Yoga Module 1 Test- Getting Started Study Guide

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Asana Sequence -Explain what the progression of an asana sequence is designed to do. -List the benefits of a sequence.

- A simple sequence of yoga asanas, or postures, and a few minutes of regular practice can go a long way toward maintaining optimal health. -Asanas designed to tone the whole body, and it will bring about greater flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. As well as a clearer, more focused mind.

Body, Breath, and Mind -Describe how you bring awareness to a yoga posture -Explain why breath awareness is an important tool in yoga -Explain the method for correct execution of a yoga pose -List the benefits you gain from the process of learning to respond to each posture and stretching from inside out

-Bringing awareness is key to a yoga posture is to observe what is going on inside it. Your goal is to develop ease and stability. -Breath awareness is important way to maintain this "soft" focus; being conscious of the breath allows you to "listen" to the impression that is being made by the postures a whole. -Method for correct execution of a yoga posture, conscious observation and relaxed breath awareness, -Benefits you gain from each posture and stretching. Increasing your holding time you will develop stronger body. Regular practice will improve concentration. Relaxed breath awareness will help to uncover source of tension and transform your perception of the pose as well as self-confidence.

Guidelines for Practice (continued)

-For injuries, yoga can be an invaluable tool in recovering from illness or injury, but your practice must match the stage of your recovery. Do not practice prematurely or exceed your capacity. -During menstruation avoid inverted poses, overexertion, and pressure or heat in the abdomen. Concentrating more on relaxation postures and on breathing and mediation exercises.

Guidelines for Practice -Describe the best environment for practice -Describe the clothes and equipment you need -Explain why practice should be coordinated with meals and digestion -Explain the best time, and how much is needed, for practice -Explain the guidelines for illness, injury, and menstruation

-Its best to practice in a clean, quiet, well-ventilated, and peaceful space with a firm carpet or other non-skid surface. Avoid temperature extremes, direct sun, and drafts. -Wear non-binding clothes, take off your shoes and socks. Natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe. if you can do without your glasses take them off. Equipment: blanket or shawl, canvas strap, non-skid mat, eye pillow. -Postures affect the internal organs, so its better to wait until they are no longer bust with digestion. Practice on an empty stomach and bladder. -Practicing early morning and late afternoon have traditionally been recommended. A minimum of 15min. is needed to complete a short sequence, and a brief relaxation; 30min. will provide time for more stretching and complete relaxation; Practice at least three times per week.

The Spirit of Yoga -Explain what direct experience in yoga provides. -Describe the difference between the outward and inner outcomes of yoga

-The Sages of yoga remind us that each of us is a citizen of two worlds. Inner World- world of thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Outer World- a universe with which we interact.

The Paths of Yoga -Identify the classic Indic text that describes the four paths of yoga -Define the Ashtanga Yoga path - Define the Karma Yoga Path -Define the Shakti Yoga path Define the Jnana Yoga Silence -Describe what the practice of silence in yoga provides

-The classic text of ancient India, the Bhagavad Gita, describes four paths of yoga, but as you think about them remember that no yoga path is entirely separate from the others. The eight limbs of raja yoga are sometimes called the "yoga of practice." They are compared to the head of the bird. -Ashtanga Yoga Path: means eight limbs or branches, of which asana or physical yoga poses is only one. -Karma Yoga Path: consists of performing actions without expectation or selfish attachment. -Bhakti Yoga Path: birds other wing and is the path of devotion. The practice of every yoga student thrives if there is some measure of love and appreciation for the teachings. Janna Yoga: Practice of Silence in yoga makes it possible to explore the parts of ourselves that otherwise pass unacknowledged and unobserved.

Stretching -Describe the benefits -Describe the sources of resistance to flexibility -Explain why ballistic stretching is harmful -Describe how stretching in yoga is done -Explain why the inner observer is important during yoga stretching

Benefits of Stretching: improve flexibility, range of motion, better circulation, pain relief, relaxation, and improved posture. Sources that create resistance to flexibility: -tightness in muscles and connective tissues -habits of posture and movement that unconsciously reinforce joint restrictions -mental states that lead to physical tension

Fill in the Blank. Breath __________ through the nose. keep the _________ soft Let the ______ flow from one to the next. Nurture _________ of lightness, elongation, and strength. Pay ____________. Remain in the _____________.

