1 Testbank Virtual Computer Tour

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The BLANK performs all of a PC's arithmetic and logic operations.


Which of the following is NOT a port that would be available on a sound card? A. Joystick controller B. Ethernet C. Microphone D. Line input

B. Ethernet

What cards are added to the computer to add certain functions, such as sound and video? A. Modem B. Expansion C. NIC D. Ethernet

B. Expansion

What card translates binary data into images on a monitor? A. NIC B. Video C. Sound D. CPU

B. Video

Where does the computer store instructions and data that are used most often by the CPU? A. Video RAM B. Hard drive C. Cache memory D. Read-only memory

C. Cache memory

A network interface card (NIC) gives you access to which type of port? A. HDMI B. USB C. Ethernet D. Firewire

C. Ethernet

Where are the instructions stored that the computer needs when it starts up? A. DVD drive B. Cache memory C. ROM D. RAM


Which of the following is NOT a main component of the motherboard? A. CPU B. RAM C. Cache memory D. DVD


When being used as a portable device, the components inside a laptop computer derive their power from the BLANK inside the computer.


stores instructions and data used most often


Used to add enhanced sound and video to a computer

expansion card

Expansion cards fit into slots on the


Which of the following is sealed in a protective case so that no dust gets inside? A. Hard drive B. NIC C. Blu-ray drive D. CD

A. Hard drive

Which of the following is the largest storage space? A. Internal hard drive B. Cache memory C. RAM D. CPU

A. Internal hard drive

Which of the following is an example of portable storage? A. Motherboard B. Internal hard disk C. Blu-ray disc D. CPU

C. Blu-ray disc

the "brains of the computer


A(n) BLANK port is needed for connecting a computer to a wired network.


You can connect a high-definition television to your computer using a(n) BLANK port.


The contents of BLANK memory are erased when the computer is turned off.


stores information as long as the computer is on


stores computer start up instructions


The largest storage space in your computer is provided by the

hard drive

The CPU is often covered by a(n) BLANK, which dissipates the heat generated by the chip.

heat sink

A(n) BLANK card often has its own RAM and processor to speed up graphics processing.


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