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Many children use codes in their text messages (LOL, TTYL, 411). When a girl uses such codes, it indicates that she understands:


After a stroke, Mrs. Tippett has difficulty recognizing speech sounds. Mrs. Tippett's _____ lobe may be damaged.


Angela's little girl found a bottle of her perfume and drank half the bottle. Angela immediately calls poison control and takes the steps that they advise. This is an example of:

tertiary prevention.

the onrush of the hormone called ___ in the male fetus is one reason why neurological sex difference occur in the third month of pregnancy.


Reggie can ride a bike only if his mom is providing some physical support and coaching. Vygotsky would say:

that riding a bike is within Reggie's zone of proximal development.

Chynna has just turned 3. At dinner, Chynna insists that none of the different foods on her plate touch each other. She demands, also, that her place be set with her special "princess" flatware. Chynna is demonstrating:

the "just right" or "just so" phenomenon.

when there is no relationship between two variables. the correlation coefficient is___

0 or zero

Consider newborns in developed nations who survive their first month of life. About what proportion of these infants will fail to survive to adulthood?

1 in 1,000

Which alternative most closely approximates the proportion of American children who speak a non-English language at home?

1 in 5

Sally's weight has tripled since she was born. This gain is typical of a child who is:

1 year old

Ninety percent of all babies master walking by __ months.


What percentage of U.S. children ages 6 to 9 were obese in 2010?


According to Jean Piaget, at what age do infants begin to anticipate and solve simple problems by using mental combinations?

18 to 24 months

In the United States in 2010, _____ percent of children ages 5 to 9 moved from one home to another.


Marisa is 8. Based on information provided in the textbook, one can predict that she will be about _____ inch(es) taller when she is 9.


extremely low birthweight (ELBW) is defined as a body weight of less than ____ at birth

2 pounds, 3 ounces

Sarah weighed 7 pounds at birth and now weighs 28 pounds. She is most likely:

2 years old

In the fetal period, the fetus grows for the length if a final thumb joint to about ____ inches in lengh at birth


According to some longitudinal studies, children who become successful, happy, and generous adults generally have parents who were:


According to some studies, children who become successful, happy, and generous adults generally have parents who were _____.


Which statement best captures the relationship between income and socioeconomic status?

Income is an element of socioeconomic status

The entire packet of ____ to make a living organism is called the genome


Cara and Deanna are sitting side-by-side, playing with dolls. Each girl is talking to herself. Cara and Deanna are engaged in _____ play.


Diana Baumrind's _____ parenting style tends to result in children who become unhappy and lack self-control.


The process of __ is what occurs when one of the sensory systems (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, or nose) detects a stimulus.


The formula for influences on a child may be written as G + Shared E + Nonshared E, where:

Shared E < Nonshared E

A person's income and their level of education is part of their_______status


Jameel has an advanced degree, lives in a nice neighborhood, and earns more than $50,000. This information describes his:

Socioeconomic status.

Of Mildred Parten's five types of play, she believed the LEAST advanced is ____ play.


Complete this analogy on the theories of multiple intelligences: 3 is to 9 as _____ is to Gardner.


What is the best example of a cohort effect?

The popularity of children's names in a given decade

The behaviorists' main objection to the psychoanalytic emphasis on unconscious, hidden urges was that:

The urges could not be measured and verified

Guilt is the negative consequence of which developmental stage of Erik Erikson's theory?


Parents are told that their newborn is in the 90th percentile for height. This means that their child is of:

above average height.

At birth:

all the senses are functional.

Dr. Snider, a geneticist, is looking for a slight variation of a particular gene that would cause a certain abnormality. He is looking for an:


Anong, who is breast-feeding her infant daughter, had measles as a child. Her daughter will be protected from the disease because of the _____ in Anong's breast milk.


___ is to emotion as hippocampus is to memory.


According to the ecological-systems approach, a good example of an exosystem is:

an elementary school

the rise in low-birthweight babies in the united states in the past 20 years might be because of:

an increase in multiple birth

Donny, age 6, suddenly makes an angry face at Alan and kicks him hard for no apparent reason. Donny is displaying:

antisocial behavior.

Improvement in selective attention across childhood does NOT drive improvements in:

artistic abilities

An example of an externalizing problem is ___, and an example of an internalizing problem is _____.

attacking other people being withdrawn

Keeva believes that she needs to show her children that she is in charge and has many strict rules about their conduct. At times, she spanks her kids in order to get them to do what she wants. According to Diana Baumrind, what style of parenting is this?


According to the textbook, the rate of _____ diagnoses is increasing.


_____ is the repeated, systematic efforts to inflict harm through physical, verbal, or social attack on a weaker person.


Newborns can:

can focus only on objects between about 4 and 30 inches away.