Breath ___evenly______ through the nose. keep the ____eyes_____ soft Let the ___movement___ flow from one to the next. Nurture ____feelings_____ of lightness, elongation, and strength. Pay ____attention________. Remain in the _____present________. YOU SHOULD FEEL GOOD AFTER A POSE!

The Poses- Presence Series -Identify and match each pose in the sequence to its series, picture, name (and Sanskrit term if applied).

Extended Childs Pose -Awakens connection between breath and body. Drishi: Third Eye Downward Facing Dog -Stretches the whole body and calms the whole being. Drishti at the navel Rag doll Pose -Release the lower back Drishti: Navel Tadasana (Mountain) -Reverses gravitational stress on body. Drishti: at fingertips Samasthiti/ Om Mantra "Come to Attention Pose" Drishti: straight ahead

Sequence One - Warm up The Series -Identify the progression of series, and the corresponding concept for each.

Knees-to-Chest Pose -Releases lower back tension. Tabletop, Cow, Cat Poses -Mobilizes the spine. Sukhasana "Easy Pose" -Collects and draw energy inward.

The Five Koshas -Define kosha -Name and describe the outermost layer -Define "internal energy"

Kostas are the five dimensions of personality, surround the self. They function, like shades around a light-shrouding the intensity and vitality of our self-awareness. -Outermost layer: the annamaya kosher, is the most visible layer of our personality, and it is the one with which most of us identify.There are four instinctive drives- urges for food, sex (sexual pleasure), sleep, and self-preservation. -Internal energy, called pranamaya kosha, is internal to the bodying more subtle. Associated with more integrated and vibrant experiences of energy that sometimes result from yoga practice.


Meaning the company of like-minded people to uplift and inspire you on the yoga path.

Identify the 5 elements and corresponding body parts and cues in the True North Series.

True North Series: 1. Ground down like EARTH- - feet, stretch out toes, hug legs 2. Flow like WATER- - soften joints, lift pelvis and drop tailbone 3. Build an inner FIRE-- - pull pit of the belly, draw ribs, and expand mid-back 4. Soften like AIR- - draw spine in, upper arms back, and move shoulder blades to spine 5. Create new SPACE- - Draw in

The Eight Limbs of Yoga -Define the origins of yoga -How many centuries yoga has been practiced -Explain who Pantajali was and why he is important. -Identify when the "Yoga Sutras" were written. -Explain the difference between the outer and inner limbs of yoga.

Yoga has been practiced in India for more than forty centuries. Two thousand years ago the sage Patanjali arranged many already existing practices into a unified text known as the Yoga Sutras. The sage Patanjali presented the practices of yoga in the form of eight divisions or limbs.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga (continued) -Define raja yoga -Explain the difference between the outer and inner limbs of yoga. -Define asana -Define yoga

raja yoga: is the eight limbs of Patanjali practices, the "royal" path, because they lead to the complete realization of one's inner nature. The first five limbs are termed the "external" limbs of yoga-practices associated with one's relationships in the world, and with one's body, energy, and senses. asana: is yoga pose or posture or position of the body. Patanjali defines asanas as Steady and Comfortable pose. Yoga itself is derived from the short Sanskrit verb root yup, a word that can be translated "to join or to unite."

Sequence One The Sanskrit Terms -Identify the English name. • Ānjali • Chaturanga Dandasana • Drishti • Mantra • Mudrā • Om • Samasthiti • Savasana • Sukhasana • Surya Namaskara • Tadasana

• Ānjali-means "offering" mudra is a symbolic hand gesture. Anjali mudra symbolizes "honoring this moment." • Chaturanga Dandasana- "four-limb staff pose" (low push-up) • Drishti-"point of focus" • Mantra- word or sound used to focus concentration in mediation. • Mudrā • Om- represent the past, present and future. Let the resonance fill the body, mind, and spirit. • Samasthiti- "Come to Attention Pose" • Savanna - "Corpse Pose" • Sukhasana-"Easy Pose" • Surya Namaskara- first "Sun Saluation" • Tadasana- "Mountain Pose"

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