campbell's help add value for their culinary customers by: A) giving them cheaper prices B) selling more products than the competition C) helping them improve their menus D) providing various payment options E) expediting shipments


) All of the following are considered elements of nonverbal communication EXCEPT: A) dress and grooming B) confidence communicated by your voice C) choice of words to communicate facts and figures D) facial expressions and gestures E) posture and demeanor


) In a well-structured sales department, inside and outside salespeople often: A) compete for sales and customers B) duplicate their efforts and increase the company's cost per sale C) work together to generate leads, close sales, and provide service D) exchange leads depending on what the expected sales will be E) combine their monthly sales figures to increase commissions


) Network (multilevel) marketing is different from traditional sales in that it: A) creates a pyramid with the CEO at the top and the salespeople at the bottom B) eschews growth of the salesforce for a given product C) relies on an interconnected network of independent salespeople to sell the product directly D) focuses on paid advertising instead of word-of-mouth publicity E) allies itself with competing products and service providers


) The words "aloof" and "stuffy" describe which side of which of the following styles? A) the immature side of the supportive style B) the mature side of the supportive style C) the immature side of the reflective style D) the mature side of the reflective style E) the mature side of the directive style


A major development that has helped the information economy is: A) new demands for improved customer service B) recognition that customers want more information C) major advances in information technology D) the need for more strategic alliances E) diversification of products


A series of creative improvements in the sales process that enhance the customer experience is also known as: A) relationship modeling B) customer-oriented sales C) value-added selling D) transactional selling E) managing relationships


According to the author of Integrity Selling®, which of the following statements about values is true? A) Our values change frequently throughout life. B) Most people find it easy to clarify their values. C) A salesperson's values contribute more to sales success than do techniques. D) Values have only limited influence on our behavior. E) Values should be aligned with the culture of the firm.


________ ________ is communicating in a way more readily understood by and more agreeable to persons of another communication style.

Style flexing

) An empathizer is someone who understands the ways humans interact.


A Business Development Manager is in the sales department.


A majority of the states have passed legislation establishing a cooling-off period during which the consumer may void a contract to purchase goods and services.


A sales representative for Dell who is selling a new form of sophisticated routing-to-server software would probably be classified as a sales engineer.


Adapting to the customer's preferred communication style can enhance sales performance.


Communication style is an important aspect of our personality.


Communication style is based on a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.


Communication-style bias can cause a feeling that we simply do not like another person, without knowing exactly why.


Culture is the sum total of beliefs, values, knowledge, ethnic customs, and objects that people use to adapt to their environment.


Customers almost never buy products from someone they dislike.


Ego drive propels a salesperson to attempt to close a sale.


Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity for monitoring our own feelings and those of others, along with motivating ourselves and managing our emotions.


Ethical standards tend to filter down from the top of a business organization.


Examples of service industries include convention centers, banking, and advertising.


If the prospect's most preferred communication style is reflective, the salesperson should avoid actions that are too informal.


Kickbacks and payoffs may be acceptable practices to the vice president of sales and marketing, yet may be viewed as unethical by members of the sales force, the board of directors, investors, and the general public.


Knowledge workers are people who succeed by adding value to information.


Knowledge workers need selling skills to communicate their knowledge to consumers.


Nonverbal messages can reinforce or contradict the spoken word.


One of the "half-truths" that has influenced the erosion of character in business is that: "Corporations exist to maximize shareholder value."


Product disparagement constitutes a type of business defamation.


Sales positions can be a good track for promotion to supervisory-management positions.


Salespeople today need to have more education and skills than salespeople did in the past.


Style flexing is the deliberate attempt to accommodate the needs of your customer.


The CARE model helps salespeople add value to their relationships with customers.


The major outcome of a business agreement based on reciprocity is a mutual exchange of benefits.


The primary goal of a detail salesperson is to develop goodwill and stimulate demand for products.


The zones in the communication-style model might be thought of as "intensity zones."


Tone of voice can be a clue to identifying a customer's communication style.


Business defamation incurred when an unfair and untrue statement is made about a company in writing is known as ________ ________.

business libel

A ________ ________ is a carefully conceived plan that will result in maximum responsiveness to customers.

customer strategy

) The ________ salesperson is usually not compensated on the basis of the orders obtained, but receives recognition for indirectly increasing sales.


The ________ communication style combines high sociability and high dominance.


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