According to Piaget, one of the characteristics that limit a preoperational child's thinking is:


which of the following is an example of unethical research behavior?

changing the data to support the hypothesis

Piaget stressed the _____, whereas Vygotsky stressed the _____.

child's own discovery of concepts; importance of instruction by others

According to Piaget, the stage of thinking that is characteristic of middle childhood is:

concrete operational.

Baby Angela's father contributes the allele for green eyes to his daughter and her mother contributes the allele for brown eyes. When Angela is one year, her eyes are clearly dark brown. The allele for brown eyes is the ____ gene


Between ages 2 and 6, instrumental aggression _____ in frequency. Over this period, reactive aggression _____.

increases decreases

Physical punishment ___________ the possibility of aggression and temporarily ___________obedience.

increases increases

What is Erikson's fourth stage of psychosocial development?

industry versus inferiority

According to Erikson, if an 11-year-old does not solve his or her fourth psychosocial crisis, he will come to view himself as _____.


it is now generally understood that alcoholism is:

influenced by genetics

Peggy's research compares how people and computers receive and process large amounts of information. This reflects the _____-processing perspective, which compares human thinking processes to computers.


Professor Masood frequently uses examples of how computers analyze data to help the class understand how human memory works. Professor Masood evidently is an advocate of __ theory.


Nadia is 5 years old, and she likes to help her mother in the kitchen at dinnertime. However, her mother is often impatient at the end of the day, scolding Nadia when she tries to help. Her mother finds she can get things done more quickly if Nadia stays out of the way. Based on Erik Erikson's theory, Nadia may fail to develop:


Emma baby-proofed all the lower cabinets in her kitchen when her son began to crawl. She knew his recognition, or __, of stimuli was more advanced than his __, or the ability to think about them.

perception cognition

The goal of _____ in cases of substantiated child maltreatment is to find a long-term living situation for the child.

permanency planning

The effort by child welfare authorities to find a long-term living situation that will provide stability and support for a maltreated child is known as:

permanency planning.

Three-year-old Jordan has been asking his mother to get off the phone ever since she picked it up. He repeats "Mommy, put down that phone. Mommy, stop talking on the phone," over and over until she finally complies and walks over to him. Jordan's behavior is an example of _____.


According to the text, genes affect _____ as well as ability.


Erik Erikson's initiative-versus-guilt crisis takes place during Sigmund Freud's ___ stage.


The process of forming a gender identity takes place mainly in the ______ stage psychosexual development.


Longitudinal research has found that children who are ___ punished are more likely to become bullies and delinquents and abusive adults.


According to the textbook, the time allocated to active _____ in U.S. schools has decreased.


According to Freud, sexual ______ characterize each stage of development in the first six years


one husband with two or more wives

polygamous family

The term _____ refers to a person who is fluent in two languages, not favoring one over the other. Research has found that many of the benefits of Head Start fade by first grade. This may be attributed to the fact that: children in the comparison group were enrolled in other early-childhood programs.

"balanced bilingual"

Dasha was raised in an orphanage in Russian. Although she is now 12 years old and living with her adoptive family in England, her speech is very delayed and she has problem with grammer. This indicates that she was not encouraged to begin talking between 1 and ____ years, a sensitive period of language


According to Freud, who is most likely to be in the phallic stage?

4 year old girl

chromosomal abnormalities occur when a zygote's cells have more or fewer than ____ chromosomes


Keira is 6. She is 3'7" tall. If her weight is average, Keira's weight is probably ___ pounds at most.


Janie is 2 years old. She most likely knows about _____ words.


At age ____, Andre has begun to "slim down." He has lost the chubby toddler look and is now leaner. He weighs 42 pounds and is 44 inches tall.


Which statement regarding bilingual children is true? Neuroscience finds that children use the same areas of their brains but are able to keep multiple languages separate. Consider U.S. children who speak a language other than English at home. Of these children, about _____% speak English well.


In the United States, __ of infants are breast-fed at birth, but only __ are breast-fed at 6 months

77 percent 48 percent

Carter is given peas and green beans. When asked if he has more peas or vegetables, he responds, "I have more vegetables." Knowing this answer means that Carter is at least_____ years old


"There it is! That's my son!" Dean jubilates as he and Yolanda view the sonograms of Yolanda's fetus. Because the fetus' sex organs are visible, Yolanda is at least ____ weeks pregnant

9 or nine

Which example best illustrates a critical period?

A fetus developing fingers and toes between 28 and 54 days after conception

Carlos was diagnosed with _____ because he has great difficulty concentrating for more than a few moments and is also inattentive, impulsive, and overactive.


Dennis was diagnosed with _____ because he has great difficulty concentrating for more than a few moments and is also inattentive, impulsive, and overactive.


Fatima seems to zone out during her third grade class, pokes her neighbors, and yells and blames others if her pencil lead breaks. She MOST likely has a diagnosis of _____.


Binocular vision is absent at:


What do circumcision and spanking have in common?

Both are customs that are considered child abuse in some cultures but not in others.

Which would best explain why a preoperational child would not be able to understand that cats can be both pets and wild animals?


Pavlov noted that his exoerimental dogs bean to salivate when they heard the footsteps of the attendants who brought them food. This led to his research in:

Classical conditioning

Linda and Gary, having returned home with their week-old child after a difficult birth, feel they cannot separate from their baby at night. Consequently, they allow the baby to share their bed. This practice is called


Of Mildred Parten's five types of play, she believed the MOST advanced is __ play.


Rosa and Aisha are playing with blocks. They are working together to see how high they can stack the blocks, taking turns stacking and encouraging each other. Which type of play are they engaging in?


Used between the years 1957 and 1961 =, the drug thalidomide disrupted a_____ period of prenatal development.


A long-lasting system of shared beliefs, norms, behaviors, and expectations is term an____


The people in which of these groups are members of a cohort?

Current middle school students

Each cell manufactures certain proteins according to instructions stored by molecules of ____ at the heart of each cell.


A group of ideas, assumptions, and generalizations that interpret and illuminates observations that have been made about human growth is referred to as a_____ theory


_____ impairs a person's fluency or comprehension accuracy in being able to read and spell. _____ involves difficulty in learning or comprehending simple mathematics.

Dyslexia; dyscalculia

A parent might ask a child, "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" in order to encourage_____.


Whose framework of psychosocial development included a fourth stage that focused on industry versus inferiority?


According to Diana Baumrind, ___ is the dimension in which parents communicate their love and care to a child.

Expressions of warmth

Tyrese was sitting in his high chair and eating dry cereal on his own. Tyrese looked at the small pieces and was able to coordinate his fingers in order to pick up each piece and put it in his mouth. This is an example of __ motor skills.


Associative play appears ____ in the order of Mildred Parten's progression of social play.


Crawling is an example of a __

Gross motor skill

_____ is an example of a reflex that maintains oxygen supply, while ____ is an example of a reflex that maintains body temperature.

Hiccupping ; tucking in the legs

John, 72, is trying to make sense out of his life. He feels great disappointment when he thinks about goals that he never reached. His behavior falls into which of Erikson's stages?

Integrity versus despair

The existence of imaginary friends, which are common in 3- to 7-year-olds, reflects ____ motivations.


Rocky and Zayn frequently engage in wrestling, chasing, and other types of rough-and-tumble play. Which is NOT a benefit they receive from this type of play?

It helps them to rehearse social roles.

_____ has been criticized for not taking cultural or gender differences into account in the development of his views on moral reasoning.


Some foods may aid survival in a particular culture. For example, bitter foods may provide a defense against __.


Which statement about physical punishment is true?

Many children who were physically punished as children do not grow up to become violent adults.

What are the research findings on children breathing secondhand smoke?

Many fewer children are breathing secondhand smoke than they were in the early 1990s.

Which of the following statements about neurons is true?

Most neurons are created before birth.

The formula for influences on a child may be written as G + Shared E + Nonshared E, where _____ is greater than _____.

Nonshared E; Shared E

Jeannie has low expectations for maturity from her children and rarely disciplines them, but she loves them and listens well to them. She would be characterized by Diana Baumrind as having a _____ parenting style.


Johanna believes that her children can do no wrong and that they should be allowed to develop without interference. Accordingly, she accepts whatever they do without control or discipline. According to Diana Baumrind, her parenting style could be best described as:


According to __, centration is one of the characteristics that limit a preoperational child's thinking.


According to _____, the stage of thinking that is characteristic of middle childhood is the concrete operational.


____called the stage of thinking that is characteristic of middle childhood concrete operational.


Which statement about play is true around the world?

Play reflects the values and activities of the culture.

most human traits are affected by many genes. In other words that are:


The text suggests that infant mortality is __ correlated with fertility rate.


According to Kohlberg, the preconventional level of moral development emphasizes rewards and punishments and the _____ level emphasizes moral principles.


Priscilla, like most of us, would like to obtain rewards and avoid punishments. Kohlberg would consider this to be the goal of _____ moral reasoning.


Legislation encouraging the construction of better-ventilated school buildings is an example of a(n)_____ level of asthma prevention.


Currently Mercedes attends a(n) _____ school through the use of a voucher. However, the family is moving to a state in which vouchers are illegal. After the move, Mercedes will attend a public school.


Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalytic theory largely on the basis of open-ended, narrative analyses of individuals. Sigmund Freud did not preform significance tests or compute correlation coefficients. Sigmund Freud's research thus exemplifies ____ research


_____ is a positive adaptation to stress. For example, if rejection by a parent leads a child to establish a closer relationship with another adult, perhaps a grandparent or a neighbor, that is positive adaptation, not mere passive endurance.


_____ is a positive response to significant adversity.


Monique is a 6th grade middle school student and considered a bully at school by other students and the principal because she constantly yells at other girls and calls them names on the playground. Like most girls who are bullies, Monique tends to use _____ aggression.


By naming the first two years of infant development the sensorimotor stage, ___ recognized the importance of dynamic sensory motor systems


What is psychological control?

a disciplinary technique in which parents threaten the withdrawal of their love and support

A nuclear family consists of:

a father, a mother, and their biological children under age 18 living in one household.

Which of the following best explains the inability of a 3-month-old to successfully reach out to grab and hold an object?

a lack of coordination

When a child becomes more fluent in the language spoken at school than in the language spoken at home, it is referred to as:

a language shift.

Deferred imitation refers to:

a sequence in which an infant perceives another's action and then performs the same action later.

Consider U.S. children who speak a language other than English at home. Of these children, how many speak English well?

a substantial majority

which research method's primary data source is information gained from interviews and questionnaires?

a survey

Jarell is 6. He is 3'7" tall. Jarell's height is:


The Flynn effect is the sizeable increase in _____ IQ scores around the world. There are numerous proposed explanations and some skepticism about its implications.


the newborn's breathing reflex begins ____ the umbilical cord is cut.


agents and conditions that harm the prenatal brain and impair learning and behavior are called:

behavioral teratogens

Rosita speaks Spanish and is learning to speak English. In her second-grade classroom, school subjects are taught in both English and Spanish. This method of teaching a second language is called _____ schooling.


__ differences between males and females are referred to as sex differences


Anika watches her newborn son, dressed only in his diaper, on the changing tables as she grabs a new sleeper. She notices that he tucks his legs up close to his body and then begins to cry. These reflexes are part of the set of reflexes that manages:

body temperature

A(n) _____ might make a student repeatedly do his or her homework or force a person to drink juice mixed with salt and mud more than once.


A young child who states that "butter is made by butterflies" and "birds grow birdseed" is trying to use: logical extension. ____ programs stress imagination and discovery


An experimenter shows 7-year-old Aaron four stuffed bears and two stuffed cats. The experimenter asks, "Are there more bears, or more animals?" Aaron exclaims, "Bears!" Aaron has not mastered the logical concept of _____.


Carly is given grapes and strawberries. When asked if she has more grapes or fruit, she responds, "I have more fruit." Carly is using the logical concept of:


Daneisha is given peaches and plums. When asked if she has more peaches or more fruit, she responds, "I have more fruit." Carly is using the logical concept of _____.


An experimenter shows 7-year-old Aaron four stuffed bears and two stuffed cats. The experimenter asks, "Are there more bears or more animals?" Aaron exclaims, "Bears!" Aaron has not mastered the logical concept of:


Aaron is 7-years-old. Most children Aaron's age _____ objects they see, such as putting all of the red grapes in one pile and all of the green grapes in another pile.


Children are likely to experience a loss of self-esteem when playing sports, particularly if their teammates or _____ are cruel.


Both sets of Jon's grandparents grew up during Great depression. Since they were all born within a few years of each other, they are part of the same


Jenna and Harry were both born during the Vietnam war. Although they grew up in different cities, they are still part of the same


A developmentalist is studying the popularity of children's names over the years. She is really looking at the

cohort effect

Lexie and Michael listen very patiently to their children. They consistently try to talk out problems as they occur and understand their children's point of view. This aspect of Lexie and Michael's parenting would fall into which of Diana Baumrind's dimensions of parenting?


The ___ allows communication between the two hemispheres of the brain by connecting them with each other.

corpus callosum

Yolanda, who is 5 years old, has improved dramatically in her ability to throw and catch a baseball. The growth of the ___ has contributed significantly to her improved abilities by enhancing communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

corpus callosum

Gross motor skill is to __ as fine motor skill is to __.

crawling grabbing

Maddie's teachers praise the 9-year-old girl's imaginative collages, drawings, and watercolors. Not only are they well executed, but they are also highly original. In Sternberg's terms, Maddie is high in _____ intelligence.


Rory's teachers praise the 9-year-old boy's imaginative collages, drawings, and watercolors. Not only are they well executed, but they are also highly original. In Sternberg's terms, Rory is high in _____ intelligence.


Kailyn's older sister bothers her every day. This daily hassle can have a(n) _____ effect on Kailyn.


When Piaget referred to concrete operations, he meant logic applied in situations that:

deal with visible, tangible, real things.

Lola is in her eighth month pf pregnancy and likes to sing and gently rock to music when she is doing the dishes. she notices that her baby's movements____ when she moves in a rhythmic fashion, which probably means the baby is resting


Assuming that children who are deaf cannot communicate as well as children who can hear is an example of equating difference with _____


Alexa, 10 years old, finds that her friendships are changing. Children Alexa's age are more likely to _____ more of his or her friends, including loyalty.


in a study on the effects of nutrition on school performance, test scores would likely be a(n):

dependent variable



Across cultures, children of parents with _____ were less able to regulate their emotions.


Since Fredrico has extreme mood swings, from euphoria to _____ which don't correspond to events in his life, his psychiatrist has given me the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.




Helena is 40 years old and has just conceived her first child. Her age at conception means that she has a greater risk of having a fetus with

down syndrome

the most prevalent cause of low birthweight is maternal ____ use


Resilience is _____, which means a given person may be resilient at some periods but not others.


What and how students learn is determined by

educational funding, guidelines, and parental involvement.

A 3-year-old who gives his mother a toy car for the mother's birthday and expects that she will love it is demonstrating:


Shawn is 5 years old. When he is angry, he can express this appropriately without becoming explosive. When he is sad, he can express this and can be consoled. Shawn seems to have mastered: .

emotional regulation

Tabitha is crying at the day care as her mother is leaving. Stephen goes up to his teacher and says in a worried voice, "Tabitha is sad because her mommy went to work." Stephen is displaying:


A parent might ask a child, "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" in order to:

encourage empathy.

The prefrontal cortex is the ___ of the brain.


Sean and Maria are very cold toward and critical of their children. They rarely hug and kiss them or tell them that they love them. This aspect of Sean and Maria's parenting would fall into which of Diana Baumrind's dimensions of parenting?

expressions of warmth

Isaiah lives with his paternal grandmother. His father is absent, and his mother is dead. Next door, Destiny lives with her mother and her maternal grandparents. Isaiah lives in a skipped-generation family. Destiny lives in a(n) _____ family.


When a person expresses powerful feelings through uncontrolled physical or verbal outbursts, he or she has _____ problems. Erik Erikson's initiative-versus-guilt crisis takes place during Sigmund Freud's ___ stage.

externalizing phallic

Six-year-old Mikey gets very angry at school and will often have outbursts in class in which he yells at the teacher and knocks over his desk. Mikey has:

externalizing problems.

Jayden is a child with a "high-functioning" autistic spectrum disorder. What statement is true?

extremely talented in some specialized area, such as drawing or geometry.

Barry is a 9-year-old African American who lives in a community rife with social stress and racial prejudice. Barry's involvement with adults in his same _____ group may be his best means of support.


Jessica's husband works on car engines as a hobby. When she thinks about his hobby, Jessica often fails to figure out exactly what a particular part is, but she has the general idea of what it does and places it in an appropriate mental category. This is an example of:


In most nations, matters regarding public education, including curriculum, funding, and teacher training are set by the:

federal government.

"There it is! That's my son!" Dean jubilates as he and Yolanda view the sonograms of Yolanda's fetus. Because the fetus' sex organs are visible, the fetus is in the ____ period of prenatal development


Mary is pregnant with her first child. She just found out that the baby has grown one pound since her last doctor's appointment. She is in the ___ period of prenatal development


the longest period of prenatal development is the ____ period


Cooperative play appears _____ in the order of Mildred Parten's progression of social play.


Skills that involve small body movements, such as writing and cutting food, are called __ motor skills.


Skills that involve small body movements, such as writing and cutting food, are called:

fine motor skills.

According to the textbook, children switch between different styles of speech, called codes. Sometimes the switch is between _____ code (used in academic contexts) and _____ code (used with friends).

formal ; informal

Piaget's fourth period of cognitive development is:

formal operational

Relatives and _____ routinely help single African American parents.


Dr. Mitchell is a scientist studying heredity. which is a(n)


The instructions in the 46 chromosomes are organized into units called


All of a person's genetic inherited potential is called the:


the first two weeks of development after conception is called the

germinal period

After noticing that her 4-year-old brother was having difficulty putting a jigsaw puzzle together, 10-year-old Rose helped him with the task by putting together a few pieces herself, showing him how they fit and praising his successes, helping him to understand progress. From Vygotsky's perspective, this as an example of:

guided participation.

Which statement is true about imaginary friends? Imaginary friends meet some of the psychosocial needs of children. __ is the negative consequence of Erik Erikson's third developmental stage.


At 12 months, Toni was malnourished. His body stopped growing, but his brain did not. This supports the concept of:


Leo cannot be vaccinated because of his allergies, but he is protected to some degree from catching childhood diseases because of ____, which means that at least 90 percent of people in his local community have been immunized.

herd immunity

the statistic of ____ for a particular trait, such as nearsightedness, may apply more to one population than another because standards of medical care and nutrition may vary widely from population to population


Outside the formal curriculum, less explicit norms influence children's learning at school. These norms are termed the _____ curriculum


The brain structure that helps a child remember whether an elevator ride was scary or fun is the:


Seth's parents have decided to team up with other families to provide his elementary school education. This scenario describes a type of education known as _____.

home schooling

A study of Mexican-American children and the questions that they asked found that most questions were about ___ behavior and characteristics.


undergoing _____ before pregnancy is one way to prevent contracting rubella


An undeveloped prefrontal cortex can be responsible for ___ in young children.


Reese is 4 years old. Over the last few years, she has been excitedly learning new skills and trying new things. Reese feels confident in her ability to do almost anything and has been fairly successful in learning these skills. She can tie her shoes, knows all her colors and the alphabet, and loves playing tag with her siblings. Erik Erikson would most likely say that Reese is developing:


One of the results of physical activity is increased:


What is relational aggression?

insults or social rejection aimed at harming the victim's social connections

Perception is the mental processing of sensory information when the brain __ a sensation. What is another word for immunization? Vaccination .


scientific obervation

involves systematically and objectively recording behavior

Four-year-old Kanaan's mother makes him a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. However, Kanaan refuses to eat the sandwich, stating that he does not like cheese. When Kanaan's mother removes the cheese from the sandwich, he still refuses to eat it and again states that he does not like cheese. This is an example of:


Erik has just turned 3. At night, Erik becomes upset if his Mom doesn't set out his favorite superhero pajamas, if his teddy-bear isn't placed between the pillows, and if his Mom has made the bed with the "wrong" sheets. Erik is illustrating the _____ phenomenon.

just right

Children could be referred to as _____ sponges in early childhood.


The sense of hearing develops during the _ _ trimester of pregnancy.


Erikson's industry versus inferiority stage corresponds to the _____ stage in Freud's theory of psychosexual development.


A _____ is a marked delay in a particular area of learning that is not caused by a physical disability, mental retardation, or an unusually stressful home environment.

learning disability

This type of education is often called mainstreaming or inclusion.

least restrictive environment (LRE)

Children's _____-term memory is imperfect, but this is true at every age because everyone forgets or distorts items that should be remembered.


Mira is 7-years-old. Her _____-term memory most likely has a fairly very large capacity now that she is in middle childhood.




The body mass index (BMI) is ___ at age 5 than at any other age in the first years of life


The body mass index (BMI) is _____ at age 5 than at any other age in the first years of life


the primary reason that adolescent mothers often have small babies in maternal


An experimenter who begins with two equal balls of clay and then changes the shape of one is testing for conservation of:


the use of tobacco during pregnancy

may affect the baby's urinary tract

Although Hazel is black and was born in Borbados, she grew up in a predominantly white, upper-middle class neighborhood outside of Boston and rarely met other peopke from the Caribbean side of her family. This shows that:

membership is an ethnic minority group is not equivalent to a common cultural experience.

Carolyn Rovee-Collier's innovative experiment that provided dramatic evidence for infant ____ involved tying infants' feet to a mobile.


Erika is in elementary school. She is in the developmental period known as ______.

middle childhood

Each cell manufactures certain protein according to instructions stored by ___ of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) at the heart of each cell


What is one type of intelligence identified by Gardner?


The longer Shelley works, the less sleep she gets. For Shelley, there is a _____ correlation between hours worked and hours slept


Mira is uninvolved in the lives of her children. She does not seem to know or care what they are doing. Her parenting style might be best described as:


The information processing perspective seeks to explain cognitive development with respect to:

neurological and perceptual processes

The Internet's information superhighway is not unlike that of the brain. Instead of computers, servers, nodes, and transmission lines, chemical messengers called ____ in the brain carry information from the axons of sending neurons across the synaptic gap to the dendrites of receiving neurons.


ann gave birth 37 weeks after conception. Her baby weighed 6 lbs. 1 oz. Ann's baby was

none of these

According to the text, high self-esteem is:

not universally valued nor universally criticized.

A baby's visual cortex is not fully developed at birth. It takes about 2 to 4 months to develop to the point at which babies can use both eyes to focus on an object. Babies do not need both eyes in the womb because:

nothing is far enough away to require focusing both eyes on it.

Robert and Brita have been married for a little over 22 years. During their marriage, they had two children: a 15-year-old son named Trevor and 17-year-old son named Shane. They would be considered a(n) _____ family.


Wes and Kristy are a married couple living with their two young sons. This example illustrates a(n) _____ family structure.


An experimenter who lines up seven pairs of checkers in two equal rows and asks a child if the rows have the same number of checkers is testing for conservation of ___. Early childhood is _____ for language learning.

number a sensitive period

Brittney is 7 years old and is _____, which means that she is among the 18 percent of U.S. children her age with a BMI above the 95th percentile.


according to the text, one drawback of longitudinal research is that:

over time, participants may withdraw, move to an unknown address, or die

Which early childhood approach emphasizes individual pride and achievement? Montessori _____ occurs when children apply the rules of grammar when they should not.


Maggie is 9 years old and considered _____ because her BMI is above the 85th percentile for children in her age range.


Caroline is 15. After a head injury she is no longer able to plan ahead and prioritize properly. Most likely her ____ was injured

prefrontal cortex

Rebecca is very organized. She has set aside specific hours for studying and knows when she has had enough to eat. This behavior can be explained by a mature:

prefrontal cortex.

A child demonstrates object permanence, egocentrism, and an ability to think magically and poetically. she is most likely in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.


Laws limiting the number of baby aspirins per container are an example of __ prevention.


According to Jean Piaget, ____ reactions involve the infant's responses to its own body.

primary circular

Although a person's inherited biochemistry strongly influence their tendency toward alcoholism, _____ factors, such as a tendency toward anger are also important.


Wally says to his daughter, "If you don't tell me that you love me, then I may go away and never come back." This discipline technique is called ______ control.


Terrance says to his daughter, "If you don't tell me that you love me, then I may go away and never come back." This discipline technique is called:

psychological control

Gail says to her son, "After all the cooking and cleaning I've done for you, you are not considerate enough to pick up your toys! Mommy is not going to love you if you don't pick up your toys." This discipline technique is:

psychological control.

6- to 11-year-old children show _____ maturation by their ability to tell time and have set times for activities.


The majority of funds and guidelines for _____ education are provided by local jurisdictions in the United States.


Lorena is collecting data on the frequency of auto collisions at a particular intersection. The data she is collecting is:


Psychological control may reduce academic achievement and increase _____ aggression.


African American children can really benefit from being involved in a(n) _____ if they live in a community that has social stress and racial prejudice.

religious organization

Loretta is concerned because her 6-month-old son, Christian, is not smiling at her. She is concerned that he might be autistic. What other symptoms might Christian display?

repetitive play

Georgia's teacher notices large bruises on her arms and legs over a period of a few weeks. When she asks Georgia about these marks, Georgia refuses to talk about it. Georgia's teacher contacts family services and tells them that she suspects the girl is being abused. At this point, before an investigation has taken place, Georgia's condition is known as:

reported maltreatment.

Most developmentalists agree that very young infants can remember if:

retrieval is strengthened by reminders and repetition.

when rachel was playing with her infant son, Leo, she brushed a cloth gently against his cheek. Leo moved his mouth toward the cloth and started to suck it. He was exhibiting the ____ reflex


Ingrid, Joanie, and Kevin are jumping on a trampoline. They will often jump on top of each other and wrestle for a while before getting back up to continue jumping. These children are engaging in ______.

rough-and-tumble play

Piaget's ___ stage of his four stages of cognition is preoperational intelligence.


An example of ___ prevention of child maltreatment would be if a pediatrician notices a child with an attachment disorder and as a result, calls social services.


_____ prevention of child maltreatment involves spotting the warning signs of child maltreatment and intervening to keep a risky situation from getting worse.


Four-year-old Junko lives in Miyazaki, Japan. Jacie is also 4, but she lives in Meridian, Mississippi. Based on the text's discussion, Junko's parents are probably most concerned with regulating her expression of ___, whereas Jacie's parents are probably most concerned with controlling her expression of ______.

selfishness fear

Two-month-old Maggie smiles indiscriminatingly at everyone she sees and puts everything she can grasp in her mouth. The reason she is not more selective is because:

sensation precedes perception.

Jean Piaget's term to describe the way infants think by using their senses and motor skills is ____.

sensorimotor intelligence

Hunter, who is 5 years old, can count to 100, but he cannot correctly estimate where 36 is placed on a number line that starts at 0 and ends at 100. This means that Hunter is having problems with _____.


Logan is 5 years old. He and can count to 50, but he cannot correctly estimate where 25 is placed on a number line that starts at 0 and ends at 50. This means that Logan is having problems with _____.


Maya is 5 years old. She can count to 50, but she cannot correctly estimate where 25 would be placed on a number line that starts at 0 and ends at 50. This means that Maya is having problems with:


The knowledge that things can be arranged in a logical series is:


Culture dictates gender differences, while biology determines ____ differences


Leo is 4 years old. He knows that he has a penis and that his dad does, too. The biology of Leo and his father are reflective of their:


A study of African American 11-year-old in Georgia found that children with the:

short version of a particular gene were the most at risk to develop problems id they did not receive the family training

Sheri lives with her maternal grandparents. Sheri's father is dead, and her mother is incarcerated. This example illustrates a(n) _____ family.

skipped generation

A _____ family is like an extended family, but without the biological parents.


Justin takes towels from his hotel rooms when on vacation and feels it's okay because no one is hurt by it, but he does not feel it is okay to go over the speed limit when driving because speeding could result in an accident. Kohlberg would place Justin's moral reasoning at the _____ contract stage because he thinks that it is morally okay to break the law in some circumstances.


The tendency to assess one's own abilities by measuring them against the abilities of other people is:

social comparison.

The United States and Brazil are both highly diverse societies. The same individual, though, may be considered black in Chicago, but white in Sao Paulo. This suggests that race is not a biological reality, but rather a(n) __

social construction

Some children who see their parents abuse other also become abusive in their relationships. This type of behavior is called:

social learning

The _____ play of girls often revolves around domestic themes.


Ari, Harley, and Wilson are playing a game about dragons and knights. It is their job as the noble knights to slay the evil dragons. They are engaging in:

sociodramatic play.

Which is an example of solitary play? a child plays alone Ari, Harley, and Wilson are playing a game about dragons and knights. It is their job as the noble knights to slay the evil dragons. They are engaging in:

sociodramatic play.

Salim is 6 years old. According to the textbook, Salim and most children his age already know the names of thousands of objects, plus they understand many parts of _____.


cells that have the ability to become any type of cell in the body are known as

stem cells

"_____ danger," urbanization, and home computers have led children to spend less time playing outdoors.


After being investigated by the authorities for suspected child maltreatment, a couple is forced to give up their three young children on the grounds that they are being neglected. This is a case of _____ maltreatment.


Michael and Diane, who celebrated their wedding anniversary with a bottle of champagne and some vodka shots, will be sharing their bed with their 2-month-old daughter. Doctors fear this situation could put the infant in danger of:

sudden infant death.

at birth, Clarence was classified as small for gestational age. It is likely that Clarence

suffered a several months of parental malnutrition

After a stroke, Mrs. Schneider has difficulty recognizing speech sounds. Mrs. Schneider's __ lobe may be damaged.


Dauntay is 3-year-old child. At night, he becomes upset if his Mom doesn't set out his favorite pajamas, his teddy-bear isn't placed between the pillows, and if the bed has been made with the "wrong" sheets. Dauntay is illustrating:

the "just right" phenomenon.

When children ask "why" questions, what should adults try to include in their answers? how the information affects the child What is animism?

the belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive

The outer layers of the brain are referred to as: .

the cortex

After a semester studying life-span development, Callie has read extensively on human development, especially the nature-nature debate. After giving the matter much thought, she has come to the same conclusion that most developmentalists now hold, the development is:

the results of a combination of genes and environment

One obvious manifestation of the hidden curriculum is:

the school's physical setting.

a twin brother is in need of a kidney transplant. Doctors are happy to have located identical twin, and prep him for surgery. This is BEST explained because:

the twins share exactly the same genetic material

Children are most likely to model their sex roles after:

their parents.

Nima is almost 6 years old. According to the textbook, Nima and most children her age already know the names of _____ of objects plus they understand many parts of speech.


Consider U.S. children who speak a language other than English at home. Of these children, about what proportion speaks English well?


Stella had mumps when she was young, and started showing signs of schizophrenia at 20. Her parents now question their decision not to __ ___ her as a child because mumps seems to correlate with a higher risk of schizophrenia


In the United States, 53% of students taking the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) feel:

very confident of their math ability, yet they score significantly lower than Japanese students.

Parker will never forget the moment he saw his bride walking down the church aisle ten years ago because retrieval is easier for some memories, especially memories of:

vivid and highly emotional experiences.

One hundred years ago, children:

were more free to play independently.

Unfortunately, Shae's fraternal twin sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer. At her age, this is a fairly common cancer and she is concerned for her own health. She schedules a check-up with her family doctor and finds some relief when she is told:

while she may still have a genetic risk for the disease, it is only monozygotic twins (not dizygotic or fraternal twins) who have exactly the same genotype.

Children who are aggressive-rejected or _____-rejected tend to misinterpret social situations.


Sierra is a shy and anxious second-grader. Her peers dislike her. She appears to be a(n) _____ child.


Aisha is typical of some school-age children, which means that she learns up to 20 new _____ per day.


The component of the information-processing system in which current conscious mental activity occurs is _____ memory.


_____ memory is the component of the information-processing system in which current conscious mental activity occurs.


An examqple of rough-and-tumble play is:


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